that would be funyou like ( to take part in, to join)me for a walk ?It is fun.

it is interesting for me to take part in different kinds of after-schoolactivities
扫描下载二维码7 Photography Projects to Jumpstart your Creativity
7 Photography Projects to Jumpstart your Creativity
In this post Jennifer Jacobs from
shares some tips on how to spark creativity in your photography.
Image by kk+
Let&s face it, no matter how much we take our camera out, there&s only so many pictures we can take of our kids, pets, house and garden before we start itching to shoot something else& but what?
Hopefully this list of projects you can undertake will inspire you to find something creative to shoot.
1. 365 Days
The most popular of the projects on this list, there are multiple variations of the 365 project. &Typically, it involves taking a self-portrait every day for a year & the only rule is that you have to hit the shutter button (or remote) and at least some part of you must be in the photo. &It doesn&t sound so bad at first, but believe me, there&s only so many photos you can take holding the camera at arms length before even you get bored. &Suddenly you find yourself doing things like wrapping yourself in christmas lights, jumping in piles of leaves, or taping your mouth shut. &For inspiration, check out the
group on flickr.
If a photo-a-day seems like too much of a commitment, you can do one self-portrait a week for a year & a
If the self-portrait part makes you a bit squeamish, you can either round up the kids and get pictures of them everyday for a 365 kids project, or you can just do a open-topic 365 project where you just have to take a picture of anything every day for a year.
2. 52 Photowalks
I use the term &photowalk& pretty loosely here. & While photowalks often include groups of people walking through cities together, all capturing images of the same landmarks from their own point of view, I&m being slightly more liberal with the term.
Basically, I&m saying you should get out of the house once a week with your camera. &I looked through all my photos from my first year with my DSLR and realized about 90% of them were in or around my house. &So I got up and walked out the door once a week. I&ve been to local parks, abandoned buildings (careful with this one: it can be frowned upon or even illegal to poke around some abandoned buildings), downtown and other small towns near me.
Besides adding a bigger variety to my photo collection, I&ve noticed two other side effects from this project so far: I&ve discovered all sorts of parks and areas of downtown that I didn&t even know existed, and I&ve been able to go to places that I already knew and see them from a totally different viewpoint. &For instance, the picture above is of a local amphitheater. &I&ve been there a number of times and never thought much of it& but being there when the park was empty, and walking to the back of the stage looking out has given me a completely different perspective.
3. 100 Strangers
This is a project I personally don&t have the guts to do, as I&m bit shy (that&s the whole reason why I&m behind the lens to begin with!), but I know some people doing this project and I&m loving their results so far. &The idea is to approach someone you&ve never met before, ask if you can take their picture, and talk to them a bit to get some kind of backstory, and then upload the photo (and a short description of who they are and what you talked about) to flickr and add it to the
group. &Then repeat 99 more times. &
Not only will get photos of different people in your collection, but you just might make a new friend or two. You can, of course, skip the flickr part and do this project on your own, but you would gain a lot of inspiration from the group.
Once again, there&s a couple ways you can go with an A-Z project. &You can pick a place and try to get a picture of objects that start with or represent each letter of the alphabet (for instance, it might be easy to take a photo of the grass for G, but Q is going to be harder, maybe a picture of a kid running around could be Quick, or a picture of a completely still pond could be Quiet). &You can also try this with numbers, too & take a photo of one acorn on the ground, two ducks by a pond, three trees grouped together, etc.
The other interpretation of this project is to take pictures of things that look like the letters A-Z. &Take a look at the photo above, it&s actually a chain to a porch swing, but the one piece looks like a letter S. &Once you start this project you&ll start looking at ordinary things & buildings, cloud formations, playground equipment, etc. & in a complete different way, giving you a new perspective on things to photograph. &This project can also be done with numbers, too.
5. Pick-A-Something
Pick something and try to get a collection of photos representing it. &For instance, pick a color and try to go all day photographing only red things, or try only getting pictures of things that are square when you&re on a walk. &I was once at a cookout and, while I took photos of other things, I also tried to get &photos of people&s shoes. &
The upside of this project is that it, once again, gets you to start seeing ordinary things in different way & taking a snapshot looking down at everyone&s shoes is going to start to get boring, so it forces you to start thinking creatively. &The downside of this project is that people are going to start giving you weird looks for crawling around on the ground taking pictures of shoes while everyone else is enjoying hamburgers and potato salad.
6. Go Mono
During my 365 (open-topic, not self-portraits), I decided to take one month and do all my photos in black-and-white. &My goal was to get better at converting photos to black and white, which I think I did, but I noticed I was also starting to see things differently, and figure out what photos would look better in mono, and which ones wouldn&t. &
There were also a few surprises, like the leaf with water drops on it that you see above. &If I hadn&t been doing a month of mono, I would have edited that photo in color and loved it, and left it like that. &But I converted it for my 365 project, and I loved it even more. &Surprises like that made the whole month worth it.
7. Scavenger Hunt
A photo scavenger hunt is simple. You need someone to come up with a list of things to photograph (they can be actually things like &railroad tracks&, or they can be more conceptual like &fun with friends&, or even techniques like &shallow depth of field&). Then, a group of people all go out and interpret the list how they want and show them to the group. &As with a lot of the other projects I mentioned, it really gets you to start looking at ordinary things in a different way. &Looking for a list? &Do a search in the flickr groups for &scavenger hunt& and you&ll come up with a number of groups that have hunts going on. &Including a
group, made up of other DPS users that posts a new list each month.
PS from Darren: Also check out our
for a little inspiration & we nominate a topic for each week for everyone to take a photo on & it can be a lot of fun and a great way to get out of a creative rut!
Update: also check out these .
About the Author: Jennifer Jacobs is an amateur photographer who runs
& a site for photography beginners. &She&s also addicted to flickr and you can follow her stream .
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The 365 project is a bit intimidating to me, especially if it's self-portraits! But the once-a-week thing sounds pretty good to me, so I'll definitely try that :)
ANOTHER thought is to pick a spot anywhere that interests you (probably outside) and mark the place with chalk or tape or something so you can come back to that same exact spot and take a picture daily or weekly of that same spot. It's challenging if you are a person that travels a lot, but if you don't I think it would be an excellent project because when you have your year's worth of photos, you can make a GIF of them or a slideshow, and it would be very cool to see the seasons change if where you live has dramatic weather.
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On some level, it’s fun to quit a job. It’s fun . It’s fun to feel that burst of freedom as you walk out the door. But it’s no fun if you don’t quit right.
Before you quit, you need a semi-plan for what you’ll do next: You will either work or play. Pick one. You cannot pick sitting in front of the TV because it is lame and you will be sorry.
If you pick work, then get another job lined up before you quit, because getting a job while you have a job means that your company paid you to job hunt.
If you choose to play, make sure you have enough money to play in a way that will actually be fun. One of my most misguided attempts at play was when I took a trip to France and ended up earning room and board by .
Before you quit you also need to make sure the job is the problem. Maybe you are the problem and you are blaming everything on the job so you don’t have to look at yourself.
offers a good way to take a look at your life to see what’s really holding you back. Do an honest assessment. If your job is not holding you back, then deal with what is, while you’re gainfully employed. Self-examination is always easier to do when you can pay your rent.
If you really do think quitting is the right decision, here’s how to tell your boss:
1. Be kind, even if you hate your boss, because your boss is not your boss anymore. She is part of your network. And some people who are jerks to work for are actually nice and fun outside of work. You don’t know until you try. So hedge your bets and be gracious on the way out, even if you don’t feel that way.
2. Make sure your boss knows that this is a good move for you. Even if you’re not sure if it’s a good move, tell your boss that it is. We all need to believe in ourselves, or else who will?
3. Put it in writing. Why are there
on the Internet? You are not . You can write one sentence: “I’m leaving this company on [date].” If you want to tell your boss how much you hate her, see rule number one. If you want to nail your boss for illegal behavior, see a lawyer. Don’t tell the company how to fix itself. You are leaving. If they care about your input so much they can pay you as a consultant. Which they will not, because they do not care.
4. If you want a counter-offer, give your boss enough notice to come up with one before you leave. A counter-offer is much less likely to come after you’re gone.
5. Show gratitude for what your boss has done for you. A personal thank you note is a good way to leave because your boss can reread it all the time and remember only the good things about you. This will help when you call your boss for a favor & like when you need a reference.
Also, people who express gratitude are happier than those who don’t. The
reports, “People who regularly practice grateful thinking reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits.” So find something nice to say about your boss and you’ll feel great as you walk out the door.
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