and then thethe cosmic prisonn...

LARRY NOODLES – Hi, my name is Larry Noodles.
I am the guy in the white t-shirt pumping iron in the prison gym with fellow prisoners Jeff and Willie.
Jeff got five years for dealing drugs in the Bronx.
Willie got four years for tax evasion.
I got 20 months for mortgage fraud.
We were all locked up in Federal Prison in Otisville, NY.
I blog about the lives of guys locked up in one of the top ten white collar prisons as rated by Forbes Magazine.
For almost two years I lived in close quarters with guys who made the front pages of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Guys stripped of their wealth, power and dignity respond to prison life in many unusual ways.
I may have changed a few names to protect the guilty, but everything is about real events and real people.
As far as my blogs about criminals in the government, who belong in jail, I have chosen to use real names, and even addresses, in order to alert these individuals to the errors of their ways.
I have set high standards for myself on this blog, even for a convicted felon and disgraced attorney.
Anthony Weiner is getting sentenced tomorrow in Federal court after he pleaded guilty to a single charge of sending naked pics of himself to a 15 year old girl just before the 2016 Presidential elections.
Weiner was not charged with downloading child porn, which gets you 15 to 20 years in Federal prison.
Unlike Rabbi Greer, Weiner is not pedophile.
Weiner has been sending pics of himself to adult women for years, which ultimately led to his downfall. The 15…
Daniel Greer, AKA, Rabbi Goat, was spotted downtown this afternoon in the company of his wife the Ewe, and two other individuals, one a minor and one a grown man.
I recognized the farm animals, but I did not recognize the humans who are walking alongside the Goat and his Ewe. Rabbi Goat does not realize that I have spies all over New Haven. I was not stalking the Goat and his Ewe, as he has accused me of doing…
I spent Jewish New Year 5776 behind bars in Federal prison located in Otisville, NY, up in the Catskills.
Most of the inmates in my unit of 100 were of the Jewish race.
Some even practiced the Jewish religion. The afternoon of the eve of Rosh Hashana the inmates were taken on a school bus, with bars, to a local ritual bath to take a dunk in the mikveh.
The guys all lined up and walked down the steps into…
Rabbi Dov Greer’s one year stint as rabbi at the Dogwood Park synagogue of West Hempstead, Long Island came to an end last Shabbat.
Dov was feted with a going away kiddush. He was then shown the door.
Dov knew that this job was going to end in one year.
In the meantime Dov applied for other jobs in the tri-State region.
Dov submitted an employment application for the position of rabbi at Young Israel of Forest Hills. The search…
Rabbi Dov Greer’s stint as the Rabbi of the Congregation Eitz Chaim of Dogwood Park, of West Hempstead Long Island, came to an end this past Shabbat.
The shul, which calls itself ECDP, had a going away kiddush for Rabbi Dov Greer.
The shul calls itself ECDP, which is ironic because Dov, Ezi, and Avi started the EPDP some twenty years ago in order to protect the Goat’s neighborhood.
EPDP meant Edgewood Park Defense Patrol.
Here is a picture of…
A Federal trial is going on in New Haven.
I watched part of the trial yesterday.
Two cops with extensive disciplinary
violations are defendants in a civil trial for civil rights violations.
The Plaintiff is a guy named Serfilippi.
Serf-il-ippi lives a few blocks from me in the Goat neighborhood.
He knows of the Goat, but was never a victim of the Goat.
Serfilippi didn’t suffer any physical injuries, other than garden variety physical brutality of being handcuffed and hauled…
Child molester Daniel Greer, aka Rabbi Goat, Paul Bass and John Stoehr have a lot in common.
They all graduated from Yale, they are all men of devout religious faith, and they all get their hands dirty in local New Haven politics.
The Goat spends much time in the mikveh trying to get rid of the tumah. Paul Bass writes for the New Haven Independent.
The Independent is not independent by any means of the imagination.
The Independent has supported…
Daniel Greer, aka the Goat, has always been a big fan of The Wall Street Journal.
The Goat used to cut out articles from the Journal and post them on the bulletin board of his shul, located on the far right wall, as soon as you walked in.
Hollywood actor Bruce Altman, aka Mr. Robot, used to sit in that corner next to the wall, along with Hollywood songwriter Gary Lynes.
That was the Goat’s celebrity table.
New Haven Independent…
Labor Day is a day off for most Americans.
For Larry Noodles it was a day to run in the 5K New Haven Road Race and investigate whether the Goat set up his water station on Ella Grasso Boulevard.
Every year the Goat’s underling Marc Roffman set up a water station at the Roffman house on the Boulevard.
Runners would stop and grab cups of water.
Rape victim Avi Hack used to run the race while the Goat and his…
Former New Haven Mayor King John DiStefano has been a fan of depraved child molester Rabbi Daniel Greer aka, the Goat, since the day the Goat landed in New Haven thirty years ago.
The Goat and Mayor John have been buddies for years.
At times the Goat and the Mayor had differences of opinion, but in the long run they stuck together.
The Mayor was honored by the Goat every year at the Goat’s annual fundraising “Gan gatherings” as the…
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