
第Ⅰ卷 阅读题
甲 必考题(共45分)
1.下列表述不符合原文意思的一项是 ( ) (3分)
2.下列理解和分析不符合原文意思的是 ( ) (3分)
3.根据原文内容,下列理解和分析不正确的是 ( ) (3分)
4.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是( )(3分)
A. 以太子少师致仕 致仕:官员退休
B. 当置于坐右,时用省阅 省阅:审视阅览
C. 概独抗章明其罪 抗章:向皇帝上奏章
D. 不可以天下法为人报怨 报怨:同“抱怨”
5.以下全都表现赵概是一位“长者”的一项是( )(3分)
A.①奏事殿中,仁宗面赐银绯 ②概闻,请郡,除天章阁待制
B.①今黜之,何以示天下 ②前此,执政迁官,未有也
C. ①为《谏林》百二十卷上之 ②概至,首言之,茂实竟去
D. ①诰死,恤其家备至 ②概独抗章明其罪
6.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )(3分)
(二)古代诗歌阅读 (11分)
(1) ,则其负大翼也无力。 (庄子《逍遥游》)
(2) ,砯崖转石万壑雷。 (李白《蜀道难》)
(3)故虽有名马, ,骈死于槽枥之间。(韩愈《马说》)
(4) ,吾独穷困乎此时也。 (屈原《离骚》)
(5)驾一叶之扁舟, 。 (苏轼《赤壁赋》)
(6) ,愁云惨淡万里凝。(岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》)
乙 选考题(25分)
(1)下列对小说有关内容的理解和分析,最恰当的两项是( )( )(5分)
(1)下面对文章有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是( )(5分)
(3) “没有走耶稣基督的路”是查韦斯指责教会领导人的话,请结合基督教的知识和原文谈谈你对这句话的理解。(6分)
13.下列各句中,加点成语使用正确的一项是 ( )(3分)
甲型H1N1流感为急性呼吸道传染病, 有时会出现呕吐和腹泻,严重的会导致死亡。
A.⑤②①④③ B.②⑤①③④ C.②⑤③①④ D.⑤②③④①
(1)_________________ ____ __ ________
1.D 应该体现万川之月的第一个含义。
2.A 范围扩大应该是受天人合一哲学观念的影响。
3.C 无中生有,文中没有出现比较。
5.D (“长者”在文中应指“德高望重”
6.B (原文并未提到“心有不快”。)
10、①风之积也不厚 ②飞湍瀑流争喧豗 ③祗辱于奴隶人之手
④忳郁邑余侘傺兮 ⑤举匏樽以相属 ⑥瀚海阑干百丈冰
11.(1)E 3分,B 2分,
18. 综合两则材料,可得出以下立意:在赶路时不忘欣赏风景、追求梦想而又注重过程等等。
第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)
第一节 语音知识(共5小题,
1. comfort A. wonder B.
postcard C. diamond D. cloth
2. pear A. clear B.
beard C. wear D.
3. soup A. proud B.
country C. thousand D.
4. planet A. rank B.
handle C. language D.
5. ropes A. grades B.
tomatoes C. advises D.
第二节: 情景对话
Mrs. Brown is angry for the room of the hotel. She wants to have
a talk with the manager.
Mrs. Brown:Could I see your manager, please? I have a complaint
Manager: Yes. I’m the manager here. 6
Mrs. Brown: Did you have the room checked before we moved
Manager: 7
Mrs. Brown: 309. The toilet doesn’t work properly and the water
doesn’t run in the
Manager: 8 I’ll attend to it right away. The housekeeper
usually checks every
room before new guests move in. We have been extremely busy with
large conference these days.
Mrs. Brown: But it’s your business. 9
Manager: No, madam. I do apologize. It’s most unusual. We’ll
change your room to
506. It has a beautiful view of the sea. 10
Mrs. Brown: That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.
Manager: It’s my pleasure, madam.
A. We often have every room checked at 8:00 am.
B. And you’ll enjoy a free three-day stay in our hotel.
C. Which room are you in, madam?
D. I’m very sorry to hear that.
E. I think you should change my room.
F. I never expected this sort of thing to happen in such a
G. What can I do for you, madam?
第三节 语法和词汇知识
11. The “Chinese Dream” is ____ dream to improve people’s
well-being and ____ dream of harmony, peace and development.
A. a B. a C. the D. the
12. The notice on the door reads “No one ____, without
permission, enter the area.”
A. may B. must C. will D. shall
13. Though China’s economy is speeding fast, China’s average
family income is far below ____ of the developed countries.
A. each B. one C. that D. those
14. ---- May I go to play football with Dick now, Dad?
---- No, you can’t go out ____ your work is being done.
A. before B. until C. after D. as
15. To tell the truth, I would rather that I ____ the pain
instead of you. You don’t know how worried I was.
A. have taken B. had taken C. took D. should have taken
16. Why not have a try downtown, Bob? That’s ____the best jobs
A. when B. what C. where D. that
17. Though the video for Gangnam Style has attracted more than a
billion viewers, it
doesn’t ____ me.
A. refer to B. apply to C. adapt to D. appeal to
18. I enjoyed very much the three years ____ it had taken me to
study English at school.
A. what B. which C. when D. how
19. This is the only one of the oldest customs that ____ up in
this district up to now.
A. was kept B. were kept
C. has been kept D. have been kept
20. China will keep a close eye on the development of a
Taiwanese fisherman ____ by the Philippine Coast Guard.
A. shot dead B. shooting dead
C. being shot deadly D. being shot dead
21. ---- I’m sorry to interrupt you, sir, but I need your help
A. I’m afraid you can’t. B. It’s OK. Go ahead.
C. It’s my pleasure. D. You are welcome.
22. ---- I wonder why nobody but you was absent from my birthday
---- Oh, sorry. I ____ a very important meeting.
A. attended B. have attended C. had attended D. was
23. From the countryside ____ that the enemy were gone.
A. did the news come B. came the news
C. the news came D. had the news come
24. ____ and we’ll fulfill our dream of going to college.
A. A few months more B. Having a few months more
C. A more few months D. Spending a few months more
25. Difficult as rumors on microblog, or Weibo, are ____, the
authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be
easily misled.
A. preventing B. to be prevented C. to prevent D. being
第四节 完形填空 (共20
My mother likes to travel, which is not something she can
normally afford to do. But she’s found a 26 to earn extra
money so she can go wherever she wants.
She 27 at garage sales(旧货市场) with my aunt. They each have
28 things they know a lot about, so they go from garage sale
to garage sale, searching for 29 treasures. They buy them,
take them home, and sell them on eBay. It’s 30 , but it
works. Here’s an example. Recently, my mom bought a perfume bottle
for 10 dollars and she 31 it on eBay for $150.
That happens all of the time. My aunt once 32 a nice set of
luggage marked at $100. She knew it was worth more, 33 she
bought it. Later she earned $300!
34 a lot of people do this, and some are even 35 . They
even have quarrels sometimes. They know one thing really well, and
they 36 at garage sales until they find it. Some of these
people are just 37 , but others are like my mom, who will
just turn around and sell the stuff for a 38 on eBay. She’ll
read about a(n) 39 in the paper, and she’ll be there early,
trying to get the best deals.
My mom not only 40 a lot of money from garage sales, but she
also has fun. So far, she has 41 to Turkey, Costa Rica and
So I believe that my mom would do the garage sales 42 it
wasn’t a way to earn extra money because she loves it. What I have
43 from my mother is that we have to do something we
44 . If you do it just for the money, there’s a good chance
you won’t 45 with it because you’ll discover you don’t like
it. No one can go far without passion.
26. A. job
27. A. shops
C. appears
28. A. secret
B. certain
D. interesting
29. A. forgotten
B. dropped
C. abandoned
30. A. safe
D. effective
31. A. charged
C. offered
32. A. found
B. brought
C. produced
33. A. unless
D. because
34. A. Happily
B. Actually
C. Obviously
D. Luckily
35. A. partners
B. competitors
C. experts
D. friends
36. A. run
37. A. supporters
B. volunteers
C. collectors
D. businessmen
38. A. profit
B. holiday
C. purpose
39. A. sale
B. article
40. A. demands
41. A. sailed
C. traveled
D. explored
42. A. even if
C. in case
D. so that[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]
43. A. suffered
D. learned
44. A. hate
B. choose[来源:]
45. A. deal
D. connect
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
There were once two people travelling on a train, a scientist
and a poet, who were riding in the same compartment (车厢). There
wasn’t much conversation between the two.
The poet was looking out the window at the beauty of the passing
land. The scientist was trying to think of things he didn’t know.
Finally, the scientist was so bored that he said to the poet, “Hey,
do you want to play a game?” The poet ignored him and continued
looking out the window. The scientist asked again, “Hey, you, do
you want to play a game? I’ll ask you a question, and if you get it
wrong, you give me $5. Then, you ask me a question, and if I can’t
answer it, I’ll give you $5.”
The poet decided against it, seeing that the scientist was
obviously a very bright man. He politely turned down the
scientist’s offer. The scientist tried a final time. “Look, I’ll
ask you a question, and if you can’t answer it, you give me $5.
Then you ask me a question, and if I can’t answer it, I’ll give you
$50!” Now, the poet accepted the offer. “Okay,” the scientist said,
“what is the exact distance between the Earth and the Moon?”
The poet did not know the answer. He took a $5 note out and
handed it to the scientist. The scientist accepted the note and
said, “Now it’s your turn.”
The poet asked, “What goes up a mountain on three legs, but
comes down on four?” The bright glow quickly disappeared from the
scientist’s face. After about an hour, the scientist gave up. He
handed the poet a $50 note. The poet accepted it, turning back to
the window.
“Wait!” the scientist shouted. “What’s the answer?” The poet
looked at the scientist and calmly put another $5 note into his
46. The scientist suggested a game to ____.
A. kill time
B. win some money
C. prove his cleverness
D. make friends with the poet
47. Why did the poet refuse it when the scientist first invited
him to play a game?
A. He was too busy to play the game.
B. He thought the scientist was joking.
C. He didn’t have much money on him.
D. He had no confidence to win the game.
48. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. The poet was secretly happy.
B. The poet knew the exact answer.
C. The scientist wanted to continue the game.
D. The scientist thought the poet was smart academically.
49. The main purpose of the text is ____.
A. to inform the reader of an accident
B. to remind the reader to be careful
C. to educate the reader
D. to amuse the reader
The sights of spring
As the snow melts from the mountains of Yosemite National
Park every March, the valley between the
mountains swells with water. The result is a large, perfectly still
seasonal lake that gives a near-perfect reflection of the peaks
above it. Mirror Lake has probably been around for centuries, but
don’t wait forever to go and see it. It’s rapidly filling with mud
these days, and may disappear within many people’s lifetimes.
Thousands of starlings(欧椋鸟) that arrive at Tonder Marsh each
year create an awesome sight. The birds, migrating north from
southern Europe to Scandinavia, stop in the area to feed on the
many insects that live in the damp grass. But at dusk they rise
together into the sky and perform a 20-minute ballet ---- changing
direction over and over ---- that can almost block out the sun.
There’s a reason for their amazing dancing, which can be seen
from mid-March to early April ---- the birds head for the safety of
reed (芦苇) beds to sleep for the night, and want to confuse their
enemies as to where they’re going.
It’s not just the British who love huge politically themed
bonfires (篝火). Every year, Valencians build 300 cardboard statues,
parading them through the streets and setting fire to them.
The models can be over 20-feet high, and are often
unpopular politicians. At the end of the Las Fallas festival (March
15 --19), the models are stuffed with
fireworks ---- and when they all go up, it can seem as if the whole
city is burning.
It’s thought the event started with 18th-century
carpenters, who burned their oil-lamp holders as winter ended and
they no longer needed them to work.
Lots of places mark the spring equinox(春分) on March 20, but
perhaps the most impressive is the El Castillo pyramid of Chichen
Itza, Mexico, built by the ancient Mayas around AD 750.
Huge crowds gather each year as the sun casts shadows against
the north-west corner, like a snake winding its way down the
pyramid’s side. This is thought to have acted as a sign for the
local people to start planting corn.
50. Which of the following does the author advise people to see
as soon as possible?
A. Mirror Lake in Yosemite.
B. Black Sun in Southern Jutland.
C. Las Fallas in Valencia.
D. The EL Castillo pyramid of Chichen Itza.
51. The starlings at Tonder Marsh rise together into the sky at
dusk to ____.
A. catch insects
B. attract visitors
C. protect themselves
D. look for reed beds
52. The Las Fallas festival is a festival for people to
A. voice their anger
B. honor carpenters
C. learn more about politics
D. celebrate the end of winter
53. It can be learned from the text that ____.
A. the British also celebrate the Las Fallas festival
B. the El Castillo pyramid has a history of 750 years
C. starlings like living in southern Europe in summer
D. Mirror Lake can only be seen in a particular season
Wikipedia(维基百科) is a non-profit website funded by donations,
started on 15th January, 2001. “Wiki” means “quick” in
the Hawaiian language. These days, most people go straight to
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia(百科), to look something up. But
how reliable is it?
The site attracts 78 million visitors every month, and it is
available in more than 270 different languages. It’s one of the
most comprehensive(综合的) resources available, and
it’s got much more information than an ordinary encyclopedia. The
site is updated on a daily basis by thousands of people around the
world. Anyone with an Internet connection can look through and edit
the contents or add a new page at any time. And you don’t need any
formal training.
Of course, there are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of more
than 1500 administrators who check for false information. And main
targets for horrible comments (such as politicians) are forbidden
to public editing. But with more than 16 million articles to keep
an eye on, it isn’t easy. So, while Wikipedia benefits from being
constantly updated with information from all over the world, it’s
also open to “vandals”.
Some of the damage is easy to notice. Someone drew horns and a moustache on Microsoft
chairman Bill Gates’ photo. But other things are harder to spot.
The most common form of vandalism involves adding tiny items of
false information into the biography of a famous person.
Unbelievably, some of this misinformation has appeared in
newspapers, with The Daily Mail, The Guardian and
The Independent all having fallen victim to the tricks. For
example, in an obituary(讣告) for British comedian Sir Norman Wisdom,
one newspaper claimed that he co-wrote Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime
song “There’ll be Bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover”.
In fact, he did no such thing.
So if you’re going to use any information from Wikipedia, make
sure you double-check it first.
54. What do we know about Wikipedia?
A. It makes profits from its users.
B. It is run by the Hawaiian government.
C. It is the most popular website worldwide.
D. It provides a huge amount of information.
55. The underlined word “vandals” in Paragraph 3 refers
to those who____.
A. take care of something
B. get benefits from others
C. deliberately damage things for fun
D. take responsibility for something
56. The example of Norman Wisdom’s obituary is used to show
A. some newspapers like The Guardian are
B. Wikipedia sometimes contains false information
C. Norman Wisdom is unpopular with some people
D. Wikipedia affects people’s lives greatly
57. The author advises readers to ____.
A. look through Wikipedia frequently
B. update Wikipedia on a daily basis
C. turn to other websites for valid information
D. be careful when using the information from Wikipedia
Recently, our school cut the length of recess(课间休息) down from 30
minutes a day to 20 minutes. This is terrible! In my opinion,
recess should be made longer instead of shorter. And I have found
many reasons to back my idea.
First, studies show that people learn better when they have a
short break once in a while. Studying takes a lot of hard work and
concentration. After a while, your brain just gets tired. I figure
if a short break helps you focus better, then a long one will help
even more.
Second, our parents and teachers are always telling us about how
when they were little, they ran around outside for hours every day.
Our parents won’t let us do that! They make us stay in the
apartment after school. If we had two hours of recess, we could
learn all of the cool games our parents played when they were kids.
We would have more to talk to our parents about!
Third, adults always complain that we watch too much TV, we play
too many electronic games and that we eat too much fast food.
Well, I have a great answer to this problem. Where’s the one
place where there are no TVs or computers or fast-food restaurants?
You guessed it: the playground! Under my recess proposal, kids
would be guaranteed hours each day where they had to be active and
creative instead of couch potatoes. Our legs would be like steel.
Our arms would be like iron. We could turn into a nation of
Last, some people will probably say that the school day is not
long enough for a two-hour recess. They will say that we need to
spend all of our time on reading, math, writing, science, and
social studies. I say that a two-hour recess will teach skills that
will help us in ALL our other subjects. Learning counting-out and
jump-rope rhymes is kind of like memorizing poetry, so it will help us with
reading. Keeping score is a math skill. Being outside, we will see
a lot of birds and worms, which is science. Learning how kids get
along in groups is part of social studies.
Fellow Darnell Elementary students: Talk to your teachers, your
parents, and your neighbors. Help me spread the word of my
great plan.
58. In the author’s opinion, longer recess ____.
A. proves helpful in making kids focus in class
B. may improve parent-child relationships
C. is considered necessary by parents
D. will be easily accepted by schools
59. To prove longer recess helps students with their subjects,
the author____.
A. makes some comparisons
B. uses some scientific facts
C. gives a lot of examples
D. lists different opinions
60. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?
A. P1 B. P1
P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P2 P3 P4
C. P1 D. P1
P2 P3 P4 P6 P2 P3 P4 P6
( P1 = Paragraph 1, P2 = Paragraph 2 …… )
Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading
from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not
A. Take action
B. Love yourself
C. Live in the present
D. Listen to your own voice
E. Find out what you want
F. Be open to change and growth
Five Clear Steps to Success
As I think about success there are five areas that jump out. If
we put our energy into these areas we will be successful.
Inside you are the answers to what you need for yourself in
order to feel successful. It could be that you want more love,
income, a meaningful relationship and so on. When you make time to
listen to yourself you will see the direction you want to take.
Your heart will not cheat you. Instead it will challenge you and
remind you that you are capable of more.
What you want to do is let go of other’s voices and expect
yourself to listen to your own. If you are not used to paying
attention to yourself, put effort into hearing what you care about.
This is a most important step.
Did you know that the way we increase self-confidence is by
expecting more of ourselves? Success comes from taking risks to
move out of your comfort zone by attempting new things, taking care
of your body, and trusting that you can develop a mind-set (思想的形式)
that is built on growth.
Sadly many people either live in the past or worry about the
future. The present is the only place where we can be. By living in
the present, you will look for opportunities and take action in the
present. When you are fully engaged in the present you start living
into your ideas of success.
When you like who you are, it becomes so much easier to interact
with others. They sense that your life is built on love which will
bring success. You will find that you are not alone in your quest
for life success. You will appreciate having people in your life
who will help you achieve what you want.
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)
66. There wasn’t enough water to ____ (漂浮) the ship.
67. They used to be____ (打字员) at the head office.
68. She was forced to have her baby ____ (收养).
69. To his surprise, the decision was made in his ____ (缺席).
70. These tales are ____ (熟悉的) to Chinese children.
71. It is time that the doctors ____ (手术) on the knees of the
72. She was wearing even more ____ (珠宝饰物) than the Queen.
73. It was ____ (打雷) while he was on his way home.
74. The broadcast came from America by____ (人造卫星).
75. It is said that he gets more than $ 100,000 a year ____
增加:在此处加一个漏字符号 ( ∧ ),并在其下面写出修改的词。
删除:把多余的词用斜线 ( \ ) 划掉。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。
When an English traveler, who spent a few week in Sweden, was
about to return to
home, he found he had only enough money left to get a ticket to
England. Since it
was only two-day voyage, he believed he can get home without
eating anything.
He final bought a ticket with that little money and went to
board the ship. He closed
his ears to the sound of the lunch bell or refused to go to the
place where people had
his dinner when dinnertime came. Therefore, he couldn’t stand
this any longer and
went to the dining hall, enjoy the last meal on the ship. He
then said, “Waiter, brings
me the bill.” “Oh, meals are included in the ticket.” said the
Third Year in Senior High School”为题,写一篇英语短文规划一下你的高三生活。
注意: 词数:120左右
My Third Year in Senior High School
1 -- 5 ACDBD
6 --10 GCDFB
11-15 BDCDB
16-20 CDBCD
21-25 BDBAC
26-30 BABDC
36-40 DCAAB
41-45 CADCB
46-49 ADAD
50-53 ACAD
54-57 DCBD
61-65 EDFCB
66. float 67. typists 68. adopted 69. absence 70. familiar
71. operated 72. jewels 73. thundering 74. satellite 75.
1. week → weeks 2. 去掉home前to 3. only后加a
4. can → could 5. final → finally 6. or → and
7. dinner前his → their 8. Therefore→ However
9. enjoy → enjoying 10. brings → bring
My Third Year in Senior High School
Senior 3 is one of the most important years of my life because
it will have a great influence on my future. Everybody wants to get the best
possible grades at school but how can this be achieved?
Firstly, I plan to keep a balance between study and relaxation.
We are not a machine and if we fail to relax, eventually we will
suffer from stress, which will harm our study.
Secondly, I’m going to develop efficient study habits, such as
taking notes properly, revising every day, planning the revision
schedule and not leaving things until the last minute.
I think Senior 3 is tough but it can also be rewarding if we use
our time effectively. Time is money so use it wisely.
( 11:24:49)( 10:50:03)( 10:41:31)( 10:31:36)


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