
Between 1999 and 2002 shareholders saw thevalue of their holdings shrink as early optimism gave way to reality.
the和value 之前要空一格 不好意思
翻译:在年间,股东见证了他们所持股票股值的缩减,而此前的乐观主义者也不得不屈服于事实。====================& 2.& 解释:个人觉得这里as是连词,表示At the same time,同时发生~眼看股价下跌的同时,乐天派们(也)不得不向现实低头~要是翻译成表转折的&虽然但是&,就成了“虽然乐天派屈服于现实,但是股价下跌了”,有点别扭~======================================& 3.& 补充【as完整用法】,来自:【朗文当代英语词典第4版】asas¹ / E E Az ; Az / prep & adv1. used when you are comparing two people, things, situations etc&&&像,如同〔用于比较〕:&&&as … as&&&Tom's not as old as you, is he?&&&汤姆年纪没有你大,是吗?&&&an old woman with hair as white as snow&&&一个白发如雪的老太太&&&Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses.&&&有些医生的薪水几乎是护士的一倍。&&&We work as hard as any other team in England.&&&我们同英格兰其他任何球队一样努力。&&&Please let me know your decision as soon as possible (=as soon as you can) .&&&请尽快告诉我你的决定。&&&His last album sold half a million copies and we hope this one will be just as (=equally) popular.&&&他上一张专辑售出五十万张,我们希望这张同样畅销。2. used to say what job, duty, use, or appearance someone or something has&&&作为; 身为:&&&As a parent, I feel that more should be done to protect our children.&&&身为家长,我觉得应该多做些事来保护我们的孩子。&&&A flat stone was used as a table.&&&一块平滑的石头用作了桌子。&&&Dad dressed up as Santa Claus.&&&爸爸打扮成圣诞老人的样子。3. used to say what someone thinks or says a person or thing is&&&当作:&&&The problem is regarded as serious.&&&这个问题被认为很严重。&&&The result of last week's election will be seen as a victory for the right-wing government.&&&上周选举的结果将被看成是右翼政府的胜利。&&&He's described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build.&&&据描述,他十八九岁的样子,瘦高个儿。4. when someone was in a particular age group&&&在某一年龄段时:&&&As a young man, Eliot had studied art in Paris.&&&年轻时,艾略特在巴黎学画画。&&&I'll take you to all the places I loved as a girl.&&&我会带你去我还是个小女孩时爱去的每一个地方。⇨ such as at SUCH (2)⇨ as one at ONE ² (16)&CHOICE&as, like, as if:&&&Use as in comparisons in the expression as … as, with an adjective or adverb in between.&&&as 用于表示比较的短语 as ... as,中间是形容词或副词:&&&Basketball is as popular as football here.&&&在这里,篮球与足球一样流行。&&&He can't read as well as his classmates.&&&他阅读能力不如其他同学。as is also used in the expressions not so … as and the same (…) as . as 还用于词组 not so … as 和 the same (…) as: &&&I wouldn't go so far as that.&&&我不会那么极端。&&&He is the same age as me.&&&他和我同年。&&&Use like in comparisons followed by a noun.&&&后接名词的比较形式用 like:&&&A movie is not like a book (NOT not as a book).&&&电影和书不一样。&&&Like other people (NOT as other people), he values his privacy.&&&同其他人一样,他也看重自己的隐私。&&&Use as if followed by a clause to compare a real situation with an imaginary situation.&&&as if 之后接从句,用于比较虚实两种情形:&&&He talked to them as if they were children.&&&他同他们说话,就当他们是孩子一样。► Some people use like in this sort of comparison. 在这种比较形式中,有些人用 like: &&&They act like they own the place.&&&他们表现得像是这地方的主人。&&&It is better not to do this as many people think it is incorrect.&&&许多人认为这不正确,最好不要这样用。► as if cannot be followed directly by a noun. as if 后面不能直接跟名词: &&&You treat them as if they were your parents (NOT as if your parents).&&&你对待他们如同对待自己的父母。as² conjunction1. used in comparisons&&&像…一样〔用于比较〕:&&&as … as&&&They want peace as much as we do.&&&他们同我们一样希望和平。&&&Helen comes to visit me as often as she can.&&&海伦有空就来看我。&&&I can't run as fast as I used to.&&&我不如以前跑得快了。2. in the way that someone says or that something happens, or in the condition something is in&&&按…的方式; 如同:&&&Do as I say!&&&按我说的去做!&&&We'd better leave things as they are until the police arrive.&&&在警察到来以前,我们最好让现场保持原样。&&&The money was repaid, as promised.&&&钱按承诺还了。&&&He did not need to keep moving house, as his father had.&&&他不必像他父亲那样不停地搬家了。&&&Roberta was late as usual (=in the way that she usually was) .&&&罗伯塔和往常一样迟到了。3. used to say that what you are saying is already known or has been stated before&&&正如〔用于所说的话已为人所知或已经说过〕:&&&David, as you know, has not been well lately.&&&你知道的,戴维近来身体不大好。&&&As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.&&&正如我在电话里解释的那样,下次开会将考虑你的请求。&&&As Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defence.&&&拿破仑曾经说过,进攻是最好的防御。4. while or when&&&(正当)…的时候:&&&I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus.&&&我下公共汽车的时候看见了彼得。&&&As time passed, things seemed to get worse.&&&随着时间的推移,情况似乎变得更加糟糕了。&&&Just as the two men were leaving, a message arrived.&&&那两名男子正要走的时候有人送来了消息。5. used to state why a particular situation exists or why someone does something&&&因为,由于:&&&As it was getting late, I turned around to start for home.&&&天渐渐晚了,我转身回家。&&&We asked Philip to come with us, as he knew the road.&&&我们叫菲利普一起去,因为他认识路。6. though&&&尽管,虽然:&&&Unlikely as it might seem, I'm tired too.&&&尽管看起来不像,但我也累了。&&&Try as she might, Sue couldn't get the door open.&&&无论休怎样鼓捣,她就是打不开门。&&&As popular as he is, the President hasn't always managed to have his own way.&&&尽管总统很受拥戴,但他也并非总能随心所欲。7. as for sb / sth, used when you are starting to talk about someone or something new that is connected with what you were talking about before&&&至于某人/某物,就某人/某物而言:&&&Kitty's got so thin. And as for Carl, he always seems to be ill.&&&姬蒂变得很瘦,至于卡尔,他似乎一直病歪歪的。&&&You can ask the others, but as for myself, I'll be busy in the office.&&&你可以去问问别人,至于我嘛,就在办公室里忙呗。8. as yet, [used in negatives] until and including the present time – used to say that something has not happened although it may happen in the future&&&到现在为止(尚未):&&&We've had no word from Colin as yet.&&&我们到现在为止也没得到科林的任何消息。9. as if … / as though …&&a. in a way that makes it seem that something is true or that something is happening&&&好像:&&&It sounds as though she's been really ill.&&&听起来她病得很重。&&&Gary was behaving as though nothing had happened.&&&加里表现得好像什么也没发生过。&&&Mrs Crump looked as if she was going to explode.&&&克伦普太太看起来好像要大发雷霆。&&&Beckworth shook his head as if to say 'Don't trust her'.&&&贝克沃思摇摇头,好像是要说“别信她”。&&b. used to emphasize that something is not true or will not happen&&&仿佛,好像〔用于强调某事不是真的或不会发生〕:&&&She said she'd never speak to me again. As if I cared (= I do not care at all) .&&&她说她再也不会跟我说话了,好像我会在乎似的。&&&'Don't try any funny business, now.' 'As if I would.'&&&“好了,别耍什么花样。”“我才不会呢。”As if! [spoken informal] :&&&He asked if I'd go out with him. As if! (=it is extremely unlikely that I would go out with him)&&&他问我是否愿意跟他出去,我才不愿意呢!⇨ box at as ¹10. it's not as if, used to say that something cannot be the explanation for a situation or someone's behaviour because it is not true&&&其实并不:&&&Why do they never go on holiday? I mean it's not as if they're poor is it?&&&他们为什么从不去度假呢? 我的意思是他们并不穷,对吗?&&&I don't know why you're so frightened of her, it's not as if she's got any power over you.&&&我不明白你为什么这样怕她,她又不是你的上司。11. as it is&&a. because of the situation that actually exists – used when that situation is different from what you expected or need&&&事实上,实际情况是:They hoped to finish the kitchen by Friday, but as it is they'll probably have to come back next week. 他们希望星期五把厨房完工,但事实上,他们很可能下周还得回来。 &&b. already&&&已经:&&&Just keep quiet – you're in enough trouble as it is.&&&安静点,你的麻烦已经够多了。12. as from / of sth, starting from a particular time or date and continuing&&&自某一时间(日期)起:&&&As from today, you are in charge of the office.&&&从今天起,你负责办公室的工作。&&&As of now, there will be no more paid overtime.&&&从现在起不再有加班费。13. as against sth, in comparison with something&&&跟某事相比:&&&Profits this year are $2.5 million as against $4 million last year.&&&今年的利润是 250 万美元,而去年的利润是 400 万美元。14. as to sth&&a. concerning&&&关于:&&&Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.&&&弗兰克实在拿不准这工作是不是适合他。&&&advice as to which suppliers to approach&&&有关与哪些供应商接洽的建议&&&He kept his rivals guessing as to his real intentions.&&&他一直让对手捉摸不透他的真实意图。&&b. [formal] used when you are starting to talk about something new that is connected with what you were talking about before&&&至于:&&&As to our future plans, I think I need only say that the company intends to expand at a steady rate.&&&至于我们未来的计划,我想我只需要说,公司打算稳步扩展。15. as it were, used when describing someone or something in a way that is not quite exact&&&可以说是:&&&Jim Radcliffe became our idol, as it were, the man we all wanted to be.&&&吉姆·拉德克利夫可以说是我们的偶像,我们都想成为他那样的人。16. as is / was / does etc, [formal] used to add that what you have said is also true of someone or something else&&&…也如此:&&&Eve's very tall, as was her mother.&&&伊芙个子很高,她母亲个子也高。&&&I voted Labour, as did my wife.&&&我投了工党的票,我妻子也是。17. as you do, [BrE spoken] in the way that people usually do something or how
often used humorously by people after they have mentioned doing something strange or unusual&&&就像大家一样〔常为人们说起做过不寻常之事后的幽默用法〕:&&&We talked, exchanged email addresses and phone numbers, as you do on planes.&&&我们聊了聊、交换了电子邮件地址和电话号码,在飞机上你也会这样做的。&&&I was driving a Ferrari through town yesterday – as you do – when I saw an old schoolfriend outside the cinema.&&&昨天我像大家一样开着法拉利穿过商业区,在影院外看见了一位老同学。⇨ not as such at SUCH (8)⇨ as well at WELL ¹ (5)⇨ as well as at WELL ¹ (6)⇨ might (just) as well at MIGHT ¹ (9)⇨ so as to do sth at SO ² (5)
年间,由于之前的乐观被(严酷的)现实而取代【give way to 给…让路,对…让步,被…代替】,预期股东们眼睁睁看着他们的股份缩水。
卧槽这机器翻的吧= =
The killers will &not go unpunished,& Sarkozy said in unusually strong language, given France's habit of employing quiet cooperation with its regional allies -- Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Algeria -- in which the al-Qaida franchise was spawned amid an Islamist insurgency.
凶手愿“不是逍遥法外”, Sarkozy在显著地强硬的语言说给出使用与它的地域性连盟国的安静的合作法国的习性 -- 毛里塔尼亚、马里、尼日尔和阿尔及利亚 -- 在哪些阿尔凯达特权在Islamist叛乱之中产生了。
On Wednesday evening, we went to the town hall.。 It was the last day of the year and a large crowed of people had gathered nder the Town Hall clock.
这种选择疑问句本身就可能有歧义。得看说话者的声调。若是只在最后一个单词的最后一个音节用声调,则这句话就是一般疑问句,按您说列的第二种译法翻译。若两个并列的成份用or连接,音调前升后降,则为选择疑问句。若只有书面文字(如在信中如此提问),则需要回答者两者兼顾地回答:Yes,I think probably on Tuesday。有时候和美国人聊天,也会有理解的偏差。-Do you want coffee or tea? (我说的声调不明显,但本来想表达A还是B?)-Yeah, please.-Coffee or tea?-Oh, sorry, coffee please.如果能说:Can you come on Monday or on Tuesday? ,即使音调模糊,也不容易引起歧义了,肯定是选择疑问句,按您第一种解释翻译。若只想表达您所说的第二种意思,可以说:On Monday or Tuesday, can you come?请采纳。
对于这次出行 ,护照的有效期限至少为半年。
今日:10 | 主题:183344 | & 收藏本版
De novo growth of a large preperitoneal lipoleiomyoma of the abdominal wallDe novo growth 怎么翻?这肿瘤到底张在哪了?请教各位大侠
腹壁巨大的腹膜前脂肪平滑肌瘤的重新生长。De novo growth 重新生长the abdominal wall 腹壁preperitoneal 腹膜前lipoleiomyoma 脂肪平滑肌瘤
我觉得这样翻译较好:新生于腹壁的腹膜外脂肪平滑肌瘤De novo growth 新生的
谢谢两位。如果翻译成腹膜外,那extraperitoneal 不是腹膜外吗?腹膜前又是什么概念那?
我觉得要准确翻译好句子有必要看上下文,因为,在这里“De novo growth 重新生长”要翻译为“重新生长”呢还是“新生物”或“新生瘤”呢?那就要看看文章中有没有说到患者有没有“脂肪平滑肌瘤”的手术史啊之类的病史了。
我查了你的文章,是这篇吧http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=&itool=iconabstr&query_hl=1,里面说道了“We are reporting the case of a postmenopausal woman without any history of gynecological surgery, hormonal therapy, or significant metabolic abnormality who developed a large, symptomatic, preperitoneal lipoleiomyoma requiring resection. ”也就是说患者没有妇科手术史,而对于“脂肪平滑肌瘤”,国际妇科病理学会的子宫肌瘤分类表中,子宫肌瘤的变体(variants)有富细胞性(cellular),上皮样(epithelioid),奇形性(bizarre)子宫肌瘤及脂肪平滑肌瘤(lipoleiomyoma)等。那么也就是说,文章中肯定是说“脂肪平滑肌瘤”是子宫肌瘤的一种了。所以我觉得把“De novo growth”翻译为“ 重新生长”是不是有点不妥啊。
试着翻译: 新生于腹壁的腹膜前脂肪平滑肌瘤。


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