rough,roughly speaking都有副词词性...

be roughly made里这个made是什么词性?roughly是副词吧,如果made是动词,副词不应该是在动词后面的吗?_百度作业帮
be roughly made里这个made是什么词性?roughly是副词吧,如果made是动词,副词不应该是在动词后面的吗?
be roughly made里这个made是什么词性?roughly是副词吧,如果made是动词,副词不应该是在动词后面的吗?
made 是make的过去分词,在这里是被动语态,be made ,副词用在be 和过去分词之间.
额,我还以为roughly made跟着在be后面做表语呢,那be made roughly的表达也应该行吧?
在被动语态中,副词常用在be动词和 过去分词之间。如:English is widely spoken
in the world .英语副词练习_百度文库
rough英&[rʌf]  &美&[rʌf]  副词:&roughly&比较级:&rougher&最高级:&roughest&名词:&rougher&过去式:&roughed过去分词:&roughed&现在分词:&roughing&第三人称单数:&roughsadj.粗糙的;粗略的,大概的;粗暴的;艰难的;讨厌的;不适的;汹涌的adv.粗糙地;粗暴地n.粗制品;暴徒;高低不平的路面vt.使粗糙;殴打;草拟用作形容词 (adj.)The rough road made the car vibrate.崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。You'd better give us a rough idea of your price.您最好给我们一个粗略的价格。It is only a rough guide to ideal weight.这只是一个实现理想体重的粗略的办法。They complained rough handling by the police.他们抱怨受到警察粗野的对待。I feel a bit rough--I'm going to bed.我有点儿不舒服--想去睡觉了。用作副词 (adv.)He is now able to play rough and tumble with the other kids.现在他可以粗暴地摔倒其他孩子了。用作名词 (n.)I think that new singer is a diamond in the rough.我觉得那个新歌手是块未经雕琢的玉。Write it in rough and then copy it.先起草再誊写。We only saw the new pai供骸垛缴艹剂讹烯番楼nting in the rough.我们只见过那幅新画未完成时的样子。用作及物动词 (vt.)The gang decided to rough him up,as a warning to others.暴徒们决定揍他一顿,作为对别人的警告。
when D。  2。  [考题5] It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____&#47。注意, where: 肯定形式的doubt后面通常接whether&#47, She never doubted for a momen&#47, 四个选项中只有whoever适合;&#47。(同位语从句)  that: Whoever wants to see this film can go with us tonight。&#47。(引导主语从句的that不在其中充当具体的句子成分)  What she told me is not true, 因此应排除A:/&#47、 地点状语, which。&#47, 由此可以直接排除选项A. 你叫我做什么; Where we can look up his addres&#47。  [考题1] — Could you do me a favor. Gilbert would be allowed to go home名词性从句的引导词引导词是否在名词性从句中充当成分的情况  连接代词. 问题是他们能否与我们合作. how D. how D, 注意体会以下例句; Our income is now double what (=the income that) it was ten years ago. I may be in代词+关系代词引导的定语从句”结构的意思. 她希望他按时到达, 在有的情况下可以省略。(宾语从句)  That she was chosen made us very happy、 宾语。(包含or not的宾语从句)  注意. (2006)  A。(同位语从句)&#47, 否定形式的doubt后面通常接that引导的宾语从句, 因此不能选用只能引导让步状语从句的选项A, whom. 不填, 即成为连接代词(主要包括what. 所有的书都在这儿;whether I can help you. what D. anyone B;&#47、 B;&#47。  [考题6] It was a matter of ____ would take the position, which。  [考题12] Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and ____ i what B. 她所告诉我的都不是真的, where. that  [答案] C  [解析] 下划线处的引导词引导介词at的宾语从句, where。(介词后的宾语从句)&#47, 且whether与if均不在这种名词性从句中充当具体的句子成分. (2004上海春)  A;&#47。/ The color of the flower is different from what (=the color that) it was in the morning. 我怀有必胜的信念: you cannot be sure of something ____ you might get in the future。&#47、 同位语从句。注意体会如下例句; I don’t doubt that you are honest. no matter who  [答案] C  [解析] 下划线处引导speak to之后的宾语从句;&#47. (2006北京)  A;&#47。(宾语从句)&#47. 他问什么时候可以允许吉尔伯特先生回家. if B. what D; All the books are here. (2005)  A; that D; Who has taken away my bag is unknown?”的问题, whose)或者连接副词(主要包括when: what  [答案] A  [解析] 名词性从句what we can’t get和what we have中what都充当宾语. when C。(位于句首的宾语从句)&#47. which. whomever  [答案] A  [解析] 下划线处的引导词所引导的名词性从句充当介词of的宾语; 下划线处表示“任何一支(获胜的球队)”之意。&#47。本题中what we can do about it可以理解为对应于疑问句“Wha/ The question whether he should come himself or send a substitute must be decided upon. (1996)  A, 我还不知道. No matter what B. which B。注意体会下列例句. what  [答案] B  [解析] 题干中所有句子都围绕时间展开;/ I doubt if that was what he wanted, 我就做什么. (1998上海)  A, 这种特殊用法在语法上被称作“关系代词型的what”. as  [答案] B  [解析] 陈述客观情况的名词性从句的引导词之后是完整的陈述句; He asked when Mr, 今晚都可以和我们一起去。  [考题2] — I think it’s going to be a big problem。(what在其引导的主语从句中作宾语)  3、 宾语. whoever D, whom. 他不是几年前的他了;&#47, that只起引导名词性从句的作用而不充当该名词性从句中的具体成分, how  what. Whichever  [答案] D  [解析] 下划线处引导全句的主语, if. 花朵(现在的)颜色与它早上的颜色不同;&#47。/ This is what (=the place that) they call Salt Lake City, 有这样用法的引导词只能是that?”的名词性从句. who D. (2005天津)  A;&#47, “what we have”相当于包含定语从句的“things that we have”、 同位语从句时that通常不被省略. (2007安徽)  A. 这就是他们称作盐湖城的地方. 我怀疑它是否是真实的; whom在从句中作宾语:   She hoped (that) he would arrive on time。  [考题10] Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities。&#47。注意?)”的含义, 这样的引导词只能是what, 在该名词性从句中引导词充当原因状语、 C. whom D, 其引导的名词性从句“whatever he or she wants”泛指一个孩子想要的任何东西;&#47. 不填 B; The question is whether they can cooperate with us, 这个问题必须定下来. What. why B.  — Yes. That。  [考题13] ____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. 谁拿走了我的包还不知道. what  [答案] B  [解析] 题干中的or意味着下划线处需要表示“是否”的含义, 但引导主语从句, 用which的相关形式更为合适. what C, 本身不表示疑问而表示泛指相关的事物. whatever  [答案] C  [解析] 下划线处的引导词引导on后的宾语从句。/ that  [答案] B  [解析] 第一个下划线处应填入一个可以引导of的宾语从句泛指“你现在所拥有的东西”且在该宾语从句内部充当have的宾语的词. while B. whatever C: that在其引导的名词性从句中不充当任何成分。  [考题3] You can only be sure of ____ you have at present. who B. That, how引导名词性从句时充当名词性从句中的方式状语, what引导的这种名词性从句跟其他疑问词形式的引导词所引导的名词性从句的含义相近: 本题中at的宾语从句中又包含一个宾语从句. that  [答案] C  [解析] 下划线处的引导词引导wonder后的宾语从句并且在该宾语从句中充当do的宾语; whose在从句中作定语; 引导宾语从句时that常可省略? (2007山东)  A. someone C; what B, 表示“(负责国际销售的)任何人”: 题干中没有用 “whatever” 进行强调的必要. 我不怀疑你的诚实. 他们将怎样解决这个严重问题还没有决定, who, 注意体会如下例句; You can give the ticket to whomever you like, 该引导词在at的宾语从句中所包含的又一个宾语从句(充当think的宾语)里充当主语, 而且题干中没有提供强调“任何人”的语境。&#47, 因此进一步排除C而选出D、 D而选出B;&#47. 他为什么做那件事还不十分清楚、 放于句首的宾语从句或者名词性从句中包含or (not) 时通常只能用whether作引导词?&#47. 选你最喜欢的, 也可以表示相当于“名词&#47. You may borrow whichever (book) you like. 你可以把票给任何你想给的人。&#47. whoever C. 我们现在的收入是十年前的两倍, 例如, 都属于关系代词型的what. as B:He is not what (=the person that) he was a few years ago, 在其引导的宾语从句内部充当的是主语(通常用who指代)而不是宾语(通常用whom指代)。  [考题9] Please remind me ____ he said he was going, 表示疑问句“What is it, 他会成功;&#47。例如. 现在的北部撒哈拉沙漠曾是一个文明世界. (1997)  A、 表语或者定语, it could be. 我们在哪儿可以查到他的地址还是个难题. that, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed.  — I wonder ____ that C; Have you decided whom you are to nominate as your candidate。  [考题11] The other day, why. whichever D; I’ll do whatever you ask me to do. No matter which   C:   (1) what作连接代词引导的名词性从句既可以表示一个问“什么……; The little girl asked her father whether she should go to the party or not: I doubt whether it’s true、 表语或定语; 不填 C?  — It depends on ____ it is. whenever  [答案] B  [解析] whatever在这里的用法跟关系代词型的what一样:   That he will succeed is obvious。  [考题8] Mary wrote an article on ____ the team had fa&#47, how在从句中分别作时间状语, 不可以引导名词性从句), why、 B, 你愿借哪本就借哪本、 表语从句, 所以应选A, 而且引导名词性从句的what在任何情况下都不能省略; What (=the place that) is now the North Sahara Desert was once a civilized world。本题下划线处引导了information的同位语从句(为避免头重脚轻. which C。  (2) 带’ever后缀的疑问词除引导让步状语从句之外。&#47.无论谁想看这部电影; what需要在其引导的名词性从句中充当主语. (2002北京春)  A, 因此应填入引导词who; “what we can’t get”相当于包含定语从句的“things that we can’t get”; who在从句中作主语; Whether we can really help you: I don’t know if&#47. that C? 你们是否已经决定提名谁做候选人了, I don’t know yet. 显然. 她被选中了让我们很开心、 介词后的宾语从句. 她对自己是正确的这一点从不怀疑. 我怀疑那是否是他所想要的, if否  名词性从句的引导词在高考中的基本用法详见下面的总结. (上海2000)  A. whichever C。  以下两种特殊情况要给予特别关注、 表语. 他该亲自来还是派人替他来. What, what引导名词性从句的区别在于, 因此应填入表示时间的when引导remind的直接宾语. 老师为是否伤害了那女孩的感情而担心. where B;if引导的宾语从句. (2006山东)  A:   1; How they will solve the serious problem has not been decided, please. Whatever D。&#47。例如, 本句中information的同位语从句与information之间被谓语动词部分隔开); that D。  [考题4] ____ we can’t get seems better than ____ The teacher worried about whether he had hurt the girl’s feelings。(表语从句)&#47。&#47. 我们是否真的能帮助你, 总共出现了两个宾语从句、 D而选出C, 四个选项中只有关系代词型的引导词what具有这样的用法? (你要我帮的忙是什么, who: Choose which you like best, how)、 原因状语。在引导宾语从句时whether与if一般可以互换. what D. how C, 其中第二个宾语从句(I thought之后的宾语从句)的引导词that被省略了、 方式状语  连词that否  连词whether. 那女孩问她的父亲她应不应该参加这个晚会。&#47. however B, 但在引导主语从句. 引导特殊疑问句的疑问词在转为引导名词性从句时, which在从句中作主语. whether与if均可以引导表示“是否”之意的名词性从句. that引导名词性从句时后面接完整的陈述句。(主语从句)  I have the belief that I Why he did that wasn’t quite clear、 表语从句, 特指说话人的兄弟驾车的速度;&#47, that引导名词性从句时都不充当名词性从句中的句子成分, 还可以引导名词性从句(“no matter+疑问词”的结构只能引导让步状语从句. whether C. that  [答案] A  [解析] 下划线处引导的名词性从句属于介词on的宾语. what. 我不知道我能否帮助你, 并且在该宾语从句中充当表语。  [考题7] Could I speak to ____ is in charge of International Sales, 引导词本身不充当该名词性从句中具体的句子成分, whose  连接副词。&#47
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简明英汉词典rough[rQf]adj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗野的, 粗暴的, 粗略叙述的v.大体描述adv.粗糙地美国传统词典[双解]roughroughAHD:[r?f] D.J.[r(f]K.K.[r(f]adj.(形容词), rough.est(1)Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances, not smooth.不光滑的:表面不平整、隆起或突起的;不平滑的(2)Coarse or shaggy to the touch:粗糙的,毛糙的:手感粗糙或毛绒绒的:a rough, scratchy blanket.一床扎人的粗毛毯子(3)Difficult to travel over or through:崎岖的:难于行走或穿越的:the rough terrain of the highlands.高地上陡峭的地区(4)Characteriz turbulent:狂暴的:具有猛烈运动特征的;汹涌的:rough waters.汹涌的海浪(5)Difficult to endure or live through, especially because of harsh or inclement weather:艰难的:尤指因恶劣或严寒的天气而难以忍受或活不下去的:a rough winter.严冬(6)Unpleasant or difficult:不愉快,艰难的:had a rough time during the exam.考试期间很难熬(7)Boisterous, unruly, uncouth, or rowdy:粗暴的:喧闹、不守秩序、粗野或吵嚷的:ran with a rough crowd.与一群粗暴的人为舞(8)Lacking polish or finesse:粗鲁的,不雅的:rough manners.粗鲁无礼的态度(9)Characterized by carelessness or force, as in manipulating:毛糙的:如在操作过程中不小心或用力的:broke the crystal through rough handling.因动作毛糙而将水晶制品打碎了(10)Harsh to the ear:刺耳的:a rough, raspy sound.粗哑且不悦耳的声音(11)Being in a natural state:处于自然状态的:rough diamonds.未经加工的钻石(12)Not perfected, completed, or fully detailed:概略的:不完善、未完成或粗略的: rough carpentry.草图;粗制的木器n.(名词)(1)Rugged, overgrown terrain.高低不平且杂草丛生的地区(2)Sports The part of a golf course left unmowed and uncultivated.【体育运动】 深草区:高尔夫球场上未刈和未经耕作的部分(3)The difficult or disagreeable aspect, part, or side:艰难,苦难:艰难或不愉快的方面或部分:observed politics in the rough when working as an intern on Capitol Hill.在国会做实习生时看到了从事政治不愉快的一面(4)Something in an unfinished or hastily worked-out state.粗制品:处于未完成或粗加工状态的东西(5)A crude, a rowdy.粗人,莽汉;暴徒及物动词)roughed,, roughs(1)To treat roughly or with physical violence:对…粗暴:粗鲁地对待或用暴力对待:roughed up his opponent.用暴力对付对手(2)Sports To treat (an opposing player) with unnecessary roughness during a sport or game:【体育运动】 粗暴的动作:体育运动或比赛中以不必要地粗暴动作对待(对方运动员):roughed the passer and was ejected from the game.对传球者动作粗暴而被逐出比赛(3)To prepare or indicate in an unfinished form:草拟:草拟或画出轮廓:rough out a house plan.画出房子的草图adv.(副词)I roughly.粗暴地;粗野地习惯用语rough itTo live without the usual comforts and conveniences:因陋就简地生活:roughed it in a small hunting shack.在一间打猎的小棚屋里因陋就简地生活语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old English r?h 源自 古英语 r?h 继承用法rough“ern.(名词)rough“lyadv.(副词)rough“nessn.(名词)参考词汇(1)rough, harsh, jagged, rugged, scabrous, uneven(2)These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse, irregular surface. 这些形容词指不光滑、粗糙或不平整的表面。(3)Rough describes something that to the sight or touch has inequalities, as projections or ridges: Rough 描述看起来或摸起来不平坦或不整齐的东西,如凸起物或隆起部分等: 粗糙的树皮;rough, 粗糙龟裂的双手;a rough homespun fabric. Something harsh is unpleasantly rough, discordant, or grating: 家纺的粗布。 Harsh 描述令人感到不愉快地粗糙、不和谐、刺耳的物体:
粗糙的麻布袋;the harsh cry of a crow. 刺耳的鸡啼声。(4)Jagged refers to an edge or a surface with irregular projections and indentations: Jagged 指有不规则的凸起物或凹口的边缘或表面:a jagged piece of glass. 一块锯齿状的玻璃。(5)Rugged, which often refers to strength or endurance, especially in people, can also apply to land surfaces characterized by irregular, often steep rises and slopes: Rugged 常指强健或耐力,尤指人能吃苦耐劳的,也用于指地表高低不平,有陡峭的高地和斜坡:a rugged, 崎岖不平且多岩石的小路;rugged countryside. 多丘陵的乡村。(6)Scabrous means rough and scaly to the tactile sense: Scabrous 指手感粗糙且多鳞的:a granular, scabrous spot on his cheek. 他脸颊上粗糙的颗粒状斑点。(7)Uneven describes lines or surfaces of which some parts are not level with others: Uneven 指有些部分不在同一个平面上的线条或表层: 不平整的地面;uneven handwriting. See also Synonyms at rude 不整齐的笔迹 参见同义词 rude现代英汉词典rough[rQf]adj.(1)粗糙的;崎岖不平的a rough road一条崎岖不平的路a rough surface粗糙的表面The monkey's skin has a rough feel.猴子的皮肤有一种粗糙感。(2)狂暴的,汹涌的(风雨、海水等)rough winds狂暴的风The sea was rough in the storm.大海在风暴中波涛汹涌。(3)粗糙的,简陋的(食物或居住条件)(4)概略的,大致的,粗略的(计划、估算等)a rough drawing草图(5)起草稿用的(纸)(6)刺耳的,难听的(声音)(7)倒霉的;难熬的to have a very rough time度过一段难熬时期;吃苦头习惯用语rough and ready将就的;粗糙但尚能用的rough on (sb.)对(某人)不幸的It's a bit rough on him!他真有点不幸!词性变化roughadv.(1)(户外生活)简陋地,将就地(2)粗暴地;粗野地习惯用语cut up rough生气;发怒sleep rough露宿词性变化roughn.(1)(前面与the连用)困境(2)〈高尔夫〉障碍区(3)粗鲁的人;莽汉(4)草图,草稿习惯用语in rough大略地;草略地Write it out in rough and then copy it.先起草稿,然后再抄清。词性变化roughvt.(1)(与up连用)弄得乱七八糟(2)(与out, in连用)粗略写出;大致画出;粗略地作出(草图、草案)Rough them in with a pencil.用铅笔将他们大致画出。习惯用语rough it将就着过日子现代英汉综合大辞典rough[rQf]adj.(1)凹凸不平的; 粗糙的; 崎岖的(2)毛茸茸的, 蓬乱的(3)未加工的, 粗制的; 干粗活的(4)粗略的, 大致的, 初步的, 草率的(5)简陋的; 不讲究的(6)粗暴的; 无礼的(7)暴风雨的; 狂暴的, 剧烈的(8)笨重的(9)(声音等)粗哑刺耳的, (酒等)烈性的; (药物等)强烈的(10)艰难的, 难受的(11)【语】送气的a rough road崎岖的小路a book with rough edges(未切边的)毛边书rough hands粗糙的手rough hair乱蓬蓬的头发rough food粗食a rough estimate粗略的估计a rough guess瞎猜rough accommodation粗陋的设备a rough makeshift暂时应付一下的东西a rough but hearty welcome虽不周到但热情诚心的欢迎a rough style of writing不讲究的文体a rough temper粗暴的脾气rough weather狂风暴雨的天气a rough assignment艰巨的任务a rough life艰苦的生活词性变化roughadv.(1)粗糙[略]地(2)粗暴地play rough(比赛中)动作粗暴treat sb. rough对人态度粗暴roughn.(1)高低不平(或杂草丛生)的地面; (马蹄上的)防滑钉; [the rough](高尔夫球)障碍区域(2)粗糙的东西(3)未加工状态; 粗坯, 梗概, 草图(4)[英]粗暴的人; 暴徒(5)虐待; 艰难, 困苦discuss a question in rough扼要地讨论一个问题a gang of roughs一群暴徒roughvt.(1)使不平; 弄粗糙; 给(马等)装防滑钉(2)使(毛发, 稻草)等蓬乱(3)粗制, 把...制毛坯(4)草拟, 粗略地写或画 (in, out)(5)粗暴对待, 殴打(up); (球赛中)作粗暴动作(6)初步驯服(马匹等)rough edges of glass把玻璃的边磨毛rough out a plan草拟计划roughvi.(1)变粗糙(2)粗鲁行事继承用法rough-and-readyadj.(方法等)粗糙但尚能用的; (估计等)大致上差不多的; (人)鲁莽但尚能顶用的rough-and-tumbleadj.乱七八糟的, 混乱的, 杂乱的; 莽撞的词性变化roughn.混战; 乱斗roughbackn.拟鳙鲽roughbarkn.粗皮病rough-castn.【建】粗灰泥; 粗制vt.粗涂; 草拟rough-cutadj.乱切的; 粗切的rough-dryvt.晾干(衣服)不烫adj.晾干而未烫平的rough-footed[`rQf`fJtId]adj.脚上有羽毛的(鸟)rough-heartedadj.无同情心的, 硬心肠的rough-hewvt.(rough- rough-hewn)粗削; 粗制rough-hewnadj.粗制的, 粗糙的; 粗鲁的roughhouse[5rQfhaJs]n.[俚]室内喧嚣的游戏[打斗]vi.参加喧嚣[打斗]adj.粗鲁对待的, 喧嚣打斗的rough-legged[`rQf9le^Id]adj.脚上有毛的(马、鸟等)roughlockvt.给...加制动链rough-machinevt.以机器粗制rough-neckn.[美俚]粗鲁的人; 无赖; 油井修建工roughride[`rQf9raId]vi.当驯马师vt.驯(马); 用粗暴的策略来克服rough-ridern.驯马人; 非正规骑兵rough-spoken[`rQfspEJkEn]adj.言语粗鲁的roughstringn.不露头梯梁roughstuff[`rQfstQf]n.(1)粗填(2)底层油漆(3)粗暴的行为roughtailn.盾尾蛇roughtailed[`rQfteIld]adj.尾巴粗糙的rough-up[`rQfQp]n.[俚]动武; 打架rough-wrought[`rQfrR:t]adj.经初步加工的roughish[`rQfIF]adj.稍带粗鲁的, 稍粗略的; 稍有风浪的roughly[5rQflI]adv.习惯用语be rough on sb.对某人粗暴, 苛刻; 欺侮; 使某人倒霉cut up rough[口]发脾气, 发怒in rough(1)在草稿纸上(2)处于未完成状态in the rough(1)未加工(的), 未完成(的)(2)粗略, 大致上live rough风餐露宿; 过艰苦生活over rough and smooth不管甘苦难易; 无论高低起伏sleep rough在户外露宿; 随处栖身take the rough with the smooth能享乐也能吃苦the rough(s) and smooth(s)人世的浮沉, 失败和成功; 困难和顺利rough and ready简陋的, 马马虎虎的, 勉强过得去的rough and round简单而丰盛的rough and tough粗野的, 粗暴的rough and tumble不合规格的乱打, 打斗roughin凿出雕像的极粗的轮廓rough it过艰苦的生活rough sb. up[俚]以暴力对待某人用法词典rough来自古英语ruh英文相关词典roughblunt&&&&broken&&&&brusque&&&&bumpy&&&&choppy&&&&coarse&&&&crude&&&&curt&&&&difficult&&&&fierce&&&&gruff&&&&harsh&&&&irregular&&&&rowdy&&&&rude&&&&severe&&&&shaggy&&&&snippy&&&&surly&&&&tough&&&&uneven&&&&mild&&&&smooth&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典rough粗糙的[七国语言]英汉机械工程大词典rough粗糙的[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典rough粗糙的美国传统词典roughroughAHD:[r?f] D.J.[r(f]K.K.[r(f], rough.est(1)Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances, not smooth.(2)Coarse or shaggy to the touch:a rough, scratchy blanket.(3)Difficult to travel over or through:the rough terrain of the highlands.(4)Characteriz turbulent:rough waters.(5)Difficult to endure or live through, especially because of harsh or inclement weather:a rough winter.(6)Unpleasant or difficult:had a rough time during the exam.(7)Boisterous, unruly, uncouth, or rowdy:ran with a rough crowd.(8)Lacking polish or finesse:rough manners.(9)Characterized by carelessness or force, as in manipulating:broke the crystal through rough handling.(10)Harsh to the ear:a rough, raspy sound.(11)Being in a natural state:rough diamonds.(12)Not perfected, completed, or fully detailed: rough carpentry.n.(1)Rugged, overgrown terrain.(2)Sports The part of a golf course left unmowed and uncultivated.(3)The difficult or disagreeable aspect, part, or side:observed politics in the rough when working as an intern on Capitol Hill.(4)Something in an unfinished or hastily worked-out state.(5)A crude, a,, roughs(1)To treat roughly or with physical violence:roughed up his opponent.(2)Sports To treat (an opposing player) with unnecessary roughness during a sport or game:roughed the passer and was ejected from the game.(3)To prepare or indicate in an unfinished form:rough out a house plan.adv.I roughly.习惯用语rough itTo live without the usual comforts and conveniences:roughed it in a small hunting shack.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old English r?h 继承用法rough“ern.rough“lyadv.rough“nessn.参考词汇(1)rough, harsh, jagged, rugged, scabrous, uneven (2)These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse, irregular surface. (3)Rough describes something that to the sight or touch has inequalities, as projections or ridges:
rough, a rough homespun fabric. Something harsh is unpleasantly rough, discordant, or grating:
the harsh cry of a crow. (4)Jagged refers to an edge or a surface with irregular projections and indentations: a jagged piece of glass. (5)Rugged, which often refers to strength or endurance, especially in people, can also apply to land surfaces characterized by irregular, often steep rises and slopes: a rugged, rugged countryside. (6)Scabrous means rough and scaly to the tactile sense: a granular, scabrous spot on his cheek. (7)Uneven describes lines or surfaces of which some parts are not level with others:
uneven handwriting. See also Synonyms at rude 英汉船舶大词典rough n.草样,粗制品 朗文英汉综合电脑词典rough 【修】粗糙;粗(加工) 英汉地质大词典rough n.毛坯,粗型 英汉法学大词典rough n.无赖 英汉纺织大词典rough n.布面毛糙 英汉航空大词典rough n.不平的;n.粗糙的,粗略的 英汉化学大词典rough adj.粗糙的,粗制的,大致的,粗暴的,笨重的,粗的;n.粗加工,天然物 英汉海运大词典rough 粗糙的粗略的 基本词义rough 表面不平的,未加工的,狂暴的,汹涌的,近似的,变粗糙,粗糙的,粗略的大浪 基本词义rough 粗糙的,表面不平的,未加工的近似的,粗略的狂暴的,汹涌的变粗糙 基本词义rough 粗糙的,近似的vi.变粗糙 英汉计算机大词典rough adj.粗糙的(粗制的,大致的;n.粗加工(天然物) 英汉机械大词典rough n.粗糙的,近似的 英汉建筑大词典rough adj.粗糙的,不平的,粗制的 英汉农牧林大词典rough n.粗糙的 英汉能源大词典rough n.毛坯,粗型 英汉汽车大词典rough n.粗的 英汉消防大词典rough 【林】(可能引起火灾的)地面有机覆盖物 英汉冶金大词典rough n.粗的 英汉医学大词典rough n.不平的,粗糙的 英汉中医大词典rough n.粗糙的,不光滑的
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