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蜡烛手工DIY, 送给“小哇”和“黑花”的纯手工
美国AII微量氧气分析仪GPR-19O0MS PPb微量氧分
所需积分:0Turf for your Lawn - Best Artificial Grass
There's no reason for artificial grass to be banned in this
day and age. It's practically indistinguishable from real grass, and it saves
water, which is recognized as a precious resource. Cities and HOAs will soon
have to lift any bans they have on artificial grass. Some cities who have bans
on artificial grass aren't even enforcing their prohibition anymore. Sacramento
for instance created a no-artificial-grass-in-front-yards law in the 80s. But
city officials say that they aren't enforcing it anymore and even plan to have
it legalized officially on the books.
"Currently artificial turf is prohibited by ordinance,
however, given the current drought situation, it's not being actively
enforced," Sacramento District 4 Director Consuelo Hernandez said.
"Residents are not required to have live turf in their front yard under
city code, but if they want to deviate they can put in half concrete or rock or
paver-type materials and half live vegetation such as shrubs, plants, trees.
Again, if they install artificial turf in the front yard, which at this point
there have only been a few homes doing this the last couple years, code is not
being enforced."
And Sacramento city council member says, "Absolutely
and I plan to (change the law). And when the drought issue comes back, I plan
to raise it again, I've raised it several times at council before and I think
it's a great issue to keep agitating around."
San Diegans are the
forerunners of the artificial grass movement. San Diegans who installed artificial
grass recently helped the city achieve one of its lowest water usage records
ever for the month of February. And more homeowners will install artificial
grass. This month it will become incentivized. Starting Wednesday, the
incentive program which rewards homeowners who replace their natural grass with
drought tolerant alternatives like artificial grass will be revived. The
program will give $1.5 per square foot replaced, and then residents can combine
this amount with a state program of $2 per square foot replaced for a total of
$3.5 per square foot reimbursed for San Diego residents.
Indeed, artificial
grass will slowly become the standard surface material for residential areas.
The director of the
city's Public Utilities Department says the city will also start to enforce the
regulations they created in November. Right now they have about 200 violations
that will be punished with fines ranging from $100 to $500. The fines will be
issued starting now.
Be a responsible San
Diegan and install artificial grass today. A great company is Global Syn-Turf.
They can be reached at their San Diego warehouse in Poway.
A homeowner in Canada
is defending his artificial grass installation at his home. He installed the
artificial grass in 2013. The town started receiving complaints and then took
legal action against the homeowner afterwards. They won, and the homeowner was
told to replace his synthetic grass with an organic material.
Now the homeowner has taken the case to a superior court. The
town says that they had no choice but to enforce their laws since it clearly
says in their regulations that artificial grass, which is a non-organic
material, is not allowed to be installed in yards.
The homeowner, however, says that the town's action are an
injustice because they've chosen to allow artificial grass to be installed in
other parts of their zoning territory, but are now singling him out for
punishment. In other words he's accusing them of selective enforcement of their
laws. He cites the fact that a nearby soccer field has artificial grass
installed, which the owner was never asked to remove.
Indeed, the lesson here is to get your artificial grass installation
approved by all appropriate organizations and individuals before installing it.
Governor Jerry Brown announced last week the state of
California's first-ever mandated water reduction measures. The state is
enjoined to reduce their water consumption by 25%. The mandate is directed at
homeowners who overwater their lawns. Jerry Brown even went so far as to say
that the days of the nice green lawn getting watered every day is a thing of
the past. With these stringent new regulations being put into effect,
artificial grass is looking more and more attractive and less and less like a
secondary choice.
in Orange County says that she and her mother
live in a house with a natural grass yard. The natural grass has been there for
sixty years. However, she says that if the drought worsens, she and her mother
will consider installing artificial grass. They won't however install
xeriscaping because having lawn that is suitable for sportive activities is
important to her family and her children.
Her mother even went so far as to call artificial grass the
wave of the future. Indeed, artificial grass will soon displace natural grass
as the standard surface material for residential yards.
The California Water Resources Board will announce how it
will achieve statewide cuts in two weeks.
Artificial grass is such a hot commodity in the wake of Gov. Jerry Brown's directive for California to reduce its water usage by 25%. It is being installed everywhere from traffic medians to residential lawns because it saves water and yet looks great all the time no matter what. Also, Governor Jerry Brown has directed California to convert 50 million square feet of natural turf to drought tolerant landscaping.
One landscape manager in Mill Valley, CA, says that the business has skyrocketed. He bought an artificial grass installation company in 2010 thinking it would be a small portion of his total business. Now he says that the business is huge and that buying the artificial grass company was the best decision he's made. He feels like a genius. However, he says that some of his affluent clients in Mill Valley are still hesitant about artificial grass because of their pro-natural grass prejudice.
Indeed, if you own a lawn care or landscape management company, adding artificial grass installation services to your business could be the best decision you've ever made. A company called Global Syn-Turf offers free consultation to professional and potential installers in California.
If you've been thinking about installing synthetic grass in
your lawn, now is the best time to make the jump. It will save you time and
money, and will save the community water. Not only that, it will make your lawn
the envy of the neighborhood by always appearing perfectly manicured and green
all year round.
This is a great time to do it, especially if you live in
California. Jerry Brown announced that water agencies that supply 90% of
California's residents' water will be forced to reduce water consumption by 25%
or face punitive consequences. The water agencies can use their own discretion
on how to impose the water restrictions to the residents in their territories,
but it has been posited that the directive is intended to target homeowners
with lawns. Watering lawns and gardens is the main source of excess water usage
among homeowners. The water agencies
will more than likely raise the rates on water over users and reward those who
spend water sparingly.
Thus, installing synthetic grass in your yard especially if
you're a California resident is the most prudent and shrewd thing you can do if
you want to retain a nice lawn that you and your family and pets can play on
and yet save water.
A high school in Nevada has gotten its first artificial turf
baseball field and the surface is an absolute hit among the players and the
coach. The coach says he's been trying to install artificial turf in the field
for years but only now has the funding become available. The primary reasons
for switching to artificial turf the coach says is the weather. Before, during
the rainy spring season, they would have to spend hours and hours fixing the
pitching mound, fixing the plate, fixing the baselines if they wanted to get
their practice time in.
The field cost a quarter of a million dollars but the cost
will be recouped in savings they make on maintenance and watering.
Ever since installing artificial grass, the team never has
to wait around for the field to be mowed or repaired. Even after heavy
rainfall, the field is playable within an hour.
The shortstop says he loves the artificial turf, too. He
never has to worry about bad hops because the field is completely uniform all
the time, which improves his performance. He knows exactly where the ball is
going to end up during each play
A , CA, park will receive two new synthetic turf
sports fields. Thereafter, two high schools will also receive synthetic turf
sports fields. The community, however, is concerned about the safety of
synthetic turf. The main contentions are about bacterial infetions, heat
conduction, physical injuries, and crumb rubber.
One parent's child suffered a staph infection after scraping
his elbow on a synthetic turf field at camp in Berkeley , CA, last summer. The
experts, however, say that athletes are much more likely to get staph infections
in locker rooms, and that there is no strong risk of infection from playing on
a synthetic turf field as long as the field is treated with bleach and cleaned
Officials are considering alternatives to crumb rubber such
as organic cork or coconut infills.
Regarding injuries, experts say that athletes are at higher risk of injury depending on the size
of their cleats and not because of the synthetic turf itself. Taller cleats put
athletes at risk more than shorter cleats.
Lastly, officials say that the fields will be playable
without intervals in between sessions for maintenance, the benefits of which
outweighs all of the potential risks.
Artificial turf is certainly more than just a trend these
days. It's actually displacing natural turf as the standard sports field
surface that athletes, coaches, and the public expect when playing on and visiting
sports fields. High schools and sports complexes all around the country are
installing it in their sports fields as a replacement for the natural turf
traditionally installed. And just like these sports complexes and high schools,
it is now planned for installation for use at the next Olympic games in Rio.
The artificial turf will be installed at a field that will
be the sports field for the field hockey competitions. The company developing
the artificial turf says that the new artificial turf for the field hockey will
be a solution that is durable, low maintenance, and which provides a
consistently flat surface from game to game, with no watering. This would have
been impossible if natural turf were to be installed.
Furthermore, the artificial turf surface will be beneficial to
the community even after the Olympic games have finished. The surface will
increase playability of the field and allure visitors from out of town to come
spend money locally in town.
Synthetic turf is just steamrolling along in terms of its
adoption by sports fields owners who install it therein. It has so many
benefits to the owners of the field who install and the people who on the field
after it is installed that it is quickly displacing natural turf as the surface
material people expect when they step out onto a sports field.
The first town, Greenfield, Massachusetts, is eyeing
synthetic turf for installation in their sports field. They have a construction
project that includes many things, and synthetic turf is one of them. The
entire project will cost $66 million. They will vote on the project soon. They
plan to review different combinations of synthetic turf, natural turf, and
other materials in different arrangements across the field. The field will be
played for soccer, baseball, softball, and football.
The other town is in Canada. If they get a grant from gas
tax funds, they will use the $3.45 million to install synthetic turf in their
sports field. The field will be a FIFA-regulation sized soccer field and
football field. The synthetic turf will extend the regular track and field
season by two months.
Synthetic turf is certainly the new among high schools
who want their sports teams to remain competitive. Teams with natural grass are
at a significant disadvantage, because they are at the mercy of the whims of
the weather. If it rains, the team has to cancel practice until the mud dries
A high school in Lee County, Georgia, converted to synthetic
turf this summer, and couldn't be happier with the results.
The football coach says that his team misses less practices
and that the field looks perfectly manicured and beautiful all the time no matter
what the weather is like. He also says that he has noticed a marked reduction
in the amount of injuries his team sustains because there are no holes or
irregularities in the synthetic turf.
All of the high school's teams play on the field consecutively
day after day and there is no wear, which would have been impossible on a
natural turf field.
Furthermore, the soccer team's coach says that half the
teams in their region have synthetic turf installed. In order to compete
against these teams, it was imperative for them to install synthetic turf in
their field.
The Board of Education in Bloomfield, CT, has joined the synthetic
turf enlightenment. They will install synthetic turf in the field of one of
their local high schools. The synthetic turf will prevent mud from forming and
hence injuries. The entire project will cost $1.24 million. The project
includes other renovations. After the synthetic turf is installed, the field
will be able to host the activities of varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen football
teams, two soccer teams, and three youth football leagues. Some expressed
concerns that the synthetic turf fields are associated with harmful
carcinogens. The chairman of the board, however, responded that there are no
concerns to be had for carcinogens and that he would explain why in a presentation
to be presented at a town council meeting in April.
A school district in New York has also proposed installing
synthetic turf in two fields at local high schools. The fields will serve
soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, baseball, and football teams. The entire
project is proposed to cost $22.4 million and includes other renovations. The
school district will vote on it later this week.
Two more on the list of those who recognize the benefits of
synthetic turf!
A soccer league in San Diego County is currently pushing for
synthetic turf to be installed in one of their fields. The league was incited
to consider synthetic turf because one of their fields, which is on a privately
owned space, could potentially be built over for new construction projects.
Installing synthetic turf on the field would increase
playability. The league needs more playability and feels that it's the community's
duty to provide it because without it it diminishes the league's players
morale, potential for more competitive play in all star tournaments, etc., and
discourages physical activity. If synthetic turf is installed in the field, the
closure of the privately owned field wouldn't affect them. Currently the field
with natural grass has to be closed 60 to 90 days a year because of bad weather
and maintenance. With synthetic turf installed there would be no maintenance
and no mud side effects from rainy weather, which means that the fields wouldn't
have to be closed. That's an increase of 3 months a year of playable days.
The synthetic turf would cost $700,000 to install, but would
be far less expensive to maintain. The City Council will vote on it at the next
The town of Middletown in Pennsylvania hired an engineer to
conduct a feasibility study comparing the costs and benefits of synthetic turf
and natural turf for installation in a local high school.
For one thing, synthetic turf would increase usability of
the fields. The natural turf currently installed only supports 40 events per
year because of the mud and dead grass that results from bad weather and
intense playing. This usability is greatly increased by installing synthetic
turf. The usability of the field s jumps up to 400 events per year. This is enough
for all of the schools teams and clubs to rent the field whenever they wish,
and for outside parties to rent the fields during down time, generating revenue
for the school's district.
The natural grass would cost less to install but its
maintenance over ten years would cost $595,000. Synthetic turf would be more
expensive to install but would only cost $50,000 to sustain over ten years.
Interestingly it was pointed out that the fields were
already being rented out for free, costing money for taxpayers. And that a
system of charging for renting would have to be worked out before renting out
the synthetic turf fields.
High school football teams must do everything they can if
they want to stay competitive in the ultra competitive world of high school
sports. One thing high schools can do is install synthetic turf in their
fields. This enables them to practice on the same surface and habituate
themselves to the same surface that their competitors are going to be
practicing on, as synthetic turf is becoming a standard surface material for
sports fields.
For many high schools, however, installing synthetic turf is
prohibitively expensive. One way these high schools can garner some additional
financing is to copy what a high school in , IL, has done: to raise
money to install the synthetic turf, they've sold ad space on the turf itself.
A company that has purchased ad space on
the synthetic turf field surface is a local Chick-Fil-A.
The ad space commitment is five years, but if companies want
to retract their ad from the field before then, all they have to do to remove
the ads is lift the turf off and replace it with turf matching the same color
as the rest of the field.
Installing synthetic turf in the field will guarantee that
your teams can have access to it 365 days a year.
Water scarcity is increasing in San Diego and Los Angeles areas. When water becomes a scarce commodity, artificial grass becomes becomes more and more popular in residential and commercial areas. If you have a house or a business location in San Diego or Los
Angeles, a hot new artificial grass company is Global
Syn-Turf. This company's artificial grass San Diego location can be found at 12215
Kirkham Rd, San Diego, CA 92064.
Their products have been put to the test, and their excellent service in California is top-of-the-line. We recommend you stop by in person to pick up samples and if you have an artificial grass shipment, call them at (858) 486-7333 to know precisely where your artificial grass purchase is.
We take pride in knowing which artificial
grass San Diego companies and artificial grass Los Angeles artificial grass suppliers are the best to work with, and Global Syn-Turf has proven itself as the best among the pack. Get your synthetic turf needs met at artificial grass Los Angeles and artificial grass San Diego
Their artificial grass Los Angeles warehouse is located at 6319
Chalet Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90040.
We also recommend connecting with them online at the following
On the web at
On Facebook:
On Twitter:
On Pinterest:
On HomeTalk:
Google+ San Diego:
Google+ Los Angeles:
On YouTube!:
Yelp San Diego:
Yelp Los Angeles:
Foursquare San Diego:
Foursquare Los Angeles:
Artificial grass is not just a passing fad but seems to be
becoming a norm in the landscaping world. Artificial grass wasn't truly tested
until the past decade when the technologies had advanced to the point that a
sufficient amount of homeowners were convinced to install it in their homes,
and now, after a few years, the artificial grass in the yards of the homeowners
who first decided to install it have proven artificial grass and tried and true
groundcover for the long-term. The main benefit for Californians being that it
saves water.
California has just added to their list of water
1. Homeowners are no longer to wash their cars without a
hose with a shut-off nozzle
2. Homeowners can no longer spray off their sidewalk and
3. Homeowners no longer may let irrigation run off of their
4. Restaurants may no longer serve water unsolicitedly.
5. Hotels must give their guests the option of not washing
their linens
6. Homeowners may no longer water their lawns during storms
or for 2 days after storms.
These restrictions
will continue to become more stringent even if the drought abates, in
preparation for similar droughts to come. Artificial grass will displace natural
grass as the norm.
A sports complex in Kent County, Delaware, is planned to be
constructed which has 12 synthetic turf fields. The project will cost $24 million
and will have a $24 million yearly impact on the local economy after it has
been built. The plan is for the synthetic turf sports complex to be like a
tournament site rather than simply a sports complex.
Organizers hope that the synthetic turf sports complex will
attract important sports tournament games. The organizers have used as a model
a similar sports complex in Maryland which opened in 2000 that has been a very
large source of revenue for the entire area of the complex. The organizers hope
that the same revenue generation will occur after the synthetic turf sports
complex is built in Kent County.
The organizers also hope that the synthetic turf sports
complex will be host to other non-sports activities and foresee it being used
as a space for festival-like activities with music, food and entertainment
going on along the sports activities.
Financial benefits are augmented by the fact that the
synthetic turf fields will cost only &Aƒ&A‚&A‚&A¼ of what it would cost to have natural
grass installed therein.
Synthetic turf in sports fields is certainly a new standard
in sports field surfaces.
Whenever any idea takes root, is sure to come under. The latest phenomenon to take root and come under scrutiny is
synthetic turf. But not synthetic turf as such, but the crumb rubber pellets
that are frequently used to infill the synthetic turf fields. More people are
In fact, one department in Kentrucky stopped granting money
to communities to build synthetic turf playgrounds and fields infilled with
crumb rubber in response to the public decry of such materials, even though no
conclusive research has been done to conclude that the limited exposure
children have to crumb rubber while playing on these surfaces have harmful
IN fact one toxicologist says that the exposure to the crumb
rubber is so irregular and infrequent that it probably isn't enough to be
harmful to children, even if the crumb rubber is toxic.
On the other hand, one field in New jersey which was tested
was found to have unsafe levels of lead in the synthetic turf field. And
another district spent several hundred thousand dollars to replace all of the
synthetic turf fields in the district after just two were found to be above
regular levels.
The debate will continue until conclusive research has been
Have you ever bought plastic flowers for your loved one
during a holiday? Probably not. But, this is becoming a popular phenomenon in
the UK, namely London, where plastic flowers have, according to one merchant,
increased in popularity by almost 75 percent since last year. The reason for
their popularity is because of the advanced technologies that have arisen in
the last few years. But this advancement in plastic technologies isn't limited
to the flower business &Aƒ&A&&A&&A‚&A&" it's also happening in the artificial grass world,
A flood of homes are appearing in London neighborhoods with
artificial grass in their yards rather than real grass. These homeowners have
been enticed to convert their lawns to artificial grass because of lowered
maintenance costs, and because it saves time that would otherwise be spent on
tedious lawn manicuring.
IN fact, these London homeowners like it so much that after
they install it they want to share their awesome discovery with the world. It's
a common thing for London homeowners to want to explain to their friends how
much time and money the artificial grass is saving them, in an effort to impart
the knowledge of its benefits to other people. Artificial grass is too good of
an idea to keep to yourself!


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