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Are there ANY disadvantages to buying an ex-showhome??
(98 Posts)
I'm going to view an ex-showhome soon. It looks lovely! But the price is a little bit less than I would have expected for an ex-showhome!
Do they tend to be a bit cheaper than the price of the brand new houses around them? And are there any reasons NOT to go for a showhome. Its amazing!!! 4 bed detached in a very good area for OO &136k !
Wow sounds an excellent price. Is it being sold by the builder (who may now no longer need it if all the others of that style are reserved) or is it being sold on ? Think it is normal to have a premium on brand new ones because you get choice of fittings and finishes.
It'll probably go for around &150k. Thats what I think we'll offer if we like the look of it in the flesh!
wow sounds fab go for it!
Is it on the 'entrance' to the development? maybe that's why it's a bit cheaper, noisier road? not sure really, if it's nice then go for it - at least you'd hope that it's been well fitted out if they've had joe public examining it!
my in laws say that all of your neighbours know everything about your house.....
Only thing I can think of is maybe the fittings aren't great quality, but just &look good&? Like maybe the carpet is loose.
Where abouts Fangache? Check
to see what new and resales on estate are going for
Advantages - Back garden turfed, alarmed, curtain poles, reduction in price as you don't get to pick your kitchen, sometimes high fence in back garden for keeping small people in, estate finished so no more builders, more fixtures and fitting, less hassle as you already have carpets etc, quite often builders just want a quick sale and get offsite (we nearly bought one I said to agent I thought it was over priced and she said make an offer they will probably take it)
Disdvatages - dont get to pick your kitchen etc,
pale carpets can be dirty with walking but at least it not somebody's dinner etc like if you buy a used house, all your neighbours have been in your house, geting builders to do snagging list
My cousin bought a showhome three years ago, she got a 40% discount on the price of similar houses in the development.
In her opinion it was great, and it still looks good now! The carpets, wallpaper etc seem to be excellent quality as they are all still good, and at such a reduction you can easily change them if they are shoddy or not your taste.
It was even better for her as it was her first home, and all furnishings, even bed linen and duvet covers etc were included, and as she works horrific hours it saved her a lot of hassle.
Thinking about it more - friends had an ex-showhome and I wonder if ours was one too. We have oddities such as a fully tiled downstairs cloakroom in lovely avocado !
They tend not to be the best plots as they are often at the entrance to the development, so everyone else has to pass by, and have smaller gardens. They are also first to be built so may be finished internally nicely but a bit hastily built.
do thye plan to build more homes in the grassy area outside?
and do they throw in th e plastic food?
also the bed they use are oten 2 6 not 3 foot
a dn they don allow for tvs,three seater sofas ironing boards etc
think carefully abotu space
Where about Toothy?
On the other hand don't buy it and then by my BoFA house next year........
Post us a link if you have one, then not only all your neighbours but all of MN will have seen inside your house
Are there any similar non showhouse lived-in ones for sale on the estate you can look at to see a RL house IYKWIM
There it is.
well somone has lived there - no washing line in show homes toothy!
and LOVE spec of empty houses
Really Cod? They can't have lived there very long then, the houses are just built!
What do you mean COd &SPEC of empty houses&?? I'm a dunce.
washing line is odd imo
just be very carfeul that your stuff fits in
( not wanting to ruin your escitement) but is this hte best idea with things on the domestic front a littel uncertain
the spec.. specification
toothy, I had no idea you were fangache! (duhhhhhh)
that looks fantastic - can't believe it is only &150k or whatever. That will buy you a 2 bed flat here in north wilts (or a horrible 2 bed 1980s ex council house about a third of the size of yours).
Go for it!
Cod - I would be moving whether DH was with me or not. Its all based on my earnings anyway and I have a nice deposit (hopefully!) from the house we're in just now, so I could easily afford it alone.
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How does one prove that their ex spouse is alienating them
How does one prove that their ex spouse is alienating them from their children? Does a court care? Are there consequenses for the interfering ex?
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replied&5 years ago.
Thank you for your question.May I ask what state you are located in?
replied&5 years ago.
replied&5 years ago.
Thank you for your follow-up.My apologies on the delay, I was attempting to consolidate the best answer for you that I could.The best proof that there is alienation is always first-hand.
That proof is from the children, or if they are young, from their child psychologist, who can ask specific questions on the behavior of parents and then testify at the hearing on her expert opinion pertaining to the situation.
The other good choice of proof is by providing direct and
that parental visits, contact, or other communication is withheld, canceled without notice, cut-of early, or rigidly controlled by one of the parties.
For example if one party has custody from 4 to 8 Fridays and the other parent constantly does not appear (or provide access) to the children at that time, or drops them off at 5 and picks them up at 7, those are all elements that can be used in court.The court very much cares because they want to ensure that both parents contribute to the development of the children as much as they are able to.
The courts have been known to reverse custody, file formal admonishments, fines, and even jail the interfering party for contempt when they agree with the other parent that such interference is taking place.Good luck.
replied&5 years ago.
Thank you for you response.My husband's ex wife has continually interfered with his relationship with his children. When he confronts her about it she says that they don't want to be with him and that they hate me (his new wife). Over the years she has swayed them to side with her and not spend time with their father in order to increase her parental time and therefore increase her child support. She has made them resent their father by telling lies about both of us and forced them to state that they preferred to live with her. She accused me of
and him of sexual abuse. The state found no reason to pursue the allegations because they were clearly false. One daughter has gone back and forth between the two parent's homes and vacillates between hating one or the other.The children have constantly canceled plans with their dad or have refused to come for their visitation unless of course their mother has plans and needs someone to watch them. &This has gone on for 7 years. 2 of the 3 children are grown and since they have become independent of their mother things have improved with them. However, there is a 13 year old boy who continues to be manipulated by his mother. He is just fine and has fun while he is with us but will often cancel his visits because he says his mom is lonely or sad because her husband is in Iraq or often just says he doesn't want to come when just a few days prior he said he was looking forward to the visit.&Today via email she notified my husband that they are moving out of state with her new husband's job. Her husband has recently returned from Iraq where he worked as a private contractor for the government. We feel there was no effort made to find work here in Utah. They claim they could not find employment here for him. My husband has called, texted, emailed and Facebooked his son in an effort to talk to him about the move. He has not received any response. Usually his son will text or call back. We feel like his mother is preventing him from communicating with his father so that he will not offer him a home with us as an alternative to moving out of state with her. My husband is heart-broken and fears he may not even be able to see his son before they leave at the end of the month. &They have an outing planned this weekend. My husband is sure his son will cancel. &We are sure that his son would never say that he is being controlled or manipulated by his mother. The poor boy may not even realize that he is a victim of her games. If he does realize it he would never risk making her angry. Her wrath is unbearable for these kids who only want to please her in an effort to gain whatever conditional love is afforded at her convenience or discretion.&&So if the kids won't say that she interferes what do we do?
replied&5 years ago.
Thank you for your follow-up.In that case filing against her for contempt AND filing
an injunction delaying the move until a modification of custody is reviewed are the best grounds.
Here is why:If there is scheduled visitation, a minor child CANNOT legally cancel.
Simple as that.
If your husband contacts the ex and demands that the child is available, the child must be there--or else it is contempt of court, something he can pursue via the courts.
A child CANNOT make decision about not feeling well or not wishing to be there.
barring a true emergency, he has to be made available, even if he does not want to be available.
Therefore pursuing the ex on those grounds can be made to show that she is refusing to permit your spouse his rights.
He can therefore use that to petition for more, or even primary custody.
Until custody is resolved, the injunction to move remains, and the other party cannot leave unless they are willing to leave the child behind.Good luck.
replied&5 years ago.
I have logged off of my computer for the night. I have tried but cannot complete payment via my phone. I will complete the transaction first thing tomorrow. Thank you!
replied&5 years ago.
You are most welcome.
I will ask that the moderators turn this into a manual accept.Good luck to you!
Dimitry K., Esq., Attorney
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