Thethe green childrenn had a ...

>>>Jack Baines is a self-made millionaire, but his beginnings w..
Jack Baines is a self-made millionaire, but his beginnings were very lowly. He was the youngest of eight children. His father had a &16 &in a cotton mill (纱厂), but he was often &17 &to work because of poor health. The family couldn’t &18 &to pay the rent or bills, and the children often went &19 . After leaving school at the age of 14, Jack was &20 &what to do when Mr Walker, his old teacher, offered to lend him £100 to start his own&21 .  It was just after the war. Raw materials were not enough, and Jack saw a &22&in scrap metal(废弃金属). He bought bits of metal and stored it in an old garage. When he had built up a large amount, he sold it and &23 &plenty of money.  Jack &24 &working hard. After one year he succeeded in &25 &the £100.  By the time Jack was 30 years old he had &26 &his first million, and he wanted to &27 &this achievement by doing something “ 28 ”. With all his money it was &29 &to build a beautiful home for himself and his parents. In 1959, “Baines Castle” was built in the &30 &of the Lancashire countryside. It was one of the finest buildings in the country. & Jack has recently sold “Baines Castle” for £500 million, &31 &Jack still can’t get used to &32 &the good life. He can &33 &be found drinking with the locals at the local pub(酒吧).“I remember being very &34 &as a child, but never &35 &as a child,” says Jack, “and I will never forget where I came from and who I am.”小题 D.house小题2:A.ableB.gladC.unable D.eager小题3:A.offer B.likeC.expectD.afford小题4:A.wrongB.hungryC.illD.bad小题5:A.seeingB.wonderingC.doubtingD.preparing小题
B.farmC.businessD.store小题7:A.problem B.purposeC.futureD.principle小题8:A.spentB.borrowedC.wastedD.earned小题9:A.enjoyed B.preferred C.promised D.hated小题10:A.developingB.savingC.repayingD.paying小题11:A.givenB.madeC.takenD.lost小题12:A.rememberB.honorC.celebrateD.recognize小题13:A.commonB.simpleC.interesting D.grand小题14:A.impossibleB.possibleC.obviousD.basic小题15:A.ground B.frontC.spotD.heart小题16:A.soB.andC.orD.but小题17:A.using
B.neverC.sometimesD.seldom小题19:A.richB.poorC.healthyD.well小题20:A.proudB.satisfied C.unhappyD.happy
小题1:A小题2:C小题3:D小题4:B小题5:B小题6:C小题7:C小题8:D小题9:A小题10:C小题11:B小题12:C小题13:D小题14:B小题15:D小题16:D小题17:C小题18:A小题19:B小题20:C试题分析:本文介绍白手起家的百万富翁Jack Baines是如果创业怎样成功的,以及成功后是如何生活的。小题1:考查名词:A. job工作B. work工作C. company公司D. house房间,填job或position。由后半句可知,父亲在当地的纱厂是有工作的。选 A小题2:考查形容词:A. able能B. glad 高兴C. unable不能D. eager渴望,填unable。因体弱而经常“不能”上班。 选C小题3:考查动词:A. offer 提供B. like喜欢C. expect 期望D. afford提供,填afford。由前后句意义和前后搭配不难推知。选 D小题4:考查形容词:A. wrong错误B. hungry饥饿C. ill生病D. bad坏,填hungry。家里穷,孩子们自然要经常“挨饿”。 选B小题5:考查动词:A. seeing看见B. wondering想知道,不知道C. doubting怀疑D. preparing准备填wondering。在得到老师资助前不知该干“什么”。选B小题6:考查名词:A. school学习B. farm农场C. business生意D. store商店,填business。由下文可知,他用这100英镑做起了“生意”。 选C小题7:考查名词:A. problem问题B. purpose目的C. future将来D. principle原则,在原材料不足的情况,他看见废弃金属的未来。选C小题8:考查动词:A. spent 度过B. borrowed借C. wasted浪费D. earned挣得,填earned或got。卖掉金属切屑,便“挣”了许多钱。 选D小题9:考查动词:A. enjoyed享受B. preferred更喜欢C. promised答应D. hated憎恨,他享受努力工作。选A小题10:考查动词:A. developing发展B. saving节省C. repaying偿还D. paying付钱,一年后,他成功的还款100英镑。选C小题11:考查动词:A. given给 B. made使得C. taken拿,带走D. lost失去,这是他挣的第一个1百万。Make money挣钱,选B小题12:考查动词:A. remember 记得B. honor荣誉C. celebrate庆祝D. recognize认识,他想庆祝自己的成功。选C小题13:考查形容词:A. common普遍的B. simple简单的C. interesting有趣的D. grand宏伟的,从后面的句子:With all his money it was &29 &to build a beautiful home for himself and his parents. 以其家族的姓来命名的城堡式建筑,可知是个伟大的事情,选D小题14:考查形容词:A. impossible不可能B. possible可能C. obvious显然的D. basic基本的,用他的钱,他可能为自己和父母建成一个家。选B小题15:考查名词:A. ground地面B. front 前面C. spot 场所D. heart心,“Baines Castle” 是建在Lancashire乡村的中心。选D小题16:考查连词:A. so因此B. and而且C. or或者D. but但是,前后意义形成转折。选D 小题17:考查动词:A. using使用B. sparing腾出C. living生活 D. keeping保持,他还是不习惯过好日子。选C小题18:考查副词:A. often 经常B. never 从不C. sometimes 有时D. seldom很少,人们可以经常看见他和当地人在酒吧喝酒。选A小题19:考查形容词:A. rich富有的B. poor穷的C. healthy 健康的D. well好的,孩提时代是贫穷的。 选B小题20:考查形容词:A. proud骄傲的B. satisfied满意的C. unhappy不高兴的D. happy快乐的,但从来都很快乐。Never unhappy双重否定表示肯定。选 C点评:本文主要是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,即从语篇的角度综合测试阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用。考生做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所添的词在短语或句子内是否可行。因此,在做题时最好将全文通读一下,了解了全文的意思以后再作答。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“Jack Baines is a self-made millionaire, but his beginnings w..”主要考查你对&&人物传记类阅读,故事类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
人物传记是记叙文体的一种,主要描写某人的生平事迹、趣闻轶事、生活背景、个性特征、成长奋斗历程等,包含记叙文的时间、地点、人物、事件等要素。其特点是以时间的先后或事件的发展为主线,空间或逻辑线索贯穿文章始终,脉络清楚,可读性较强。 人物传记类文章的阅读策略和解题技巧:
1、把握文体特征,注意写作手法如前文所述,人物传记是记叙文体的一种,因此在阅读时要把握好时间、地点、人物和事件这四大要素。其次,还应该注意人物传记类文章的结构多按时间顺序排列,一般采用倒叙的写作手法,有时也采用插叙和补叙等手段。弄清楚人物传记类文章的特征和写作手法,能帮助考生在阅读和回答问题时做到高效省时、准确无误。 2、抓住题干关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节描述事实细节题是人物传记类文章的主要题型,一般常见以下几种类型: (1)对号入座题:这种题的答案一般在原文中可以直接找到,只要读懂文章,掌握文章中的事实,如时间、地点、事件等细节问题,就能选对正确答案。 (2)词义转换题:这种题常常是原文有关词语和句子的转换,而不能在原文中直接找到。它要求考生能理解原文中某个短语或句子的含义,从而找到与答案意思相同的词语和句子。 (3)是非题:该题型俗称“三缺一”题型,即题目四个选项中有三个符合文章内容,剩下一个不符合。题干多为:Which of the following isTRUE?或者三个不符合文章内容,剩下一个符合,题干多为:Which of the following…isNOTtrue?或All the following are true EXCEPT(4)排序题:这种题要求考生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序。可采用“首尾定位法”,即先找出第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案。 (5)指代理解题:一般是在人物或事物关系比较复杂的情况下使用的一种题型,所以理清人物及事物之间的逻辑关系是关键所在。可采用“逻辑关系梳理法”,使人物或事件关系清晰条理。不管题型如何,在做事实细节题时,可采用比较实用的方法一有目的的阅读。在阅读时,首先看题目要求我们理解什么细节,找出关键词,然后以此为线索,运用寻读的技巧迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语。认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在正确理解细节的前提下,确定最佳答案。这样一来,既提高了阅读的速度,又能确保答案的准确率。同时,建议阅读文章时把与答案相符的句子或短语用红线标示出来,标号注上是哪一题答案的相关句子,这样在检查时就不必重新阅读整篇文章了。 3、抽丝剥茧,推理判断深层含义推理判断题主要提问那些未曾在文中说明,但已特别暗示的内容,考查考生对文章的准确理解和判断。人物传记类文章常见的推理判断题型为: (1)细节推断题:要求考生根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。 (2)因果推断题:要求考生根据已知结果推测导致结果的可能原因。考生要准确掌握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。 (3)人物性格、作者态度及观点判断题:人物传记类文章中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物的语气、言语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题。推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上做出一定推论和判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。解答此类题时,要注意: (1)吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础。 (2)对文字的表面信息进俐宅掘加工,由表及里,由浅入深。从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,通过分析、综合、判断等进行符合逻辑的推理。不能就事论事,断章取义,以偏概全。 (3)基于文章内容,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据,立足已知,推断未知。不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。 (4)把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构。要体会文章的基调,揣摸作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者的弦外之音。 (5)注意文中所用词句的感情色彩,是讽刺性的,批评性的,赞成性的,还是反对性的,以便推测作者的观点和态度。故事类阅读概念:
1、抓住文章的6个要素:阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。 2、注意作者的议论和抒情:高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。 3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度:故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。 4、有章有据进行解题判断:分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。
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180698354389190609373131357660363366Pauly D -- I Have a Love Child! |
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Pauly D -- I Have a Love Child!
Pauly D's bloodline will live on, because he has a little girl crawling around -- near the Jersey Shore ... TMZ has learned.Here's what we know ... The mother is 25, born in Jersey but she met Pauly in Vegas last year.  We're told they hooked up while he was DJing in Sin City.The baby is a few months old, living with her mom.The mom has filed court docs in New Jersey to formally establish paternity, but we've learned Pauly has already taken a DNA test and he's the dad.Pauly tells TMZ, "I'm proud I'm a father.  I am excited to embark on this new part of my life."
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By clicking "Submit," you agree to the1.Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?Yes,( )children had a good festival on the ( )children's Day.A.sixty B.sixty C.sixtieth D. sixtieth2.She can speak little Enlish ( )she dare to talk with B.or D.but3.which wou_百度作业帮
1.Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?Yes,( )children had a good festival on the ( )children's Day.A.sixty B.sixty C.sixtieth D. sixtieth2.She can speak little Enlish ( )she dare to talk with B.or D.but3.which would like,tea or coffee?Either( )ok,but I prefer coffee ( )milk.A.has B.with C.with D.has4.Don't discuss the problems with your parten unless you ( )to do so.A.ask B.are asked C.will ask D.will be asked
1 答案:C翻译:你看了中央电视台的新闻了吗?看了,上百万的孩子在第六十个儿童节度过了一个 快乐的节日解析:hundred,thousand,million,billion,前面有数字时,后面不加s,当后面有of时,加s,如本题中millions of ,翻译为数以百万计,上百万.由于2 答案:D翻译:她不太会说英语但是她敢和外国人交谈.解析:A因此,B或者,C 当,因为.带入句子翻译D合适3 答案:C翻译:你想喝茶还是咖啡?哪个都行,但是我更喜欢咖啡加牛奶.解析:either 后面使用单数形式,排除BD.因为简单句只可以有一个谓语动词,已经存在prefer,所以不能再选动词has,可以使用介词with.with在这里的意思是 和,加.4 答案:B翻译:不要和你的搭档探讨问题除非你被要求这么做.解析:unless引导条件状语从句,使用一般现在时代替将来时,所以淘汰CD.这里的意思是被要求,含有被动语态,所以选择B
2.She can speak little Enlish (
)she dare to talk with
D.but答:D译:她不怎么会讲英语,但她敢与外国人交谈。析:little=not much,是否定的意思。用but表示转折。
如果改为a lit...
CDCB1 你看了CCTV新闻吗?是的,数以百万的儿童度过了快乐的第六十届儿童节2 她只会说一点英语但她敢与外国人说话3 你喜欢茶还是咖啡? 都可以,但我更喜欢牛奶配咖啡4 不要和你的同伴讨论这些问题除非你被要求这么做英语模拟试题题库
本试题来自:(2010年英语模拟试题,)Part Ⅱ WritingDirections: In this part, there is a passage of about 500 words. You are allowed 30 minutes to write a summary of no less than 120 words of the following passage after reading it. Please remember to write it on the COMPOSITION SHEET.Education in Britain and the U.S.A
In Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16. In the US children must go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, depending on the state they live in.Subjects
In England and Wales the subjects taught in schools are laid down by the National Curriculum, which was introduced in 1988 and sets out in detail the subjects that children should study and the levels of achievement they should reach by the ages of 7,11,14 and 16,when they are tested. The National Curriculum does not apply in Scotland, where each school decides what subjects it will teach.
In the US the subjects taught are decided by the national and local governments. Whereas British schools usually have prayers and religious instruction ,American schools are not allowed to include prayers or to teach particular religious beliefs.Examinations
At 16 students in England and Wales take GCSE examinations. These examinations are taken by students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects and may involve a final examination ,an assessment of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things. At 18 some students taking A-level examinations, usually in not more than 3 subjects. It is necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or polytechnic.
In Scotland students take the SCE examinations. A year later, they can take examinations called HIGHERS, after which they can either go straight to a university or spend a further year at school and take the Certificate of Sixth Year Studies. In Scotland the university system is different to that in England and Wales. Courses usually last four years rather than three and students study a larger number of subjects as part of their degree.
In the US school examinations are not as important as they are in Britain. Students in High Schools do have exams at the end of their last two years, but these final exams are considered along with the work that the students have done during the school years.Social events and ceremonies
In American high schools there is a formal ceremony for Graduation. Students wear a special cap and gown and receive a diploma from the head of the school. Students often buy a class ring to wear, and a yearbook, containing pictures of their friends and teachers. There are also special social events at American schools. Sports events are popular, and cheer leaders lead the school in supporting the school team and singing the school song. At the end of their junior year, at age 17 or 18,students hold parties in the evening. The girls wear long evening dresses and the boys wear tuxedos(晚礼服).
In Britain, there are no formal dances or social occasions associated with school life. Some schools have SPEECH DAY at the end of the school year when prizes are given to the best students and speeches are made by the head teacher and sometimes an invited guest. However, in many British schools students and teachers organize informal dances for the older students.正确答案:有, 或者
英语模拟试题热门试卷The children had a good time in the park的完成反义疑问句是什么?_百度作业帮
The children had a good time in the park的完成反义疑问句是什么?
didn't they?
The children had a good time in the park,hadn't they ?详细给你说一下用法:反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question)即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑...
The children had a good time in the park,didn't they?
Haven‘t the children had a good time in the park ?
,hadn't he?


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