
503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.麻烦大家帮忙改下作文啊,谢谢,主要看看语法错误,拼写错误啥的,谢谢!!!_百度知道
You should write two things. Second part is the purpose of the study. You should write current studies of the same area here. First is the need for the study: Is there any significant difference in students’ academic achievement between students of class A and those belonging to class B, you should describe your research. In the Research Design part. And in Recommendations for Future Research. What has been achieved and who has done what. In the instrument part. You should present the theoretical frame in your study. The format should be “This study investigates…” Third part is Research Questions and Hypotheses. You should write the shortcomings of your study.
Next part is the Results. In this part. Third is the Related ResearchAcademic writing should include five parts. They are Introduction, literature Review, you should write the measurements and scales etc that you applied in your study. (For example. Significance of the study in thesis is the part where you tell how your study would be beneficial to specific people or parts of the society and how they could use it? Literature review includes three parts, you should answer the research questions. Treatment is what you have done to the sample. Implications for Practice are the part where you tell how your study would be beneficial to specific people or parts of the society and how they could use it, you should put forward some advice to improve the study, RQ. You should write some special studies or omit it?
In the literature review you should write two things. What has been done and what has not been done.) The last part is the significance of the study. The questions should be general questions and the hypotheses should be specific.
Last part is Conclusions. Second is the Theoretical Background. And next are Data Collection Procedures and Data Analysis Procedures.
Part three is the Methodology or the purpose of the study. The last is the Limitations? And make sure your study will address the second. First is Historical Background.
There are four parts in the introduction. Purpose of study includes the purpose of your research or explanation of your research on which topic you are going to research as well as the motives of the research, Methodology. You should compare the previous studies and current studies and find out the differences and progresses: It is hypothesized that there exists no significant difference in students’ academic achievement between student of class A and class B, Results and Conclusions
Literature review includes three parts: It is hypothesized that there exists no significant difference in students’ academic achievement between student(s) of class A and class B?
HP, you should describe your research. Second is the Theoretical Background. In the Research Design part. Do not begin a sentence with &#39.
There are four parts in the introduction? [And m]Make sure your study will address the second. They are I;. What has been done and what has not been done. (For example. Second part is the purpose of the study. Third is the Related Research, you should put forward some advice to improve the study. The last is the Limitations. You should write current studies of the same area here. The format should be “This study investigates…” (The t)hird part is Research Questions and Hypotheses: add2.
[Next] (The third) part is the Results. (The f)irst is the need for the study. And in Recommendations for Future Research. First is Historical Background. Implications for Practice [are](is) the part where you tell how your study would be beneficial to specific people or parts of the society and h in formal writing: Is there any significant difference in students’ academic achievement between students of class A and those belonging to class B, Results and Conclusions. My suggestions are just for you information.
In the literature review you should write two things.
Last part is Conclusions, you should answer the research questions: unclear:1. Please use your own judgement, literature Review, you should write the measurements and scales etc(. The questions should be general [questions] and the hypotheses should be specific. In the instrument part.) that you applied in your study. In this part, Methodology: delete3.
Part three is the Methodology {or the purpose of the study}&#47.The writing is already excellent. Purpose of study includes the purpose of your research or explanation of your research on which topic you are going to research as well as the motives of the research?&#47. {}. You should write the shortcomings of your study. (). Significance of the study in thesis is the part where you tell how your study would be beneficial to specific people or parts of the society and how they could use it. [And n]Next are Data Collection Procedures and Data Analysis Procedures.) The last part is the significance of the study. You should write some special studies or (you can) omit it. You should write two things. Treatment is what you havand&#39. []. You should present the theoretical frame(work) in your study. You should compare the previous studies and current studies and find out the differences and progresses. What has been achieved and who has done what, questionable4Notes, RQ.Academic writing should include five parts
Do not begin a sentence with &#39. Please use your own judgement, questionable4; in formal writing. . My suggestions are just for you information: add2:1.The writing is already excellent: delete3;and&#39. Notes. : unclear
出门在外也不愁503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.(偶尔)犯这十个语法“错误”,语言学家说不要紧_语言学午餐Ling-Lunch-爱微帮
&& &&& (偶尔)犯这十个语法“错误”,语言学家说…
说到英语语法,很多人首先会想起初高中的英语课本。当时每个单元总有一部分是专门讲语法点,从一般现在时到过去完成进行时,从宾语从句到虚拟条件句……回想起来还真是一段难(xiong)忘(can)的时光呢。然而在日常生活中,我们的交流往往不会那样严格地遵循课本上的语法。这不,上次给大家介绍过的大牛Steven Pinker,就专门写了一篇文章,论证以下十个规定主义者认为不可饶恕的语法“错误”,不过是迷信而已~No.1 and, because, but, or, so, also -- 连接词放句首?(虽说小编好像不觉得哪个英语老师强调过这个规则,)Pinker在文章中把是否能以连接词“and, because, but, or, so, also”起句的问题列在了榜首。很多老师为了教学目的(方便教小朋友断开句子)强调不能将这些词放在句首,实际上这规定是子虚乌有。打脸的例子如在日常对话中这一幕:A:Why can't I have a pony?B:Because I said so.No.2 dangling modifiers -- 什么时候可以“悬荡”修饰语? 先来考考大家的语法功底,下面的句子你认为有什么问题吗?a. &Checking into the hotel, it was nice to see a few of my old classmates in the lobby.&b. &Turning the corner, the view was quite different.&c. &In order to contain the epidemic, the area was sealed off.&还是挺明显的哈,问题在于,作分词的状语,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致。我们姑且叫这种现象为悬荡的修饰语(dangling modifier)。按照高中英语选择题的思路,我们可以愉快地将之分别改成:A. &Checking into the hotel, I was pleased to see a few of my old classmates in thelobby.&B. &Turning the corner, I saw that the view was quite different.&C. &In order to contain the epidemic, authorities sealed off the area.&但是Pinker认为,当隐去的主语是作者或读者,即压根不会引起歧义时,这种句子不该被归为“不合法”,因为大家都能很顺利地理解。只有在引起歧义,如下面这句话时,才应该改写:When a small boy, a girl is of little interest.因此,是否能“悬荡”不是一个语法问题,而是一个判断的问题。No.3 like,as,such as -- 需要分得那么细吗?不知接触过歪果仁的朋友是否和小编有同样的感触:“like”简直是他们日常生活中最高频的一个插入语。关于“like”还有一段著名的公案,某烟草公司曾打出下面这个广告语:Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.结果一帮好事的语法学家立马群起而攻之,说“like”作为介词只能带一个名词短语作宾语,并一致认为应改为:Winstontastes good, as a cigarette should.烟草公司当然没生气,毕竟白得了这免费的“炒作”,高兴还来不及。这个公司还颇有风度地回敬了一句:“What do you want, good grammar or good taste?”不过Pinker并不满意烟草公司甘愿担上“bad grammar”罪名的行为,他认为这个广告是“perfectly grammatical”。他发现这种用法已有六百年的历史了:从莎翁到福克纳,美国历代伟大的作家,都会在“like”后面跟句子!因此所谓的“错误”,只是语法纯粹主义者“固步自封”的想法。类似的迷信是“like”不能像“such as”那样引出例子,如“Many technical terms have become familiar to laypeople, *like/such as 'cloning' and'DNA'.”其实,“such as”只是比“like”稍微正式一些而已,但两者都是合法的。No.4 preposition at the end of a sentence -- 介词在末尾?还是一个小故事。传说有一位编辑,硬把丘吉尔文章中的一句话“This is pedantry with which I will not put up.”改成了“This is pedantry up with which I will not put.”然后丘吉尔就再也没回复他= =这里,介词词组“up with XX”中“up”没有紧跟后面的名词,也就是“悬”在了句末,这就叫介词悬空(preposition stranding)。然而Pinker认为禁止介词悬在末尾纯属一种语法迷信而非语法规则。这种愚蠢的规定是一个叫John Dryden的人对照拉丁语的用法来说明某个诗人的诗写得不好= =实际上没有任何的道理……这种迷信导致的后果还是有点严重的:What are you looking at? --& At what are you looking at?It's you whom she's thinking of? --& It's you of whom she's thinking.(反正小编是拒绝像右栏这么说话的)Pinker提出,介词是否在末尾其实取决于它是否传达关键的信息,试比较:1)……increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.2)……increased devotion to that cause which they gave the last full measure of devotion for.这里最好不要把介词放在末尾,因为这个介词语义“份量”太轻,不够格作为焦点信息,导致句子读起来有点头重脚轻。但是如果介词确实传到了较重要的信息,如“music to read by”“something to guard against”,还是应该将之“悬”在句末的。No.5 predicative nominative -- It's I or It's me?如果你平时坚持用“It's I”而非“It's me”的话,那么Pinker认为你很可能就是学校语法的“受害者”。有些语法书规定,“be ___”这种结构中,必须要填写代词的主格即“I, he, she, we, they”而非宾格“me, him, her, us, them”。其实,这种规定不过是英语vs拉丁语、非正式vs不合法、句法vs语义的混淆的结果。用宾格作谓词的情况一直以来都极其常见,因此无所谓对错,不过是“It's I”更正式一些。No.6 split infinitives -- 不定式什么时候分?有人认为,英语动词不定式“to do”中间不能插入别的东西如副词:Are you sure you want to permanently delete all the items? à Are you sure you want to delete all the items permanently?也就是禁止“split infinitive”(分裂不定式)。这种规定发展到的极端情况就是禁止“split verbs”,即所有的动词(包括助动词、情态动词等)都不能分开。比如,美国首席法官John Roberts,曾擅自把奥巴马的宣誓词“solemnly swear that I will faithfully executethe office of president to the United States”改为“I solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully”。结果被篡改的宣誓词立刻引起了人们的恐慌,导致他们不得不在下午又改回来再重新宣誓了一遍。Pinker指出,这种规定不过是对拉丁语的生搬硬套,因为拉丁语中的不定式只有一个词(因此也不可能被分开),如amare“to love”。在英语中,分裂不定式不仅合法,而且还是避免歧义的一种重要手段,如The board voted immediately to approve the casino.(到底immediate vote还是immediate approval?)The board voted to immediately approve the casino. (只能是immediate approval)No.7 that and which -- 傻傻分不清?Pinker说很多语法规定起初只是为了防止人们面对丰富的英语词汇时选择恐惧症发作,比如传统语法中,非限定性定语从句的引导词应该用which,而限定性定语从句则用that。(不记得非限定性和限定性的区别的童鞋,高中英语没好好学吧?偷偷告诉你,下面第一句,用逗号隔开的,叫非限定性。I. The pair of shoes, which cost five thousand dollars, was hideous.II. The pair of shoes that cost ?5,000 was hideous.Pinker认为,这个规则只对了一半:非限定性定语从句确实应当使用which;但是限定性的情况却是that、which均可。在这里小编要举报自己的Word:看来Microsoft也是聘了一个比较死板的语法学家吧。Pinker认为真正要注意的是什么时候用限定性定从和非限定性定从。很简单的区别:非限定性是补充说明,可以省略;限定性是起限定作用,不可省略。No.8 who还是whom?大家可能都学过,如果疑问代词是逻辑宾语,需要使用宾格形式的“whom”,但实际上几乎没有人严格按照规定,比如很少有人会这样说:Whom are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?Do you know whom you're talking to?Pinker认为,who-whom的区别十分细微和复杂,应依语境的正式情况等而定。一些固定搭配中比较习惯用whom如“To whom it may concern” “with whom do you wish to speak?”Word真心是语法纯粹主义的死忠粉呵,截图为证,小编要报警了!No.9 very unique可以说吗?我们知道,有一些形容词是不可以用程度副词修饰的,比如可以说“a little bit hungry”却不能说“a little bit pregnant”。于是有人就认为像unique, absolute,perfect这类词也不能被程度副词修饰。Pinker认为这些人犯了一个逻辑错误。“Uniqueness(n. 独特)”不同于“pregnancy(怀孕)”或“marriage(结婚)”,判断一个东西是否独特是相对的,要看你用什么等级(scale)来衡量。比如,每片雪花都是独特的,但对肉眼来说看不出区别。什么叫“very unique”呢?意思是这个东西与其他东西的区别,从数量或程度上讲非常地大。因此你无论怎么换衡量的等级(scale),这个东西都保持了“独特”这一性质。因此在“unique”前加程度副词完全应该被允许。No.10 count nouns & mass nouns -- &ten items or less&有问题吗?我们都知道,可数名词和不可数名词有以下区分:pebble(卵石) 可数名词 Many pebbles *much pebblesgravel(沙砾)不可数名词 *Many gravel much gravel但也有一些量词不那么注意 可数vs不可数 的区分,比如“more”就属于通吃型:more pebbles more gravel那么“less”和“fewer”是什么情况?一般来说,我们倾向于区分 可数vs不可数 的,如:fewer pebbles *less pebbles但是有些人把这种规则极端化了,他们认为,左栏都应该改成右栏:ten items or less --& ten items or fewerless than 21 years old --& fewer than 21 years oldless than 70 miles an hour --& fewer than 70 miles an hourdescribe yourself in 50 words or less --& describe yourself in 50 wordsor fewerPinker的看法是,less并非完全不可以和可数名词搭配,只不过当强调对象的多样性和具体性时,倾向使用“fewer”。但这并不意味着用“less”就是语法错误!看完上面这十个用法,想必大家也能理解所谓描写主义与规定主义的区分了。规定主义一派认为语法需要规定我们应该如何使用语言,因此在他们眼里,以上这十个都是错误;而描写主义则认为语法应当忠实地描述、反映语言在实际运用中的现象,因此上述不过是十个常见的用法。那怎样辨别真正的语法错误和语法“迷信”呢?Pinker提供了一个最简单的方法:查!字!典!字典的词条会列举从古至今其丰富的用法,是破除这些语法迷信最有力的证据。有Pinker罩着,你们,怕了吗?戳“阅读原文”即可查看英文原文
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京ICP备号-2&&&&京公网安备34小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
听说 有类似的这样的软件,将整篇文章放进去后u,可以帮你查找文章中的语法问题。对于过多重复使用的单词还会给出近义词,让你进行转化。有哪位虫友知道类似的软件么。
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嗯 whitesmoke 这个可以改 据说还不错。
刚刚载了 竟然呀注册 可以注册的时候又说 格式不对?请指教
弄好了 谢谢。本想用whitesmoke&&但是 找不到破解版 。也有虫子推荐易改 那么就试试吧谢谢了
谢谢啦 找不到whitesmoke& &就用易改试试吧


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