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Get your image out there on the internet!Subcontract PO - How to handle tolling charge?Hi,I have the following scenario, and would like to know how to create this in SAP system.1) Vendor A give me 10KG of raw material for FREE. 2) I need to sent this raw material to another plant Z for tolling. Upon receiving back the finished material, I need to pay tolling charge to plant Z.3) Subsequently, I would sent the finished material back to Vendor A for FREE.For 1), I would create a FOC PO to receive the raw material from Vendor A.For 3), I would create a FOC SO to delivery the finished material to Vendor A.But for 2), how do I handle this in SAP? The value of the finished material from plant Z should remains as '0', when received into my storage location.I wanted to create subcontract PO, but I understand that upon GR of the subcon material, the GR will be costed.Pls help, how do I handle point 2?
Hi,Instead of trying to figure out how to receive the finished product with ZERO cost via subcontract process (which is not feasible),you should think of setting up the SD pricing conditions so that once you post the delivery order,the pricing value will be ZERO.This should be checked in SD forum for due recommendation.Cheers,HT
HI Ha Tran,Thanks for the reply.My scenario is revised. Instead of delivery FOC the finished product to vendor, the vendor now will pay me tolling charges. In this case, am I able to create a normal sales order, and invoice customer for this finished goods?
Hi Ha Tran,I do not understand you. What do you mean by setting up the SD pricing conditions so that once you post the delivery order, the pricing value will be ZERO?How does SD process come into the picture?Pls help.
My recommendation came from the entire process you have detailed in your previous posting whereupon it is of your ultimate objective to send free-of-charge finished product to Vendor A. By setting up ...


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