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RTI Connext DDS Professional
RTI Connext& DDS Professional
Fast, scalable and resilient software connectivity platform
RTI Connext& DDS Professional is the first connectivity platform designed for the demanding requirements of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It delivers the low-latency and real-time QoS needed to monitor and control physical-world processes. It provides the non-stop availability and security essential for mission-critical systems. And it complies with the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard to foster interoperability and an open architecture, slashing lifecycle costs.
Connext DDS includes a rich set of connectivity capabilities optimized for IIoT systems.
Messaging libraries simplify distributed application development with high-level APIs for publish-subscribe, request-reply and point-to-point queues.
An adapter framework with customizable examples eases integration of unmodified existing applications and devices.
Powerful tools accelerate system integration, testing and debugging.
Two-Minute Topic: Connext DDS Professional
Connext DDS is designed to address the performance, scale and resilience requirements of the IIoT. Its architecture is completely decentralized. Applications automatically discover each other and communicate peer-to-peer. Unlike traditional IT-centric messaging and integration solutions, Connext DDS does not require any centralized message brokers, services or servers. This makes it easy to embed and deploy while eliminating bottlenecks and single points of failure.
Given the long lifecycles of industrial systems, Connext DDS is well-suited to incremental adoption. It provides a scalable, reliable and secure integration bus that connects new and existing assets. For new applications—such as analytics—it presents a unified API that decouples application logic from device-specific interfaces, protocols and data models. And it allows you to take advantage of fog computing and easily move applications between the cloud and edge.
Connext DDS Professional includes a powerful set of capabilities to develop and integrate distributed applications.
Features and Benefits
Data-Centric IIoT Connectivity Platform
Connext DDS simplifies application and integration logic with an innovative, powerful data-centric connectivity paradigm. Instead of exchanging messages, software components share data objects. Applications operate directly on these objects (create, read update and delete). Developers do not have to deal with low-level messaging or networking interfaces. Connext DDS handles the details of data distribution and management, including serialization and lifecycle management.
Connext DDS provides for data in motion what a database provides for data at rest:
Decoupling – Data producers are agnostic to the number of consumers and the type of processing they do. This allows components to be added and changed without affecting those that are already deployed.
Easy integration – The interfaces in a system—as defined by the data model—are explicit and discoverable. Integration requires no knowledge of a component's implementation and you do not need to reverse engineer protocols and messages.
Robustness – Connext DDS maintains a system's shared state, providing a single source of truth. Late and re-joining applications automatically synchronize with the current state. This ensures applications have a consistent world view even in dynamic and large-scale environments.
Unlike a traditional database, Connext DDS is a completely decentralized software data bus. Data is cached in each application. Updates are published peer-to-peer to subscribing components. Applications can receive asynchronous update notifications or poll for the latest value as needed.
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Connext DDS supports all of the fundamental communication patterns used in the IIoT. In addition to data-centric publish-subscribe for distributing streaming data and asynchronous events, it offers request-reply for controlling and managing devices and an optional Queuing Service for
transaction processing and load balancing. This eliminates the need to adopt and integrate different technologies for each of these requirements, reduces integration costs and simplifies administration.
DDS Compliance and Interoperability
Connext DDS complies with the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS) for Real-Time Systems standard. It supports both the DDS application programming interface (API) and network interoperability protocol (DDSI-RTPS).
DDS is the only messaging standard designed specifically to meet the requirements of timing-critical systems. It can deliver over 50 times the performance of IT standards such as JMS, MQTT, AMQP, XMPP and Web Services. For applications with demanding requirements, DDS is often the only standards-compliant alternative to proprietary or custom integration approaches.
Connext DDS is the world's leading DDS implementation with more than 70% commercial market share. RTI has worked hand-in-hand with hundreds of customers to successfully deploy some of the world's most critical distributed systems. This unparalleled expertise in applying DDS to real-world problems makes RTI the best partner for your DDS project.
Industrial Grade Performance and Reliability
RTI Connext DDS provides order-of-magnitude performance and reliability advantages over most other messaging and integration middleware on every supported platform.
with a wide variety of latency and throughput tests. The results showed sub-millisecond latency that scaling linearly with data payload size and throughput exceeding 90% of line rate over gigabit Ethernet. Moreover, latency remains low as data throughput increases.
Connext DDS implements reliable multicast for scalable one-to-many and many-to-many data distribution. Messages only have to be sent over the network once, regardless of the number of subscribers. The product includes an optional multicast reliability protocol optimized for real-time behavior.
Evaluation version
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or call +1 (408) 990-7400.DDS_Tutorial_RTEW09[1]_图文_百度文库
DDS/AMQP/XMPP - 物联网通信协议的详解及选择建议
来源:电子发烧友网整理 作者:doodle日 14:23
[导读] DDS协议(高可靠性、实时) DDS(Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems),面向实时系统的数据分布服务,这是大名鼎鼎的OMG组织提出的协议,其权威性应该
  DDS(Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems),面向实时系统的数据分布服务,这是大名鼎鼎的OMG组织提出的协议,其权威性应该能证明该协议的未来应用前景。
  & 以数据为中心
  & 使用无代理的发布/订阅消息模式,点对点、点对多、多对多
  & 提供多大21种QoS服务质量策略
  & OpenDDS 是一个开源的 C++ 实现
  & OpenSplice DDS
  & AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol),先进消息队列协议,这是OASIS组织提出的,该组织曾提出OSLC(Open Source Lifecyle)标准,用于业务系统例如PLM,ERP,MES等进行数据交换。
  & Wire级的协议,它描述了在网络上传输的数据的格式,以字节为流
  & 面向消息、队列、路由(包括点对点和发布/订阅)、可靠性、安全
  & Erlang中的实现有 RabbitMQ
  & AMQP的开源实现,用C语言编写OpenAMQ
  & Apache Qpid
  & stormMQ
  XMPP(Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)可扩展通讯和表示协议,XMPP的前身是Jabber,一个开源形式组织产生的网络即时通信协议。XMPP目前被IETF国际标准组织完成了标准化工作。
  & 客户机/服务器通信模式
  & 分布式网络
  & 简单的客户端,将大多数工作放在服务器端进行
  & 标准通用标记语言的子集XML的数据格式
Copyright &
.All Rights ReservedInternet of Things Protocols & Standards
The emerging "" covers a huge range of industries and scales of devices/applications. Below we take a look at a few of the protocols and standards that are helping to drive the topic forward.
Web Technologies:
(Representational state transfer) -&RESTful HTTP- (Simple Object Access Protocol), JSON/XML,&,&, The WebSocket specification—developed as part of the HTML5 initiative—introduced the WebSocket JavaScript interface, which defines a full-duplex single socket connection over which messages can be sent between client and server. The WebSocket standard simplifies much of the complexity around bi-directional web communication and connection management.A list of IoT software projects like Contiki, Riot OS, etc can be found .
"IPv6, is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched internetworking and provides end-to-end datagram transmission across multiple IP networks.""6LoWPAN is a acronym of IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks. It is an adaption layer for IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4 links.&This protocol operates only in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with 250 kbps transfer rate." (User Datagram Protocol)A simple OSI transport layer protocol for client/server network applications based on Internet Protocol (IP). UDP is the main alternative to TCP and one of the oldest network protocols in existence, introduced in 1980. UDP is often used in applications specially tuned for real-time performance.The uIP is an open source TCP/IP stack capable of being used with tiny 8- and 16-bit microcontrollers. It was initially developed by Adam Dunkels of the "Networked Embedded Systems" group at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, licensed under a BSD style license, and further developed by a wide group of developers. (Datagram Transport Layer)"The DTLS protocol provides communications privacy for datagram protocols.& The protocol allows client/server&applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.& The DTLS protocol is based on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and provides equivalent security guarantees." (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)&"The MQTT protocol enables a publish/subscribe messaging model in an extremely lightweight way. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium."-: An Open Source MQTT v3.1 Broker-
(Constrained Application Protocol)"CoAP is an application layer protocol that is intended for use in resource-constrained internet devices, such as WSN nodes. CoAP is designed to easily translate to HTTP for simplified integration with the web, while also meeting specialized requirements such as multicast support, very low overhead, and simplicity. The CoRE group has proposed the following features for CoAP: RESTful protocol design minimizing the complexity of mapping with HTTP, Low header overhead and parsing complexity, URI and content-type support, Support for the discovery of resources provided by known CoAP services. Simple subscription for a resource, and resulting push notifications, Simple caching based on max-age." -&— A C-based CoAP stack which is suitable for embedded environments. Features include:&Support draft-ietf-core-coap-13, Fully asynchronous I/O, Supports both BSD sockets and UIP. (IPv6 routing for low power/lossy networks) (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)"An open technology for real-time communication, which powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized routing of XML data."- "In the same manor as XMPP silently has created people to people communication interoperable. We are aiming to make communication machine to people and machine to machine interoperable.""The Mihini agent is a software component that acts as a mediator between an M2M server and the applications running on an embedded gateway. M3DA is a protocol optimized for the transport of binary M2M data. It is made available in the Mihini project both for means of Device Management, by easing the manipulation and synchronization of a device's data model, and for means of Asset Management, by allowing user applications to exchange typed data/commands back and forth with an M2M server, in a way that optimizes the use of bandwidth" (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)"An open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security."- (Data-Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems)"The first open international middleware standard directly addressing publish-subscribe communications for real-time and embedded systems."
(lightweight local automation protocol)"LLAP is a simple short message that is sent between inteligent objects using normal text, it's not like TCP/IP, bluetooth, zigbee, 6lowpan, WiFi etc which achieve at a low level "how" to move data around. This means LLAP can run over any communication medium. The three strengths of LLAP are, it'll run on anything now, anything in the future and it's easily understandable by humans." (Lightweight M2M)"Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) is a system standard in the Open Mobile Alliance. It includes DTLS, CoAP, Block, Observe, SenML and Resource Directory and weaves them into a device-server interface along with an Object structure." (Simple Sensor Interface)"a simple communications protocol designed for data transfer between computers or user terminals and smart sensors""JSON / Linked Data standards for describing the Internet of Things""A standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure on the JVM.""SensorML provides standard models and an XML encoding for describing sensors and measurement processes." - W3C"This ontology describes sensors and observations, and related concepts. It does not describe domain concepts, time, locations, etc. these are intended to be included from other ontologies via OWL imports." (PDF)"This design defines sets of REST interfaces that may&be used by a smart object to represent its available resources,&interact with other smart objects and backend services. This&framework is designed to be complementary to existing Web profiles&including SEP2 and oBIX.""The motivation of LightweightM2M is to develop a fast deployable client-server specification to provide machine to machine service.&LightweightM2M is principly a device management protocol, but it should be designed to be able to extend to meet the requirements of applications. LightweightM2M is not restricted to device management, it should be able transfer service / application data.":&"Well, within the Wolfram Language we’ve been building a powerful framework for this. From a user’s point of view, there’s a symbolic representation of each device. Then there are a standard set of Wolfram Language functions like DeviceRead, DeviceExecute, DeviceReadBuffer and DeviceReadTimeSeries that perform operations related to the device."
(CCN) -&"Next-gen network architecture to solve challenges in content distribution scalability, mobility, and security.CCN directly routes and delivers named pieces of content at the packet level of the network, enabling automatic and application-neutral caching in memory wherever it’s located in the network. The result? Efficient and effective delivery of content wherever and whenever it is needed. &Since the architecture enables these caching effects as an automatic side effect of packet delivery, memory can be used without building expensive application-level caching services." -&JSON+UDP+DHT=FreedomA secure wire protocol powering a decentralized overlay network for apps and devices(TSMP)A communications protocol for self-organizing networks of wireless devices called motes. TSMP devices stay synchronized to each other and communicate in timeslots, similar to other TDM (time-division multiplexing) systems."NanoIP, which stands for the nano Internet Protocol, is a concept that was created to bring Internet-like networking services to embedded and sensor devices, without the overhead of TCP/IP. NanoIP was designed with minimal overheads, wireless networking, and local addressing in mind."
Graphic Overviews:
Graphic via& and& from& in ""
IoT Communication stack from "The communication model aims at defining the main communication paradigms for connecting&entities, as defined in the domain model. We provide a reference communication stack, together&with insight about the main interactions among the actors in the domain model. We developed &a communication stack similar to the ISO OSI 7-layer model for networks, mapping the needed&features of the domain model unto communication paradigms. We also describe how&communication schemes can be applied to different types of networks in IoT."- The full reference model presentation can be found
Above Graphic:
-&The Internet of Every Thing - steps toward sustainability CWSN Keynote, Sept. 26, 2011 ()Graphic: : - : Is the Internet Protocol enough? ()Graphic:
:The IEEE 1451, a family of Smart Transducer Interface Standards, describes a set of open, common, network-independent communication interfaces for connecting transducers (sensors or actuators) to microprocessors, instrumentation systems, and control/field networks. - “IEEE Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network: Security”- “IEEE Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies” - “IEEE Standard for Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems” - “IEEE Standard for Utility Industry Metering Communication Protocol Application Layer” - “Standard for Systems With Virtual Components”
- “Standard Framework for Prognostics and Health Management of Electronic Systems”
PHY / MAC Functionality:
"WirelessHART technology provides a robust wireless protocol for the full range of process measurement, control, and asset management applications.""DigiMesh is a proprietary peer-to-peer networking topology for use in wireless end-point connectivity solutions.""ISA100.11a is a wireless networking technology standard developed by the International Society of Automation (ISA). The official description is "Wireless Systems for Industrial Automation: Process Control and Related Application"IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard which specifies the physical layer and media access control for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). It is maintained by the IEEE 802.15 working group. It is the basis for the ZigBee,ISA100.11a, WirelessHART, and MiWi specifications, each of which further extends the standard by developing the upper layers which are not defined in IEEE 802.15.4. Alternatively, it can be used with 6LoWPAN and standard Internet protocols to build a wireless embedded Internet.Based on the standard ISO/IEC , using inductive coupled devices at a center frequency of13.56 MHz. The data rate is up to 424 kbps and the rangeis with a few meters short compared to the wireless sensornetworks.ANT is a proprietary wireless sensor network technology featuring a wireless communications protocol stack that enables semiconductor radios operating in the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical allocation of the RF spectrum ("ISM band") to communicate by establishing standard rules for co-existence, data representation, signalling, authentication and error detection.Bluetooth works in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and uses frequency hopping. With a data rate up to 3 Mbps and maximum range of 100m. Each application type which can use Bluetooth has its own profile.The ZigBee protocol uses the 802.15.4 standard and operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with 250 kbps. The maximum number of nodes in the network is 1024 with a range up to 200 meter. ZigBee can use 128 bit AES encryption.EnOcean is a an energy harvesting wireless technology&which works in the frequencies of 868 MHz for europe and 315 MHz for North America. The transmit range goes up to 30 meter in buildings and up to 300 meter outdoor.Based on the ISO 18000-7 Standard and uses a RF frequency of 433.92 MHz and a transfer rate up to 20kbps. The range can be adjusted from 100 to 10 kilometer with a dynamically adjustable datarate of 28 kbps to 200kbps. The ISO Standard is not available for free.Built on open standards and IPv6 technology with 6LoWPAN as its foundation.Weightless is a proposed proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data between a base station and thousands of machines around it (using wavelength radio transmissions in unoccupied TV transmission channels) with high levels of security.WiMax is based on the standard IEEE 802.16 and is intended for wireless metropolitan area networks. The range is different for fixed stations, where it can go up to 50 km and mobile devices with 5 to 15 km. WiMAx operates at frequencies between 2.5 GHz to 5.8 GHz with a transferrate of 40 Mbps.Cellular: GPRS/2G/3G/4G cellular- View a more complete overview of IoT communication and technologies .
&(European Telecommunications Standards Institute)-
&(Internet Engineering Task Force)-
(Constrained RESTful Environments)&- (IPv6 over Low power WPAN)-
(Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks)
&(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)-
&(Object Management Group)-
(Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)-
(Open Geospatial Consortium)-
"The European Lighthouse Integrated Project addressing the Internet-of-Things Architecture, proposes the creation of an architectural reference model together with the definition of an initial set of key building blocks."
"The purpose and goal of oneM2M is to develop technical specifications which address the need for a common M2M Service Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and software, and relied upon to connect the myriad of devices in the field with M2M application servers worldwide."
"An&organization with the single focus to develop and promote royalty-free, open source standards for the emerging Internet of Things."
(Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things)
&International Society of Automation
. Committee&
(Routing research group)
(Host identity protocol research group)
"The scope of the Paho project is to provide open source implementations of open and standard messaging protocols that support current and emerging requirements of M2M integration with Web and Enterprise middleware and applications. &It will include client implementations for use on embedded platforms along with corresponding server support as determined by the community.""Serves as a repository for open-source implementations of protocol stacks based on Internet of Things standards, using a variety of hardware and software platforms.""We are a key group of international partners representing Europe, the USA, China, Japan and Korea who has joined a strategic EU funded 7th Framework initiative that will look at global standards, regulatory and other issues concerning RFID and its role in realising an “Internet of Things.”
Alliances"The AllSeen Alliance is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to enabling and driving the widespread adoption of products, systems and services that support the Internet of Everything with an open, universal development framework supported by a vibrant ecosystem and thriving technical community'
"The Alliance is a global non-profit organization serving the various communities seeking to establish the Internet Protocol as the network for the connection of Smart Objects by providing coordinated marketing efforts available to the general public."The Wi-SUN Alliance seeks to "advance seamless connectivity by promoting IEEE 802.15.4g standard based interoperability for global regional markets.""OMA is the Leading Industry Forum for Developing Market Driven, Interoperable Mobile Service Enablers"-&"Founded in 2014 to further development, adoption and wide-spread use of interconnected machines, intelligent analytics and people at work'More organizations can be found in our IoT technical resources .
, (2013) Sutaria. R. and Govindachari, R&
"A number of different standardization bodies and groups are&actively working on creating more inter-operable protocol stacks&and open standards for the Internet of Things. As we move from&the HTTP, TCP, IP stack to the IOT specific protocol stack we are&suddenly confronted with an acronym soup of protocols- from the&wireless protocols like ZigBee, RFID, Bluetooth and BACnet tonext generation protocol standards such as 802.15.4e, 6LoWPAN,&RPL, CoAP etc. which attempt to unify the wireless sensor&networks and the established internet."
",&(2010)&A case study by A P Castellani, N Bui, P Casari, M Rossi, Z Shelby, M Zorzi
“”, (2012) Maria Rita Palattella, Nicola Accettura, Xavier Vilajosana, Thomas Watteyne, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia and Mischa Dohler.
"" Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) ABy Julien Abeillé, Mathilde Durvy, Jonathan Hui, Stephen Dawson-Haggerty
""&By Carolyn Duffy Marsan IETF Journal March 2012
"" By JeongGil Ko, Joakim Eriksson, Nicolas Tsiftes, Stephen Dawson-Haggerty, Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Mathilde Durvy, Andreas Terzis, Adam Dunkels and David Culle
&Jean-Philippe Vasseur & Adam Dunkels
- &Michael Holdmann
- Zach Shelby
- Ronak Sutaria & Raghunath Govindachari | Electronic Design
&(MQTT, XMPP, DDS, AMQP) - Electronic Design
(PDF) PrismTech
- Toby Jaffey
& Angelo Corsaro
- Andy Stanford-Clark in Electronic Design
- Real Time Innovations
is a stargate between the universe of devices which speak MQTT, and the universe of apps which speak HTTP and REST.
- Chris Larson
(PDF) - Dave Locke
- Housahedron
(MQTT & CoAP) - SparkFun
- Embedded Software store
- Zach Shelby
- WSN Magazine
- Carlos Ralli
(PDf)- Michael Kirsche, Ronny Klauck
- Servicelab
(PDF) -&Sven Bendel, Thomas Springer, Daniel Schuster, Alexander Schill, Ralf Ackermann, Michael Ameling
- Rdm For Hvac - Michael Holdmann
(PDF) - RedHat&
-&David Goehrig
(PDF) - , , and
- Benjamin Cabé
Additional Resources:
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