- I, really gave it upup . 中文是??

Gave up all for what????
Okay so I found out last week I was pregnant again for the 8th time.&&I had no spotting, symptoms or anything.&&I got my lab results back and for 3 wks 6 days they were 177 bhcg and 37 progesterone.&& So on Saturday, DH made me mad&&so I went to be without eating.&&Sunday I woke up a bit constipated and when I wiped I was spotting again.&&I laid back down and stayed in bed all day Sunday but the spotting never really got heavy or stopped though.&&Monday I'm still spotting but not as heavy as I was on Sunday so I'm so worried that I will be having another m/c.&&&&The only thing that went through my mind is:&&I gave up coffee, smoking, and an occasional drink and for what????? another miscarriage?&&
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i am so sorry you are going through this....did you have your hcg drawn again? i would suggest calling your doctor and requesting this....i hope its not another mc....its so scary at the beginning of preg when you have had multiple mc's before....i hope nothing but the best for you....please keep me updated
i am so sorry you are going through this....did you have your hcg drawn again? i would suggest calling your doctor and requesting this....i hope its not another mc....its so scary at the beginning of preg when you have had multiple mc's before....i hope nothing but the best for you....please keep me updated
Thank you waitn838.&&I'll call the dr to see if they want another test or if they just want me to wait until Thursday.&& When are you going to have another u/s done?
Thank you waitn838.&&I'll call the dr to see if they want another test or if they just want me to wait until Thursday.&& When are you going to have another u/s done?
i am waiting for the nurse to call me back...i requested one next week or later this week...hopefully they will get me in for one...the nurse says its a good sign that my hcg went up...right now thats about all i have to hold onto
i am waiting for the nurse to call me back...i requested one next week or later this week...hopefully they will get me in for one...the nurse says its a good sign that my hcg went up...right now thats about all i have to hold onto
I hope everything is ok. Keep us informed.
I hope everything is ok. Keep us informed.
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this tough time.&&I know exactly what you mean about giving up all your &vices&.&&I love to drink coffee in the morning.&&I have had 4 m/c.&&I got so sick and tired of completely cutting out my caffeine, only to loose it anyway, that I now enjoy one cup every morning guilt free, until test day.&&I don't think I'm putting the pregnancy in any danger by doing that, and it helps me get along mentally a lot better.&&I was getting very very angry that I had to give it up completely and they I'd get furious when the test was negative.
I mean, what are we really supposed to do?&&We're not machines or computers.&&And when you've had so many losses, it isn't as if you are giving it up for 9 months.&&For us, it often means giving it up for two or even three years (or longer in some cases).&&I mean really, if we even suggested to our husbands that they couldn't have any of their vices for that long they would probably opt to not have any kids at all!
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this tough time.&&I know exactly what you mean about giving up all your &vices&.&&I love to drink coffee in the morning.&&I have had 4 m/c.&&I got so sick and tired of completely cutting out my caffeine, only to loose it anyway, that I now enjoy one cup every morning guilt free, until test day.&&I don't think I'm putting the pregnancy in any danger by doing that, and it helps me get along mentally a lot better.&&I was getting very very angry that I had to give it up completely and they I'd get furious when the test was negative.
I mean, what are we really supposed to do?&&We're not machines or computers.&&And when you've had so many losses, it isn't as if you are giving it up for 9 months.&&For us, it often means giving it up for two or even three years (or longer in some cases).&&I mean really, if we even suggested to our husbands that they couldn't have any of their vices for that long they would probably opt to not have any kids at all!
TY mj.&&Right now I'm a little bit at easy since I went to the bathroom earlier and the spotting seems to be going away slowly.&&
That is a really good sign that your hcg has gone up and at such a good number waitn838.&& Hopefully they can get you in soon and they will be able to let you know more of what is going on.
TY mj.&&Right now I'm a little bit at easy since I went to the bathroom earlier and the spotting seems to be going away slowly.&&
That is a really good sign that your hcg has gone up and at such a good number waitn838.&& Hopefully they can get you in soon and they will be able to let you know more of what is going on.
I know exactly what you mean. My husband thought he would be cool on Saturday to say that he would give up his beer if I would give up my coffee.&&LOL&&Throw that beer out the door baby because I had already given up my coffee.&&So when he heard that he changed his mind and told me that he would stop drinking when the baby is born.&&No used him giving up something for so long.&&Yeah I knew he couldn't do it.&&&&
I know exactly what you mean. My husband thought he would be cool on Saturday to say that he would give up his beer if I would give up my coffee.&&LOL&&Throw that beer out the door baby because I had already given up my coffee.&&So when he heard that he changed his mind and told me that he would stop drinking when the baby is born.&&No used him giving up something for so long.&&Yeah I knew he couldn't do it.&&&&
Sorry about the worries! Were you recently intimate?
Did you have a 48 hours blood test for hcg recently? That probably would be the best check up to do at the stage of your pregnancy...
I don't think you need to completely give up coffee: one cup of coffee/day is supposedly OK. Getting a viable pregnancy is a long process for some of us and giving up everything we enjoy while trying makes it even harder. Giving up smoking is a good thing but giving up coffee is may be too much.
Sorry about the worries! Were you recently intimate?
Did you have a 48 hours blood test for hcg recently? That probably would be the best check up to do at the stage of your pregnancy...
I don't think you need to completely give up coffee: one cup of coffee/day is supposedly OK. Getting a viable pregnancy is a long process for some of us and giving up everything we enjoy while trying makes it even harder. Giving up smoking is a good thing but giving up coffee is may be too much.
I am so sorry you are going through such a stressful time.&&I too had multiple miscarriages and I do understand how frustrated and upset you must be feeling right now.&&When I got pregnant this time I was fully prepared for it to end the same way the others had.&&When I saw spotting that turned to outright red bleeding I just knew in my heart it was over.&&I was so wrong.&&I bled on and off my entire pregnancy, but my little guy is now 10 days old and sleeping next to me in his basinette as I type this.&&
Funny thing is in the past everytime I knew I could be pregnant I was hyper dilligent in giving up everything!!&&This time around I was less careful as I just didn't think I could ever carry full term.&&I wasn't stupid about it, but I was way less careful.&&And this one stuck...go figure.&&
Spotting is common and does not mean anything really.&&It can be for a variety of reasons, and only 1 is really bad.&&It's good you are being careful about what you eat and drink, but don't stress yourself out over it.&&First trimester miscarriages are very rarely due to anything we do or don't do.&&The overwhelming majority of the time it's due to a chromosonal abnormality. I know that doesn't help right now, but all you can do is take it day by day and believe that it can and does happen.&&Hang in there and for what it's worth, know we are all here cheering you on!!&&((((hugs))) Amanda
I am so sorry you are going through such a stressful time.&&I too had multiple miscarriages and I do understand how frustrated and upset you must be feeling right now.&&When I got pregnant this time I was fully prepared for it to end the same way the others had.&&When I saw spotting that turned to outright red bleeding I just knew in my heart it was over.&&I was so wrong.&&I bled on and off my entire pregnancy, but my little guy is now 10 days old and sleeping next to me in his basinette as I type this.&&
Funny thing is in the past everytime I knew I could be pregnant I was hyper dilligent in giving up everything!!&&This time around I was less careful as I just didn't think I could ever carry full term.&&I wasn't stupid about it, but I was way less careful.&&And this one stuck...go figure.&&
Spotting is common and does not mean anything really.&&It can be for a variety of reasons, and only 1 is really bad.&&It's good you are being careful about what you eat and drink, but don't stress yourself out over it.&&First trimester miscarriages are very rarely due to anything we do or don't do.&&The overwhelming majority of the time it's due to a chromosonal abnormality. I know that doesn't help right now, but all you can do is take it day by day and believe that it can and does happen.&&Hang in there and for what it's worth, know we are all here cheering you on!!&&((((hugs))) Amanda
TY Amanda,&& I remember reading your prior post when you first got pregnant with Ryder.&&Your post and questions throughout your pregnancy is what is keeping me going right now.&&
Right now I'm trying not to be stressed out too much, definitely not BD'ing with DH until everything is definitely alright.&&&&The dr is thinking I may be just really sensitive or just be one of those bleeders in the first trimester.&& So far the spotting has stopped and I am still feeling great with no cramps or discomforts.&&Just a few more days and I'll have another beta drawn to see what is going on.&&I'm praying for any number over 700 on Thursday.&&
TY Amanda,&& I remember reading your prior post when you first got pregnant with Ryder.&&Your post and questions throughout your pregnancy is what is keeping me going right now.&&
Right now I'm trying not to be stressed out too much, definitely not BD'ing with DH until everything is definitely alright.&&&&The dr is thinking I may be just really sensitive or just be one of those bleeders in the first trimester.&& So far the spotting has stopped and I am still feeling great with no cramps or discomforts.&&Just a few more days and I'll have another beta drawn to see what is going on.&&I'm praying for any number over 700 on Thursday.&&
I believe that our babies are our babies from the time they are conceived... and they can feel the environment they are in.&&If they end up making it to heaven before they make it into our arms..&&at least they know they were cared for intensely for the time they were with us.&&That we did everything we can to watch out for them like good mommy bears should..&&When we get to heaven and hold our babies in our arms for the first time they will thank us with their love for the good care we took of them while they were in our belly's.&&It is not for nothing, it is the love of a mother that makes us do what ever we can for our babies even before we are able to hold them
I believe that our babies are our babies from the time they are conceived... and they can feel the environment they are in.&&If they end up making it to heaven before they make it into our arms..&&at least they know they were cared for intensely for the time they were with us.&&That we did everything we can to watch out for them like good mommy bears should..&&When we get to heaven and hold our babies in our arms for the first time they will thank us with their love for the good care we took of them while they were in our belly's.&&It is not for nothing, it is the love of a mother that makes us do what ever we can for our babies even before we are able to hold them
So beautifully and perfectly said.&&That is a comment I want to print out and keep...very very moving.
So beautifully and perfectly said.&&That is a comment I want to print out and keep...very very moving.
Just stay positive and try and see what the doc suggests.&&Maybe they could run some tests.&&I hope that everything does work out for you.&&I agree with melimeli you can't ever give up on a dream.&&What she wrote was beautiful...&&Everyone here has had different stories good and bad but you can never give up hope.&&Good luck and keep us informed...
Just stay positive and try and see what the doc suggests.&&Maybe they could run some tests.&&I hope that everything does work out for you.&&I agree with melimeli you can't ever give up on a dream.&&What she wrote was beautiful...&&Everyone here has had different stories good and bad but you can never give up hope.&&Good luck and keep us informed...
TY everyone for your support.&&So far dr has just told me that as long as the bleeding doesn't get heavy that it's not something to worry about.&&It did stop on Monday but started again after bowel movement again on Tuesday.&&It seems like it will be off and on for a while and a daily thing until I get further along hopefully.&&Dr also thinks it is just from my cervix being sensitive and more blood flow to it that is causing the spotting off and on.&& I go in on Thursday for b/w so I'm hoping for great numbers to confirm that everything is going as it should be.&&
We also increased the prometrieum to 3 x's a day until we are sure everything is progressing.
TY everyone for your support.&&So far dr has just told me that as long as the bleeding doesn't get heavy that it's not something to worry about.&&It did stop on Monday but started again after bowel movement again on Tuesday.&&It seems like it will be off and on for a while and a daily thing until I get further along hopefully.&&Dr also thinks it is just from my cervix being sensitive and more blood flow to it that is causing the spotting off and on.&& I go in on Thursday for b/w so I'm hoping for great numbers to confirm that everything is going as it should be.&&
We also increased the prometrieum to 3 x's a day until we are sure everything is progressing.
that poem was very uplifting because it brought tears to my eyes...and you are so right thank you so much for sharing!!!!
that poem was very uplifting because it brought tears to my eyes...and you are so right thank you so much for sharing!!!!
You made me cry too :(&& But it's a good cry.
You made me cry too :(&& But it's a good cry.
ahhh thanks guys!&&I really do believe this..&&I know I have 2 angels in heaven waiting for me to hold them for the first time and it gives me comfort to know that I took good care of them while they were in my belly...&&love you all!!!
ahhh thanks guys!&&I really do believe this..&&I know I have 2 angels in heaven waiting for me to hold them for the first time and it gives me comfort to know that I took good care of them while they were in my belly...&&love you all!!!
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Gave up all for what????
Okay so I found out last week I was pregnant again for the 8th time.&&I had no spotting, symptoms or anything.&&I got my lab results back and for 3 wks 6 days they were 177 bhcg and 37 progesterone.&& So on Saturday, DH made me mad&&so I went to be without eating.&&Sunday I woke up a bit constipated and when I wiped I was spotting again.&&I laid back down and stayed in bed all day Sunday but the spotting never really got heavy or stopped though.&&Monday I'm still spotting but not as heavy as I was on Sunday so I'm so worried that I will be having another m/c.&&&&The only thing that went through my mind is:&&I gave up coffee, smoking, and an occasional drink and for what????? another miscarriage?&&
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I gave up.....
Posted 08/27/2014
...on cloth diapers. OMG, I never knew that breastfed babies poop every 15 min (at least mine.does lol) since BM Ds was mainly FF
(formula feeding or forward facing) fed. So, between pumping, feeding DD
(dear daughter) every 2 hrs, constantly changing her diapers, I can no longer commit to cloth diapers and the laundry. And with going back to work in 6 wks, it ain't happening. luckily, I only spent approx $100 on my CD. anyone in the same boat?
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position1" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 08/27/2014
Don't feel bad. I gave up after a week with my six year old and I was a sahm.
Posted 08/27/2014
I'm gonna do both, I figured starting cloth right away might be too much to handle. I'm gonna start using them when lo sleeps through the night since cloth absorb and hold so much better and DD
(dear daughter) had explosive diapers during the night. Nothing like waking up to your baby painting in her own poo.
Posted 08/27/2014
I didn't even try with this LO! I remembered the constant poop from my older daughter. I do know some people start cloth a few months in, after the frequent poop slows down! But no shame in giving up.
Posted 08/27/2014
It does get better - maybe you needed to buy more diapers so that you didn't need to do laundry quite so often?
Why did you choose cloth in the first place? For me, the big motivators (yeah, I wish it was mainly environmental, but that was like 3rd of 4th on the list) - but there are a lot of chemicals in commercial diapers, it generates a lot of garbage - but the big one for me was that potty training happens earlier (my DD
(dear daughter) started at 20 months, and was almost completely trained by her 2nd birthday).
Also, depending on what "system" you have, you may be making it harder on yourself - for instance - I don't fold diapers, I just make a sloppy stack of them on the changing table. I use prefolds/covers which contain any blowouts and you don't have to change the cover every time.
Anyway, I'm not sure what your reasons were for thinking of cloth - but depending on those, you might be able to get motivated again.
If you really want to give up and spent $100, I bet you can get a lot of your money back by selling them on diaper swappers.
Posted 08/27/2014
thanks...I just really wanted to do this. on another note, if anyone is looking to add to their stash, PAN me for.an awesome.deal on covers (some never even.used), a wool cover never used, and workhorse fitteds, also barely used. I lasted about a week in CD
(cycle day)
Posted 08/27/2014
The important thing is you tried!
I am planning to use cloth diapers but since people gave me a buttload of disposable diapers I'm using those in the meantime until they run out. Honestly, I'd be super miserable if it wasn't for that. But hopefully when baby gets older and I run out of these it will be easier to try cloth diapers.
Maybe don't give up just yet? Use disposables in the mean time and try again later?
Posted 08/27/2014
thanks...I just really wanted to do this. on another note, if anyone is looki...
I call dibs
Posted 08/27/2014
It does get better - maybe you needed to buy more diapers so that you didn&#3...
my motivation was $$ in hopes.of being able to SAH. unfortunately, that wont be happening. also, the benefits for Dd and the.environment. im thinking about Honest diapers. also, I didnt buy many diapers because it was my first time CD.and I didnt want to invest a ton for.that exact fear.
Posted 08/27/2014
I'm sorry to hear you want to give up. I can understand that coz I'm constantly doing laundry and the worse part is I live in an apartment and don't have washer and dryer so that's even harder and honestly not so cost efficient, $1.75 for one wash adds up, but I've spent so much on cd I don't want to give up yet. So I think I will get more diapers so I don't have to do laundry as often. I'll send you a note.
Posted 08/27/2014
Have you thought about keeping them around until you introduce solids and poops are less frequent? You may yet get good use out of them.
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