is on中的on是副词还是形容词变副词的规律

. 形容词与副词
上传: 付牙平 &&&&更新时间: 7:43:43
. 形容词与副词
& 形容词可在句中充当定语修饰名词、代词,也可作表语表示主语的状态、特征,还可作补语、状语。
I have an interesting book.
I'm happy. You are hungry. John is honest. Father seems sad.
Mary looks old. I feel tired. Lee remains ill. She is growing fat.
Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay.
Happy is he who is satisfied with what he has.
&&What makes you sad?
&&The wall was painted green.
4)作状语: 置于句首或句中时,常表原因、时间等;置于句中或句末,常表伴随、结果。(也有人认为此用法属&主语补足语&,用来说明主语的特征、状态的。)
& Tired and hot, we had to stop to have a break.
& 又累又热,我们不得不停下来休息。
& He fell down dead.他倒下死了。
&&&a beautiful little red flower
注意& 两个或两个以上的形容词修饰名词时,除用上述规则外,音节短的在前音节长的在后。
&& He is a tall and powerful man.
& &I have something important to tell you.
& All people young and old are against the plan.
5)表示长/宽/高/深/厚和年龄的形容词修饰数词短语时后置:& The door is two metres high.
&&& friendly,deadly,silly,lonely,likely, lovely,elderly, fatherly, motherly, brotherly等使用时要注意。
&※ 有时形容词作定语时不能望文生义,因为它们的真正意思和字面意思不一样,有时会大相径庭。
a red cent一分钱& white caps白浪& a black eye丑事& a big dog大亨& a white lie善意的谎言 a black book黑名单& black coffee纯咖啡& a long suit长处;优势 a good egg好人&& brown paper牛皮纸& dead march爱乐& heavy traffic拥挤的交通& dry goods纺织品& a green house温室& a yellow boy金币& a cold fish冷漠无情的人& black tea红茶& a black sheep害群之马& dead eyes神枪手& Dutch treat各自付钱 Indian weed烟草& long drink大杯饮料& a poor fish可怜虫& French leave不辞而别& a hot potato棘手的问题& a yellow dog卑鄙可耻的人& a busy body爱管闲事的人& English disease支气管炎;佝偻病& easy money不费功夫得来的钱& Greek gift诚心害人的礼物& a white elephant昂贵而无用之物& a close contest势均力敌的比赛& a thin argument难以让人信服的论据& an open question有争议的问题
& 表时间的名词加-ly既作形容词也作副词:hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, timely等。
具体名词加-ly构成的词一般只作形容词:friendly, cowardly, ugly, fatherly, motherly, brotherly, sisterly, lovely, earthly, scholarly等。
& maximum(最大的),occasional(偶尔的),federal(联邦制的),countless(无数的),supplementary(补充的)等。
& 只作前置定语的形容词有:
&& 1.词尾是-most的:foremost, innermost, utmost, topmost等。如:the topmost branches, the utmost known star.
&& 2.词尾是-en的过去分词形容词:drunken, sunken, beaten, written, shaven, spoken, shrunken等。
&& 3.物质名词+en构成的形容词:wooden, golden, silken, woolen, leaden, earthen, ashen等。
&& 4.起强调作用的形容词:chief, only, main, mere, sole, major, sheer, total, real, principal等。
5.一些-er结尾的以及其他的形容词former, inner, outer, minor, latter, upper, other, elder, utter, live, lone, aged等。
1.修饰-thing, -body, -one, -where等构成的复合不定代词或不定副词,或前面有用以加强语气的the one等之类的词语时,形容词常后置。
Are you going anywhere special this year?
&Money is the one thing needful,&she thought.
Are you going anywhere particular?
2.由前缀a-开头的形容词如afraid, alike, alive, alone, asleep, awake, aware, ashamed(羞愧的), ablaze(着火的)alight(照亮的),afloat(漂浮的)等作定语时应后置。
& Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.
a somewhat afraid child有点害怕的孩子
the exactly alike mother and daughter十分相像的母女
the really alive students非常活跃的学生
a very ashamed girl非常害羞的女孩
a half-asleep lion半睡半醒的狮子
a fully awake old man完全醒着的老人
3.一些以-able和-ible结尾的形容词作定语时也常常后置,如:sensible(明智的),visible(看得见的),responsible(负责任的),possible(可能的),acceptable(合意的),available(可以得到的),obtainable, adaptable, preferable, imaginable等。
If both sides make concessions,they can reach a settlement acceptable to both. 双方都让点步,就能找到一个都可以接受的解决办法。
&& The boy, tired, hungry and thirsty, fell down on the beach.
&& &男孩精疲力竭,又饥又渴,倒在海边的沙滩上。
& &&All countries, big or small, are on a completely equal footing. &&&&&&&&&国家不论大小一律平等。
&&& The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.
&& 大坝可生产相当于燃烧四千万吨煤炭所产生的电量,而不会造成那么严重的空气污染。&&&
&&& Shylock was a man greedy for money.
&& 夏洛克是一个对金钱贪得无厌的人。
& &&We had to cross a square fifty meters wide.
&&& 我们必须穿过二个50米宽的广场。
&&& There is an avenue two kilometers long in this city.
& &&这座城市里有一条两公里长的林荫道。
&& &We need a car garage twice larger than this one.
&&& 我们需要一个比这个大两倍的车库。
&&& He has booked the seat nearer from the stage for us.
&&& 他已经为我们预定了离舞台比较近的座位。
&& &He is a man worth a million.& 他是一个身价百万的人。
&&& A car worth$80,000 is not too dear for him to buy.
&&& 对他来讲,买一辆价值八万美元的车不算太贵。
9.少数形容词或分词,如present,absent,proper,concerned, involved, wanted, responsible等放在名词前或后意义不同,而表短暂性特征时通常后置,表永久性特征时一般前置。
the doctor concerned主管医生
the concerned doctor心情焦虑的医生
the employees present在场的雇员,the present employees现有雇员
the man responsible负有责任的那个人 a responsible man有责任心的人 workers wanted 招聘员工,a wanted man通缉的人
10. else修饰不定代词和疑问代词时要后置。
&& &I am glad there is someone else in space with us.
&&& Instead of smoking a cigarette,do something else.
11.enough, nearby修饰名词时可置于名词前或后。
&&& the sum total总计&&&&&&&& &the president elect候任总统
&&& secretary general秘书长&&&& &the school proper专门学校
&&& money due应付款
&& 表语形容词是指一般只在联系动词后作表语的形容词。这类形容词不多,主要有以下几类:
1.一些以a-开头的形容词,如able, afraid, alike, alive, alone, ashamed, asleep, awake, aware, away, alert, afloat, afire等。&&&&
& The fish is alive.&&&&&& He is a great man alive.
★表语形容词如果做定语就要后置,同时,这些形容词一般不用very修饰,而用much,very much等其他副词修饰:fast asleep酣睡
2.一些表身体健康状况的和描述感觉或心情的形容词如ill, well, fit, faint, content ,sorry, glad ,pleased等一般作表语。
4.其他如:drunk, sure, unable, worth, worthwhile只作表语。
&&& 在英语中,像exciting, excited, worrying, worried之类的词,看似现在分词或过去分词,而实际上已转化成了形容词。它们大多是由表示情感态度的动词转化而来。这类动词一般有&使&&的含义。如:
注意 a.修饰与人有关的表情、眼神、眼泪、声音等,要用过去分词性的形容词:
& &She smiled with excited tears in her eyes.
&& I read a disappointed expression on his face.
&& 我看到他脸上露出了失望的表情。
&&&& b.个别现在分词性的形容词也能修饰人:
& &He is an interesting guy.他是个有趣的家伙。
&& The man was frightening.这个人很恐怖。
1.有些形容词,包括分词性形容词,前加定冠词表一类人或事物,成为名词化形容词。如:the old, the yang, the wounded, the injured, the dead, the living, the dying等。
& The rich must help the poor.(做主语时,谓动用复数)
the true真the good善the had恶the ugly丑, the beautiful美
Her performance is out of the ordinary. 她的表演不同凡响。
My crude housing and wife's complaints caused me to dream the impossible. 简陋的住房和妻子的怨言使我产生了买房的奢望。
& The beautiful is not always the good.
3.有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体: the Chinese
&& &You'll have to be at the airport by 8:35 at the latest.
&& &您必须最迟在8点35分前到机场。
&&& I hope that my headache will be gone for good.
& &&我希望我的头痛能永远地消失。
&&& so用作副词,修饰形容词或副词,such用作形容词修饰名词,构成:&such a/an+(形容词)+可数名词单数&或&such+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词&。不定代词或数词与such连用时,such要放在这类词后,结构为:&some(any,every,each,all,another, other, many,no, one,two等)+such+名词&。名词受many,much,few,little修饰时要用so:&so+many(few)+可数名词复数,so + much(little)+不可数名词&,如:
& Why are you so late? 你为什么这样晚呢?(so+形容词)
& It's such a good book( so good a book).
(such a+名词)这是那么好的一本书。
& Such things are not familiar to me.
(such +可数名词复数)这类事我不熟悉。
& You can't make them work in such cold weather.
& I have read one such book.
(数词+ such+名词)我读过一本这样的书。
There are so many books that I can't decide to choose which one.
(so many +名词)那儿有如此多的书,以致我不能决定选择哪一个。
& You can't learn so much knowledge at one time.
(so much+不可数名词)你不能一次学那么多知识。
&★但如果little表示&小&这个含义时,后接名词时用such修饰。例如:I wonder why such little animals can eat so many worms.
注意 so作代词可代替前面的句子,这时它作think, tell, say, believe, hope, expect, suppose, guess, I'm afraid, seem等词的宾语或表语,但不能与know, doubt, I'm sure, ask连用。I think so.的否定式有两种形式:I don't think so或I think not.但I hope so.的否定式只能是I hope not.(I don&t hope so.的意思是&我不希望如此&,not是否定hope的。)如:
Have you got any milk?你有牛奶吗?
I'm afraid not.没有。
Will he come? 他会来吗?
I hope so.我希望他来。
&& &副词是一个可以修饰动词、形容词、另一副词、介词短语或整个句子的词。在句中作状语,个别可做表语、定语、补语。
时间副词:now, then, early, late, lately, recently
频度副词:always, usually, ofen, sometimes, seldom, never
程度副词:still, even, very, rather,much,hardly, quite
疑问副词:how,when,where, why
关系副词:when, where,why
其他副词:also,not, only,too
★几种副词的基本位置:频度副词放在实义动词前,Be动词/第一个助动词或情态动词后;动词(+宾语)+方式副词+地点副词+时间副词。He will never work carelessly here from now on.
often, out, quite, soon, home, back, there, thus, seldom, ever
recent--recently(最近)& happy--happily(快乐地)
glad--gladly(高兴地)&& sly--slyly(狡猾地)
clumsy--clumsily(笨拙地)& true--truly(真实地;真诚地)
& &&clockwise(顺时针方向地),likewise(同样地)等。
&&& backward(s)(向后),downward(s)(向下),forward(s)(向前),upward(s)(向上)等。
&&& fast(快;紧紧地),hard(努力地;重重地;困难地),well(很好地;充分地;相当地;恰巧地),long(长久地),straight(挺直地;直接地),pretty (相当;非常)等。这类词要根据上下文才能确定其词性。
&& She's got a pretty voice. 她的声音很悦耳。(形容词)
&&& I am pretty well.我身体很好。(副词)
&&& George is hard to get along with.
&&& 乔治很难相处。(形容词)
&&& It's raining hard.雨下得很大。(副词)
&&& a little(少许;有点),sort of(有几分;有那么点儿),by far(&得多),all but(几乎),far away(遥远), sure enough(果然), later on(后来), again and again(反复地), (every)now and again(有时,时而), over and over again(一再), by and by(不久以后), now and then(不时地), here and there(到处), sooner or later(迟早), more or less(或多或少), side by side(肩并肩地), hand in hand(手拉手;共同地), day after day(日复一日地), face to face(面对面), before long(不久), for ever(永远), in general(一般来说;大体上), above all(首先), after all(毕竟,终究), in short(简言之;总之), in fact(事实上), at times(有时;不时), as usual(照常,像平常一样), on the other hand(另一方面)等。
7.&时间名词+ -ly&构成的词既作副词也作形容词。
&& 有些副词有两种形式,一种与形容词同形,另一种是形容词加后缀-ly构成,这两种副词有时意义相近,但有时含义完全不同,使用时应该注意。
&& They live close to the museum.
&& &他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。
&&& We are closely watching the developments.
&& &我们正密切注视情况的发展。
2. dead和deadly
& dead作副词时表&完全地;绝对地&;deadly一般作形容词用,意为&致命的&,作副词表&死一般地;极度地&。
&& The man lay on the ground, dead drunk.
&& &那个人躺在地上,喝得烂醉。
&&& His face was deadly pale.他的脸死一般地苍白。
&&& I need it deadly.我好需要它!
3. deep和deeply
& deep的意思是&深&,表示空间深度,而deadly时常表示感情,意为&深深地&。
& He went on studying deep into the night.
& 他继续学习直到深夜。
& This touched her heart deeply.这深深打动了她的心。
4. direct和directly
&& The plane goes direct from London to Houston without stopping.
&&& His view is directly opposed to mine.&
& &&他的观点与我的截然相反。
5. easy和easily
&& easy的意思是&不费力地,从容地&,而easily意为&容易地,轻易地&。
&& Take it easy. 别着急。
&&& The guy was easily taken in.那家伙很容易就上当了。
6. fair和fairly
& fair的意为&公正地;光明正大地;恰好&,而fairly表&不带偏见地&, 还可用作程度状语,表&相当地&。
& The ball hit him fair in the head. 球不偏不倚正中他的头。
&& He lives in a fairly big house. 他住在一所相当大的房子里。
7. firm和firmly
&& 二者意思基本相同,都表示&坚定地,牢固地&的意思。根据用法习惯,firm常与hold和stand等搭配,其他情况多用firmly。
&& &She holds firm to her principles. 她坚持自己的原则。
&&& The concept of &customers first& should be firmly rooted in the mind of every shop assistant.
& &顾客第一&的概念应牢牢地树立在每个营业员的心中。
& free是&免费&;freely是&自由地,随意地&。
&& You can eat free in my restaurant.&
&&& 你可以在我的餐馆免费用餐。
&&& You may speak freely.你可以直言。
& hard是&努力地&,而hardly是&几乎不&。
&& I have been working hard all morning.
& &我辛辛苦苦地干了一上午活。
&& We can hardly believe it.我们简直不能相信。
&& high的意思是&高&,表示空间高度;highly的意思是&高度地;非常地&,表示程度。
&&& The bird is flying high up in the sky. 鸟在空中高高地飞。
&&& &We spoke highly of her.我们高度赞扬了她。
11. late和lately
&& late的意思是&晚&,lately意思是&最近&。
&&& Many people sleep late on Sunday morning.
&&& 许多人在星期天早晨睡懒觉。
&&& What have you been doing lately? 最近你在干什么?
& near的意思是&在附近&,而nearly的意思是 &几乎&。
& My aunt lives quite near.我姑姑住得相当近。
The boy nearly fell into the river.那男孩险些跌人河中。
13. most 和mostly
&& most是&最,非常&,而mostly是&主要地&。
& What interested her most was the longitude line.
& &最让她感兴趣的是经度线。
&The audience consisted mostly of women.观众主要是妇女。
& &I said it would rain and sure enough it did.
& &我说会下雨,果然如此。
& &Surely you don't believe that!你肯定不会相信那种事吧!
15. wide和widely
& wide表示空间宽度,意为&充分地;大大地&, widely表示范围,意为&广泛地&。
&& &She opened the door wide. 她把门完全打开。
&& &&English is widely used. 英语广泛地被应用。
&& 副词在句中可作状语、表语、宾语补足语和后置定语。
&&I can run very fast.我跑得非常快。
& The secret is out.秘密泄露出去了。
&&Class is over.下课了。
& Time is up.时间到。
&&Do you know the girl upstairs? 你认识楼上的女孩吗?
& Soon you will be acquainted with the people around.
& 不久你就会熟悉这附近的人。
Are you content with the life here? 你对这儿的生活满意吗?
&Have you thought of the way out? 你有没有考虑这一出路?
&We were shown around by the young man.
& Let him in/out. I&ll see you off at the station.
&&It's a long way from here to your school.
& He has lived here since then.
2)有些时间副词是表达频繁程度的,也称频度副词。频度副词一般放在行为动词前,be动词、助动词、情态动词后(有几个助动词时,在第一个助动词后)。有的频度副词可位于句首(sometimes, quite often&),有的可位于句末(sometimes&)。对频度副词提问要用How often&。
& 表示行为、状况的:badly, bravely, beautifully, carefully, closely, completely, differently, effectively, firmly, formally, freely, gently,heavily, honestly, hurriedly, kindly, loudly, nicely, perfectly, politely, properly, quickly, quietly, rapidly, rudely, secretly, slowly, strangely, surprisingly, thoroughly, tightly, undoubtedly, urgently, violently, wonderfully, fast, hard, well等;
& 表示情感、意愿的:anxiously, bitterly, calmly, coldly, excitedly, gladly, gratefully, happily, merrily, nervously, proudly, sadly, uncomfortably, voluntarily, warmly等;
& 表示动作发生情况,手段的:accidentally, automatically, directly, illegally, logically, privately, specially等。
& If we rely firmly on the masses, we shall overcome all difficulties and reach our goal step by step.
& 如果我们坚定地依靠群众,我们就将战胜一切困难,一步一步地实现我们的目标。
Suddenly, the driver started the car. 突然,司机发动了汽车。
Slowly the shouting died and Abraham Lincoln went on with his speech.呼喊声慢慢平息下来,亚伯拉罕&林肯继续他的演讲。
4.程度副词 常见的程度副词有:absolutely, almost, barely, completely, enough, entirely, extremely, fairly, far, hardly, just, much, nearly, only, quite, rather, really, scarcely, so, too, very等。
&& It is far better to say nothing.不说话要好得多。
&& &The holidays passed far too quickly.假期过得太快了。
&&& This solution is much the best.& 这种解答是最好的。
&& 疑问副词用来引导特殊疑问句,表示时间、地点、原因、方式等。疑问副词有when,where,why和how。
1) when的含义是&什么时候&,用于询问时间。
2) where的含义是&什么地方&,用于询问地点。
3) why的含义是&为什么&,用于询问理由或原因。
②&how +形容词或副词&,用于询问时间、距离、数量、度量、频率和年龄等。
③ how的惯用表达。
&&& How come&?何以会&?为什么&?
&&& How come&?是How did it come that&?的缩略形式,是一种反问表达法,后所接的是陈述句形式,而非疑问句形式。
&& &How come girls from other colleges can join your club?
&&& 为什么来自别校的女孩子能参加你们的社团?
&&& How come nobody comes to our shop?
&&& 为什么没有人要到我们店里来?
&&& How about&?&如何?
&&& How about a glass of beer? 喝一杯啤酒怎么样?
&&& How about going by subway? 乘地铁去好吗?
1)有些连接副词在句子之间起连接作用,这类副词有accordingly, again, also, altogether, anyway, besides, equally, further, furthermore, last, meantime, moreover, nevertheless, next, now, otherwise, still, then, therefore, thus等。这类副词一般置于句首,有时也可置于句中,常用逗号分开。
用于引导定语从句, 有when, where, why
& 解释性副词用于举例或列举,常见的有:namely(即),for example(例如),i.e.(拉丁文id est的缩写,相当于that is to say,意为&那就是说&),e.g.(拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,相当于for example,意为&例如&)等。
&2.当too&to&结构中,too后跟少数形容词如ready, glad, pleased, willing, anxious等时,无否定含义。
& She is too ready to help others.她十分乐于助人。
& He was too eager to know the result of his examination.
3. too前被only, but, all, quite修饰时,也不表示否定。而是表示&非常;实在太&;简直太&&。
&&& We shall be but too delighted to have you with us.
&&& 能和你们在一起我们将感到非常高兴。
&&& We shall be only too pleased to hear from you again.
&&& 我们将非常高兴再次收到你的来信。
4. too&to&与not或never连用时,有以下两种结构:
1)not/never too&to&表示&并不太&&所以能&。
&& One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
&&& It is never too late to give up prejudices.
&& &抛弃偏见永远也不太晚。
2) too&&& not to&&&&太&不免会&&,&非常&不会不&&。
&& He was too angry not to do that.
& &盛怒之下他难免会做出这种事来。
&& She is too kind not to help me.& 她那么善良,不会不帮我。
5. too的其他用法
&& too与cannot或can never连用表示&怎么&&也不会过分&,与none连用表示&一点儿也不&。
& Its importance cannot be too much emphasized.
& 其重要性怎么强调也不过分。
& She is none too beautiful.她一点也不漂亮。
&&&&&&&&& 多音节词(部分双音节词): more+原形
&&&&&&&&& 多音节词(部分双音节词): the most+原形
注意 形容词最高级前要加the,副词最高级前可不加the。
The room is big. He runs fast.
结构为:A + V. + as +原级+ as B,也可用the same +名词 +as...。同级比较前常用修饰语有:almost, nearly, just, half, twice, three times等。如:
& She is as tall as I/me.她和我一样高。
He runs as fast as Tom.他和汤姆跑得一样快。
The well is the same depth as that one. 这井和那井一样深。
结构为:A +V. +not +as/so+原级+as +B, A不如B...:
& This book isn't as interesting as that one.
&& He can&t run so/as fast as I.他跑不到我那么快。
①A + V. +形容词或副词比较级 +than+B
& This room is bigger than that one.
&& He did it better than I.
②junior(年少的), senior(年长的),inferior(低下的),superior(优秀的)等用to而非than引出比较对象。
& Bob is junior to Bill.鲍勃比比尔年龄小。
③将两个人或物从较差的方面进行比较,用less +原级+ than结构和the least + 原级+ of / in(此叫&低次比较&)
& The book is less difficult than that one.
④不与其它事物相比,表示本身程度的改变,用&比较级+ and +比较级&结构,译作&越来越&&,如
& The weather is getting warmer and warmer.
& The more you eat,the fatter you will be.
& &你吃得越多就会越胖。
⑥表示两人/物之中&比较&的一个&,用&the+比较级 +n+of+the二者&
& &Bob is the taller boy of the two boys.
& &&Bob是两个男孩中较高的一个。
&& 表&三者、三者以上之中之最&,用形容词、副词的最高级句式,形容词最高级前必加冠词the,副词最高级前可不加。
句型:A +V.+ the +最高级+in/of +范围
He is the tallest of all the boys in the class.
Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to us.
He is the youngest of us three.
1)可以修饰比较级的词有: a bit,a little(一点点),a lot, much, a great deal(很,非常), even, still更;far, by far远远;no/not any一点也不,rather相当,slightly稍微
2)修饰最高级有:by far, much, nearly, easily, almost, not nearly, not quite, 不完全, not nearly, by no means, the very, ever, yet等:&
&This hat is the biggest yet(ever).
①表示国籍、性质、材料、方位、时间、状态、形状等的形容词没有比较等级。如:American, English,scientific, industrial, golden, woolen, east, front, left, daily, afraid, blind, dead, round,square, horizontal, next, several等。
②有些形容词由于本身具有唯一性或绝对性等无法比较的含义,一般也不用来比较。如:final, fatal, total, empty, chief, senior, minimum, top, only, sole, vertical, unique等。
如:lowermost(最低的),inmost(最里面的),easternmost(最东的),rightmost(最右边的),seamost(最靠近海的), outmost(最外面的),upmost(最上面的)等。
7.&as + 形容词原级 + as&结构
&此结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表程度的词修饰。&as&as&结构可以构成形象生动的短语:
as blind as a bat视力不佳, as clear as mud难以理解,
as cool as a cucumber沉着冷静、泰然自若, as dry as a bone十分干燥, as proud as a peacock非常高傲, as good as gold规规矩矩, as firm as a rock坚如磐石, as busy as a bee非常忙碌, as brave as a lion勇猛如狮, as cunning as a fox像狐狸般狡猾, as white as snow纯洁无暇, as silly as a goose笨极了, as quick as lightening快若闪电, as hungry as a wolf饥饿如狼, as bright as a button聪明至极, as graceful as a swan姿态优美
注意 貌似同级比较结构的一些习惯用语
①as far as词汇意义:&和&一样远;一直到&&。引申义表程度或范围,作连接词引导从句,表&尽&;就&&。
②as long as词汇意义:&和&一样长&。引申义为&只要&&,引导条件状语从句,相当于 only if。
③as well as词汇意义:&和&一样好&,可作并列连词,意思是&和;以及&。句尾用as well,作&也&讲。
④as soon as词汇意义:&尽快&,引申义为&一&就&,作连词引导时间状语从句,相当于the moment (when)。
①表两者中&较为&&时,用&the +比较级+ of the two&&
②表&越来越&&时,用&比较级+ and +比较级&
It's getting darker and darker.
③表&越&,越&&时,用&the +比较级,the +比较级&
The more we read, the more we know.
The quicker, the better.
&&&I was more sorry than angry at what happened.
& 我对所发生的事不是感到气愤,而是感到遗憾。
&&&You may also find that reading has become more fun than work.
⑤no more than...=only&只不过,仅仅&;&&&&&&&&&&
&no more... than&表示&与&一样不&,(极言比较级词语的反义)。常作表语。
&& Don't be proud so early. You are no better than me.
&& He is no more considerate of others than his brother is.
& &他不体谅别人,就跟他弟弟一样。
&& A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. 没有爱的家不是家,就如同没有灵魂的躯体不是人一样。
& Tom was no more surprised than (he was) disappointed at this news.
⑥no less than...&多达,不下于,竟有...之多&
no less...than &和...一样,不亚于...&
& He is no less diligent than he used to be.他和以前一样勤奋。
⑦&make sb. more +形容词+of&表&&使某人更加&&。
&& Your guidance made me more confident of the College Entrance Examination this year. 你的辅导使我对今年的高考更加有信心。
&&& Their interest in this old house of mine made me more aware of its value. 他们对我这所老房子的兴趣使我更加注意到它的价值。
9.more than的用法
&& more than可以看作一个固定词组,后面可跟名词、动词、形容词和从句等。由于后面所接形式不同,more than的含义和用法也不同。
1) more than可放在数词之前,意为&超过;不止;以上&,用于此意义时可与over换用。
& Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometres long.
& 水库有500多千米长。
&& Its collection covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world,including America, Europe, China, Egypt, Africa and South America.
&& 它的藏品涵盖了五千多年世界许多地区的文明,包括美国、欧洲、中国、埃及、非洲和南美洲。
2) more than可放在名词前,表&不只是;不仅仅&。.
& Although these are very important,we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.
& 尽管这些很重要,可我们并不只是通过口头和书面交流。
& The museum displays more than art.&
& 博物馆展示的不仅仅是艺术。
& It's more than a letter. It's my parents' love.
3) more than用于形容词前,作&非常;十分&解,与very同义。
I am more than pleased with the progress you are making.
4) more than用于动词前,表示&非常;&多&。
What he had done more than surprised me.
The migration of people from the country to the towns has more than doubled. 从乡下移居城镇的人已增加了一倍多。
5 ) more than+主+can+谓:表示否定意义,即&非&所能&,不能&&超出&的能力、知识等范围&。
That is more than I can tell you.那是我不能告诉你的。
The beauty of the scenery there is more than I can describe.
Your absence pains me more than I can say.
6 )not more than=at most常于数词之前,&至多&,含&也许不到&的意思,属客观表达,无&觉得不多&的意味。
The project will be finished over a period of not more than two months. 工程将在两个月内完成。
She spent not more than two months finishing the book.
7) no more than 意思是&只不过,仅仅,只有&,相当于only,常有&觉得不多&的感情色彩。
& It is no more than ten minutes& walk to the school from my home.
&&&I felt that no more than two students failed in this test.
&He spent no more than one year at school.他只上了一年学。
8) more A than B与其说B,不如说A
& She is more our friend than our teacher.
& He was more frightened than hurt.
3)形容词最高级用在one of结构中,这时最高级后面的名词要用复数。
&&Greece's best writers lived in ancient Athens.
& 希腊最好的作家居住在古雅典。&&&
& The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.
& Japan's second largest city is Osaka.
& 日本的第二大城市是大阪。
& Here in Vancouver,you're in Canada's warmest part.
& 这里是温哥华,加拿大最暖和的地方。
& Tai Lake is nearly the biggest in East China.
&& The supermarket is busiest on weekend.这个超市周末最忙。
&& We feel it most difficult to write a composition in English.
&& &我们觉得用英语写作文最难。
&&& I think it best not to ask him about it now.
&&& 我想现在还是不要向他询问此事为妙。
&& &You can at least go and get your jacket.
& &&你至少可以去拿你的夹克衫。
&&& I guess it should only cost at most fifty dollars.
&&& 我猜想它最多值五十元。
&&& We'll do our best to make the transportation unimpeded.
&&& 我们将尽最大努力使交通畅通。


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