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Go Back To My Childhood_百度文库
Go Back To My Childhood
&&Go Back To My Childhood英语作文,你最想回到过去的时光是你人生哪个阶段,回到童年。
你可能喜欢Things go back to ______ since we paid off all our debts.A.formalB.regularC.commonD.normal
试题分析:词义辨析。formal(学校教育或培训)正规的;regular 有规律的;common普通的;normal正常的,正规的。句意是我们付清债务以后一切都回到了正常。考点:考查形容词词义辨析。点评:词义辨析题是常考题,关键是弄清题意,根据语境选择合适的选项,要求考生平时对单词多记忆和理解。
试题“Things go back to ______...”;主要考察你对
I_________rather_________the bed_________do the_________.2、你能帮我照顾一下我的狗吗?每天喂他一些狗粮就行。
Could you please help me_________ _________ of my dog? It"s OK to _________him_________ some dogs" food every day.3、—我能搭车吗?
—Could I_________ _________ _________?
—Sorry, you_________.
There"s no room for you.4、我带着我的一个从北京远道而来的老朋友逛了逛春熙路,我们非常愉快地谈论起往事。
I________ my old friend________came from Beijing to
out in ChunXi Road. We had a great fun_________about the old things.5、我在下一个休息日,不想开车去兜风了。
_________my next day_________,I don"t want to go for________ _________.6、这次的学校郊游,我们参观了好多地方。最后,虽然疲惫但是很兴奋,我们下午6点就打道回府了。
We visited so many places_________this school_________.Finally,________ _________excited, we went back at 6:00 pm.7、在昨天的歌唱比赛中,我们的班长一举夺魁。
In the_________ _________competition, our class_________ _________first prize.8、前天下午,当我们在庭院卖旧货的时候,突然下起了大雨。但是幸运的是,我们都带了雨伞和雨衣。
Yesterday, it rained suddenly while we were having a yard_________,
but_________.We all
_________and raincoats.
are often sold for a lot of money.2、在NBA 打球的姚明是中国最有名的篮球运动员。Yao Ming
is the most famous basketball player in China.3、卖给你电脑的公司是可信的。The company
is credible.4、这块石头被当作标本带回实验室。The rock was taken back to the lab
.5、我们会照着老师说的做.We will do
补全句子中所缺的单词。 1. 你在假期中过得不高兴,我感到遗憾。
I"m ____ you didn"t ____ on your day off. 2. 不幸的是,有点无聊,无人来购买,因为天气是如此的坏。
____ it was____ ____ boring. No one ____ to the sale ____ the weather was ____ bad, 3. 马丁叔叔把他的一些旧东西放在庭院里,举行庭院旧货出售。
Uncle Martin ____ some ____ his ____ things ____ ____ the yard and ____ a ____ ____ 4. 你野营快乐吗?
Did you ____ ____ ____ ? 5.在我下次休息时,我想开车去兜风。
my next day off, I want ____
____ ____ ____ ____ .
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旗下成员公司Go back to Africa - AJE News
According to Akon, solar energy per village can range between $100,000 and $250,000 just for a pilot [Al Jazeera]The Senegalese-American rapper Akon, who spent most of his life in the US, still holds Africa close to his heart.
His initiative, known as "Akon Lighting Africa" programme, aims to bring
by the end of 2020.
However, in an interview with Talk to Al Jazeera, he turned his attention to the
and his views on life as an African-American.
Al Jazeera: What is it that motivates you to give back to Africa? When was it in your successful career that you decided you wanted to give back?
Akon: I don't think there was ever a particular moment where I said 'I gotta give back.' Being African, raised in Senegal, it is a natural instinct. I always wanted better for my country, so that was more of the motivation.
Al Jazeera: 'Akon lighting Africa' is a very ambitious project to bring electricity to one million African households, by using solar energy, by the end of 2014. What has been achieved?
Akon: We actually overachieved. We are beyond a mi we are actually in 14 countries. We started with just creating solar energy for rural areas and households and now were doing solar street lamps all through the countries and also incorporating it within each country, we have put in solar in all the villages and we are also creating a system where we are actually employing locals to maintain it and to keep everything in order.
Al Jazeera: How much money did you invest in this particular project?
Akon: I don't have all the accounts, but per village it can range from $100,000 to $250,000 - just for a pilot.
Al Jazeera: You are certainly the perfect example of the American Dream coming true. There are millions of Africans who make it to the states and don't have the same success as you have. What do you think is keeping them from reaching that?
Ultimately, you can't change who you are and I think the biggest obstacle is that when people come to the US they kind of alienate their original personalities and conform to what's there. When they do that, they don't get accepted.
Akon: This advice will go out to anyone who is migrating to the US. Ultimately, you can't change who you are and I think the biggest obstacle is that when people come to the US, they kind of alienate their original personalities and way of life and conform to what's there. And when you do that, first of all, you will never get accepted.
Al Jazeera: You know, you once told the Source magazine that 'Black people in the US can nag all they want how the system is against black people, but if they saw how other people lived in Africa, they would see how blessed they really are.'
Do you still believe this today, when you see unarmed black teenagers being killed by the police, when you see protests in St Louis, Missouri, where you lived for a long time, when you see people taking to the streets in Atlanta, New York, to denounce police brutality against young African-American men? Do you think the system really is for these people?
Akon: Well, the system was never for them.
Al Jazeera: So, what made you say this to Source magazine?
When I said that, I was talking about the environment in where they live. And the rights they actually have. And the blessing they do, you know, have actual access to. In Africa, the way I grew up, let's just pick a project in New York, that's a 5-star hotel compared to the environment I came up in.
Like, if they see how they live, they actually get money from the government, there actually are programmes that help the impoverished and the poor, and you get food stamps. I mean, they have it good, compared to Africa.
There's a huge difference in how the government allocates funds for the poor in A the environment is not even left and right. If these groups were to be taken from the environment where they are now to the same 'equal' environment in Africa, they would be crying to come back to America
Al Jazeera: But you say now that the system is against them?
Akon: I was talking about a way of life. A far as the system goes, the system in America was never built for black people. This is my personal opinion, I am speaking for myself. I don't believe it was ever built for black people because that system ha those documents have never been altered.
These things were made back in the umpteen hundreds and these are the same exact literature that's down today. So mind you, by the time it was made, black people were never in a position where they were looked at as equal, so if it's the same documents that they are applying today, it wasn't meant for them.
Al Jazeera: When you see Ferguson, Missouri, today and you hear of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, do you sympathise? Do you understand that experience that these people are denouncing?
Akon: I clearly understand the frustration. What I don't understand is that how, if I'm in a position where they are and I don't want to speak too much for them, because I think I might have some knowledge they might not quite have, because I'm in the position where I have experienced Africa, and I've experienced the United States. I always felt like Africa was for Africans. When I see African Americans in America dealing with all these issues, my first question is: 'Why don't they just go back home?'
Al Jazeera: Where?
Akon: Back to Africa. Where they'll be treated fairly. Where they'll actually be praised for who they are, because of the fact that they are American. They'll get way better treatment, they can invest their money...
Al Jazeera: How do you tell people who have lived for generations, centuries and centuries in one land to move to a place they don't know?
Akon: No, but that's my point. They don't know. It starts with a visit. How many African Americans do you know [who] actually consider Africa as a vacation spot? Not one. When you look at the overall population of African Americans, a small percentage would decide to go to Africa for vacation. Even, just for knowledge, just to know where they came from, just to get an idea of what that is, there is so much fear instilled in them, that they wouldn't even want to go there to visit. You mention Africa, they start shaking.
The full interview will premiere on Saturday, January 24, at 04:30GMT with repeats running on Sunday, January 25, at 08:30GMT and 19:30GMT as well as Monday, January 26, at 14:30GMT.
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英语同义句转换1.The school term starts in September ,so we will go back to school in September .The school term starts in September ,so we will _____ ____ to school in September .2.He looks more handsome in his blue T-shirt .The blue T-shirt _____ _____ looks more handsome.3.I have nothing (nothing划线) to tell you.(对划线部分提问)______ _______ you have to tell me
1、be back2、on him3、What do
1.be back2.makes him3.What do


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