you can have herI write to her中...

当前位置: >> can i write to her Module 5 Unit 1Can I write to her?我能给她写信吗? Pen palSpeak english well Visited chengdou last year? Where is she from? ? She is from Australia
T or F 1.Daming lives in china. T 2.Daming is visiting his cousin. T 3.Lingling can’t speak English. F 4.Daming didn’t give Laura Lingling’s address. F 5.Laura and Lingling will be friend.T ? Where is Daming from? ? He is from China. ? Who is Daming visiting? ? He is visiting Simon. ? What does Laura want? ? She wants a Chinese pen pal. ? What can lingling do? ? She can speak some English. Where’s he from?He’s from _______. Where’s he from?He’s from England. Where’s she from?She’s from _______. Where’s she from?She’s from Canada. Where’s she from?She’s from _______. Where’s she from?She’s from America. Where’s he from?He’s from _______. Where’s he from?He’s from China. Pleased to meet you , too. Do you live here now? 你现在住这吗? Or are you visiting? 或者你是来参观的? How fantastic! 真棒! pen钢笔pal伙伴pen pal 笔友 Can I …? Yes, you can. No, you can’t. speak some English 说英语write in English 写英语 Module 5Unit 2I want a Chinese pen pal.我想交一个中国笔友. Hello, I am Andy-lou.? ? ? ? Name: Andy Birthday: 27th September From : Hongkong,China Like: Chicken, travel, watch TV, music of M.J. reading books ? Can:speak Putonghua and English,sing well. ? Who wants to be my pen-pal? Hello, I am jimmyjiang.? Name: jimmy. Boy, 24 ? From: Hubei,China ? Like: make fun, watch TV, sleep and eat,sing and dance, music of MJ and Andylou ? Not like: go shopping, travel. ? Can: speak good Putonghua and Sichuanhua,and some English and French ? Can’t: skate, fly . ? Who wants to be my pen-pal? (1) Carol Hi, I’m ______. I’m from ________. America I can speak some Chinese _______.Chinese pen pal. I want a _______________. Introduction ?Hi ,this is Carol. ?She is from\she comes from America. ?She can speak some Chinese. ?She wants a Chinese penpal. (2) Ling Hello, I’m _____.I’m ________. Chinese learning English. I’m ________ pen pal in England I want a _______ English We can write ______________. Introduction※Hello,this is Lingling. ※She is from\comes from China. ※She is learning English . ※She wants a pen-pal in England. (3) Brian Hi, I’m ______. I come from ________. London I can’t _____________. speak Chinese But I love ______. China I want _________________. new friends in China to be my pen pal Do you want ___________? Introduction???Hi, this is Brian. ???He is from\comes from London. ???He can’t speak Chinese. He loves China. ???He wants new friends in China. Hi, I’m … I’m from … I can speak …I want a pen pal in… B11M5U1_Can_I_write_to_her教案_英语_小学教育_教育专区。Can I write to her ? 【教材分析】 语言功能:描述能力。 语言结构:I can speak some English....Module 5 unit 1 Can I write to her外研社六上_英语_小学教育_教育专区。Module 5 unit 1 学员姓名 课题教学目标 Can I write to her?. 辅导科目 英语 就...秋外研版(一起)六上Module 5《Unit 1 Unit 1 Can I write to her》教案_英语_小学教育_教育专区。Module 5 unit 1 学员姓名 课题教学目标 Can I write ...sentences: She can speak some English. Can I write to her? Yes, you can write to her in English. Moral education : Know the cultures of the ...her?教学反思 Module 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?教学反思李晓俐 本节课是小学新标准英语第十一册第五模块《Can I write to her ?》,本课主要是让学生...Unit 1 Can I write to her 习题 2-公开课-优质课(外研新标准版一起六上精品)_六年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。Unit 1 Can I write to her? 习题 ...六年级英语上学期 MODULE 5_Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!Can I write to her教案 外研版(三年级起点)_英语_小学教育_教育专区。教学设计 Can I write to h...I don’t like working in a (17) h___. I want to do what I like ...You can read and write if we 9 together.‖ So Emily and her teacher ...A. Because she can tell stories B. Because she can write her own music...What a __40__ it is, to be cheered up by this kind young man! I ... All rights reserved Powered by copyright ©right 。文档资料库内容来自网络,如有侵犯请联系客服。Can I write to her教学设计两篇 Can I write to her教学设计两篇 学习啦【英语其它】 编辑:焯杰   做一个好教学设计,对于小学的教学是有很大作用,下面学习啦小编为大家带来Can I write to her教学设计,供你参考。   Can I write to her教学设计(一)   教学目标:   1.技能与知识目标   A.基本要求   基本能听懂、会说词汇:He is from China. Meet. Address wonderful   understand postcard sometimes dancing really hobby stamp   基本能听懂、会问&What is your hobby ? can you speak English ?&的语言结构,   并会做答&collecting /reading /riding /watching is my hobby .   Yes, I can / No, I I can speak some English.   B.初步要求   初步感知pleased, I have got &&。。 Can you be my Chinese friend? 的含义。   初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。   C.巩固   Talking about oneself hobby .what do you do at weekend?   Talks about on some festival what do people do?   2.运用能力目标   运用所学语言结构询问与描述节日的事情。   3.素质教育目标   帮助学生明确学习目标,培养学生自主、合作的学习方式。   培养学生在活动中体会的乐趣,使他们在小组中积极与他人合作,   相互帮助,共同完成任务。   培养学生熟悉生活,和对异国的了解,兴趣。   教学重点:   词汇 please meet . Address dance sing swim run jump   句式 P Can you be my Chinese friend? I have got &&。   教学难点:   can I write to your friend 句式 I have got two friends   任务设计:   A.学习任务   学习巩固词汇pleased meet address pen friend postcard hobby.   学习 can you &&yes /I can no / I cannot. What is your address?   What is your hobby? I have got &&的语言结构。   B.运用任务   1:SB Unit1 活动2   2:AB Unit 1练习 2   3.给自己的笔友或朋友 写一信。   教学用品:   录音机/带、词卡、玩具水果。   教学过程:   一、Warm up   1Greetings: T&Ss good morning everyone   five different groups show their watchword and do action   ask two students: image I am your new friend, first time nice to meet you .the time of asking the second student: pleased to meet you.   二、导入 (Leading)   (1) Question   T: do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basketball?   Can he sing song? Can she play violin?   s :Yes. He can. NO, he cannot   T: I have a pen friend .he is very tall and famous .he can play basketball   in the Rocket of NBA. Guess who he is.   S: Students answer teacher's question.   T: do you believe that? Can you play it? What can you do?   S: I can &&   (2)Leading   T: now before the listening I have three questions about the unite 1 how many   people are talking /   Can Laura speak English?   How many friends does Damming have?   三、呈现(Presenting)   (1) Listen to the tape (just listen)   (2) Then answer the questions.(who are they ? T: solve these questions)   (3) S opens their books and read it (T: ask some students to repeat these questions)   Question   How many people are talking /   Can Laura speak English?   How many friends does Damming have?   (4) Listen to the tape again and read it by oneself   (5) Read it each other then ask some one to read it and group to read   (6) Solve student questions (T: do you have any questions?   Explain Grammar   a) can you be my Chinese pen friend? What is meaning?   b) I have got two friends from England.   主格 宾语 形容词性的物主代词 名词性的物主代词   I me my mine   You you your yours   He his Him his   She her her hers   they them their theirs   (7) Teacher explains the text and student practice the key points.   (8) Students practice the questions in pairs.   四、操练与指导(Drilling and Counseling)   1.passing game   T: listen to the music and pass the apple when it stops. Please stand up and   pick the word card up .other students ask him/her can you sing a song /swim/run   fast/jump high. Then you answer it.   S: Yes/ I can /. No/I cannot   T: if student answer: Yes/ I can. Let him/her sing /Swim (do action)   2.Game   T: I need two students to stand here .one student pick a word card up   And you ask: can you&&。 If I nod my head .another student answer:   No/I cannot. Now you go back your seat .if Yes/ I can / .you can stay here.   S: can you &&。?   Can I write to her教学设计(二)   教学目标:   a. 语言知识目标:学习目标语句I can speak some English.   Can I write to her?   You can be my Chinese pen pal.   b. 语言技能目标:以结交笔友为主线,通过介绍自己或描述朋友的形式,使学生学会   描述自己或他人的能力。   c. 情感态度目标:通过结交笔友的形式,让学生感受友情的重要,同时加强跨文化意   识教育,使学生了解各个国家所使用的不同语言。   教学重点:   有关can 的各种表达。   教学难点:   有关can的题材在全套教材中重复出现多次,但其内容逐步扩展加深,螺旋上升。这一模块教学内容的设置是对前五年相关教学内容的一个全面的复习和综合性再运用。   学生分析:   学生对can的相关表达已经多次接触过,但缺乏整体性的认识,知识状态还停留在混沌的原始性积累,没有形成条理化的知识结构。   设计理念:   根据理念&以题材为纲的功能&&结构&&运用性任务体系&,本节课我是以结交笔友这一题材为出发点,让孩子们在动态真实的语言环境中学会can的灵活运用。同时注重知识的归纳总结,引导学生对学过的知识进行梳理,培养其透过现象发现本质的能力。   教学准备:   信纸,信封,课件,CD-ROM。   教学过程:   一、Warming-up (热身活动)   1. Listen and sing the song &America, America&   (歌曲不仅创造积极活跃的课堂氛围,而且复习旧知,自然导入新课。)   2. Greetings: pleased to meet you.(同时课件pleased,引出新单词pleased.教师同时说Nice to meet you /Glad to see you ,让学生理解pleased的含义)   3. Free talk: Say something about your favourite festival.(复习上节课有关节日的内容)   4. Review the sentence pattern &can&   (1)教师问:The weather is cooler and cooler now. We can do some sports.   It&s good for our health. What can you do? Or what can you do well? (如果学生可以提供, 让学生说出有关运动的句子&&I can run fast. etc. 与此同时,也可说出I can&t &。。)   (2) Ask and answer: What can he/she play/do? (PPT图片)   (3) Memory game: I can& She can& He can&。   I can&t& She can&t&。 He can&t&   (4) 教师设置:Amy is ill. 表达请求   (引出Can I have a drink? 等表示请求的句子)   5.教师设疑:在有关can的句子,你发现什么规律?   学生讨论,教师引导小结can的几种用法(投影展示)&&can/can&t 后接动词原形;can 可以表示能力或请求;can 没有人称和数的变化。   (通过这种设置情境的复习,不仅能激活学生已学知识的储备,更为学生总结can的用法规律提供完整的清晰的素材依据。)   二、Presentation (介绍新语言项目)   T: 今天我们会进一步学习can的使用&&   Have you got a friend? Have you got a pen pal?(教师投影展示单词pen pal) (教师介绍自己的笔友) I&ve got a pen pal, her name is & she can&Do you want to get a pen pal?&&板书课题。解释并练习write to sb 的宾格形式的用法。Dear come on,study hard. I will help you to get a pen pal.   (教师以自己为例介绍England的笔友,既不失其真实性,又激发了学生结交笔友的强烈愿望。)   三、New teaching (课文教学)   1. T:In this text, there is an American girl. Her name is Laura. She wants a Chinese pen pal.   Listen&1   Q1 Who will be Laura&s Chinese pen pal?   S: Lingling will be.   2. Listen&2   Q: How does Daming introduce his friend Lingling to Laura?   S: Her name is Lingling. She can speak English. She can tell you about China.   T: What can lingling speak? S: She can speak some English .   T: What can you speak ? What can Laura speak? Why?   3. Knowledge and quick reactions (PPT提供国家名称和语种介绍) T: She&s from England .S:快速说出She can speak English.   T: She&s from Canada .S:快速说出She can speak English. &   通过这种快速反应,不仅操练了句型,同时是对学生关于文化意识和语言流派的教育。   4. Introduce your friend.   5. Guessing game.(学生用一句英语描述屏幕上的人物,让同伴猜)   6. Listen, repeat and explain the difficult points.(PPT展示adress和pretty)   7. Practise reading or act the text. (小组合作,为学生提供假发等道具)   五、Production(任务完成)   1. Reading comprehension.   T: There are two children from other country. They want to get a Chinese pen pal. Let&s read their introduction.   2. Ask and answer some questions about their introduction.   3. Write a letter to make a pen pal according to the above passages.   教师设置了具体的语言环境,让学生主动尝试表达自己的交友愿望,给学生创造了独立使用语言的机会,从而达到任务性教学的目的。   六、Summary and homework (小结及作业)   1.小结本节课学生上课情况,询问学生是否还有什么疑问。   2.布置作业   (1) 继续完成关于介绍自己的描述信件。(留待下节课展示) Can I write to her教学设计两篇相关文章: 本文已影响 人 [Can I write to her教学设计两篇]相关的文章 看过本文的人还看了 1235人看了觉得好 2731人看了觉得好 859人看了觉得好 【英语其它】图文推荐 下一篇:没有了 Copyright & 2006 - All Rights Reserved 学习啦 版权所有2014秋外研版(一起)六上Module 5《Unit 1 Unit 1 Can I write to her》ppt课件3 资料编号 :1-72224 资源类型: 课件上传会员: 操作系统:WinXP及以上 上传时间: 适合地区:全国 资源年段:2014 下载次数:次 等级评定:4星级 文件大小: 0.34MB 资源简介: Teaching aims:(教学目标) 知识目标: 1.学习含有can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定回答与否定回答。 2.短语:write 3.句式:Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you, too. 能力目标: 能够说出含有can的句子。 情感目标: 讲文明,懂礼貌,见到师长要问好。 Read and answer 1.Where is Daming from? 2. Who is Daming’s cousin? 3. What does Laura really want ? 4. Who is Daming’s Chinese friend? 5. What can she do ? 6. Does Laura want to write to Daming’s friend? * * 外研版 六年级上 Can I write to her? Pleased to meet you. 是人们第一次见面时的问候语。 答语一般用Pleased to meet you, too. === Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too. swim sing dance run I can… HeShe can… I can’t…. HeShe can’t… play the piano play basketball play football play ping-pong ride a bike fly a kite Say the phrases play the piano play basketball play football play ping-pong ride a bike fly a kite A: can can’ t. you he she I he she I he she Say a sentence: I can’t…. I can read. I can write. I can’t dance. I can’t ride a horse. 情态动词can的用法: 情态动词是一类表示说话人语气和情态的助动词。常表示命令、请求、拒绝、 义务、可能和需要等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,他们后面必须接动词原形。 can 表示有能力做某事,意为“能;会”。 如:1. I can swim. 我会游泳。 2. Can you sing English songs? 你会唱英语歌吗? 3. I can’t play the piano. 我不会弹钢琴。 can 的否定句: 在can的后面加not,通常写成缩写形式can’t. 如:You can’t go there. 你不能去那里。 ride a horse. 他不会骑马。 can 的疑问句: 把can提前。 Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗? Can she dance? China. Simon. She really wants a Chinese pen pal. Lingling. She can speak some English. She can tell you about China. Yes, she does. Can I write to her ? Yes, you can. Can I write to him ? No, you can’t. Can I write to him ? Yes, you can. Important points: 1. Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 Nice to meet you. = Good to meet you. 2. Can I heshe hey…? Yes, youheshe hey can.(肯定回答) No, youheshe hey can’t.(否定回答) 给某人写信 sb.为人称代词的宾格形式 (如 me, him, her, us, them) 一、根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。 1.亲爱的朋友,我可以进来吗? Dear friend, _____ I _____ in ? 2. 你会打篮球吗,汤姆? you _____ basketball ? 3.你会拼写这个单词吗? you ______ the word? 4. 他不会写他的名字。 He _____ ______ his name. 二、按要求转换下列句型。 1.I can dance.( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___________________________. 2.She can play chess.( 改为否定句) ___________________________. 3.Can you sing the song ?( 作肯定回答) _________________________. spell can’t write Can you dance ? She can’t play chess. Yes, I can. Yes, We can. * 高速下载器地址 备用下载地址: 推荐学习视频: 下载排行榜君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ B11M5U1_Can_I_write_to_her教案,can t write bpl file,canwrite,tonight i can write,can t write viminfo,1022 can t write,can you write,can not write,can not be write,what can you do 教案 扫扫二维码,随身浏览文档 手机或平板扫扫即可继续访问 B11M5U1_Can_I_write_to_her教案 举报该文档为侵权文档。 举报该文档含有违规或不良信息。 反馈该文档无法正常浏览。 举报该文档为重复文档。 推荐理由: 将文档分享至: 分享完整地址 文档地址: 粘贴到BBS或博客 flash地址: 支持嵌入FLASH地址的网站使用 html代码: &embed src='/DocinViewer--144.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed& 450px*300px480px*400px650px*490px 支持嵌入HTML代码的网站使用 您的内容已经提交成功 您所提交的内容需要审核后才能发布,请您等待! 3秒自动关闭窗口can i write to her 的翻译是:可以给她写信 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语 请在下面的文本框内输入文字,然后点击开始翻译按钮进行翻译,如果您看不到结果,请重新翻译! can i write to her 选择语言:从 罗马尼亚语 罗马尼亚语 我可以给她写信 可以我给她写 可以给她写信 我可以写信给她 可以我给她写 相关内容&aLacks queen's country all 正在翻译,请等待... & a传销 Multi-level marketing & a???dolphin long doll Ham Eason 执行?海豚长的玩偶火腿Eason & aConfirm that before a ‘design field change proposal’ is originated at the plant as a consequence of identifying a potential weakness or deficiency, 证实,在`设计领域变动提案’发源在植物作为辨认潜在的弱点或缺乏结果之前, & aMr Johnson was very __14__ when he heard this. 当他听见了此,约翰逊先生是非常__14__。 & anew from smule 新从smule & a?? ?? ??? Line –Start ?? ??? ???. 当rehabilitatedding它是线-时开始到它的过程[发行] [ess] [总和]。 & a意大利蔬菜汤 Italian vegetables vegetable soup & a我习惯了你的习惯,狂欢后的孤单。 I have been used to your custom, after revelry loneliness. & a&MISS HJF &MISS HJF & a色彩学与印前印后 After chromatics and India former India & aA friend is easier lost than round 朋友比圆更加容易失去的 & a我认为城市是可以养宠物的 I thought the city is may raise the pet & a你经常和他们闲聊 You frequently and they chat & a我不知道我犯了错误 我不知道我犯了错误 & aI have dated other people 我约会了其他人 & aThe relay assembly test room 中转汇编试验间 & aBIOS update BIOS更新 & a不能盲目 Cannot be blind & a我的名字叫莉莉 My name is called Lily & a有一个书柜 Some book shelf & ahope that we can help 希望我们可以帮助 & a尽可能多的利用可回收资源 Many uses may recycle the resources as far as possible & a在十八世纪中,法国政府四处征战,支出庞大,加上君主挥霍无度,大量国库耗于君主的娱乐活动 In the 18th century, French Government goes on an expedition in all directions, the disbursement is huge, in addition the crowned head squanders money, the massive state treasuries consume in crowned head's recreational activity & a这是我的爸爸 妈妈 姐姐 我和弟弟 This is my father and mother the elder sister I and the younger brother & aThey sleep like a baby's cradle in a large 他们在大睡觉象婴孩的摇篮 & ayou need to solve a rebus with all the items you ve collected so far 到目前为止您需要解决一个谜与所有项目您收集的ve & a录音制作软件 录音制作软件 & aim sorry to hear that youre not feeling well ithink you should im抱歉听见youre不感觉好ithink您应该 & a相信我,总有一天,我们可以用电话交流的,我也会用最短的时间把英语学好。 Believes me, one day, we may use the telephone to exchange, I also can use the shortest time to learn English. & ain knots 在结 & a.The court returned a verdict that there was no case to answer. . 法院退回定案没有案件回答。 & aThe Chicken Circus 鸡马戏 & aI am willing to sacrifice my life to take care of you forever. 我是愿意永远牺牲我的生命到作为关心您。 & astudent in your class 学生在您的类 & a我认为英语是可以由谈话来学习的科目 I thought English is may the subject which studies by the conversation & a东邦投资 East nation investment & a你跟我爸爸的年纪一样大 You are equally big with my daddy's age & ashe spoke for one hour but did't say much 她讲了话一个小时,但did't言 & aSUPERVISION HOTLINE 监督热线 & a2 A brand mane is intended to impress customers with an attractive and original design while a trademark is intended to do so with a peculiar sound (Wrong) 2品牌鬃毛意欲打动顾客以一个有吸引力和原始的设计,当商标意欲如此做与奇怪声音时(错误) & a它全身都是棕色 Its whole body all is a brown & a他替她报了仇却牺牲了自己 He has revenged for her has sacrificed own actually & a金色和平标志 许愿 项链 Golden color peace symbolized makes a vow the necklace & a桌子上面有些书 Above table some books & a我很荣幸能参加这次面试 I am honored very much can participate in this time to interview & a你的父亲叫什么 Your father calls any & ahow many balls 多少个球 & a我觉得你是一个对自己喜欢的工作非常有热情及激情的人 I thought you are one the work which likes to oneself have the enthusiasm and the fervor person extremely & a我不是神,但我知道只有神知道的世界 I am not the god, but I know the world which only then the god knew & a我认为他没有尽最大的努力 I thought he does not have the completely greatest endeavor & a氟橡胶胶盖 Fluorine rubber earpiece & awhat did you think of her speech? 你认为她的讲话怎么样? & aWhat kinda girls you in to? Are you in to BIG TITS or a BIG BOOTY 什么有点儿女孩您? 是您对大山雀或一种大赃物 & aCarries on PCB the Layout design, Provides Gerber file to give the factory manufacture sample 继续PCB布局设计,提供Gerber文件给工厂制造样品 & acan i write to her 可以我给她写 &


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