To thethe ugly truthh,I'd ra...

Why didn't you tell Anna the truth?___ .A.Yes,I was afraid to be scolded by her.B.No,but I wanted to C.But I did.D.I always hate telling lies.一定要说出为什么!
选C.以what、why等副词提问的特殊提问是不能用yes或no回答的,因此排除A和B.根据语境,可排除D.--Why didn't you tell Anna the truth?(你为什么不告诉安娜实情?)--But I did.(可我说的就是实话啊.)(D.I always hate telling lies.我讨厌说谎.——显然与上文提问不符)
扫描下载二维码为什么用to tell you the truth而不用telling you the truth说出答案并说明理由!1.He made a great invention again,_______of great help to our daily life.a.which i think
b.l think which is
c.i think it
d.which i think is2.was it on october 1,1949______the people Republic of China was founded? which
第一个选d,其实是i think which is of grear help to our daily life ,which在这是状语提前,第二个选c,是强调句,原来的语序应该是it was on october1,1949that the people Republic of China was founded.that前面不需要介词了,判断一个句子是不是强调句很简单就是看that 后的句子成分是否齐全也就是它是不是一个句子,在这that后的句子意思是中华人民共和国成立了,显然成分齐全,所以是强调句.强调句的句型是it be(am,is was等)that.所以当然选c
>>>Please tell me the truth, _______ I can decide how to help y..
Please tell me the truth, _______ I can decide how to help you next step.
A. so&&&&&&&& B. or&&&&&&&&&&&&C. but&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. for
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“Please tell me the truth, _______ I can decide how to help y..”主要考查你对&&并列连词&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
并列连词:主要是用来表示并列关系、选择关系、因果推理关系等。也可用来连接平行的词,词组或分句。并列连词表示关系及代表实例:1.表示并列关系表示并列关系的连词主要含有“和”、“补充”、“增加”等意思。用来表达并列关系的连词有如下几个:and 和 both...and...二者都either...or...或者...或者... neither...nor...既不...也不 well as 也、连同not only...but (also)... 不但...而且...e.g.I used to live in Paris and London.我过去住在伦敦和巴黎。Both Jane and Jim are interested in pop music.詹妮和吉姆对流行音乐都很感兴趣。She is not only kind but also honest.她不但和蔼而且诚实。Bob as well as his parents is going on holiday this summer.鲍勃和他的父母今年夏天要去度假。2.表示转折关系常用来表示转折关系的并列连词有如下几个:but 但是 yet 然而still 仍然 while 然而while 然而、偏偏e.g.The winter in Beijing is very cold while that of Kunming is warm.北京的冬天很冷,然而昆明的冬天却很温暖。I explained twice, still he counldn't understand.我解释了两遍,然而他却还不懂。3.表示选择关系表示选择关系的并列连词:or 或者 or else 否则otherwise 否则neither...nor... 既不...也不...either...or... 或者...或者...e.g.Would you like leave or would you like to stay?你是想走还是想留?You can come either on Saturday or on Sunday.你可以星期六来也可以星期天来。Neither you nor I nor anyone else believes such things.不管你我或者其他任何人都不会相信这件事。4.表示因果推理关系表示因果关系的并列连词主要有so,for,then,therefore 等。e.g.The air here is polluted, so the crops are dying.这里的空气受到了污染,所以庄稼快死了。The leaves of the trees are falling, for it's already autumn.树叶在落下,因为秋天已经到来了。并列连词注意事项:并列连词for引导的分句只能放在句尾,前面用逗号隔开,表示补充说明的微弱理由,只是为前面的内容提供判断的理由,有时译为并列的某种形式。这与because不同,because引导的是一种明确的因果关系,解释原因,常可回答why的提问。几个特殊并列连词用法:一、表示并列关系的and,or,well,as,not only...but also... 等连词也有比较活跃的用法。and 作为并列连词有多重含义,除了可以表示并列关系外,还可以表示顺承、目的、条件、反复等关系。e.g:He went to market and bought some vegetables.(表示顺承,动作的先后发生)他到市场买了一些蔬菜。Come and help me out.(表示目的)过来帮我一下。Be careful and you'll make fewer mistakes.(表示条件)如果仔细,你所犯的错就少。二、or 与 either...or...or表示为“否则”的话,前句一般是祈使句,后句用一般将来时。在表示选择关系时or 与 either...or... 用法相同,但 either...or...更具强调性。在多个对象进行选择时,可以用A or B or C... , either A or B or C... , neither A or B or C... 。e.g:Either Jim or Jake or Jeff knows about this.三、as well as 与not only... but also...名词+as well as+名词作主语时,强调前面的名词,谓语动词要根据前面的名词而定。not only...but also...连接名词作主语时,其强调在后者,谓语动词要根据后面的名词而定。e.g:China as well as many other countries loves peace.中国与世界上的其他许多国家一样热爱和平。Not only Bill but also his parents want to go traveling by bike.不仅比尔而且他的父母都想骑自行车去旅游。注:当or,neither...nor...,either...or 等连接主语时,谓语动词由or或nor后面的部分而定。并列连词表示关系:
but, yet等
And, or, either…or, neither…nor, not only..but also, as well as等
与“Please tell me the truth, _______ I can decide how to help y..”考查相似的试题有:
15409423468012521055911161069237571  INFINITE DREAMS 这个有十几年历史的公司早先出过PC和AMIGA游戏,.后来转型做掌上系统游戏,.包括GBA,.PDA和Mobile.它的两个GBA游戏并没有给大众留下什么深刻的印象,.但它到目前为止所出品ppc的游戏无一不是绝对的精品.
  从一开始的 SkyForce ,.到目前最新的 K-Rally ,.完美的画质,.劲爆的音乐,.新奇的玩法
  Skyforce Reloaded(傲气雄鹰-重装上阵)
  Explode Arena()
  Super Miners()
  Hooked on Creatures of the Deep(深海垂钓)
  Infinite dreams I can't deny them
  Infinity is hard to comprehend
  I couldn't hear those screams
  Even in my wildest dreams
   waking in a sweat
  Scared to fall asleep again
  Incase the dream begins again
  Someone chasing and cannot move
  Standing rigid a nightmare's statue
  What a dream when will it end
  And will I transcend?
  Restless sleep the minds in turmoil
  One nightmare ends another fertile
  Getting to me so scared to sleep
  But scared to wake now, in too deep
  Even though its reached new heights
  I rather like the restless nights
  It makes me wonder it makes me think
  There's more to this I'm on the
  It's not the fear of what's beyond
  It's just that I might not respond
  I have an interest almost craving
  But would I like to get too far in?
  It can't be all coincidence
  Too many things are evident
  You tell me you're an
  Spiritualist? Well me I'm neither
  But wouldn't you like to know
  The truth
  Of what's out there to have the proof
  And find out just which side
  You're on
  Where would you end in Heaven or
  In Hell?
  Help me. Help me to find my true
  Self without seeing the future
  Save me, save me from torturing
  Myself even within my dreams
  There's got to be just more to it
  Than this
  Or tell me why do we exist
  I'd like to think that when I die
  I'd get a chance another time
  And to return and live again
  , play the game
  Again and again and again
  Infinite Dreams网址:
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