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I had the honor of photographing this beautiful family in one of my favorite Atlanta areas, Little 5 Points. This area is an Atlanta staple! Mom said she preferred a natural setting, but knew the rest of the family would want something more urban. I think she was happy we went with this setting! There's such a variety of backdrops and it's just more fun walking around a more urban setting as opposed to your typical park. The light was beautiful. The oldest son came a little late (as teenagers do! And that's ok!), so that is why he's not in as many shots, but I was so glad we got quite a few before the sun went down. And the baby was such a trooper! We shot for a good 2 hours and he never cried once. I think he enjoyed exploring. And Mom was quite the trooper herself getting the baby to laugh and smile. A good upside-down-flip always gets a good laugh!
Photography by Danielle Thompson.(C)2015 Danielle Thompson.
It's been such a busy season for me (as it is with any photographer!) with family photo sessions. But I've been lucky to be working on other jobs as well that have nothing to do with the holidays! I finally feel like my photography business is taking off (it always takes a little while for word-of-mouth to take off). I've been working on a variety of photo shoots including product photography, hair styling/color/salon portraits and even a wedding! I don't actually do weddings (the pressure of that, as well as the true fear of Bridezillas, made me swear I wouldn't do them), but this particular wedding was so special, small and intimate and more importantly - I knew the family and that made it even more meaningful for me (for a variety of reasons). I will share that soon. I've also been doing some design consultations and graphic design work! Add in my children's schedules (Middle School with my oldest!) with school and sports - I am staying very busy. I've also taken on a lot of volunteer work for Campbell's school PTO, including the school auction and designing their website. And while life can get overwhelming some days, I am so thankful for so much in my life right now! I've been connecting with local new friends as well. While I'm too busy to find time to share everything and might not be online as much these days, life is good. 
This shoot is something I wanted to do with our dear friends (who will remain last-nameless out of respect for their privacy!). I will be opening up Christmas Tree Farm sessions next year during the holiday season and needed some marketing images for them. I also wanted to style them and they were happy to oblige! Needless to say, I had too much fun going shopping. Martin and Lenore are even wearing vintage! (Yes, I've been hoarding little girl vintage for a long time now. My future (hopefully) granddaughters will be set!) You might remember Lenore from the
I've taken of her in the past. She's grown up a little! And is even more adorable in person than what you see here, if you can believe it. Both of these kiddos are the sweetest and Mark (Dad) is a friend of ours from our college days. They moved here from Baltimore a few years ago and it has been so wonderful getting to see them so much, and even more special for me to get to know Mark's wife, Ellyn. They are like family to us!
These photos were taken at a GORGEOUS Christmas Tree Farm called
about 45 minutes from Atlanta. A super easy drive. I have never actually been to a Christmas Tree Farm (we don't buy real trees because of allergies) and it was one of the prettiest, most idyllic places ever. Amazing to see these rows and rows of trees out in the country as far as your eye can see. The family that owns the business told me the land has been in their family for over 100 years. They were so sweet and accommodating, letting me use their farm for my shoot. They even let me use their ladder as a prop. I'm so excited to go back next year!
I have so much more to share from this shoot. Some more photos of Lenore with more cute vintage accessories. Until then, Happy Holidays!!
Photography & Styling by Danielle Thompson.(C)2015 Danielle Thompson.
I'm so excited to share this project that I was commissioned by
to create earlier this year! Get the full step-by-step tutorial now in issue #59 on news stands in the UK. It will be out soon after elsewhere in Europe, and it should make it's way over the pond to the States in a month or so.
I was asked to create a holiday centerpiece tutorial that included festive trees of some sort. I was excited about this challenge! I knew I wanted to do a different take on the typical centerpiece and trees, so I thought outside the box, and this is what I came up with. I'm always so inspired by the bright colors, kitschy faces and imagery, and geometric shapes in craft books that came out in the 60s! Looking through those books is my greatest guilty pleasure. They are total eye candy.
It was so much fun to be in charge of not only creating this project from scratch (it was so much fun to get crafty and hand-make something - it had been a while!), put together the step-by-step tutorial, but I also had free reign over the styling and photography. I LOVE doing product photography and styling.
This issue has SO many cute holiday projects in it. Yes, the holidays are just around the corner. Can you believe it? So many gifts ideas in this issue. You can find Mollie Makes at Barnes & Noble and your local craft stores when it hits the US. You can see a sneak peek of this issue , and if you can't wait til it makes it over here, you can buy it and other back issues online  now! You can subscribe to the magazine . You can also buy digital versions on Google Play and Apple Newstand.
If you are in need of product photography, let me know! You can contact me at my email address thousandclowns (AT) gmail (DOT) com. I can show you more of my product photography work on request. I'm actually working on more product photography this weekend for another client. I will share when it's complete!
I've worked on several projects for Mollie Makes in the past, including this cute little retro redheaded felt doll! It originally came with issue #34 as a kit. My
were also featured in past issues. They are a blast to work with!
I had the pleasure of photographing these three sweeties a few months ago in my studio. To have three kids under the age of four, their Mama (and Daddy!) sure were laid back through the entire session. Totally calm, cool and collected. Parents tend to get really tense when photos are being taken of the kiddos, getting stressed any time they &misbehave&, but I was very much in awe of how NOT stressed out they were! They know how to do it!
That is the key... you have to let the littles be themselves and go with the flow. I think that contributed to how smoothly the shoot went. When the parents are calm, the kids are calm. I was TRULY impressed with the oldest sisters who got through it with no tantrums and even sat pretty darn still most of the time! THAT is a hard feat for a regular kid, much less 4 years old and under. They were patient with my constant repositioning of hair and arms and baby sister slept like a trooper. There was a little bit of finessing the baby back to sleep in between backdrops, but she did fabulously. And I won't deny that I loved scratching that newborn-love itch. 
I got to use this vintage doll carriage that we repainted the most perfect coral color and decoupaged some vintage wallpaper on the hood. Pulling together color palettes from backdrops, props and accessories is my favorite part of studio portrait photography.
Photography and Styling by Danielle Thompson.(C)2015 Danielle Thompson.Fun (ha!) things people have randomly said to you. - BabyCenter
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Fun (ha!) things people have randomly said to you.
Posted 11/25/2015
I feel like a manget for comments these days. Other than unsolicited horrible birth experiences, people (often strangers) have randomly said to me:Asshole: "WOW! You must be having twins!"Me: "No, just one."Asshole: "Are you SURE????"
"You really should go on a diet you know. No one should gain more than 10lbs while pregnant."
(Not that it matters, but I've gained 6lbs)
"I know someon who contracted Guillian-Barre disease after giving birth!"
"What do you mean you can't feel the baby move yet! Something must be wrong."
And this one, no word of a lie, happened today: "Some people start out with twins and then only end up with one baby. I'll bet your baby absorbed it's twin and is super evil!"
What. The. Fuck.
Please share stories of your own so I feel less horrible, haha.
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position1" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 11/25/2015
I'm partially laughing and partially horrified!
I haven't had too many yet but I did have someone say when I told them I was pregnant "oh, okay, I thought you were gainng some weight". Jerk at that point I had not and I've actually lost 10 pounds. LOL
Posted 11/25/2015
This is why I want to keep it to myself for as long as possible lol.
Posted 11/25/2015
I'm a teacher due in March, so I'll be taking the rest of the school year off. The awkward guidance counselor said to me upon finding out, "Good timing! I'm glad your husband could pull through and make that happen for you!"
Um, thanks? So weird.
Posted 11/25/2015
I've heard a lot. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I was 170lbs and 5'1" and my OB said, "You know, you are fat, you really need a diet." He was from the middle east and today he is no longer a doctor at that clinic.
Rebecca-Wife of a veteran (OIF)Mother to Eddie (9), Gideon (5), Lydia Ann and Levi Zane (our babies)~ZEAL ON~
Posted 11/25/2015
My grandmother told me I must be having a boy because my butt is so large.
My butt has not grown since I got pregnant. Lol
J + A = 3!!!It's a boy!&April 2016
Posted 11/25/2015
I thought these would end after I gave birth, but when we were getting out first ever Santa photos a woman told me I should lose the baby weight now while I'm young. I'm glad my kid is too young to understand.
Posted 11/25/2015
Had a family friend tell me that I hardly looked pregnant. This was barely a week ago and I have a belly that is sticking out very noticeably. I just smiled and walked away. I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to insinuate that I look fat but that's how it sounded to everyone else. Darn old people.
Posted 11/26/2015
2 weeks ago , when I was 8 w4d, I was buying a special journal at hallmark to document my pregnancy. I was excited and told the cashier because we'll it's so early we aren't telling alot of people yet and she came around the corner and stared at me and said wow your stomach is so saggy I can't even tell you are pregnant how far are you . When I told her only 8 weeks she was very embarrassed . Lol
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