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114网址导航Homeowners considering old-fashioned storm shelters after years
- KXXV-TV News Channel 25 - Central Texas News and Weather for Waco, Temple, Killeen |
(Source: KLTV News staff)
The destructive power of severe weather has some East Texans looking for an old form of protection:&the storm shelter.After the tornadoes, floods and hail-storms over the last year, R.P. Miller of Wood County said he had seen enough, and he&started building a storm shelter.&&We had a storm hit right across the street and burn a pool house down, and we've had tornadoes very close to this area over the years. And we thought&if&we're ever going to have one, we better stop talking about it, and start doing something about it.& Miller says.It's an option many are looking at now, to avoid being caught in a collapsing home.&There's tornado alleys all across East Texas, and when homes get damaged, they're damaged beyond repair,& says construction worker Donny Porter.Miller planned out his own shelter, complete with sleeping bunks and supplies.&With 8-inch thick walls, it's built right into the ground, and should withstand&any storm that comes through.&Storm cellars vary from fiberglass construction to concrete, some pre-cast, some poured into forms like Millers.&It's just a shovel full at a time. It's 90 square feet, 6 feet in the ground,& says Miller.Companies like Leland-Bradlee install the shelters.&If you've got a storm shelter sitting in your backyard or front yard, you're safe. We set the forms, we pour the concrete, we put the steel dooron,& Porter says.Miller takes comfort just having one.&It's like insurance. You hope you never see the inside of it on a necessity basis. Everything can be replaced above ground, except lives,& Millersays.Construction companies that deal in concrete and excavation often install the specialized storm shelter.&Copyright 2016&. All rights reserved.
(Source: Texas A&M Forest Service)The Salado Volunteer Fire Department received a $200,000 grant from the Texas A&M Forest Service for a new brush truck.& The Salado Volunteer Fire Department received a $200,000 grant from the Texas A&M Forest Service for a new brush truck.&Florida's governor says the state has concluded that four mysterious Zika infections likely came from mosquitoes in the Miami area.Mosquitoes have apparently begun spreading the Zika virus on the U.S. mainland for the first time, health officials said Friday in a long-feared turn in the epidemic that is sweeping Latin America and the Caribbean.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite). Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton walk through the falling balloons during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.Hillary Clinton capped off a four-day convention celebration with a plea for national unity and tolerance. &Hillary Clinton capped a four-day convention celebration with a plea for national unity and tolerance. Now, one of the most divisive and distrusted figures in American politics must convince voters that she, rather than...(AP Photo/Jessica Hill, File). FILE - In this Oct. 28, 2013 aerial file photo, workers use backhoes to remove rubble during the demolition of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where gunman Adam Lanza killed 20 children.The public will get its first glimpse of the Connecticut school built to replace the one where 20 first-graders and six educators were massacred.The new Sandy Hook Elementary School, built to replace the one demolished after a massacre that took the lives of 20 children and six educators, features three courtyards, study spaces designed to look like treehouses and...The Navarro County Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Dallas Field Division are investigating after finding more than 45 firearms and 100,000 rounds of ammunition inside of a home on Thursday.&The Navarro County Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Dallas Field Division are investigating after finding more than 45 firearms and 100,000 rounds of ammunition inside of a home on Thursday.&
1909 S. New RoadWaco, TX 76711
(254) 754-2525
(254) 754-2525Our three-year-old granddaughter is going to have spinal fusion for a severe, severe scoliosis. She is developmentally disabled with a rare chromosomal abnormality. The surgeon showed us the screws they will use to hold the spine in place. She called them peddle screws and mentioned they are considered &off-label& but still safe. When I looked on-line about what off-label means, I got a little nervous about this for our girl. Are these things really safe? |


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