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人教版高中英语必修二 Unit2 Olympics 写作课说课稿
人教版高中英语必修二 Unit2 Olympics 写作课说课稿
Good afternoon, My dear judges!I am the third competitor. My topic is about descriptive writing: Favorite sport. It&s glad to share my teaching plan here. it is composed of several parts. First of all, I&ll talk about analysis of teaching material.
Part 1 Teaching Material:
My lesson is from New Senior English for China Book_2 Unit2 Writing part. The main topic is The Olympic Games, while the writing is about favorite sports. By studying this class, Students will know the process of writing and descriptive words. Writing is a basic skill, it plays a important role for further study.
Secondly, I&d like to state the analysis of students.
Part 2 Students
Students are under a stage of growing and developing, they are unique and independent. They have gained basic writing skills. However, they don&t know how to express themselves correctly. Then I will take activities to help them.
According to the new curriculum standard, instruction should change its final goal from teaching knowledge to teaching strategies. I set aims as follows.
Part 3 Teaching Aim
1.Knowledge objects
The Ss can know how to write a descriptive article.
2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)
SS can improve their writing skills including drafting and revising skills, and use skills in daily life.
3..Emotional objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)
SS will be more interesting in writing and enjoy favorite sport.
Part 4 the Key and Difficult Points
Next, I put forward the key points and difficult points. The key point is to master the steps about descriptive writing. The difficult point is how to write it correctly.
Part 5 Teaching and Studying methods
In this class, I will use process writing method and cooperative learning method.
Part 6 Teaching Procedure
Now Let&s come into the most important part -Teaching procedure.it consists of five steps.
Step1. Warming up
The first step is warming up. Boys and girls, in last class we learned detail about Olympic games. There are so many sports in it. What&s your favorite sport? Any volunteers? Tony, Cool, He likes playing basketball. One point. anyone else ? Jerry, wow, you are fond of shooting. Most of you have your favorite sports. Let&s describe our sports together.
This step can help them clarify the aims and make them more active.
In pre-writing step, I will teach the usage of linking words, such as although, apart from and as well. Then they will know useful expression to describe the sport. Next they will have a brainstorming in 3 minutes. What is your favorite sport? Then make a list of ideas and reasons as follows.
After the brainstorming, they will choose best ideas and put them in order.
By brainstorming, SS can broaden their thoughts and get more ideas about the topic. It lays a foundation for their debate.
After the discussion, debate will begin.SS will vote for the winners. Then SS report the debate. Before they writing, I will read a model and analyze its outline. Later, I will ask them to make an outline .It can help them to clarify their writing structure. Then they will spend 10 minutes to make a drafting .While they are writing, I will give them some guides: such as pay attention to the tenses, grammars, spellings. These tips can help them do better in writing.
After writing, it comes to self-editing.SS will check their writing according the example on PPT and revise it. Then moves to the peer editing.ss will exchange their writing with partners and give some suggestions to each other. At last, I will ask some of them to show their writing and give them comments.
In this step, three kinds of evaluating and editing can make the writing better and improve their revising ability.
By the end of the class, I will ask some students to sum up what we learned today. Then I set homework: go on to revise their writing according to the evaluation and hand in next class, and write your favorite music.
Homework is necessary to consolidate their knowledge and improve their writing speaking.
Part 7 Blackboard design
At last, I will talk about my blackboard design.
Writing: letter of advice.
Key points: join in, dislikes
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高中英语说课稿:Unit 3 Going Places
1)The students are to discuss the means of transportation
2)The students are to describe a place they know
3)The students are expected to know what an adventure travel is like
4) The students are supposed to take a virtual travel
5) The students are to write a travel diary/letter
6) The students are to finish a proposal letter/make a survey report
我把本单元计划为六课时,Warming-up & Listening(1课时),Speaking(1课时), Reading(一)(1课时),Reading( 二) (1课时),Grammar & Writing(1课时) ,Integrating skills (1课时),以任务为依托,分别对听、说、读、写四技能进行训练,各有侧重,但又互相结合。注重指导语篇阅读,逐步提高口头表达,笔头写作能力。
*** 本单元的预习作业是:
1. Prepare for the dictation (words & expressions)
2.Topics: Suppose your pen-pal comes to Ningbo from America, would you design a tour program(3-day trip in Ningbo) for him?
3. What do you know about an adventure travel? How about an eco-travel?(by reading the text & surfing the internet )
第一个作业迫使学生主动去扫除字词障碍;第二个作业是第一堂课的Daily Report(每次课前五分钟的free talk,有时教师规定话题,多数时候不限;学生自己找资料;一般一次一人,也可多人合作);第三个作业是本单元会陆续出现的一些话题,预先让学生有个认识,而且通过看书都可以基本解决。因此预习工作做得充分与否直接影响着上课效果,我也准备了一些检测手段,如:听写、默写,Daily report等。
第一课时(Listening) 中心任务:The students are to discuss the means of transportation
1. 听写单词,挑选的都是在后面话题中出现频率较高的关键词,其实是过词汇关,检查预习手段之一。
2. Daily report 两人对话,给国外来的笔友聊聊&宁波三日游&的安排,熟悉的话题,随意的对话,学生会很乐意。对话中会涉及旅游景点、交通方式等内容,学生运用不多的已有语汇就可完成。教师指令其他的学生就相关话题提问或建议,如:从市区到河姆渡不仅可以乘汽车,还可轮渡。这是一种学生间的互动,由学生来启动课堂,有时更能活跃气氛。也是检查预习手段之二。
3. Brainstorming,学生列举种种交通方式。教师在黑板上画出一字开花图形。
4. 引入课文上的问题:What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?学生七嘴八舌会答:根据路途的远近,价格,时间,速度,安全,兴趣爱好,身体状况,舒适程度等。教师总结:就象刚才有同学谈到,到达河姆渡可以有多种途径,考虑时间因素,可以选择中巴,约需一小时,甚至可以打的,当然前者经济。而从舒适的角度出发,尤其是象我这样会晕车的旅客,可以乘船游览,一边观赏姚江两岸风光,还可中途上岸游玩梁祝公园,约需三个小时,但一路上非常休闲、享受。学生由此明白话题可以说得丰富多彩。
5. 简述课文warming-up第三部分:How would you like to go to the following places? Why? Situation 1: from Shanghai to London&&
6. (图表)文中的听力材料,由两种不同的练习构成,我采用了不同的方式。1)第一部分是三则登机前的广播通知,较简单。先听磁带,同时填写表格,锻炼他们抓关键词的快速反应与提取信息的能力;听第二遍,要求复述内容,熟悉口头通知的格式。2)第二部分资料较长,内涵也丰富些,是五段游客的叙述。也是播放两遍录音,但要求上有了点提高。学生先带着问题听,完成相关练习;在听懂原文基础上,会作某些深层次的猜测与判断,即理解句子之间的逻辑关系。当然听之前都留一点时间让他们看题。
7. 接下去我设计了一个比较轻松的练习,是一种巩固性练习。先听教师念一段中文材料:坐在泰国大象的背上慢吞吞地探索山区的部落村庄;破旧的人力车拉着你穿梭于加尔各答的大街;勉强地把自己塞进在印尼当地被称为&BEMO&的小货车里;在华丽的奥斯汀牌大出租车里伸展着四肢,目的地是历史悠久设施豪华的内罗毕诺富克大酒店。还有呢!&&乘坐只有五个乘客的小飞机飞到奥克旺格三角洲的腹地,再坐独木舟顺流而下,不远处有看热闹的鄂鱼;踉跄地爬进过路的牛车上,然后舒服地躺在装满稻谷的麻袋中间,一边慢悠悠地行进在颠簸的高原路上,一边观赏不远处的喜马拉雅山;在印尼的山区小镇彤莫虹,坐上两轮篷式马车(当地又称BENDI)四处游览,耳边是马蹄踏在鹅卵石路上的得得之声;坐在装有舷外支架的独木舟中,沿着马那多河漂流十英里,就可以到达世界上最好的潜水地点&&
我们可以看到文中多姿多彩的交通工具,如:泰国大象,人力车,以及一种小货车&BEMO等。让学生记录下来,并找到相应的英文。让他们在不知觉中再次巩固、拓展话题中的某些用语,也开启他们的思路&&原来还可以这样旅游!激发他们探索的兴趣与想象力。中文素材在这里虽有些不协调,但目的只有一个:让学生热起来。手段是为目的服务的嘛,允许偶一为之(但正式上课时我会考虑用英文)。当我问道:Do you enjoy such kind of traveling? Why? 我就会得到水到渠成的回答: 当然。(因为varieties, fun, imaginative, curious, exciting)。
8. 建议:Workbook里的listening 是前面课文的延续,是一则很好的听力巩固练习。如有时间,可以放在课堂上,或者替换刚才的中文材料;也可用于早上的听力课。
第二课时(Speaking) 中心任务:The students are to describe a place they know
1 Daily report 学生将会描述一次印象深刻的旅游经历。对于自己熟悉的东西,尤其是经历过的事情,他们容易言之有物,且语言会生动。
2 (图片)过渡到文中要介绍的A Time Machine(时光机器)&&人们想象中一种神奇的能够穿越时空的交通工具,借助它,人们可以回到过去,飞向未来。让学生简单了解&时光机器&的性能后,我设计的一个小任务是:想象中你乘着&时光机器&来到了某地,请描述你看见的情景。有两种形式呈现:(一)make a similar conversation according to the dialogue in the text (二)describe a place you were,分组进行。
3 (图片)A word game, 为了帮助学生更准确、生动地进行描景状物,带动他们先做一个看图找词的辅助练习,以丰富他们的词汇量。是关于各种地貌形态与气候现象的一些常用词。如:forested, treeless, crowded, hilly, cold , industrial, noisy, peaceful, picturesque等。所列词不是一一对应,剩下的词让学生想象会是怎样的画面。
4 其实,以上每个任务的设计都是为接下来的中心任务服务,现在进入实战练习。请描述一个你曾经到过的/你熟悉的地方。&I know a place&
2)每人在组里展示在旅游地拍摄的风景照/明信片(想象景中有你)(事先准备好),带着以下问题,先让同伴guess: --Where are you?-- What are you doing? &What can you see, hear, or smell? &How are you feeling?;本人再作补充,即取长补短。
4)口头汇报 应该是一堂比较精彩的汇报活动课,整个过程听、说、读、写结合。再次强化合作意识。
5. Homework: 1.Read through the material on P98 in WB
2.To know what an adventure travel is
第三课时Reading(一)中心任务: The students are expected to know what an adventure travel is like
1 Daily report
2 师生互动 教师问:-- Do you like an adventure travel? Why/Why not?
--Why do many people prefer adventure travel nowadays? What is an adventure travel?(Brainstorming)
3 (图表)填写文中表格,或者利用下面图示,通过careful-reading,了解、比较Hiking和Rafting两种冒险旅游的异同,使学生获取的信息条理化,有助于正确理解课文的基本大意。
4 在阅读过程中,引导学生根据上下文或词缀知识,猜测词义(e.g. hiking, whitewater rafting, backpack, poisonous etc.);理解进行时表将来用法,再举例说明,加以巩固。在这里我只要求学生能辨别、归纳这一语法现象。记得有位语法大家这样说:阅读是语法习得非常重要甚至一个必须的手段,在具体语境中才能把语法学好。如何准备说课稿_百度文库
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高中英语说课稿:《Teaching ideas》
【导读】1、说教材:教材分析——本节教材地位和作用——教学目标——重点、难点。 说该课题与前后的内容之间的联系和在本单元、本册或全套教材中所占的地位。说你准备确定怎样的教学
成功学员:青岛学员 纪鸿飞: 杨红艳老师,我是参加七月二号至四号...
培训热线:<span style="color:#fd-01-9999
Hello, everyone. Today I&m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk to you about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Destinations taken from Unit 15 in SEFC(2). It is made of four parts.
Part I. My understanding of this lesson.
This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit because we should lay particular emphasis on the students& reading ability in senior English teaching. In this passage we should help the students get some knowledge about the two destinations, Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel, are described in much the same way. The descriptions include information about the location of the destinations, theirs attractions, scenery, and popular activities, and include information about when to visit. At the same time we ought to get the student to comprehend the passage better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education.
Teaching aims:
1. To make clear some difficult sentences in this passage.
2. To help the students get some knowledge about tourist information.
3. To improve the students& reading ability.
Key points:
1. Some knowledge about tourist information sources.
2. To improve the students& reading ability.
Difficult points:
Some difficult sentences in this passage.
Part II. My teaching theories and methods to deal with this lesson.
When I deal with this lesson. I&ll do my best to carry out the following teaching theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director an organizer, Combine the language structures with th carry out task-based learning. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.
Since it is a reading passage, it is very important to develop the students& reading ability. I&ll use some reading methods such as preparation for reading, (lead-in) scanning, skimming and intensive reading (in-depth reading or study reading). In class, I&ll try to use encouraging and polite remarks such as &Do you want a go?& &volunteers& &Well done!& &You did a good job!& &Thanks!& and so on. I&ll get the students to have a competition to develop their quick response. I&ll make full use of modern equipment so as to make the class more lively and interesting.
Step III. Teaching steps:
According to the demands in the outline of senior English teaching and some other reference books, I have designed the following teaching steps in order to carry on the synthetic practice of listening, speaking, reading and writing and lay particular emphasis on training the students& reading ability.
Preparation for reading & Scanning & Skimming &Intensive reading &Listening and reading & Language points -Retelling & Further discussion &Homework.
Step 1. Preparation for reading (lead-in)
1. Let the students enjoy some attractive scenery (including kai xian&s scenery) and listen to soft music.
2. Let students get some information on the internet.
3. Today in this lesson we&ll learn how to compare two cities and express preferences.
Step 2. Scanning
It means reading for specific information.
1. First tell the students that this passage can be divided into three parts and it tells us two famous cities.
2. Get the students to read the passage silently and quickly to get the whole structure of the passage.
Foreword Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel
para1 para2-5 para6-8
para2 General introduction
para3 Down town Rio
Rio de Janeiro para4 Copacabana
Para2-5 para5 Carnival
para6 General introduction
Kitzbuhel para7 Downhill slopes
para6-8 para8 other entertainment
The reading may also give students ideas how to structure their writing.
Step 3. Skimming
It means reading for main ideas.
Give the students several minutes to skim and then get them to answer to the following questions:
Q1: What is Wanderlust?
Q2: What does Cariocas mean?
Q3: What is the best way to see downtown of Rio De Janeiro and what can you see?
Q4: What is Rio famous for?
Q5: What is Kitzbuhel famous?
1. (It is the urge to explore the world or to travel)
2. (It refers to the people of Rio)
3. (On foot)
4. (Copacabana and carnival)
5. (Good weather, breathtaking scenery and world-class ski resort)
In this step. I&m going to divide the students into two groups (Boys and girls) and let them have a competition. The rules: When they hear &begin!& he or she should quickly stand up and answer. If he or she is right, they will get 10 points for their group. At the end, the winning group will get a present. This method can make the students active in class and it can help them develop their quick response
Step 4. Intensive reading
It is also called in &depth reading or study reading.
It means reading for detailed information.
Get the students to read the passage silently and get ready to fill in the following chart. Then check the answers (First ask individual) students to do it, then do it with the whole class.
Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel
When to visit
Other activities
Rio De Janeiro
location: Along coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil&s second largest city.
Attractions: Beaches, stores, malls, churches, theme parks, cafes, restaurants.
Scenery: Beautiful beaches, modern malls, old buildings and churches, tall office buildings.
When to visit: June or July, but also March.
Other attraction: Carnival
Step 5. Language points
In this step: I am going to make clear some language points, especially some difficult sentences.
As a matter of fact, we should deal with the language points briefly because it is most important to develop students& reading ability in a passage. I&ll encourage the students to guess the meaning of some words and expressions according to the context. Clue of the lesson, word form word knowledge. The students themselves can use their dictionaries or some other reference books and can also turn to the text and the vocabulary in the appendix.
Step 6. Listening and reading
Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and then ask them to read it aloud. Tell them to pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation while listening. At the same time they can enjoy the beauty of the English language. And it can prepare the students for the retelling in next step.
This step is to Improve students& ability practice their ability to grasp the main ideas when listening.
Step7. Retelling
Get the students to read Part 1 again and prepare to retell it. Then say to the students: &Suppose you are a newspaper reporter and your partner is a tourist. Work in pairs. Make an interview using the key words in the form of Step 4.& (using a projector to show the form again.)
Function of retelling
1. It can train students& thinking ability.
2. It is a process of deepening students& understanding and memorizing.
3. It is an effective way of improving students& speaking ability.
4. It is a feed back on teaching and learning.
Step 8. Further discussion
Question for discussion:
Allow the students some time to discuss it in groups of four and give them chances to express their ideas. Collect their answers and don&t forget to praise them even if their answers may not be perfect.
When talking about our hometown Kaixian, what will you think of?
Step 9. Homework
1. Write a passage to introduce Kaixian.
2. Finish off the Wb exercises.
3. Group work
To develop tourism, the kaixian government decided to create a website to attract foreign tourists and is now collecting ideas. Please make a design for the web and draw an outline.
President Hu Jin tao pinpointed the importance of developing an : advanced socialist culture&. When meeting with members of the Tenth National committee of the Chinese People&s Political Consultative conference (CPPCC) China&s political advisory body.
The concept which stresses the value of patriotism, hard work and plain living, belief in science, consciousness of serving the people, solidarity, honesty and credibility, and observation of the law, is a perfect amalgamation of traditional Chinese values and modern virtues.
Part IV. Blackboard design
Foreword para1
para2 General introduction
Rio de Janeiro para3 Downtown Rio
Destinations para2-5 para4 copacabana
para5 carnival
para6 General introduction
Kitzbauhel para7 Downhill slopes
para6-8 para8 other entertainment
A good blackboard design plays an important part in the English teaching. Such design is clear and concise. It&s easier for the students to understand the lesson and remember the important points. Centered on the students and activities.
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