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张传溪& &教授
:浙江农业大学植物保护系: 硕士研究生;
:浙江农业大学植保系: 大学本科
1998 浙江大学 教授,昆虫科学研究所副所长(至2001年),教授委员会主任(2010年始);
& 研究领域
稻飞虱和蚕神经农药靶标(国家自然科学基金面上和国际合作项目, 博士点基金)
杆状病毒功能基因组、BmNPV 与蚕互作基因的研究(863&计划,国家自然科学基金等)
& 主要研究成果
<span style="color: #&.&揭示了稻飞虱翅型分化分子开关
&&&&&&& &人民日报头版:
& 浙大新闻
& Nature News:
& Sciencedaily:
&&&&&&&& 俄罗斯Elementy:
2. 解析了褐飞虱-共生真菌-共生细菌三位一体互补基因网络
&&&&&&&& 部分有关报道
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ZJU News:
&3. 讲述了一种裸杆状病毒-褐飞虱共进化精彩故事
&&&&&&& Microbe:
&&&&&& JV亮点介绍: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&4. 揭示了一种昆虫蜕皮所需几丁质酶系
5. 系统研究了杆状病毒功能基因组及其与宿主互作网络
& *在昆虫功能基因组其它方面,解析褐飞虱多铜氧化酶家族、发现蜕皮激素受体在稻飞虱变态过程中控制翅的形成与黑化。系统分析了家蚕的尼古丁型乙酰胆碱受体基因家族、可变剪切、RNA editing;首先利用高通量技术完整分析了一种动物钠离子通道RNA可变剪切;揭示了昆虫不同种类乙酰胆碱酯酶和同一昆虫两种类型乙酰胆碱酯酶的抑制动力学存在差异,解释了部分OP农药能选择性杀死害虫而不伤害益虫的机理,提出了乙酰胆碱酯酶作为靶标发展选择性农药思路,结果丰富发展了农药神经靶标的分子生物学。文章发表在Insect Biochemistr and Molecular Biology,Insect Molecular Biology,Journal of Insect Physiology,Current& Drug Targets等杂志上。&&
&&*昆虫传毒和免疫方面:揭示了抗性和敏感家蚕品系感染NPV和浓核病毒后的基因表达谱转录水平差异,还首次发现reeler基因在昆虫免疫melanization级联反应中发挥作用;解析了褐飞虱免疫相关基因家族;揭示了褐飞虱唾液释放病毒新机制。系列论文已在Insect Biochemistr and Molecular Biology,Insect Molecular Biology,BMC Genomics,Genomics,Sci Rep等发表。
& 基因工程方面, 用昆虫生物反应器表达了人红细胞生长素、高活性2型乙酰胆碱酯酶等一系列基因等,合作改造了斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒,增强了其毒力。改造了产氢细菌,提高了其产氢能力。
& 教学工作
至今已培养硕士毕业26人,博士毕业31人,他们毕业后有的在大学和研究机构从事教学科研的,有在卫生检疫部门、生物制药公司从事技术和管理工作的,有获博士学位后去美国、加拿大从事博士后研究和工作的。部分硕士继续深造攻读博士学位。先后毕业博士生有:沈立荣(与程家安教授合带)2002.6: 浙江大学;张素方(与程家安教授合带)2003.6: New York Medical College,USA;施婉君(与程家安教授合带)2003.6: 上海交通大学;王 芳2004.6: Wisconsin University,USA;李江红2004.12: 福建农林大学;安世恒2005.6: University of Missouri-Columbia,USA;王 敦2005.6: 西北农林科技大学;郭忠建2005.6: 江苏大学;徐海君2006.6: Indiana University,USA;林建国2006.6: 湖北工业大学;杨丽荣2006.6: 河南省农科院;尚金燕2006.6:山东药品食品职业学院;马秀翠2007.3: Washington University,USA;杨章女2008.6:浙江疾病预防控制中心;葛均青2008.6:福建省农科院;邵亚明2009.3:Florida State University;唐旭东2009.3:中国农科院蚕业研究所;田彩红2009.6:温州医学院;赵锦芳2009.6:湖北工业大学;郎国竣 2010.6:上海复宏汉霖生物技术有限公司;余霖霖2011.6:SUNY Upstate Medical University,USA; 陈微微(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校联培)2011.6 中南民族大学;许益鹏2011.12 中国计量学院;王晓峰 2011.12 温州大学;崔颖俊 2012.3 University of Kentucky,USA;张敏娟 2012.3 西北农林科技大学;李保玲 (与祝增荣教授合作指导) 2012.6 浙江农林大学;申屠旭萍 2014.3中国计量学院; 席羽 2014.9 中国农业科学院;张学潮 2015.3 杭州疾控中心; 薛建2015.6& Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA
& 国际交流合作、大会特邀报告
月 以访问教授身份前往美国Michigan State University合作研究3个月,进行与Ke Dong教授合作的研究。
2007年5月 特邀到日本参加International conference on Global research and education Inter-Academia并作会议大会学术报告。
2011年3月主办1st Zhejiang Univ-Shizuoka University Student workshop&。
2011年11月与实验室两位学生一起应邀到日本参加2nd International conference on Global research and education Inter-Academia并作会议大会学术报告。
2012.8月与实验室4位学生和2位老师一起参加在韩国召开的XXIV International Congress of Entomology
&2015.1月与实验室2位学生一起参加了在日本静冈大学举行的国际学术研讨会&2015 International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches&并作大会学术报告
2015.2月 应邀参加了日-7日在印度Nagpur举行的&ICFM-2015&国际学术大会。是本次大会两位在开幕式上做主旨学术报告的科学家之一。会后应邀到印度国家棉花研究所做学术报告。获大会金奖。
2015 9月&&The 2nd International Conference on Insect Genomics(IGIG-2015, Chongqing)大会特邀报告(Plenary Speaker)
2015 9月 中国植物保护学会2015年学术年会特邀大会报告(沈阳)
2015 9月 中国昆虫学会2015年学术年会特邀大会报告(长春)
& 学术兼职
《Scientific Reports》杂志编委(SCI)
《Entomological Research》subject editor(SCI)
& 荣誉称号
& 发明专利 (下列出已经得到实际应用的)
野蚕1型乙酰胆碱酯酶活性蛋白的制备方法及其用途 .X申请日:. 授权公告日. ZL.X
海洋双RNA病毒MABV重组蛋白的制备方法与应用 .4申请日:授权公告日:日. 专利号: ZL.4. 证书号第651848号
G-eGFP蛋白及其制备方法与应用。专利号:ZL.X申请日: . 授权公告日:。证书号:第499281号
& 发表论著
作为通讯作者,先后在Nature (2015年)和 Genome Biology (2014年)等发表高水平论文,在病毒学三大杂志(Journal of Virology、Journal of General Virology、Virology)和昆虫学TOP杂志(Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Insect Molecular Biology)等学术刊物上发表系列论文,至今共发表SCI收录论文129篇。
131.Cheng, Ruo-Lin, Yu, Yong-Xin, Liu, Ling-Xiao,Zhang, Chuan-Xi,Fang, Cheng-Xiang. 2015. A draft genome of the ghost moth, Thitarodes (Hepialus) sp, a medicinal fungus-caterpillar.&Insect Science,&&DOI: 10.17.12292 (程若琳、俞永信、刘凌霄、张传溪★ 方呈祥★ 2015. 一种冬虫夏草寄主蝙蝠蛾的基因组130.Hai-Jian Huang.Cheng-Wen L Ye-Fang Cai, Min-Zhu Zhang, Yan-Yuan Bao, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2015.A salivary sheath protein essential for the interaction of the brown planthopper with rice plants&&& Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology&&&66:77-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb. 【黄海剑、刘成稳、蔡叶芳、张敏珠、鲍艳原、张传溪. 2015.& 褐飞虱一种唾液鞘蛋白为其与水稻互作所必需】
<font color="#6. Hai-Jian Huang, Yan-Yuan Bao★, Shu-Hua Lao, Xiao-Hui Huang, Yi-Zhou Ye, Jian-Xiang Wu, Hai-Jun Xu, Xue-Ping Zhou & Chuan-Xi Zhang. 2015. Rice ragged stunt virus-induced apoptosis affects virus transmission from its insect vector, the brown planthopper to the rice plant. Sci. Rep. 5, 11413; doi: 10.1038/srep11413(黄海剑、鲍艳原、劳淑华、黄晓慧、叶t舟、吴建祥、徐海君、周雪平、张传溪 . 水稻齿叶矮缩病毒诱导褐飞虱唾液腺凋亡帮助病毒从昆虫介体传给植物。
125. Bing-Xin Zhang#; Hai-Jian Huang#, Bing Yu; Hi-Han Lou, Hai-Wei F Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2015. Bicaudal-C plays a vital role in oogenesis in Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 79 : 19&26.(张冰心、黄海剑、于冰、楼怡寒、范海伟、张传溪. Bicaudal-C在褐飞虱卵发生过程中起极其重要作用。Journal of Insect Physiology 79 : 19&26
124. Hai-Jun Xu#★, Jian Xue#, Bo Lu, Xue-Chao Zhang, Ji-Chong Zhuo, Shu-Fang He, Xiao-Fang Ma, Hai-Wei Fan, Yu-Xuan Ye, Peng-Lu Pan, Ji-Yu Xu, Qiao Li, Yan-Yuan Bao, H. Frederik Nijhout, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2015.Two insulin receptors determine alternative wing morphs in planthoppers. Nature.519, 464&467 DOI 10.1038/nature14286.(徐海君、薛建、卢博、张学潮、卓继冲、何叔舫、马晓芳、范海伟、叶雨轩、潘鹏路、许霁玉、李乔、鲍艳原、 Nijhout HF, 张传溪. 两个胰岛素受体决定了飞虱的长短翅型可塑发育. Nature 519, 464&467 文章链接 :
123. Chun-Yan Wang#, Qin-Fen Zhang#, Yuan-zhu Gao , Xue-Ping Zhou, Gang Ji, Xiao-jun Huang, Jian Hong★, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2015. Insight into transmission of maize chlorotic mottle virus revealed by Cryo-EM. Virology, 485:171-178.
120.Yu Xi, Peng-Lu Pan, Yu-Xuan Ye, Bing Yu, Hai-Jun Xu★, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2015.Chitinase-like Family Genes in the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology, 24(1), 29&40.(席羽、潘鹏路、叶雨轩、于冰.张传溪. 2014. 褐飞虱的几丁质酶家族基因与功能)
122.Chun-Yan Wang Qin-Fen Zhang Yuan-Zhu Gao, Li Xie, Hong-Mei Li, Jian Hong★ Chuan-Xi Zhang★ Uncoating Mechanism of Carnation Mottle Virus Revealed by Cryo-EM Single Particle Analysis. Scientific Reports | 5:14825 | DOI: 10.1038/srep14825
121. Shu-Hua L Xiao-Hui H Hai-Jian H Cheng-Wen L Chuan-Xi Z Yan-Yuan Bao★. 2015. Genomic and transcriptomic insights into the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene repertoire in the rice pest brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Genomics, doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.(劳淑华、黄晓慧、黄海剑、刘成稳、张传溪、鲍艳原。基因组和转录组揭示的褐飞虱p450基因集) Pest Management Science
<span style="color: #6. Xue J. Xin Zhou, Chuan-Xi Zhang(团队负责)★, Li-Li Yu, Hai-Wei Fan, Zhuo Wang, Hai-Jun Xu, Yu Xi, Zeng-Rong Zhu, Wen-Wu Zhou, Peng-Lu Pan, Bao-Ling Li, John K Colbourne, Hiroaki Noda, Yoshitaka Suetsugu, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Yuan Zheng, Shanlin Liu, Rui Zhang, Yang Liu, Ya-Dan Luo, Dong-Ming Fang, Yan Chen, Dong-Liang Zhan, Xiao-Dan Lv, Yue Cai, Zhao-Bao Wang, Hai-Jian Huang, Ruo-Lin Cheng, Xue-Chao Zhang, Yi-Han Lou, Bing Yu, Ji-Chong Zhuo, Yu-Xuan Ye, Wen-Qing Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Shen, Huan-Ming Yang, Jian Wang*, Jun Wang*, Yan-Yuan Bao* and Jia-An Cheng★ 2014. Genomes of the rice-pest brown planthopper and its endosymbionts reveal complex complementary contributions for host adaptation. Genome Biology,15:521 薛建、周欣、张传溪(项目负责,第一通讯作者)、于丽丽、范海伟、王卓、徐海君、席羽、祝增荣、周文武、潘鹏路、李保玲等.2014.&褐飞虱及其内共生真菌和内共生细菌的基因组揭示了其对单一水稻宿主的互补适应性
<span style="color: #5.&&Yu Xi, Peng-Lu Pan, Yu-Xuan Ye, Bing Yu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2014. Chitin Deacetylase Family Genes in the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Insect Molecular Biology, 23(6):695-705. (席羽、潘鹏路、叶雨轩、于冰.、张传溪. 2014. 褐飞虱的几丁质脱乙酰酶家族基因与功能)
114. Yan-Yuan Bao Xia Qin, Bing Yu, Li-Bo Chen, Zhe-Chao Wang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★* 2014. Genomic insights into the serine protease gene family and expression profile analysis in the planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. BMC Genomics&&&doi:10.64-15-507 (鲍艳原、秦瑕、于冰、陈丽博、汪哲超.、张传溪. 2014. 褐飞虱的丝氨酸蛋白酶家族)
113. Ruo-Lin Cheng, Yu Xi, Yi-Han Lou, Zhuo Wang, Ji-Yu Xu, Hai-Jun Xu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2014. The brown planthopper nudivirus DNA integrated in its host genome. Journal of Virology.&&88(10): (程若琳、席羽、楼怡寒、王卓、许霁玉、徐海君、张传溪.2014.&褐飞虱裸杆状病毒DNA是整合进其宿主基因组中的)&
<span style="color: #2. Xue-Chao Zhang,&&Zhang-Nv Yang,&&Bo Lua,&Xiao-Fang Ma,&Chuan-Xi Zhang, Hai-Jun Xu★.2014,&The composition and transmission of microbiome in hard tick, Ixodes persulcatus, during blood meal. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases. &Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 5( 6: 864&870 .&
111.&Ruo-lin Cheng, Jia Feng, Bing-Xin Zhang, Yun Huang, Jun Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2014. Transcriptome and gene expression analysis of an oleaginous diatom under different salinity conditions. &Bioenergy Research.&7: 192-205.&
110.Shentu XP, Liu WP, Zhan XH, Xu YP, Xu JF, Yu XP★, Zhang CX★. 2014.Transcriptome Sequencing and Gene Expression Analysis of Trichoderma brevicompactum under Different Culture Conditions.PLoS One. 2014 Apr 7;9(4):e94203.
<span style="color: #9.Cheng J&;&Feng J&&;&Cheng RL;&Zhang CX;&Zhou JH;&Cen KF 2014 Gene expression and metabolic pathways related to cell growth and lipid synthesis in diatom Nitzschia ZJU2 after two rounds of mutagenesis by gamma-rays. RSC Adances., 4, .& DOI:&10.359K&
108.Li Xiao-Feng,Yu Huan,Zhang Chuan-Xi,Chen Hui , Wang Dun 2014. Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus orf81 is a late gene involved in budded virus production. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY159:
107. Gui-Hua Zhang,& Zhi-Jun Yuan& Chuan-Xi Zhang, Kun-Shan Yin, Mei-Jun Tang,& Hua-Wei Guo,& Jian-Yu Fu*& Qiang Xiao. 2014. Detecting deep divergence in seventeen populations of tea geometrids (Ectropis obliqua Prout) in China by COI mtDNA and cross-breeding. Plos One, 9(6):e99373. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099373.
106.&Lv-Yu Qu#, Yi-Han Lou#, hai-wei Fan, Yu-Xuan Ye, Hai-Jian Huang, Meng-Qi Hu, Ya-Ni Zhu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★& Two endosymbiotic bacteria, Wolbachia and Arsenophonus, in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Symbiosis,61:47-53 (屈吕宇、楼怡寒、范海伟、叶雨轩、黄海剑、胡梦琦、朱亚妮、张传溪,2013,褐飞虱体内两种内共生细菌Wolbachia&和 Arsenophonus的关系研究)
105.&&Hai-Jun Xu, Tian Chen , Xiao-Fang Ma, Jian Xue, Peng-Lu Pan, Xue-Chao Zhang, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★2013. Genome-wide screening for components of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and micro-RNA (miRNA) pathways in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Insect Molecular Biology, 22(6), 635&647.(徐海君、陈田、马晓芳、薛建、潘鹏路、张学潮、程家安、张传溪。2013。褐飞虱的siRNA&和 miRNA途径基因与功能&)
104.&&Yi-Peng Xu, Ruo-Lin Cheng, Yu Xi,Chuan-Xi Zhang★& 2013. Genomic diversity of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus strains. Genomics,& 102(1):63-71. (&许益鹏、程若琳、席羽、张传溪. 2013.&家蚕核型多角体病毒的基因组变异).
103. Jian Xue, Xiao-Qin Zhang, Hai-JunXu★,Hai-Wei Fan, Hai-Jian Huang, Xiao-Fang Ma, Chun-Yan Wang, Jian-Guo Chen2, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2013. Molecular characterization of the flightin gene in the wing-dimorphic planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and its evolution in Pancrustacea. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 43:433-443.(薛建、张小琴、徐海君、范海伟、黄海剑、马晓芳、王春艳、陈建国、程家安、张传溪,2013. 翅二型昆虫褐飞虱flightin基因的分子特性及其在泛甲壳动物中的进化)。
102. Yan-Yuan Bao, Lv-Yu Qu, Dong Zhao, Li-Bo Chen, Hong-Yuan Jin, Liang-Min Xu, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2013. The genome- and transcriptome-wide analysis of genes involved in innate immunity of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens.& BMC Genomics.14:160 doi:10.64-14-160(.(鲍艳原、屈吕宇、赵东、陈丽博、金弘渊、徐良敏、程家安、张传溪. 2013.褐飞虱的先天免疫系统基因).
101. Yan-Yuan Bao, Li-Bo Chen, Wen-Juan Wu, Dong Zhao, Ying Wang, Xia Qin, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2013. Direct interactions between bidensovirus BmDNV-Z proteins and midgut proteins from the virus target Bombyx mori. Febs Journal,&289:939-949.(鲍艳原、陈丽博、吴文娟、赵东、王颖、秦瑕、张传溪. 2013. 家蚕双浓核病毒与宿主家蚕中肠蛋白的直接互作. Febs Journal,&289:939-949..
100. Yi-Peng Xu, Lin-Zhu Gu, Yi-Han Lou, Ruo-Lin Cheng, Hai-Jun Xu, Wen-Bing Wang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2012.&A baculovirus isolated from the wild silkworm encompasses the host ranges of Bombyx mori NPV and Autographa californica MNPV in cultured cells. Journal of General Virology. 93:2480 - 2489 . (许益鹏、谷琳珠、楼怡寒、程若琳、徐海君、王文兵、张传溪. 2012.&从野蚕分离的一株杆状病毒其宿主覆盖了BmNPV和AcMNPV宿主的细胞. Journal of General Virology. 93:2480 - 2489)
99. &Jian Xue, Nan Qiao, Wei Zhang, Ruo-Ling Cheng, Xiao-Qin Zhang, Yan-Yuan Bao, Yi-Peng Xu, Jing-Dong Jackie Han★, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2012 Dynamic interactions between Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus and its host cells revealed by transcriptome analysis. Journal of Virology. 86(13):.(薛建、乔南、张魏、程若琳、张小琴、鲍艳原、许益鹏、韩敬东、张传溪。2012. 由转录组分析揭示家蚕核型多角体病毒与宿主细胞的动态互作。Journal of Virology. 86(13):).
98.&Xin-Hua Cheng, Christopher C. Hillman, Chuan-Xi Zhang and Xiao-Wen Cheng★ 2013. Reduction of polyhedrin mRNA and protein expression levels in Sf9 and High Five cell lines but not in Sf21 infected with AcMNPV fp25k mutants. Journal of General Virology.94:177-186.
97.&Xin-Hua Cheng, C. M. Senthil Kumar Basil M. Arif, Peter J. Krell, Chuan-Xi Zhang &and Xiao-Wen Cheng★ 2013. Cell dependent polyhedra production and virion occlusion of AcMNPV fp25k mutants in vitro and in vivo. Journal of General Virology.94:166-176.
96.&Arun M. Khurad , Ravindra S. Bahekar , Min-Juan Zhang , Ashish D. Tiple , Jae Man Lee ,Chuan-Xi Zhang, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Development and characterization of a new Bombyx mori cell line for protein expression. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16 (
95.&Hai-Wei Fan, Xue-Chao Zhang, Yi-Peng Xu, Xiao-Wen Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2012. Genome of a Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus strain isolated from India(Genome Announ).J. Virol. ):11941-1.
94. &Ruo-Lin Cheng, Yi-Peng Xu, and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2012.&Genome of a Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus strain with cubic occlusion bodies(Genome Announ). Journal of Virology, 86(18):10245-5
93. Wen-Wu Zhou, Xi-Wang Li, Yuan-Hua Quan, Jiaan Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang, Geoff Gurr, Zeng-Rong Zhu★, Identification and expression profiles of nine glutathione S-transferase genes from an important rice phloem sap-sucker and virus vector Laodelphax striatellus (Fall&n) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), Pest Management Science. 58:420&426.
92.&Guo-Hua Huang, Yunsheng Wang, Xing Wang, Tyler Garretson, Liang-Ying Dai, Chuan-Xi Zhang, and Xiao-Wen Cheng★. 2012. Genomic sequence of Heliothis virescens ascovirus 3g (HvAV-3g) isolated from Spodoptera exigua(Genome Announ). Journal of Virology, 86(22).
91.&Yunsheng Wang, Guo-Hua Huang, Xin-Hua Cheng, Xing Wang, Tyler Garretson, Liang-Ying Dai, Chuan-Xi Zhang, and Xiao-Wen Cheng★ 2012 Genome of Thysanoplusia orichalcea multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus lacks superoxide dismutase gene(Genome Announ),86(21):11948-9.
90. &Bao-Qin Zhang, Ruo-Lin Cheng, Xiao-Feng Wang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2012. The Genome of Pieris rapae Granulovirus (Genome announ.). Journal of Virology. 86(17), 9544-4.
89. Ying Wang, Hai-Wei Fan,Hai-Jian Huang, Jian Xue, Wen-Juan Wu, Yan-Yuan Bao, Hai-Jun Xu, Zeng-Rong Zhu, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★2012 Chitin synthase gene 1 and its two alternative splicing variants from two sap-sucking insects, Nilaparvata lugens and Laodelphgax striatellus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) . Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 42 : 637-646. (王颖、范海伟、黄海剑、薛建、吴文娟、鲍艳原、徐海君、祝增荣、程家安、张传溪。2012. 褐飞虱和灰飞虱这2种刺吸式口器昆虫的几丁质合成酶1基因及其2个可变剪切体. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ,42:637-646).
88. &Min-Juan Zhang, Rou-Lin Cheng, Yi-Han Lou, Wan-Lu Ye, Tao Zhang, Xiao-Ying Fan,Chuan-Xi Zhang★2012&& Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF71 (Bm71) is not an essential gene but is important for viral replication. Virus Genes , 45:161-168 (张敏娟、程若琳、楼怡寒、叶婉露、张涛、范小英、张传溪。2012 家蚕核心多角体病毒ORF71在病毒复制过程中虽非必需却具重要作用。Virus Genes, 45:161-168).
87. Qi-Yi Tang, Chuan-Xi Zhang.2013. Data Processing System (DPS) software with experimental design, statistical analysis and data mining developed for use in entomological research. Insect Science.20, 254-260.
86. Ying-Jun Cui, Lin-Lin Yu, Hai-Jun Xu, Ke Dong★, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2012 Molecular characterization of DSC1 orthologs in invertebrate species, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42 : 353-359.(崔颖俊、余霖霖、徐海君、董珂、张传溪,2012,无脊椎动物的新钙离子通道DSC1。 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42 : 353-359).
85. Guo-Jun Lang, Kun Yan Zhu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2012.Can acetylcholinesterase serve as a target for developing more selective insecticides? Current Drug Targets.13: 495-501. (郎国峻、朱坤炎、张传溪 2012 乙酰胆碱酯酶能成为更加具有选择性的新农药靶标吗?Current Drug Targets.13: 495-501).
84. Min-Juan Zhang, Cai-Hong Tian, Xiao-Ying Fan, Yi-Han Lou, Rou-Lin Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2012. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF54, a viral desmoplakin gene, is associated with infectivity of budded virions. Archives of Virology, 157: . (张敏娟、田彩红、范小英、楼怡寒、程若琳、张传溪。2012. 家蚕核型多角体病毒的一个desmoplakin基因 ORF54与出芽病毒粒子感染性相关。Archives of Virology, 157: ).
83. Yan-Yuan Bao, Ying Wang, Wen-Juan Wu, Dong Zhao, Jian Xue, Bao-Qin Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Shen, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2012. De novo intestine-specific transcriptome of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens revealed potential functions in digestion, detoxification and immune response. Genomics. 99 (4. (鲍艳原、王颖、吴文娟、赵东、薛建、张宝琴、沈志成、张传溪。2012. 褐飞虱中肠转录组揭示了与消化、解毒和免疫反应的相关基因。Genomics. 99 (4).
82. Wen-Juan Wu, Ying Wang, Hai-Jian Huang, Yan-Yuan Bao★, Chuan-Xi Zhang. 2012. Ecdysone receptor controls wing morphogenesis and melanization during rice planthopper metamorphosis. J. Insect Physiol. 58 (6. (吴文娟、王颖、黄海剑、鲍艳原、张传溪。2012。.蜕皮激素受体在稻飞虱变态过程中控制翅的形成与黑化。J. Insect Physiol. 58 (6).
81.&Linlin Yu, Qingxiang Zhou, Chuanxi Zhang★ and Francesca Pignoni★.2012.Identification of Bombyx Atonal and functional comparison with the Drosophila Atonal proneural factor in the developing fly eye. Genesis, 50:393-403.(余霖霖、张传溪等,2012 蚕的Atonal基因鉴定及其与果蝇Atonal在复眼发育过程中的功能比较。Genesis, 50:393-403).
80. &Bao-Ling Li, Wei Chen, Li Liu, Xue-Chao Zhang, Yan-Yuan Bao, Jia-An Cheng, Zeng-Rong Zhu★, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2012 Molecular cloning and characterization of two types of acetylcholinesterase cDNA in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 102:198&203. (李保玲等,2012, 褐飞虱的2种乙酰胆碱酯酶基因。PBP, 102:198&203).
79. Yan-Yuan Bao, Jian X Wen-Juan Wu; Ying W Zu-Yao Lv; Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2011. An immune-induced Reeler protein is involved in the Bombyx mori melanization cascade. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41:696-706.(鲍艳原、薛建、吴文娟、王颖、吕祖耀、张传溪。2011家蚕一个免疫诱导蛋白Reeler参与黑化级联反应。Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41:696-706).
78. Xiao-Feng W Bao-Qin Z Hai-Jun Xu; Ying-Jun C Yi-Peng Xu; Zhang Min-J Yong Seok L Yeon Soo H Yan-Yuan B Chuan-Xi Zhang★, 2011. ODV-associated Proteins of the Pieris rapae Granulovirus. Journal of Proteome Research. 10(6): . (王晓锋、张宝琴、徐海君、崔颖俊、张敏娟、鲍艳原、张传溪等, 2011.菜粉蝶颗粒体病毒ODV粒子相关的蛋白。Journal of Proteome Research. 10(6): ).
77. Yipeng Xu, Jari Intra, Chuan-xi Zhang Maria Enrica Pasini. 2011. Recombinant expression of Drosophila melanogaster --L-fucosidase in Trichoplusia ni cells. Journal of Insect Physiology. 57:. (许益鹏、张传溪等,2011果蝇L-岩藻糖苷酶在粉纹夜蛾细胞中的表达。Journal of Insect Physiology. 57:).
76. Ryuhei KChuan-Xi ZToru SSusumu Katsuma. 2011. Comparative analysis of budded virus infectivity of Bombyx mandarina and B. mori nucleopolyhedroviruses. Virus gene.. 43 (2): 313-317
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74. Guo Z.J., Zhu Y.M., Li G.H., Chen K.P. *, Zhang C.X.★&2011 Ubiquitins of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus and Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus show distinct subcellular localization in infected cells. Acta virologica 55: 101-106.
73. Xin-xin Tang, Xing-lu Sun, Guan-qin Pu, Wen-bing Wang, Chuan-xi Zhang, Jiang Zhu★ 2011. Expressionof a neurotoxin gene improves the insecticidal activity of Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltNPV). Virus Research 159 : 51&56.
72. Chengke Liu, Lufei Ye, Guojun Lang, Chuanxi Zhang, Jian Hong★, Xueping Zhou. 2011. The VP37proteinof Broad beanwiltvirus2 induces tubule-likestructuresinboth plant andinsectcells. Virus Research. 155:42-47.
71. Jun-Bo Luan, Jun-Min Li1, N&lia Varela, Yong-Liang Wang, Fang-Fang Li, Yan-Yuan Bao, Chuan-Xi Zhang, Shu-Sheng Liu★ and Xiao-Wei Wang. 2011. Global Analysis of the Transcriptional Response of Whitefly to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl China Virus Reveals their Relationship of Coevolved Adaptations. Journal of Virology, 85(7):
70. Jun-Qing Ge, Guo-Hui Gao, Yi-Peng Xu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2011. Characterization of a late gene, ORF75 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. MBR,38:. (葛均青、高国辉、许益鹏、张传溪 2011. 晚期基因BmNPV ORF75分析。MBR,38:).
69. Jian Xue, Yan-Yuan Bao, Bao-ling Li, Yan-Bing Cheng , Zhi-Yu Peng, Hang Liu, Zeng-Rong Zhu, Yong-Gen Lou, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2010. Transcriptome analysis of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens.PLoS ONE 5(12): e14233. (薛建、鲍艳原、李保玲、祝增荣、娄永根、程家安、张传溪等。 2010. 褐飞虱转录组和不同发育时期及不同翅型的表达谱差异分析。PLoS ONE 5(12): e14233).
68. Qiao Wang, Birong Shen, Pengli Zheng, Hui Feng, Liang Chen, Jing Zhang, Chuanxi Zhang, Guozheng Zhang, Junlin Teng, Jianguo Chen★ 2010. Silkworm coatomers and their role in tube expansion of posterior silkgland. PlosOne, 5 (10): e13252.
67. Guo-Jun Lang, Ming-Yan Zhang, Bao-Ling Li, Lin-Lin Yu, Xing-Meng Lu and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Molecular characterization and inhibition analysis of the acetylcholinesterase gene from the silkworm maggot, Exorista sorbillans. BMB Reports, 43(8):573-578.(郎国峻、张明燕、李保玲、余霖霖、鲁兴萌、张传溪,2010,家蚕追寄蝇乙酰胆碱酯酶基因特性及其与家蚕乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制动力学比较。BMB Reports, 43(8):573-578).
66. Zhong Jian Guo, Dian Xuan Wang, Qin Yao, Ke Ping Chen1, Chuan Xi Zhang★. 2010. Identification of a novel functional nuclear localization signal in the protein encoded by open reading frame 47 of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. Archives of Virology, 155:. (郭忠建等,2010。BmNPV ORF47中的一个新的核定位信号鉴定。Archives of Virology, 155:).
65. Lin-Lin Yu, Ying-Jun Cui, Guo-Jun Lang, Ming-Yan Zhang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★, 2010. The ionotropic &-aminobutyric acid receptor gene family of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Genome. 53:688-697.(余霖霖、崔颖俊、郎国峻、张明燕、张传溪,2010,家蚕&氨基丁酸受体基因家族。Genome. 53:688-697).
64. Qiao Wang, Junlin Teng, Birong Shen, Wei Zhang, Yige Guo, Xiaolei Su, Chuanxi Zhang, Albert CH Yu and Jianguo Chen 2010. Characterization of kinesin-like proteins in silkworm posterior silkgland cells. Cell Research,20(6):713-27.
63. Xiao-Wei Wang, Jun-Bo Luan, Jun-Min Li, Yan-Yuan Bao, Chuan-Xi Zhang and Shu-Sheng Liu 2010, de novo characterization of a whitefly transcriptome and analysis of its gene expression during development. BMC Genomics, 11:400。
62. Zhong-Jian G Li-Hua Q Shi-Heng An; Qin Y Enoch Y. P Ke-Ping C Chuan-Xi Zhang★. (2010) Open reading frame 60 of the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus plays a role in BV production and packaging of the nucleocapsid into the envelope of occlusion-derived virus. Virus Research 151:185&191。(郭忠建等,2010,BmNPV ORF60在BV生产和核衣壳组装进入ODV囊膜过程中发挥功能。Virus Research 151:185&191)
61. Yan-Yuan Bao, Bao-Ling Li, Zhao-Bu Liu, Jian Xue, Zeng-Rong Zhu, Jia-An Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Triazophos up-regulated gene expression in the female brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56: . (鲍艳原、李保玲、刘召部、薛建、祝增荣、程家安、张传溪2010. 三唑磷上调表达的褐飞虱雌虫基因Journal of Insect Physiology. 56: ).
60. Guo-Jun Lang,Jin-Yan Shang,Yan-Xia Chen, Yin-Jun Cui,Qiang Wang, Zhen-Hua Tang,Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Expression of the housefly acetylcholinesterase in a bioreactor and its application in the detection of pesticide residues. World J Microbiol Biotechnol., 26:. (郎国峻、尚金燕、陈艳霞、崔颖俊、王强、唐振华、张传溪等,2010. 家蝇乙酰胆碱酯酶基因在生物反应器中的表达及在农药残留检测中的应用。World J Microbiol Biotechnol., 26:).
59. Guo-Jun Lang, Xin-hai Zhang,Ming-Yan Zhang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Comparison of catalytic properties and inhibition kinetics of two acetylcholinesterases from a lepidopteran insect. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 98: 175-182。(郎国峻、张明燕、张传溪等,2010.一种鳞翅目昆虫的2种乙酰胆碱酯酶的催化特性和抑制动力学比较。Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 98: 175-182)。
58. Yan-Yuan Bao, Zu-Yao Lv, Zu-Yao Lv, Jian Xue, Yi-Peng Xu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Comparative analysis of BmNPV responsive genes in fat body and haemocyte of Bombyx mori resistant and susceptible strains. Insect Molecular Biology (), 347&358. (鲍艳原、吕祖耀、薛建、许益鹏、张传溪2010. 抗性和敏感品系家蚕对BmNPV感染时主要免疫组织脂肪体和血淋巴的基因表达比较分析。Insect Molecular Biology (), 347&358).
57. Yi-Peng Xu, Zheng-Pei Ye, Chang-Ying Niu, Yan-Yuan Bao, Wen-Bing Wang, Wei-De Shen and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. (2010) Comparative analysis of the genomes of Bombyx mandarina and B. mori nucleopolyhedroviruses. The Journal of Microbiology, 48(1): 102-110。(许益鹏、叶政培、牛长缨、鲍艳原、王文兵、沈卫德、张传溪,野蚕核型多角体病毒和家蚕核型多角体病毒基因组比较分析。The Journal of Microbiology, 48(1): 102-110)。
56. Jin-Fang Zhao, Wen-Lu Song, Jun Cheng, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2010. Heterologous expression of hydrogenase gene in Enterobacter aerogenes to enhance hydrogen gas production. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 26:177-181。(赵锦芳,宋文路,程军,张传溪。2010. 氢酶基因在阴沟杆菌中异源表达提高产氢量。 World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 26:177-181)。
55. Na WANG, Ming-xing JIANG, Chuan-Xi ZHANG, Jia-an CHENG. 2010. Using chimeric piggyBac transposase to achieve directed interplasmid transposition in silkworm Bombyx mori cells JZUS-B .&J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 11(9):728-734
54. Arun M. Khurad &Min-Juan Zhang& Chanchal G. Deshmukh & Ravindra S. Bahekar & Ashish D. Tiple &Chuan-Xi Zhang 2009 A new continuous cell line from larval ovaries of silkworm, Bombyx mori. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology & Animal. 45:414&419. Arun M. Khurad &(张敏娟& Chanchal G. Deshmukh & Ravindra S. Bahekar & Ashish D. Tiple &张传溪,2009。 一种新家蚕幼虫卵巢细胞系的建立。In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology & Animal. (&419)
53. Zhong-Jun Gong, Wen-Wu Zhou, Hai-Zhong Yu,, Cun-Gui Mao, Chuan-Xi Zhang, Jiaan Cheng, Zeng-Rong Zhu.2009. Cloning, expression and functional analysis of a general odorant-binding protein 2 gene of the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Insect Molecular Biology,18(3), 405&417
52. Yan-Yuan Bao, Xu-Dong Tang, Zu-Yao Lv, Xiu-Ye Wang, Cai-Hong Tian, Yi-Peng Xu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2009. Gene expression profiling of resistant and susceptible Bombyx mori strains reveals nucleopolyhedrovirus-associated variations in host gene transcript levels. Genomics 94: 138&145. 鲍艳原、唐旭东、吕祖耀、王修业、田彩红、许益鹏、张传溪 (2009) 抗性和敏感家蚕品系基因表达谱揭示了宿主感染核型多角体病毒后的转录水平差异。Genomics 94: 138&145.
51. Cai-Hong Tian, Jin-Fang Zhao, Yi-Peng Xu, Jian Xue, Bao-Qin Zhang, Ying-Jun Cui, Min-Juan Zhang, Yan-Yuan Bao, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2009. Involvement of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF41 (Bm41) in BV production and ODV envelopment. Virology, 387:184-192. 田彩红、赵锦芳、许益鹏、薛建、张宝琴、崔颖俊、鲍艳原、张传溪 (2009) 家蚕核型多角体病毒ORF41与出芽病毒产生和ODV囊膜包装相关。Virology, 387:184-192.
50. Zhang-Nv Yang, Hai-Jun Xu, Suzanne M. Thiem2, Yi-Peng Xu, Jun-Qing Ge, Xu-Dong Tang, Cai-Hong Tian and Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2009. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) ORF9 is a gene involved in the budded virus production and infectivity. Journal of General V 90: 162-169. 杨章女、徐海君、Thiem SM、许益鹏、葛均青、唐旭东、田彩红、张传溪 (2009) 家蚕核型多角体病毒ORF9是一个与出芽病毒产生和感染力相关的基因。Journal of General V 90: 162-169.
49. Shao Yaming, Dong Ke, Tang Zhen-Hua and Zhang Chuan-Xi★. 2009. Molecular characterization of a sodium channel gene from the Silkworm Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39:45-151. 邵亚明、Dong K、张传溪 (2009) 家蚕钠离子通道分子特性分析。Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39:45-151.
48. Xu-Dong Tang, Qiang Xiao, Xiu-Cui Ma, Yan-Yuan Bao, Zeng-Rong Zhu and Chuan-Xi Zhang.2009. Genomic sequence analysis of Euproctis pseudoconspersa nucleopolyhedrovirus. Virus Genes, 38(3): 495-506. 唐旭东、肖强、马秀翠、鲍艳原、祝增荣、张传溪 (2009) 茶毛虫核型多角体病毒基因组序列分析。Virus Genes, 38(3): 495-506.
47. Li-Rong Yang, Qiang Xiao, Bao-qin Zhang, Mei-Jun Tang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2009. Characterization of a baculovirus newly isolated from the tea slug moth, Iragoidae fasciata. The Journal of Microbiology. 47(2):208-213. 杨丽荣、肖强、张宝琴、唐美君、张传溪 (2009) 从茶刺蛾中新分离的一种核型多角体病毒特性。The Journal of Microbiology. 47(2):208-213.
46. Tian CH, Tang XD, Xu HJ、Ge JQ, Miao YG,. Zhang CX★ 2009. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF51 encodes a budded virus envelope associated protein. Virus Genes, 38:171&177. 田彩红、唐旭东、徐海君、葛均青、缪云根、张传溪 (2009) 家蚕核型多角体病毒ORF51编码一个出芽病毒囊膜相关蛋白。Virus Genes,38:171&177.
45. Jun-Qing Ge, Ya-Ming Shao, Jin-Fang Zhao, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2009. Characterization of an early gene ORF122 from Bombxy mori nucleopolyhedrovirus. Molecular Biology Reports,36(3):543&548。葛均青、邵亚明、赵锦芳、张传溪 (2009) 家蚕核型多角体病毒早期基因ORF122的特性分析。Molecular Biology Reports,36(3):543&548。
44.&Guang-li Li, Bhaskar Roy, Xing-hua Li, Wan-fu Yue, Xiao-feng Wu, Jian-mei Liu, Chuan-xi Zhang and Yun-gen Miao. 2009. Quantification of silkworm coactivator of MBF1 mRNA by SYBR Green I real-time RT-PCR reveals tissue- and stage-specific transcription levels Mol Biol Rep, 36(5): .
43. Jian-mei Liu, Wan Chi Cheong David, Denis Tsz-Ming Ip, Xing-hua Li, Guang-li Li, Xiao-feng Wu, Wan-fu Yue, Chuan-xi Zhang, Yun-gen Miao. 2009. High-level expression of orange fluorescent protein in the silkworm larvae by the Bac-to-Bac system. Mol Biol Rep. Molecular Biology Reports 36 (2), pp. 329-335.
42. Wan-Fu Yue, Min-Li Yao, Jian-Mei Liu, Guang-Li Li, Xing-Hua Li, Xiao-Feng Wu, Wen Deng, Hong-Xiang Sun, Ji-Yong Zhou, Chuan-Xi Zhang, Yun-Gen Miao. 2009. Manganese superoxide dismutase expressed in silkworm larvae, Bombyx mori L enhances the NK activity and splenocyte proliferation against Sarcoma 180 tumor cells in vivo. Mol Biol Rep 36 (1), pp. 187-192
41. Xu-Dong Tang, Yi-Peng Xu, Lin-lin Yu, Guo-Jun Lang, Cai-Hong Tian, Jin-Fang Zhao, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. (2008) Functional analysis of the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus Bmvp80 gene. Virus Research, 138:81-88. 唐旭东、许益鹏、余霖霖、郎国竣、田彩红、赵锦芳、张传溪 (2008) 家蚕核型多角体病毒Bmvp80基因功能分析。Virus Research, 138:81-88
40. Yan-Yuan Bao, Mu-Wang Li, Yun-Po Zhao, Jun-Qing Ge, Cheng-Shu Wang, Yong-Ping Huang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. (2008) Differentially expressed genes in resistant and susceptible Bombyx mori strains infected with a densonucleosis virus. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 38: 853&861。鲍艳原、李木旺、赵云波、葛均青、王成树、黄勇平、张传溪 (2008) 抗性和敏感家蚕品系感染浓核病毒后差异表达的基因。Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 38: 853&861
39. Zhang-Nv Yang&, Hai-Jun Xu&, Park EY, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2008.Characterization of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus with a deletion of bm118. Virus Research. 135:220-229。杨章女、徐海君、Park EY、张传溪 (2008) 删除Bm118后的家蚕核型多角体病毒特性。Virus Research. 135:220-229
38. Hai-Jun Xu, Zhang-Nv Yang, Jin-Fang Zhao, Cai-Hong Tian, Jun-Qing Ge, Xu-Dong Tang, Yan-Yuan Bao and Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2008. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF56 encodes an ODV protein and is not essential for budded virus production. Journal of General Virology. 89: 1212 & 1219。徐海君、杨章女、赵锦芳、田彩红、葛均青、唐旭东、鲍艳原、张传溪 (2008) 家蚕核型多角体病毒ORF56编码一个ODV蛋白而对出芽型病毒粒子的产生是非必需的。Journal of General Virology, 89, : 1212 - 1219.
37. Jun-Qing Ge, Zhang-Nv Yang, Xu-Dong Tang, Hai-Jun Xu, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2008. Characterization of a nucleopolyhedrovirus with a deletion of the baculovirus core gene Bm67. Journal of General Virology, 89, 766&774. 葛均青、杨章女、唐旭东、徐海君、张传溪 (2008) 删除杆状病毒核心基因Bm67后的核型多角体病毒特性。Journal of General Virology, 89, 766&774.
36. Hai-Jun Xu , Jian-Guo Lin, Chuan-Xi Zhang ★, Suzuki Satoru. 2008. Expression and immunogenic comparison of VP2 and VP3 from Marine Birnavirus (MABV). Journal of Fish Diseases, 31, 297&304. 徐海君、林建国、张传溪Suzuki S(2008)海洋双RNA病毒VP2和VP3的表达及免疫原性比较。Journal of Fish Diseases, 31, 297&304.
35. Wan-fu Yue & Xing-hua Li &Wei-cheng Wu &Bhaskar Roy & Guang-li Li & Jian-mei Liu &Xiao-feng Wu & Ji-yong Zhou & Chuan-xi Zhang &Wan Chi Cheong David & Yun-gen Miao★.2008 Improvement of recombinant baculovirus infection efficiency to express manganese superoxide dismutase in silkworm larvae through dual promoters of Pph and Pp10. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 78(4):651-657.
34. Jin-Yan Shang , Ya-Ming Shao, Guo-Jun Lang , GangYuan, Zhen-Hua Tang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★, (2007) Analysis of two types of acetylcholinesterase gene from the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Science,14, 443-449.尚金燕、邵亚明、郎国竣、袁刚、唐振华、张传溪(2007)家蚕的两种类型乙酰胆碱酯酶基因分析。Insect Science,14, 443-449.
33. Ya-Ming Shao, Ke Dong, Chuan-Xi Zhang★, 2007. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene family of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. BMC Genomics, 8:324。邵亚明、董珂、张传溪(2007)家蚕的尼古丁型乙酰胆碱受体基因家族。BMC Genomics, 8:324
32. Xiu-Cui Ma, Jin-Yan Shang, Zhang-Nv Yang,Yan-Yuan Bao, Qiang Xiao and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2007. Genome sequence and organization of a nucleopolyhedrovirus that infects the tea looper caterpillar, Ectropis oblique. Virology 360: 235&246。马秀翠、尚金燕、杨章女、鲍艳原、肖强、张传溪(2007)茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒的基因组序列和结构。Virology 360: 235&246
31. Dun Wang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2007. Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus orf80 encodes a late, nonstructural protein. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40: 65-71。王敦、张传溪(2007)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒orf80编码一个晚期非结构蛋白。Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40: 65-71
30. Dun Wang, Shao-wei Zhai, Chuan-xi Zhang,Qiang Zhang, Hui Chen. 2007. Nutrition value of the Chinese grasshopper Acrida cinerea (Thunberg) for broilers. ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 135 (1-2): 66-74
29. Li-ming Tao, Ming-an Shi, Yuang Jiangzhong,Peijun Zhuang, Zhang ChuanXi and Zhen-HuaTang★. 2006.Resistance pattern and point mutations of insensitive acetylcholinesterase in a propoxur-resistant strain of housefly (Musca domestica). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 86:1&6
28. Li-Rong YANG, Dun WANG, Li-Qing DUAN, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2006. Polyhedrin gene sequence and phylogenetic analysis of a nucleopolyhedrovirus isolated from Orgyia ericae Germar DNA SEQUENCE 17 (3): 215-222. 杨丽荣、王敦、段立清、张传溪(2006)灰斑古毒蛾核型多角体病毒的多角体基因与进化分析。DNA SEQUENCE 17 (3): 215-222
27. Zhong-Jian Guo, Jun-Qing Ge, Dun Wang, Ya-Ming Shao, Qi-Yi Tang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2006. Biological comparison of two strains of Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. BioControl, 51:809&820.郭忠建、葛均青、王敦、邵亚明、唐启义、张传溪(2006)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒2毒株生物学特性比较。BioControl, 51:809&820.
26. Wan-jun SHI, Jia-an CHENG, Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2006. Expression of the melittin gene of Apis cerana cerana in insect cells. European Journal of Entomology, 103: 867&870. 施婉君、程家安、张传溪(2006)中华蜜蜂溶血肽基因在昆虫细胞中的表达。European Journal of Entomology, 103: 867&870.
25. Fang Wang, Li-Rong Yang, Xu-Dong Tang, Jian-Chu Mo, Wei-Jun Yang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2006. Characterization of the translational and transcriptional start site of BmNPV lef-7 gene. Virus Genes, 33:351&357。王芳、杨丽荣、唐旭东、莫建初、杨卫军、张传溪(2006)BmNPV lef-7的翻译和转录起点。Virus Genes, 33:351&357
24. Hai-Jun Xu, Yan-He Liu, Zhang-Nv Yang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2006. Characterization of ORF39 from Helicoverpa armigera Single-nucleocapsid Nucleopolyhedrovirus, the Gene Containing RNA Recognition Motif. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 39(3):263-269.徐海君、刘艳荷、杨章女、张传溪(2006)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒含有RNA 识别元件的ORF39 特性分析。Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 39(3):263-269.
23. Dun Wang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2006. HearSNPV orf83 encodes a late, nonstructural protein with an active chitin binding domain. Virus Research, 117:237-243.王敦、张传溪(2006)HearSNPV orf83编码一个具有几丁质结合活性的晚期非结构蛋白。Virus Research, 117:237-243.
22. Xiu-Cui Ma, Hai-Jun Xu, Mei-Jun Tang, Qiang Xiao, Jian Hong, and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2006 Morphological, phylogenetic and biological characteristics of Ectropis obliqua single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. Journal of Microbiology, 44(1):77-82. 马秀翠、徐海君、唐美君、肖强、洪健、张传溪(2006)茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒的形态、进化及生物学特性。Journal of Microbiology, 44(1):77-82.
21. Hai-jun Xu, Zhang-Nv Yang, Fang Wang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★.2006. Bombyx mori nucleopolyherovirus ORF79 encodes a structural protein of ODV envelope with a molecular weight of 28 kDa. Archives of Virology,151(4):681-695.徐海君、杨章女、王芳、张传溪(2006)家蚕核型多角体病毒ORF79编码一个分子量为28 kDa的 ODV囊膜蛋白。Archives of Virology,151(4):681-695.
20. Shi-Heng An, Li-Ping Xing, Wan-Jun Shi and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2006 Characterization of a lepidopteran nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) core gene, ORF17 from Autographa californica MNPV (AcMNPV). Acta Virologica , 50:17-23. 安世恒、邢丽苹、施婉君、张传溪(2006)鳞翅目杆状病毒核心基因AcMNPV ORF17特性分析。Acta Virologica , 50:17-23.
19. Shi-Heng An, Jin-Yan Shang, Yan-He Liu,V Shyam Kumar, Zhong-Jian Guo, Dun Wang, Zhang-Nv Yang and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2006. Characterization of a unique gene ORF135 from Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. Virus Genes, 32:21-26。安世恒、尚金燕、刘艳荷、Kumar、杨章女、郭忠建、王敦、张传溪(2006)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒特有基因ORF135特性分析。Virus Genes, 32:21-26
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17. Shi-Heng An, Dun Wang,Yang Zhang-Nv, Zhong-Jian Guo, Hai-Jun Xu, Jianxin Sun and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2005. Characterization of a late expression gene, Open reading frame 128 of Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. Archives of Virology. 150(12): .安世恒、王敦、杨章女、郭忠建、徐海君、孙建新、张传溪(2005)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒晚期基因ORF128特性分析。Archives of Virology. 150(12): .
16. Jiang-Hong Li, Chuan-Xi Zhang★ and Zhen-hua Tang. (2005) Expression of melittin gene in the venom gland of the Chinese honeybee, Apis cerana cerana. Apidologie 36(4): 533&541. 李江红、张传溪、唐振华(2005)中华蜜蜂溶血肽基因在毒腺中的表达。Apidologie 36(4): 533&541.
15. Jiang-Hong Li, Chuan-Xi Zhang★, Zhen-Hua Tang and Jia-an Cheng 2005 Expression and regulation of phospholipase A2 in the Chinese honeybee, Apis cerana cerana. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 60:1-12.李江红、张传溪、唐振华、程家安(2005)中华蜜蜂磷酯酶A2的表达与调控。Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 60:1-12.
14. Wang Dun, An Shi-Heng, Guo Zhong-Jian, Xu Hai-Jun and Chuan-Xi Zhang★. 2005. Characterization of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus orf33 that encodes a novel budded virion derived protein, BV-e31. Archives of Virology. 150(8):.王敦、安世恒、郭忠建、徐海君、张传溪(2005)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒ORF33编码一种新的出芽型病毒粒子蛋白。Archives of Virology. 150(8):.
13.&Dun Wang, Shao Wei Zhai, Chuan Xi Zhang, Yao Yu Bai, Shi Heng An, Ying Nan Xu (2005) Evaluation on nutritional value of field cricket as poultry feedstuff. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 18(5):667-670
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11. Zhong-Jian Guo, Shi-Heng An, Dun Wang, Yan-He Liu, Shyam Kumar and Chuan-Xi Zhang★ 2005. Characterization of Ha29, a specific gene for Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38(3): 354-359.郭忠建、安世恒、王敦、刘艳荷、Kumar、张传溪(2005)棉铃虫核型多角体病毒特有基因Ha29的特性。Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38(3): 354-359.
10. Jian-Guo Lin,Chuan-Xi Zhang★ and Satoru Suzuki.2005 An Anti-apoptosis Gene of the Bcl-2 Family from Marine Birnavirus Inhibiting Apoptosis of Insect Cells Infected with Baculovirus. Virus Genes, 31(2):185-193.林建国、张传溪、铃木聪(2005)一个海洋双RNA病毒的Bcl-2家簇抗凋亡基因可抑制昆虫细胞感杆状染病毒引起的凋亡. Virus Genes, 31(2):185-193.
9. Wang Fang, Chuan-Xi Zhang★, V Shyam Kumar and Wu Xiang-Fu 2005 Chitinase gene deletion from BmNPV influences cell lysis and host liquefaction. Archives of Virology,150(5):981-990。王芳、张传溪、Kumar VS、吴祥甫(2005)BmNPV几丁质酶基因删除影响细胞裂解和宿主虫体液化。Archives of Virology,150(5):981-990
8. Chuan-Xi Zhang★, Xiu-Cui Ma and Zhong-jian Guo.(2005) Comparison of the complete genome sequences between C1 and G4 isolates of the Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus. Virology,333:190-199. 张传溪、马秀翠、郭忠建 (2005) 棉铃虫核型多角体病毒C1和G4株全基因组序列的比较。Virology, 333:190-199
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6. Wan-jun Shi, Hai-jun Xu, Jia-an Cheng, and Chuan-Xi Zhang★(2004)Expression of the melittin gene of Apis cerana cerana in E. coli. Protein Expression and Purification, 37:213-219.施婉君、徐海君、程家安、张传溪★(2004)中华蜜蜂溶血肽基因在大肠杆菌中的表达。Protein Expression and Purification, 37:213-219.
5. Zhang C. X. and Suzuki S. 2003 Comparison of the RNA polymerase genes of Marine Birnavirus strains and other Birnaviruses. Archives of Virology.148:745-758.张传溪、铃木聪(2003)海洋双RNA病毒株系与其它病毒的RNA聚合酶基因比较. Archives of Virology.148:745-758.
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3. 孙建新、张传溪、陈珍珍、吴祥甫 1998 人组织金属蛋白酶抑制剂-3(TIMP-3)基因的克隆和在大肠杆菌中的表达及其抗血管生成作用。生物化学与生物物理学报,30(3):220-224。Sun JX, Zhang CX, Chen ZZ, et al.Cloning and expression of the cDNA encoding human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 and its inhibition on angiogenesis&Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 30 (3): 220-224
2. 张传溪、胡萃、吴祥甫 1998 BmNPV 蛋白激酶基因核苷酸序列、转录和缺失分析。生物化学与生物物理学报,30(2):185-190。Zhang CX, Hu C, Wu XF Studies on the nucleotide sequence, transcription and deletion analysis of the BmNPV protein kinase gene Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 30 (2): 185-190
1.张传溪,王根、胡萃、吴祥甫 (1997) HaSNPV蛋白激酶基因核苷酸序列分析。生物化学与生物物理学报,29(3):322-326. Zhang CX, Wang G, Hu C, et al. Nucleotide sequence analysis of HaSNPV protein kinase Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 29 (3): 322-326
& 实验室成员
教 授: 张传溪&
&副教授: 鲍艳原
副教授: 徐海君&
&在读博士生:张宝琴,范海伟,程若琳,楼怡寒,黄海剑,于冰,潘鹏路、叶雨轩, 卓继冲,王斯亮, 汪哲超,&& 李丹婷, 张金利
在读硕士生:&许霁玉,劳淑华,江雅琴, 黄晓慧,康冬,鲁嘉宝,刘成稳,薛文华,雷晨,周翔,胥南,石继开,&程琛
PhD Candidates:
Rou-Lin Cheng 程若琳&(生物化学与分子生物学专业)
Hai-Wei Fan 范海伟(生物化学与分子生物学专业)
Yi-Han Lou 楼怡寒(生物化学与分子生物学专业)
&Hai-Jian Huang黄海剑(生物化学与分子生物学专业-纳米研究院)
Bing Yu 于冰(环境生物学专业)
Peng-Lu Pan 潘鹏路
Yu-Xuan Ye 叶雨轩
Ji-Chong Zhuo 卓继冲(昆虫分子生物学)
&&Si-Liang Wang王斯亮(生物化学与分子生物学)&&&&
Zhe-Chao&Wang&汪哲超 (生物化学与分子生物学)
张金利 &(昆虫分子生物学)
李丹婷 (昆虫分子生物学)
&张宝琴, 在职博士生 (农业昆虫与害虫防治)
Ji-Yu Xu许霁玉(昆虫分子生物学)
&Shu-Hua lao劳淑华(昆虫-植物病毒分子生物学)
Ya-Qin Jiang 江雅琴(昆虫分子生物学)
&&Xiao-Hui Huang黄晓慧(昆虫分子生物学)
&Dong Kang康冬&
Jia-Bao Lu 鲁嘉宝
Cheng-Wen Liu 刘成稳
Wen-Hua Xue薛文华
胥南 (昆虫分子生物学)
程琛 (昆虫分子生物学)
周翔 (昆虫免疫和传毒)


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