哪儿有下wishfar from homefar

GrammarWish from Mariana_百度文库
GrammarWish from Mariana
你可能喜欢Bandari《Wish From Far-Away Places》_土豆_高清视频在线观看三月 12, 2009 作者:
有空请到新部落坐坐。 地址是 :
, 英文版是 :
Have been procrastinating, yet, finally things are kind of ready at my new blog.
Please come to say hello. My new blog address is . By default, it is its Chinese version, please go to the English version at
I will no longer update this blog.
Hope to see you there !?
其实,懂得网页整理和设计的人,可能一,两天就可弄好。可是,我从来没学过网络,看着那么多的technical terms 和 codes, 还真是摸不着头脑。小小一件事,都做不成,常常碰钉子,什么都出问题。
我啊, 性格固执又不认输,即使不眠不休,也要学一学。所以,天天十多个小时在网上不停阅读,不停尝试。没人可问,唯有参加很多网上论坛。令我感激的是,很多人都很愿意分享知识。真难得。
一个多星期了,终于开始摸出些头绪。嘻嘻,你现在问我一些简单的css, php, plugin, MySQL, loop, 等问题,我可能可以答得出来。连Ed这个网络老手,也开始不知道我在说什么。哈哈。
等部落新家装饰好了,一定通知大家 !?
Coraline 片场
当我进戏院看《Coraline》 动画时,除了知道它有很好的影评,其余的是一点头绪都没。不是不留意,只是不想知道,多一份神秘,多一份惊喜。果然,导演Henry Selick没令我们失望,还大大地超越了期望。
《Coraline》的故事充满了丰富的想象力,虽有点迥异,可也不乏童真。 内容概要是,Coraline一家搬到一栋陈旧的大房屋。楼上楼下有古怪的邻居。在这新环境中,Coraline突然发现她另一个完美的世界…..
从那分钟起,我进入了Coraline的魔幻世界 - 和她一起在那神秘的世界探险,和她一起拿着像她的布娃娃,和她一起走在那樱花纷飞的花园,和她一起看老鼠马戏团,和她一起经历一切…
As I mentioned in my , I wish to move this blog to a new domain. One day, I suddenly found my stuffs here are a little messy, moving will force me to re-organise them.
Also, I have been thinking of having a theme in my blog. I personally like blogs that have themes, for example, my favouraite blog theme is FOOD ! Heehee….There is always a reason to go back to that blog to find good food. Though I love food, I don’t want to manage a food blog. Just the thought of a food blog already makes me feel like I have gained some weights ! Haha !
I enjoy writing down my daily whining and blah-blah-blah. However, over the past 2 years, somehow I have evolved from writinng a blog only focusing on myself, to hoping to focus my enery in writing something I think will be useful for people, yet still maintain a nice personal touch. Otherwise, we can always go to many professional websites about certain topics.
So, for the past few days, I have been thinking – what am I really passionate about? What is that something I can give back?
Travel and life as an immigrant in two countries….I guess. This is something I have been doing for the past 15 years. Maybe, by sharing more stories about living (well) in other countries will help some immigatants or give some lights to those who wish to do the same. You reckon?
It is also about time for me to sit down and write all my backpacking and trekking experiences. And of course, food still within this category – travel and looking for good food, immgrant looking for homely food. Three in one.Yay !
Umm…so, theme is immigrant’s life and travel. What do you think? What do you like the most in this blog? I guess I have been doing this here anyway, just need to be more focus?
However, the headache is, what domain name I want ? I think and think and think, but still can’t think of a good name. My friends, may I borrow some of your brain cells and creativity.
< &#8211; taken.
< &#8211; too chessy. Ed said, it sounds like a lingerie company !
< &#8211; taken.
< &#8211; taken
< &#8211; how&#8217;s this? Out of this list, I guess this is the most logical one?
< &#8211; umm&#8230;what do you think? I do live in 2 different worlds (east & west) constantly, and I do have 3 homes. But what if Ed and I move to another country, which is highly possible !?
< &#8211; taken.
whinywifey. com &#8211; heehee&#8230;this is only for fun. I like this because I am whiny. But it does not reflect my blog identity. It is more like a desperate housewife blog! So, it is NO.
Does anyone have any suggestion? Could you help me think of a cool, simple, easy to remember domain name? Please feel free to leave many comments and suggestions for me !
Last but not least, I think most of you who read my blog are bilingual readers anyway, right? So, I am thinking probably I should just write in Chinese intead of both languages. What do you think?
当奥巴马宣布加拿大将是他担任总统后第一个访问的国家时,这里的人从那时起,就不停地讨论,不停地分析。其实,奥巴马来加拿大一点也不出奇。加拿大是美国邻居, 也是最大的贸易伙伴。除了几任总统外,几乎所有新任的美国总统的第一个官方式访问国都是加拿大。
奥巴马今早将会到访加国。访问的时间很短,早上10.30抵加,下午4.30离开。才六个小时。可是,这几天的电视新闻节目,每隔一,两分钟就会提到奥巴马这个名字。CBC 将他们电视台访问奥巴马的片断,重播了数十次,数百次。CBC 电视台还邀请了很多专家博士们,将奥巴马说的每句话,每个字,分析又分析。我已可以将奥巴马的回答背得出来啦!看来, 很多人会湧到渥太华,只为一睹奥巴马的风采。
昨晚,我有点受不了! 把电视关上,还我清静。
只是希望媒体们给我一些 ‘没有奥巴马的时间’。 只希望政治人物,媒体和小市民明白到,奥巴马虽可以改变很多政策,不过,如果我们不努力生活,做好本份,很多根本的社会问题也解决不了。 大家一起努力吧!
情人节火锅大餐 Hotpot dinner on Valentine&#39;s Day
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我对浪漫这个玩意儿没什么要求。我不喜欢情情爱爱的电影和小说。 对我来说,那些东西有些造作和肉麻,也不真实。 所以,Ed是个幸福的男人。不用花脑筋来取我欢心。
可是,昨天 (加拿大的13日), 当其他国家的情人庆祝着情人节时,我没留意到,竟然写了篇‘’的贴字!啊 !真是太糟糕,太不识情趣了!亲爱的朋友读者们,真不好意思。现在补上,祝你们情人节快乐。
我们今天怎么庆祝呢?嗯,什么都没。我们不要出去吃晚餐,因为人多,我不喜欢。那些什么烛光晚餐的,我不习惯。一碗越南牛肉河粉或一碟泰式青咖哩饭已令我很开心。Ed说,‘唉呀!忘了买鲜花给你!’ ‘不用啦!’ 这句话是真心的。所以,他就真的不买了。哈哈!
不过,我们当然有对彼此说 ‘情人节快乐’ 啦。其实,我天天都会对Ed说 ’I love you babe&#8217; 。 嘻嘻。那不代表我是浪漫的人。我知道Ed很受不了这些肉麻的用语。他越讨厌,我越爱作弄他! 他是个木头,不喜欢这套 &#8211; 什么爱我啦,一生一世啦。他不说,我不逼,或者,我放弃逼他。心里知道就好。干嘛逼自己喜欢的人做他不自在的事。
相关文章 :
Happy Valentine&#39;s Day !
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I am never a romantic person, and I rarely watch/read lovey-dovey movies or novels. Frankly, I find them a little awkward or quite fake. Well, do you really believe in real life men will do all those things the movies and novels tell you they will do? I don&#8217;t.
Hence, Ed is a lucky man because I don&#8217;t expect any of those things from him.
Anyway, because of I am obviously oblivious of the Valentine&#8217;s Day, I posted a post yesterday (13th in Canada but 14th in most countries), instead of something romantic ! I guess this shows how unmindful I am to all the fuss by the commercials and media on this V-Day.
Nonetheless, to all my friends and readers, wish you all a Happy (belated) Valentine&#8217;s Day.
How are we going to celebrate today? Umm&#8230;nothing special. We don&#8217;t want to go out to eat because we don&#8217;t like the crowd. I don&#8217;t really care about the candle night dinner because I won&#8217;t be comfortable with it anyway. A good bowl of Vietnamese noodles soup or Thai Curry Chicken will make me equally happy ! Ed said, &#8216; Oh no ! I forgot to buy you flowers !&#8217; &#8216; No worries, it is ok. I don&#8217;t care.&#8217; So, he does not.
Yet, of course, we still say Happy V-Day to each other today. In fact, I tell him I love him everyday. Heehee&#8230;not because I am a romantic person. Ed is someone who hates this lovey-dovey fuss, and the more he hates it, the more I like to say it to annoy him ! On the other hand, knowing him well, I never force him to say those things to me, or maybe I just give up. What&#8217;s the point ? Since deep down I know how much he loves me.
Back to this V-Day, maybe we will go out to eat tomorrow. Shall see&#8230;
Related posts :Wish From Far-Away Places-Bandari, Wish From Far-Away PlacesMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Wish From Far-Away Places来自远方的祝福
Dear friends,
I feel very much honored to present to the Taiwanese audience
the new Bandari album,
and I hope that you will enjoy these melodies!
Music is the only common language of mankind,
and it's meant to unite people from all over the world.
May this music bring joy and many peaceful moments to all of you.
In friendship,
Oliver Schwarz
编辑于 16:27
Dear friends, I feel very much honored to present to the Taiwanese audience the new Bandari album, and I hope that you will enjoy these melodies! Music is the only common language of mankind, and it means to unite people from all over the world. May this music bring joy and .....
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