evil man 我想用这个单词怎么读做个C...

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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:51:36
[00:00.00]previously on &grey's anatomy&... &外科实习医生格蕾&上集回顾...
[00:01.83]- I was dead. - Now I'm not. 我之前死了 现在又活了
[00:03.46]Anybody come looking for me yet? 有人来找过我吗?
[00:05.03]No hits from missing persons,plus-- 没有失踪人口符合的记录 另外...
[00:06.81]my face is hard to identify. 我的脸很难辨认
[00:09.00]Anyone know who the new chief candidate is? 有人知道新主任候选人是谁吗?
[00:10.80]colin marlowe.the one and only. Colin Marlowe 独一无二的人选
[00:12.33]- He... - yes. - 他... - 没错
[00:13.52]- With... - yes.... - 和... - 没错....
[00:14.80]That your best friend violently disses our marriage every chance she gets... 哦 你的好朋友总是不放过任何机会 肆意讽刺我们的婚姻...
[00:17.84]she has feelings for you! 她对你有感觉!
[00:19.20]is she crazy? 她疯了吗?
[00:33.48]surgeons always have a plan... 外科医生凡事都有计划...
[00:37.67]where to cut,where to clamp,where to stitch. 哪里下刀 哪里上夹板 哪里缝合
[00:42.34]But even with the best plans... 但即使最完美的计划...
[00:46.10]complications can arise, 也会出现复杂的情况
[00:48.30]things can go wrong... 事情会出错...
[00:51.86]and suddenly you're caught with your pants down. 突然之间你的计划土崩瓦解
[00:56.40]You and george were really going at it last night. 昨晚你和George可真够闹腾的
[01:00.14]- what? - Oh,the laughing, - 什么? - 大笑
[01:01.48]the drinking,the music-- okay,you know what? 狂饮 震耳欲聋的音乐声 你知道吗?
[01:03.57]Nobody,meaning me, 没有人 特指我
[01:05.43]needs to hear george's rendition of &sexy back& at 3:00 in the morning. 需要在凌晨三点 听到George唱&Sexy Back&(歌名)
[01:11.13]You shoulda-- you shoulda just, you know,said something or--or... 你应该...应该说些...
[01:14.44]banged on the wall. 诸如猛捶墙壁之类
[01:15.68]It's like living in a youth hostel. 那像是住青年旅馆才会发生
[01:17.93]Well,the important thing is, is that she and george made up. 重要的是 这可都是她和George搞出来的
[01:20.55]you did,right? 是你干的 对吧?
[01:21.69]I need to use your bathroom. 我要用你的浴室
[01:23.67]- Why? - Because o'malley is puking in mine. - 怎么了? - 因为O'malley在我的浴室里吐呢
[01:25.73]Okay,youth hostel. 的确是青年旅馆
[01:26.85]George is still here? George还在?
[01:28.24]Yes. 嗯
[01:29.37]Yes,but only because he was too drunk to drive home. 对 因为他喝的酩酊大醉 不能开车回家
[01:33.63]you know,just totally impaired, like no-heavy-machinery drunk. 烂醉如泥 就跟没骨头似的
[01:38.41]What's her problem? 她怎么回事?
[01:39.64]Still drunk. 宿醉未醒
[01:41.98]What's she doing here? 她又在这干吗?
[01:42.98]She's afraid she's ruining her engagement to burke, 她生怕自己会毁了和Burke的订婚
[01:45.10]so she's hiding from him. 所以躲到这儿来了
[01:46.26]Not anymore.I have a plan. 不会再躲了 我有计划了
[01:48.11]Burke doesn't want me to marry him just to appease him-- Burke不想让我只为了安慰他而结婚
[01:50.40]- which you are- - so... - 事实上你是嘛 - 所以...
[01:53.41]we don't get married. 我们不结婚了
[01:54.64]Simple. 很简单
[01:55.57]We go back to the way it was. 恢复以往的生活
[01:57.18]&Be kind.Rewind.& &平心回覆&
[01:58.85]My plan has a name. 我的计划就叫这个名字
[02:00.05]I gotta go. 我得走了
[02:01.92]Gotta get to work. 去上班
[02:03.35]I'll see you guys there. 医院见
[02:06.32]is that george? 那是George吗?
[02:07.47]You said he was upstairs puking. 你说他在楼上吐的
[02:09.23]So now he's downstairs puking. 现在他在楼下吐了
[02:15.88]- izzie. - George. - Izzie - George
[02:16.86]What the hell happened last night? 昨晚到底怎么回事?
[02:18.99]Callie is gonna kill me. Callie会杀了我
[02:20.48]Did I at least call her before I passed out? 我昏睡前至少给她打过电话吧?
[02:25.44]No. 没有
[02:28.57]you don'T... 你不...
[02:30.40]you don't remember? 你不记得了?
[02:31.68]I remember the bourbon... 我记得那波旁威士忌...
[02:34.77]and,uh... 还有...
[02:36.91]I don'T... 我不...
[02:39.38]where did you sleep? 你睡哪?
[02:43.91]big day. 今天可是大日子
[02:45.35]What time's your interview with the board? 董事会对你的面试在几点?
[02:46.82]3:00. 3点
[02:48.00]Guweweif,if hav hanquesquons,onleasle-e-- 如果你有问题 来找我
[02:49.68]ye tha t ynk y thinthi hai everythinth llwellhandha .O. 谢谢 我想一切都会顺利
[02:53.38]Thth a big figder. 好大一个文件夹
[02:55.79]us,it's n'shing. 没什么东西
[02:57.22]'S,uh,just a few ide i have for feattle gra G. 就是我关于西雅图仁爱医院的一点想法
[02:59.68]A 10-year plan,which,uh, really is just a few... 一个十年规划 这实际上只是一些...
[03:03.50]tweaks. 调整
[03:05.26]What did,uh,einstein say? 爱因斯坦那句怎么说的?
[03:06.91]Newton did the work,I'm merely standing on his shoulders. 是牛顿的成就伟大 我只是站在了巨人的肩上
[03:10.35]And in this scenario,I'm newton. 这么说 我是牛顿咯
[03:19.71]george... George...
[03:22.70]- You look nice. - I look insane. - 你看起来很漂亮 - 我看起来有点精神失常
[03:24.21]I'm-- I'm wearing pearls. 我 我戴了珍珠项链
[03:25.96]Listen-- listen,about,uh,last night-- 听着 听着 呃 昨晚
[03:29.34]we're gonna have to put a pin in that for now, 那些事先搁一边
[03:30.86]because as of this moment, 因为从此刻起
[03:32.42]you and I are the perfect couple.Okay? 你和我就是一对恩爱夫妻 明白吗?
[03:34.83]We are the perfect,happily married couple who are perfect and-- 我们幸福美满 举案齐眉
[03:37.80]and never fight,because,uh, 从不冷言相对
[03:40.34]because my dad's in town. 因为我爸爸来了
[03:42.94]What? 什么?
[03:44.68]My dad's in town,and,uh, 我爸爸来了
[03:47.80]he wants to meet my husband. 他想见见我丈夫
[03:51.99]The o'malleys. O'malley夫妇
[03:55.33]carry on. 请继续
[03:56.22]Do your stuff,your married stuff. 继续你们的事 你们的家事
[04:03.60]you told her about our fight? 你告诉她我们吵架了?
[04:06.34]just when exactly is he coming? 他具体什么时候来?
[04:07.90]Today.Lunch.Cafeteria. 今天 在食堂一起吃午饭
[04:09.92]But you know what? I think I'm gonna change it to joe's 知道吗? 我觉得最好改到Joe的酒吧
[04:11.70]so he might not be able to tell that stink's coming from you. 那样他可能闻不出你身上的臭味
[04:14.02]No,it's--it's okay.Oh,god. It's gonna be okay. 不 没事 老天啊 会没事的
[04:18.03]Uh,I'm good with parents. 我和父母关系良好
[04:19.46]Parents love me. 父母宠爱我
[04:21.62]Funny,funny,funny little man. 可笑滑稽的小男人
[04:23.43]Funny little smelly little man. 臭气熏天的小男人
[04:25.19]Get in the shower,okay? 去洗个澡吧 拜托
[04:25.75]- It's gonna be okay. - Just get in the shower. - 会没事的 - 洗你的澡去吧
[04:27.39]I know.You'll see. He's gonna love me. 我知道 你看着吧 他会喜欢我的
[04:29.97]No. 不
[04:36.08]what's this? 这是什么?
[04:37.03]We bring each other coffee.This is what we do. 我们互相买咖啡的 这是习惯
[04:38.61]No,it's what we used to do, 不 这是以前的习惯
[04:41.05]before you moved in.We started making coffee at home. 在你搬进来前的习惯 之后我们就在家煮咖啡了
[04:44.39]You know,I'm-- I'm not really interested in going back to the way it used to be. 我 我对于回到以前并不感兴趣
[04:47.95]So unless you have something else to say to me... 所以除非你想对我说点什么...
[04:52.92]I've already had my coffee. 我已经喝了咖啡了
[05:07.27]Good morning,doctors. 早啊 医生们
[05:08.20]Good morning. 早
[05:09.31]Big day today,huh? 今天可是大日子 对吧?
[05:10.80]Good luck to all and sundry,hey? 祝大家好运
[05:17.91]- He has a 10-year plan. - What? - 他有个十年规划 - 什么?
[05:20.85]He's presenting the board with a 10-year plan for the surgical wing. 他要给董事会展示他对外科部的十年规划
[05:23.87]He's only been here a day. 他才到这儿一天
[05:25.09]Did you see that folder? 看到那个大文件夹了吗?
[05:26.29]It's full of plans, 装满了计划
[05:28.01]&tweaks& for my hospital. 对于我的医院的&调整&
[05:35.42]This is our computer-generated approximation of your original 这是电脑根据三维CT扫描
[05:38.35]facial structure based on the 3-d C.T.Scans we did. 所做的你的原始面部结构图
[05:42.10]It's what you could look like after reconstructive surgery. 这是修复手术后你可能会有的外貌
[05:45.94]or you could look like this. 像这样
[05:48.99]or this. 或者这样
[05:53.70]You don't like them? 你不喜欢?
[05:55.06]No,it's not that. 不 不是
[06:00.68]um...how does this work exactly? 这个手术到底要怎么进行?
[06:05.67]He'll make an incision along your hairline,and then... 他会沿你的发际切口 然后...
[06:10.15]it's okay.I can take it. 没事的 我能接受
[06:13.84]He'll literally pull your face off. 说的直白点 他要把你的脸揭下来
[06:17.96]it sounds a lot worse than it is. 听上去比实际情况要可怕些
[06:20.34]Your face is extremely elastic, 脸部肌肉非常有弹性
[06:21.96]and pulling it down allows me to repair the bone fractures 把肌肉拉下后 我就可以修复下面的骨骼
[06:24.43]underneath without causing any scaring. 而不留下任何疤痕
[06:27.31]And once you've healed,no one will ever know you had the surgery. 等你痊愈了 没人会知道你做过手术
[06:31.57]I'm that good. 这方面我很擅长
[06:33.27]He is.It's annoying. 的确这样 但听多了会很烦人
[06:35.85]The surgery won't affect my baby? 手术不会伤害我的宝宝?
[06:38.05]I'll be monitoring the baby throughout. 我会全程监控宝宝的情况
[06:41.00]Okay? 好吗?
[06:41.76]Okay. 好
[06:45.40]So... 那么...
[06:46.74]then I-I just have to pick one? 那我 我只要选一个?
[06:52.26]do I have to pick one now? 我必须现在就选吗?
[06:54.68]Um,take a couple hours and think about it. 你有几小时的时间想想
[06:57.58]Couple hours... 几小时...
[07:05.36]dr.Bailey. Bailey医生
[07:06.28]Chief,our jane doe is getting a new face today. 主任 我们的无名女患者 今天要有张新面孔了
[07:08.73]Well,that's exciting. 真叫人激动
[07:12.41]How are you doing,meredith? Meredith 你还好吗?
[07:13.64]You didn't take too much time off after 在那之后 你并没有休息多少时间
[07:15.13]I'm fine.Really,sir. 我很好 真的 先生
[07:16.51]I,uh,I think working is the best thing I can do. 我觉得工作是目前我最应该做的事
[07:19.18]Like mother,like daughter,huh? 有其母必有其女
[07:21.60]Dr.Grey,what can you tell me about reconstructing the orbital floor? Grey医生 关于面部骨骼重建你知道多少?
[07:25.94]Uh,you can create a new base for the eye socket by harvesting bone from the skull. 你可以从头骨移植骨头做眼窝
[07:30.44]Dr.Bailey,dr.Grey will be scrubbing in on the jane e on. Bailey医生 Grey医生可以参与 无名女患者的手术 来吧
[07:34.20]I'll show you how to do it without breaking the bone graft into a million pieces. 我演示给你看如何完成手术 而不把移植的骨头弄成碎片
[07:37.51]congratulations,dr.Grey. 祝贺你 Grey医生
[07:39.05]okay,let's go,people. 好吧 我们走
[07:46.60]Oh,wait,wait,wait. 等等 等等
[07:47.53]I need to talk to you. 我得和你们谈谈
[07:48.39]Why? 什么事?
[07:49.48]Uh,to prepare you guys for what you're about to see. 让你们为即将看到的情景做点心理准备
[07:51.25]You meant--you meant &you& like &us,& not like &me.& 你说的&YOU&是指&我们& 而不是&我& (YOU可以指&你& 也可指&你们&)
[07:55.07]You don't--you don't want to talk to me, 你不是 你不是想和我说话的
[07:56.13]you want to talk to us about a pat--about a patient. 你想跟我们谈一个病...病人的情况
[07:58.66]That's what I just said. 那正是我所说的
[08:01.14]Uh,this patient has a disease so rare that you'll probably never see it gain--F.O.P. 这个病人得了很罕见的病 你们可能都不会再见到了 F.O.P.
[08:05.54]Oh,uh,fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva? 进行性发育异常骨化症?
[08:08.73]Yeah.It's a congenital disease which turns muscle into bone. 对 这是种先天性疾病 会让肌肉骨化
[08:11.91]You become a human statue. 你就变成活体雕像了
[08:13.31]So just,uh,try to learn. 所以 努力学习
[08:14.60]Try not to stare,okay? 别死盯着看 对吗?
[08:17.99]Okay. 对
[08:21.46]If you people are interns, you need to stand back. 你们是实习生的话 就得站到后头
[08:24.38]Nina,please don't be rude. Nina 别这么没礼貌
[08:25.81]My mother still has movement in her face and hands. 我妈妈脸部和手还能动
[08:28.20]I would like to keep it that way,so please be careful. 我希望这种情况能保持下去 所以小心点
[08:30.87]If you press too hard during an exam or bump into her accidentally, 要是你们在检查中 太用力按到或意外撞到她
[08:34.00]it causes a bone to grow where a bone shouldn't grow. 都会让骨头在不该长的地方长出来
[08:36.65]So there can be no accidents. 不能有意外发生
[08:38.21]Okay,remember that when you're dealing with her today. 好吧 你们给她检查时记住这条
[08:40.05]It's just a stomach virus or a flu. 只是肠胃细菌感染或者流感
[08:42.19]I'm sure it's nothing. Nina insisted that I come in. 我肯定没什么大不了的 Nina坚持我进医院
[08:43.92]She was vomiting blood 她吐血了
[08:45.48]and going through her pain meds like they were candy. 吃止疼药像吃糖一样
[08:48.23]And she has new growths on her back, 背部有了新的骨质生长
[08:50.62]no doubt caused by some clumsy interns on her last hospital stay. 毫无疑问是上家医院 某些笨手笨脚的实习生惹的祸
[08:54.60]Well,obviously you're having a flare-up of the F.O.P., 明显 进行性发育异常骨化症恶化了
[08:57.10]But what really concerns me is the vomiting. 但真正让我担心的还是呕吐
[08:58.62]So I'm gonna need a C.T., See what's going on. 做个C.T. 了解下情况
[09:03.75]did you build that? 这是你做的?
[09:04.83]My mom did. 我妈妈做的
[09:05.68]No,nina did it. 我妈妈建的
[09:05.68]不是 Nina建的
[09:07.42]I used to do it.I'm not able to. 以前做过 现在不行了
[09:09.05]It keeps her active. 做这个能让她活动活动
[09:10.31]When she's active, she has fewer flare-ups. 活动起来的话 发病次数也减少了
[09:13.10]Plus it makes her happy... 另外也让她开心
[09:14.54]and relaxed. 放松一点
[09:18.23]Good.Okay. 好吧
[09:24.84]Can I work in the clinic today? 今天我能去诊所工作吗?
[09:26.62]You don't want the F.O.P.Case? 不想跟进行性发育异常骨化症吗?
[09:27.88]Clinic?Why?What's going on in the clinic? 诊所? 干吗? 诊所里有啥好事?
[09:29.25]Nothing.I just feel clinic-Y. 没事 我只是很诊所化
[09:30.97]That's not a word. I'll take the clinic. 都没&诊所化&这个单词 我要去诊所
[09:32.21]Cristina! Cristina!
[09:33.13]You both can go to the clinic. 你们俩都能去
[09:34.78]The board is interviewing the chief candidates all day today, 董事会全天要对主任候选人进行面试
[09:37.50]so we're light on surgeries. 所以我们今天没什么手术
[09:39.04]O'malley. O'Malley
[09:40.38]Yes? 什么事?
[09:41.43]You're with dr.O'malley. 你和O'Malley医生一起
[09:43.15]Okay. 没问题
[09:44.32]What am I supposed to do? 我要做什么?
[09:45.87]Find dr.Montgomery.See if you can help with jane doe. 去找Montgomory医生 看看你不能帮一下那个无名女
[09:52.68]I showered twice. 我洗了两次澡了
[09:53.83]It's coming out of your pores,george. 味道都从你毛孔里透出来了 George
[09:55.57]You reek,you're trembling,and there's no way I'm letting you near my patient right now. 你满身酒气 浑身发抖 现在绝对不能让你见我父母
[09:58.59]- Dr.Bailey. - don't tell bailey.don't tell bailey. - Bailey医生 - 别告诉Bailey 别告诉Bailey
[09:59.91]Bailey,uh,with mrs.Rogerson's limited mobility, Bailey 由于Rogerson夫人行动不方便
[10:02.91]I'm gonna,uh,need an extra set of hands. 我还需要人手
[10:05.46]Fine. 好吧
[10:06.93]Stevens. Stevens
[10:08.70]Yang will handle the clinic. Yang负责诊所就行
[10:10.07]You'll be with the o'malleys today. 你今天和O'Malley夫妇一起
[10:22.57]ga Season 3 Episode 19
[10:26.00]外科实习医生格蕾 第三季 第19集
[10:28.31]it's my foot. 我的脚
[10:29.78]It hurts like crazy. 疼得要命
[10:31.16]I'm gonna need a painkiller. 我需要止痛药
[10:32.46]Can't spend the whole day propped on an ice pack. 总不能一整天都用冰袋敷着啊
[10:34.74]Uh,you're gonna need to take off your shoe. 现在请脱了你的鞋
[10:36.61]No,no,no,no. 不 不 不
[10:37.32]I've been down this route before. 以前我也有过这样的情况
[10:39.04]Just slip me a couple painkillers,and I'll be on my way. 给我开点止疼药 我就能走了
[10:41.70]Sir,uh,did you go to medical school? 先生 你上过医学院吗?
[10:44.56]I did. 我上过
[10:45.43]Take off your shoe. 把鞋脱了
[10:48.79]you have type 2 diabetes. 你有二型糖尿病
[10:50.04]Ten years now. 已经10年了
[10:51.50]Yeah,well,you inspect your feet every day.Have you noticed anything? 嗯 那你天天能看到你的脚 有没有发现什么问题?
[10:53.89]I notice it hurts. 很疼
[10:54.90]Look,I got 30 guys sitting on their ass waiting for me to show up. 听着 还有30个家伙等着我
[10:57.35]Sir,I get it.You're in a hurry. That makes the two of us. 先生 我明白你赶时间 只会让我们俩
[11:00.00]Sock. 都难做(袜子也脱了)
[11:16.48]you need to call your guys and tell them you're not coming in. 你得打电话给你的人 跟他们说你今天不会去了
[11:22.62]did you choose a face? 你选好脸了吗?
[11:23.83]Not yet. 还没有
[11:25.64]I was hoping I'd see one of 'em and, 我真希望自己见过她们
[11:27.57]I don't know,recognize myself or something, 不知道 我想认出我自己什么的
[11:30.61]but I don't recognize any of these women. 可是这里面我谁都不认识
[11:33.84]What if I choose the wrong one? 要是我选错了人怎么办?
[11:35.28]What if my husband or boyfriend or whoever's baby 要是我丈夫 或者男朋友 不管是谁的孩子
[11:38.17]this is shows up tomorrow with a-- 如果他们明天来了
[11:40.96]with a picture of what I'm supposed to look like, 拿着一张我原来样子的照片来找我
[11:43.20]but it's too late,and I'm stuck with the wrong face for the rest of my life? 那太迟了 而我得带着一张错脸过下半辈子了
[11:46.13]Okay,that would suck, but if you don't pick one... 没错 的确很糟糕 不过你不选的话
[11:49.84]this is gonna be your face the rest of your life. 这张脸就会陪伴你度过余生了
[12:02.23]Shouldn't you be preparing for your board interview? 你不是应该在准备董事会的面试吗?
[12:04.72]I am. 我在准备呢
[12:10.70]Mmm.You're hovering. 你在犹豫不决
[12:11.87]No,I'm breathing you in. 没有 我想和你亲近亲近
[12:14.07]You're hovering. 你正犹豫不决
[12:15.19]Fine.I'm hovering. 好吧 我是犹豫不决
[12:17.06]If cristina would sleep in her own bed,I wouldn't have to hover at work. 要是Cristina能睡在自己的床上 我就没必要工作时候踱来踱去了
[12:19.71]I could hover in bed. 就能在床上打转了
[12:20.80]A different type of hovering perhaps. 或许别有一番风情
[12:26.26]how bad is it today, 今天有多糟呢?
[12:28.63]on a scale of one to ten? 1到10里面选个糟糕指数吧
[12:30.95]Seven.Maybe a six. 7 或许是6
[12:33.00]You know what's gonna make it even better than that? 你知道有什么能让今天变得好点吗?
[12:34.61]Mnh-mnh.What? 什么?
[12:35.72]The calvarial bone harvest I get to do on sloan's jane doe later. 待会儿我可以为Sloan的无名女人 动颅骨揭取手术了
[12:39.70]Sloan's gonna let you do a harvest... Sloan让你做取骨术
[12:42.37]by yourself? 你自己来?
[12:43.19]By myself. 我自己来
[12:45.06]Which makes me very cool in the eyes of my dead mother,by the way. 另外 这也让我死去的老妈觉得我很酷
[12:48.15]Okay,then.Well,I better let you study. 这样 我还是让你看书好了
[12:50.34]Better stop distracting me. 最好不要打扰我
[12:51.65]I will not be cool in the eyes of my dead mother if I maim jane doe. 要是让无名女残废了 这样在她眼里我可就不酷了
[13:03.78]uh,we're gonna need you to lie very still,mrs.Rogerson. Rogerson夫人 你必须躺着不动
[13:07.07]I think I can do that,dr.O'malley. 我想可以的 O'Malley医生
[13:14.03]Sorry about that,mrs.Rogerson. 很抱歉 Rogerson夫人
[13:17.19]Oh.I'm never gonna drink again. 哦 我肯定不会再喝酒了
[13:19.95]I can't believe I have to be presentable for callie's dad at lunch. 真不敢想象午餐时候 我怎么去见Callie父亲
[13:26.19]oh,god. 哦 天哪
[13:30.22]hours-- hours of our lives-- 几个小时啊 我们俩在一起几个小时
[13:34.12]many hours that are all I can think about, 我能回想起来的 那么长时间
[13:37.34]and you seriously don't remember? 你真的一点都不记得了?
[13:40.73]How can you not remember those many,many hours? 你怎么就不记得那几个小时?
[13:43.16]Let--izzie,if...oh,god. Izzie 要是...天
[13:46.25]Whatever I did,whatever I said,I was drunk. 不管我做了什么 说了什么 都是因为我喝醉了
[13:49.22]I'm sure I didn't mean it. 我肯定不是有意的
[13:50.40]George,I promise you,you meant it. George 我可以肯定你是有意的
[13:53.35]You meant it a lot. 你意图明显
[13:54.59]You meant it more than once. 你不只一次想要那么干
[13:58.27]Do you see that? 看见没有?
[14:00.95]gotta page callie. 得叫Callie过来
[14:09.16]You'll be pleased to hear I'm proposing an expansion to the hospital board this afternoon. 听见这个消息你一定很高兴 我打算今天下午扩大医院部门
[14:13.24]Give you quite a few more places to hide. 这样你就有更多地方可躲了
[14:15.48]I'm not going to hide. 我又不会再躲了
[14:17.06]I'm just trying to find my resident. 我只是想找到我的病人
[14:18.60]I come here to seattle to see you, and you don't even give me a moment? 我来西雅图见你 你却一点时间都不给我?
[14:21.09]You didn't come here to see me. You came here to get a job. 你不是来见我的 你是来工作的
[14:22.63]I came here for both. 两样都是
[14:23.65]Well,you made a mistake. 那就是你错了
[14:26.31]Are you going to invite me? 你会邀请我吗?
[14:27.40]- Where? - To the wedding. - 去哪儿? - 婚礼
[14:28.98]Will you stop talking about the wedding? 你能不能不要说婚礼?
[14:30.60]Most blushing brides to be love to talk about the wedding. 大多数羞涩的准新娘都喜欢谈婚礼的
[14:32.66]What the matter? 你怎么了?
[14:34.07]Are we getting cold feet. 你临阵退缩了?
[14:37.31]Please leave. 请走吧
[14:39.99]If he's rushing you,you should tell him. 如果他催着你 你得告诉他
[14:42.90]When you marry,you want to be ready. 你想准备好了再结婚
[14:45.96]He should understand that. 他必须明白这点
[14:53.97]Good afternoon,board.No. 下午好 董事们
[14:57.51]Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen of the board. 下午好 董事会的先生女士们
[15:01.15]I am so grateful for this opportunity. 很荣幸有这样的机会
[15:03.91]Don't wear the glasses. 不要戴眼镜了
[15:05.35]You fiddle with 'em.It makes you look indecisive. 你会习惯性地推推眼镜 这会让你看上去没有主见
[15:08.00]And stop stressing. 也别再给自己加压了
[15:09.07]It'll be like any other job interview. 把这当成一般的面试
[15:11.05]&What do you consider your strengths? What do you consider your weaknesses?& &你认为你的长处是什么 缺点是什么&
[15:15.30]What do you consider your weaknesses? 你认为你的缺点是什么?
[15:18.80]I don't have any. 我没有缺点
[15:20.01]I'm that good. 我就是那么好
[15:22.28]What are yours? 你呢?
[15:24.02]I'm an easy mark for evil redheads. 我很容易受邪恶的红发女人骗
[15:26.89]trust me,you have other weaknesses. 相信我 你还有别的缺点
[15:30.38]Obviously... 最明显的
[15:32.26]you are a man-whore. 你是&鸭&
[15:33.42]Correction. 纠正
[15:34.44]I was a man-whore. 我过去是
[15:35.97]Yeah,well,while you're bragging about that to the board, 好吧 当你在董事会上 吹嘘你的风流往事的时候
[15:38.30]colin marlowe is pitching his 10-year plan. Colin Marlowe已经制定了他的10年规划
[15:41.23]10-year plan? 10年规划?
[15:43.31]Was that a requirement? 有这要求吗?
[15:45.22]It is now. 现在是了
[15:47.39]Mrs.Rogerson,according to your C.T., Rogerson夫人 你的CT显示
[15:49.38]You have severe internal bleeding. 你有严重的内出血
[15:51.58]It was probably caused by your anti-inflammatory medication. 可能是因为使用消炎药的缘故
[15:54.68]Does that require surgery? Because she can't have any-- 要动手术吗? 她不能..
[15:56.57]obviously any surgical procedure could cause more bone growth or do more damage than good. 很明显任何手术过程可能促使骨骼生长 也可能造成很大的伤害
[16:01.25]That's why dr.Burke's here. 所以Burke医生也来了
[16:02.96]What we can do is insert a line into your groin and then 我们能做的是在你的腹股沟处插进管子
[16:05.86]float a catheter up and embolize the area. 然后让导尿管浮起 栓塞该区域
[16:08.12]That's minimally invasive? 这样副作用最小?
[16:09.70]As minimally invasive as possible. 已经是尽可能小了
[16:11.97]But with your condition, even this is risky. 但考虑到你的情况 这样做都很冒险
[16:14.68]I'm 41 years old. 我41岁了
[16:16.66]Most F.O.P.Patients don't live to 45. 大多数患有进行性发育异常骨化症的病人 都活不过45岁
[16:20.22]I'm down to the use of my face and hands. 现在我脸部和手都快没有知觉了
[16:22.21]Pretty soon I won't have anything. 很快我便完全是个废人了
[16:24.87]So what would happen... 要是我不动手术
[16:26.93]if I refuse the surgery? 会有什么后果?
[16:31.85]You will bleed to death... 你会失血过多而死
[16:34.63]within a day or two. 一两天的事
[16:37.49]Is that painful? 会很痛苦吗?
[16:38.52]- Mom,stop,okay? - Nina,please.Let me think. - 妈妈 别说了好吗? - Nina 求你 让我想想
[16:41.77]The reason you've gotten this far-- 你能活到现在的原因
[16:43.45]our treatment plan works. 是因为我们的治疗计划很奏效
[16:47.32]It will work. 将来也会的
[16:52.77]burke is using powerpoint. Burke在用幻灯片
[16:54.55]He's doing a powerpoint presentation for the board, 他会用幻灯向董事会作演示
[16:56.48]which is cool if it's,like,1998. 要是在1998年是挺酷的
[17:01.72]There's no swag,is there? 没有暗箱操作吧?
[17:03.80]We're not allowed to give gifts? 我们不能送礼?
[17:06.51]Why did you ask meredith to do a bone graft on your jane doe? 为什么你要让Meredith对无名氏 做颅骨揭取手术?
[17:13.72]Because I'm her teacher, and that's my job. 因为我是她的老师 那是我的职责
[17:15.87]You're doing it to impress the chief. 你这么做是要打动主任
[17:18.19]You're setting her up,and she can't fail right now. 你这是害她 她现在不能失败
[17:22.85]Why don't you let your girlfriend decide what she can or can't do? 为什么你不能让你女朋友自己决定 什么能做什么不能做?
[17:26.79]I will hurt you if this goes wrong for her. 要是出了差错我会扁你一顿
[17:37.06]Huh.Is...is that A... 这 这是...
[17:39.01]dollhouse? 玩具屋吗?
[17:41.01]The lights work and everything. It's the perfect little home. 那些灯饰什么的温馨的小家
[17:44.37]Did you have a dollhouse growing up? 小时候你有玩具屋吗?
[17:45.78]I had sex last night... 我昨晚做爱了
[17:49.61]with the wrong person. 但是对象错了
[17:51.70]But the thing is,it didn't feel wrong at the time. 奇怪的是 那时候我感觉一点问题没有
[17:54.43]It felt like... 感觉就像...
[17:56.40]something was falling into place. 一切都是水到渠成
[17:58.70]so what do I do? 我该怎么办?
[18:00.82]what am I,the go-to person for adultery? 我是什么人 通奸这种事都来找我?
[18:03.80]No.I...I just... 不是 我只是...
[18:07.59]I just don't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办
[18:10.76]You stop. 别这样干了
[18:13.59]That's what you do. 这就是你该做的
[18:15.15]Are you sure? 你确定?
[18:16.28]I mean,how do you know that it didn't feel so right because... 我是说 你怎么知道这事不对劲 是因为...
[18:20.82]it's god's plan? 这是天意?
[18:23.46]God wants you to be an adulterer? 上帝想让你成为一个情妇?
[18:27.68]god got a virgin pregnant by magic. 上帝能用魔法让一个处女怀孕
[18:29.43]God is not playing by the rules. 上帝从不按游戏规则来玩
[18:32.35]Uh,talk to paul. 跟Paul说
[18:33.87]Mr.Kendry. Kendry先生
[18:35.57]No,paul will get you drywall numbers. 不 Paul会给你Drywall的号码
[18:37.93]Mr.Kendry. Kendry先生
[18:38.64]Okay. 好的
[18:40.66]Let me just write a couple notes about that call. 让我记几件刚才电话里说的事
[18:42.25]Mr.Kendry,we're gonna have to amputate your foot. Kendry先生 我们必须截去你的脚
[18:48.70]- What? - The infection is in the bone. - 什么? - 感染已经深人骨头里
[18:50.18]If we don't remove the foot, it will travel to your blood, 如果我们不帮你截肢 它将会转移到你的血液中
[18:52.64]and that will cause sepsis and possible death. 它将引起脓血症并可能导致死亡
[18:55.11]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[19:01.27]Y-- how can you be so... 你怎么可以...
[19:03.42]I mean,I-I can't get around A... 我是说 我 我不能到处走...
[19:06.75]no,no,no,no,no.No,no. 不 不 不 不
[19:08.92]You're not cutting off my foot. 你不会砍了我的脚
[19:09.97]Sir,diabetes is a manageable disease. 先生 糖尿病是一种可以控制的疾病
[19:12.66]If you had been here even a month ago,maybe we could've-- 如果你早点到这里来 甚至是早一个月 我们或许可以...
[19:14.71]okay,so I screwed up. 好的 我搞砸了
[19:17.04]But you're telling me that this is my only option because I'm late getting in here? 但是你现在说这是我的唯一选择 就因为我来晚了?
[19:21.02]That there is no way-- 这不可能...
[19:21.83]- mr.Kendry- - no! - Kendry先生- - 不行!
[19:27.07]Please. 拜托你
[19:28.46]There's gotta be a way for me to get that month back. 一定有什么方法能弥补我晚来的那一个月
[19:32.23]Tell me what to do. 告诉我该怎么做
[19:33.96]I'll do it.I'll do every line of every plan you give me. 我会去做 我会严格按你给我的任何计划去做
[19:37.35]I'll do it. 我会做的
[19:38.95]Please. 拜托了
[19:42.84]You gotta find a way to save my foot. 你要想法帮我保住我的脚
[19:54.52]Hey,what do you think of a robotics lab as a goal for the hospital,hmm? 嘿 你觉得将机器人实验室作为 医院的未来的发展目标怎么样?
[19:57.59]- Derek... - you're harvesting. - Derek... - 你在做练习
[19:59.55]I'm trying to be supportive...But this graft,it's really tricky. 我很想支持你... 但是这个移植手术 真的很需要技巧
[20:03.39]You don't have to do it,you know? 你不需要做这个 知道吗?
[20:04.58]I talked to mark,and,uh-- 我跟Mark谈了 并且...
[20:06.44]you what? 什么?
[20:07.39]I talked to mark.I mean, meredith,this is a-- 我跟Mark谈了 我是说 Meredith 这是...
[20:10.26]it's a complex procedure-- 这是个非常复杂的手术...
[20:11.18]you don't think I can do it? 你觉得我做不来吗?
[20:12.08]When has mark sloan allowed his interns to do anything, 什么时候开始 Mark Sloan让他的实习生做事了?
[20:16.54]let alone harvest a bone graft? 什么时候让实习生单独做一个取骨术了?
[20:18.73]He's in the race for chief. 他在竞争主任的位置
[20:20.29]He's trying to prove he can teach. 他想证明他可以教人
[20:21.65]By teaching you. 靠教你
[20:22.75]Your mother died,and the chief is gonna be watching you very closely. 你妈妈刚去世 主任最近正非常仔细的观察你
[20:25.07]And mark is trying to gain points by-- Mark想加点分数 靠...
[20:27.04]using me. 利用我
[20:28.06]If it goes well,he gets the credit. 如果这次顺利 他就得到了信任
[20:29.65]If it goes poorly,he gets the save. 如果这次不顺利 他会自己补救
[20:33.34]So this is about you one-upping mark. 所以这是关乎你能否胜过Mark
[20:35.22]He's using you. 他在利用你
[20:37.20]I'm just trying to protect you. 我只是想保护你
[20:40.10]You don't need to. 你不需要
[20:43.32]Close the door on your way out. 出去的时候关门
[20:57.48]Can I help you with those,dr.Bailey? 需要我帮忙吗 Bailey医生?
[20:59.05]What do you want? 你想干吗?
[20:59.93]See,that's what I like about you. 看看 这就是我喜欢你的地方
[21:01.13]You always get right to the point. 你总是能一针见血
[21:02.58]Make it quick.I'm headed over to the clinic. 有话快说 我正赶去门诊呢
[21:04.24]All right. 好的
[21:05.40]What would you change about this hospital if you could? 如果你可以 你将如何改变这座医院?
[21:08.95]Is this for your board interview? 这是为了你的董事会面试吗?
[21:11.01]You want me to do your homework for you because I'm not busy enough,is that it? 你觉得我还不够忙 想让我帮你完成作业吗?
[21:15.03]All the other attendings are putting together 10-year plans. 所有主治医生都在整理10年的规划
[21:18.45]I was just looking for some input. 我只是在寻找一些切入点
[21:19.89]Input?You want-- 切入点? 你想...
[21:21.71]I have patients in need of medical attention right now. 现在我有病人急需治疗
[21:24.74]This guy here is about to have one less appendage. 这个男人需要给他上假肢
[21:27.72]I don't have a 10-year plan for him. 我可没有10年的计划给他
[21:29.37]I have a &right now& plan for him-- 我给他的只有&当前&的计划
[21:31.25]cut off his foot to save his life. 砍了他的脚来挽救他的生命
[21:33.05]So you need to get out of my way right now so I can do my job. 因此你最好给我让路 让我好做我的工作
[21:38.71]- Right now? - Right now. - 就现在? - 就现在
[21:44.55]Talk to me about blackouts.Are they real? 跟我谈谈黑朦 有这回事吗?
[21:47.67]Do you really not remember anything afterwards? 你真的会一点都不记得了?
[21:49.69]Iz, I'm fine.Not drinking. Iz 我很好 没有喝酒
[21:51.31]I'm not drowning my sorrows.Fine. 没有沉浸在我的痛苦中 我很好
[21:54.25]Everybody needs to stop trying to protect me. 你们每个人都不要在试着保护我了
[21:56.55]Um, this isn'T...really about you. 这不是...跟你有关的事
[21:59.45]I'm asking, back when you had a best friend named tequila, 我在问你 你喝龙舌兰的时候
[22:02.37]did you actually ever blackout? 你的记忆有中断过吗?
[22:06.08]Once.No, twice. 一次 不 两次
[22:07.99]But the stuff you don't remember is usually the stuff you don't wanna remember. 但是你不记得的事情 往往是你不愿意记得的那些
[22:12.41]Right.Great.Thanks. 好的 太好了 谢谢
[22:16.61]Hey, I have type 2 diabetes. 我有个糖尿病患者
[22:18.64]Patient let it go, and the infection is in the bone. 患者本人不愿意接受治疗 但感染已经深入骨头里
[22:20.85]I have to find a fix or cut off the foot. 我得想个办法治愈他或者砍了他的脚
[22:23.07]Anyone?Anybody? 有人知道吗? 有人吗?
[22:24.83]You get to cut off his foot?Cool. 你要去砍了他脚? 酷
[22:26.86]You think--no, not cool. 你认为... 不 不酷
[22:28.84]The patient was neglectful.He made a couple of bad calls. 这个病人什么都不注意 他打很多电话
[22:31.22]I mean, does that mean he has no hope? 我是说 那就表示他没有希望了吗?
[22:32.82]Does that mean he can't have a do over? 那就表示他不能重新来一次?
[22:35.81]But you get to cut through bone and stuff. 但是你得从骨头里切除感染的部分
[22:38.24]We're talking about burke now. 我们现在在说Burke了
[22:39.57]We are? 是吗?
[22:40.67]Mm-hmm.Operation &be kind.Rewind.& Not going so well? &平心回覆&计划进展的不顺利?
[22:44.53]you need to fix it. 你得治愈他
[22:46.44]'Cause it seems like you guys have a pretty good thing, 因为看上去你的们都有好事
[22:48.21]and pretty good things are rare and hard to come by, 好事总是很少降临
[22:51.59]unlike really screwed up, complicated things, which... 不像一些搅在一起的复杂的事情...
[22:55.26]seem to be freakin' everywhere. 看上去觉得哪里都不正常
[22:56.62]You know what?Things are great. 知道吗? 一切都是很好
[22:58.49]I'm gonna get things back to the way we were. 我要把一切恢复原样
[23:00.88]Watch me. 看着吧
[23:05.85]has jane doe picked a face? 无名女选好脸了吗?
[23:08.64]no, not yet. 不 还没有
[23:10.20]How cool would that be, to get to pick your own face, 那多酷啊 可以选择自己的脸
[23:13.69]just...disappear and start all over? 然后...消失然后全部重新来过?
[23:21.57]How you doing? 你怎么样?
[23:22.52]How am I doing?I'm freaking out, alex.That's how I'm doing. 我怎么样? 我快疯了 Alex 那就是我现在的状态
[23:25.26]I can't do this.I can't pick.I can't. 我不能做这个 我选不了 我不能
[23:29.15]All right.Okay. 好的
[23:30.89]Uh, well, let's, uh...let's meet the contenders, all right? 嗯 让我们 额... 让我们见见这些候选人 好吗?
[23:37.68]Uh, let's see. 我们来看看
[23:39.20]This...this is...maggie. 这...这个...是Maggie
[23:44.12]Married her high school sweetheart, has two kids-- boy and girl. 和他高中的男友结婚 有2个孩子 一男一女
[23:48.05]Loves being a mom, coaches her daughter's basketball team 她喜欢当妈妈 是她女儿篮球队的教练
[23:51.76]and makes an insane banana cream pie. 会做让人疯狂的香蕉乳酪派
[23:54.81]Banana cream pie? 香蕉乳酪派?
[23:56.46]It's my favorite, so shut up. 这是我的最爱 所以请住嘴
[23:58.90]And this is...um...elizabeth. 这个是...嗯...Elizabeth
[24:03.40]Graduated from northwestern. 从西北大学毕业
[24:05.11]Met her husband at a political rally where they got arrested and fell in love. 在政治集会上遇到了她丈夫 他们一起被抓并且坠入爱河
[24:09.17]She's all angry and fired up, but everyone forgives her because she means well. 她易怒 但是所有人原谅了她 因为她都是出自善意的
[24:14.35]Ahh...wow.This one...this one's ava. 啊...哇哦 这一位...是Ava
[24:21.53]She's funny, she's tough, you know, little neurotic sometimes, 她很有趣 坚强 有时候有点神经质
[24:27.04]but you get used to it. 但是你会习惯的
[24:28.99]You can tell she's--she's been through a lot in her life, 她 她在生命中经历了许多
[24:31.21]but it's only made her stronger, you know? 但是这只是让她变得更坚强 知道吗?
[24:43.31]it's just, your daughter, the way she... 你的女儿 她...
[24:45.83]you know, she's sort of undeniable. 你知道 她是不可抗拒的
[24:48.07]And, uh, after I lost my father, I realized, you know, that life is short. 嗯 当我失去我父亲以后 我明白人生苦短
[24:54.94]And it's--it's long, too... 同时它 它也很漫长...
[24:58.75]short and long. 既短暂又漫长
[25:00.78]Life...he talks a lot. - 生命... - 他话很多
[25:04.82]No, no.He--he--he talks. 不 不 他 他 他只是说话
[25:07.10]Like a--like a-- like a person who talks, dad.Please. 就象 就象 普通人说话一样 爸爸 拜托
[25:11.20]Do you have any idea what you've done to your mother? 你知道你对你妈做了什么吗?
[25:14.25]You make this decision, the most important day of your life... 你擅自做了个这个人生中最重要的决定
[25:18.27]we didn't even know she was seeing someone.Are you pregnant? 我们连她在跟谁约会都不知道 你怀孕了吗?
[25:21.42]did you get my daughter pregnant? 你让我女儿怀孕了吗?
[25:22.63]No.No.Daddy, no, it is not-- hmm? 不 不 爸爸 没有 不是这样 嗯?
[25:24.08]No.This is george, okay? 不 这是George 好吗?
[25:26.28]He's not like the other guys I've been with. 她跟我遇到的其他男人不一样
[25:28.06]Clean as a whistle, and a mathlete. 白白净净 毫无案底
[25:31.68]He has no money.You have money. 他没有钱 但你有钱
[25:33.82]- Oh, come... - I didn't know that callie was well-off. 哦...我根本不知道Callie很有钱
[25:37.82]She just told me. 她最近才告诉我
[25:38.74]Really?Really?Well, then you won't mind if the house, 真的? 真的? 那么你不会介意
[25:41.87]the car and everything else we'll provide will be in calliope's name. 房子 车 还有我们提供的所有东西 都会是Calliope名下的吧
[25:45.38]- Uh, what house? - You're a married woman now. - 什么房子? - 你现在是一个已婚女人了
[25:47.57]I'll find something suitable.It's all here in the postnuptial I've drawn up. 我会找到合适的 这是在婚后我能处理的所有事了
[25:51.12]- The--oh, dad! - Sorry. - 这...哦 爸爸! - 抱歉
[25:53.58]I've got it.It's all right.It's okay. 我接住了 没事 没事
[25:57.37]You know what?You-- 你知道吗 你...
[26:10.19]somewhere you can raise a family. 你可以组织你家庭的地方
[26:11.79]No.What? - 不 - 什么?
[26:13.18]No, that's not gonna happen. 不 那不可能
[26:15.63]There's no way I'm gonna let you pay for anything. 我不能让你来担负所有的费用
[26:17.49]I can't--we can't, uh...callie, I'm so sorry. 我不能 我们不能 Callie 我很抱歉
[26:21.67]Mr.Torres, I'm sorry, but the answer is no. Torres先生 我很抱歉 但是答案是不
[26:42.35]you remembered. 你想起来了
[27:36.30]Wow.That's really coming along. 哇哦 做的太好了
[27:39.17]- It looks great. - Thanks. - 看上去很漂亮 - 谢谢
[27:40.87]We've been working on it for months. 我们做了几个月
[27:42.75]But when I say &we,& I mean &she. 但是当我说&我们& 我是指 &她&
[27:45.13]& I just hold things and look pretty. 我只是扶着东西和看着
[27:46.88]that can be hard work, too. 那也是很辛苦的工作
[27:49.02]I'm gonna need to draw some blood for, uh, your surgery. 为你的手术我需要给你抽血
[27:52.59]mm-hmm.Be careful. 小心点
[27:54.01]You can only use one specific vein in this area here. 你只能从唯一一条血管抽 就在这个地方
[27:58.78]- Okay. - Oh!I said be careful. - 好的 哦! - 我说了 让你小心点的
[28:01.18]- I'm so sorry. - That's okay. - 我很抱歉 - 没关系
[28:03.22]No, it's not.If she's gonna be that clumsy, she's not drawing your blood. 不 这怎么可以 如果她那么笨拙 我们不能让她给你抽血
[28:05.75]Nina, she's just doing her job. Nina 她在做她的工作
[28:07.14]Not very well.I'm going to get a nurse, a senior nurse. 做到不好 我去叫护士 资深护士
[28:09.12]Oh, nina, stop. Nina 住嘴
[28:09.94]No, mom.Do not let her touch you. 不 妈妈 别让她碰你
[28:11.55]We can't be too careful. 我们一定要谨慎
[28:13.51]You're not taking her blood. 不用你给她抽了
[28:20.83]She's not even a person anymore. 她甚至不再是个人了
[28:23.42]You know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吗?
[28:25.07]Mrs.Rogerson-- I know I'm gonna die. - Rogerson太太 - 我知道我会死
[28:28.46]You know, maybe not today, but soon. 你知道 可能不是今天 但是快了
[28:31.28]I just need to talk, you know? 我只是想说说话 你知道吗?
[28:34.74]Nina won't let me talk. Nina不让我说话
[28:39.44]I just need to talk. 我只是需要说说话
[28:45.64]No coffee. 没有咖啡了
[28:49.04]One more thing for marlowe to tweak. 又一件Marlowe能调整的事了
[28:51.94]please tell me you're not coming up with a 10-year plan for this hospital. 拜托告诉我你不是在思考 你给医院的10年计划吧
[28:56.98]You can come up with all the plans you want, but in the end, it just... 你可以制定出你所想的各种计划 但是最后 它还是...
[29:01.03]doesn't make one bit of difference. 没有一点不同
[29:03.32]- Things happen.People just- - drown? - 事情发生了 人们只是... - 淹死?
[29:09.63]yeah, you know, when i pulled her out of the water, it was... 你知道 当我从水里把她救出来的时候
[29:13.29]she was like ice.She can swim. 她就像冰一样 她会游泳
[29:19.20]Richard, she'S...she gave up. Richard 她只是...放弃了
[29:25.36]I close my eyes for a moment, it's like she's back in the water. 我闭了一会儿眼 那感觉就像她又回到了水里
[29:29.67]I'm up, and I just listen to her breathe, you know? 我醒来的时候 会去听她的呼吸
[29:31.98]Just...in case she stops. 就怕她会停下来
[29:36.24]So I can come up with plans for the hospital, but... 所以我可以提出一个对医院的计划
[29:41.17]but if they ask me where I'm gonna be in ten years... 但如果他们问我十年以后我会在哪...
[29:49.27]george. George
[29:54.90]Mr.Torres. Torres先生
[29:58.03]You want to take care of her in your own way.Hmm? 你想用自己的方式照顾她 对吗?
[30:02.01]I understand that.I respect it. 我能理解 也尊重你
[30:05.49]But you have to understand, she's my only little girl, george. 但你也要明白 她是我唯一的掌上明珠 George
[30:09.86]And you need to promise me that you will love her and protect her, 你要保证 你会爱她并保护她
[30:12.88]because the minute that you hurt her... 因为一旦你伤害她...
[30:16.63]you understand? 你明白吗?
[30:19.48]good.then I'll tell callie's mother she can plan the party. 好的 我会告诉Callie的妈妈 她可以举办宴会了
[30:23.34]What pa--what? 什么宴...什么?
[30:24.64]Your wedding party. 你的婚礼宴会
[30:26.00]- Oh, dad, come on.Oh, no - please, mija. - 哦 爸爸 得了吧 - 不 拜托 女儿
[30:27.16]For my sanity, mija, just let her plan a party. 我还是理智的 女儿 就让她办个宴会吧
[30:31.12]All right, all right.Okay. 好吧 好吧 好的
[30:32.73]All right.I have a plane to catch. 那好 我还要去赶飞机
[30:36.08]Come here.george. 过来 George
[30:41.37]Bye, dad. 拜拜 爸爸
[30:47.42]you stood up to him.Nobody does that. 你反抗了他 没有人做到过
[30:50.50]I was all proud. 我好为你骄傲
[30:54.95]So listen... 听着...
[30:57.28]about last night, I don't know about you, but personally, 关于昨晚 我不知道你 但从我个人来说
[30:59.68]I'd like to take back about 90% of it. 我希望能收回90%
[31:01.56]Me, too. 我也这么想
[31:03.32]Good.Good.Okay. 好的 好的
[31:05.41]Then go-- go find izzie and help her prep mrs.Rogerson. 去找Izzie 帮她准备Rogerson夫人的手术
[31:07.38]I'll see you in surgery. 咱们手术室见
[31:15.28]You here to keep my baby alive? 你来这是保证我孩子的安全吗?
[31:18.06]I am. 是的
[31:20.24]Good. 很好
[31:22.01]So? 那么?
[31:24.29]So...call me ava. 那么...叫我Ava
[31:31.67]You been practicing?You know the chief will be watching today. 你练习过了? 你知道主任今天会来观摩
[31:34.79]The chief.Right.Of course. 主任 是啊 当然
[31:37.62]&Of course& what? &当然&什么?
[31:39.05]Derek was right about you. Derek说的没错
[31:40.96]You're using the memory of my dead mother to win points with the chief. 你在利用我母亲去世的事 来赢得主任的好感
[31:45.64]It's despicable, and I'm not gonna play. 这太卑鄙了 我不想参加手术了
[31:49.04]The chief-- the way he was looking at you this morning-- 主任...他今天早上看你的神情...
[31:52.69]was like you were some beaten down puppy he picked up off the side of the road. 就好像你是他从路边捡来的受伤的小动物
[31:56.62]You do this procedure and you do it well, he'll start looking at you like a surgeon again. 你参加这个手术 并好好发挥 他就会重新把你看做一名医生
[32:03.85]But, you know... 但 你知道...
[32:06.16]you wanna think of me as despicable, you wanna pass up this shot, 你想认为我太卑鄙了 你想拒绝这次机会
[32:09.11]that's up to you. 这都取决于你
[32:23.21]They're doing a-amazing things with prosthetics these days. 最近在修补术方面有了令人惊讶的进步
[32:29.65]This doesn't mean your life is over. 这不意味着你的生活就此结束了
[32:35.88]Uh, take him up to the O.R.I'll meet you there. 带他去手术室 我一会过去
[32:47.08]You've got your board thing now? 汇报资料都准备好了?
[32:51.67]The chief picked you...originally. 主任选了你...最初的时候
[32:54.04]You were always supposed to be the next chief.That was the plan. 你应该是下一任主任的 这是原计划
[32:56.80]That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了
[32:59.31]A lot has happened since then. 这之间发生了很多事
[33:00.98]But you're still that guy. 但你仍然是那个人
[33:03.54]You're the guy the chief chose. 那个主任选了的人
[33:05.03]No, I'm not. 不 我不是
[33:07.47]I'm not that guy, cristina, and I wouldn't want to be. 我不是那个人 Cristina 我也不想做
[33:11.07]I want to be better than that. 我要做得比那更好
[33:13.35]I'd like to believe that I've grown. 我要相信我成长了
[33:15.80]I want to move forward. 我想要前进一步
[33:18.07]I'm not interested in going back. 我对倒退不感兴趣
[33:23.33]Dr.Burke. Burke医生
[33:37.75]You ready? 准备好了吗?
[33:39.67]Osteotome and hammer. 给我骨凿和锤子
[33:42.02]All right, use the curved osteotome to elevate the external table. 好的 用弯凿提升外层头骨
[33:45.47]Gently. 轻轻地
[33:56.04]- how's it looking? - still see bleeding. - 情况怎么样? - 还能看到出血
[33:58.53]The platinum microcoils-- they aren't holding. 白金微弹簧圈 他们夹不住
[34:01.30]What about using a gelatin sponge? 如果用纱布呢?
[34:02.72]I've already tried polyvinyl alcohol, glue, microcoils-- nothing's working. 我已经试过聚乙烯醇 粘合 微弹簧圈 这些都不管用
[34:06.79]B.P.'S dropping to 62 systolic. 血压降到了62
[34:09.09]we're gonna have to open her up. 我们需要给她开刀
[34:10.33]If you open her up, she's dead. 如果开刀 她就会死的
[34:11.81]If we don't, she's dead. 如果不开刀 她就会死
[34:27.10]beginning amputation. 开始截肢手术
[34:50.16]fine amputation, yang. 截肢手术做得很好 Yang
[35:31.68]wait.Now they're laughing. 等等 他们笑了
[35:33.91]Laughing? 笑了?
[35:35.11]They're laughing. 他们在笑
[35:36.16]Well, they can't be laughing with him. 他们不会跟他一起笑
[35:37.81]They have to be laughing at him. 应该他们是在嘲笑他
[35:40.17]I'm surprised you don't have a shot glass pressed up against that window. 我很惊讶你们怎么 不用个玻璃杯顶在窗户上偷听呢
[35:43.72]We weren't listening. 我们没在偷听
[35:46.08]let me show you the new clinic. 我带你们去看看新的门诊
[35:50.47]Hey, chief. 嘿 头儿
[35:53.38]So? 那么?
[35:54.79]If you ask me, you all could stand to borrow a page from dr.Sloan's book. 如果你们要问我 你们能从Sloan的书里学习
[35:59.11]Sloan? Sloan?
[36:00.51]you're kidding right?That's a joke? 你在开玩笑吧? 这是个笑话吗?
[36:01.79]He didn't get caught up in this whole 10-year plan foolishness. 他不是傻傻的研究10年计划
[36:05.88]He said he had a &right now& plan for seattle grace. 他说他为西雅图仁爱医院 准备了一个&当前&计划
[36:08.70]A right now plan? &当前&计划?
[36:09.93]A right now plan? &当前&计划?
[36:12.62]Is that right? 是真的么?
[36:14.20]The board ate it up. 董事会很满意
[36:15.80]To tell you the truth, so did I. 说老实话 我也很满意
[36:27.16]I should've brought her in sooner... 我早就应该带她来的...
[36:30.57]the first time she threw up. 在她第一次呕吐的时候
[36:33.60]I knew better. 我知道会更好
[36:35.73]- Nina, there was nothing any of us could- - no. - Nina 没有谁能够做... - 不
[36:39.35]It was a mistake. 这是一个错误
[36:44.53]Your mother...talked to me. 你的妈妈...告诉说
[36:49.91]She wasn't ready to leave you, but she was ready to leave her body. 她没准备离开你 但她准备好离开他的躯体了
[36:53.34]Please.I don't need you to explain the relative comforts of death for my mother. 拜托 在我妈妈过世这件事上 我不需要你来宽慰我
[37:02.49]What she was afraid of was that you had taken on so much of her disease 她担心的是你花在她病上的精力太多了
[37:06.33]that you were freezing up, too. 你也很疲惫了
[37:10.15]You've spent so much time planning and...helping her avoid risk-- 你花了太多时间计划帮助她避免风险
[37:14.47]god knows, that's what you should've been doing-- but... 老天知道 这是你应该做的 但...
[37:18.51]she was worried. 她很担心
[37:21.93]You have a healthy body, nina. 你的身体健康 Nina
[37:23.31]If you fall down, you won't turn to stone. 如果你倒下了 你不会硬化成石
[37:28.15]And your mom so wanted you to just let yourself fall. 你妈妈只希望你让她安然逝去
[37:34.43]Messing up...it's what makes a person. 困境...才能造就一个人
[37:40.07]It's how we learn...where we find joy-- 才是我们学习的途径... 我们找到快乐的地方
[37:46.12]in the things you don't plan for, the things you never see coming. 那些你没有计划的事 从没遇见过的事
[38:00.21]Okay.It happened. 好吧 已经发生了
[38:04.10]It was a mistake, and it happened. 这是个错误 但已经发生了
[38:06.41]People make mistakes. 人们都会犯错
[38:09.65]We need to figure out where we go from here. 我们要想好下一步该怎么做
[38:11.58]We need to figure out how to tell callie. 要想好怎么告诉Callie
[38:13.46]I'm not gonna tell callie. 我不会告诉Callie
[38:16.16]Do you know how much this would hurt her? 你知道这样有多伤害她么?
[38:19.44]I'm not gonna clear my conscience at her expense. 我不想为了重拾我的良心 而让她一起承担
[38:21.90]She has done nothing but support me, encourage me and believe in me, 她一直都在支持我 鼓励我 相信我
[38:25.29]and this is how I pay her back? 我就这么回报她?
[38:29.72]No, I have to live with what I did. 不 我要忍受我的所作所为
[38:32.59]This is our secret, okay? 这是我们的秘密 好吗?
[38:37.18]Okay. 好的
[38:40.48]The thing about plans is, they don't take into account the unexpected. 计划的问题在于 总不能将意外考虑进来
[38:46.50]So when we're thrown a curveball whether it's in the O.R. 所以当我们发生意外的时候 无论在手术室里
[38:51.28]Or in life... 还是在生活中...
[38:53.69]how are you feeling? 感觉怎么样?
[38:54.82]We have to improvise. 我们都要做临时准备
[38:56.71]I'm a guy without a foot. 一个没有脚的人
[39:00.63]What do I do now? 我现在该怎么办?
[39:03.06]You move forward, you...you follow the plan, and you try and keep your other foot. 向前看 照计划行事 尝试留住另一只脚
[39:10.79]My other foot. 另一只脚
[39:14.47]Right. 对啊
[39:18.73]Of course, some of us are better at it than others. 当然 我们中有些人做得比其他人好
[39:28.53]I'm impressed, karev. 你做的很出色 Karev
[39:31.03]You spent the whole day watching a fetal monitor and never complained. 你一整天都在守着胎儿监视仪 没有抱怨
[39:35.55]Well, I, uh, I do what I'm told. 我...我是在服从指示
[39:37.57]Since when? 从什么时候开始的?
[39:39.39]Depends on who's doing the telling. 取决于下达指示的人是谁
[39:44.26]good night, dr.Karev. 晚安 Karev医生
[39:50.49]What was that? 那是什么?
[39:52.26]Hey, how'S...ava? 嘿 你怎么样...Ava?
[39:55.46]Mm.I don't think I'm gonna know the answer to that for a little while. 我想这会儿我不知道这个问题的答案
[40:00.03]What do you say we talk about you and the redhead instead? 不如说说你和红发女郎的事 怎么样?
[40:04.81]Well, the redhead's my boss, so... 红发女郎是我的上司 所以...
[40:07.60]- so? - so it's complicated. - 所以? - 所以这很复杂
[40:10.92]And?And... - 而且? - 而且...
[40:16.05]some of us just have to move on to plan B... 有些人也需要前进到B计划...
[40:22.29]and make the best of it. 然后尽力而为
[40:36.86]Mm-hmm.it has to be small-- just you and me...and meredith... 我们要很低调 你和我...还有Meredith...
[40:42.95]and--and shepherd, too, if you want.But that's it. 还有Shepherd也是 如果你想请他 但就是这样
[40:49.08]And a justice of the peace. 还要一个治安法官
[40:51.24]I know you're...spiritual and stuff, 我知道你...非常崇尚信仰
[40:54.20]but I-I don't want any rabbis or ministers, nothing religious. 但我不想要法师或是牧师 不要宗教的东西
[40:59.50]We'll just...make an appointment at city hall, and that'll be that. 我们...就在市政厅里举行婚礼 就这样
[41:06.65]And no veil.Okay? 不要面纱 好么?
[41:08.26]I don't want to get married with mosquito net all over my face. 我不想结婚时脸上挂个蚊帐
[41:25.03]I let mark use the memory of my mother to win points with the chief. 我让Mark利用我妈妈的事 赢得了主任的好感
[41:28.70]You were right. 你是对的
[41:30.26]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[41:32.05]You know what's weird? 你知道什么很不可思议么?
[41:33.22]What's weird? 什么很不可思议?
[41:34.55]It's exactly what she would have wanted. 这正是她想要的
[41:38.10]Dead mommy's proud? 亡母之志?
[41:39.73]Dead mommy's proud. 亡母之志
[41:45.22]How was your interview? 你面试怎么样?
[41:49.14]Okay.It wasn't great. 不算很成功
[41:53.73]I was distracted. 我有点分心了
[41:55.83]by what? 为什么?
[41:59.27]Nothing. 没什么
[42:02.04]I don't know. 我不知道
[42:06.43]On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it? 10分是最高 你糟糕到什么程度?
[42:15.34]How about now? 现在呢?
[42:21.78]And sometimes... 有时候...
[42:23.53]- how about now? - Six. - 现在呢? - 6
[42:27.02]What we want...five. - 我们想要的... - 5
[42:29.39]Is exactly what we need. 正是我们需要的
[42:49.40]but sometimes... 但有时候...
[43:03.09]I can smell your clothes through the closet door. 关上橱柜门我都能闻到你的衣服
[43:05.61]Did you tie them up in a plastic laundry bag? 你把它们塞进脏衣服的塑料袋里了?
[43:07.81]Yeah. 是的
[43:11.24]I'm sorry.I'm--I'm so sorry. 对不起 实在对不起
[43:20.00]Well, I guess I can...live with it. 我想...我能忍受
[43:26.31]Mm.Sometimes what we need is a new plan. 有时候我们需要的是一个新计划
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