Dwight howard hughes是谁?

JockBio: Dwight Howard Biography
Pro hoops are red-hot in Florida, and it’s not just about Dwyane
Wade and the Miami Heat. A few hours north in Orlando, the guys in black
and blue have a phenom of their own. His name is Dwight Howard, and he
led the NBA in rebounds before he was old enough to take a legal drink.
In case you’re wondering, the answer is No—that has never
happened before. Dwight has a big man’s body, a small forward’s
hangtime, the hands of a point guard—and the heart of a champion.
This is his story…
Dwight David Howard
was born in Atlanta on December 8, 1985, to Dwight and Sheryl Howard.
(.) Sheryl lost seven
children to miscarriage before Dwight was born, so he was always called
“The Miracle Child.’’ Dwight's dad was—and is—a
Georgia State trooper who also serves as Athletic Director of Southwest
Atlanta Christian Academy. Both parents were very athletic. Sheryl played
on the inaugural basketball team at Morris Brown College. Dwight got serious
about hoops around the age of nine.
Dwight spent his childhood
years in the small town of Swainsboro, then moved to Atlanta with his
family. They maintained their small-town values in the big city, which
helped keep Dwight grounded when he started flying around the local courts.
He was a prodigy almost from the moment he first wrapped his long fingers
around a basketball. Dwight was big and fast and strong. He had quick
feet, a decent shot, and was as comfortable handling the ball as most
guards. In seventh grade, he wrote a paper listing his seven goals for
life and listed one of them as being the top pick in the NBA Draft.
Dwight’s early
basketball hero was Michael Jordan. He had the shoes, the short, and even
some of the hang time. As he grew, he came to appreciate Magic Johnson's
combination of size and ballhandling skills.
Dwight gravitated toward Kevin Garnett, modeling himself after the versatile
and athletic big man. The youngster was also drawn to &Da Kid&because
he had jumped directly from high school to the pros. Dwight found this
idea very intriguing.
Something basketball
people found intriguing about Dwight as he began making a name for himself
around Atlanta was how much his teammates enjoyed playing with him. He
had serious game, but never took the game so seriously that he didn’t
have fun. In fact, no one laughed louder on the court—it was Dwight’s
trademark. This kept his teammates loose. Basically, he was just a big,
goofy kid with an ear-to-ear smile. And playing ball made him smile the
Dwight enrolled at
Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy as a seventh grader in 1998. He was
still running the show as a point guard at this point, but that ended
as soon as he made the varsity in 2000, when he began working out as a
small forward. He had sprouted seven inches to 6-9 the previous off-season,
and was penciled in as the team’s power forward.
Prep basketball is
big in Atlanta and Dwight played for a small school against some weaker
opponents. Consequently, he did not get the notoriety of some stars in
other area programs. But by the end of Dwight’s junior year, the
SACA gym was full of college and pro scouts. Word of a 6-10 forward with
big-man footwork and little-man ballhandling skills tends to get around.
He averaged 20 points and 15 rebounds that season, and helped SACA reach
the Class A championship game.
As a senior, Dwight
led SACA to the 2004 state title. He scored 25 points, grabbed 18 boards,
blocked eight shots and and added 3.5 assists per game. Dwight finished
his prep career with 2,146 points, 1,728 rebounds, and 811 blocked shots
in 129 varsity games. He was given the Naismith and Morgan Wooten High
School Player of the Year award, the Gatorade National Player of the Year
Award, and the prestigious McDonald’s National Player of the Year
Award. Howard was also named Mr. Basketball for the state of Georgia.
For good measure, he was voted co-president of the student body and had
a strong voice in the school choir.
Kevin Garnett, 2000 SI for
this time, Dwight had been told by enough objective observers that he
would draw first-round interest from the NBA in the June draft. After
much thought, he decided to go from the prom to the pros. Had he settled
on school, it would only have been for a year or two of seasoning—the
education component was not really an issue.
When the NBA lottery
was held, Dwight watched with great interest—still hoping to fulfill
his seventh-grade prophecy. When the ping-pong balls delivered the first
pick to the Orlando Magic, Dwight knew he had a chance at being number
one. The Magic definitely needed help on the front line.
From Orlando’s
perspective, the decision on draft day came down to Dwight versus UConn
senior Emeka Okafor. Okafor had the polish after four years in the Big
East and one national championship, but Orlando saw Dwight’s upside—and
were impressed by his maturity. The team went with the gangly prepster
with the top pick.
Dwight joined a moribund
Magic squad that had finished with only 21 victories the previous season.
Over the summer, the club had had lost Tracy McGrady, Drew Gooden and
Juwan Howard. In fact, not one of the team’s opening night starters
from 2003 was wearing an Orlando uniform anymore. The star veterans on
the current squad were meteoric Steve Francis and oft-injured Grant Hill.
The Magic’s front line included journeymen Tony Battie, Hedo Turkgolu
and Kelvin Cato, while Jameer Nelson and Cuttino Mobley were paired with
Francis in the backcourt. Doug Christie, acquired later in the year, ended
up as the team’s starting two-guard.
Dwight made an immediate
impact. Orlando fans had forgotten what is was to have a multi-skilled,
high-energy big man on the floor, having lost Shaquille O’Neal in
1996. He got off the floor so quickly that opponents simply could not
keep him off the offensive glass. If the enemy center jogged back on defense,
Dwight would sprint right past him to finish the Orlando break. And after
just a few weeks, he and Francis had the alley-oop working to perfection.
Dwight Howard, 2005 Bowman
Hill relatively healthy and Dwight enjoying more good nights than bad,
the Magic managed to ambush a number of top teams. They finished the year
with 36 wins, defeating the New Jersey Nets and Indian Pacers three times
each, and posting wins over that year’s playoff finalists, the Detroit
Pistons and San Antonio Spurs.
Dwight began the year
in the starting lineup and never came out, starting all 82 games forst
for coach Johnny Davis and and then Chris Jent, who replaced him on an
interim basis in the spring. Dwight led the club in games, starts, rebounds
and blocked shots. He averaged 12 points and 10 rebounds, and finished
third in voting for NBA Rookie of the Year. The teenager achieved a ranking
of eighth in the league in rebounding, 10th in field goal percentage,
and 19th in blocked shots.
Dwight was no longer
a wiry power forward when he reported to camp for his second NBA campaign.
Team physicians expected him to keep growing (up and out), and they were
right—he had added 20 pounds of muscle. It was time to start grooming
him to be an NBA center. This was one of the prime reasons the Magic selected
Brian Hill to be their new coach. He was on the sidelines when Shaq arrived
in Orlando, and built a championship-caliber team around the big guy in
a hurry. Hill identified two areas where Dwight needed to make immediate
improvement—his post-up game, and his defense. He placed extra pressure
on his second-year star, announcing that the Magic would need him to emerge
as a force in the middle before the team had a chance to make the playoffs.
When Orlando started 2005-06 sluggishly, it looked like Hill was right.
Dwight may have improved in all areas of his game, but he still played
tentatively at times.
Finally, in a game
against the Cleveland Cavaliers, he served notice on the league that his
rookie days were over. LeBron James swooped into the lane for one of his
signature dunks, which Dwight had no chance to block. But he did have
time to send a &Not In My House” message, dropping LeBron to
the hardwood with a thud that had NBA execs gasping for air.
The Magic arrived
at a major decision in February, dispatching Francis to the New York Knicks
and essentially putting the team in the hands of a 20-year-old. The fans
were unhappy to see Orlando kiss off its season, but they understood the
importance of establishing a new direction.
Grant Hill, 2005 ESPN The Magazine
happened next was nothing short of remarkable. With Dwight leading the
charge, the Magic became one of the league’s best teams in the second
half. They went on a tear, winning seven straight at one point, and launched
an improbable run from the division cellar to the brink of the playoffs.
On April 15th, Dwight scored 28 points and grabbed 26 rebounds, coming
tantalizingly close to one of the NBA’s rarest achievements, a 30-30
game. He was named the conference’s top player in the season’s
final month. Alas, the Magic fell three games short of a post-season berth,
losing a couple of heart breakers at the end of the schedule.
Dwight’s year
was simply astonishing, regardless of his age. He became the youngest
player in history to lead the league in rebounds with 1,020. He finished
second to Ben Wallace in offensive rebounds, and second behind Garnett
in rebounds per game and double-doubles. Dwight was a model of consistency,
averaging 15.8 points and 12.5 boards at home and 15.7 and 12.4 on the
With the prospect
of their best player building on these numbers—and some room under
the cap—the Magic are in position to assert themselves in a division
that has practically been conceded to the downstate Heat since Shaq arrived.
Well, Dwight has arrived, too. And watch out if he has some friends to
bring to the party.
Dwight Howard, 2005 Uper
asked to describe his rebounding technique, Dwight can’t. He just
feels that he wants the ball more than other players, describing rebounding
itself as a “mental game.” That may be so, but in Dwight’s
case he gets off the floor incredibly fast, using his long arms and growing
upper body to pluck balls out of the air.
On offense, he is
murder around the rim, but still must develop post-up moves. Opponents
often make an effort to force him to handle the ball outside the lane,
hoping he will try a jumper or pass off. A little further out, Dwight
can turn and face his defender, and take almost every big man in the NBA
off the dribble. On the break, he is a good, athletic finisher.
Dwight’s defense
is adequate for his position. With increased size and experience, the
Magic expect him to become a defensive force.
Dwight Howard, 2006 SI for
Copyright 2006 Black Book Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.新传官方微博:
朱彦硕:Dwight Howard能跟谁比?
日 16时31分
  在2009年魔术队与湖人队争冠的时候,我曾经认为Dwight Howard的是具有追上过去NBA几个超强中锋的潜能。当时的他,不断在进步,个性乐观开放,有很好的学习能力。让他去追比的,是90年代的几大中锋,从Patrick Ewing、David Robinson、Hakeem Olajuwon、Shaquille O’Neal等人,正是所谓的「90年代四大中锋」。
  然而,今天再看了湖人跟金块那场球里,Howard单挑JaVale McGee那球被直接盖掉,那球足可让自称「第一中锋」的Andrew Bynum嘲笑Howard半天。从2009年以后,Howard只有退步,尤其是心态上的退步,更是令喜爱他的球迷火气都会上来。若说他是当今NBA第一中锋,这他X的是什么第一中锋?
  罚球如此,更不要讲他的策应能力有没有进步?进攻技术有没有进步?求胜欲望是否变高了?这三点,在这两季的Howard身上,我是一点都没看到。不要说跟90年代四大中锋比,比什么都输,就算是跟90年代的第五中锋Alonzo Mourning、第六中锋Dikembe Mutombo比,Howard都不如。谁会不给他顶薪合约?谁又会不拿他当球队核心看待?就真不知道他脑子里装什么?现在他之所以被称第一中锋,那是因为NBA没有超强中锋的出现,而不是Howard厉害!如果让他回到90年代,不被这些老前辈打得满地找牙才怪!
  Howard在湖人队里,经常有记者爆料说是Kobe与Steve Nash对他不爽。姑且不论真假,像Howard这个等级的中锋,在球员交易截止日前竟会被媒体传出可能被交易,这就表示球迷跟媒体对他的表现有多不满,而且还是湖人队的中锋,这真是前所未见。现在NBA对于中锋的功能与需求,已经跟以前变化了很多,没有好中锋照样可以拿冠军,热火队都证明了这点。如果Howard还是那样嘻皮笑脸,虽不会影响他的合约跟钱,但历史地位只会一振不蹶,也别想带个冠军离开。
  Howard能在Mike D’Antoni的体系下如鱼得水?还是龙困浅滩?D’Antoni其实更需要的是能高低位都可以打的中锋,有速度有技术,也有中距离能力。像Howard这样的中锋,如果Howard就现有的技术来看,只能在他手上可能只会用出七成功力,用不用得到十成必须看Howard自己愿意做怎样的技术新开发。
  我若是Howard的经纪人,为Howard好,就不要在去多想合约的问题,湖人必定会跟Howard签新长约,这山望着那山高只会害了他。如果再放Howard继续这样下去,心就无法定,他就会变成一个笑话。在LA要红很快,但一个已经红的球员要黑掉,在LA一样很快。Howard如果有Kevin Durant打球的七分专注,他跟湖人队,都不会是现在这个样子。
已有0条评论&|& 共0人参与Dwight Howard的用法和样例:
Dwight Howard Kiss The Rim Dunk!
Anonymous Barber: “Dwight Howard???
Before he was hurt, he was becoming the Dwight Howard of the West.
Besides Dwight Howard, who would most enjoy dunking on?
AUT?Dwight Howard?Kendrick Johnson?Desmond Mason?Melvin Levett?Elgrace Wilborn?
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