Don't run in the long runhallways,_____? It's dagerous.

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Unit 4 Don't eat in class 导学案(1)
&Unit &4&& Don't eat in class.
1section A 1a1c
rule&&&& arrive&&&& be on time&& &hallway&&&& hall&&&& dining&&&& listen&&
listen to&&& fight&&& sorry&&&&&& outside
What are the rules ?&&&&&&&&&&& Don&t do sth.&&&&&
We can(not) do sth&&&&&&&&&&&& We must do/be&&&&&&&&&&
1. Don&t arrive late for class.____________________ &&
2. Don&t run in the hallway. _____________________
3. Don& t eat in the classroom. ____________________
4. Don&t fight._____________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&
5.Don&t listen to music in the classroom or the hallway._____________________
_____________ ________________&
____________&& in the hallway_______________&&&
Dont fight. ______________& listen to music& _______________
arrive late for class _______________&&
2 ___________________________&
4 _____________
______________&& 6 _________________
_______________ 8
9 _________________
1. arrive late for= be late for
arrive late forbe late for
_________________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2.fight1v. __________________&&&&&&&&&&
fight for._____________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
fight against.___________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
fight with./
2n. have a fight
&_______________ ________________________&&&&&&'t&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
& _____________________& _______________________
You can eat in the classroom._______________________________
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (_______________________________
2.arrive late for ...late
arrive late forn =be late forn&&
15&&&& & 30&&&
&& ____&&&& && &&&&&&&&&&&&&
1. There are many r___________ in my family.
2.We cant run after others in the ___________().
3.Jim, donf_________ ()with your classmates.
4. Its snowing now. Dont go __________ ().
5. All the students are sitting in the c____________ , listening to the teacher.
please, dont in, talk, loudly, class __________________________&&&&&&&&&&
2 & not, he, fly, can, a, kite ___________________________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
3.& _____& _____(not arrive) late for class.
He cant _________(understand) the idea now.
______&&& ____(not read) in the sun(
______&&& ___(not play) on the road. Its dangerous
A: Eat in the class.&&&&&&& B: Dont eat in the class.
A: Fight in the classroom.& B: ___________________.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .
A: Run in the hallways.&&& B:______________________.
A: Arrive late for class.&&& B: _________________________ .
A: Listen to music in the classroom. B: _____________________________.
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姓名: Emile
发表于: 8:19:55
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