
一片英文阅读理解....The search for life outside the Earth may have moved to a new and exciting level.A team of astronomers(天文学家) said they have found a new planet that has many important parts similar to those of the Earth.The planet,which travels around a red dwarf star(红矮星) called Gliese 581C,has the right size and temperature.Most importantly,the planet lies in the suitable living area of the star,which makes the planet not too hot or too cold.Scientists say the new world.Gliese 581C is five times larger than the Earth.It may have water since it is in the right place for the red dwarf to survive in space.Swiss scientist Michel Mayor said it is an important step on the way to find possible life in the space and there are still lots of questions.For more than ten years,astronomers and scientists have been keeping their eyes on the space in search for another Earth,another world that can support life or already has it.According to records,the first discovery of extra solar(太阳系) planet going around a normal star was make in 1995.Since then,the number of newly discovered worlds has increased to about 200.But they are just dead with lifeless bodies.The Gliese581C came into our eyes and mankind has reason to celebrate.After all,we may have living neighbours.This discovery doesn't promise much,but it offers hope that there could be other people or living things out there.( )56.The new planet has made ____________________.A.the search for life outside the Earth new and excitingB.many important parts of the Earth new and similarC.a red dwarf star not too hot or not too coldD.the astronomers believe everything( )57.The new planet goes around ___________.A.the Earth B.the Sun C.the red dwarf D.the Moon( )58.Which of the following statements is TRUE A.A new planet for people to live in has been found.B.The red dwarf star is five times larger that the Earth.C.Scientists have a lot of questions about the new planet.D.Scientists have proved there is some water in the new planet.( )59.Why do astronomers and scientists keep their eyes on the space A.They hate the life on the Earth.B.They want to support new life.C.They want to search for another world.D.There are some people and living things there.( )60.What would the scientists most like to tell us in the passage A.Astronomers first discovered the extra solar planet in 1995.B.Mankind wants to celebrate the discovery of the new planet.C.The number of newly discovered worlds is about 200.D.Mankind may have living neighbours in space.
56选A57选C(The planet, which travels around a red dwarf star(红矮星) called Gliese 581C)58选C(Swiss scientist Michel Mayor said it is an important step on the way to find possible life in the space and there are still lots of questions.)59选B60选D。仅供参考,英语不太好。
扫描下载二维码英语阅读理解一道题 求大神如图39题为什么选D?
扫描下载二维码请英语高手帮我做1篇阅读理解.Part III.Reading Comprehension (3篇)Passage 1  Size is not a standard in our definition of what consists of a country.A country need only be an independent state,with clear territorial lines,and its own government.This is a true benefit for Vatican City as it holds the title of being the smallest country in the world.  Before 1870,however,political control by papal governments in central Italy spread for about 1600 square miles.In 1870,in a shift of political power,the Kingdom of Italy established Rome as the national capital,took political power from the papal governments,and absorbed the "Papal States" into its territory.  A 1929 Agreement reached by the Italian government and the Pope established Vatican City as a country.All 0.17 square miles of it!Gradually the country has gained recognition by establishing political ties with other countries.  Vatican City is the official location of the Catholic Church,and its head,the Pope,rules through a governor.This small-scale country has its own flag,coins its own coins,runs its own postal,transportation,telephone systems,and radio station.  This country primarily supports itself through contributions from Catholics around the world,and through tourism.Safely placed within Vatican City lie some of the worlds' most valuable of riches:the Gardens,St.Peter's Basilica,and the Vatican Palace,which houses the Vatican Library,and the Pope himself.1.What's special about Vatican City?\x05A.It's regarded as the most beautiful country in the world.\x05B.It's the location of the United Nations.\x05C.It has a variety of nationalities.\x05D.It is the smallest country in the world.2.The "Papal States" was absorbed into the territory of the Kingdom of Italy___________.\x05A.in 1870\x05B.in 1929\x05C.before 1870\x05D.in 1870s3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?\x05A.Vatican City only has 1.7 square miles.\x05B.The head of Vatican City is the Pope,who rules by himself.\x05C.Vatican City can coin its own coins and run its own postal systems.\x05D.As soon as Vatican City was established it gained recognition by other countries.4.Vatican City primarily supports itself through___________.\x05A.tourism\x05B.contributions from Catholics\x05C.tax\x05D.both A and B5.The Pope usually stay at___________.\x05A.the Vatican Palace\x05B.St.Peter's Basilica\x05C.the Gardens\x05D.the Pope's office
这是一篇介绍梵蒂冈--这个世界上最小国家的短文.正确答案是 1.D 2.A 3.C 4 D 5.A
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作者:徐州新东方学校 蒋雪第一篇文章 1-9题 这是一篇小说的节选,主人公Emma是一个端庄聪明的乐天派女孩,她的母亲在她很小的时候就去世了,她的家庭教师Miss Taylor和她关系非常亲密,填补了妈妈的位置,但是Miss Taylor即将结婚离开她们家了,这件事对主人公Emma产生了巨大的影响,心理也经历了巨大的波动。这篇小说节选一共有9题,目的题1道,总结题1道,精读题3道,引证题2道,词汇题2道,这9道题非常符合美国新课标CCSS的以下几点要求:Key Ideas and Details1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined provide an objective summary of the text.3. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or developthe theme.Craft and Structure4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and
analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sen how it sets a formal or informal tone).5. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structurea text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), andmanipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.Question 1.The main purpose of the passage is toA. describe a main character and a significant change in her life.B. provide an overview of a family and a nearby neighbor.C. discuss some regrettable personality flaws in a main character.D. explain the relationship between a main character and her father.难度:简单内容:修辞/分析目的最佳答案:A解析:答案选A,小说节选内容主要讨论了主人公Emma和她的家庭生活,其中特别强调了她的家庭教师Miss Taylor因为结婚要搬出她们家的事情。在第7段的第1句中,主人公Emma很难过,也很迷茫,不知道老师离开以后,她该如何承受这种改变,从而体现了她的家庭教师对她来说有多重要。选项B和D不对是因为文章主要关注的是主人公Emma而不是她的家庭和邻居之间的关系,而且主人公Emma和她父亲之间的关系也只是一个次要的讨论内容,占的篇幅很小。选项C也不对是因为文中描述的主人公Emma是一个端庄聪明的乐天派女孩,关于她的傲慢这个缺点只是非常简略的提及到了,并不是节选的重点。这题主要考察小说表现的主题和中心思想,这点和新SAT以及CCSS在RL2的要求上是一致的,考察学生对于小说中心思想的理解和概括。Question 2.Which choice best summarizes the first two paragraphs of the passage?A. Even though a character loses a parent at an early age, she is happily raised in a loving home.B. An affectionate governess helps a character to overcome the loss of her mother, despite the indifference of her father.C. Largely as a result of her father’s wealth and affection, a character leads a contented life.D. A character has a generally comfortable and fulfilling life, but then she must recover from losing her mother.难度:困难内容:信息和观点/总结能力最佳答案:A解析:选项A是正确答案。文章前两段指出主人公Emma的妈妈很早就去世了,所以她不怎么记得妈妈的事情。主人公Emma在慈爱的父亲和的家庭教师的陪伴之下长大的,她的性格也非常的乐观开朗。选项B,C和D都不对。主人公Emma的父亲并不是个冷漠的人,主人公Emma对生活很满意也不是因为父亲的财富,而且主人公Emma也没有因为失去母亲而受到折磨。这题考察的段落之间的关系,这和新SAT以及CCSS中RL5中关于段落之间的结构这个考点是一致的,主要考察学生对于段落内句子之间的逻辑关系以及段落和段落之间的逻辑关系的理解。Question 3.The narrator indicates that the particular nature of Emma’s upbringing resulted in her beingA. despondent.B. self-satisfied.C. friendless.D. inconsiderate.题目解析:难度:中等内容:信息和观点/精读最佳答案:B解析:选项B是正确答案。根据文章内容,主人公Emma被描述成一个对自己的个人评价比较高的一种性格(第4段第1句提到a disposition tothink a little too well of herself),这和选项B中的自我满足是一致的。选项A,C和D都是错的。因为主人公Emma和她的父亲以及家庭教师之间的关系是非常融洽的,并没有让她变得沮丧,不友好,或者是不体谅别人。这题考察的是对于小说中角色的性格分析,这和新SAT以及CCSS中RL3的考察点是一致的,考察小说对于人物性格的塑造过程。Question 4.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to question 3?A. “Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best bl and had lived nearly twentyone years in the world with very little to distress or vex her,” which is sentence 1 of paragraph 1.B. “Her mother had died too long ago for her to have more than an indistinct remembrance of her caresses, and her place had been supplied by an excellent woman as governess, who had fallen little short of a mother in affection,” which is sentence 2 of paragraph 2.C. “The real evils indeed of Emma’s situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little these were the disadvantages which threatened alloy to her many enjoyments,” which is sentence 1 of paragraph 4.D. “The danger, however, was at present so unperceived, that they did not by any means rank as misfortunes with her,” which is sentence 2 of paragraph 4.难度:中等内容:信息和观点/引证能力最佳答案:C解析:选项C是正确答案。根据文章内容,主人公Emma被描述成一个对自己的个人评价比较高的一种性格(第4段第1句提到a disposition to think a little too well of herself),这和选项C中的自我满足是一致的。选项A,B和D都是不正确的。因为他们没有给出对自己很满意这一点的证据。选项A描述了主人公Emma的一些优点,选项B描述了主人公Emma和她的家庭教师之间的深厚感情,选项D讨论了主人公Emma的缺点和问题无足轻重。这题考察了如何找出细节的证据来支持观点,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL1的考察是一致的。Question 5.As used in sentence 3 of paragraph 3, “directed” most nearly meansA. trained.B. aimed.C. guided.D. addressed.难度:中等内容:信息和观点/语境中词汇翻译能力最佳答案:C解析:选项C是正确答案。在第3段的第3句中,主人公Emma被描述成做自己想做的事情,可能会很大程度的符合她的家庭教师的评价标准,但是主人公Emma做出的决定主要还是由自己主宰的。换句话说,主人公Emma尊重她的家庭教师的意见,但是做出的决定主要由自己的想法来左右。选项A,B和D都是不正确的。因为第3段的第3句强调了主人公Emma做自己喜欢的事情,所以她的决定是被自己主导的,而不是被训练,被针对,或者是被别人陈述的。这题考察的是词语在特定语境中的意思,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL4的考察是一致的。Question 6.As used in sentence 3 of paragraph 6, “want” most nearly meansA. desire.B. lack.C. requirement.D. request.难度:困难内容:信息和观点/语境中词汇翻译能力最佳答案:B解析:选项B是正确答案。第6段的第2句和第3句描述了因为主人公Emma的家庭教师要结婚,然后搬出她们家这件事感到非常空虚和迷茫(“but it was a black morning’s work for her. The want of Miss Taylor would be felt every hour of every day.”在这种语境下,“want” 和 “lack.”表达的意思一致。选项A,C和D都不对。因为在这种语境下,“want” 的意思并不是desire渴望, requirement要求, 或者是请求request.这题考察的是词语在特定语境中的意思,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL4的考察是一致的。Question 7.It can most reasonably be inferred that after Miss Taylor married, she hadA. less patience with Mr. Woodhouse.B. fewer interactions with Emma.C. more close friends than Emma.D. an increased appreciation for Emma.难度:简单内容:信息和观点/精读最佳答案:B解析:选项B是正确答案。根据第7段的第2句,文中说到“Emma was aware that great must be the difference between a Mrs. Weston only half a mile from them, and a Miss T and with all her advantages, natural and domestic, she was now in great danger of suffering from intellectual solitude.”这就意味着主人公Emma的家庭教师结婚以后,她们两人之间不会像以前一样频繁的见面了。选项A不对是因为的家庭教师和她父亲之间的关系。选项C和D也不对是因为文中描述了主人公Emma的家庭教师结婚这件事情对的影响,而不是对于家庭教师的影响。这题考察了如何通过细节来发展情节,从而体现主题的,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL3的考察是一致的。Question 8.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to question 7?A.“Miss Taylor married,”.B.“The event had every promise of happiness for her friend,”C.“A large debt of grat but the intercourse of the last seven years, the equal footing and perfect unreserve which had soon followed Isabella’s marriage on their being left to each other, was yet a dearer, tenderer recollection,”D.“How was she to bear the change?—It was true that her friend was going only h but Emma was aware that great must be the difference between a Mrs. Weston only half a mile from them, and a Miss T and with all her advantages, natural and domestic, she was now in great danger of suffering from intellectual solitude,” 难度:中等内容:信息和观点/引证能力最佳答案:D解析:选项D是正确答案。因为第7段的第2句描述了主人公Emma在她的家庭教师结婚后她的心理活动,充分体现出了她认为她即将面临的孤独。选项A,B和C都不对是因为在这三个选项中,没有一个能够支持下面的结论,那就是在主人公Emma的家庭教师结婚后,她们之间的交往将会减少。选项A提到了由于失去了她的家庭教师而体现的悲伤,选项B指出了主人公Emma的家庭教师可能会从婚姻中获得的益处,选项C描述了主人公Emma和她的家庭教师之间的亲密关系。这题考察了如何找出细节的证据来支持观点,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL1的考察是一致的。Question 9.Which situation is most similar to the one described in paragraph 8?A. A mother and her adult son have distinct tastes in art and music that result in repeated family arguments.B. The differences between an older and a younger friend are magnified because the younger one is more active and athletic.C. An older and a younger scientist remain close friends despite the fact that the older one’s work is published more frequently.D. The age difference between a high school student and a college student becomes a problem even though they enjoy the same diversions.难度:中等内容:信息和观点/精读最佳答案:B解析:选项B是正确答案。第8段描述了主人公Emma和她父亲之间的关系,尽管他们关系很好,但是她爸爸年龄太大,身体状况也不好。所以,他没有办法很好的陪伴年轻有活力的主人公Emma。他们之间的关系和选项B中描述的因为一个更年轻更有活力而导致两人之间的不同和差异这种关系最相似。选项A不正确是因为主人公Emma和她的父亲没有经常争吵。选项C不正确是因为主人公Emma和她父亲由于受年龄和精力差异的影响,关系并不是那么的亲密。选项D不正确是因为没有证据表明主人公Emma和她的父亲有共同的爱好和活动。这题考察了如何通过细节来发展情节,从而丰富角色的性格特征,这点和新SAT以及CCSS中RL3的考察是一致的。
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