
英音 [ ael'sei??n ] ; 美音 [ ael'sei??n ] 名词 伦敦之一地区,潜匿处
a region of northeastern France famous for its wines
n. 法国东北部的一区
n. 法国东北部之一地名
1. 很好,没问题地,令人满意 (= all right)
1. 好吧,好的,好啊
Alsace是什么意思 Alsace在线翻译 Alsace什么意思 Alsace的意思 Alsace的翻译 Alsace的解释 Alsace的发音 Alsace的同义词 Alsace的反义词 Alsace的例句
Alsace英 [ael'saes] 美 [ael'saes, -'ses] Alsace 基本解释名词阿尔萨斯(法国东北部一地名)911查询·英语单词Alsace 网络解释1. 阿尔萨斯:在欧洲,莱茵(Rhine)葡萄酒装在棕色瓶中,莫赛尔(Mosel)和阿尔萨 斯(Alsace)的葡萄酒则装在绿色瓶中. 此类葡萄酒一般含有较高单宁酸.
意大利葡萄酒以上各种瓶型都有,但它主要以裹有稻草装饰、盛有基安蒂红葡萄酒(Chianti)的长颈瓶闻名于世.2. 阿尔萨斯产区:e)、阿尔萨斯产区(Alsace)、卢瓦尔河谷产区(ValleedelaLoire)、勃艮第产区(Bourgogne)、汝拉和萨瓦产区(JuraetSavoir)、.罗纳河谷产区(RhoneValley)、波尔多产区(Bordeaux)、西南产区(Sud-Ouest)、朗格多克-鲁西雍产区(Languedoc-Roussillon)、其中普罗旺斯-科西嘉产区(ProvenceetCorse)香槟产区、勃艮第产区和波尔多产区列3. 3. 法国东北部之一地名:Alps 阿尔卑斯山 | Alsace 法国东北部之一地名 | Alsatia 伦敦之一地区4. Alsace4. 阿尔萨斯 法国葡萄酒产区之一:Alpes-Pays de savoie 阿尔卑斯-萨瓦地区 法国东部的一个山区 | Alsace 阿尔萨斯 法国葡萄酒产区之一 | Alsace Grand Cru 法定产区阿尔萨斯特级AOC葡萄酒Alsace 双语例句1. He had assembled some twenty eight divisions, including nine panzer divisions, for the Ardennes breakthrough, with another six divisions allotted for an attack in alsace to follow the main offensive&&&&他还调了约二十八个师,包括九个装甲师,供突破阿登森林之用;此外还有六个师,准备在主要攻势发动之后进攻阿尔萨斯之用。2. He had assembled some twenty eight divisions, including nine panzer divisions, for the Ardennes breakthrough, with another six divisions allot ted for an attack in alsace to follow the main offensive&&&&他还调了约二十八个师,包括九个装甲师,供突破阿登森林之用;此外还有六个师,准备在主要攻势发动之后进攻阿尔萨斯之用。3. France Dedish company was established in 1684, which locates in Alsace, the northeast of France.&&&&法国德地氏公司成立于1684年,位于法国的东北部,阿尔萨斯地区。4. 4. In addition, she holds the great strategic points of northern Europe, --- Alsace-Lorraine, the door to F the Kiel Canal, giving her access to the Baltic without exposing herself to the necessity of utilizing the S her allies hold the Swiss passes and the vital points affording passage into Russia and the Balkans.&&&&德国人非常清楚地认识到了他们处于中心位置这一不可改变的事实,从军事的观点看,这一位置对于一个被迫进行防守或不作进攻准备的国家十分不利,但是他们也同样看到了中心位置带来的不可否认的优点,它给一个打算采取攻势的国家提供了极大的便利。5. Of the population speak German dialects, predominantly in the eastern provinces of Alsace-Lorraine and Moselle.&&&&三%的人口讲德语的方言,主要是在东部省份的阿尔萨斯-洛林和摩泽尔。6. Gewurztraminer is a white grape whose real home is Alsace in France, although some is also found in Germany.&&&&琼瑶浆是原产于法国阿尔萨斯的白葡萄品种,德国和其它的国家也有一点点。7. 7. Gewurztraminer, full-bodied and well-structured, is probably the best-known Alsace wine.&&&&完整酒体,结构紧凑,可能是阿尔萨斯最出名的葡萄酒。8. Alsace8. There are still many pinot blanc vineyards in Alsace, where the variety sometimes is called Klevner.&&&&在阿尔萨斯地区还种植有白比诺,在那,该品种有时也被称为 Klevner 。9. 9. Orders have come from Berlin to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.&&&&柏林来了饬令,阿尔萨斯和洛林两省的黉舍只准教德语……新的教师明天就到。10. 10. L Steige - A schist based soil found in the Andlau region of Alsace.&&&&l Steige-一种在阿尔萨斯 Andlau 地区发现的以片岩为基础的土壤。11. In Alsace, it is also used to produce the vendanges tardives or late harvested sweet wines.&&&&&&在阿尔萨斯,还可以用这个品种酿造阿尔萨斯半干葡萄酒,或使用晚摘葡萄酿造甜酒。12. 12. Other wines from Alsace are: Vendanges Tardives, Edelzwicker, Muscat, Pinot Noir, etc.&&&&&&其他品种:晚收成葡萄酒,混合葡萄酒,慕斯卡,黑皮诺。13. Brother Volmar exercised his activity in Alsace about the same time and especially at Colmar Ingold, op. cit.&&&&&&哥哥volmar行使其活性在阿尔萨斯,大约同一时间,尤其是在科尔马( INGOLD的,同前)。14. Orders have come from Berlin to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace&&&&&&柏林来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林两省的学校只准教德语……新的老师明天就到。15. 911查询·英语单词15. Orders hxdye come from Berlin to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.&&&&&&柏林来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林两省的学校只准教德语……新的老师明天就到。16. From Berlin to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new teacher arrives to-morrow.&&&&&&柏林来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林两省的学校只准教德语……新的老师明天就到。17. Before the death knight and now Lich King Alsace have activated all the people could lead to the destruction of Azeroth incident, and his Undead army and the souls of servitude will be a powerful force swept across the continent.&&&&&&前死亡骑士和现在的巫妖王阿尔萨斯已经激活了可能导致艾泽拉斯所有生灵毁灭的事变,他的不死族军队和驱役亡灵的强大力量将横扫大陆。18. An order has come from Berlin that no language but German may be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.&&&&&&柏林已申令,阿尔萨斯以及洛林的学校只准教德语。19. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.&&&&&&柏林已经来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林的学校只许教德语了。20. 20. I like red wine from Australia, but I prefer white wine from France, especially from Alsace.&&&&&&我喜欢澳大利亚的赫柏湾红葡萄酒,但白葡萄酒我更喜欢法国的,尤其是阿尔萨斯的。Alsace 单语例句1. You will not want to miss this very first Alsace Wine Fair in Beijing.2. The lime and citrus flavors in riesling wines from cooler climates like Alsace make it a fine summer drink.3. Major local Alsace wine importers will be there to offer you a wonderful opportunity to taste the exquisite Alsace wines.4. At first he moved to the Alsace, later to Rully before seizing a chance to take part in the rebirth of Vezelay.5. People interested in quality wine that is not overpriced should consider white wines from Alsace.6. Alsace is France's only region to grow significant quantities of riesling and gewurztraminer.7. The wines are made by Jean Schaetzel, a professor at a wine school in Rouffach in Alsace.8. Alsace is in the Northeast of France, near the western bank of the upper Rhine River next to Germany and Switzerland.9. Official results showed the conservatives holding on to Alsace but losing control of Corsica.10. It grows well in cool climates in Central and Eastern Europe - especially Alsace.Alsace是什么意思,Alsace在线翻译,Alsace什么意思,Alsace的意思,Alsace的翻译,Alsace的解释,Alsace的发音,Alsace的同义词,Alsace的反义词,Alsace的例句,Alsace的相关词组,Alsace意思是什么,Alsace怎么翻译,单词Alsace是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 Alsace Lorraine什么意思及同义词
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中文释义: 阿耳萨丝-洛林地区(法国东北部)
France ceded Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1871
(1) the bondage of Alsace-Lorrain
The unforgivable reality, however, was the loss of the border provinces, alsace and Lorrain
An order has come from Berlin that no language but German may be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
2017Alsace Lorraine是什么意思由沪江网提供。alsace and lorraine
An order has come from Berlin that no language but German may be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
The annexation ( of Alsace -Lorraine by Germany ) , though opposed by Bismarck , who said it would be the Achille's heel of the New German Empire, was required by the elder Moltke and his staff.
Orders have come from Berlin to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
And, after the Paris region, Alsace and Lorraine were the two most industrialized and prosperous parts of France.
Overtaken by Germany when it won the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, Alsace and a good part of Lorraine sent streams of refugees to Nancy, whose population nearly doubled in the last quarter of the 19th century.
- 来自原声例句


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