否定句 英语翻译18句

18种相处方式 为爱情增加更多乐趣
Laughter and fun can breathe new life into your romance and relationship. Let&s explore ways to bring more fun into your romance!笑声和乐趣会让你的爱情和恋爱关系得到新生。让我们来看一下能让你的爱情更有趣的几种方式吧!
A couple that can laugh together will have a better chance of weathering the hard times. Laughter makes us all happier too. When you can laugh easily with your spouse life just seems better. Good things happen in your body when you laugh as well!能在一起开心大笑的两个人更有可能一起面对困难时期,笑声能让我们更加开心。当你和爱人一起很容易就笑时,你的生活会更加美好。当你笑时你的身体也会变好!
First off, it is essential that you have a date night with your significant other every week. Your relationship with this person needs to be handled with care and you both owe each other that time to nurture it.首先,和爱人每周来一次约会之夜至关重要。你们的关系也需要仔细处理,你们都需要时间来培养感情。
Make it a rule that during that time you avoid talking about kids and work. This night is about the two of you and your relationship. You may not feel you have one outside of those two topics but you do. You got together for a reason and date night helps you remember and reinforce that reason.制定一条规则,在约会时不要谈论孩子和工作。这一晚是属于你们两个和你们之间爱情的。你可能觉得除了这两个话题之外,就没有其他的可谈了,实际上你有。你们两个能在一起是有原因的,约会之夜能帮助你记起并巩固你们在一起的原因。
Not sure what to talk about outside of work and kids? Start by
about the early days and years. Then as you continue to have date nights and bring more fun into your romance you will have more positive shared experiences between the two of you to draw on for conversation.不知道除了工作和孩子外还能谈什么? 可以先从回忆早年的时光开始。然后随着约会之夜逐渐增多,往你的爱情中注入的乐趣也越来越多,你们之间会有更多美好的共同经历,这些经历可以作为谈话的内容。
Try to avoid conflict discussions as well. Use this time to nurture your relationship, not cause more tension. Address those topics at a separate time, but keep date night sacred.记得要避免能发生冲突的讨论。利用这段时间培养你们的感情,而不是让你们的关系更加紧张。找单独的时间来谈论这些话题,但是要让约会之夜保持神圣。
Bring more fun into your romance this week with one of these ideas:本周就用下面的这几种方法,为你的爱情注入更多的乐趣吧。
1. The basic dinner and a movie can be fun. Try a new restaurant and then go see a comedy or an interesting indie movie together.吃顿晚餐、看场电影就很有趣。尝试新饭店, 然后一起看场喜剧或有趣的独立制作的电影。
2. Enjoy a weekend away together. Even if you don&t leave your city, a weekend away brings a fresh perspective and fun, new experiences weekend.一起远行共度周末。即使你不离开所在的城市,周末远行也会给你们带来全新的视角,带来很多乐趣和新的经历。
3. Attend a comedy show together.一起观看喜剧表演。
4. Go ice skating in the winter. 冬天去溜冰。
5. Play . Have another couple over to make it even more fun. Once in awhile, a couples& date night is a great way to shake things up (in a good way).玩哑谜。邀请另外一对来一起玩会更加有趣。时不时来一次四人约会是一种很好的方式去改变(好的改变)。
6. Rent a tandem bicycle at your local park.在本地的公园租一辆双人自行车。
7. Dress up in silly costumes for an event. Not sure what type of event you would dress up for? Try one of these excuses:为某一活动穿上搞笑的戏服。不知道可以穿上戏服参加哪种类型的活动?试试下面的这几种:
Renaissance festival 文艺复兴艺术节
To see an 80s band 去看80年代乐队的演出
To take part in a murder mystery live action game 参加神秘谋杀案现场动作游戏
Attend a costume ball 参加化装舞会
8. Visit the spa together to get a couples& massage or .一起前往水疗中心,做情侣按摩或修脚。
9. Find a local outdoor hot spring to enjoy. Some are even clothing optional after dark!享受本地的室外温泉。有的温泉天黑后可以不穿衣服!
10. Laugh in the bedroom more (find each others& ticklish spots).在卧室里笑。(挠痒痒)
11. Cultivate inside jokes in your relationship. Come up with special names for each other or a 1 word reference to a humorous event that will make you both smile.找几个你们俩的内部笑话。为对方起特别的名字,或用一个词代指能让你们都笑起来的幽默活动。
12. Do the date activities you wanted to as a kid or teen:做一些在你孩提时或青少年时想做的约会活动:
Attend a county fair 去赶集
Play paintball together 一起玩彩弹球
Play laser tag 一起玩激光束游戏
Rent a paddle boat at a local lake 在当地的湖中租一艘划桨船
Go to an amusement park 去游乐园玩
Have a water balloon or water gun fight 玩水球或水枪
Draw chalk pictures on the sidewalk 在人行道上用粉笔画画
Go roller skating 滑旱冰
13. Sing together. (Karaoke at home anyone?)一起唱歌(在家里唱卡拉OK)
14. Surprise your significant other with some new .用一些新的内衣来给爱人带来惊喜。
15. Take up dancing together: ballroom, salsa, or country. Take your pick and get a free lesson at a local dance studio or bar.一起跳舞:交际舞、萨尔萨舞曲或乡村舞。和舞伴一起在当地的舞蹈排练厅或舞厅上一次免费的课程。
16. Cook a themed dinner together. 一起准备主题晚餐。
17. Rent a convertible for the weekend and enjoy some beautiful scenic drives together.周末租一辆敞篷车,共同享受一下美丽的沿途风景。
18. Visit a local winery or wine shop for a free tasting.参观当地的酒厂或酒店免费品酒。
CopyRight & 沪江网 2014&【高!实在是高】18句怀旧老电影台词英文翻译
1、“为了胜利,向我开炮!”——《英雄儿女》For victory, shoot at me! –‘ youth’2、“各位父老乡亲,想不到吧?我胡汉山又回来了!这如今还是我胡汉山的天下!过去谁拿了我什么,给我送回来,谁吃了我什么,给我吐出来!”——《闪闪的红星》Everybody, could you image it? I Hanshan Hu come back again! Now, it still is my . Whoever took something from me,
something of mine,
it to me. –‘Red sparkling star’3、“同志们,为了新中国!前进!”—《董存瑞》, for new China, let’s go! –‘Cunrui Dong’4、“我代表党,代表人民,宣判你的死刑。”—《党的女儿》I
you to death, in name of the Party, people. –‘Daughter of The Party’5、“高,实在是高!”——《地道战》Great! It’ so great! –‘Tunnel ’6、“就是挖地三尺,也要把八路军给我找出来!”——《地道战》For find out the 8th R- Army, even dig into three feet. –‘Tunnel warfare’
看电影,学英语,娱乐学习两不误&&1、“为了胜利,向我开炮!”——《英雄儿女》For victory, shoot at me! –‘Heroical youth’2、“各位父老乡亲,想不...
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