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如何写好硕士毕业论文?什么是硕士毕业论文?How to write a good master's degree thesis?
?是攻读硕士学位研究生所撰写的。它应能反映出作者广泛而深入地掌握专业基础知识,具有独立 进行科研的能力,对所研究的题目有新的独立见解,论文具有一定的深度和较好的科学价值,对本专业学术水平的提高有积极作用。 另有一种在职硕士所撰写的论文称为在职硕士论文。What is master's degree paper?
is study for a master's degree graduate student writing papers. It should be able to reflect the author widely and deeply master basic specialized knowledge, has the independent for scientific research ability, to the research subjects have new independent opinion, this paper has certain depth and good scientific value, this professional academic improvement of the positive role. Another kind of on-the-job master's written paper called on-the-job master's thesis.
一、关于选题&&&&&& 选题是撰写的首要环节。从过去的实践看,有些研究生在撰时,虽然费了很多的精力和时间,但是质量不高,其中重要原因是论文题目没有选好。要选好题目,必须注意:一是选题要符合研究方向,不能超出本专业研究方向的范围随意去选,否则即使论文作得不错,也不易被通过。二要注意选题的价值性。在理论上要有开拓价值。凡是难以提出自己见解的题目,最好不要去选。三是要有现实意义。有些学生往往热衷于抽象的思辨,好像把问题说得越玄越好,别人越看不懂越好。这是不可取的。要坚持理论与实际相结合的原则。选题不但要考虑“热点”问题,而且要善于发现具有发展潜力和前途的题目。要做到这一点很不容易,需要有较深的理论功底和敏锐的观察力。但这必须作为一个努力方向。四要注意选题的可行性。有些选题看起来很有特色,也很重要,但是如果缺乏实现的必要条件,例如资料很少,无法下手,也是不可取的。如有的学生在选择论文题目时,最容易犯的毛病就是追求大题,似乎题目越大越好,结果往往难以做好。我认为,在这个方面,要“ 小题大作,不要“大题小作”。这样,论文就好拓宽加深,比较容易写深写透,避免面面俱到,蜻蜓点水。总之,要在研究方向的范围内,根据所掌握的或可能掌握的资料,确定论文的题目。二、关于开题&&&&&& 开题是介于选题和写作之间的中间环节。在这个环节中,首先要查阅、消化和综合文献。题目确定后,要集中一段时间查阅文献。科学研究必须吸收前人的研究成果,避免重复或走弯路,并力求有所前进。在这个问题上,导师要提供一些主要文献并指出一个大的范围,让学生逐步扩大知识面。学生可以根据已经掌握的文献,从这些文献所引证的参考文献目录中进一步去查找其他文献。这种“顺藤摸瓜”的方法,是一个可以在较短的时间内收集到较多资料的捷径。另外还要查阅与自己的研究工作有关的学术,特别是一些重要期刊,要尽量精查精读,读一些重点文章。这里,起码要看完所有目录。这样,就可以了解本学科专业在这个问题上研究的历史和现状,发现其中存在的问题和发展趋势,以便从中找准自己的主攻方向。还要重视报刊文摘中的“二次文献”。现在,要充分利用电脑,进行网上查找。在查阅了大量文献的基础上,进行综合性研究。在研究文献资料时,要注意三个问题:一是要弄清别人所得出的结论是否正确,有无创新,有无偏颇之处;二是要弄清这一结论是如何得出的,别人的研究方法是什么;三是要弄清别人的成功和不足之处,不要盲目追随,要多问几个为什么,要能够举一反三、扬长避短。&&&&& 在综合研究的基础上写出。的内容是:本课题目前国内外研究的现状,包括进展与问题;本课题研究的理论意义和现实意义;本课题研究的主要内容和基本思路;论文完成时间,等等。开题报告在导师规定时间写好后,提交导师指导小组,讨论通过后,方可进入写作阶段。有的导师提出,在写开题报告之前,最好能写出一个研究综述来。这样,开题报告就会写得很实在、很具体,也为下一步拟订大纲奠定扎实的基础。三、关于写作&&&&&& 从大的方面说,学位论文写作可以分为两段:一是在开题报告的基础上,进一步加工形成详细的写作提纲。提纲一定要经过导师的审阅和批准,方可开始写作。对于提纲,首先是要推敲好题目。论文的题目是文章的点睛之笔,要使读者一看就能抓住该文的主要特点。题目要具体不要空泛,要醒目不要流于一般,要简练不要冗长,更要注意思想的确定性,不要给人以似是而非的印象。二是论文写作。论文写作忌匆忙从事,且不要无纲而作或草纲而作,以免走弯路,做无效劳动。&&&&&& 在写作过程中,一定还会发现提纲中的问题,要注意及时加以修正。一般控制在3~5万字,不易过长或过短。正文写好后,还要写好:(1)论文摘要。要以十分简练的语言概括论文的精华,不要简单浓缩全文,更不可三言两语草草了事。摘要是论文的“窗口”,一定要认真对待,字斟句酌。摘要最好是在全文完成以后再写,这样可以概括得更准确一些。外文摘要现在大都搞得比较马虎,这里有外文水平的问题,但主要是不认真。写外文摘要时最好不由中文摘要直接翻译,因为中、外文的写作习惯是不同的,直译往往效果较差。应当摆脱中文的束缚直接用外文写作。篇幅还可以稍长一些。(2)关键词。要精选能反映本文主要特点的单词或词组。词组应简明通用,约定欲成,不要生编乱造。词组不宜过多,一般以3~4个为宜。(3)引言。引言的内容是要提供该论文的研究背景,包括研究的意义、历史和现状,由此引出写作论文的目的。一般在一千字左右。(4)注释。注释要求准确、统一、标准化。引证一定要核对原文。特别是经典著作,有新版本的就不能引用老版本。格式要按照新闻出版署的规范要求进行统一。(5)参考文献。参考文献目录不规范也是个通病。要注意的是,只能列出自己读过的文献,不能列出自己没有读过的文献;只能列出和本文有关的文献,不能列出不相干的文献;文献目录编排一定要分类,分类的参考系可以自己酌情而定。参考文献目录也是判断一个学生论文质量的“窗口”。(6)后记。这也是论文中必须有的内容。对自己论文的写作过程作些说明是必要的,对曾经支持
()始建于1999年,提供专业论文格式,论文范文,包括毕业论文,硕士论文,博士论文,留学生论文,essay,职称发表论文等的专业论文网站!How To Write A+ Research Essay?_Bonrun官方博客-留学生英文论文代写作_essay代写_assignment代写
How To Write A+ Research Essay?
Research Essay被称为是研究论文和学期论文,同时也是个国外最常见的Assignment形式之一,看到老师布置的Research Essay作业对留学生来说简直就是心灵上的摧残啊有木有!正所谓“万事开头难”,留学生们第一次接触到Research Essay可能的确是有些难度,毕竟还不了解其写作格式,写作要求等等。但是一旦大家知道如何去写这个Research Essay,小编相信大家写出一篇A+Research Essay也不是什么难事。接下来美伦教育小编就来给大家说一下如何写出一篇A+Research Essay。The research essay is also called the research paper and the term paper. Along with being one of the most frequently assigned compositions, it is also one that strikes terror in the hearts of many students. However, once you know how to research and organize a research essay, it can be one of the most satisfying papers to write.A major part of writing the research essay is compiling and organizing the information you need to write the paper. The best way to begin researching is to “start fresh”. Whether the topic is assigned or one of your own choice, clear your mind of all opinions and ideas on the topic until you have reviewed expert information on the topic. Then decide if your paper will be expository or argumentative in nature.Like all essays, the research essay has three main parts: It begins with the introduction followed by the body and, of course, concludes with the conclusion. Yet, the body of the research essay usually has several distinct sections that are unique in either type or placement when compared to other types of essays.Parts of the research essay include:The Introduction: Like every essay, the introduction to a research essay introduces the topic. It may also include your statement of interest in the topic. How you introduce the topic is a matter of your personal choice. Some examples are:Start with an anecdote about the topic:Talk about the work of an expert that led you to become interested in the topicDisclose an unanswered question that led you to choose the topic. The question may also be the basis for your essay thesis.The Thesis: While your thesis should appear as early as you can fit it into your research essay, it may be placed either in the introduction or in the first paragraph of the body, depending on the subject and depth of the information your essay explores. The thesis should be clear and concise. A rule of thumb says that if your thesis extends beyond a single sentence, you may need to redefine your argument. As usual, the supporting points of your thesis directly follow it.Argument and Documentation:&The “meat of your research essay”, the argument and documentation section presents your case. How you develop your points depends on whether your essay format is expository or argumentative.The Historiography:&The historiography is an overview of other works written on the same topic, those that share your point of view as well those opposing your argument. Although often addressed only in footnotes or endnotes, you may place the historiography within the body if it is important to the development of your essay. For instance, you might use the historiography to acknowledge a contradicting position and explain why it’s invalid or to introduce an expert source that agrees with your viewpoint.Discussion of Sources:&Different from the usual list of cited sources, the research essay takes time to discuss sources of information. The discussion of sources takes into account the biases and weaknesses of your sources as well as their strengths and the value they add to your argument. Furthermore, in a discussion of sources you may also include sources that you didn’t use and the reasons why you omitted them from your paper.Although the discussion of sources also is most often found in footnotes, its placement depends upon its importance to your topic and to the development of your article.Conclusion:&Again, the conclusion of a research essay differs from the standard essay format. Although you’ll redefine your thesis and summarize the supporting points, you may choose to add some pertinent information. For instance, the conclusion of a research essay is the only place in your paper where it’s appropriate to express your personal opinion. Furthermore, you might add information that connects your topic to a contemporary issue such as how it brought about some significant change. You may also provide avenues for further research.如果有留学生们需要服务的话,请联系美伦教育网站在线客服,竭诚为留学生们提供优质、精湛、高效、专业的代写Essay服务。
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write Abstract ?
December and Susan Katz
What is an
An abstract is a
stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential
information of a paper, article, presents the
objective, methods, results, and conclusions o
has a brief, non-repetitive style.Although an abstract
appears as the first section of a paper, it should be written last.
You need to have completed all other sections before you can select
and summarize the essential information from those sections.
Many abstracts are published without the complete paper itself in
abstract journals or in online databases. Thus, an abstract might
serve as the only means by which a researcher determines what
information a paper contains. Moreover, a researcher might
make a decision whether to read the paper or not based on the
abstract alone. Because of this need for self-contained
compactness, an abstract must convey the essential results of a
Many publications have a required the
"Guidelines for Authors" provided by the publisher will provide
specific instructions. This document describes general
What goes in
an abstract?
In doing any research, a researcher has an objective, uses methods, obtains
results, and draws conclusions. In writing the paper to
describe the research, an author might discuss background
information, review relevant literature, and detail
and methodologies. However, an abstract of the paper
should:&-describe the objective, methods, results,
-omit background information, a literature review, and detailed
-avoid reference to other literatures.
What is the
style of an abstract?
The style of an abstract
should be concise and clear. Readers do not expect the
abstract to have the same sentence structure flow of a paper.
Rather, the abstract's wording should be very direct. For example,
the following abstract is a self-contained
description of an imaginary physics project. The key elements of an
abstract are in boldface, and its style conforms to the suggestions
This study's objective was to determine the strangeness
measurements for red, green, and blue quarks. The Britt-Cushman
method for quark analysis exploded a quarkstream in a He gas cloud.
Results indicate that both red and green quarks had a
strangeness that differed by less than 0.453 x 10-17 Zabes/m2 for
all measurements. Blue quarks remained immeasurable, since their
particle traces bent into 7-tuple space. This study's conclusions
indicate that red and green quarks can be used
interchangeably in all He stream applications, and further studies
must be done to measure the strangeness of blue quarks.
How do you
write an abstract?
Writing an abstract
involves boiling down the essence of a whole paper into a single
paragraph that conveys as much new information as possible.
One way of writing an effective abstract is to start with a draft
of the complete paper and do the
&Highlight the objective and the conclusions that
are in the paper's introduction and the discussion.
2. & & &Bracket
information in the methods section of the paper that contains
keyword information.
&Highlight the results from the discussion or
results section of the paper.
4. & & &Compile
the above highlighted and bracketed information into a single
5. & & &Condense
the bracketed information into the key words and phrases that
identify but do not explain the methods used.
6. & & &Delete
extra words and phrases.
7. & & &Delete
any background information.
8. & & &Rephrase
the first sentence so that it starts off with the new information
contained in the paper, rather than with the general topic. One way
of doing this is to begin the first sentence with the phrase "this
paper" or "this study."
9. & & &Revise
the paragraph so that the abstract conveys the essential
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