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Martian tripod sculpture in Woking, Surrey
2016 marks the 150th anniversary of H G Wells’ birth and the 70th anniversary of his death. Sometimes called ‘The Man Who Invented Tomorrow’ H G Wells’ is most famous for his “scientific romances” or what we now call “Science Fiction.”
In 1895 he wrote
– the machine is built and travels to a future where technology has not developed as the inventor might have hoped.
– marks a step from magical invisible characters of the past to what was to become the science fiction device of invisibility and cloaking devices. Chemistry provides the invisibility here but the villain cannot control the process as he would like.
England is invaded by Martians in 1898. Centering on the Woking area, many Surrey towns were devastated in the Martian attack. The War of the Worlds captured the public imagination and has become more famous in film. Its effect was felt famously on radio as the USA was gripped by the idea that Marians had really invaded.
The threat from Mars became a staple of Science Fiction for years to come.
Woking is the Surrey centre of HG Wells find out more about the .
H G Wells a true #geekread and an early steam punk writer in the age of steam!
Maybe you’ll be inspired by H G Wells to use your library as a Time Machine and show us where and when your
Sue – Surrey Libraries
Venus and Earth by byronv2 (CC BY-NC 2.0)
This month’s theme is #geekread.
I have always been interested in : does that make me a geek?
Perhaps it was that visit to
as a child and seeing the huge
that inspired me.
As part of August heritage month, Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre, as it is now known, is putting on a centenary exhibition called The Station, The Story of Jodrell Bank to celebrate its contribution to scientific research which I hope to go and see.
I also remember a family visit to the , seeing a show at the planetarium and being enthralled by the stars, planets and distant galaxies projected onto the dome.
While on holiday in Florida I went to the
at Cape Canaveral which was awesome.
Having the opportunity to look at a space shuttle up close, see the massive Vehicle Assembly Building and the Apollo/Saturn V Centre was incredible.
There is also a mission control section where you can experience the countdown before launch and see the actual consoles used during the Apollo launches – it was as good as seeing a live launch.
Several years ago I visited the
which has the largest planetarium in the United Kingdom, a 3D Simulator experience and a 42m high Rocket Tower.
In February of this year I went to the Science Museum in London to see
exhibition which was about how Russia turned the dream of space travel into a reality and became the first nation to explore space.
The highlights of the exhibition were seeing Vostok 6 which was the capsule flown by
who was the
the LK-3 Lunar Lander which is a single cosmonaut craft built to compete with Apollo and a collection of gadgets that cosmonauts need to live in space.
Perhaps it’s no surprise that I married a rocket scientist.
on Tuesday 30 August when we will be discussing #geekread.
Use the tags #geekread and #rwpchat so everyone can join in the conversation.
Monique – Surrey Libraries
“You know, “nerd culture” is mainstream now. So, when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.” Ben Wyatt.
“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.” Simon Pegg
“Nowadays, people own their nerd-dom.” Neil Gaiman
“Being a geek is cool.” – Me (In the vain hopes I’m cool now)
#Geekread can be anything from the latest
bestseller about the universe, to the world of
and everything in-between. It’s wanting to captain your own star ship but also wanting to travel
or becoming over excited when . Being a geek is difficult to define but what is universal across all geekdoms is passion.
Being a geek is so much more than the stereotyped kid with NHS glasses being socially inept. We geeks are inheriting the earth and showing the world that it’s ok to go crazy about that thing you love. Want to write
based in your favourite universe, or upload
or collect every issue of ? In the words of the ‘great’ Shia LaBeouf
Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt that she made, Pie Town, New Mexico. Library of Congress on Flickr Commons
Being a geek is a state of mind. If you think you’re a geek, then you are one. You don’t need to be an expert in your fandom but you do need to have a devotion to it. (Don’t let anyone bully you because they tell you you’re not a real
nerd because you don’t know the name of the droid you saw for 5 seconds at the back of scene that one time).
‘Nerdy’ or ‘Geeky’ behaviour is way more common than most people like to think. You can be a gaming nerd, a book geek, a music fanatic, a keen quilter, knitter, maker of scalemail, garden geek,
and RPG (Role Playing Game) freak and much much more.
It’s not just reading , it’s absorbing the world Tolkien has built by reading the 12 volume history of middle earth. It’s not just about who was the best
(Tennant of course) but its understanding the biology of a time lord and exploring countless time streams and worlds with them. It’s the kind of person that sits in all day with the next sci-fi blockbuster by . It’s the girl who wants to level up their
so she can fight that last Boss Battle. And it’s the guy who likes to figure out if the science in
could actually work.
A geek is not interested in reality, we want an escape to a far off fascinating world. Being a Geek is cool. Have a look at some of the amazing #geekread stories at
There will be a twitter discussion on 30 August starting at 11am and 8.00pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings (Summer) Time.
6.00pm Singapore Standard Time, 12.00 noon Central European Summer Time, 9am – 11 2pm – 4 6pm – 8pm BST (UK).
Note this is a staggered discussion.
Please use the tags
#geekread and #rwpchat as you discuss your reading, watching, and playing that is your experience of
#geekread, so that others can join in the conversation too.
The Twitter discussion takes place, today, 26 July, starting at 8.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. 9.00pm New Zealand Time, 6.00pm Singapore Standard Time, 12.00 noon Central European Summer Time, 8am – 10.30am, 2pm – 4pm GMT. Note this is a staggered discussion.
This month the theme is #artread. Artists who are they & ?
Try a biography
linking art, theatre and music. one artist portraying the life of another. The artist revealed by his studio .
Reflect by Sue Apple
Who would you choose to paint your portrait?
but Lady Churchill hated Graham Sutherland’s portrait of Sir Winston.
Catalogues of art collections . A home and gallery featuring many works by
who epitomises the . You could
Artists real or fake? In
libraries had trouble deciding which. The artist’s character as subject for fiction , , , , .
You may have visited places steeped in art,
or read of places becoming art after 100 years . Modern Architects became as famous as their buildings :
can have an impact on how we view a building too, just as
has an impact on how we view other objects as well.
Art escapes into the wild, , . From Bodies in the landscape move to Body art, as in Tattoos. Or bodies shaped into art in ballet and modern . Other performing arts take to the stage in theatre or the cinema screen, including
Art from the wild, , the artist recycling an object into art. Be inspired by
In the landscape photographer
is the son of artist Eric Ravillious. Different generation, medium, all art.
In the film
a fashion photographer thinks he has filmed a murder. In the 1960s photographers David Bailey & Norman Parkinson were famous enough to be know just by their surnames.
Taxidermy has had a modern revival but
may have more practitioners. See fashion as art –
. Cornelia Parker’s collaborative .
Books as art objects – have a look on
and book spines as poetry. Make your own poems and appreciate your existing books in a new way. Buy an old book and make it into art by illustrating and rearranging the text – one artist spent 40 years working on one book.
are the ultimate in hand crafted texts.
and creating all types of art are great for your well being. Some libraries run book folding sessions with their unsalable stock as an aid to mindfulness.
You could learn how to make art with . Become a painter, sculptor or photographer.
Graphic artists like Alan Fletcher:
and turn fonts into art. Graphic novelists like
create in a comic or graphic format. Others reboot existing fiction for a new younger audience.
brought graffiti from wall to gallery.
Illustrations convey the narrative in
winner 2015. Children’s books illustrations can be a revelation. Other Art prizes include the
often keeping art in the news with controversy and the .
Art and crime meet in the
and in Dan Brown’s
book and film. Author Patricia Cornwall may have cut a piece from a Sickert painting . Ancient art and archaeology feature in the
novels of Matthew Reilly.
What is ART? Let’s try and find out in #artread.
While you are reading, playing or watching your #artread this month, you might like to tweet about it using hashtags #artread #rwpchat so that other people can have a conversation with you about it. You can . You might like to post your photographs to Instagram or Flickr and use #artread #rwpchat so others can share in your reading, watching and playing.
Knitting (and many other recreational activities) can be #artread.
, highlights the
as through repair favourite items can be renewed.
is another term to explore. Some of the results of this very visible mending are lovely. There are many wonderful blogs to read about knitting, including the work of , and .
You can explore hyperbolic crochet, combining maths and making, by looking at the .
Knitting or crocheting .
These are lovely combinations of science and #artread.
When knitting, crocheting or mending, there are options of listening to podcasts.
can be an excellent inspiration for #artread.
I am avoiding the art/craft discussion as this is sometimes in the eye of the beholder.
You might want to explore ideas of
as part of #artread.
If you are seeking community for knitting or crochet, .
What do you enjoy making for #artread?
Please share photographs and include the tags #artread and #rwpchat.
Image credit: Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Gallery (Onasill ~ Bill Badzo CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
This month’s theme is #artread.
I have always enjoyed visiting art galleries and can stand absorbed in front of a favourite painting for ages.
by Pre-Raphaelite artist
which is exhibited at Tate Britain in London is one of my favourites – I have a poster of it hanging on my wall at home.
I like the vibrant colours which stand out in stark contrast in the gloaming.
I also like the landscapes and night-scenes of cities depicted by .
They are so vivid you feel you could step into the canvas and be in the scene which is portrayed.
I saw many of his paintings at the
exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery in London.
A favourite of mine is Silver Moonlight, the play of moonlight through the trees is magical.
is another favourite of mine and was included in Monet: The Water Garden at Giverny exhibition at the National Gallery in London.
I have also visited his garden at
and seen the famous pond that Monet depicted in many paintings.
I could imagine him stood at his easel painting in the sunshine.
I also like the art nouveau work of Czech artist
and enjoyed seeing his advertisements, postcards, illustrations, paintings and designs at the Mucha Museum in Prague.
I particularly like the advertising poster he designed for
and have a print of it in my kitchen.
I also like modern art and enjoyed seeing Joan Miró: The Ladder of Escape exhibition at the Tate Modern.
On a visit to Barcelona I went to
which contains many of his sculptures drawings and works of art.
in New York is one of the largest in the world.
I spent several hours wandering through the different galleries looking at sculpture, photography, prints, drawings, paintings, architecture and design.
on Tuesday 26 July when we will be discussing #artread.
Use the tags #artread and #rwpchat so everyone can join in the conversation.
This month the theme is #artread. Artists who are they & ?
Try a biography
linking art, theatre and music. one artist portraying the life of another. The artist revealed by his studio .
Reflect by Sue Apple
Who would you choose to paint your portrait?
but Lady Churchill hated Graham Sutherland’s portrait of Sir Winston.
Catalogues of art collections . A home and gallery featuring many works by
who epitomises the . You could
Artists real or fake? In
libraries had trouble deciding which. The artist’s character as subject for fiction , , , , .
You may have visited places steeped in art,
or read of places becoming art after 100 years . Modern Architects became as famous as their buildings :
can have an impact on how we view a building too, just as
has an impact on how we view other objects as well.
Art escapes into the wild, , . From Bodies in the landscape move to Body art, as in Tattoos. Or bodies shaped into art in ballet and modern . Other performing arts take to the stage in theatre or the cinema screen, including
Art from the wild, , the artist recycling an object into art. Be inspired by
In the landscape photographer
is the son of artist Eric Ravillious. Different generation, medium, all art.
In the film
a fashion photographer thinks he has filmed a murder. In the 1960s photographers David Bailey & Norman Parkinson were famous enough to be know just by their surnames.
Taxidermy has had a modern revival but
may have more practitioners. See fashion as art –
. Cornelia Parker’s collaborative .
Books as art objects – have a look on
and book spines as poetry. Make your own poems and appreciate your existing books in a new way. Buy an old book and make it into art by illustrating and rearranging the text – one artist spent 40 years working on one book.
are the ultimate in hand crafted texts.
and creating all types of art are great for your well being. Some libraries run book folding sessions with their unsalable stock as an aid to mindfulness.
You could learn how to make art with . Become a painter, sculptor or photographer.
Graphic artists like Alan Fletcher:
and turn fonts into art. Graphic novelists like
create in a comic or graphic format. Others reboot existing fiction for a new younger audience.
brought graffiti from wall to gallery.
Illustrations convey the narrative in
winner 2015. Children’s books illustrations can be a revelation. Other Art prizes include the
often keeping art in the news with controversy and the .
Art and crime meet in the
and in Dan Brown’s
book and film. Author Patricia Cornwall may have cut a piece from a Sickert painting . Ancient art and archaeology feature in the
novels of Matthew Reilly.
What is ART? Let’s try and find out in #artread.
While you are reading, playing or watching your #artread this month, you might like to tweet about it using hashtags #artread #rwpchat so that other people can have a conversation with you about it. You can . You might like to post your photographs to Instagram or Flickr and use #artread #rwpchat so others can share in your reading, watching and playing.
The Twitter discussion takes place on 26 July, starting at 8.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. 9.00pm New Zealand Time, 6.00pm Singapore Standard Time, 12.00 noon Central European Summer Time, 8am – 10.30am, 2pm – 4pm GMT. Note this is a staggered discussion.
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