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Queen of the Night NYC
INQUIRIES:August 20, 2016
Battle of the Bands in Bay Ridge – August 26th 11 am – 3pm – Shore Road Promenade
August 20, 2016
&h1&The Bay Ridge Taste of Fifth Avenue will take place on August 26th from 6pm – 10pm from 73rd Street to 84th Street and 5th Avenue. The Avenue is closed to cars so you can stroll around and enjoy yourselves. Event run by the Bay Ridge 5th Avenue Bid.&h1&
August 19, 2016
If you visited Macys’s in Downtown Brooklyn in 2005 and you visited now, you would see the area is quite different. It’s called gentrification. Back then when people told me that the area would be gentrified, I thought they were out of their minds. What did I know? Visit it now and you will see that the area is filled with white developers and their Hasidic investors smiling up at their new skyscrapers. After they sell the building, they are gone. They
are just there to make their money from the area. How did those people know what would happen? Because they saw it before in another area.
While Mark Treyger allows developers to take over in Coney Island, Pam Harris smiles in his pictures. Smile away Pam as Coney Island becomes gentrified – it will take a good 10 years just like Downtown Brooklyn did, but it will happen.
Pam Harris is just a pawn to the plan. They knew she would be silent because . Harris doesn’t know it yet. She is or she would have spoken up. Coney Island is screwed!
I saw it happen it happen in Downtown Brooklyn. The same will happen to Coney Island – skyscrapers, gentrification and boutique hotels.
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August 19, 2016
You, NYC Taxpayer made Mark Treyger’s dream of having his name on a garbage can come true!
Treyger spent $18,000 on 36 garbage cans with his name on them.
No I’m not kidding.
Treyger and seven other crooks bought these cans – former speaker Christine Quinn put a stop to this, but the current Speaker doesn’t care!
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August 18, 2016
of Melissa Mark Vivierto’s visit to Brooklyn and the Bensonhurst Bean reported about it .
It’s apparent that Melissa Mark Vivierto is immune to her surroundings. How did she walk through this and think that it is okay?
Clearly there is a problem here and standing there taking pictures isn’t going to solve it.
Bill deBlasio’s “A tale of two cities” saying couldn’t be more apparent than what is seen in these pictures.
The Asian senior citizens are so crammed in to what appears to be a store front shop. It’s obvious their population outgrew that location. No officials stepped in to help them get a larger place.
It has to be a fire hazard to have that many people in a tiny room. More pictures .
Here’s Melissa Mark Vivierto on the same day touring the pool on top of the spacious and huge. FIAO (Federation of Italian Americans). Nice huh?
Why does this problem exist?
Are these groups receiving the same amount of money? I would look it up myself, but there are so many hidden ways that groups are given funding – it’s not as transparent as they claim.
If these groups are receiving the same amount of money, maybe it’s not being managed correctly. I have seen this happen in
that both Mark Treyger and Melissa MarkVivierto failed to provide any documentation.
If you look at the comments to the
one of the most telling signs that this neighborhood is having problems that go unchecked is that
August 13, 2016
RIP Daniel Fitzpatrick.
This family is without their son. No parent should have to bury their child.
The wake will be held on: Monday and Tuesday 2-4 7-9, at Harmon Funeral on Forrest Ave and Davis Avenue in Staten Island.
Mass will be on Wednesday 11 at Sacred Heart R.C. on Castleton Ave and North Burger Avenue Staten Island.
for the family.
Many prayers for Daniel’s family. RIP Daniel – I’m sorry no one heard you in the way you needed to be heard.
August 10, 2016
and the blog implied that Pam Harris was knocked off the ballot. Harris wasn’t knocked off, her own laziness led to her not being on the ballot for these parties.
In order to be on the ballot to represent the Independents,
you need 89 signatures. Pam Harris had only 63.
She couldn’t run around her district and find 89 people that would sign his/her name on her paper?
That’s just shows she is unmotivated.
For the Working Families Line, Harris needed only 10 signatures and she gave in just 10. JUST TEN?!
Three of those signatures were not valid. Why would a representative give in the bare minimum? YUP -& UNMOTIVATED.
Harris isn’t a new comer to the election process so she shouldn’t have any problems submitting signatures. She could have stood at the entrance of a subway station and asked for more signatures, but she didn’t.
I know if I was doing ANYTHING that required something, Lee would run out and get it for me. Where are all the people around Pam who want her to be an assemblywoman? Didn’t any of them want to run out and get signatures for her? THAT IS A SIGN that the people close to her don’t support Pam’s election either. Notice that Mark Treyger didn’t run out and get Pamela any signatures either. What does that tell us?!
Harris failed to respond to me when I asked for her help. Kings County blog has this quote:
in being the Assemblywoman. When she loses the election, she will only have herself and her lack of motivation to blame.
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August 9, 2016
There it is.
6705 – 7th Avenue – the illegally converted 2 family home to five family ()
People cheered throughout the Dyker Heights, Bay Ridge area.
I’m sure the
cheered because
and they were glad to see the owner of a conversion finally got caught.
Although I support the BHPA, I can’t cheer with you. Because these are families with kids and kids can’t be the losers to a greedy landlord.
Whose really paying for this?
There were 18 adults and 13 children living at 6705 7th Avenue and they are the victims of this whole situation. They were taken to a motel by the Red Cross. Then after 3 days, NYC had to provide housing for the 18 adults and 13 children. The city isn’t going to find them homes in Bay Ridge, and probably not in the same school district.
Also, although I believe these people must be assisted, I believe the owner of the home should reimburse the city for this expense – not our tax dollars. Ughhh don’t get me started on my outrageous taxes…..
The reality of
illegal home conversions in NYC is that renters don’t know that owners have done an illegal home conversion. The law should be that the homeowner of the illegal conversion needs to pay relocation costs for the families in the same school district.
Moving expenses, rent and security should be given to the family by the home owner who tried to skirt the law. Innocent families shouldn’t be inconvenienced.
I am sure that the renters could sue the home owner in small claims court, but that’s not an easy task to do. Add to that situation that many of these renters are non-English speakers and recent immigrants to this country makes this situation more difficult as well. A flyer needs to be given to Asian American Associations so that renters can be informed about illegally converted homes because no one wants to be escorted out of a house.
No one wants families to be inconvenienced because home owners were trying to scam and make more money.
We know that since the home was purchased in 2010, the owner did the converting as he held a mortgage on the home and
banks won’t allow people to get a mortgage on home inwhich the inspection doesn’t match the title (we purchased in 2009 and the rules were pretty strict on this).
I applaud Councilman Gentile’s bill which will fine the owner $15,000 for
each unit beyond the certificate of occupancy. If the owner fails to pay then the home will result in a lien sale.
How come NYC hasn’t required a renting permit yet? The city nickels and dimes us for everything, but a renting permit will actually make the owner sign an agreement with the city to set the rental occupancy limit to a set number of people or by bedroom.
Also it can set the law with the owner
that enforcement officers have to be authorized to make inspections ”in an emergency” without the consent of the owner, tenant or lessee.
Landlords who have to sign an agreement will watch their tenants more closely because they don’t want to get fined.
For more information about the Brooklyn Housing Preservation .
August 9, 2016
Pre-Registration required –
Free Rabies Vaccination Event for Dogs and Cats:
1904 Surf Avenue
Coney Island
Brooklyn, NY
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2016
2:00 PM to 5:00 PMA
August 9, 2016
Herb is wishing you a Happy International Cat Day.
August 9, 2016
The Summer Stroll will take place from 80th to 90th Street. Go stroll and enjoy Third Avenue from 6pm – 10pm! The streets are closed to cars so you can enjoy it.
August 8, 2016
Councilman Mark Treyger fails Gravesend again –
Mark Treyger would like us to believe that he handles his area and he will make posts like this on FB:
Treyger posted
that he had taken care of:
This is Weedie. He lives in Gravesend. This guy is taller than a kid- that’s our car mirror.
Weedie lives outside this laundromat. I had to put this picture with the address 2811- 86th Street so
Tryeger doesn’t claim Weedie lives in another council person’s district.
Weedie is growing out of the cracked sidewalk caused by the bent pipe.
Before you think I am being mean to poor Councilman Treyger, know that Weedie also has many cousins on this high traffic Avenue in Gravesend. If Treyger wasn’t so busy taking pictures and campaigning in Bay Ridge, Gravesend wouldn’t look so terrible.
This is Treyger’s other friend, graffiti. It’s all over in Gravesend. Now this is normal graffiti in Brooklyn – it’s all over Brooklyn.
It’s also easy to take care of with a little spray – not a big deal.
Gravesend has a special graffitti problem (). This was reported to Treyger in June, but he didn’t check his whole district. When the tags are appearing on building’s – that’s Treyger’s job to send out the clean it up. Why hasn’t he?
needs to get out of his office and take a drive around the area he represents!
Sad reality – you can see this owner recently had the brick pointed as looks fresh.
More graffiti on a building on a major avenue in Gravesend.
Gravesend has a lot of nice people, but it isn’t pretty (I wouldn’t want to live there) because the area isn’t maintained.
Treyger is too busy running for office in Bay Ridge to take care of the people who elected him.
Why does Treyger want the job of District Leader in Bay Ridge? Treyger wants to find Bay Ridge more picture-taking politicians ().
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Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.- The Queen Of Soul
Queen Of Soul
Aretha Franklin
Franklin is one of the giants of soul music, and indeed
of American pop as a whole. More than any other performer,
she epitomized soul at its most gospel-charged. Her
astonishing run of late-'60s hits with Atlantic Records--&Respect,&
&I Never Loved a Man,& &Chain of Fools,&
&Baby I Love You,& &I Say a Little
Prayer,& &Think,& &The House That
Jack Built,& and several others--earned her the
title &Lady Soul,& which she has worn uncontested
ever since. Yet as much of an international institution
as she's become, much of her work--outside of her
recordings for Atlantic in the late '60s and early
'70s--is erratic and only fitfully inspired, making
discretion a necessity when collecting her records.
Franklin's roots in gospel ran extremely deep. With
her sisters Carolyn and Erma (both of whom would also
have recording careers), she sang at the Detroit church
of her father, Reverend C.L. Franklin, while growing
up in the 1950s. In fact, she made her first recordings
as a gospel artist at the age of 14. It has also been
reported that Motown was interested in signing Aretha
back in the days when it was a tiny start-up. Ultimately,
however, Franklin ended up with Columbia, to which
she was signed by the renowned talent scout John Hammond.
Franklin would record for Columbia constantly throughout
the first half of the '60s, notching occasional R&B
hits (and one Top Forty single, &Rock-a-bye Your
Baby with a Dixie Melody&), but never truly breaking
out as a star. The Columbia period continues to generate
considerable controversy among critics, many of whom
feel that Aretha's true aspirations were being blunted
by pop-oriented material and production. In fact there's
a reasonable amount of fine items to be found on the
Columbia sides, including the occasional song (&Lee
Cross,& &Soulville&) where she belts
out soul with real gusto. It's undeniably true, though,
that her work at Columbia was considerably tamer than
what was to follow, and suffered in general from a
lack of direction and an apparent emphasis on trying
to develop her as an all-around entertainer, rather
than as an R&B/soul singer.
Franklin's Latest Album
Damn Happy
Aretha Franklin
So Damn Happy


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