百度中英文翻译译 兴圣,翻译成prosper...

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with one’s hand
只手遮天.Seeking the seed
of triumph in the
AdversityMy heat’s in the Highlands我的心呀在高原 My heart’s in the HiThe trouble tree
The carpenter I hiFreedom parrot
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prosper是什么意思 prosper在线翻译 prosper什么意思 prosper的意思 prosper的翻译 prosper的解释 prosper的发音 prosper的同义词 prosper的反义词
prosper英 ['pr?sp?(r)] 美 ['prɑ:sp?(r)] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:prosper 基本解释不及物动词繁盛,成功及物动词使…成功; 使…昌盛prosper 同义词动词prosper 反义词不及物动词prosper 相关例句及物动词1. Whatever prospers my business is welcome.&&&&凡使我生意兴隆者皆竭诚欢迎。不及物动词1. China is prospering with each passing day.&&&&中国正在蒸蒸日上。2. The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day.&&&&这座新发展起来的卫星城蒸蒸日上。3. 3. The country is prospering under a strong government.&&&&在一个强而有力的政府的领导下,这个国家正逐渐繁荣起来。4. 4. His company is prospering.&&&&他的公司兴旺发达。prosper 网络解释1. 1. 普罗斯佩尔:(3)当时,骑兵长官普罗斯佩尔(Prosper)代替前往高卢的乌尔西齐努斯负责东方的防务. 这是一个可耻的无能之辈,他就像喜剧里所嘲笑的那样,连盗窃的技巧都不懂,竟然指使士兵在光天化日之下抢劫平民百姓的财物. (03)他请教当地的向导,2. 繁荣:片子中称培瑞将军看到的日本是一个和平(peace),繁荣(prosper),本民族文化保存完好的(protective their distinctive culture)太平盛世,人家又没有招惹谁,持续了200年的好日子只一夜间就被你美国打翻了,就因为你想捞鲸鱼!3. prosper3. 成功:仅为方便您查询报价和做好购物选择. 您在交易时,请以欧迪办公网站上的成功(Prosper)复印纸A4 80克(环保色/北京专卖)报价为准. 此外,智购网为您找到总计1条成功(Prosper)复印纸A4 80克(环保色/北京专卖)类似报价,详情链接如下:4. prosper的翻译4. 旺盛,兴隆:prospective 预期的 | prosper 旺盛,兴隆 | prostitute 娼妓prosper 双语例句1. Since he was not from a distinguished family, he had to make his career by his own merits and soon he began to prosper in the rough-and-tumble world of frontier law.&&&&因为他不是从一位杰出的家庭,他曾使他的职业生涯,由他自己的优点;很快,他开始蓬勃发展,在粗糙和翻滚的世界前沿的法律。2. Now, along with the coming of economic integral whole, the dense labor of the international industrial structure of world about the system hat of the intensive type property industry, already from prosper the nation to transfer the developing country.&&&&目前,随着世界经济一体化的到来,国际产业结构的调整,作为劳动密集型产业的制帽业,已从发达国家转移到发展中国家,我公司作为中国实力较强的制帽企业,必将迎来一个崭薪的发展机遇。3. 3. The Tao makes everything prosper but it doesn`t think that it does something conforming to the benevolence.&&&&道,辅助万物欣欣向荣,但是它也不认为自己做了什么合乎仁的事。4. Tao makes everything prosper but it doesn`t think that it does something conforming to the benevolence.&&&&道,辅助万物欣欣向荣,但是祂也不认为自己做了什麼合乎仁的事。<p class="p1查询·英语单词大全5. In order to implement the strategy of science and education prosper country, speed up human resource development, government takes national student loan as a financial tool in the social market economy to perfect the higher education support system, help college students with financial trouble. facilitate higher education development healthy.&&&&国家助学贷款是党中央、国务院在社会主义市场经济条件下,为实施科教兴国战略,加速人才培养,利用金融手段完善我国普通高校资助政策体系,加大对普通高校经济困难学生资助力度,促进我国教育事业健康发展所采取的一项重大举措。6. Columbia discovered the new American continent, thus America began to prosper.&&&&哥伦布发现了美洲新大陆,美洲从始而繁荣,愿你发现了中国市场这一新信息,生意从始更兴旺。7. Hear then, Israel, and be careful to observe them, that you may grow and prosper the more, in keeping with the promise of the LORD, the God of your fathers, to give you a land flowing with milk and honey.&&&&以色列!你要听,且谨守遵行,好使你在流奶流蜜的地方,获得幸福,人数增多,如上主你祖先的天主所许给你的。8. No arms formed against you shall ever prosper and touch not God annointed.&&&&你会不会对台形成打击日益昌盛,没有触及上帝禅味。9. prosper的近义词9. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper?&&&&但有一件,我还要与你理论,恶人的道路为何亨通呢?10. Mission statement: Our commitment is to enable our customers world wide to grow and prosper through the development of skilled quality people and the manufacture of quality products with unequaled reputation for trust, reliability, and fairness.&&&&宗旨:背托于诚信,可靠和诚实的声誉,我们旨在培养高技能,高素质的人员及生产优质产品,使我们全球的客户得以发展和繁荣。11. prosper11. After some other mistakes, I learned to go into business only with people whom I like, trust, and admire. As I noted before, this policy of itself will not ensure success: A second-class textile or department-store company won't prosper simply because its managers are men that you would be pleased to see your daughter marry. However, an owner - or investor - can accomplish wonders if he manages to associate himself with such people in businesses that possess decent economic characteristics.&&&&&&Conversely,we do not wish to join with managers who lack admirable qualities,再犯下其它几个错误之后,我试着尽量只与我们所欣赏喜爱与信任的人往来,就像是我之前曾提到的,这种原则本身不会保证你一定成功,二流的纺织工厂或是百货公司不会只因为管理人员是那种你会想把女儿嫁给他的人就会成功的,然而公司的老板或是投资人却可以因为与那些真正具有商业头脑的人打交道而获益良多,相反地我们不会希望跟那些不具令人尊敬的特质为伍,不管他的公司有多吸引人都一样,我们永远不会靠着与坏人打交道而成功。12. If you want to survive and prosper, there is a price to play.&&&&&&如果你要活下去,如果你要发迹,就要付出代价。13. 13. As said in Laozi DeDaoJing The sky becomes clear when it gets the One, the Earth becomes stable when it gets the One, the divinity is energized when it get the One, the cultivated spirit will be exhausted when it gets the One, the Kingdom becomes prosper when it gets the One.&&&&&&阴平阳秘,只有恪守老子:天得一以清,地得一以宁,神得一以灵,浴得一以盈,侯王得一以为天下正。14. Carefully follow the terms of this covenant, so that you may prosper in everything you do.&&&&&&所以你们要谨守遵行这约的话,好叫你们在一切所行的事上亨通。15. 15. Therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them in order that you may prosper in all that you do.&&&&&&29:9 所以你们要谨守遵行这约的话,好叫你们在一切所行的事上亨通。16. Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do.&&&&&&29:9 所以你们要谨守遵行这约的话,好叫你们在一切所行的事上亨通。17. Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that all of you may prosper in all that all of you do.&&&&&&所以你们要谨守遵行这约的话,好叫你们在一切所行的事上亨通。18. Millena and Rain continued to grow and prosper as peace reigned once more in Crise.&&&&&&Millena和暴雨持续增长和繁荣的和平统治危机中再次。19. prosper的翻译19. According to incompletely statistics, now in the prosper nations, the use of 4010NA and 4020 is measure to share the 70% usage of total rubber chemicals deal.&&&&&&据不完全统计,目前发达国家4010NA、4020的用量占防老剂使用总量的70%以上。20. I wish CGCC could prosper and make greater achievements in the New Year!&&&&&&祝美国中国总商会不断发展壮大,在新的一年中取得更大的成绩。prosper 词典解释1. 兴旺;繁荣;昌盛;成功&&&&If people or businesses prosper, they are successful and do well.&&&&e.g. The high street banks continue to prosper...&&&&&&&&&&&商业街上的银行仍旧一派繁荣景象。&&&&e.g. His teams have always prospered in cup competitions.&&&&&&&&&&&他的队伍在杯赛上总是成绩不俗。prosper 单语例句1. China cannot develop in isolation, nor can the world prosper and maintain stability without China.2. The declining affordability ratio shows that other businesses will find it difficult to prosper, as home buyers have to spend a substantial portion of their earnings on housing.3. The cities cannot expect to prosper by dispatching endless shipments of manufactured goods all over the world.4. So China can neither prosper nor even survive without being part of the most dynamic and interwoven global economy that has ever existed on earth.5. Volkswagen and other carmakers used to prosper by sending outdated factory equipment to China to produce older models no longer salable in the West.6. It would also be difficult for industries without comparative advantages to prosper in free competition.7. If they managed to get through the disasters, his business would prosper in the future.8. Those who conform to this trend will prosper and those who go against it will decline.9. The " golden rule " to treat others as we'd like to be treated is an underpinning, a safety net for us as a society to prosper.10. They observe this ritual to invite good fortune from the stock market and to see that their businesses prosper.prosper 英英释义verb1. make steady progress&&&&be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance&&&&e.g. The new student is thriving&&&&Synonym: prosper是什么意思,prosper在线翻译,prosper什么意思,prosper的意思,prosper的翻译,prosper的解释,prosper的发音,prosper的同义词,prosper的反义词,prosper的例句,prosper的相关词组,prosper意思是什么,prosper怎么翻译,单词prosper是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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