
与学生身份息息相关的文件主要有两个:一个是往返签证,就是 visa,
Student permit与往返签证的区别 :
怎样续签学生许可----Study Permit
学生许可续签要在原学生许可过期的4-6周开始递交申请。CIC(Citizenship and
递交学校在读证明Certificate of Enrollment, 在读证明上应该注明下列信息:Program, year of
study, length of program, full or part time status and YOUR GRADES
1、通知书Letter of Admission.
3、护照复印件 (包括student
最后,把你准备的所有申请资料装在9*12的信封里寄到:Case Processing Centre
怎样续签往返签证---Entry Visa
Consulate General of Canada
Immigration Regional Program Centre
建议寄挂号邮件(Registered Mail) 以免造成护照遗失。
已有加拿大visitor visa,申请study permit时是否还会收到student visa
水镜幻舞 发表于
17:46 . H&&g3 m* k. j&&`# b( F
LZ 我和你的情况一模一样,也是网申学签,今天在CIC的系统里收到了introduction letter,但没有让我寄护照, ...1 z0 O$ X4 K&&N! N9 S, o9 I* C
LZ 我和你的情况一模一样,也是网申学签,今天在CIC的系统里收到了introduction letter,但没有让我寄护照,我之前有visitor visa还在有效期内。。请问LZ大使馆是不打算给咱们这种贴student visa么。。好奇怪
study permit 和visit visa 本身就是两码事情。有了study permit就可以合法读书学习,但是由于中国人去哪里都需要签证,所以你在取得study permit的同时还需要temporary visa。两者不但不冲突,而且还缺一不可。比方说如果你是韩国人,去加拿大是不需要签证的,你只要申请学习许可就可以了。我们中国人就不行。
我之前已经有过加拿大的visitor visa,并且是2018年过期。现在申请study permit的时候,只给我了一封Introduction letter说我的study permit通过了,但是没有给我student visa。难道意思是我不需要student visa吗?因为我的visitor visa还在有效期内,我仍然是可以入境的,然后在入境的时候拿到study permit?
大家有遇到这样的情况的吗?6 y, W/ s1 r&&I( ?5 `$ J
我和lz的情况不一样,我有到2023年的TRV,申请study permit后护照里多了一页student visa,但是奇怪的是我的TRV并没有被盖章作废,也就是说我的护照里有两页加拿大的visa…1 O( d* @" S& M+ s' h5 G( I2 u
ozzx62 : T' W* o9 v% x. T
1 d, D" U# E3 I9 X5 O5 Q% w8 _
& &你是把护照和所有材料一起同时交过去的吗?我是网上申请的,是先交其他所有的申请材料,理论上应该是最后一步才交护照的,但是他们没有问我要护照,直接只给了我一个关于permit的letter。
有study permit可以同时有work permit吗
( B( }1 F- X4 m+ A2 g+ L: j
& & 嗯,我是去签证中心直接递交申请的~) H. W1 B! N&&S% O8 Y
我之前咨询过加拿大当地的律师,对方说其实visa和permit是两个概念,是不冲突的,也就是说可以保留visitor visa去申请study permit。
但是在中国所有人(大使馆、签证中心、中介)都说要申请study permit的话我的TRV肯定要被注销。6 n( S' J( v( t% w/ h1 A
& & 我发邮件问洛杉矶的签证中心了,他们给了下面的回复; Q: s- h8 s3 R4 `5 I
Is decision of the officer if you get a new visa or keep the one you have if the officer considers it has enough validity. You will not have any problem when you get to the port of entry if you have the paper for the Study permit. When you get there, the officer will give you the Study permit which will be stapled of put in your passport.
$ o( v6 N" C' p9 g) A: ]2 G
也就是说,是保留原来的visitor visa,还是给新的student visa 完全是签证官决定的,两者都可以~但是都会给一个letter证明study permit是approved了,在入境的时候换permit
& & 感谢~我也咨询了一下律师,他说我的visitor visa未必会被取消,说不定两个visa能同时存在…
; h8 C/ A* t- R& w+ e
是的就是这样& f8 p7 [+ I3 S&&X) s
请问我可以用visitor visa入境,用introduction letter换取大签即可么?我的签证类别是visitor,2021年过期,大使馆不给我student的visa,好担心入境换取大签会遇到麻烦……我在cic系统查到approve之后,一直在等给我发邮件让寄护照,今天发现我的申请已经closed了,看来是铁了心不给我贴student的小签了- e) v' M6 \7 J* j) z
; h' q. I* ?$ ^5 l" z&&E8 N& O
大家申请学签的时候旅游签证有用过,如果一次没用过再申请学签会不会被据?* z: e! _, Y3 h5 u" X7 b. I
我申请学签的时候我的Visitor Visa一次也没用过,没问题的。
06:31 编辑 2 p3 Q( m! ]4 P- ^1 m! O&&H
. L2 z- S) J7 W3 q4 {$ ^& m9 _
请问我可以用visitor visa入境,用introduction letter换取大签即可么?我的签证类别是visitor,2021年过 ...+ T2 E5 B4 F) v
请问你是网上申请的学习许可吗?; p9 E/ h6 k$ G7 ?. h. _
网申TRV是Optional的,你当时有提交IMM5257B&&Form: Schedule 1 - Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada吗?
, m$ \, ^4 H3 S' _& R
我现在也有Visitor Visa,但是不知道是否要重新申请一个Student Visa,纠结!!!
4 ?" C7 G/ E. B6 g5 P; L: p
. H2 b' s0 [) y- T" \1 @1 y: p
网申TRV是Optional的,你当时有提交IMM5257B&&Form: Schedule 1 -&&...* k) U9 d0 q& e- ?6 r, V) A' S
怎么申请 study permit?
6 o6 `( i8 b- ^& Y
) Z' K6 S&&N: [0 Q: \# N2 w
网申TRV是Optional的,你当时有提交IMM5257B&&Form: Schedule 1 -&&...2 p+ O6 y5 w: I) Y0 n& Y
我也是有visitor visa 不知道要不要交那个optional的IMM5257B , V* D6 W- s- b1 Y# U- k0 }1 X/ e
请问最后你交了吗??是拿visitor visa和study permit入境的吗???
谢谢谢谢!!!3 W1 E; ^7 d$ g) I
请问我可以用visitor visa入境,用introduction letter换取大签即可么?我的签证类别是visitor,2021年过 ...
请问你最后是拿visitor visa和study permit approved的introduction letter入境的吗???8 v* {/ S& n" ?. g* m& T- H: }
我也是这样 不知道要不要换新的student visa 我看cic的网上说好像是不用?心里没底儿啊TuT3 w3 ^( X* o( t3 w
谢谢谢谢!!!5 P& g9 @) Q* i
我也是去年办的旅游签证10年的,去了2次,今年7月办下来的学生visa% b- o. w+ y& B/ g) W0 l% C2 \
发布时间:日 17:31
What is the main purpose of your visit to China and which is the most appropriate visa category for your application?
   CategoriesDescription of Visa
  Here are the documents you shall prepare before submission of visa application:
  1. Basic Documents
  (1) Passport
  Original passport with at least six months of remaining validity and blank visa pages, and a photocopy of the passport's data page and the photo page if it is separate.
  (2) Visa Application Form and Photo
  One completed Visa Application Form with a recently-taken color passport photo (bare-head, full face) against a light background attached
  (3) Proof of legal stay or residence status (applicable to those not applying for the visa in their country of citizenship)
  If you are not applying for the visa in the country of your citizenship, you must provide the original and photocopy of your valid certificates or visa of stay, residence, employment or student status, or other valid certificates of legal staying provided by the relevant authorities of the country where you are currently staying.
  (4) Photocopy of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable to foreign citizensthose who were Chinese citizens and have obtained foreign citizenship)
  If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you should provide your previous Chinese passport held and a photocopy of its data page.
  If you have obtained Chinese visas before and want to apply for a Chinese visa with a renewed foreign passport that does not contain any Chinese visa, you should present the photocopy of the previous passport's data page and the photo page if it is separate, as well as the previous Chinese visa page. (If your name on the current passport differs from that on the previous one, you must provide an official document of name change.)
  2. Supporting Documents
  C Visa
  A letter of guarantee issued by a foreign transport company or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity in China
  D Visa
  The original and photocopy of the Confirmation Form for Foreigners Permanent Residence Status issued by the Ministry of Public Security of China.
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of D Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  F Visa
  An invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China. The invitation should contain:
  (1) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  (2) Information on the planned visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting entity or individual, financial source for expenditures)
  (3) Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual)
  G Visa
  An onward air (train or ship) ticket with confirmed date and seat to the destination country or region.
  J1 Visa
  Visa Notification Letter issued by the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and an official letter issued by the media organization for which the journalist works.
  Applicants should contact the press section of the Chinese Embassy/Consulate General in advanceor and complete relevant formalities.
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of J1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  J2 Visa
  Visa Notification Letter issued by the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China or other authorized units in China and an official letter issued by the media organization for which the journalist works.
  Applicants should contact the press section of the Chinese Embassy/Consulate General in advance and complete the required formalities.
  L Visa
  Documents showing the itinerary including air ticket booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation, etc. or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China. The invitation letter should contain:
  (1) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  (2) Information on the planned visit (arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, etc.)
  (3) Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual)
  M Visa
  (1) Documents on the commercial activity issued by a trade partner in China, or trade fair invitation or other invitation letters issued by relevant entity or individual. The invitation letter should contain:
  a) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  b) Information on the planned visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting entity or individual, financial source for expenditures)
  c) Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual)
  Q1 Visa
  For family reunion, the following documents are required:
  (1) An invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit who lives in China. The invitation letter should contain:
  a) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  b) Information on the visit ( purpose of visit, intended arrival date, place(s) of intended residence, intended duration of residence, arrival and departure dates, relations between the applicant and the inviting entity or individual, financial source for expenditures)
  c) Information on the inviting individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of legal representative or the inviting individual, etc.)
  (2) Photocopy of Chinese ID of the inviting individual or foreign passport and permanent residence permit.
  (3) Original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship issued by Public Security Bureau or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members between applicant and inviting individual.
  “Family members” refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.
  For foster care, the following documents are required:
  (1)Foster entrustment notarization issued by Chinese Embassies/Consulates General in foreign countries or Foster Care Power of Attorney notarized and authenticated in the country of residence or in China
  (2)Original and photocopy of the consignor’s passport(s), as well as the original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship issued by Public Security Bureau or notarized certification of kinship) notarized and authenticated certification showing the relationship between parents or guardians and children.
  (3) A letter of consent on foster care issued by the trustee living in China who has agreed to provide foster care services and a photocopy of the ID of the trustee.
  (4) A photocopy of the certificate indicating the permanent residence status abroad of the parent(s) when the child was born, provided that either or both parents of the child are Chinese citizens.
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of Q1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  Q2 Visa
  (1) An invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit who lives in China. The invitation letter should contain:
  a) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  b) Information on the visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting individual, financial source for expenditures)
  c) Information on the inviting individual (name, contact number, address, signature etc.)
  (2) Photocopy of Chinese ID or foreign passport and permanent residence permit of the inviting individual
  R Visa
  The applicant should submit relevant certification in accordance with relevent regualtions, and meet the relevant requirements of the competent authorities of the Chinese government on high-level talents and individualnel with special skills urgently needed by China,
  S1 Visa
  (1) An invitation letter from the inviting individual (a foreigner who stays or resides in China for work or studies) which contains:
  a) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  b) Information on the visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place of intended residence, relations between the applicant and the inviting individual, financial source for expenditures, etc.)
  c) Information on the inviting individual (name, contact telephone number, address, signature, etc.)
  (2) A photocopy of the inviting individual’s passport and residence permit
  (3)Original and photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate, certification of kinship issued by Public Security Bureau or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of immediate family members between applicants and inviting individual.
  “immediate family members ” refers to spouses, parents, sons or daughters under the age of 18, parents-in-law.
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of S1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  S2 Visa
  For visiting family members for a short period, the following documents are required:
  (1)An invitation letter issued by the inviting individual (a foreigner who stays or resides in China for work or studies) which contains:
  a) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.)
  b) Information on the visit (purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting individual, financial source for expenditures, etc.)
  c) Information on the inviting individual (name, contact telephone number, address, signature, etc.)
  (2) A photocopy of the inviting individual’s (a foreigner who stays or lives in China for work or studies) passport and residence permit
  (3) Photocopy of certification (marriage certificate, birth certificate or notarized certification of kinship) showing the relationship of family members between the applicant and the inviting individual.
  "Family members" refers to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons or daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandsons, granddaughters and parents-in-law.
  For private affairs, documentation identifying the nature of the private affairs should be provided as required by the consular officer.
  X1 Visa
  (1) Original and photocopy of the Admission Letter issued by a school or other entities in China.
  (2) Original and photocopy of “Visa Application for Study in China” (Form JW201 or Form JW202).
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of X1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  X2 Visa
  Original and photocopy of Admission Notice issued by a school or other entities in China.
  Z Visa
  One of the following documents:
  (1) Foreigners Employment Permit of the People’s Republic of China issued by Chinese government authorities for Human Resources and Social Security, as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities.
  (2) Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China issued by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities.
  (3) Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Offices of enterprises of foreign countries(regions) issued by Chinese authorities of industrial and commercial administration, as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities.
  (4) An approval document for commercial performances issued by the Chinese government authorities for cultural affairs or Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Foreign Affairs Office of provincial governments of China.
  (5)Letter of Invitation to Foreigners for Offshore Petroleum Operations in China issued by China National Offshore Oil C
  We kindly remind you that:
  Holders of Z Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits.
  3. Special Reminder
  (1) The invitation letter may be in the form of fax, photocopy or computer printout, but the consular officer may require the applicant to submit the original of the invitation letter..
  (2) If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant.
  (3) The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay and number of entries in light of specific conditions of the applicant.
  (4) For further details, please visit the web-site of the relevant Chinese Embassy or Consulate General.
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