
安群涛,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。哈尔滨工业大学首批CSC预留师资,2011年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金特别资助、中国博士后基金面上项目、黑龙江省博士后基金、哈工大科研创新基金等科研项目。在IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics等国内外期刊上发表论文20多篇,SCI收录8篇,EI收录12篇。
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展长虹,男,汉族,1973年生。博士,教授,博士生导师,玛丽居里学者,主要研究领域包括寒地建筑节能、建筑环境、可再生能源应用及建筑热学基础理论等。现就职于哈尔滨工业大学/建筑学院,任建筑科学与工程研究中心主任。累计申请成功国内外科研项目6项,获资助经费共约400万人民币;其中,2008年2月以90.7的分数,在世界范围内的竞争中胜出,获欧盟第七框架(EU FP7)>玛丽居里行动(Marie Curie Actions)>国际引进研究学者项目(International Incoming Fellowship)资助约18万欧元,在英国诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham UK)建筑学院工作两年,这是欧洲以外学者在欧洲所能获得的等级最高的客座科研工作职位。2011年2月,作为“百人计划”引进人才到哈工大建筑学院工作。累计出版著作5部,发表论文30余篇,SCI/EI索引文章10余篇次,国际发明专利1项,国内实用新型专利2项。讲授本科生课程《传热学》、《建筑物理(热)》,研究生课程《建筑热工设计及测试》。学术兼职:玛丽居里学者学会(MCFA)会终身会员、世界可持续性能源技术学会(WSSET)会员。国际期刊审稿人:International Journal of Refrigeration (SCI), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(SCI),Building and Environment(SCI), Applied Energy (SCI), Energy and Buildings (SCI),
Ain Shams Engineering Journal(Elsevier Science期刊)。荣誉称号几乎从未获得过“象样的”荣誉称号教育经历6.07,哈尔滨建筑大学
工学博士学位 主要任职 起止时间工作单位,职务/职称4.01福建新大陆科技集团有限公司;工程总监/工程师4.12青岛海尔集团研发本部;工程总监/工程师8.09东北林业大学 ;博士后,实验室主任,副教授0.09英国诺丁汉大学;玛丽居里国际引进研究学者2011.02 至今哈尔滨工业大学;副教授,教授,博士生导师 我的新闻联系方式
单位:哈尔滨工业大学/建筑学院/建筑科学与工程研究中心地址:中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号 寒地楼邮编:150090电子邮箱:zhan.changhong@; zhan_ Research Center of Building Science and Engineering, School of Architecture Harbin Institute of Technology 73, Huanghe Road, Nangang District,Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, 150090 ChinaEmail: zhan.changhong@; zhan_
展长虹,男,汉族,1973年生。博士,教授,博士生导师,玛丽居里学者,主要研究领域包括寒地建筑节能、建筑环境、可再生能源应用及建筑热学基础理论等。现就职于哈尔滨工业大学/建筑学院,任建筑科学与工程研究中心主任。累计申请成功国内外科研项目6项,获资助经费共约400万人民币;其中,2008年2月以90.7的分数,在世界范围内的竞争中胜出,获欧盟第七框架(EU FP7)>玛丽居里行动(Marie Curie Actions)>国际引进研究学者项目(International Incoming Fellowship)资助约18万欧元,在英国诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham UK)建筑学院工作两年,这是欧洲以外学者在欧洲所能获得的等级最高的客座科研工作职位。2011年2月,作为“百人计划”引进人才到哈工大建筑学院工作。累计出版著作5部,发表论文30余篇,SCI/EI索引文章10余篇次,国际发明专利1项,国内实用新型专利2项。讲授本科生课程《传热学》、《建筑物理(热)》,研究生课程《建筑热工设计及测试》。学术兼职:玛丽居里学者学会(MCFA)会终身会员、世界可持续性能源技术学会(WSSET)会员。国际期刊审稿人:International Journal of Refrigeration (SCI), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer(SCI),Building and Environment(SCI), Applied Energy (SCI), Energy and Buildings (SCI),
Ain Shams Engineering Journal(Elsevier Science期刊)。荣誉称号几乎从未获得过“象样的”荣誉称号教育经历6.07,哈尔滨建筑大学
工学博士学位 主要任职 起止时间工作单位,职务/职称4.01福建新大陆科技集团有限公司;工程总监/工程师4.12青岛海尔集团研发本部;工程总监/工程师8.09东北林业大学 ;博士后,实验室主任,副教授0.09英国诺丁汉大学;玛丽居里国际引进研究学者2011.02 至今哈尔滨工业大学;副教授,教授,博士生导师 我的新闻联系方式
单位:哈尔滨工业大学/建筑学院/建筑科学与工程研究中心地址:中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号 寒地楼邮编:150090电子邮箱:zhan.changhong@; zhan_ Research Center of Building Science and Engineering, School of Architecture Harbin Institute of Technology 73, Huanghe Road, Nangang District,Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, 150090 ChinaEmail: zhan.changhong@; zhan_
-----------------------------------------------------------------研究领域主要研究方向:寒地建筑热工节能设计理论、寒地建筑室内环境品质、建筑环境与能耗仿真模拟、建筑性能评价与诊断以及建筑热学基础理论研究团队成员博士后刘芳芳:女,研究方向:太阳能利用与建筑及环境一体化博士研究生马福生,男, 研究方向: 严寒地区绿色校园陈琳,女,研究方向:严寒地区建筑综合物理环境朱勇,男,研究方向:基于物联网技术的严寒地区公共建筑节能研究王磊,男,研究方向:M循环蒸发冷却空调技术硕士研究生马莹,女,研究方向:严寒地区村镇建筑室内热环境与节能方金,男,研究方向:严寒地区民用建筑热工性能及能量性能的热力学分析,建筑环境及能耗仿真模拟曹婷,女,研究方向:寒地木结构建筑热工节能设计理论、可持续性评价,建筑环境及能耗仿真模拟卡瓦,男,研究方向:不发达国家的绿色建筑张正帅,男,研究方向:建筑性能评价与诊断马宇阳,女,研究方向:严寒地区民用建筑围护结构技术经济分析姜洋,男,研究方向:城市污水处理厂的绿色(或可持续性)评价体系任成禹,男,研究方向:基于微气候优化的辽滨新城住区规划研究王荣刚,男,研究方向:待定于强,男,研究方向:营口市集中供热整体规划研究陈崇一,女,研究方向:严寒地区城市建筑色彩与节能科研项目 项目名称项目来源起讫时间承担角色项目类别
Investigation of a Novel Dew Point Cooling Heat and Mass Exchanger for Air Conditioning of Buildings in Europe欧盟第七框架科研计划(EU FP7)>玛丽居里行动计划(Marie Curie Actions)>国际引进学者项目(International Incoming Fellowship)2008年9月~2010年9月负责人纵向项目
“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题---村镇建筑低成本高效节能采暖方式研究与设备开发/ 2011BAJ08B06-2中华人民共和国科学技术部2011年8月~参与纵向项目
寒区公共建筑室内空气品质数值模拟及实验研究博士后基金2005年12月~2008年4月负责人纵向项目 奖项成果-----------------------------------------------------------------讲授课程建筑物理(热)——本科生课程。简介:建筑物理是建筑环境科学的基本组成部分,是高级建筑专业人才必须掌握的专业基础课。通过本课程的讲授和习题、实验的训练,将使学生掌握建筑热工学的基础知识和基本原理,了解《建筑热工设计规范》的内容和要求,并能较熟练地在建筑设计中合理运用所学热工知识进行建筑热工设计,并掌握一定的实际技能,创造舒适、节能的室内环境。建筑热工设计及测试——研究生课程。简介: 本课程介绍建筑热工基础理论﹑热工设计方法及建筑热工测试的理论与方法,同时介绍建筑热工领域的最新科研成果。本课程理论性﹑系统性及实用性较强,有助于提高研究生的建筑热工理论水平、逻辑思维及独立科研实验工作的能力。要求学生掌握建筑热工设计与测试的基本原理和方法,了解建筑热工设计相应的依据、规范及规程,提高应用计算机分析软件辅助科学研究的能力和实验动手能力。招生信息硕士招生:欢迎有建筑学、建筑热能工程及其他相关专业背景的同学报考,报考的同学应具有较好的数学物理基础、英语熟练,同时需对建筑节能、绿色建筑等研究领域感兴趣。博士招生:欢迎有建筑技术科学、热能工程及其他相关专业的在读或已毕业的硕士研究生报考-----------------------------------------------------------------出版物 出版物作者出版日期出版社
《全国勘查设计注册公用设备工程师专业基础考试复习教程(暖通空调专业)--- 传热学》赵华, 展长虹2006年4月中国建筑工业出版社
《天然气输配技术》严铭卿(主编), 宓亢琪, 黎光华,展长虹等(不分排名)2006年5月化学工业出版社
《燃气输配工程分析》严铭卿(主编),展长虹,黎光华等(不分排名)2007年8月石油工业出版社 论文期刊 论文标题作者发表/完成日期期刊名称
Comparative study of the performance of the M-cycle counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers for indirect evaporative coolingChanghong Zhan, Zhiyin Duan, Xudong Zhao, Stefan Smith, Hong Jin, Saffa Riffat2011年12月Energy
Indirect evaporative cooling: Past, present and future potentialsZhiyin Duan, Changhong Zhan, Xingxing Zhang, Mahmud Mustafa, Xudong Zhao, Behrang Alimohammadisagvand, Ala Hasan2012年12月Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Measurement and analysis of the application of heat recovery ventilator in a residential room in cold region of ChinaZHAN Chang-hong, Su Yu-chang, WANG Feng-Hu2007年12月Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)
Numerical study of a M-cycle cross-flow heat exchanger for indirect evaporative coolingChanghong Zhan, Xudong Zhao, Stefan Smith, S.B. Riffat2011年3月Building and Environment
Numerical Study on Performance Comparison between Counterflow and Crossflow Heat Exchanger for Indirect Evaporative CoolingChanghong Z Xudong Z Zhiyin D S. B. Riffat2011年6月The International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies -----------------------------------------------------------------BiographyDr. Zhan was born in 1973. He obtained his B.Eng. degree in 1996 at Harbin University of Civil Engineering andArchitecture (China), MSc. degree in 1998 at the same University and Ph.D. degree in 2001 at Harbin Institute of Technology (China). Upon graduation, he became the Technical Director of Fujian Newland Science and Technology Co. Ltd. (China). In 2004, he was appointed as the Technical Director of Qingdao Haier Group, the leading Chinese Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Company which enjoys worldwide reputaton in terms of scale and quality of air conditioners and refrigerators. In 2008, he became a Marie Curie Research Fellow, working with The Unversity of Nottingham UK for two years. Dr. Zhan is experienced in heat and mass transfer, air conditioning technology, building services technology, sustainable energy technologies and energy efficiency technologies. He has been involved in 9 research projects funded by EU, local government of China, industries and the University where he is working. Dr. Zhan has published 31 papers on sustainable energy/building technologies in national/international refereed journals and conferences and 5 books in Chinese presses. Meanwhile, he has been invited as the reviewer of4 international journals. He also holds 5 patents currently registered with China Patent Bureau. Dr. Zhan is currently a Professor in the School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology.Contact InformationDr. Changhong ZhanTelephone:**Telephone:**E-mail:zhan.changhong@; zhan_Postal Code:150090Mailing Adress:Research Centre of Building Science and Engineering, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology 73, Huanghe Road, Nangang District,Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China Employment HistoryDurationOrgnization, PositionJul/2001 - Jan/2004Fujian Newland Science & Technology Group Ltd. China;Chief Director of Engineering/EngineerJan/2004 - Dec/2004Department of Research and Development, Qingdao Haier Group China/Chief Director of Engineering/EngineerJan/2005 - Sep/2008Northeast Forestry University China;Laboratory Director, Post-Doctor, Associate ProfessorSep/2008 - Sep/2010The University of Nottingham UK; Marie Curie International Incoming Research FellowSep/2010 - Feb/2011Northeast Forestry University China;Laboratory Director, Associate ProfessorFeb/2011 - PresentHarbin Institute of T Associate Professor, Professor, PHD Student Supervisor
EducationSep/1998 – Jul/2001 PhD
Department of HVAC & Gas Engineering/ School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology/ ChinaSep/1996 – Jul/1998
Department of HVAC & Gas Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture/ ChinaSep/1992– Jul/1996
Department of HVAC & Gas Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture/ China-----------------------------------------------------------------Research DirectionDr. Zhan's research domain is in the following areas:Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid/Thermo DynamicsComputer Numerical SimulationsHVAC Technologies (Particularly Evaporative Cooling Air Conditioning)Green Building Technologies (Services Engineering & Environmental Technology)Sustainable/Renewable Energy Technologies Research SupervisionDr. Zhan is actively involved in the supervision of Postgraduate Students' Research including 1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 3 Ph.D. Candidates and 11 M.Sc. Students.Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Fangfang Liu - Collaborative Optimization on Energy Perfomance and Visual Quality of Solar Thermal/Photovoltaic in Building (Ongoing research at Harbin Institute of Technology, November 2013 - Present)Ph.D. Candidates and their Research TopicsLei Wang - Dynamic Simulation of M-Cycle IEC Air Conditioning System with DX Cooling Assistance (Ongoing research at Harbin Institute of Technology, September 2012 - Present) Fusheng Ma - Ventilation Design for Classroom Building in Extreme Cold Climate Region of China (Ongoing research at Harbin Institute of Technology, September 2012 - Present)Lin Chen - Application of System Identification Combined with Infrared Thermography to the Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of Building Exterior Environment (Ongoing research at Habin Institute of Technology, March 2013 - Present)M.Sc. Students and their Research DirectionsMa Ying - Indoor Thermal Environment and Energy for Cold Region TownsFang Jin - Civil Thermal Performance and Energy Performance Analysis for Cold Regions, the Built Environment and Energy SimulationCao Ting - Timber Buildings in Cold Regions, Thermal Energy-Saving Design Theory, Sustainability Assessment, the Built Environment and Energy simulationAmos Kalua - Green Building in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Thermal Envelope Design for Residential Buildings, Building Perfomance and Thermal Design OptimizationZhang Zheng Shuai - Building Performance Evaluation and DiagnosisMayu Yang - Cold Regions' Buildings' Envelope : Technical and Economic AnalysisSong Qianchun - Evaporative Cooling Thermal ComfortFan Lele - Microwave Air DehumidificationJiang Yang - Urban Sewage Treatment Plants' Green (Sustainability) Evaluation SystemRen Chengyu - Microclimate Optimization based on Liaobin Metro Planning SettlementsWang Ronggang - PendingYu Qiang - Overall Planning of Yingkou Heating Liu Kuailiang - PendingPatentsDr. Zhan holds a number of Patents registered in ChinaLIU Yongxin, HUANG Meng, JIN Hong, ZHAN Changhong etc. A Novel Stand-alone Air Heating Device for Chinese Rural House.
ZL 2013 2 **.3, 7th May 2014ZHAN Changhong, HUANG Meng, JIN Hong, LIU Yongxin. A finned Heat Exchanger for Chinese Kang. ZL 2013 2 **.X. 26th March 2014ZHAO Xudong, RIFFAT Saffa Bashir, LI Junming, ZHAN Changhong, ZHIYIN Duan. A Novel Dew Point Air Conditioning System, Pub. No.: WO/;International Application No.: PCT/GB; 01.04.2010Zhan Changhong, Li Yongxi. A New Cleaning Air-Conditioning System. Patent Number: ZL 02 2 46305.4. Publication Date: 2003.8;Zhan Changhong, Chen Jian. Mobile UVC Air Disinfector/Air Conditioner. Patent Number: ZL 02 2 35033.0. Publication Date:2003.4AwardsDr. Zhan's milestone achievements include: 9 research projects, with the total fund value in excess of 4.5 million CNY31 scientific papers5 patents granted4 books published, 1 book in press12 product/engineering design projects4 courses undertaken1 postdoctoral research fellow, 3 PHD students, 11 MSc students have been (are being) supervisedReviewer of 4 International Journals and 1 FoundationResearch ProjectsDr. Zhan has been actively involved in a wide range of research activities which have attracted funds in excess of 4.5Million CHY. NoDuration TitleSource of FundingRoleFund Value1Aug 11-Dec 14Research and Development of Economic and Efficient Heating System for Rural Housing in Northeast ChinaMinistry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of ChinaCo – investigator850,000 CNY2May 11-May 14Research on the Air-conditioning Technology of Dew Point Evaporative CoolingHarbin Institute of TechnologyPrincipal investigator200,000 CNY3March 09 – Feb 10A novel dew point air conditioning systemICUK (Innovation China UK)Co – investigator70,000 Pounds4Sep 08-Sep 10Investigation of a Novel Dew Point Cooling Heat and Mass Exchanger for Air Conditioning of Buildings in EuropeEU FP7 /Marie Curie Actions/International Incoming FellowshipCo – investigator179,000 Euro5Oct 05 –April 08Numerical Simulation and Experiment Research on Indoor Air Quality for Public Building in Cold Areas of ChinaPostdoctoral Fund of Heilongjiang Province, ChinaPrincipal Investigator80,000 CNY 6June 02- June 04Research and Development of Dynamic UVC Air disinfection/Air Conditioning SystemFujian Province Science Program Funds , ChinaPrincipal Investigator1,100,000 CNY 7July 05- July 07Development of Heat Recovery Ventilator for the Cold AreaFund of Northeast Forestry University, ChinaPrincipal Investigator12,000 CNY8April 05- April 07Study on the Dewing Problems for the Indoor Natatorium in Cold AreaFund of the Civil Design Institute of Northeast Forestry University, ChinaPrincipal investigator19,000 CNY9May 05 – May 07Research on the Antifreezing Technique for coal mine in north ChinaHeilongjiang Province GovernmentProject Coordinator100,000 CNY -----------------------------------------------------------------Taught Classes Dr. Zhan has taught and/or is currently teaching the following courses:Thermal Design and Testing for Buildings (for MSc, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011 - present)Building Thermal Engineering (for BEng, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011 - present)Central Heating System Design (for BEng, Northeast Forestry University, China, 2005 - 2008)Heat Transfer (for BEng, Northeast Forestry University, China, 2004 - 2008)Research Interests for Possible SupervisionM.Sc. DegreeFor Master's Degree research, Dr. Zhan welcomes students with an Engineering related background including Architecture and Building Services Engineering. These students must have a good knowledge of Physics concepts, high English proficiency, and must be willing to pursue research in areas related to Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building. Ph.D.For Ph.D. research, Dr. Zhan welcomes candidates with a background postgraduate qualification in either Building Science or HVAC Engineering. These candidates can either be those that are in the Final year of their Master's Degree or those that already graduated.-----------------------------------------------------------------论文期刊PapersDr. Zhan has published a total of 31 of which 26 are in journals and 5 are in conference proceedings. In terms of language, 11 papers are in English and the others are in Chinese. He has also co-authored 5 Books.Journal papersZhan Changhong, Huang Meng, Chen Lin. Investigation on Innovation of Experimental teaching system for Graduate Student of Building Science and Technology. China Architecture Education,August 2014, v8. (In press). In Chinese. Times cited: 0Zhan Changhong, Wang Lei, Zhang Jianli, Zhao Xudong. A Review of M-cycle Evaporative Cooling Technology for Air-conditioning. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (Special Issue - Evaporative Cooling Air-conditioning). 2014.03,No. 119:13-20. In Chinese. Times cited: 0Zhiyin Duan, Changhong Zhan, Xingxing Zhang, Mahmud Mustafa, Xudong Zhao, Behrang Alimohammadisagvand, Ala Hasan. Indirect evaporative cooling: Past, present and future potentials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Volume 16, Issue 9, December 2012, Pages . In English. Times cited: 14 (By Google Scholar)Changhong Zhan, Zhiyin Duan, Xudong Zhao, Stefan Smith, Hong Jin, Saffa Riffat. Comparative study of the performance of the M-cycle counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers for indirect evaporative cooling – paving the path toward sustainable cooling of buildings, Energy. V36, Issue 12, December 2011 p . In English. Times cited: 19 (By Google Scholar)Hongyuan Mei, Changhong Zhan, Hong Jin. The Establishment of Heilongjiang Cold Climate Architectural Science Key Laboratory (Harbin Institute of Technology). South Architecture. 2011(5): 37-39. In Chinese. Times cited: 0Changhong Zhan, Xudong Zhao, Zhiyin Duan, S. B. Riffat. Numerical Study of a M-cycle Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger for Indirect Evaporative Cooling. Building and Environment. March 2011, v 46, n 3, p 657-668. In English. Times cited: 20 (By Google Scholar)Changhong Zhan, Xudong Zhao, Zhiyin Duan, S. B. Riffat. Numerical Study on Performance Comparison between Counterflow and Crossflow Heat Exchanger for Indirect Evaporative Cooling. The International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies. , v 6, n 2, June 2011, p 100-106. In English. Times cited: 1 (By Scopus)LI Biao, ZHU Meng- sheng, ZHAN Chang-hong, CAI Wei-hua. Field Study on IAQ and Thermal Comfort of University Classrooms in Winter of Harbin. ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY. ):336-341. In Chinese. Times cited: 1 (By CNKI)Xudong Zhao, Zhiyin Duan, Changhong Zhan. Dynamic performance of a novel dew point air conditioning for the UK buildings. The International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies. VOLUME 4 NUMBER 1 MARCH . In English. Times cited: 9 (By Google Scholar)ZHAN Chang-hong, Su Yu-chang, WANG Feng-Hu. Measurement and analysis of the application of heat recovery ventilator in a residential room in cold region of China. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), Vol. 14, Sup., 3. In English. Times cited: 0TAN Yu-fei, ZHAN Chang-hong, YANG Jing-li. Matching study between PCM wallboard and electric-heating-film system in cold area. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. Vol. 38, No. 9, Sep. 99. In Chinese. Times cited: 11 (By CNKI)GUO Hong-yu, ZHAN Chang-hong, LI Jin-shi. Application of Frequency Modulation in Central Heating System. Applied Energy Technology. No. 7, . In Chinese. Times cited: 5 (By CNKI)ZHAN Chang-hong, TAN Yu-fei, HUANG Li-jun. Simulation Studies on the Solar-Ground Source heat Pump System for Villa in Cold Area. Low Temperature Architecture Technology. No. 3, . In Chinese. Times cited: 0Tan Yufei, Zhan Changhong, Cao Lin, Lin Tao. Gas Mixing Mechanism Taking CO2 as Cushion Gas and Feasibility of Operation Control. Natural Gas Industry. Vol. 25, No.12, . In Chinese. Times cited: 1 (By CNKI)Zhan Changhong, Yu Xihua, Chen Jian. The application of UVGI in CC&AC system. Contamination Control & Air-conditioning Technology. No. 4, . In Chinese. Times cited: 6 (By CNKI)Zhan Changhong, Jiao Wenling, Lian Leming, Yan Mingqing. Underground Gas Storage Reservoir Constructed in Water-Bearing Formation. Natural Gas Industry. Vol. 21, No.4,. In Chinese. Times cited: 11 (By CNKI)ZHAN Chang-hong, YAN Ming-qing, LIAN Le-ming. Simulation of Aquifer Underground Gas Storage Reservoir with FEM. Gas & Heat. Vol. 21, No. 4, 8. In Chinese. Times cited: 12 (By CNKI)Zhan Changhong, Jiao Wenling, Tan Yufei, Lian Leming, Yan Mingqing. The Construction of Aquifer Underground Gas Storage Reservoir and Numerical Modelling Research. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation. Vol. 20, No. 1, . In Chinese. Times cited: 8 (By CNKI)JIAO Wen-ling, ZHAN Chang-hong, LIAN Le-ming, YAN Ming-qing. Study of Forecasting for Short Term Load of City Gas Gas & Heat. Vol. 21, No. 6, . In Chinese. Times cited: 64 (By CNKI)Yan Mingqing, Jiao Wenling, Zhan Changhong, Lian Leming, Tan Yufei. The Developing Format of China's Urban Gas in the 21st Century. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation. Vol. 20, No. 7, . In Chinese. Times cited: 17 (By CNKI)YAN Ming-qing, LIAN Le-ming, JIAO Wen-ling, ZHAN Chang-hong, TAN Yu-fei. Essay on Model Change of China Gas in 21st Century. Gas & Heat. Vol. 22, No. 1, . In Chinese. Times cited: 14 (By CNKI)YAN Ming-qing, LIAN Le-ming, JIAO Wen-ling, TAN Yu-fei, ZHAN Chang-hong. Gas Load and Some Problems in Practice. Gas & Heat. Vol. 22, No. 5, . In Chinese. Times cited: 21 (By CNKI)YAN Mingqing, LIAN Leming, JIAO Wenling, TAN Yufei, ZHAN Changhong. Gas Load and Progression of Research Works. Gas & Heat. Vol. 22, No. 6, 3. In Chinese. Times cited: 21 (By CNKI)YAN Mingqing, LIAN Leming, JIAO Wenling, TAN Yufei, ZHAN Changhong. Research on Gas Load and Models. Gas & Heat. Vol. 23, No. 4, 0. In Chinese. Times cited: 9 (By CNKI)YAN Mingqing, LIAN Leming, JIAO Wenling, TAN Yufei, ZHAN Changhong. Gas Load and Forecasting Models. Gas & Heat. Vol. 23, No. 5, 3. In Chinese. Times cited: 30 (By CNKI)Duan Changgui, Xu Yanfeng, Wu Jichen, Zhan Changhong. Applied Research of Genetic Algorithm on Gas Pipe Diameter Optimization. Gas & Heat. Vol. 19, No. 2, . In Chinese. Times cited: 31 (By CNKI)Conference Proceedings Papers Amos Kalua, Changhong Zhan and Chein-Chi Chang. A Review of Green Building Advocacy in Least Developed Countries. Proceedings of the CIB W107 2014 International Conference, Lagos, Nigeria, 28th-30th January, 2014. page:250-258. In English. Times cited: 0Changhong Zhan, Xudong ZHAO, Zhiyin Duan, S. B. Riffat. Numerical Study on Performance Comparison between Counterflow and Crossflow Heat Exchanger for Indirect Evaporative Cooling. SET2010 - 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Shanghai, China. August 24th to 27th 2010. In English. Times cited: 0Changhong ZHAN, Xudong ZHAO, Fenghu WANG. CFD Analysis of Energy Saving Potential for Classroom Buildings in China. SET2009 - 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Aachen, Germany. August 31st to 3rd September 2009. In English. Times cited: 0Zhao Xudong, Duan Zhiyin, Zhan Changhong, Riffat Saffa B. Performance assessment of a novel dew point air conditioning system in the UK climate conditions. UECTC'09 - Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable E May 28, 2009 - May 30, 2009; Beijing, China. In English. Times cited: 0Changhong Zhan, Leming Lian, Mingqing Yan. Aquifer Underground Gas Storage Reservoir Numerical Simulation, September 10-14 2001, the 3-rd International Symposium on Energy, Environment & Economics held in Kazan, Russia, 2001(09). In English. Times cited: 0Books & Book ChaptersHuang Meng, Zhan Changhong (Translators). Design Innovation for the Built Environment: Research by Design and the Renovation of Practice (Translation from English into Chinese, Originally edited by Michael U. Hensel). Taylor & Francis Group &Harbin Institute of Technology Press, China. September 2014. (In press)Jin Hong, Zhao Hua, Lingwei, Zhan changhong, etc. Design standard for energy efficiency of rural residential buildings in Heilongjiang Province,Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Heilongjiang Province. October 2013Yan Mingqing, Zhan Changhong, etc. Analysis of Gas Transportation and Distribution Engineering. Petroleum Industry Press, China. 2007,8Zhao Hua, Zhan Changhong, etc. Heat Transfer -Course of Study for the Registered Public Facility Engineer(HVAC). China Architecture and Building Press. ~518Yan Mingqing, Zhan Changhong, etc. Natural Gas Transportation Technique. Chemical Industry Press China. 2006,5:chapter 1 and chapter 4
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