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I remain distressed at the general ignorance of history, political science, philosophy, religion, and social anthropology among those seeking to analyze — and, usually, dismiss — the very serious threat posed by ISIS and related movements. That’s why it’s so refreshing to read an article like this one by Scott Atran over at Aeon. His [&]
Here is our annual Veterans Day post listing the veterans, living and passed on, in our respective families: ============= Bruce Henderson: Andy Henderson, USN (active) — [nephew] Bruce Henderson, USMC (former) — Yes, I was a Jar Head Peter Anderson, USMC — My dear departed uncle Peter served with Marine Intel during Vietnam Jim Zimmerman, [&]
[This year, as with previous years, I am posting a memorial for Ronald Paul Bucca, the only FDNY Fire Marshall to die the course of duty — that duty being helping to save people in the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks. I can add nothing to this tribute by his mother, Astrid Bucca, written a [&]
Robert (“Rob” or “Gringo”) David Peraza was 30 years old on September 11, 2001. He had earned both his undergraduate degree (1994) and his MBA (1996) from St. Bonaventure University, where he had loved to play rugby. He was now living in New York City and working as a bond trader for Cantor Fitzgerald near the top (floors [&]
Back in March, when the Clinton e-mail story first broke wide, I did my own on-line forensic investigation of where that server might be located, while reading the investigations of others, and I had serious doubts that the server was actually run out of the Clintons’ Chappaqua (NY) home — particularly because people from the [&]
[John Batchelor just interviewed me for his show tonight (8/24/15) and asked that I repost this entry from last March. It is more relevant now than ever, with the Department of Justice conducting an investigation into the Clinton staff over possible violations of national security protocols. Meanwhile, here’s a link to all my posts about [&]
[Thanks to Ed Driscoll for the Instalanche!] [And as a sign of my own senility, I had this taking place 50 years ago, instead of 70. Thanks to Garrett York for the gentle correcting e-mail.] Seventy years ago today, on August 13, 1945 my father John Webster — as a 21-year-old US Navy radioman on Guam — [&]
You saw it here first! And if you think I’m overstating the case, here’s a CNN report on a Hillary House Party today in Iowa. &
Back on February 11th, I wrote the following on my Facebook page: I am not at all convinced of the “inevitability” of Clinton’s nomination or (if nominated) election. Keep in mind that at this point in 1991, Pres. GHW Bush had approval ratings approaching 90%, and most major potential Dem candidates kept their hats out [&]
Remembering those veterans from our respective families who have since passed on (reposted from years past): Bruce Henderson: Peter Anderson, USMC — My dear departed uncle Peter served with Marine Intel during Vietnam Ian Henderson, RAF — My dear departed father — RAF pilot who served the crown during the Battle of Britain as well as [&]
Bruce F. Webster has been trying to make IT work since 1974. He hasn't given up yet.
Bruce Henderson is a former Marine who focuses custom data mining and visualization technologies on the economy and other disasters.
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2016 And Still I Persist…. All rights reserved. .i dont know wether to stay with my bf
ok well.....me and my bf have been going out for almost six months, and it feels like were growing apart, like during the day hes an ass to me, and at night hes sooo sweat!!!! and plus the other day i found out he was bi!!! and i told him i wouldnt leave him because hes confused and he says he still loves me and wants to be with me, and im here to support him, do you think i should give him that support dispite of everything hes done to me??? keep in mind that were 15!!!
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you're way too young to worry about staying with one guy. honey you don't have to worry about that for another 10 years if you don't want to. if he's bein' a jerk, dump him.&&if he's bi, then he's at increased risk for std's, so you should stay away!!
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ok but the only reason y i said stay with him is because he barley started being bi when he got with me, and hes never been with a boy, or done anything with a boy, and i was writing on the other forum that i might be pregnant and im scared too, but then other ppl were convincing me that i dont have any of the sympoms, ive had my period, its just i have a uti and im going to get that checked
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wow i miss being 15.
ur sister lives with him?
y would u have to leave him if ur just friends?
and at 15 there is a really fine line between just friends and bf/gf. if ur just friends, i dont think it will make a big difference. u will still be there for him. just wont kiss anymore.
step back a little, let him figure out who he is and what he wants.
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This guy is confused about his sexuality and he may end up hurting you. He's going through too much of a difficult time and should not be involved in a relationship, until he figures out his sexuality and what he wants.
I agree with the other post. Consider remaining friends with him.
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He's being nice at night?&&Would that be when he is getting lucky?
My daughter is 15, and I will tell you what I would tell her.&&15 is too young to be sexually active.&&
Wait until you are emotionally ready and mature enough to deal with the consequences of the decision.&&Some people say wait until marriage.&&
You should be spending your time figuring out what you want to do with your life, not obsessing over a boy.&&
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ok ive tried that but he gets all emotional, and he made me promise not to leave him, and i think now that i know that he might be bi, hes more comfortable around me, hes really opened up to me, and i told him girlfriend or not ill always be his friend and be there to support him, he just doesnt like the idea of me leaving him...... but since he has told me he has been very nice lately....well i really dont know whats going on with him, he told my sister (there really close, my sister lives with him) that when hes with me he feels a 100% straight, but when hes with his friends he feels like that, i mean i would too, his best friend thats a guy, shops at hollister and abercrombie, and forever 21, i think its just his friends...... shaping him like that... but i cant just&&tell him to stop hanging around with his friends...(sorry long story)
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no no no not like that i mean on the phone he used to act like an asswhole(excuse language) at night, like last week he made me mad, and cry, and you know those quiet moments on the phone??? well i heard the silence stop he was talking to his friend on his cell phone, and seriously it really pissed me off...
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umm i dont think it works like that with guys.. &bi&. u either gay or not. id say most of gay guys go through a period when they start to notice their attaction to guys. and they still try to date girls. to seem &normal& and in hopes that they ARE straight. it usually takes years to figure it out.
i think u should just be a good FRIEND to him. thats what he needs. he has enough on his plate. dont put him in a position where hes gona be more worried about hurting u, than figuring out who he is.
reminds me of &will & grace&.
be strong. for him and for u. if u think its hard for u right now, imagine what its like for him. put urself in his place, and ask urself if ud want a bf or a friend while trying to figure things out.&&
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of course. he is unsure.
see id be worried, if i had sex with him n after hed go &yup, im defenetly gay&. that would be pretty hard to deal with.
dont make him ur first. (i read ur previous post i think)
u can still chill with him n do almost everythin u do now. just stop the physical stuff. if he asks y ur acting like that tell him u wanna wait till he figures things out.
my bf said sounds like this guy is tryin to prove to himself that hes not gay or just looking for attention.
again, for ur sake, just stay friends, till he figures things out.&&
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yea i should stop all the &physical& stuff and i will, what your bf said kinda helped me because its comming from a guy, so i do think thats what his trying to do is prove to himself that hes not gay!! =) i feel kind of better now knowing i can still be with him but not like &physically& yea that would make me feel really bad if i just came and say he was actually gay!!
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my boyfriend is my sisters boyfriends little brother, my sister and his brother have a baby together, oh lol right now 15 isnt all that great, well we are going out right now, and its really hard to me to just be his friend, u honestly must know how teen love feels, i just think hes unsure of him self, like i try not to be clingy and give him some space, when he told me i even offered to give him space but he didnt want space, he said that im just saying that because what i just found out, but that wasnt true. my sister told me that if hes never been with a guy and never has done anything with a guy then i have nothing to worry about because right now hes probably just unsure.
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You are so young and so is this guy... too young to be sexually active. Of course that is just my opinion. Consider leaving him for your sake and his. You hold all of the cards... it is entirely your choice. You can still remain close to him, but he is going through a crisis and this crisis can really bite you in the end. Can you imagine if he acted on his feelings for other boys ? You really have to think about yourself and your safety and you can still be there to support him... probably better than you could as a girlfriend. This boy should really not be involved with anyone until he figures out his sexuality. Also, both of you are so young.
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i know where soo young and that makes it even harder for my situation, because i am sooo unsure what to do, i wanna take your advise and just be there for him as a friend, but then i cant because its sooo hard for me...........
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what doesnt kill u makes u stronger... that got me through a lot of things.
it seems like impossible and very painfull at the moment, but time does heal.
it gets easier,)
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thank you its just very hard for me because i mean come on now this has never happened to me b4!! and i just dont have a clue on how to deal with it!.... but i appreciate all of your advise =)
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