never give in 翻译directions around town如何翻译

【图文】八年级上Module 8 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right_百度文库
八年级上Module 8 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right
&&外​研​版​八​年​级​上​ ​M​o​d​u​l​e​  ​A​r​o​u​n​d​ ​t​o​w​n​ ​U​n​i​t​  ​T​h​e​ ​L​o​n​d​o​n​ ​E​y​e​ ​i​s​ ​o​n​ ​y​o​u​r​ ​r​i​g​h​t​.​的​教​学​课​件​,​共3​张​P​P​T​,​教​学​目​标​详​细​具​体​,​教​学​过​程​合​理​有​效​,​图​片​资​源​紧​扣​课​文​,​教​学​重​难​点​突​出​,​讲​解​训​练​结​合​,​易​于​师​生​配​合​、​掌​握​和​运​用​,​是​参​加​市​级​课​堂​教​学​大​赛​的​课​件​,​得​到​了​老​师​和​同​学​的​好​评
你可能喜欢翻译如何制作你自己的DHV故事 - 今日头条(
为了更好的理解 发现 关于这么制作惯例的最新文章,我觉得最好还是先专门讲述一下最经常被问到的一个问题——到底怎么写一个好的DHV故事?(掌握追女生聊天技巧,和女生搭讪的方法,#推广#来坏男孩学习,散发你的魅力!)兄弟们,我们必须要面对一个问题,对于我们很多人来说,鼓足勇气接近一个女孩对她打个招呼,是一件非常难办到的事情。我们很难找到一些有趣,很酷又幽默的事情来向妹妹们陈述。就像很多牛逼的PUA,我记得当我最开始学习夜店酒吧night game的时候,我发现我当时最大的一个问题就是没东西扯。我可以和一个组的美女互动,她们也会有好的回应,会笑会触摸我会给我IOI。但是我的惯例丢完后,我就进入死机状态了。我会傻站在这个已经对我有IOI的妹妹组合里而完全不知道接下来该说什么或者做什么。比起做些什么让我尴尬或者觉得错误的事情,我会消极的选择跟她们说:“祝你们玩的开心,然后退出组合”。这个状态持续了好几个的时间,直到我意识到问题所在:我觉得我没有足够的东西来陈述。这是一个所有要尝试GAME的兄弟们八成都会遇到的问题。这也是为什么我们总是那么想要获取并且使用“惯例”的原因。“惯例”其实和其他故事并没有什么不同。只不过是提前被准备好并被记忆好以便于在临场的时候可以使用。兄弟们有没有试过把一个笑话翻来覆去的说很多次?我们使用惯例,我们知道当我们丢出去以后,妹妹们会有不错的反应,所以我们总是在有任何心的机会的情况下使用。但是现在我要教你怎么说你自己的故事,怎么放大它的功效。继续看下去你就会知道怎么把你的故事说的有吸引力,而不仅仅是有意思而已。你的故事应该要包含很多DHV嵌入。并且能够传达那种对女人有吸引力的男性所具有的某些特质。而这些特质是女人在进化过程中形成的选择偏好。这些要嵌入到你故事当中的DHV因素具有以下特征:——预选——保护爱人的意愿和能力——幽默——雄性领袖——成功的冒险家——酷爱旅游——愿意表达情感——社交圈兄弟们可以找到我们的官网上,博客和学院里找到很多惯例的例子,或者在《启示录》,《把妹达人》,我们的DVD系列,或者是我们即将推出的《惯例手册》这些将给大家带来一些很棒的,有用可靠的惯例。它们可以让大家来练习来感觉在现场时候的感觉。当你知道了一个高质量的DHV故事该怎么描述。其实你已经可以开始尝试制作自己的惯例了。自己的惯例可以传送一个真实发生在你生活中的故事,并且展示你的价值观念。它们是源自于你的生活,因此它们更具生命力和吸引力。不过兄弟们可能觉得我们生活很平淡,没什么DHV的好素材,也没什么有意思的故事好讲述的。但是如果你按照下面的步骤来做,你会吃惊的发现你的生活中原来有这么多有意思的事情,而当你讲述它们的时候你是那么的眉飞色舞,魅力无边。第一步:找出你的故事素材我们有一些故事和经历是可以被包装成DHV故事的。我们其实只是需要坐下来想想,然后把它们写下来。想想一些你会说或者曾经对你的朋友,家人,同事说过的故事。去看看你以前的照片,或者空间,微博什么的,去回忆回忆以前的一些有意思的瞬间和冒险。你个人的DHV故事可以是你生活中的任何事情,它们可以是任何时候你曾经:——和一个女孩一起做过的什么有趣的事情——做了一些你不应该做甚至该躲开的事情——在旅行的时候有过什么有趣,恐怖,令人激动的事情——负责掌控或者HOLD住一个什么局面——为了维护某个人而勇敢的与人争执——组织过什么令人激动的事情——鼎力支持过什么人——化解了什么尬尴的场面——做过什么很让人感动和暖心的事情——做过什么自发的,无意识的事情——完成过什么令你为自己自豪的事情——看见过什么有趣/恐怖/激动的东西任何幽默的激动的有感情的小细节都会加分,描述出一些过往的社交尴尬事件是个不错的选择,它们既有幽默的释放效果,又能在描述的时候充分制造情绪张力。当然如果我们实在是找不到任何源自于我们自己生活中的题材,我们也可以看《大都市糗事百科》寻找灵感。直到我们开始过上“高质量的生活方式”。第二步:用要点的形式把你的故事写出来等你把你的故事素材都准备齐全了,把每个故事里的基本框架写出来。不用像写小说一样,一字一句的写出来。只需要按照一定的发展顺序写出基本情节就好。比如说我有一个故事,说的是我的弟弟是怎么把他的卡车给撞了的。这个故事很长,要把它整个说完得花上一定的时间。但是要点可以是这样的:——故事是发生在和XX的约会之后,带她回了家——弟弟在凌晨4点打来电话,凌晨时是不接电话的,但是奇怪他不会在这个时间来电话——弟弟说他撞上了一头鹿,我问明白位置后就起床赶过去——XX有点生气了,我告诉她我的弟弟出车祸了,XX也想去,但是我让她呆在家等我——我一直开,但是因为路面结冰很滑,车一直打滑——最终找到出事地点,弟弟的车面目全非,滚了好几圈,车已经完全变形了,两个轮子也不知道飞哪去了——我跑过去叫他的名字,最后找到他,他正试着把轮胎装回去——他跟我说他想把轮子装回去,然后再开回家——我带他去医院检查,很庆幸,弟弟只是有点脑震荡,然后身上有些淤青和擦伤——我们只在医院呆了几个小时,要好好谢谢那家医院的急诊科——回家的路上,弟弟叫我停车买包烟,他从口袋里拿出20刀给我——因为没碰过车祸,所以我还有点不镇定,也没看钱就去了商店,直到要结账的时候——我把那张带有血迹的钱给收银员的时候,他就像看到一个疯子般看着我——我朝他微笑一下说道:“是哪天晚上的事情,我记不清了”。那个店员一定以为我杀了不少人。第三步:找一些DHV细节植入进去你的DHV细节应该植入到故事里面。植入那些具有吸引力的细节。看看第二步里面的故事,我们可以发现:——我当时是在进行一个约会【预选】——我帮助,保护,挽救了我的弟弟,当他需要我的时候【保护自己身边的人】——弟弟觉得他还能把那辆变成了麻花一般的车开回家去;我用那张满是血迹的美刀吓死了那个收银员【幽默】我们的DHV素材不需要像是什么如摇滚巨星的生活什么之类的。一般人想写DHV故事的时候总是朝这个思路上走。不用老想些什么你开车路过一辆燃烧的汽车,然后带着你的功夫高手朋友英勇的从里面救出一个美丽的脱衣舞娘和她养的几条贵宾狗。你的DHV材料永远不要是故事的主要内容。而且记得不要让人感觉出你是在炫耀自己,但是你可以夸耀你的友。(掌握追女生聊天技巧,和女生搭讪的方法,#推广#来坏男孩学习,散发你的魅力!)DHV素材应该是当你讲故事的时候的一些随意的,不经意提到的东西。还有不用渴求在一个故事里植入太多针对女性吸引力开关的DHV素材。一般来说两三个已经是足以让故事拥有吸引力。但是如果你觉得你的故事里缺少某些DHV素材。可以夸张一点,加点包装。比如那个和你在一起的女孩不是你新迷恋上的女孩而是你前女友,或者你以前碰到过这样的情况所以只是有点小担心,即便事实上你吓的要尿裤子。再或者那个要调戏你女友的男人追后没有威胁你,而是坐下了或者道歉了。我们在制作惯例的时候可以再事实的基础上夸张一点。女人经常这么干。它只不过是调情的一部分而已。第四步:小心出现DLV/剔除DLV低价值展示【DLV】。DLV是DHV的反面。它们会给你的目标透露出你不是一个具有高价值的男人也会令到她觉得你没什么吸引力。很多男人甚至根本都意识不到当他们对女人们说出他们只有仅仅几个朋友的时候是多么狠狠地DLV了自己一把。又或者什么他们已经有很长一段时间没有谈恋爱了。又或者当他们大谈特谈他们朋友的一些糗事的时候。等等等等。你需要警惕在你的故事里不要出现任何让她感觉不舒适的东西,或者没有出现任何前文所述的DHV素材,又或者任何传递出你不良社交直觉的东西。比如:——任何涉及到不良体液的,什么鼻涕啊,排泄物啊,呕吐物啊等等——任何以前你表现出的对女士,老人,小孩或者服务行业的从业者不尊重或者而言相向的行为。比如冲你的女友怒吼——任何你曾经建立在别人痛苦之上的快乐。比如你妹妹的舞会礼服受损了而你却在一旁嘲笑。——任何你曾经做过的会被认为是反感的或者违法社交常识的。比如一直不停的缠着某个女人发短信。——抱怨或者嘲讽你的朋友或者前任。比如你总是对朋友两肋插刀,但是当你需要朋友的时候,他们总是回避。——任何你执行别人的命令或者顺从别人的意见——任何让你和那些低价值,低级趣味的人有联系的事情所以我在前面提到的那个故事里面移除了车祸后的流血描述,还有XX在我要走时候生气也是一笔带过。第五步:修剪制作自己的惯例故事的时候,要记住很多时候你的这些故事是要在很吵闹的场合里面使用的,比如说酒吧或者夜店。所以当你说的时候需要比较大声。那么如果是个比较长的故事那么就很容易在你说的过程中被各种突发事件打断,又或者你的目标失去耐心和兴趣继续听下去。你的DHV故事应该尽量的短小精干又五脏俱全。下面是一个号的DHV故事的基本结构——几个能够吊起人们好奇心的句子,比如上周末我遇到了人生中最恐怖的一件事——一些能够吊住他们好奇心的句子。在开始的三到四个句子里你应该说一些有意思的,让人着迷的或者DHV植入。像这样的话就算你被打断,或者不得不停下来。至少你已经下了引起了人们的好奇心,你的目标组合可能会非常想知道剩下的部分。——几个句子可以描述出发生了什么还有就是同时制造紧张,一点一点的把她带进故事。可以使用停顿,改变语调,描述你当时的感觉等等。把她逐步的带进故事,让她能够感觉到故事里的情绪和感觉。用幽默和兴奋制造张力。——记得在结尾释放张力,比如你学到了什么啊,或者一个兴奋的结局——添加一个副包袱和释放去结合她已经产生的好的情绪,这个可以很随意。反正人们不会介意多听几个有意思的故事,这会让人们真正觉得你是个幽默的人。而不仅仅只是评价你一句他就是说了那个有趣故事的人。所以看回之前的例子。我尽量去除了找路去出事地点啊,什么XX因为也想跟我一起来而跟我争执啊。因为这些都不是故事的重点,但我会尽量简明扼要的提一下。因为很多时候你会发现你说的越少的部分,听的人却问的越多。第六步:加入停顿加入停顿来加强故事的张力和兴奋度。同时也能帮助我们把讲述的节奏放慢。这会让我们的故事更加的有吸引力。实际上要是我们真能让节奏慢下来的话,可以达到一个很梦幻的效果。我们甚至可以说一个很平淡无奇的故事,但是却让听的人聚精会神。不过也要注意不要太多停顿了哦亲,不然就起到反效果了,一旦让别人觉得你可能是个智障儿童,梦幻就成了梦魇了。在释放之前先用停顿来制造张力,然后用幽默和兴奋的东西来释放张力。——PUA版停顿:我走到边上来,然后我找到了他。。。。我真的长舒了一口气。。。。。他居然想要。。。把轮子装回去。。。因为他想把这两破车开回家去。——智障版停顿:我。。走到。。。边上来。。。然后我看见。。。他。。。然后这。。。让。。。我长。。。舒了一口。。。气。他居然想要把轮子装回去,因为他想。。。把。。。这辆破车开回去。最后,我的最终版故事惯例会是这样的:PUA:上周遇到了件很吓人的事那是凌晨四点吧,我接到了弟弟的电话。我天和一帮朋友整晚在一起,他打电话的时候已经睡下了。。。一般这种情况我是不接电话的,但是那次总感觉很奇怪。。。知道吗?他如果在这个点给我电话的话。。。一定是出了什么事情。然后我接电话,他听起来声音很怪。他说:“我刚才开车躲。。。一头鹿,然后就翻车了。。。你快来救我”。我放下电话马上弹起来然后对XX说:“XX我弟出事了,我现在马上要过去,不过我很快回来”。然后我一路开上各种乡村小路。。。然后到了一个拐角。。。然后就看见。。。就看见各种零件,车部件散落一地。。。再开一点看见他的车。。。整辆车侧翻在路上。。。翻了也不知道几圈。。。车架都变麻花了。然后我的心。。。因为我找不见我弟啊。。。我在担心最可怕的事情发生。。。我下车向卡车跑过去。。。大喊他的名字。。。直到我看见他。。。我真是长舒了一口气了。。。他居然。。。在试着把掉下来的轮子装回去。。。他说他觉得还能把车开回去。他太可爱了,这也是为什么我爱我的弟弟。【故事反撇效果释放目标的紧张情绪】笑。IOI。继续讲述故事。今天就到这里,兄弟们。弄出你们的DHV故事然后去实战吧。Written BY:先知PS:发现,MPUA,迷男团队资深导师,现居英国。迷男评语:发现是我见过的为数不多的实战最牛叉和最努力的诱惑者之一,一个真正的大师级把妹达人。How To Write DHV Stories – With Examples!翻译 BY:魔卡To follow up on Discovery's recent article on creating a routine stack, I thought I'd cover one of the most commonly asked questions in the game "How do you write a DHV story?"And let’s face it, for most guys it’s hard enough getting up the courage to walk up to a girl and say Hi, let alone coming up with cool, funny, or interesting things to tell her. And like most aspiring PUAs, when I first started learning the ropes in bars and clubs, I found that one of my biggest problems was running out of things to say. I would be talking to a fun group of girls, they would be laughing and touching me and showing me interest, and then my mind would just go blank. I would be standing there with this awesome group of girls who were totally into me and I would have no idea what to say or do next. And rather than risk doing something wrong or embarrassing myself, I would simply tell them to have a good night and politely eject out of the set. And this went on and on for MONTHS until I realized the problem: I felt like I didn’t have enough to talk to talk about. This is an extremely common and debilitating problem for many aspiring PUAs out there, which is why we use canned material. Canned material basically as any story, routine, or gambit that is previously prepared and memorized for use in the field. Have you ever told the same joke more than once? You’re using canned material. You know it’s a story that people enjoy so you tell it whenever there is a new opportunity with a new group of people to get a laugh. And now we’re going to take your stories and amp them up. Read on and you will learn how to make your stories ATTRACTIVE instead of just enjoyable.Your stories typically contain embedded DHVs (Demonstrations of Higher Value), which convey the qualities of the kind of man that women are evolutionarily programed to be attracted to. The kinds of DHVs you want to embed into your stories are things that flip the following attraction switches:Preselected By Women Protector of Loved Ones Humor Leader of Men Successful Risk-taker World Traveler Willingness to Emote Social Alignments You can find plenty of examples of canned material right here on our website, both on our blog and on our forum, in our books Revelation and The Pick-up Artist, our DVD sets, and in our upcoming routines manual. This material will give you tried-and-true examples of well-designed routines, giving you something to practice and get a feel for in the field. One you get an idea of how a DHV routine should be delivered, you can start to write your own canned material in order to start conveying real stories FRom your life and fully convey your personality. Now you may not feel like you have a lot of DHVs in your life, or that you have nothing interesting going on to talk about, but if you follow the steps below, you will be surprised by just how much you find you have to say and how awesome and interesting you will sound when you talk about your life. Step 1: Find Your StoriesYou have stories and experiences that can be transformed into DHV stories, you just need to sit down and write them out. Think about some of the stories you tell or have told to your FRiends, family, and co-workers. Go through your photos or Facebook or even Twitter to remind yourself of some of the adventures and interesting situations you have been in. Your DHV stories can come FRom any part of your life. They can be any time you:Did something fun with a girl Did something you weren’t supposed to and got away with it Had something funny/scary/exciting happen on a trip Took charge of a situation Stood up to someone for someone else Organized something exciting Had someone’s back Got out of an awkward situation Did something nice for someone Did something spontaneous Accomplished something you are proud of Saw something funny/scary/exciting Anything with humor, excitement, or tension is perfect here. Light social embarrassment is great for humor because it creates tension before releasing itOf course, if you REALLY cant find anything to work with FRom your own life, you can always check out Cosmo Confessions for some good stories to make your own until you start living a little more of a high-value lifestyle. Step 2: Write Your Stories Out In Point FormOnce you have gotten all your stories toGether, write out the basic story points for each. You don’t have to write it all out word-for-word. Just get the basic sequential set of events down on paper for yourself. For example, I have a story about how my little brother crashed his truck. It’s a long story, and there is a great deal that I’m going to take out of the final piece. For now though, the story points would look like this:Was on a date with Samantha, took her home Little brother called at 4am, usually wouldn’t answer but it was weird that he called so late He tells me he hit a deer and that he crashed his truck, I get directions and get up to leave Samantha gets mad, I tell her that my brother was in an accident. She wants to come but I tell her to stay I drive around forever, and the roads have gotten really icy so I’m sliding everywhereFind my brother, the truck is totalled. It’s been rolled so many times that the FRame is twisted. There isn’t a smooth bit of metal on the truck. It’s missing two of its wheels I run to the truck screaming his name and find him covered in blood, trying to rock it back onto it’s tires He tells me he wants to roll it back over so he can drive it homeI take him to the hospital, he was very lucky to only have a concussion and a few bruised ribs and a few stiches here and there.He was only in the hospital for a couple of hours. Thank god for small town emergency rooms! On the way home, he asked me to pull over and buy him some smokes, he hands me a $20 from his pocket I’m kind of in shock myself so I don’t look at the bill until I get to the counter and have to pay I had the clerk the bill and it’s god blood all over it. The clerk looks at me like I’m a maniac I smile at him and say “yeah, its been one of those nights.” He must have though I killed some guy! Step 3: Find/Add Your DHV SpikesYour DHV spikes should be items in the story that flip the attraction switches above. Using my example above, you can see that my DHV spikes are:I was on a date (Preselection) I helped my brother when he was in need (Protector of Loved Ones) He thought he could still drive the truck home, and I scared the cashier with the bloody $20 (humor).Your DHV spikes do not necessarily need to be over-the-top rock star lifestyle kind of DHVs people like to write. Not every story has to be about how to saved an exotic dancer and her box of puppies by getting your buddies who are martial arts experts/bouncers to help you lift a burning bus you saw crash while you were driving around in your brand new car. Your DHV spikes should never be the point of the story, and it should never feel like you are bragging about yourself (although you CAN brag about your friends). They should feel like incidental details that just get mentioned off-hand while you are telling your story. Also keep in mind that you don’t need to hit every single switch in one single story. Usually just a couple is more than enough to make the story compelling. But if you find that your story is lacking certain DHVs, don’t be afraid to exaggerate a little and spruce them up. Maybe that girl you were with on that fun adventure was your ex-girlfriend instead of that girl you had a crush on? Maybe you had dealt with a similar situation before so you were only a little worried (even though in reality you were about to piss your pants)? Or maybe that guy you protected your girlfriend from backed right down and apologized instead of trying to intimidate you? It’s ok to stretch the facts a LITTLE when you’re writing these routines. Women do this ALL the time. It’s just a part of how flirting works. Step 4: Watch for and remove DLVsDemonstrations of Lower Value, or DLVs, are the opposite of DHVs. They tell your target that you are not a high value male and cause her to feel less attracted to you. Most men don’t even realize just how much they DLV themselves in the field when they talk about how they only have a few friends, or how they haven’t been in a relationship in a while, or when they brag about that time they saw something embarrassing happen to their friend, etc etc etc.The kinds of things you want to exclude from your stories are anything that causes her to feel uncomfortable or that demonstrate that you lack the DHVs listed above or that display bad social intuition. Things like:Anything involving bugs, feces, vomit, blood, snot, other bodily fluids, etc. Any time you were rude to or angry at a woman, old person, child, or person in the service industry (i.e. yelling at your girlfriend) Any time you laughed or took pleasure in something mean, cruel, or hurtful (i.e. that time your sister’s prom dress was ruined) Any time you did something that could be considered creepy or a social violation (i.e. texting a woman more than two or three times) Complaining about or putting down your friends or ex’s (i.e. how you’re always there for your friends, but whenever you need their help they always let you down). Any time you followed someone else’s orders or demands Anything that associates you with other low-value people So in my story, I’m going to scrap the entire bit about the blood , as it’s obviously too gross and weird to be talking about in the field. Also the about Samantha getting mad that I had to leave should go too. Step 5: Trim The FatAs you develop your routine, it is good to remember that you will most likely be telling these stories in loud, busy bars and nightclubs. These sorts of venues are not good places for long, drawn-out routines because how suddenly you can be interrupted or how quickly your set will lose interest if your story drones on too long. Your DHV routines should be short and sweet. Below is a basic, general structure of a DHV routine:A few sentences to bait the group to hear your story by introducing it with a question or a statement that creates mystery and intrigue, such as “I had… the… SCARIEST night of my life last week.”A few sentences to hook your and keep them interested. Within first three to four sentences you should have Said something captivating, interesting, or DHV-laden. This way, even if you get cut off within the first few sentences, or for some reason you have to snip the thread and stack (more on that below), you should have at least uploaded value. And if you have created mystery or intrigue, your set may find themselves wanting to know the rest of the story anyway.A few sentences to describe what happened and build tension as you reel her further and further into the story. Using pauses, inflection, and by describing what you were feeling, you draw her further and further into the story, causing her to feel the emotions of the event for herself. Build tension by leading up to something humorous or exciting. Release the tension with your punchline, what you’ve learned, or the exciting results of the whole thing.A secondary punchline or release, to compound the positive emotions she is feeling. This bit is optional, but it never hurts to have a second funny or exciting thing to say to add to your set’s laughter. This helps you become a “really funny guy” as opposed to “the guy that told that funny story”.So from my example, I’m going to trim getting directions from my brother, as well as the bit about Samantha wanting to come along, since they are basically irrelevant details. I’ll also try to word it as succinctly as possible, as the less I say about something, the more questions my set can ask me. Step 6: Add PausesAdding pausing to your stories enhances the tension and excitement, while also helping you slow down your delivery. This will make your story more captivating. In fact, if you get your delivery down, you can tell stories about absolutely NOTHING and people will sit and listen to you intently. Try not to go crazy with pausing, or it will lose it’s effect and you will end up sounding like William Shatner. Use pausing to build tension before releasing it. Reel them in by pausing, then release then tension with something humorous or exciting. Good pausing:and I come around the side and I seem him… and this WAVE of relief washes over me…and he's trying to rock… the TRUCK… back onto it's wheels… because he thinks he can drive it home! Bad pausing:…and I… come around… the side… and I seem…him… and this… wave… of relief… just washes… all over me… and he’s trying to rock the truck back onto it’s wheels, because he thinks… he… can drive it home!In the end, my finished routine will look like this:PUA: I had… the… SCARIEST night of my life last week! It was like 4am and I get this call from my little brother. Now I had been out with some friends all night and was in bed… so normally I wouldn’t even answer it. But it just felt weird… you know? Like if he was calling at this time of night…something… must… be wrong. So I answer and he sounds really out of it… he’s like “hey kev I dodged a… deer and I had an accident… Can you come pick me up?” And obviously, it's my little brother… so I just hop right out of bed and I'm like "babe, Samantha, my brother’s in trouble so I gotta roll but I'll be back."So I'm way out on some backroad… and I come around a corner… and I see all this… wreckage strewn across the road… and then I see his truck… and it's laying on its side… and it's been rolled so many times… that the frame is actually twisted. And my heart… STOPS… because I don't see my brother anywhere… I’m fearing the worst… I jump out of my car and start running towards the truck cause I can see it sorta… rocking back and forth… And I'm screaming his name… and I come around the side and I seem him… …and this WAVE of relief washes over me……and he's trying to rock… the TRUCK… back onto it's wheels… because he thinks he can drive it home! And that's why I love my little brother.[cue laughter, IOIs, and stack forward]That's it for now guys. Build yourself some DHV material and start practicing it.Happy sarging, (掌握追女生聊天技巧,和女生搭讪的方法#推广#来坏男孩学习,散发你的魅力!)想知道更多撩妹技巧?关注我们的微信公众号: puaschool免费获得!
坏男孩 - 让你喜欢的女生喜欢上你!
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