Jack The mactheripperr VS ...

Jack The Ripper by kawacy on DeviantArt
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since the new Cyphers game character: Clive Staples or best known as Jack the Ripper fanarts were all over my twitter timeline..&you people are so fast with fanartsJack The Ripper 2016 trailer:&
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You're so talented! It's a real pleasure to look at your gallery!
Ilike your art!!
The animation for this is so fantastic as well as your fanart. Wish it was an anime SO bad!
*gasp*It was all lies! I just watched that trailer, a few months ago the fight scene between Jack and the girl circulated as Harley Quinn vs The Joker! 8O But now I see it's not them!Azum art!
Reminds me of the movie, The Empire of Corpses.
Reminds me of Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
Excellent take on the character, that's amazing
Was this meant to be an attack on the Rise of the Guardians version of Jack Frost and how romantically incompatible he is with Elsa? &Why else would you give him white hair and make him an attractive teenage boy?
That's his design in Cyphers. He just has an uncanny resemblance to Jack Frost.
omg so ammazing keep up the awesome work
That, my friend, is a masterpiece of any art ever!
I wonder what he rips open if you know what im sayinnnnn........&
when I saw the name I thought of Raiden&
Im in love with him ❤❤
He looks a little like Jack Frost&
That is awesome my friend
1) Amazing piece. I've never heard of the character or game till now but this looks brilliant.
I've always been a fan of your skill in detail work on hair and clothes as well as your shading. 2) Just followed the link and watched the trailer, it looks amazing and you got really friggin close to what he looks like. Awesome job
With that hair, he looks a little bit like Jack Frost...weird. Anyway awesome artwork!
Amazing 😍😍
Such amazing art every time! The boys you draw look so cool
Oh my... &CLIVE STAPLES was the name of C. S. Lewis , whose nickname was Jack :3 he wrote Narnia
Looks like a Tokyo ghoul character
giggidy, this is good. I want to play the online game too&&
The greatest serial killer in history.
"Is now playable in game." pretty wicked.
Geez... It's perfect! I really like your style
That's scary AND cool
Cool !!!!!! *-*Sugoii !!!
Thats so cool&&&
Perfect! Ф-Ф
Who is this?? Where is this from??
jesus christ, do people even read THE FUCKING DESCRIPTION
Like the description says, it's Clive Staples AKA Jack the Ripper from Cyphers.
Thank you!!!
Fantastic work!
He looks cute imo tho xD
wow, once again your art blows my mind...to pieces...awesome!!! &&&
Why does your art make me wonder what my purpose here is.
I know how you feel...&
I'd love to art as well as kawacy does... It's like whyyyyyyyyy
yeah hes really good...but man I checked out some of your art and it was pretty good too!
...I feel like a crappy artist now...&
Aww thanks! But at least you can also color your art. I can't color my lineart at all... TvT
yeah but I can only color my art with photoshop though, I'm terrible with colored pencils and pens...
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