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&&&&&&& [投缘池]相传很久以前,陆水湖畔,有一农夫,名叫乐田,年过三十,尚未成婚,后有高人指点,要他每天向二丈远处一个明钱方洞里,投及红豆,说是什么时候投中了,缘份也就到了,婚姻就成了。&&&&&&& 果然,经不解地投缘,感动了上天,仙女喜地,她决定留在人间,圆了乐田的姻缘梦成了一对恩爱夫妻。
&&&&&&&& [犀牛望月]江南水牛多,为什么不雕常见的水牛,却雕一头犀牛?这个问题的答案跟本地一个古老的崇拜现象有关。从前,我们这里有一个传说讲,犀牛是家庭的守护神,因此,每年七月初七的“七夕”节,男女老少都要换上新装,拜新月,祭犀牛,祈祷家庭幸福,生活美满。祈祷完毕之后,家庭成员们手扶犀牛的前角,在心中暗暗立下一个誓言。据说,只要这样做了,誓言就像这根犀牛角一样在心中牢牢扎根,一辈子都不会违背。
&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&& [楚风阁]楚风阁建在民俗乐园的第一个高地上,阁名取“南楚遗风”之意。大家在林中小径上行走了一段路程,登高望远,会别有滋味。北宋宰相、大文学家王安石说:“登临送目,正故国晚秋,天气初肃。千里澄江似练,翠峰如簇。”这讲的是白天登楼的风光。范仲淹在《岳阳楼记》中说:“长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沉璧,渔歌互答,此乐何极!”这讲的是夜晚登楼的风光。不过,登上楚风阁,更容易让人想起的是欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》。第一句说:“环滁皆山也,其西南诸峰,林壑优美……”。四面都是上,迎面一泓水,就像天上人间,让人找到了一种飘飘欲仙的感觉。
&&&&&&&& [刀山]刀山是僳僳的刀山,僳僳族居住在怒江金山江,澜沧江之外,僳僳族上刀山使为了纪念一位对僳僳族有过恩重如山的英雄。这座刀山有32米高,共有72把锋利无比的刀杆组成,每一把都有其象征意义。在我国少数名族运动会上,它是一个重要的比赛项目。
&&&&&&& [垂钓中心]对喜欢钓鱼运动的朋友来说,垂钓中心是您不可错过的快乐之家。鱼是特意放养的,最大的20多斤,最小的也有一斤以上。相信您会有不小的收获。
&&&&&&& [鄂南民居]中国是一个多民族国家,也是一个幅员辽阔的国家,由于气候和生活习惯的差别,形成了很多具有地域特色的家居格式。西北的窑洞,华北的四合院,西南的吊脚楼,华南的土楼,都闻名中外。鄂南民居虽然不及它们著名,却也绝不比它们逊色。&&&&&&& 现在让我们先看它的布局。它分上下两层,四面闭合,中间一口天井。一楼,进门的这个大厅叫客厅,又叫堂屋,左右两边各开一间正房,供主人及其父母居住。堂屋后边对着天井,天井两侧叫厢房。天井过去的厅堂叫后堂,是供奉祖宗牌位的地方,也是一家人用膳的地方,所以摆着香案和八仙桌椅。后堂的一边是厨房,另一边是储藏室。二楼的结构跟一楼相似,是晚辈起居的地方。&&&&&&& 鄂南民居这种结构,充分考虑一家三代各得其所的需要,是小农经济和三代同堂思想的一个缩影,在大家庭为主的年代里非常实用,是家庭主义和实用主义的完美结合。
&&&&&&  [东皇太乙]东皇太乙是古代楚国人民信仰的最尊贵的天神,据说掌管风雨雷电。太乙是至高无上的意思。楚人立太乙神庙于东方,所以,这位天神也叫东皇。东皇至高无上,人们就称他“东皇太乙”。史记记载,上古时代,楚地盛行巫风,人们信奉多神教。大诗人屈原根据楚南民间祭祀众神的祈祷辞整理创作了一批著名诗篇,其中的一组叫做《九歌》,包括《东皇太乙》。&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&& [鸳鸯碾]鸳鸯碾也是一种石碾。它为什么叫这么个名字?因为鸳鸯是有名的爱情鸟,总是成双成对;别的碾只有一个碾子,这幅石碾却有一对,而且用木架子相连,永不分离,好像一对感情深厚的鸳鸯,人们给它取名这个名字也就是十分贴切了。实际上,只要细心地想一想就能发现,这种双碾代表着一种进步,就是在同等时间里它的碾米能力比单碾要高一倍左右。它之所以没有能够大显身手,是因为机器的出现,使它的进步性一下子显得太微不足道了。
&&&&&&& [水车博物馆]水车作为机械提水工具,在我国已有近两千年的历史。它于东汉末年在农业上开始用,当时叫做翻车。到了唐代,出现了“以木桶相连汲于井中”的水车,和用竹筒绑在轮子架上随水流自动取名水的筒车。再后来,提水技术进一步发展,出现了我们现在见到的这种链条式水车。我们这里陈列的水车有六种,基本上囊括了我国链条式水车的各种类型。
&&&&&&&& [火海]据说,火是人类最早征服的自然力量,学会了用火,是人类从蒙昧走向文明所迈出的第一步。在我国西南很多少数民族中,火是神圣的,家中的火塘也是神圣的,因为,火代表光明,代表兴旺,代表富足,代表幸福。“过火海”是阿佤族人民的一种传统习俗。在一串已经烧得可以将纸点燃的砖头或者铁板上,赤脚走过去,需要超人的胆量和勇气。你最好请勿模仿。
&&&&&&&& [观音阁]观音菩萨,无量劫来,成就大善大悲法门,利益众生,于生死苦海,为作船筏,于无明长夜为作明灯。恒观众生,称念圣之音声,无苦不拔,无乐不与,当今文明,人间苦难重重,灾祸频生,正急于需要观音菩萨慈悲救济。 &&&&&&&& 使自己与他人都变为现代大慈大悲的观音。自然可以融化人心的仇恨,止息人间的斗争,拯救人类的不幸,给人类生活上的幸福,与心灵上的快乐。
[crane freshwater mussel contended with] has an idiom saying:The crane freshwater mussel contends with, benefits as the third party in a dispute. This group of statues are called the crane the freshwater mussel to contend with. At the same time is the hard to solve crane and the freshwater mussel, at the same time is the old elderly fisherman who watches critically, is one kind of symbol, perhaps they can initiate your sigh with emotion, causes your ponder, as soon as causes you to wipe the understanding the smile, let you say sigh with emotion: Oh, what struggles? It is not in the end does for other people marries the upper and lower garments? In the life, who is the crane freshwater mussel which reaches a stalemate, who is the elderly fisherman who watches critically? Everybody has an account at heart. I thought but actually that the personhood why not is aloof some? This is more relaxed, has the opportunity to profit from another's strife.
[before hitting it off well with one another pond] hands down the long time, the land water lakeside, some farmer, the named happy field, the year 30, not yet has gotten married, latter has the person of high skill to direct, wants him every day to two ten feet of distant place Ming Qianfang in the hole, throws and the red bean, said that was when has hit the target, the fate also arrived, the marriage became. Really, after hit it off well with one another relentlessly, has moved the heaven, the female celestial happily, she decided to keep the world, the round Le Tian marriage affinity dream has become a pair of affectionate couple.
[rhinoceros full moon] the south of Yangzi River water buffalo are many, why doesn't carve the common water buffalo, actually carves a rhinoceros? This question's answer concerns with the local ancient worship phenomenon. Formerly, here had a fable saying that the rhinoceros was the family patron god, therefore, every year July seventh day “the seventh night of the seventh lunar month” the festival, everybody must exchange the new clothing, did obeisance the crecent moon, offered a sacrifice to the rhinoceros, the pray family is happy, the life was content. After the pray finished, the family members hand-held rhinoceros's front rake, established a pledge secretly in the heart. So long as it is said that has done this, the pledge looks like this rhinoceros horn to take root firmly equally in the heart, will not violate for a lifetime.
[Chu Fengge] Chu Fengge constructs on the folk custom paradise first high ground, Chinese style pavilion takes “south the Chu customs handed down from the past” meaning. Everybody on the trail walked a distance in the forest, has a futuristic perspective, the taste. Northern Song Dynasty prime minister, big writer Wang Anshi said: “ascends a height to get a broad view delivers the item, native country late autumn, at the beginning of weather austere. Great distance Chengjiang resembles practices, green jade peak like bunch.”What this lecture is the daytime ascends the building the scenery. Fan Zhongyan in "Yueyang Bldg. Recorded" said: “long smoke one spatial, the bright moon great distance, floats the light leap gold, the static shade sinks the jade, the fishermen's song answers mutually, this Le Heji!”What this lecture is the night ascends the building the scenery. However, mounts Chu Fengge, what easier to let the human remember is Ouyang Xiu "Drunkard Pavilion Records". First said: “link chu all mountain also, its southwest various peaks, forests and caverns exquisite ......”. Four sides is on, front surface deep water, looks like the heaven on earth, let the human find one kind of graceful feeling.
[mountain of sword] the mountain of sword is su su the mountain of sword, su su the race lives in the Nujiang Jinshan river, outside Lancang River, su su race Mt. Shangdao causes to commemorate one to have graciousness heavy like mountain hero to su su the race. This mountain of sword has 32 meter high, altogether has 72 the sharp incomparable cutter bar composition, each has its symbolic significance. At our country few proper name race games, it is an important event.
[fished center] to like fishing the movement friend, fished the center is your unmissable joyful family. The fish is breeds specially, the greatest more than 20 catties, smallest also have above one catty. Believed that you will have not the small harvest.
[south Hubei common people residence] China is a multinational country, is also a vast in territory country, as a result of the climate and habits and customs' difference, formed had the region characteristic to live at the form. The northwest cave dwelling, North China's central courtyard, the southwest house projecting over the water, South China's earth building, well-known both in China and abroad. South Hubei common people residence, although is inferior to them to be famous, is not actually more inferior than them. Now lets us look at its layout first. It divides high and low two, four sides closed, middle courtyard. A building, passing through the gate this hall calls the living room, also calls the main room, about nearby two opens a main room respectively, lives for the master and the parents. Behind the main room treats the courtyard, the courtyard both sides is calling the side building. The courtyard past main hall called the back room, consecrates the ancestor memorial tablet's place, was also the place which the whole family ate a meal, therefore was suspending the incense table and the Eight Immortals furniture. Back room one side is a kitchen, in addition is the storeroom at the same time. Two building's structures are similar with a building, is the younger generation daily life place. South Hubei common people residence this kind of structure, considered fully three generations take their proper place the need, is the small peasant economy and a three generations under the same roof thought miniature, is practical in the big family age primarily, is the familism and the pragmatism perfect union.
[east the emperor too second grade] east the emperor too second grade is the most honored deity which the ancient times Chu country people believed that it is said governed the wind and rain thunder and lightning. Too the second grade is the supreme meaning. Chu Renli too second grade temple in the East, east therefore, this deity is also called the emperor. East the emperor is supreme, the people call him “east the emperor too second grade”. Shihchi records, antiquity time, Chu being in vogue witch wind, the people believe in polytheism. Big poet Qu Yuan acted according to south Chu the folk sacrificial offering numerous god pray refined language reorganization to create one batch of well-known poems, a in which group has been called "Nine Songs", including "East Emperor Too Second grade".
[mandarin duck grinds] the mandarin duck to grind is also one kind of stone roll. Why is it called such a name? Because the mandarin duck is the famous love-bird, Other grinds only then an edge runner, this stone roll actually has one pair, moreover is connected with the wooden rack, never separates, probably a pair of sentimental deep mandarin duck, the people named this name to it are also very appropriate. In fact, so long as thinks carefully can discover, this kind double grinds is representing one kind of progress, is in the same level time its rice milling ability compared to Shan Nianyao about high one time. The reason that it does not have to be able to give full play, is because of machine's appearance, caused its progressive appears all of a sudden is too not worthy of mentioning.
[waterwheel museum] the waterwheel draws water the tool as the machinery, had nearly two millennium histories in our country. It last years starts in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the agriculture to use, at that time was called overturns a vehicle. To the Tang Dynasty, presented “draws connected by the wooden barrel in the well” the waterwheel, with ties up with the bamboo tube on wheel names the water automatically along with the current of water the barrell car. Afterward, drew water the technology to further develop, presented this kind of chain link type waterwheel which we saw now. Our exhibition's waterwheel has six kinds, basically included our country chain link type waterwheel's each type.
[sea of fire] it is said that the fire is the natural strength which the humanity conquers most early, learned to use the fire, was the humanity from moves toward the first step which ignorantly the civilization stepped out. Southwest our country in the national minority, the fire is sacred, in family's firepit is also sacred, because, the fire represents the light, represents prosperously, represents abundantly, represents happiness. “crosses the sea of fire” is the Arab League Wa national minority people's one traditional custom. In a string already burnt may on the brick which or the sheet iron lights the paper, barefoots, needs to exceed others in ability guts and courage. You should better please not imitate.
[the Goddess of Mercy Chinese style pavilion] the goddess of mercy, plunders immeasurably, the achievement is greatly friendly the greatly sad method, benefit all living things, in the life and death sea of bitterness, to make the ship raft, Yu Wuming the endless night to make the beacon light. Permanent view all living things, the name read sound of sound the Saint, does not have does not pull out painstakingly, not happy not with, is now civilized, the world misery layer on layer, the disaster frequency lives, is needing the goddess of mercy mercy relief eagerly. Causes itself and other people becomes the modern infinitely merciful Goddess of Mercy. May melt the will of the people naturally the hatred, stops the world the struggle, saves humanity's misfortune, lives on happiness for the humanity, with mind in joy.
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其他回答 (3)
[Cape cumingii competing] are saying that: the clam grapple crane dispute over the harvest. This group of statues called for the clam grapple crane. On one side is tangled up the crane and clam shells, cold look on one side is the old fisherman, is a symbol that they may be able to trigger a trace of your feelings, cause you thought of that, causing a touch of knowing your smile, let you feel said: Well, what for? They have to do for others are awake? Life, who is the stalemate of the crane and the clam grapple, who is the cold look on the shot? Everyone has an account in mind. I'd think, why not transcend some of life? Easier to do will have a chance to boon.
&&&&&&&& [投缘pool] It is said that a long time ago, Land Water Lake, a farmer, named Le-Tian, 30 years had not yet married, after expert advice, to his distant二丈a day out to the side hole of money, investment and red beans, when the vote is in, and also to fate, marriage has become.
&&&&&&&& Sure enough, by投缘inexplicably, moved God hi fairy, she decided to stay in the world, round the Lok Tin dream marriage has become a husband and wife love.
&&&&&&&&& [Rhino Mochizuki] southern buffalo, so why do not birds common water buffalo, a rhino is carved? The answer to this question with the local worship of an ancient phenomenon. Once upon a time, we have a legend here, the rhino is the patron saint of the family, so初七in July of each year, "Tanabata" festival, men, women and children have to face-lift, thanks to new moon, rhino festival, prayer well-being of families, a happy life. After prayers, family members of the anterior horn rhinoceros hand, set himself in the hearts of a vow. It is said that only to do so, and vowed to root like a rhinoceros horn, as it firmly rooted in the mind, life will not be violated.
&&&&&&&&&& [Chu Feng Ge] Ge Chu wind park built in the first folk high ground, ko Natori "South Chu legacy" means. We walk in the forest path for a journey, a long-term perspective, will not有滋味. Northern Song Dynasty prime minister, the writer Wang said: "The board sent to heads, is native country late autumn, the weather in early Su. Qianli Chengjiang like training, such as cluster Verde." This is talking about the scenery during the day登楼. Fan Zhongyan in the "Yueyang Tower," said: "The smoke of a long space,皓月千里, floating light-Yue Jin, Jing Ying Choi Shen, A Fisherman's interoperability, the Lok Ho great!" It's talking about the scenery登楼night. However, Chu Feng Ge board, the easier it is reminiscent of Ouyang Xiu's "Ong Ting mind." The first sentence said: "The Central Mountain Chu are also, the southwest诸峰,林壑beautiful ... ...." Are on all sides, the face一泓water, just like Love will Tear Us Apart, people found a sense of carried away.
&&&&&&&&& [刀山]刀山is the刀山Lisu Lisu, Lisu ethnic minority living in Jinshan Jiang River, the Lancang River, the Lisu ethnic minority刀山so to commemorate the one pairs of Lisu ethnic minority have been a hero恩重如山. The 32-meter-high刀山, a total of 72 very sharp holders, each to have their symbolic meaning. Ethnic minority people in China Games, which is an important event.
&&&&&&&& [Fishing center] of friends like Sport Fishing, the fishing is you can not afford to miss the happy homes. Stocking of fish is made, the biggest 20多斤, and the youngest is also more than a pound. You do not believe that there will be a small harvest.
&&&&&&&& [E'nan residential] China is a multi-ethnic country, but also a vast country, climate and lifestyle as a result of differences in the formation of a number of geographical features of the home with the format. Northwest cave, north of the quadrangle, south-west of Diaojiaolou,土楼southern China are famous at home and abroad. Although residential E'nan less than their well-known, but never less than they.
&&&&&&&& Let us now look at the layout of it. Divided into upper and lower levels, closed on all sides, the middle of a courtyard. The first floor, the door of this hall is called the living room, also called the central room, open both sides of a main building for the owner and their parents live. Into the courtyard behind the central room, called on both sides of the courtyard rooms. Hall past the courtyard after the Church is called, is a place dedicated to the memorial tablets of ancestors, but also a place where people bought away from home, so tables and chairs them香案and the Eight Immortals. Side after the Church is the kitchen, the other side of the storage room. With the first floor of the second floor of the structure is similar to the younger generation of local accommodation.
&&&&&&&& Residential E'nan such a structure, give full consideration to the needs of a proper third-generation, small-scale peasant economy and three generations under one roof is a microcosm of the ideological, mainly in the extended family is very practical age, the family and the perfect combination of pragmatism.
&&&&&&& [Taiyi东皇] Taiyi东皇ancient state of Chu of the most distinguished people of faith God is said to control lightning storms. Taiyi is the meaning of supremacy. Chu Li-Taiyi Temple in the East, therefore, also known as the god东皇.东皇supremacy, people called him "东皇Taiyi." Records of the Historian records, Paleozoic era, the prevalence of Wu Chu wind, people believe in polytheism. Great poet Qu Yuan in accordance with civil worship gods Chunan prayer speech collating a number of well-known poem writing, in which a group called the "Nine Songs", including "东皇Taiyi."
&&&&&&&& [Yuanyang roller] Yuanyang is a stone grinding mill. Why is it called such a name? Mandarin is known as love birds, Nianzishan there is only one other mill, this mill has a pair of stone, and connected with wooden shelves, never separated, as if a pair of mandarin ducks deep feelings, it is to its name is the name of the very appropriate. In fact, as long as we can think about them carefully enough, found that this represents a double-roller progress, is in the same time the capacity of its rice mill than to about twice as high. It is not able to show their talents because of the emergence of the machine, the progress of all of a sudden it seems too little.
&&&&&&&& [Museum of water] water as a water machine tools, in our country for nearly two millennia of history. It was the Eastern Han Dynasty started in agriculture, then called roll-over. By the Tang Dynasty, there has been "linked to JI casks at the well" of the water, and tied with bamboo shelves wheels automatically named with the flow of water cylinder cars. Still later, further development of water technology have emerged which we now see
[Cape cumingii competing] are saying that: the clam grapple crane dispute over the harvest. This group of statues called for the clam grapple crane. On one side is tangled up the crane and clam shells, cold look on one side is the old fisherman, is a symbol that they may be able to trigger a trace of your feelings, cause you thought of that, causing a touch of knowing your smile, let you feel said: Well, what for? They have to do for others are awake? Life, who is the stalemate of the crane and the clam grapple, who is the cold look on the shot? Everyone has an account in mind. I'd think, why not transcend some of life? Easier to do will have a chance to boon.
第一个那个&&&& 你这些都是要翻译滴吗????
The crane freshwater mussel fights] having one idiom to say: Crane freshwater mussel fight, the fisherman obtains the profit. This group of statue lets crane freshwater mussel fight right away. Be to bother the unclear crane and freshwater mussel at the same time , be the old old fisherman who looks on coldly as a bystander at the same time , being one kind of symbol, they maybe can initiate one silk of you sighing with emotion , one point arousing you meditates , arouse one doctrine wiping the understanding smile , let you sigh with emotion of you: What woollen cloth do alas, compete for? Be not to be others finally compose marry clothes? Who is the crane freshwater mussel being going to not give in in life, who is the old fisherman who looks on coldly as a bystander? Everybody all has one account in the heart. I on the contrary it is feel like, to conduct self why not to be detached a few? Such is more relaxed , gets chance to earn a profit without working for it more. Tradition has it that a long time ago, six water there is one farmer, called the happy field , gets married over thirty , not yet , there is talent giving directions to the day afer tomorrow beside the lake [agreeable pool] , ask him to measure distance to two every day in a Mingqianfang hole, jump into a and red bean, doctrine is when has thrown hit the target , predestined relationship share has also arrived at , marriage has been accomplished. God , the fairy maiden have been delighted for a field really, as a result of agreeable , moved confusedly , she has decided to stay in the world , the dream has become the happy fate which bring lovers together of round happy field a pair of an affectionate couple. Jiang Nan buff is many [rhinoceros full moon] , why not to carving common buff , carves a rhinoceros but? This problem answer is connected with this locality antiquited worship phenomenon. Before, we had a legend to talk here , the rhinoceros was the family patron saint , &the seventh evening of the seventh moon& the Seventh saved therefore, in July every year, a happy life man and woman of all ages being all asked to be changed for new clothes , paying a visit to a crescent , holding a memorial ceremony for a rhinoceros , praying for a family, is happy. A household member hand leans on the rhinoceros anterior angle after praying to be finished, sets up next oath secretly in heart. Allegedly , so long as such has composed,oath takes root firmly in heart right away looking like this rhinoceros angle , can not go against for life. Chu wind cabinet builds [Chu wind cabinet] in the first height ground of folk custom paradise, cabinet the name takes intention of &south Chu custom left by a preceding generation &. Everybody that a segment of distance travelled, climbs high and gazes far in having gone on foot in forest on the alley, is able to not have flavour. Northern Song Dynasty prime minister , important man of letters Wang Anshi said &Visit give an eye , rectify home country late autumn , the beginning of the weather solemn. Long distance Cheng Jiang county is like white silk , the emerald green peak if cluster &. That this talks is the scene going upstairs in the daytime. Fan Zhongyan says in &the Yueyang tower &: &One empty space , bright moon long distance , floating up jump over a gold , quiet heavy round flat piece of jade with a hole in its centre of image , fisherman&s song reply a long smoke column mutually , what pole this laughs at&! That this talks is the scene going upstairs in night. Block of wood fault, Deng Shang Chu wind cabinet, is Ouyang Xiu&s more easy to be remembered by person &story of drunk Weng Ting &. The first say: &Ring Chu all mountain also, whose southwest all peaks , forest big pool are graceful, ,&& . One deep water, resembles an immeasurably vast difference head-on right away on being all round, has let person find one kind of the feeling felt that one was in paradise. [Mountain of swords] mountain of swords be Su Su mountain of swords, Su Su the race lives in the anger Jiang Jin Shan river , Lancang River, Su Su the mountain of swords makes one to have had a great debt of gratitude hero for the souvenir to the race Su Su on the race. This mountain of swords has 32 meters high , the common sharp matchless 72 knives pole is composed of, every handful has whose symbol meaning. On few our country name races Games, it is a important event. [Go angling coming to say the friend that centre] moves to liking to go fishing , go angling centre of being happy that you miss no. Fish is to breed specially , maximal more than 20 jin, minimal above also having one jin. Believe that you are able to have no small gains. China is a multinational country [E Nan Min stores] , is also a vast territory country, the difference because of the climate and habits and customs , the form having formed many homes having the region characteristic. Northwest cave dwelling , the North China four-section rectangular compound, southwest soil building hanging the foot building , South China , all famous China and foreign countries. E Nan Min is lived in though not as famous as them , is compared to them but also by no means be inferior. Let us look at its layout first now. It closes mark about two tiers, all round, centre mouthful of skylight. The ground floor , this hall receiving the door order a living room , blow a central room, retinue both sides fires one legal wife respectively , sopport host and their parents habitancy. The central room back shouts wing-room to the skylight , skylight two flanks. The past hall of skylight orders the queen hall , is to enshrine and worship forefather memorial tablet place, place being also that one family has self&s meals, therefore being laying bare the long altar on which incense burners are placed and the Eight Immortals table and chair. One side of queen hall is a kitchen , another one side is a storeroom. The first floor structure and similarity all over the floor, place being the younger generation daily life. That E Nan Min occupies this structure , the need thinking that three generations from the same family has a place for everyone sufficiently, is small-s autarkical small-scale farming and a three generations living under the same roof thought miniature , age giving first place to in big family lining is very pragmatic , is that family doctrine and the pragmatism consummation combine. [Dong Huang very second] east emperors second is the most honourable god that Chu people believed in in the ancient times very much , administer trials and hardship allegedly thunder and lightning. Second is crowning meaning very much. Person appoints Chu very second temple Yu east , reason why, this god is also called Dong Huang. Dong Huang is crowning , people calls him &Dong Huang right away very second &. History is recorded, ancient times times , the Chu field Wu Feng prevail , how magical religion people believes in. Important poet Qu Yuan offers sacrifices to numerous magical prayer among the people according to Chunan decline arrange have created a batch of famous poem , a group among them are called &nine songs &, include &Dong Huang very second &. [The mandarin duck grinds] the mandarin duck roller is also one kind of stone roller. Why it calls such first name? Because of the mandarin duck is well-known love bird, And other roller only has a roller , this stone grinds but has a pair, use wood frame to be linked together , never part for, be just like deep mandarin duck of a pair of affection, that people bename as this first name for it is just very appropriate. In fact, can find that as long as thinking of it carefully , grind the progress being representing a kind of this pair, be its rice milling ability is one times retinue higher than Shan roller essential points within equal time. It has not had the turn up being able to come out strong , being because of the machine , has used its progress sex appear very inconsiderable all of a sudden. [Waterwheel museum] the waterwheel carries the water implement as machinery, history already having being close to 2000 in our country. Its Yu Dong Han last years of a dynasty or reign begins to be called a turnover in that time on the agriculture. And waterwheel in drawing in the well & has arrived at Tang Dynasty , has appeared to be linked together &with the wooden bucket, use thick bamboo tube to bind tube vehicle bename as water on with streams automation in wheel. Carry the water technology again afterwards, developing further, this chain that we see now has appeared 式水车。
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