Do you doyouwantto to sing...

. The style you want to sing in can vastly change the way you sing. Understand the demands of your particular style, but realize that learning the techniques of multiple styles can only make you a better singer. Try going to a high note then a low note. This way you can test and see if you feel comfortable with notes... This article mainly covers overall technique, but you can get specifics on particular styles like:
style - If you want to take a risk with your musical appearance, then perhaps try this style. This is a more 'dreamy' and 'new wave' style of singing, which many people will appreciate. Styles like this, if you pull it off properly, will likely develop a 'cult' like following, if you make it big!
'Indie' style music is very big nowadays, and there are many opportunities in the genre for creative growth, particularly in .
. This is essential, as singing pieces written for the wrong range may strain your voice to the point that you sound like a bear with a cold.
Your range is largely determined by the size and shape of your instrument: your voice. The size and shape of your larynx is the primary factor contributing to your vocal range. However, it is possible to extend your range higher than you most likely will ever need to sing, but it takes very specific training and must be done correctly.
Below is a guideline of vocal facts or voice types. Everyone has a "sweet spot" in their range and it generally lies in the following areas, once the voice is developed:
Sopraninos: Reaching the highest of the ranges, a Sopranino can sing to D6 and beyond.
Sopranos: Sopranos sing from C4 to A5, or higher.
Mezzo-soprano: The mezzo-soprano range extends from about A3 to F5.
Alto: The standard range for altos is approximately E3 to E5.
Contralto: The lowest female voices are called "contralto," and extend below E3.
: Males with very high vocal ranges, into the alto and soprano ranges of female vocals, or who have a strong, clear falsetto, are called "countertenors."
Tenor: This is near the upper end of the male's vocal range. A tenor can comfortably sing between C3 and A4.
Baritone: A baritone singer ranges between F2 and E4.
Bass: The range for a bass singer is around F2 to E4, with a comfort range normally between G2 and A3.
Contrabass: If you can sing G1 or lower, you are what's known as a sub-bass, contrabass, or a basso profundo.
People will love or hate your voice based on its sound character, not just how many notes you can hit or runs/trills you can do. Your range can be developed with the right training, but be sure to use proven techniques that do not strain or wear out your voice.
Get started for free. There are hundreds of vocal training videos on YouTube, filled with everything from amateur tipsters to educated, professional singers.
Be careful because not all of the information is correct and even if you find good information, there is a chance you will misinterpret the instructions. This is why a teacher or vocal coach is preferred.
It can be tricky finding a good vocal trainer on the Internet, but think of it this way: It's a great way to find out if you like being taught how to sing, whether you're ready to practice, and most of all, if you're ready to start taking lessons.
Take lessons. Find a vocal coach or qualified voice teacher who can help you become a better singer. Check with your local music store or your school music teacher for trustworthy references.
If you're serious about becoming a singer, taking lessons sooner rather than later is the way to go: Poor performance techniques can ruin your singing voice for good!
If you cannot afford a teacher, or do not want the dedication that comes with hiring a professional
coach, consider joining a local choir.
There are also a few at-home vocal training courses out there, such as Singing Success, Sing and See, Singorama, Singing for the Stars and Vocal Release, but be sure to do your research to see which ones have really worked for other singers.
Get to know your singing tools. The more familiar you are with how everything is supposed to move and feel, the more attuned to your voice you will be.
Touch the top of your collarbone. About a half of an inch below your finger is the top of your lungs.
Examine your ribs. They move like bucket handles attached to your spine and your sternum. When you breathe in, they move upward as your chest expands. When you breathe out, they move downward as the air in your lungs is exhaled.
Find your chest line. This is the place where your lungs expand the largest. Place your hands about halfway down your torso, towards the bottom of your sternum. Take a deep breath, and move your hand till you find the point of maximum extension of the ribs.
The bottom of your lungs is right below your sternum, where your rib cages meet. This is also the housing for your diaphragm. The reason your stomach may pooch out when you breathe deeply is because your diaphragm is pushing down on everything below your rib cage, not because your lungs are in your stomach.
! Correct posture helps, so stand tall, one foot slightly in front of the other one, and feet shoulder width apart. This allows you to breathe easily and reach maximum lung capacity, which results in better notes and phrases.
Stand up straight with shoulders pulled back and down, so that you are floating over your torso. Make sure that your chest is high to give room for your lungs to expand and contract. Relax.
If you're sitting, the same things apply! Keep both of your feet flat on the floor--don't cross your legs. Keeping your body in line allows for more control and sustained singing without strain if you are sitting your back should also not touch the back of seat it should be straight.
The voice is best described as a wind instrument, because breathing is 80% of singing and proper singing begins and ends with proper breathing. Breathe low, from your stomach, and push out, tightening the muscles when you exhale.
If you try breathing from your chest, you will find you won't have enough support for high notes.
Practice the old fashioned book method: Lie on the ground and place a book on your stomach. Sing a comfortable note, and when you are exhaling/singing, try to make the book go up.
Practice your . Before you begin singing or doing practice exercises, it's always best to warm up. Try this: sing in your middle range, then low range, then high range, and back to middle.
You should spend at least 10 minutes on each range and do not stress your voice if you're frustrated and cannot hit a note. Relax, then try again, carefully. Other things to practice:
Dynamics: Dynamics are variations to the intensity of your resonance. Even the simplest use of dynamics will make your songs come alive, and the more you practice, the louder and softer you'll be able to sing healthily. Sing a comfortable pitch and start very softly, crescendo to loud then decrescendo to soft. When you start out, you will probably only be able to sing from mp (mezzo piano, or moderately quiet) to mf (mezzo forte, or moderately loud), but your range will increase with practice.
Agility—Hit the "do re mi." Try singing from do to sol, back to do really fast back and forth, trying to hit all of the notes. Do this in increments of half steps on different syllables. This will help your voice become more flexible.
Pronounce your vowels correctly. Practice all your vowels at every pitch (high, low, and in between). In English there are very few pure vowels. Normally, we will encounter diphthongs which are two or more vowel sounds elided together.
In classical singing, the singer will sustain the note on the first vowel and then say the second on the way to the final consonant. In country, singers like to slide through the first vowel and elongate the second vowel on the sustained note.
For example: whereas a classical singer might sing "Am[aaaaaaai]zing Gr[aaaaaai]ce" and a country singer would sing "Am[aiiiiiii]zing Gr[aiiiiii]ce".
If you can, always sing the first vowel for as long as you can before letting the second vowel in.
Here are some pure vowels to practice with: AH as in "father", EE as in "eat", IH as in "pin", EH as in "pet", OO as in "food", UH as in "nut", EU as in "could", OH as in "home".
Practice scales. Practice this often, especially if you have pitch problems. Most coaches will recommend 20-30 minutes a day when starting out, as practicing scales will also strengthen the muscles used for singing and give you better control.
To practice scales, identify your range (tenor, baritone, alto, soprano, etc.) and know how to find the notes that cover your range on a keyboard or piano. Then practice the major scale in every key, moving up and down using the vowel sounds.
At some point you can start working in minor scales as well. Solfege (Do,Re,Mi,...) is also an effective tool for improving pitch problems.
. Do not care what people think, just keep practicing. If you are limited by your inhibitions, your voice will be, too.
Be confident that you are going to get better, and you will continue to improve. Making safe decisions will not stretch your abilities. In order to do new things with your voice, you must be fearless.
Be reasonable with your expectations. Regardless of where you are coming from, if you can devote 20 minutes or more a day to practicing scales and songs, you can expect measurable improvement within four weeks.
Most pitch problems can be corrected within 3-4 months. Understand that your progress is linked to your ability to practice daily (as with most training). If you only do 10 minutes a day, a few days a week, you could spend a year or more.
Make sure you have . By the time it comes to performing your piece in front of others, you should have practiced a lot and ensure that you are confident that the performance will be comfortable and sound amazing.
Stay confident throughout the performance. Audiences often have misleading expressions. If they don't look impressed, don't worry about it. Keep singing, and smile too - it will cheer them up endlessly.
Look at the people. Nobody wants you looking at the ceiling. You might find it easier to look just a little above their heads if you have stage fright.
If I can sing perfectly well by myself, why is it that when I sing around other people, I sound terrible?
wikiHow Contributor
This may be because you're you're shy or you are not used in singing in public. Build confidence by singing to friends. Also try closing your eyes and feeling like nobody's watching.
How can you gain confidence when singing in front of a crowd?
wikiHow Contributor
Even people who have been singing from a young age still get nervous. A tried and tested way to overcome this is to find someone in the audience you trust and look at them. If you don't know anyone, find a friendly face, someone who is smiling and stay focused on them. Look for the positives!
Can I learn to sing if I don't have a good voice?
wikiHow Contributor
Most people have never tried singing with the correct techniques. Anyone can learn to hit the right notes, sing clearly and steadily, and produce a pleasant sound for simple songs. Even one lesson with a voice coach can get you on the right track.
Is coughing bad for your voice? Is there a better way to clear my throat?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, coughing can damage your vocal folds. Instead, take a sip of water and swallow hard to push the obstruction down. If you're sick, drink plenty of hot liquids.
How do I sing with a nice, raspy voice?
wikiHow Contributor
You can imitate a rasp by pushing more air through your throat, tensing your neck to narrow the airflow, or trying screamer techniques like false chord singing. This can damage your voice permanently, so stay hydrated and stop if you feel dry or tired.
How can I sing if I have a cough?
wikiHow Contributor
Singing while having a cough is not recommended. Doing so can damage your vocal chords. You should wait until the coughing ceases before singing again.
What foods and drinks should I avoid to sing better?
wikiHow Contributor
Stay away from foods that are very spicy to protect your vocal chords. Avoid milk and soda since those drinks build up mucus in the back of your throat. Drink a lot of water and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to keep your voice healthy and strong.
How do I sing with more emotion?
wikiHow Contributor
There are many techniques you can learn to create specific emotional sounds, such as the creak, vocal compression, and note runs. Once you've got these in your toolbox, the challenge is to communicate authentic emotions. Start with songs that genuinely move you. Figure out what a song represents or what the artist is trying to say. You can relate this to a personal experience or just try to feel empathetic toward the artist. Try to connect with the lyrics and sing them as though you're experiencing them yourself.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of lowering pitch or transposing to an higher key? Does it affect your voice? I sing every night with my band, so I usually lower the key of some of my songs.
wikiHow Contributor
No, it just means that your voice is more comfortable in a higher/ lower pitch. It doesn't affect your voice.
How can I put a baby to sleep by singing?
wikiHow Contributor
One study found that the parent didn't need to be good at singing, as long as they focused on the lullaby and connecting with the baby. Distracted singing or the same song every night can make lullabies less effective.
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The more you practice, the more you can control your voice.
Write down the lyrics of a song so it's easier and you don't have to remember and sing well you just focus on singing.
While singing, always make sure you breathe regularly - not breathing can make your voice sound forced, horrible and may damage your vocal chords.
Just work and work until you get what you want to achieve.
Use a loud 'shh' as if you are telling someone to be quiet but don't force any muscles. This will help clear your throat and softly warm it up.
Be patient. Some people are just naturally born with the gift of singing, while others need to work on it a bit more.
Breathe with your stomach. Deeply. Imagine the air isn't even getting into your lungs, but going straight to your stomach. If you have to hit a note you find uncomfortably high, lift your soft pallet, not your chin. Your tongue should be pressed against the backs of your teeth. Your tongue shouldn't be curled up near your throat.
Avoid drinking soda or milk, as these beverages cause mucus buildup in the back of the throat. Instead, drink warm tea with honey or room-temperature water when you are thirsty.
Pronounce each word as clearly as possible. It may sound weird to you, but to the audience it sounds beautiful.
Sing with all your heart! Passion will often make the voice believable and more emotional.
Learn to read sheet music. It comes in handy more often then you'd think.
If your voice is weak or airy, know that this is usually caused by under-developed muscles or improper use of the resonators (the pharynx, the hard palate, and the nasal cavity).
Breathe properly to encourage your breathing skill and your singing skills.
Keep your chin pointed slightly down and your pectoral muscles flexed. Most singers lift their chin up to sing with more power,while it only works temporarily. Keeping chin down not only works better but saves your voice. Listening to passionate singing and practicing various vocal techniques, will enhance your skills and pleasure. This is a great way to sound better.
. You'll be able to
better if you are in good physical health.
Also, press both your lips together to make that 'brrrrrr' sound. When doing this try to go up the scale with notes while making this noise. This helps you practice on keeping your pitch and it helps you produce a more powerful note
Have friends or family members critique you on pitch, etc.
Lie on your back and hold your breath. Count to 10 and stay calm until you are ready to sing. You will notice your voice is stronger.
Always stay positive throughout the performance.
Don't listen to what others say! Be you and you only.
Practice with a friend. Or a family member. And always be sure if yourself that you can do it. Don't even pay attention to the audience, pretend that your just at home and singing your heart out. Just focus in your singing and make sure you speak clearly.
Remember to always hydrate yourself before singing.
Try to sing one song, everyday!
Sing loud and proud, everybody has a great voice, show it!
Find and practice your entire range to improve your singing.
Warm up your voice by matching your voice to each scale that is being played on the piano. Make sure you know the lyrics to the song that you are going to sing.
If you get nervous, imagine you are alone.
Make sure you don't sing for too long. Your throat can hurt or you could damage your voice.
Stand up straight and try your best!
Be you! Just try to do your best when you are singing. If it's your first time trying to sing, just keep singing no matter what people say.
Break out of your shell, and if you are an amazing singer, audition for things, ask for solos... Show everyone who you are.
Don't try to sing higher pitched until you warm up and are ready for it. It's bad to strain your vocal cords. If you know you have a long part next as you sing, breath in deeply then sing it. Be mentally awake, too.
Record yourself and play the recording back so that you know how you sound when you sing. This will help you make improvements.
Express your feeling when you are singing it will sound great!
Sing to a friend so they can give you tips and tell you what sounds good. Singing to a friend is also good practice for singing in front of more people.
Don't sing from your throat, this will sound nasally. Sing from deep down, take deep breaths before and while you sing.
Don't show vulnerability. If you practice alone, put on shows for your family to build confidence to prove you can perform in front of people.
Record your voice and after few months record again and if you practiced you should find a change.
One huge tip , "CONFIDENCE IS KEY ". Confidence is what makes a singer/artist great exploring boundaries
Be aware that everything takes time so don't worry if your not perfect first time.
Care about what people say and think if it's a professional, they can give constructive criticism that can help you in the future. Otherwise do not take advice from someone who does not know what they are talking about.
Practice in front of friends to get used to an audience.
Ask people to listen to your singing and give advice and criticism. Use it to improve your singing.
Don't sing through your nose, as it can start to sound whiny.
Drink water before signing so your voice will come clearly.
Sing confidently! Don't be so quiet nobody can hear you .
Don't be scared! Just feel confident, and don't be afraid of what people think about your voice!
Drink plenty of water. Avoid smoking as it may damage or harm your vocal chords. Limit the intake of medicines like allergy medications because it will cause dryness to your vocal chords.
When you first start singing, start off with easy songs. You'll be able to learn easier and improve smoother.
Listen to a lot of music and sing along to songs you really like.
Stand up straight. Then when more advanced you can control your singing while moving around.
Clear your nose if it's congested to avoid a nasal undertone or even breath shortage.
Record your voice each time. By listening to your own voice, you will realize if you are improving or not. But don't get discouraged. Just keep trying.
Be calm throughout you performance. If you get distracted watching others to see what they think, you could lose your place in your song or sing a wrong note.
Remember that you don't need to have a nice voice to be able to sing. You can learn to control your voice and sing clearly and steadily, that should be enough!
Before singing, try to stay away from milk products. It contains a lot of fat and can produce mucus in your throat. Be sure to drink water instead!
To make sure your throat doesn't become dry and you can't sing a note, keep yourself hydrated. Remember to stay away from milk and fizzy liquids. Water is the best! Just know, even though you might say your vocal chords should be moist, anatomy says different. The water doesn't touch your larynx. It makes your throat nice and hydrated and makes the sound come out easily.
Read books on how to sing.
Remember, don't drink milk before you sing. Or any dairy products, water is best because dairy clogs your throat and you can't produce clear notes.
If your voice begins to play with you and hurt, stop singing for an hour, warm up, then try again, but more relaxed. Not only can you damage your vocal chords, your voice will sound stressed and unpleasant.
If your voice or throat is really hurting and you notice that you can't even speak without your experiencing pain, do not use your voice at all. You need to be silent for the rest of the day. Drink lots of warm tea and, if you have a steamer, steam for 20 minutes. Steaming is where you breathe in steam through your throat to help fix it. If you don't have a steamer, then get a bowl the size of your head and fill it with boiling water. Get a towel that covers the rim of the bowl, drape it over your head and the bowl, and breathe in the steam - or - put your mouth over the bowl and breathe through the towel.
Be careful not to strain your voice. It can really hurt.
If you are trying to sing a low note and produce a raspy sound, you are damaging your voice. Basically, your vocal cords are rubbing against each other. This can cause harmful nodes. A node is like a callous on your vocal cords, and it won't go away without surgery or prolonged vocal rest (more than a year). The best cure: don't get one.
Pre-existing tension in your jaw, shoulders, neck muscles and all surrounding areas can hurt you. Make sure you are completely relaxed before you sing. If your jaw is wobbling while you are singing, that is a sign of tension in your jaw, and this can result in muscle tissue tearing if it continues.
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