求教GRE数学:twicein the 1960ss...

&&&&本文是新东方在线为广大考生整理的经典例题,希望帮助大家解决考试难题,取得好的成绩。  1. In the equation above, k, r, s, t, and v represent positive numbers.
Multiplying which one of these numbers by 2 will reduce the value of n to 1/2 of
its present value?    A. k B. r C.s D. t E. v  2. A certain money market account that had a balance of $48,000 during all
of last month earned $360 in interest for the month. At what simple annual
interest rate did the account earn interest last month?  A. 7% B.7.5% C.8% D.8.5% E.9%  3. Column A: The two-digit integer that equals twice the sum of its
digits  Column B: 16  4. A car travels at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour during a 6 -
hour trip and averages 75 kilometers per hour for the first 4 hours of the trip.
Which of the following distance-versus-time graphs is consistent with this
information?    5. The number of households receiving monthly benefits in 1960 was
approximately what fraction of the number receiving monthly benefits in
1975?  A. 9/10 B.5/6 C.16/27 D.11/32 E.8/35  6. When the even integer n is divided by 7, the remainder is 3.  Column A: The remainder when n is divided by 14  Column B : 10  answer: C  7. The “combined age” of a group of people is the sum of the ages of all
the people in the group. Which of the following groups had the greatest combined
age in 1986?    A. 20-year-old males B. 20-year-old females  C. 60- year-old males D. 60-year-old females  E. 80-year-old females  8. Approximately how many more 10-year-old children were there in 1980 than
in 1986?  A. 100,000 B.200,000 C.300,000 D. 400,000 E.1,000,000  9. The population of females was greater in 1980 than in 1986 for
approximately what percent of the ages from 0 to 100 years?  A. 15% B.25% C.55% D.75% E.85%  10. In 1980 the ratio of the number of males to the number of females was
greatest for which of the following ages?  A. 10 B. 30 C.50 D.70 E.90  小编为大家解析了典型例题,考生们平时备考要认真、仔细,这是做数学题最基本的要求,否则就算知识再扎实,也会因为粗心丢分,到时候悔不当初,已经没有挽救的余地了。
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  本文是为广大考生整理的新GRE数学考试中常出现的问题总结,希望帮助大家解决GRE考试难题,取得好的成绩。  1.&英文表达:  EX3:On&a&certain&number&line,&if&-7&is&a&distance&4from&n&and&7&is&a&distance&of&18&from&n,&then&n=?  解析:前半个表达是4是-7到n的distance,后面半个表达是18是7到11的distance,所以from后面的是起点,列出式子:-7-&n=4,&7-n=18,两个都解出来n=-11。注意体会表达,a&distance&4=a&distance&of&4。  EX4:A&is&as&twice&the&price&as&B  解析:上式代表A=2B。类似的表达很容易理解错误,请大家多多在解题时注意总结。  2.&错误理解:  在概率问题中只有独立事件才可以用P(AB)=P(A)*P(B),比如下面:  EX5:The&probability&of&the&occurrence&of&matter&A&is&0.6&while&that&of&matter&B&is&0.7,&what&‘s&the&probability&of&the&coincidence&of&A&and&B?  解析:A和B是否为独立事件,不知道,所以无法判断。  EX6:如果上题问A和B都不发生的概率呢?  解析:A不发生的概率是0.4,B是0.3,所以他们的交集是0.3,所以答案应该是0.3。  EX7:如果我告诉你上面的A和B成功发生的概率都是他们各自独立的,那么还是问AB一起成功的概率?  解析:答案还是不确定。因为A和B虽然独立,但是他们加起来是否相互影响,是促进还是遏制,不清楚,所以答案不是大家理想的0.42.  EX8:小于100的整数中有多少可被6整除?  解析:无穷多个,别忘了整数包括负数。  EX9:有300个人,A,B,C是三个俱乐部,分别有180,170,160个人,已知A交B有90,B交C有80,A交C有85,那么问A,B,C都交的人数。  解析:不确定。题目中并不是每一个人都必然会出现在A,B,C三个俱乐部里,所以有人会不在这个范围内而无法计算,所以不能用公式求解。  EX10:上题如果是这样呢:A交B是8,B交C是70,A交C是60,那么问A,B,C都交的有多少人?  解析:注意不再是无法求解了,实际上题目的数字比较特殊,如果代入公式:  I’=A+B+C-AB-AC-BC+ABC=300+ABC,由于I=300,所以不可能&有人未参加,所以这时ABC=0。  注:从这里我们要看到:定势思维的害处。  3.计算错误:考试时草稿要打的慢而谨慎,许多考生一心要跨区,所以做的特快,反而在容易题上失分,所以对于数学,尽管简单,但你不可以忽视它。  以上即是新GRE数学考试的常见错误解析。本文针对GRE考试中数学部分较常出现的错误进行了整理分析,希望能够给大家提供一些帮助,小编在此预祝大家取得理想的考试成绩。
&官方微信:&& 1. If one number is chosen at random from the first 1,000 positive integers, what is the probability that the number chosen is a multiple of both 2 and 8?&&& A.1/125&&& B.1/8&&& C.1/2&&& D.9/16&&& E.5/8&&& 2.Of the commuters to City P,1/2 of those who drive alone are going to change their means of travel while the rest of the commuters to City P will continue to use the same means of travel. If 1/2 of those who are going to change join a car/van pool, what will then be the percent of commuters to City P who travel by car/van pool?&&& A. 49.5%&&& B. 45.9%&&& C.35.2%&& D.31.9%&& E.28.3%&&& 43. If the total number of commuters to County W is twice the number to County Z, and if the average number of vehicles that transport commuters daily to County W is 30,000, what is the approximate average number of vehicles that transport commuters daily to County Z?&&& A.12,000&& B.15,000&& C.18,000&& D.27,000&& E.36,000&&& 4.For which of the countries was the difference between its savings rate and its real GNP growth rate least?&&& A. Japan&&& B. Canada&&& C. Switzerland&&& D. The United States&&& E. The United Kingdom&&& 5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the graph?&&& (1).On the average, people in the United States saved about the same amount of money as people in the United Kingdom.&&& (2).The median of the savings rates for the eight countries was greater than 11 percent.&&& (3).Only two of the countries had a higher savings rate than Italy.&&& A. (1)only&&& B.(2)only&& C.(3)omly&& D.(1)and(2)&& E.(2)and(3)&&& 6. A certain doctor suggests that an individual’s daily water intake be 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight plus 8 ounces for every 25 pounds by which the individual exceeds his or her ideal weight. If this doctor suggests a daily water intake of 136 ounces for a particular 240-pound individual, how many pounds above his or her weight is that individual?&&& A.25/2&& B.16&& C.30&& D.50&& E.120&&& 7. For how many of the countries shown was the savings rate more than 5 times the real GNP growth rate?&&& A. Five&&& B. Four&&& C.Three&&& D.Two&& E.One&&& 8.Column A:10/(0.9)*(0.9)&&&&&& ColumnB:100/9&&& A. The quantity in Column A is greater.&&&&&&&&&& B. The quantity in Column B is greater.&&& C. The two quantities are equal.&&&&&&& D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.&& 9.If the average (arithmetic mean) of x, y, z, 5, and 7 is 8, which of the following must be true?&&& (1).The median of the five numbers cannot be 5.&&& (2).At least one of x, y, and z is greater than 9.&&& (3).The range of the five numbers is 2 or more.&&& A. (1)only&&& B.(2)only&& C.(3)omly&& D.(1)and(3)&& E.(2)and(3)&&& 10. The odds that a certain event will occur is the ratio of the probability that it will not occur. If the odds that Pat will win a prize are 4 to 3, what is the probability that Pat will not win the prize?&&& A.1/4&& B.1/3&& C.3/7&& D.4/7&& E.3/4
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时间: 08:19:25 来源:可可英语 编辑:mike
本系列为同学们整理了GRE数学中出现的一些高频高质量的题目,并配有解析,希望同学们认真备考,都能取得好成绩  1.Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salaryis $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for the employees in Department Y.Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company?Indicate all such amounts.  A $26,000  B $28,000  C $29,000  D $30,000  E $31,000  F $32,000  G $34,000  本题我们要注意到题目中的more than twice的字眼,我们当做twice算的时候,结果是(00)/3约等于28333,因为有more than,所以选的答案要么是比前面这个数大,要么小,又由于more的是X部门的,那么肯定会将平均工资给拉低了,因此,选比前面那个数小的答案,AB都可以了。。  2.Working alone at its constant rate, machine A produces k car parts in 10 minutes. Working alone at its constant rate, machine B produces k car parts in 15 minutes. How many minutes does it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their respective constant rates, to produce k car parts? ____________minutes  这类题目小学时候经常遇到,相信很多人都是这种感受哈  1/(1/10+1/15)=6min  1)If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was  the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008 ?  A $727,200  B $792,000  C $800,000  D $880,000  E $968,000  直接算,+10%)*(1-10%)=792000,即B  2)At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the  dollar amount of sales for 2008 ?  Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 percent.  ___________%  直接算,1/(1-8%)=108.7%(约等于)  3)Which of the following statements must be true?  Indicate all such statements.  A For 2008 the dollar amount of sales at Store R was greater than that at  each of the other four stores.  B The dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2008 was 22 percent less  than that for 2006.  C The dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2008 was more than 17  percent greater than that for 2006.  本题A选项一看到就可以排除了,涉及到两个店的绝对量的比较,这个不确定,没有告诉绝对值。B选项是把两个增长的比例简单地算术相加。肯定错了。所以C肯定是对的了。。算一下也是的确是对的。。  3.A certain store sells two types of pens: one type for $2 per pen and the  other type for $3 per pen. If a customer can spend up to $25 to buy pens at  the store and there is no sales tax, what is the greatest number of pens the  customer can buy?  A 9  B 10  C 11  D 12  E 20  这个题首先就可以想到单价越便宜的我就能买的越多,因为它没有说两种笔一定要都买。4.A list of numbers has a mean of 8 and a standard deviation of 2.5. If x is a  number in the list that is 2 standard deviations above the mean, what is the  value of x ?  x=_8+2.5*2=13_这道题不知怎么的,读题的时候度饶了,感觉很费解,什么是两个标准差,以为是个什么特殊的东西,后来问了同学才知道这就是个简单的计算题,没啥特别的,我的个汗啊,考试的时候我碰到了,我肯定错了。。  5.Frequency Distribution for List X  Number 1 2 3 5  Frequency 10 20 18 12  Frequency Distribution for List Y  Number 6 7 8 9  Frequency 24 17 10 9  List X and list Y each contain 60 numbers. Frequency distributions for each list are given above. The average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in list X is 2.7, and the average of the numbers in list Y is 7.1. List Z contains 120 numbers: the 60 numbers in list X and the 60 numbers in list Y.  Quantity A Quantity B  The average of the 120numbers in list Z The median of the 120 numbers in list Z  A中,平均数肯定就是两组的平均数的和的一半,也就是(2.7+7.1)/2=4.9,因为两组的人数相同,而B中median就是(5+6)/2=5.5,所以就是B了。。  6.The figure above shows the graph of the function f in the xy-plane. What is  the value of f ( f (–1)) ?  A –2  B –1  C 0  D 1  E 2  这个题就是读图题了,一重重的往外算就好了,f (–1)=2,f(2)=1,即D  7.By weight, liquid A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 18 percent of solution S. If 3 grams of solution R are mixed with 7 grams of solution S, then liquid A accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?  A 10%  B 13%  C 15%  D 19%  E 26%  这个题小学也经常遇到,(3*8%+7+18%)/(7+3)=15%  8.Of the 700 members of a certain organization, 120 are lawyers. Two members of the organization will be selected at random. Which of the following is closest to the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer?  A 0.5  B 0.6  C 0.7  D 0.8  E 0.9  这个就是组合的计算了, / =0.68(约等于),所以选C吧,这个题可以用下那个计算器了。
n. 可能性,或然率,机率
n. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会vi. 运行
v. 显示,象征,指示v. 指明,表明
n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
adj. 液体的,液态的n. 液体
vt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制vi. 自制
adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的adv. 随
n. 偏差数,偏离,出轨,背盟
adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的pron.
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1. 英文表达:
EX3:On a certain number line, if -7 is a distance 4from n and 7 is a
distance of 18 from n, then n=?
解析:前半个表达是4是-7到n的distance,后面半个表达是18是7到11的distance,所以from后面的是起点,列出式子:-7- n=4,
7-n=18,两个都解出来n=-11。注意体会表达,a distance 4=a distance of 4。
EX4:A is as twice the price as B
2. 错误理解:
EX5:The probability of the occurrence of matter A is 0.6 while that of
matter B is 0.7, what ‘s the probability of the coincidence of A and B?
I’=A+B+C-AB-AC-BC+ABC=300+ABC,由于I=300,所以不可能 有人未参加,所以这时ABC=0。


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