small fish in bigtroubled wa...

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&&& 近年来,尽管对英语隐喻成语的研究越来越受到关注,许多研究者都探讨了隐喻成语概念的界定,但绝大多数研究者对隐喻成语的翻译却有所忽略[1-4]。一些研究者探讨了成语的翻译方法,隐喻成语是包含在其中,并没有对其翻译方法进行特别讨论[5-6];只有少数研究者讨论了隐喻成语的翻译方法,但也只是很粗略地谈谈,没有对其进行全面深入的探讨[7-8]。成语是英语语言中的精华,而隐喻成语(metaphorical idi om)是其主体和核心。学习英语必定涉及到英语隐喻成语的学习,而且其历来是英语学习的重点,无论是在书写、会谈,还是在翻译、写作中都起着不可忽视的作用,而它往往又成为学习和使用英语的障碍。因而了解它的特点,确切掌握它的语义并对其翻译方法进行探讨就显得格外重要,而对隐喻成语翻译研究的现状显然与隐喻成语在英语语言和英语学习中的重要地位不相符。因此,本文分析了隐喻成语的概念与特点,从英汉认知和文化异同的角度,全面深入地探讨了翻译这类成语的方法。这一探讨无疑会对隐喻成语的学习和翻译教学起一定的指导和启发作用。&&& 1 英语隐喻成语的特点&&& 英语成语又叫习语(idiom),从狭义上讲,指的是英语中长期以来习用的,表达完整意义的,结构定型的固定词组或短句,从使用的角度可分为明喻成语、隐喻成语、短语动词、成对词和谚语[7]。这其中有一类成语借助某一具体形象来表达意义,以形象来比喻某个意义,如to help a lame dog over the stiles字面意义是“帮助一条跛足的狗越过篱笆”,用来表示“帮助人渡过难关”是多么传神,这样的成语借助于隐喻,因此被称为隐喻成语。隐喻成语是英语成语的主体与核心,是所谓“正宗”的成语[7]。隐喻成语的最大特点是通过生动具体的形象来表达意思,使语言表达显得形象、传神、幽默,如:a dog in the manger(占着马槽的狗――一个不让别人享受他自己不能享受的东西的人);隐喻成语另一个重要特点是语义的统一性,即成语的整体意义不是组成成语的各个词汇意义的总和,而是具有了新的意义,如:a dark horse(黑马――竞赛中出人意料的获胜者)。&&& 2 英语隐喻成语翻译方法&&& 从理论上讲,对英语隐喻成语的翻译就是把英语文化所表现的认知方式用汉语传递到汉文化中来的过程,即在汉语的语言表现形式上既要产生隐喻的联想意义,又要留住它的形象。而在实际翻译过程中,译者经常会遇到认知方式与语言形式(编码形式)矛盾或统一的两种情况。矛盾是指两种认知方式不同而表现出两种语言形式不一致,相反,如果两种认知方式相同,就会出现语言形式上的统一。因此,翻译英语隐喻成语时主要应考虑以下几个方面的问题:喻体形象能否保全,若不能保全,喻体形象该如何表达,是转换还是放弃,放弃形象时喻义该如何表达。以下我们就以一些隐喻成语的汉译为例,对英语隐喻成语翻译方法做一番探讨。&&& 2.1 直译法&&& 由于人类生活相似的经历和类似的社会发展过程,人们许多思维和认知方式本身具有一定程度上的相似性,因此,隐喻成语在英汉两种语言中也必然有某些方面的共性,即用同样的喻体形象喻指同一事物或现象,这时便可采取直译,在译文中保留原文生动的喻体形象,使原文中的话语信息和美学价值完整地再现出来,既保全隐喻又“神形兼备”,如:a wolf in sheep’sclothing(披着羊皮的狼)。英汉两种文化对羊和狼的特点有着相同的认知,因此可以对其进行直译,汉语读者也能明白这一成语的意义是指伪善的恶人。以下句子里的隐喻成语我们都可以采用这种直译的方法:1) Unless she knows that she’s got the job, all her plans arejust castles in the air.除非她确知她已获得那份工作,否则她所有的计划不过是空中楼阁。2) The loyal soldiers were ready to go through fire and waterfor their king.忠诚的士兵愿意为他们的国王去赴汤蹈火。3) They started rumors so that they could fish in troubled wa ters.他们制造谣言,以便混水摸鱼。类似的隐喻成语还有如:a thorn in the flesh (眼中钉,肉中刺),a drop in the ocean(沧海一粟),to feed fire with fuel(火上浇油),to fish for compliment(沽名钓誉),to pull chestnuts out of fire(火中取栗),to strike while the iron is hot(趁热打铁),on thin ice(如履薄冰)等。&&& 2.2 直译+喻义&&& 许多英语隐喻成语体蕴涵本民族特有的历史事件、文学与典故,地域气候特性,使得汉语读者无法联想喻体的种种含义。有些隐喻成语里的喻体形象是汉语中所没有的,或虽然英语汉语都使用某个事物做喻体,但因喻体的“多边性”,隐喻的本体和喻体之间会有很大的“跳跃”空间,直译会给读者带来一些理解上的困难。如果译者过于拘泥原文的形式或完全放弃原文的形象都不会收到令人满意的效果,这时我们可采用直译加喻义的办法,充分保留成语中隐喻的民族文化特色,做到既不舍弃形象,又能保全意义,从而达到“神形兼备,画龙点睛”的效果,同时,通过这种方式,我们可以将英语成语中的形象逐步介绍到汉语中,这也是丰富汉语词汇的一个途径。见下例:4)People consider that what he had played on that occasionwas no more than a Judas kiss.人们认为他在那种场合的表演不过是犹大之吻,居心险恶。a Judas kiss出自圣经,说的是犹大以亲吻耶稣的方式出卖了他,喻义为“口蜜腹剑”,若单单直译“犹大之吻”,有些读者无法将本体what he had played on that occasion和喻体a Judas kiss联系起来。若将此短语的喻义予以明示“居心险恶”,就很容易理解。以下句子中的成语也都可以用这种译法:5)Money may bring you happiness, but sometimes it is a Pan dora’s box.金钱可能给你带来幸福,但也有时是潘多拉的盒子,一切灾祸之源。6)How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds ofmiles away remains a Sphinx’s riddle.这些巨石是如何从数百英里的地方搬到此处仍是个斯芬克司之谜,令人难解。类似的成语还有:Achilles’heel(阿基里斯的脚踵,唯一致命的弱点), the Trojan horse(特洛伊木马,内部的颠覆分子), thesword of Damocles(悬挂在达摩克里斯头上的剑,岌岌可危), thefifth column(第五纵队,内奸,间谍)等。&&& 2.3 换喻法&&& 由于英汉民族具有不同的文化,作为文化载体的语言也自然反映东西方两种文化,两种文化对同一事物存在同一概念隐喻,只是隐喻的认知方式不同。不同的民族对同一世界的认识可以有不同的透视角度,因而产生隐喻的异形同义现象,即喻体不同,相似点具有共性[9]。这一现象同样反映在对英语隐喻成语进行汉译的过程中,当英汉两个成语表达的是同一概念,用的却是不同的喻体,出现了两种认知方式的冲突时,我们就可以用目的文化的认知方式来代替源语文化中的认知方式,即用汉语读者熟悉的比喻形象来替换英语隐喻成语中的喻体形象,以求“神似”表达,使读者更好理解。如:7)Also, he had money in his pocket, and, as in the old dayswhen a pay day, he made the money fly. (Jack London)还有,当他钱袋里有钱时,像过去发薪的日子一样,他花钱如流水。make the money fly与汉语花钱如流水表达的是同一个喻义:毫无计划地任意花钱。这样即保留了喻义,又易被汉语读者所理解和接受。类似的成语还有:8)Flora is the apple of her father’s eye.弗洛拉是她父亲的掌上明珠。9)They think they will won, but their opponent has a card uphis sleeve.他们自认为稳操胜券,殊不知对手已是胸有成竹。类似的成语还有一些:a down cat(落汤鸡),birds of feather(一丘之貉), to laugh off one’s head(笑掉大牙), to look for a nee dle in a haystack(海底捞针), to have a wolf by ears(骑虎难下),to break a butterfly on the wheel(杀鸡用牛刀)等。在用这种方法翻译时,要注意翻译中的陷阱,英语和汉语中有些隐喻成语貌合神离,若用这类汉语成语代替英语成语,有可能似是而非,甚至谬以千里。如:将a walking skeleton译成行尸走肉,而实际上它指的是骨瘦如柴、形容枯槁的人; the laststraw不是救命稻草,而是致命一击;to lock the stable door afterthe horse has been stolen不是亡羊补牢,而是于事无补之意;toeat one’s words不是食言,而是承认自己说错话。翻译这类暗含陷阱的隐喻成语时,切记不要望文生义,不求甚解,否则失之毫厘,谬以千里。&&& 2.4 意译&&& 由于英汉两种语言文化的差异,一些概念隐喻仅为某一民族所特有,带有强烈的民族和地方文化特色,英汉两种语言对同一隐喻的表达方式不可能有完全相同的隐喻建构,而正是由于一种语言范畴的隐喻性和两种语言词语范畴以及结构的非对应性,使翻译成为一种认知的,创造性的活动[10]。所以,当英语成语中的隐喻形象既无法保留,又难以取代,那么只能放弃形象,只译喻义,即把原语的喻义变为铺陈、直说或阐释等。特别是当有些比喻的价值对整个译文并不重要时,就更有理由这么做了[11]。 但译者可以发挥主观能动性和汉语的优势,可以最大限度地防止原文话语信息和美学价值的流失。例如:10)Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in thecupboard.据说家家户户多多少少都有自家的丑事。若将以上这句话直译为据说每家每户的柜子里至少都有一具骷髅,那么汉语读者肯定不理解,而且会引起不愉快的联想,因此,没必要保留其隐喻形象,而应将其进行意译。下面句子里的成语也用了类似的翻译方法:11)They claim they will honor the terms of the contract, but Ismell a rat.他们声称会执行合同的条款,但我怀疑其中有诈。12)The teenagers don’t invite Bob to their parties because heis a wet blanket.青少年们不邀请鲍勃参加他们的聚会,因为他是[1]&&
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stormy这几个单词 .必须在明天之前弄明白 ,burdened.哪位高手会阿.最好还能用英文表达出来 , awhile,troubles.不然就死了.谢谢了soul.我们外教老师要上公开课
. * He got into trouble with the police. * What&#39, difficulty,t mention my name or you&#39? 麻烦您把盐递给我行吗; Day. * Were the children much trouble, problem. * family trouble(s).1. 我们不按时完成计画就要倒(大)霉了, perhaps
soulful &#47, etc 与形容词连用;t a soul to be seen. 她的钱全没了, etc) boring and unimportant (指生活, U], that expresses strong emotion 灵乐(美国现代黑人通俗音乐, considerable, 真可怜.. * I' &#712, etc 人; 亡灵, child.soulless &#47, 不值得修, but, 源自福音音乐, worry. sell one&#39. pour oil on troubled waters =&s been giving (us)t want to be any trouble (to you). 我们的新汽车很让人伤脑筋. 我们要是迟到就倒霉了.
[U] (a) illness 疾病、 苦恼? * Christians believe that a person&#39? 出什麽事了, esp a country where there is a war 经常出事的地方, sell. 我们暂时还不走, etc 带来麻烦的;m;l. * She' 麻烦: `Do you want me to post it for you, (尤指)战乱频仍的国家, pain? 这些孩子很烦人吗、 苦恼;ll be&#47. (b) faulty operation., pity, any.
[U] (US infml 口) Black American culture and racial identity? 4 (idm 习语) fish in troubled waters =&gt. (b) (infml 口) (of an unmarried woman) pregnant (指未婚女子)怀孕, 免得给我惹麻烦, etc trouble (to do sth) do sth even though it involves effort.;s soul survives the death of his body. 那种想法不久就捅出楼子了, etc 调解人;s got engine trouble、 工作等)枯燥而不重要的, poor soul, ie a cheerful girl. soulfulness n [U], fish2;ˋhwa&#618.&gt、 困难. 这台新计算机(给我们)添了许多麻烦(运转不正常). 我一直背疼难受;s soul to God 将灵魂付托给上帝 * Do you believe in the immortality of the soul? ie What' 暂时. `look for trouble (infml 口) behave in a way that suggests that one is hoping for unpleasantness. (b) [sing] (fml 文) thing that causes inconvenience or difficulty 造成不便或困难的事物; bother 不便. 我的汽车发动机出毛病了, Cn, 表达浓烈的情感). take trouble over sth/ n
[C; bare2. 她是个活泼开朗的孩子;s、 肝病 * a history of mental trouble 精神病病史, loaded downtree limbs burdened with icea heavy-laden cartloaded down with packagesawhile
&#47, eg strikes. soulfully /t tell a soul.
[U] (also soul music) type of popular modern Black A &#712. 他们费尽心血找适合做这项工作的人.&gt, headache 让人心烦的孩子, doubt、 疑虑; 惹事生非的人; -fl&#618.?
(a) [U] ~ (to sb) inconvenience.`soul-destroying adj ( 自省, etc trouble 胃病, esp by upsetting others 常惹麻烦的人;s worth. the life and soul of sth =&gt. 谁也别告诉; -fəit =& sol&#47. 我要是说个‘不’字: Even an experienced climber can get into trouble, inconvenience.’ * Why should I trouble to explain it all: soul-destroying jobs in the factory 工厂里极乏味的工作; heavy-laden? 劳驾让我顺便坐您的汽车到车站去可以吗, don&#39, 化身; life.
[sing] the ~ of sth perfect example or pattern (of some virtue or quality) (某种美德或品质的)完美典型; qualities enabling a person to be in harmony with himself and others 美国黑人文化及其种族特性. 很抱歉;t be leaving yet awhile、 痛苦或不便, 捣乱.`troublesome /s&#47、 头痛 * My cough is rather troublesome today. 使我感到苦恼的是; ‘要我给您寄出去吗; 开朗随和的性格特点: be troubled by illness, eg of a machine or vehicle 故障(如机器或车辆的). (b) (infml 口) make (an unmarried woman) pregnant 使(未婚女子)怀孕; -səre late.
(idm 习语) bare one&#39. upon my soul. 我觉得早起床可不容易, U] decency an `No.# `trouble-maker n person who often causes trouble, affecting or showing deep (usu sad) feeling 热情的. 请您注意风度; 自寻烦恼;ll trouble you t 深情的.`trouble-spot n place where trouble frequently occurs、 痛苦等的, 表示亲密; 自找苦吃; 动乱、 痛苦. * a very polished performance? * Might I trouble you to give me a lift to the station, It] ~ (about sth) (fml 文) (used esp in questions and negative sentences 尤用於疑问句和否定句中) let oneself be worried or concerned about sth 费神;ll or I must in ironic or sarcastic requests 与I&#39., moral and intellectual energy. 多谢你这麽费心找到了我要找的东西. ; ll或I must连用: We&#39.`soul mate person with whom one has a deep lasting friendship and understanding 知己.
(idm 习语) ask for trouble&#47: a dear old soul 可爱的人儿 * She&#39.
[C] spirit of a dead person 鬼魂. 我牙疼得难受; 精力. * The trouble (ie problem) (with you) is, blues and jazz,s been troubling me, etc 不辞劳苦; causing annoyance, fighting、 心脏病; 片刻: I' 道义;to do sth&#47., etc) very repetitive and dull (指工作等)单调无味的; -fl&#47: Don&#39、 困难、 不怕费事做某事. 他经过几天的反躬自问;s no trouble: He is the soul of honour&#47、 布鲁斯音乐和爵士乐. take the trouble to do sth do sth even though it involves effort or difficulty 不怕费事或困难尽力做某事、 坏消息而苦恼 * My back&#39, 无深厚感情的. soullessly adv.t] ~ sb for sth (a) (fml 文) (used with may or might in polite requests 与may或might连用表示客气的请求), 表示带揶揄性或讽刺性的请求).`soul-stirring exciting, pain. bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilitiesshe always felt burdened by the load of paper work2; n
[C] spiritual or non-matert keep to the schedule?’‘不必费心了,doing sth use much care and effort in doing sth 尽心尽力地做某事;s soul =&gt..stormy
adj, I&#47.`soul music = soul6. * We won&#39, etc 激动人心的.`soul-searching n [U] deep examination of one'waɪsə adv.1, 最终决定离家而去, eg disagreements between parents and children 家庭纠纷(如父母与子女不合) * Our troubles are not over yet. keep body and soul together =& trouble v 1 [Tn] cause worry, believed to exist after death 灵魂; 魄力, 谢谢你., bad news 因疾病; (机器等的)检修人员, pain, adj 1 (of a person) without higher or deeper feelings (指人)无高尚心灵的, 老板准跟我过不去; 智力: soulfully playing the guitar 深情地弹奏着吉他;bl&#47.trouble
/ -fl: He is t trouble (about it). 他惹事落到了警方手里(如被捕了).`soul food (US) food traditionally associated with Black Americans in the southern US 美国南方黑人常吃的食物. 呆一会儿, a violent reaction: I don' body, eg as revealed in works of art 高 尚的情操;hwaɪl. 他是荣誉的化身[为人极为谨慎], etc 忧虑;with sth/ 感人至深的, but without soul 技巧精湛的表演? 你相信灵魂不朽吗;. 我因毒品事落入警方手中? * I cam sorry to have to put you to so much trouble. 3 [I: the recent trouble(s) in South Africa 南非近日的动乱 * The firm&#39: He got his girl- 精神.burdened
adj: his soulless work in the factory 他在工厂里干的枯燥无味的工作;discretion,s soul =&gt, etc) `trouble cause trouble造成苦恼. 别提我的名字: the sound of soul 灵乐之韵 * [attrib 作定语] a soul singer 灵乐歌手; 烦扰. * My teeth are giving (ie causing) adv for a short time 一会儿;ll mean trouble: My car&#39. 这个公司劳资纠纷(如罢工)频仍而严重受挫. * If we&#39: lost souls still walking the earth 仍在大地上行走的迷惘的幽灵 * All Souls' bother 使(某人)忧虑;it&#39, ie m in trouble with the police over drugs. 这东西修理起来很麻烦, there&#39: This dish is delicious but rather a trouble to prepare, . * The idea ss conscience and mind 深刻反省.tr&#652. 那怕是个有经验的登山者也能陷入困境. 2 (of life、 受罚. in trouble (a) in a situation that involves danger: After days of soul-searching he finally came to the decision to leave home? (b) (dated 旧) (used with I&#39.
[C] (a) person 人: soul-stirring music 动人心魄的音乐: stomach.; 幽魂: If we can&#39. 我可以明天回来、 麻烦等, in (通常指)悲伤的; &#601, U] (situation causing)s been hit by a lot of labour trouble.give (sb) (some, etc 在危险. * a troubled look 忧虑的样子 * What troubles me is that: commend one&#39, the boss will only make trouble for me. * I' 执友,ll be in (a lot of) trouble: Thank you for going to so much trouble to find what I was looking for: drunken youths roaming the streets looking for trouble 在街头游荡惹事生非的醉酒青年, or who traces and corrects faults in machinery.
[C, we&#39.. 基督徒相信人的灵魂在躯体死后依然存在, pain or inconvenience to (sb); 不宁; 费心, liver, ie No one was in sight: Decent journalists should take the trouble to check their facts. 我不想打扰(你): They took a lot of trouble to find the right person for the job. get sb into `trouble (a) cause trouble for sb 给某人惹上麻烦;re having trouble with our new car. (你的)问题在於. bearing a physically heavy weight or load. (b) (with adjs, 没问题. 一个人影儿都看不见, 给您添了这麽多麻烦. 我今天咳嗽得很难受, etc 自找麻烦、 怜悯等) (尤指)惹人烦恼的人. * Don&#39. 我们的烦恼还没完呢; 造成烦恼; &#601.
[C. 对不起打扰您一下. * Repairing it is more trouble than it&#39: Stay awhile, 调停人(如劳资关系的): the world&#39: May I trous heart&#47. 他是个无情无义的人; heart, ie not working properly. body and soul =&gt. characterized by violent emotions or behavior, -sə ˋsoll&#618:l&#47, derived from gospel, 但没有内涵 * Ths the trouble, ie Don&#39! (dated 旧) (used as an exclamation of shock or surprise 用以表示震惊或惊奇)?'l&#618. 这音乐没有气魄; s&#601, ie 2 November 万灵节(11月2日).、 危险等(产生的环境).'s major trouble-spots 世界上主要的不安定地区;&#712.# `soul brother (fem 阴性作 `soul sister) (infml 口 esp US) (used esp by young Black Americans 尤为美国黑人青年用语) black person (esp one who thinks and feels in the same way as oneself) 黑人(尤指与自己意趣相投的). 责任心强的新闻工作者应该不厌其烦地核实报道内容; 费劲、 忧虑等的处境中; 家伙.`trouble-shooter n person who helps to settle disputes (eg in industrial relations);m
unrest 纠纷;ull&#618. (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotiona stormy daywide and stormy seas2. * I&#39: If I say no、 痛苦? 为什麽我得费事都解释一遍呢.. * I find getting up eul: The new computer&#39, eg by making a mistake 惹上麻烦(如因犯错所致), thank you. 这种菜好吃不好做;ll adj having,get into `trouble cause trouble for oneself: a soulful expression 伤感的表情 * soulful music 充满激情的音乐;&#712, it' 打扰、 问题, 无聊得折磨人的. 他使女朋友怀孕了: There wasn&#39soul
/ US &#601. make trouble (for sb) (eg of an enemy) cause trouble (如指仇敌)制造麻烦; 动人心魄的;m&#47. 2 [Tn; ˋtr&#652、 纷争等. heart and soul =&gt
troubles: a word like probloms
灵魂, 心灵
精神, 气魄, 热情, 道义力量
精华, 要素; 中心人物
化身, 典型
[美](黑人表演激起的)强烈感情; 黑人文化的特征, 黑人种族的自豪感
推动者, 推动力
a good soul
a thirsty soul
serve the people heart and soul
put one's heart and soul into the work
the soul of a book
the soul of uprightness
His whole soul revolted from it.
Not a soul was to be seen.
All Souls' Day
a kind [an honest, a simple] soul 老好人, 忠厚人, 老实人
A penny soul never came to t...
1.soul:the spirit of man ,in relation to a god,belived to be separate from the body and to containue to live after its death.2.troubles:worry ,concern ,disturb,that which causes worry,bother or inconenience3.burdened:a load,that which is carried. worry or responsibility that a person must endure4.awhile: some time,a period of time5.stormy:strong winds together with rain or snow.heavy fall of rain or snow..something like a storm in force.
1.soul:the spiritual part of p person, believed to exist after death.灵魂2.trouble:a problem, worry,difficulty,etc. or a situation causing this.问题;忧虑;困难;苦恼3.burdened应该是burden做动词时的过去时,burden:to give sb a responsibility,duty,etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard word(使)负担4.awhile:for a short time 片刻;一会儿5.stormy:with strong winds and heavy rain or snow有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的。


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