
tan是什么意思 tan在线翻译 tan什么意思 tan的意思 tan的翻译 tan的解释 tan的发音 tan的同义词 tan的反义词 tan的例句 tan的相关词组
tan英 [taen] 美 [taen] 比较级:最高级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:tan 基本解释名词黄褐色,棕黄色; 鞣料; 马戏团; 晒黑的皮色及物动词(使)晒成棕褐色; 鞣(革)不及物动词晒成棕褐色形容词黄褐色的,棕黄色的; 鞣皮的tan 相关例句形容词1. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D1. I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day.&&&&前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。及物动词1. 1. Sun and wind had tanned the sailor's face.&&&&日晒风吹使那水手的脸变得黑黝黝的。不及物动词1. 1. She tans quickly.&&&&她很容易晒黑。2. My brother tans very fast.&&&&我兄弟一晒就黑。名词1. His arms and legs had a dark tan.&&&&他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。tan 情景对话Summer camp-(夏令营)A:You look so tan and healthy!&&&&&&你看上去皮肤黝黑,健康极了。B:Thanks. I just got back from summer camp.&&&&&&谢谢。我刚刚从夏令营回来。A:How was it?&&&&&&怎么样?B:Great. I got to try so many things for the first time.&&&&&&棒极了。我第一次尝试那么多玩意儿。A:Like what?&&&&&&比方说?B:I went sailing, fishing, and horseback riding.&&&&&&乘船航行,钓鱼,我还骑马了。A:I’m so jealous.&&&&&&我真嫉妒。B:The counselors were so nice too. It was the best summer ever. Except for all those mosquitoes!&&&&&&辅导员也很好。这是我度过的最美好的夏季。只是蚊子太多了。tan 网络解释1. 茶色:此款为美国著名品牌American Eagle 鞋子尺寸:美国尺寸8号 韩国尺寸为260.中国尺寸41.5-42之间 这个是我购买的网站 鞋子色是茶色(TAN) 货物还在空运中大概这2天能到◆ AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 品牌故事:AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 是美国街头至IN的一个品牌,2. 正切:可对一个 32位IEEE浮点数执行下列操作: 求绝对值(ABS) 求平方(SQR)和平方根(SQRT) 求自然对数(LN) 求指数值(EXP)以e (= 2,71828)为底 求下列32位IEEE浮点数表示的角度的三角函数 - 正弦(SIN)和反正弦(ASIN) 余弦(COS)和反余弦(ACOS) 正切(TAN)和反正切(ATAN3. 棕色:两个月以下的幼羚体色为淡棕色(tan)并有不明显的斑点. 分布:非洲的热带草原,从肯亚(Kenya)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)及莫三鼻给(Mozambique)一直到安哥拉(Angola)及柴利(Zaire). 大部份分布在米欧埔地区(MiomboWoodlandZone).4. 切点:并删除(Trim)第8步生成的两条线,得到图5-20,完成绘制;(5)如图7-13,采用line命令,绘制一条30 ,并与小圆互相切的线段,该线段的起点可以采用切点(TAN)方式捕捉;假设用户的应用程序在设计轴时需要对轴的材料,5. tan:terrain- 地形辅助导航6. 6. tan:terrain aid 地形辅助导航系统7. tan是什么意思7. tan: 坦尚尼亚8. tan: 总酸值tan 双语例句1. A lot of transverse and longitudinal cracks appear in the concrete cofferdam in course of the excavation of the basis of the unit No.4 in E'tan hydropower station.&&&&恶滩水电站4#机基础开挖形成40m左右的高边坡,开挖过程中,边坡上部的纵向混凝土围堰不断出现横向和纵向裂缝,监测资料表明其有明显的水平和垂直位移。2. His tenure then included highly-acclaimed performances of contemporary music and also many recordings of the music of Bernstein, Elgar, Hummel, Mozart, Rossini, Shostakovich, and Wagner, as well as such Chinese composers as Tan Dun and Chen Yi etc.&&&&之后,他成功地指挥了许多当代音乐作品,并录制了伯恩斯坦、艾尔加、胡梅尔、莫扎特、罗西尼以及谭盾和陈怡等中外作曲家的作品,受到评论界好评。3. 3. Lao She's Shen Tan, Fu Lei taking poison, Shen Congwen bend, is charged fan, or fan&&&&老舍沉潭,傅雷服毒,沈从文改向,是帆落,还是帆张?4. Dare say the whole nation the website of the local news unit of 70% is one Tan only lentic.&&&&敢说全国70%的地方新闻单位的网站只是一谭死水。5. The necessity and the possibility of construction of Chang-Zhu-Tan netty information transmitting by using broadcast and TV network is discussed, the connecting method and the network structure by means of the over SDH tecnnical system is designed and the scheme for connceting communication computer and cable TV subnets under this system is also proposed.&&&&论述了利用广播电视网络架构长株潭三市信息平台的必要性和可行性,并采用over SDH技术体制设计了联网方式和网络结构,提出了在新体制下通信、计算机和有线电视三网融合的具体方案。6. If Tan Sri Vincent and Tengku Adnan want to meet you privately, they will, I will call you.&&&&他还说道:如果丹斯里Vincent和登姑阿南要私下见你,他们会这么做。7. Wang Tan first, Langya Linyi people, Taibao WANG little brother.&&&&王昙首,琅邪临沂人,太保王弘的小弟弟。8. These parameters, gained from above tests were used inconsolidating the foundation of a rotay tan house in Datong Coal Mine, the expected good result was reached.&&&&采用上述试验与研究分析的一些喷射参数,应用到大同矿务局一扇风机房基础加固工程实践中,达到了预期的加固基础的良好效果。9. In the village of Tan Tian sent by the northern cities, Conghua and Zengcheng City and the junction of the city, is a mountain village, over 10 km from the market towns, and high Beach Spa Beach at high water at each other.&&&&密石村位于增城市派潭镇的北部,增城市与从化市的交界处,是一个山区村落,距墟镇10多公里,与高滩温泉隔高滩水相望。10. 10. As for modern standard, the 46000 tan weights of titanic still a colossal ship.&&&&就算以现代的标准衡量,46000吨重的泰坦尼克依然是庞大的的轮船。11. 11. Enjoying a happy life now, Luo Xiaohua is grateful to Carpenter Tan.&&&&&&一脸幸福的罗小华对谭木匠公司的认识也在一步步升华。12. I have given him and Vincent Tan has given him.&&&&&&我已经给了他,陈志远也给了他。13. Way. The protein not only causes skin to tan in response to sunlight, it may also underlie people's desire to spend time in the sun.&&&&&&这种蛋白不仅使皮肤变黑,而且还影响人们享受阳光的欲望。14. Why not call others to the office to do Your phone will only voices of my colleagues who are tired, especially in the boss Genni Tan words, or in the important conference table.&&&&&&为什么不让别人打电话到办公室来呢?你的手机声音只会让身边的同事感到厌烦,尤其在老板跟你谈话时,或者在重要的会议桌上。15. New Venetian Gold, Ubatuba, Santa Cecilia, Tropic Brown, Absolute Black, Tan Brown, Giallo Ornamental, Crema Bordeaux, Baltic Brown, Giallo Veneziano, Dakota Mahogany, China Black and Yellow Star.&&&&&&维纳金麻,墨绿麻,紫点金麻,黄金钻,黑麻,英国棕,奥文度金,博多米黄,啡钻,金彩麻,美国紫晶,中国黑和黄色星。16. They know that the Tan and Almond are slightly higher in price.&&&&&&他们知道黄色和杏色的板的价格偏高。17. The short coat is hard and smooth, preferably yellow, lion-golden or tan in colour, but fawn, brown, brindle and black dogs aren't uncommon.&&&&&&他们有坚硬光滑的短毛,通常是黄色,狮子黄,以及茶色;浅黄色,咖啡色还有黑色也是可以看见的。18. 18. The third chapter analyses the difference in style between different periods. Firstly, we will compare the differences between Tang and Ming era essays and then analyze the style between Pi-Lu and Zhong-Tan.&&&&&&第三章是分析比较唐明两代小品文风格的异同,首先会指出本文选定两代代表作家的标准,接着便从大体来比较两代文风的异同,然后再细分唐代皮陆和明代钟谭文风的异同。19. Jie Jiang as the core to the helm of the new team is determined to Shahe wine innovation, product structure adjustment and optimization of resource allocation, a comprehensive upgrade brand identity, strategic alliances People's Network, and the establishment of Sha Wang, Sha Sha Feng Tan special song and other vintage three product brands division, sounded the Shahe wine into the consumer market in the high-end liquor horn.&&&&&&以掌舵人姜杰为核心的沙河酒业新团队锐意革新,进行产品结构调整和资源优化配置,品牌标识全面升级,战略结盟人民网,并成立沙河王、沙河特曲和沙河封坛年份酒等三个产品品牌事业部,吹响了沙河酒业进军中高端白酒消费市场的号角。20. Imple enting the new sta dar tan their (35) Implementing the new science standards and their math unterpa par the challeng hallen hmi agree eca ree, the counterparts will be the challenge, he and Schmidt agree, because the ecent alize responsib ized ponsi for educat ati the nit tates req decentralized responsibility for education in the United States requires that refo for tailore red inst community ommuni that any reforms be tailored and instituted one community at a time.&&&&&&因为美国的教育责任是分散责任是分它要求任何项改革只能一一个社求任何一能一次…因为美国的教育责任是分散的,它要求任何一项改革只能一次一个社区地量是插入语,而且是专家观点标志词,紧接着阐是专家观点标志词身定制。he and Schmidt agree 是插入语,而且是专家观点标志词,紧接着阐 new standards…的原因,述了 Implementing the new standards… will be the challenge 的原因,考设置和出一辙但相对简单简单,是明显的因果关系考点标果关系考点点设置和 34 题如出一辙,但相对简单,因为 because 是明显的因果关系考点标志词。tan 词典解释1. 晒黑的皮肤&&&&If you have a tan, your skin has become darker than usual because you have been in the sun.&&&&e.g. She is tall and blonde, with a permanent tan.&&&&&&&&&&&她高个儿,一头金发,皮肤黝黑。2. (使)(皮肤)晒黑&&&&If a part of your body tans or if you tan it, your skin becomes darker than usual because you spend a lot of time in the sun.&&&&e.g. I have very pale skin that never tans...&&&&&&&&&&&我皮肤很白,怎么也晒不黑。&&&&e.g. I don't tan...&&&&&&&&&&&我不愿晒黑。tannedTheir skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.他们在海边呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黝黑发亮。3. 棕黄色;黄褐色&&&&Something that is tan is a light brown colour.&&&&e.g. ...a tan leather jacket.&&&&&&&&&&&棕黄色皮夹克4. 鞣(革);硝(皮)&&&&To tan animal skins means to make them into leather by treating them with tannin or other chemicals.&&&&e.g. ...the process of tanning animal hides.&&&&&&&&&&&鞣革的过程tan 单语例句1. Tan is accused of buying pork at a cost of 12 yuan a kilogram and selling it wholesale as " beef " for the same price.2. Another New Year's concert will be staged by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, this time conducted by Tan Lihua.3. " He has outgrown calf love and falling for the elder sister type, " Tan reasons.4. Tan also said he is considering raising the proportion of overseas production in countries such as the Philippines and Cambodia to avoid future trade disputes.5. In America, wealth is denoted by tan and camel and winter white.6. " Most of them are going to attend the Canton Fair, " Tan said.7. The kidnappers followed Tan but stopped after they saw a police car.8. Previous media reports said the Phu Tan was a fishing boat, but the agency said it was a cargo ship with a crew of 27.9. The improvised version sounded fresh and catchy, surprising even Tan herself.10. Tan Na twirls the silks in the classic Peking opera Celestial Beauty Scattering Flowers.tan 英英释义noun1. a light brown the color of topaz&&&&Synonym: 2. ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle&&&&Synonym: 3. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun&&&&Synonym: verb1. get a tan, from wind or sun&&&&Synonym: 2. treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leathertan的解释adj1. of a light yellowish-brown colortan是什么意思,tan在线翻译,tan什么意思,tan的意思,tan的翻译,tan的解释,tan的发音,tan的同义词,tan的反义词,tan的例句,tan的相关词组,tan意思是什么,tan怎么翻译,单词tan是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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