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To view Using The Internet to Spice Up Your Math Class - Mind Map
Using The Internet to Spice Up Your Math ClassWhy do it?Who will teach them if we don't?Our students enter a world where they must manage their digital life and their real life.
If we don&t teach them how to do this, who will.
We cannot bury our heads in the sand and say "don&t use the Internet."
We have to teach students worthwhile things to do with the technology we now have.Academia 2.0The majority of our students are ...If we can incorporate images, demonstrations, or diagrams…
we should.
If those images, demonstrations, or diagram can be interactive…
even better.Index of Learning Styles. Active Learners. Learn best by doing… for math, this might mean discussing, applying, or explaining to others. "Let's try it and see how it works." (not "let's think through it first") Just taking notes is extremely difficult.. Visual Learners. Remember what they see (pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, demonstrations) Most people are visual learners. How much TimeI've been teaching this way for
(fill in the blank)
years, and I already feel pressed for time.
And now I should add technology from the Internet?
Isn't this going to take a lot of time?
Yes, don't do all your classes at once.Re-examine your
course structureLook at each element of your traditional lesson structure / class time… What do we do? Why do we do it?
i.e. How is it beneficial to student learning? What are the drawbacks?
With all the resources we have at our disposal, is there a better way?MillenialsBoomers, Gen X-ers, and Millenials - Understanding the New StudentBefore you BeginA Warning. Sometimes links don&t work.
Sometimes videos don&t play.
Sometimes your Internet disconnects.
That&s just the Internet.
If everything works 100% of the time, you&re not trying hard enough!. Download Plug-ins. To run programs from the Internet without getting horribly frustrated, you will need to download all the latest "plug-ins" and keep them up to date:
Flash Java Quicktime Mathematica Player Adobe Acrobat Reader etc.. Understand the
Language of the Internet. HTML (hypertext markup language) is the computer language of the Internet.
Eventually, you might want to learn a little HTML for commenting on message boards or blogs... when you're ready, follow this link!. Virtual Magnifier. During a presentation (or early in the morning before you find your glasses) pick up the Virtual Magnifier to magnify the portion of your screen that is around your mouse.. What is a URL?. the http:// web address that takes you to the site
Without the http:// part it is just a web address.
Example: www.ted.org (address)
http://www.ted.org (URL). What is a hyperlink?. A hyperlink is a "clickable" link to a website.
A hyperlink is created with HTML, the language of the Internet.
In many programs, a hyperlink is created automatically by the program (you see it change color and underlining appear).. Embed Code. Fair Use and CopyrightFair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia
o General principles
o Cite your source for any snagged images
o Refer users to the original hyperlink
o Don't sell anything containing someone else's media product without their permissionFair Use Guidelines for
Educational and MultimediaCopyright Crash CourseA Fair(y) Use TaleBaruch College Guide to Copyrighted MediaCreative CommonsLegal to copy books for digital use?Managing Your LinksFavorites in Web Browser. Pros: Easy to use, already in your browser
Cons: Only on one computer (not portable), you may add a link to favorites at home, but then it's not at school.. Google Bookmarks and Google Toolbar. Pros: Portable, each link can have multiple labels, what you bookmark at home is also at work & vice versa.
Cons: You must get a Google account.
For convenience, you should download the Google Toolbar to machines you use all the time.. Del.icio.us. A social bookmarking site where you maintain and share your bookmarks.
Pros: Social nature. Cons: Also requires account.. Diigo. Interactive MaterialsNational Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Wolfram Demonstration Project. To use Wolfram Demonstrations you need to download the CDF Player found at the WD website.. Math Interactives. WolframAlpha. Famous Curves Index. Finding Little Stuff and what to do with it. See if you can follow these URLS back to the original site and find ALL the material posted by this person.
Chances are that if you like ONE of their demos, you&ll like them ALL!. Concept Questions (Project QUEST). Connecting Mathematics. Math and Search. Illuminations Activities. Calculus Songs. Math Top 10 Lists. Statistics. Calculus. Algebra and Precalculus. Math Elem Ed. History of Math. Online Resources for Probability and Statistics. Above Calculus. Epsilon-Delta Finite Limit at a Finite Point. Solids of Known Cross Sections. Roots of Complex Numbers. Horizontal and Vertical Line Test. Harmonic Oscillation. Arc Length Animation. Epsilon-delta Applet. Focus of a Parabola. Adding search to public data. Google Trends. Google Trends Flu Trends. Dr Arsham's Business Stats Resource. RVLS Simulations and Demonstrations. TAMU Flash Demos. Seeing Statistics. Gapminder. StatPages. We Feel Fine. Calculus Applets at SLU. CalculusPhobe Tutorials. Demos with Positive Impact. Linerider. Maths Online. Visual Calculus. Tom Leathum's Java Applets. Mathingo (think Bingo). Mathematics Animated. Mathlets at UMN. Stewart Tools for Enriching Calculus. Visual Fractions. Density Equalizing Maps. LSquaredMath. Interactivate. Tom Leathum's Java Applets. Linerider. Maria's Telescoping Math. Maths Online. Quia. Learning Algebra Fundamentals. Using Google Earth in Math. Linerider. Using Google Earth in Math. For the record. ... there is a whole other map for this, but not yet available. Periodic Table of Mathematicians. Thinkquest Mathematics History. Euclid's Elements. MAC Tutor History. ODE Animations. Mathematics Animated. PDE Gallery. Complex Analysis. Geometric Look at Partial Derivatives. Digital LibrariesNLVM. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Really intended for the K-12 Math audience ... but if you teach statistics or Math for Elementary Teachers, this is a good resource.. Wolfram Demonstrations Projects. To use Wolfram Demonstrations you need to download the CDF Player found at the WD website.. MERLOT. Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
You do NOT need an account to browse and use the resources (only to rate or save them to folders)
Click on "Mathematics and Statistics" to browse the 1584 results. 1/7/09. Science Literacy Maps. Science Literacy Maps (a subgroup of NSDL) is a tool for teachers to find NSDL resources that relate science and math concpets.
The maps do a nice job of illustrating the connections between concepts.. AMSER. Applied Math and Science Education Repository.
AMSER is intended for faculty, staff, librarians, and students.. NSDL. National Science Digital Library
Can search for topic under the tab "Higher Ed & Research". MathDL. Math Digital Library. Virtual Math Museum. Loci. Loci is a publication of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). It is the journal of the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library (MathDL).
Loci continues three earlier online publications in MathDL: The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, Digital Classroom Resources, and Convergence. All materials that appeared in these earlier publications may be accessed through Loci.. VideoTED Talks. Replace your TV intake for a week and you'll have a new understanding of where technology is going and why it's so important that we go with it.. Sixty Symbols. TED ED. YouTube. 100 Incredible Open Lectures for Math Geeks. Khan Academy. Mathematics in the Movies (from Knill at Harvard). Math and the Movies with MathBits Worksheets. Sputnik Observatory for Study of Contemporary Culture. YouTube EDU. AtGoogleTalks. Harvard at Home. Leibniz Calculating Machine. Project Tuva: Feynman Videos. Requires Silverlight. Year of Math Blogging. Science Friday Video Site. Believe it or not, Science Friday has a video archive.. Chris Anderson on "the long tail". Hans Rosling's Best Stats You've Ever Seen. Web's Secret Story: Jonathan Harris. Mathemagic with Arthur Benjamin. Toys that make Worlds: Will Wright. Jawdropping Photosnyth Demo. Ron Eglash on African Fractals. How Engineers Learn from Evolution. Birth of the Computer. Hans Rosling's New Insights on Poverty. Hans Rosling on HIV. Mathematics of War. Beautiful Math of Coral. Peter Donnelly shows How Stats Fool Jurors. Arthur Benjamin's formula for changing Math Education. Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover. Robert Lang folds way-new origami. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita predicts Iran's future. David Hoffman shares his Sputnik Mania. Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness. Neil Turok makes his TED Prize wish. David Merril demos Siftables. Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere. Steven Strogatz on sync. Marcus du Sautoy: Symmetry, reality's riddle. Steven Wolfram: Computing a theory of everything. Chris Jordan pictures some shocking stats. Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide. Nate Silver: Does race affect votes?. Hans Rosling on Asia's Rise - How and When. Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations. Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world. Search TEDx on YouTube for "Math". Karl Gude: Visual Information TEDxLansing. Karl Gude: Infographics TEDxDetroit. MathGirl. Moebious Transformations Revealed. I Will Derive!. The Laws of Sir Isaac Newton. Rube Goldberg Style Honda Commercial. Kumar's Root 3 Poem. Pilot Math Channel. MathTV Channel. Calculicious. Mathmaticious. Zero and One. Fractorix. Ma and Pa Kettle do Math. u-sub Silent Movie. IBM TV Smarter Math. MAA YouTube Channel. Calculus Rhapsody. Center of Mass Trajectory (MIT). Differentials Attract. Zero's Discontinuity. Rationalize This. Humorxkcd. GraphJam. Indexed. Spiked Math. Math Modeling of Zombie Outbreak. New Math. Brown Sharpie. Math Purity Test. Dieting the Math Way. Nearing Zero Math Cartoons. Math BlogsRemember that you can use a blog reader (via RSS) to follow along on many blogs at a time.What is a blog?. A blog is like a newspaper column, published by an organization or individual(s).
You visit the blog on a periodic basis to read or subscribe.. What is RSS?. Now the blogs come to you collected in a "newspaper-like" format instead of you having to actively visit them on your own.. 360 Blog. Accidental Mathematician. AMS Grad Student Blog. Annoying Precision. Arcadian Functor. bit-player. Casting Out Nines. Combinatorics and more. Complexify!. Computational Complexity. Concrete Nonsense. Deb's Mathematic Blog. Disquisitiones Mathematicae. Division by Zero. dy/dan. F_un Mathematics. The Geomblog. God Plays Dice. G?del’s Lost Letter and P=NP. Good Math, Bad Math. Gower's Weblog. Gyre & Gimble. E. Kowalski’s blog. Hydrobates. Konrad Voelkel’s Blog. MAA / MathDL Blogs. Math-blog. Math for Love. Math Notations. Mathematics under the Microscope. A Mind for Madness. The n-Category Café. nLab Collection of Math Blogs. Natural Blogarithms. Not Even Wrong. Number Warrior. The Numbers Guy. Opinionator Blog: Steven Strogatz. OxDE. Pat's Blog. Rigorous Trivialities. Secret Blooging Seminar. SquareCircleZ. Sumidiot. Tanya Khovanova's Math Blog. Teaching College Math. Tech4MathEd. Terry Tao: What's New?. The Unapologetic Mathematician. Walking Randomly. Wild About Math. (x, why?). y of x. 37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About. Haven't found what
you're looking for?. Look for the "Blog Roll" on each of these blogs.
Most bloggers post a list of the blogs they read.
Follow these blog rolls to your perfect "end of the rainbow" blog.. Start a Blog. Pros: Easier than building a website! It's your list, your personal journal of your professional development - organize it how you'd like. You can always find the information you&re looking for if you&ve made a blog entry.
Cons: Now you'll be one of "those people" with a blog.. MAA Math Minute. MAA NumberADay. Math in the News RSS Feed. On This Day. MAA Columns. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning MathematicsThe Nuts and Bolts of Writing Mathematics. Concept and Clicker Questions. Professional Development. Essays about Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics,
and the Future of Mathematics. How can we measure teaching and learning in math?. Student Conceptions of Mathematics. Students focus on Software,
not mathematical errors. Lockhart's Lament. Good Questions at Cornell. Project Math QUEST. Eric Mazur: Confessions of a Converted Lecturer. Getting Results. NCAT Math Lectures: An Oxymoron?. Lockhart's Lament. Thinking about Learning, Learning about Thinking. Magazines and JournalsThis is actually just a collection of what I read on a regular basis.
But maybe you&ll find it helpful!WIRED. The Futurist. Journal of Online Mathematics. Science Friday. Fast Company. EDUCAUSE Review. Technology Review. Popular Science. eLearn Magazine. Discover: Physics and Math. Chronicle of Higher Ed. Subtopic. eLearning Tools for STEM. Professional OrganizationsMAA. AMS. AMATYC. NCTM. NCAT. National Center for Academic Transformation
An organization that provides help with course redesign.. ASA. NMAP. Facebook Page. Facebook Page. Facebook Page. Search
EnginesHow do I find stuff
for myself?. The big three. Searchcube. Cooliris. Note that this one requires a cooliris download plug-in to Firefox.. Yummy. Congoo. Searches the "dark" Internet (no, not the XXX websites), this ALSO searches the websites that are only accessible by subscription, like the WSJ or Forbes)
May be good for finding more data-driven material. Rollyo Searchrolls. Experimental human-driven "meta" searches - a person selects their own collection of websites and then the search is restricted to those.
Click on the EXPLORE tab, search for "math teaching" and try the roll "My Math Teaching Sites" rolled by Maria Andersen.. WolframAlpha. MindMapSearch. TouchGraph. eyePlorer. General Internet Search Guidelines. 1. Believe that what you&re looking for exists - it probably does.
2. Look on Google and some of the compilation sites.
Try keywords, exact phrases, or applications of the mathematics.
3. If all else fails - swap with someone and ask them to search for you. Different people will search in different ways.. Google Guide. If you&re trying to do a complicated search, this is an easy-to-use reference for creating good searches.. Use Yummy Search Words. Powerful words: (try using one of these with your key search word)
Interactive Demo, Demonstration Tutorial, game, ... Java, Flash, Quicktime, ... Applet, Mathlet Visualization Virtual, online, ... Maple, Mathematica, MatLab, .... Google. Yahoo. Bing. Online Calculators,
Equations, and CASEquations. CAS. R: A Free Statistical Package. Calculators. Wolfram Alpha. Online LaTeX Equation Editor. Sitmo Online Equation Editor. HTML Unicode for Math. Maxima. Sage. Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha. GraphCalc. TinyMCE Graph Plugin for Wikis. WZ Online Grapher. Open CoursewareAcademic Earth. MIT Open Courseware. Webcast Berkley. Stanford on iTunes. UMass Boston. NROC: National Repository of Online Courses. Hippocampus. Note that all videos are have completely captioned scripts and some courses are available in Spanish as well.. Khan Academy. Patrick JMT. Notes / Online TextsPaul's Online Math Notes. Purple Math. Connexions. MathPage: Trigonometry. College Algebra Tutorials at Texas A & M. NY Regents Prep for Algebra. S.O.S. Math. SticiGui. Free Math Books. Connected Curriculum Project. CC Consortion of OER. Articles and Blog Posts
about Wolfram AlphaDon't get Wolfram Alpha? Try these examples.. Wolfram Alpha Discovery. Wolfram Alpha for Inquiry-based Learning in Calculus (2010). What we're doing with Wolfram Alpha (2009). Wolfram Alpha Homework Day Panel Discussion. Interview at Wolfram Alpha Homework Day (2009). Recalculating Teaching and Learning. Impact of Wolfram Alpha on Math Ed. Wolfram Alpha Loci Article. Wolfram Alpha Blog. Singularity Summit: Supreme
Mathematics of Gods and Earth. Sum Help: New search engine for Mathletes (WSJ). A new computation engine shakes up math. A Calculating Website could ignite a new campus Math War. Data, Charts, and GraphsWolfram Alpha. Federal Statistics. Measure of America. Many Eyes. Statistics Human Development UN. Collection of Sites for Data, Charts, and Maps. TinyMCE Graph Plugin for Wikis. HistoryShots. Edward Tufte. GOOD Math GamesThere are LOTS and LOTS of BAD math games. Don&t use them.Penguin Jump. A very addictive game you can play against your friends to practice Multiplication Tables.. Line Gem. Choose the right equation of a line to gather the most gems.. Flower Power. Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.. Ice Ice Maybe. A game to teach estimation skills.. Algebra Meltdown. A game to practice solving equations.. Waker. A game that teaches about position and velocity curves.. Factortris. Do you know your factor pairs?.网络上数学课1.上数学课人教版初中英语... ... on 25.Happy Birthday 生日快乐 26. tell 68.have mathclass 上数学课 69. be 71.play with 与...玩耍 72. ... |© 2015 Microsoft当前位置: &
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