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Pros and Cons of Internet Advertising | eHow
The Internet has become a part of daily life and a vast, new frontier for advertisers. It’s a tricky landscape, though. On the Internet, you can get fast feedback on your ads and make tweaks with lightning speed. You can target your audience with incredible precision. These are good things. But there are downsides. The Internet is a realm saturated with ads that people routinely ignore. It’s also a place of endless possibilities, where advertisers can find themselves overwhelmed by the choices available to them.
On the Internet, you can track the popularity of a new ad campaign almost in real-time. That gives you an amazing responsive power to correct mistakes quickly. You can tweak your ads minutes after they go up, or even scrap a whole campaign and replace it with an alternate one in a single morning. That’s impossible in all other mass media, where you might get stuck with a dud campaign for days or weeks. If your company is the sort that likes a hands-on, seat-of-your-pants approach to advertising and values its responsiveness to customers and the public, Internet advertising is the way to go.
The Internet offers many advertising options -- almost too many, because all of that choice can become paralyzing. You have to decide what types of ads to buy. Besides the many different shapes and sizes of banner ads, there are many rich media ad formats, including push-down, pop-up, inline, ribbon, rollover and floating ads, just to name a few. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. You also have to decide what sites to advertise on, which slots to buy ads for on a given site and how long your campaign will run. And that’s not even touching the emerging world of social media advertising. The best ways to deal with options overload are to plan your campaign carefully right from the beginning, keep your goals in mind and avoid sweating the small stuff.
Before the Internet, most human cultures were limited by geography, and niche communities tended to be small and numerous. That’s a tough landscape for advertising niche products and services, and previously your best option was usually a specialty magazine. Now, however, geography is much less of a barrier, because people who share common interests can congregate together online -- and they do so in great numbers. These rich concentrations of people let you focus your advertising very precisely and efficiently. Do your research and figure out where your target audience spends its time online, then buy ads on those sites.
You’ve seen it yourself. Ads are everywhere on the Internet. They can get to be so prolific that your prospective customers may well tune them out. Some people even go so far as to install ad blockers on their Web browsers to proactively stop ads from appearing on their screens. To people who aren’t paying attention anymore, even your best-designed, best-targeted ads are worthless. This is a fact of life when it comes to Internet advertising, and there’s not much you can do about it. In addition to precise market targeting, your best bet to deal with ad saturation is to buy ads on websites that have a good, clean layout and practice restraint when it comes to how many ads they’ll allow on a given page.
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Life Made Easier.Pros And Cons Of Internet Advertising - Advantages & Disadvantages Of Online Advertising
Internet advertising is witnessing an impressive growth rate. However, like any other advertising medium, it has its specific pros and cons. Read on to know what are its advantages & disadvantages.
Google first came up with the concept of internet advertising and today a large number of companies are involved in such pay-per-click advertisement business. If you have&access to the internet and you are not into internet advertising, you might be surprised with the huge market awaiting you. A lot of money can be churned from the internet, but one has to ensure a careful strategy. You must have come across a flurry of articles which&prophecy about internet advertising surpassing newspaper ad revenue and even other forms of advertising quite soon. Agreed, there has been a paradigm shift in the revenue allocation, with online form of advertisement becoming the core of all marketing or advertising plans, however this alone does not justify online or internet advertising as the best medium for marketing the product and services. This article stresses on the pros and cons of advertising on the internet. Read through it and make an educated choice.
Advantages Of Online Advertising
An internet advertisement may seem quite comprehensive in comparison to any other medium, as it is actually cheaper than most of them. Since there is no expense associated with reprinting and redistribution, it reduces the overall cost. An internet advertisement package can be as low as 10 dollars per month or is determined by a set number of &hits&, which varies accordingly with each advertiser.
Determining The Right Target Audience
Through internet advertising, one can target the right audience. The advertisement should be placed in a way so that the right customers can see it. Consider yourself to be a customer and prioritize the most frequently visited sites by you. Now place your advertisements accordingly. If your product is tea, placing your advertisement on a site which sells cookies and not heavy machinery equipments is the trick. Also, if youngsters or the corporate world is what your target audience comprises of, internet advertisement is the best way to sell your product since they are hooked to the internet for most times of the day.&And what can be better than the social networking sites!
Relatively Trouble-free
There is nothing more comfortable in the world than placing an advertisement on the internet for the product that you are selling. All that you require is a computer, a well designed site, a careful research of the best available internet advertisement package, best possible advertisement style such as banner, text, pop-up or pop-under, and that is all about it.&
Update Ads
Although commercials on TV need to be updated on a periodic basis to avoid monotony, internet advertisements have no such compulsions. If at all they require updating, it can be easily done without any complexity.&
Disadvantages Of Internet Advertising
Internet advertising is still in its infancy and is a limited market. Although increasing number of people are becoming tech-savvy and availing the web for their benefit, the average customers are still seen to vote for the traditional forms of advertising. Initially, an advertisement&s success was measured by the total number of hits it receives. But, it has been lately observed that viewers do not go on to buy the product. Now, the success rate is measured by counting the number of people who actually buy the product, which in turn is very minimal.&
Additional Costs
Usually one hires a professional, be it a freelancer or some company to design his site and to strategically advertise the concerned product or service. This adds to the additional cost. Although it can be beneficial in the long run if your internet advertisement is successful and the product sells, one can suffer huge loss if it is not so.&
Advertising Overload
One major problem with internet advertising is the cluttered view of a web page. Every advertiser has a competitive edge and wants to grab the attention of every consumer, but with so much information on the platter at a time, it is impossible to digest so much and the consumer in turn ignores most of the advertisements, resulting in low rates of return.
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