Sister company looking for smartwebprintingg a number of postcards, postcards with their company's image

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Using Postcards for Marketing | UPrinting
Using Postcards for Marketing
It’s funny how marketers seem to forget that we have a postal service we could use to promote products and services. I understand that we have gone digital and that most forms of advertising and promotion are done online now. However, there’s no harm in also using other tools to add to your online promotions. And if you’re looking for a new way to reach your audience, I suggest you try looking into postcard marketing.
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Here are some advantages to using postcards:
Give You a Something to Do With Your Mailing List
If you’ve ran promotions before where you had to gather your customers’ names and addresses, you can use those data to build your own mailing list. Having your own mailing list helps classify the recipients of your postcards – whether by age, gender, location, interest, etc – which, in turn, gives your postcards a better chance of reaching the right people.
But what if you don’t have a mailing list? You can rent mailing lists from an online printing company like ours. Not only can we , we can also provide you with a
according to the demographics you need. After printing, we can deliver your postcards for you – leaving you with more time to take care of other things. Call us at 1-888-888-4211 for more information.
Engage Recipients to Go to Your Store
Your postcards can include coupons that recipients can use at your store. It could also be an invite to a special event your store is hosting. Basically, you can use your postcards however you see fit to attract customers into going to your store. While you could do the same thing through email, delivering postcards makes it seem more personal.
Remind Customers of Who You Are
It’s hard to ignore something that comes through your mail, say, every 4 to 8 weeks. You can’t say the same for emails. Postcards are cheap to make. That’s why producing and sending them is something you could do even if you’re on a tight budget. Constantly reminding your customer about your brand and updating them on current promos and product offerings can boost sales so your postcards would start paying for themselves.
Print in 1 to 3 Days
You can always use a home printer but if you’re letting a professional online printing company do the printing for you, then your postcards should be ready to ship in 1 to 3 days. Postcards are that easy to make. If you’re the type that expects results fast, postcards might be up your alley.
If you’re looking for ways to make designing postcards easier for you, I encourage you to download one of our . Ask for a
while you’re at it.
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Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word :)/using-postcards-for-marketing/">4-Color Offset Printing
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Premium Thick Paper
Lots of Sizes
1-2 Day Available
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Marketing Tips
Postcards can be printed 1 or 2-sided and are often mailed. They come in a wide variety of sizes and on a broad range of heavier substrates. Different coating choices and optional rounded corners add to your unique design.
The most common order options are 6" x 4" and 8.5" x 5.5" on 14 Pt. Gloss Cover stock.
Almost always, Postcards are printed in full color on both sides (4/4) or full color on the front and black on back (4/1).
For higher quantities and additional stock choices, please check out our 4-Color Offset Postcards.
Marketing Tips
Postcards are one of the most popular marketing tools. Whether mailed or left on display, the broad range of size choices caters to many marketing messages. Postcards are available in various sizes to fit your budget, convey your message, and command attention. When mailed, they help your message reach a target audience. Postcards are also one of the most popular marketing items displayed in a retail environment and make great marketing takeaways with product or upcoming event information.
Postcards can also be a great product for people to buy as souvenirs or to mail.
A wide variety of coating and square or rounded corner options add to your unique design and help your postcard grab attention.
Postcards Printing
Most of the time used for mailing without envelope, Postcards are also used as flyers for promoting events and pass them out on the streets/events. Postcard particular size of 4???x6??? and thick / durable / friendly / economic structure makes it clubs and businesses favorite to hand out.
Many places charge less for sending a Postcard than a letter in a envelope as the Postcard can have the postage pre-printed on it for easier and cheaper shipment. As a business, it???s a good way to keep contact with customers, and remind them, you care about them! People love them and hate them, but they do work!
Always use this in your favor: The more people that see your marketing flyer/postcard, the higher the probabilities to receive a call or a customer walking through your door.
Postcards are offered on different sizes: 4???x6??? (Standard Postcard size), 5???x7??? and 6???x9???. Rectangle shape and round corners are available upon request.
Advertise Your Business with Postcards
Postcards allow businesses to advertise their goods and services as well as reach out to their clientele and appreciate them. This is a tool of direct marketing which is used by a number of businesses these days. It is a beneficial tool as it helps companies improve their brand image and expand their customer base. The motive which is used for postcard marketing should be in tune with the care that is being taken for marketing it. The print of the postcard should have unique quality for convincing people to do business with you. Since most people prefer colored versions, which are easy for the eyes to view, the attention of the people can be easily acquired.
Colored printing can create a considerable difference in the way people perceive your business. A color printer can be used as a potential marketing tool, offering your company greater responsiveness to the needs of customers. Moreover, you save money with colored postcards. Although they seem complex to print, these devices can be created with versatile color printer, hardware, software as well as the right support for managing them. Select the right color combination and create a high quality postcard.
How to Create Successful Postcards
In order to create a successful marketing campaign, these are some of the mistakes to avoid:
Prevent Sales Exaggeration: You need to prevent too much of sales hype in your postcard. Sometimes, these cards are thought of as sales letters with the sender inserting too much sales hype which should be strictly avoided. Remember that people do not bother to read the postal cards if you create sales hype in them. You need to make them informational with a subtle tone that encourages readers to try your products and services.
Not Too Professional: If the postcard is made too professional, the customers will not understand your message. An emotional connect is required with the readers, and hence a formal tone will not be proper. Connect on a personal level so that people are interested in the information which you provide. Being too professional might alienate them and they will not be interested in your promos and offers.
Not Too Many, Not Too Often: A few businesses lose credibility by sending out too many postcards to customers within a short while. They do not understand that customers receive lots of things through mail regularly. They are not too excited to receive lots of things through mail regularly. It is best to send out the postal cards once a while to prevent boring your clients. You may even send the letters with offers and discounts that might interest clients.
Do Not Make False Promises: The postcards should not make false promises to customers. If the offer is limited period, do not make your customers feel as if it will be there for long. Once you provide appropriate information, you can win the trust and loyalty of customers. This is how you can win customers who will stay with you for a long time.
Postcard Printingat Its Best!
Your search for the most affordable postcard printing ends here.& Our postcards give the best value for your money.& Recognizing that you alone can choose what is best for your needs, we have designed our products in such a way that they can accommodate full customization.& You can choose from our creative and artistic designs, and then customize to suit your purpose.&
Salient Features
We take pride that our product carries the following features:
?±Printed on high quality thick paper, you can choose if you want the p
?±We contribute to the greening of the environment, as we use recyclable paper and special ink that are both eco-
?±Our postcards are resistant to smudges and scratches so you can expect to receive them in perfect condition.& We also take pride in the fact that our product will rarely wear out.
You can expect fast turnaround, as we also accept rush orders, as well as postcard direct mailing.& You can choose from our wide range of designs, or customize your postcard by uploading images or designs you want the product to carry.& For instance, you may want to include real photos of real people, or you may want the product to show your business logo.& Just give us your specifications, and you can expect that we will follow them as faithfully as possible.&
Why Choose Postcard
Postcard printing is a proven cost-effective marketing strategy irrespective of the nature and size of your business.& It does not matter if you are running your business online or offline, or you have a small, medium, or large enterprise, or it is a business to business or business to consumer, you will find that postcards give you an advantage over your competition.&
It is an inexpensive way to stay in touch with your customers and nurture relationship.& You can share important information with your recipients, or simply express your appreciation of their support of your business.& Since you have to think creatively on how to use the space wisely and concisely, the chances of your message to get read by your recipients are far greater than other forms of direct mail.&
Creative Postcard Designs
If you wish to customize the design of your postcards, here are a few things to consider:
?±You can add some special effects to the image you want printed on it.& For instance, you can put overlays or include textures, or instead of the usual colors, you can use sepia or transform your image/s into vintage.& There is a lot you can do to play with your image/s to get your desired effect.& You just have to exercise creativity to turn your postcard from plain to interesting.&
?±Use a different approach to your message.& Rather than the usual greeting or marketing message that probably other companies or businesses are writing as well, dare to be different.& Add some flavor or spice up your messages, such as humor and wit.& You may also use your postcard to give your recipients a teaser of an upcoming promotion.&&
The only limit to your creativity in using and designing postcards is your imagination.& If you feel like you are running out of your creative juices, you can use our templates for replenishment and inspiration.& We share one common goal that is to produce the best results in .&
Hot Print??s online postcard printing
In case that your marketing strategy still doesn???t include postcards, you're about to know a sales tool for very low cost that is highly effective. Here are just some of the many reasons why postcards should be a part of your marketing strategy that could lead towards bigger success in your business.
First of all, postcards can work for just any business. You can use a postcards to drive traffic to your store, to announce events, to announce sales, discount and similar. Creating a postcard is a very simple process that should involve a few of creativity and personal taste. You can opt for a simple 4 x 6 postcard printing and send your promotional material to your potential clients. There are as well larger, 5 x 7 postcard printing solutions, when you want to include more text information and images. Both sizes of postcards can work perfectly well when the message is clear and brief and the postcard looks attractive.
Printing postcards is a rather inexpensive process. The best option is relying on a good print store that will be able to do this work for you on a highly professional level. You can opt to print a postcard on your home printer, but the final results in most of the cases will never be as satisfying as when made in a professional and specialized postcard printing service.
A very good option is to promote your business by sending postcard prints by mail to houses of your potential clients. This marketing strategy is highly accepted by most of the businessmen. A message sent by a postcard looks more personal than when seeing TV commercial, radio commercials, when seeing billboards and similar. The truth is that postcards are often read, as they are delivered ready to be read. If your postcard seems at least a few attractive, everyone will read it, even people that don???t have a habit of reading junk mail that they receive in their mail boxes.
With the help of this marketing tool, you can expect quick marketing results. Postcards produce fast results because they are easily read and remembered and they are easy to use. For example, if you are planning to make a big sale, make sure to send your postcards at least 2 to 3 days prior to the sale. This way, people will for sure remember of it, much sooner than if you send them the notification 2 weeks in advance.
Even if you have just an online business, you can send postcards to your clients and invite them to visit your web site for more information. In other words, thanks to postcards, you will be able to generate traffic towards your web site and to make profit.
How one postcard looks? Well, it???s like a small billboard that your customers can always have near them, and that is easy to handle. If your potential client is interested in the offers you are making, it is more likely that he/she will save your postcard somewhere on the table, or keep it in the bag or on some other important place. Also, your customers that are already familiar with our business can pass on your postcard to other people as well.
Any market can be easily targeted with the help of postcards. You can send postcards to specific targeted markets you consider would be interested in the services and products that you offer. This way, with the help of simple postcards you will be able to control your sales activities much more efficiently. When you want to increase the sales, the only thing you have to do is increase the number of postcards that will be sent out to target markets.
Any marketing strategy with postcards is completely personal. Your competitors will not be aware of what you are doing. This is why a lot of businessmen still say that postcards are one of the best kept secrets of today??s modern marketing. It is a fact that they are very efficient, very cheap and very simple to use. No matter if you have a small or a large business, postcards will work for you.
Here at Hot Print you can choose postcards of different sizes that will be able to represent your business, products, and services in the best possible way. Like this, you will be able to choose among 4 x 6 inch postcards, 5 x 7 inch postcards and 6 x 9 inch postcards.
Our postcards can be printed on both sides. This means that you can choose a full color front and a full color back, a full color front and a grayscale back and a full color front and blank back part. Color
printing is the best marketing strategy towards inviting new clients to your business.
Depending on your needs and the size of the business you are running, here at Hot Prints you can order a minimum number of 100 postcards and a maximum number of 10.000 postcards. When it comes to the shape and style, we give you two choices ??? a standard square shape and a round corner style. Also, your postcards can be printed on a 14pt gloss coated cover UV and a 14pt premium uncoated cover.
How one postcard is created means a lot on the way whether your potential clients will accept it the way it is, read it and keep it for further contacts, or they will simply throw it away and forget about it. There are two options when creating your postcard. First of all, you can make your own postcards, you can hire a professional designer or you can download some of the free postcard software that can be downloaded from the internet. The second option is using some of the free postcard templates that we offer on our web site. You will be able to find free postcard templates according to their sizes, and choose a design that can suit the best your creativity needs. Postcard printing templates that we offer were created by professional designers.
Postcard printing can be a very successful marketing tool in case you know what you want. Custom postcards printing is an excellent way of reaching out to new clients but as well for cultivating client loyalty and for generating sales. Commercial printing made postcards accessible for any kind of business, and this is why this marketing tool is still one of the most used ones on the market. Marketing postcards is a very simple process that requires a little patience and a good strategy for delivering your promotional material to potential clients. This can be done using mailing lists and direct mail postcards which are a very efficient way of delivering your message to the best prospects.
Postcard marketing will be highly successful if the promotional material is designed to look like a very friendly message. People are not very interested in reading advertisements, but they don???t refuse to read friendly messages. A simple and straight message should be incorporated in your custom printed postcards and hopefully it will be able to produce a positive emotional reaction from audiences.
Custom postcard printing service offered by Hot Print is able to provide you with high quality final product that as well should be perfectly timed for its delivery. For example, if you are able to aim that your postcards reach the mailboxes of your potential clients by Tuesdays when the volume of the mails on that day is usually much lighter, there are bigger chances that you promotional material will be seen and read. So, postcard printing and mailing should be done at least on Thursdays or Fridays so that your promotional material could reach the mailboxes of potential customers in those days when they receive less mail.
Postcard print prices vary and they depend on different factors ??? quantity that is ordered, color options, quality of paper stock, postcard size, turnaround time, etc. However, Hot Print offers postcard printing cheap solutions which are affordable to all businesses. So, if you are looking for a cheap postcard printing, make sure to check out our offer.
Hot Print offers a digital postcard printing solution so that our clients will receive the best quality work. You can opt as well for a photo postcard printing in full color. Printing a postcard at a professional print store is not the same as printing a postcard on your home printer. Even if you are thinking that you will get a free postcard printing just because you are doing it at home on your printer, don???t forget about the cost of the toner/ink and blank postcards for printing. This all costs money, so in the end it might turn out that your custom postcard printing at home is a way more expensive solution, and this way this marketing strategy will not lead to profit and business efficiency.
Hot Print??s online postcard printing FAQ??s
Can postcard printing help grow my business? If you run a business, you know that communication between you and your clients is a key to success. Staying in touch with your regular clients is necessary as well. This is why a lot of print stores including Hot Print offer postcard printing solutions that can help you in promoting your business, making a sale, invite audiences to events, etc. It is very important that you as a businessman portray your image on these types of promotional material. So, for any company that wants to grow even more, investing into a postcard printing and distribution campaign is a must.
How should I design my postcard? There are some very simple guidelines to adhere to when you are planning to create a postcard of your business. For example, smallest postcards that Hot Print offers are 4 x 6 inches, which is the standard size of postcards. The largest size of one postcard is 6 x 9 inches. The best thing is to always design a postcard with a front and a back, although some people prefer to leave the back side empty. Make sure that the design of the postcard is designed in the way that it represents your business in the best possible light.
Can I use colored text when designing my postcard? Yes, it is even recommended that you use colors. However, if your postcard is using a very small font for the text, it is better leaving it as it is, in black, because of possible misregistration during the printing process. On headlines, it is ok if you use colored texts.
What cards of card stock should be used for postcard printing? Hot Print offers two different types of card stock for your postcard prints ??? 14pt gloss coated cover UV and 14pt premium uncoated cover. Coated and uncoated are the two main categories when it comes to commercial postcard printing. The truth is that choosing a card stock for your postcards will be one of the most important choices that you will have to make.
Where can I find templates or images for my postcard printing? If you can invest into stock photography, you will be able to get a variety of images made by professionals that you can later use as a background for your postcards. You can a well opt for free postcard templates that Hot Print offers on their web site. The free templates are divided by different sizes of postcards they were made for. These templates were created by professional designers.
Can you help me with the design of my postcards? Yes, Hot Print can give advices as well as custom design options for a fair price. Next, you can choose as well a background for your postcard from some of the many free postcard templates that can be found on our web site.
I run a business. Why should I print a postcard? The truth is that there are a lot of reasons why one should make a postcard. This is a very successful marketing tool, and this can be a great way of spreading out the news about your company among your potential clients. Also, you can use a postcard to announce sales, different event, or just to inform your client about changes in your address.
Can you tell me something about the history of postcards? The first postcard was made back in 1898. I it has a written text on one side and a print on another side. Since that time, postcards have developed a lot. They mostly had an image printed on the front side and the address of the recipient as well as a space to write on the back side. Today??s postcards still look the same, more or less, where the front part is always reserved for an image and the back side is used for the address and additional message.
What is custom postcard printing? A lot of print companies offer custom postcard prints which are cheap and easy to be made. They can be made in full color or can be black and white. If you are creative enough, you can even have your custom postcard cut into different shapes. All the mentioned facts make postcards an ideal solution for your businesses next mailing.
What is the difference between postcard and other similar marketing tools? Any marketing strategy that involves postcards can be very effective and successful. One reason why many businesses opt for postcards is because they are much cheaper to be made and this can save a lot of expenses on the long run. Also, designing a postcard is much faster and easier than designing a flyer, brochure or catalog. It is very easy to find postcard printing companies.
Can I expect good response when using a postcard printing solution? We cannot guarantee that the response you will get will be satisfying for you. Everything will depend on the type of the business you are running, the market where you are running your campaign, the looks of your promotional material, etc. However, until now a lot of businesses reported very good market responses when using postcards as a main marketing tool.
What are trim and bleed in the postcard printing terminology? Trim is the finished size of one document. It is a place where the document is cut. From the other side, bleed stands for extra space that should be added to the edges of the document. For example, if printing a 4 x 6 inch postcard, the size of the document should be 4.25 x 6.25 inches.
What are the postcard sizes that Hot Print offers? Our clients will be able to choose among 4 x 6 inch postcards, 5 x 7 inch postcards and 6 x 9 inch postcards.
What are the minimum and the maximum number of postcards that can be ordered at Hot Print? The minimum size of postcards that should be ordered is 100 and the maximum number is 10.000
Which are the shapes and the styles of postcards that can be made at Hot Print? We offer two different styles of postcards ??? postcards with square corners and postcards with rounded corners.
What is the turnaround time for one postcard print order? We offer three different turnaround deliveries. The first is the standard, 4 to 6 business day???s delivery service. The second is the express, 2 to 3 business day???s delivery service. The third option is for our client that are in a need of rush work. In that case we offer next day printing solutions.
Can I have a design proof prior to postcard printing? Yes, we offer a free design proof which will be sent to your email. After the design is confirmed, the process of printing can proceed.
Can you print in full color on the back side of the postcard? Yes, we have three different solutions when it comes to printing on the back side of the postcard. This means that you can opt for leaving the back side completely blank, you can opt for a grayscale color or for a full color solution.
When I how can I pay for the ordered work? The payment is done online, before the work is sent to print. You can pay through PayPal, or opt for a payment with some of the following credit cards ??? Visa, MasterCard, Discovery and Amex. We are a verified merchant, authorized by
Do you have a refund policy? We don???t have refund or a return policy. However, if some work wasn???t made properly due to our mistake, it will be reprinted free of charge. From the other side, if the final work which is not satisfactory to the client is a result of the clients mistake, misspelling, misleading and similar, the job can be reprinted, but it will be fully charged.
Standard Sizes
Any Trim Size
Standard Sizes
Our standard sizes, listed below, are the most popular in the industry. Any sizes in blue are EDDM eligible. To learn more about EDDM, see the EDDM page under the "Services" tab.
2.75" x 2.5"
2.5" x 8.5"
3.5" x 8.5"
3.66" x 8.5"
4.25" x 2.75"
4.25" x 3.66"
4.25" x 4.75"
4.25" x 11"
4.25" x 12"
5.5" x 8.5"
5.5" x 2.125"
6" x 4.25"
6.5" x 11"
8.5" x 7.5"
8.5" x 11"
8.5" x 14"
Any Trim Size
You can order custom sizes by using the "Any Trim Size (Edit Below)" option in the pricing calculator. First select the standard size option which is larger in both dimensions (height and width) than your desired custom size. In the "Any Trim Size (Edit Below)" box on the pricing calculator (shown below), type in your desired dimensions. Please remember if you are ordering "Any Trim Size" for a product that is folded, "Any Trim Size" dimensions are for the product before it is folded.
Be mindful of the custom trim when submitting a file to prevent any part of your design from being trimmed away. It's extra important to look at a proof when ordering custom trim.
14pt Uncoated Cover
14pt Gloss Cover
16pt C1S Gloss Cover
16pt C2S Gloss Cover
100# White Linen Cover
14pt Uncoated Cover
You may be familiar with this type of stock from thick index cards, though the finish is much higher quality.
This is a very versatile stock. The uncoated finish is good when you don't want a slick and shiny look, while the firm 14 Pt. stock folds precisely.
14pt Gloss Cover
You may be familiar with this type of stock from presentation folders.
This thick and stiff stock is coated on both sides with a glossy finish.
16 Pt C1S Gloss Cover
You may be familiar with this type of stock from heavy bookmarks or other products printed on a semi-rigid card stock.
This is our thickest stock and comes with a gloss coating on one side. Because of its thickness, it is not ideal for folding unless scored first.
16 Pt C2S Gloss Cover
You may be familiar with this type of stock from heavy bookmarks or other products printed on a semi-rigid card stock.
This is our thickest stock and comes with a gloss coating on both sides. Because of its thickness, it is not ideal for folding unless scored first.
100# White Linen Cover
You may be familiar with this type of stock from business cards or notecards with a subtle, woven, fabric-like finish.
This sturdy paper offers a unique non-glossy look enhanced with a subtle, woven linen finish.
4/4 (Full Color Both Sides)
4/1 (Full Color Front / B&W Back)
4/0 (Full Color Front Side Only)
Full color on both sides of the sheet. This option can reproduce the range of colors you see in a typical photograph out of the standard 4 printing colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Typical examples of this are magazine covers and high-end catalogs.
Full color (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black as above) on the front and black on the back. A typical example of this is a flyer.
Full color (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black as above) on the front and no printing on the back. A typical example of this is a poster.
No Coating
No Coating
Coating is unavailable on Digital Printing
Explanation of Turnaround Time
Explanation of Turnaround Time
See a quick chart showing turnaround times
Click Here
Turnaround times begin when the proof is approved. All times are based on standard business days Monday through Friday excluding federal holidays. For orders shipping to the blue zone, please use the Eastern time zone (New York). For orders shipping to the red zone, please use the Pacific time zone (California). Please see the below map:
Please note that turnaround time does not include shipping or mailing time. You may select from available production turnaround times and your preferred shipping time as you place your order.
Our products are the same great quality for every turnaround time we offer.
Next Day Turnaround
If you order a proof (Online PDF or Hard Copy Proof), your turnaround time begins as soon as you approve your proof in our system. If you order "No Proof, Run As Is" (only recommended if you are certain you want us to print what you sent as is), your turnaround time will be based on the guidelines listed below. Once your order is in imposition, you should receive an email with your estimated order completion date (does not include shipping or mailing).
Files must be uploaded before the cut off time, which is 9:30 a.m. Pacific for orders produced in our West facility and 9:30 a.m. Eastern for orders produced in our East facility. If you request a proof, you must approve your proof by 10:45 a.m. in the time zone your order is produced for turnaround time to begin.
Next Day Shipped Orders
Orders will ship the next business day if you follow the guidelines.
Files uploaded after the cut off time will be processed the following business day.
Rush Turnaround
To accommodate tight deadlines, this product is available with Rush Turnaround for an extra charge. Our standard turnaround times are also available at no extra charge. To order Rush Turnaround, simply select it from the Turnaround dropdown menu in the pricing calculator.
Note: Rush orders do not automatically include rush shipping. Please select the best shipping option to meet your needs.
1-2 Day Turnaround
If you order a proof (Online PDF or Hard Copy Proof), your turnaround time begins as soon as you approve your proof in our system. If you order "No Proof, Run As Is" (only recommended if you are certain you want us to print what you sent as is), your turnaround time will be based on the guidelines listed below. Once your order is in imposition, you should receive an email with your estimated order completion date (does not include shipping or mailing).
Files must be uploaded before the cut off time, which is 10:30 a.m. Pacific for orders produced in our West facility and 10:30 a.m. Eastern for orders produced in our East facility. If you request a proof, you must approve your proof by 12:45 p.m. in the time zone your order is produced for turnaround time to begin.
1-2 Day Shipped Orders
Orders will ship the next business day after 4:00 p.m. or in 2 business days if you follow the guidelines.
Files uploaded after the cut off time will be processed the following business day.
2-3 Day Turnaround
If you order a proof (Online PDF or Hard Copy Proof), your turnaround time begins as soon as you approve your proof in our system. If you order "No Proof, Run As Is" (only recommended if you are certain you want us to print what you sent as is), your turnaround time will be based on the guidelines listed below. Once your order is in imposition, you should receive an email with your estimated order completion date (does not include shipping or mailing).
Files must be uploaded before the cut off time, which is 10:30 a.m. Pacific for orders produced in our West facility and 10:30 a.m. Eastern for orders produced in our East facility. If you request a proof, you must approve your proof by 4:00 p.m. in the time zone your order is produced for turnaround time to begin.
2-3 Day Shipped Orders
Orders will ship between 2 business days after 4:00 p.m. and 3 business days if you follow the guidelines.
Files uploaded after the cut off time will be processed the following business day.
5 Day Turnaround
If you order a proof (Online PDF or Hard Copy Proof), your turnaround time begins as soon as you approve your proof in our system. If you order "No Proof, Run As Is" (only recommended if you are certain you want us to print what you sent as is), your turnaround time will be based on the guidelines listed below. Once your order is in imposition, you should receive an email with your estimated order completion date (does not include shipping or mailing).
Files must be uploaded before the cut off time, which is 10:30 a.m. Pacific for orders produced in our West facility and 10:30 a.m. Eastern for orders produced in our East facility. If you request a proof, you must approve your proof by 4:00 p.m. in the time zone your order is produced for turnaround time to begin.
5 Day Shipped Orders
Orders will ship 5 business days after 4:00 p.m. if you follow the guidelines.
Files uploaded after the cut off time will be processed the following business day.
5-7 Day Turnaround
If you order a proof (Online PDF or Hard Copy Proof), your turnaround time begins as soon as you approve your proof in our system. If you order "No Proof, Run As Is" (only recommended if you are certain you want us to print what you sent as is), your turnaround time will be based on the guidelines listed below. Once your order is in imposition, you should receive an email with your estimated order completion date (does not include shipping or mailing).
Files must be uploaded before the cut off time, which is 10:30 a.m. Pacific for orders produced in our West facility and 10:30 a.m. Eastern for orders produced in our East facility. If you request a proof, you must approve your proof by 4:00 p.m. in the time zone your order is produced for turnaround time to begin.
5-7 Day Shipped Orders
Orders will ship between 5 business days after 4:00 p.m. and 6-7 business days if you follow the guidelines.
Files uploaded after the cut off time will be processed the following business day.
Rounded Corners
Shrinkwrap and Rubber Bands
Rounded Corners
Rounded corners use extra finishing to convert regular square corners into rounded corners. Rounded corners represent 1/4 of a circle. We offer them in 4 sizes. Sizes are described by the radius of the full circle.
1/8" on all 4 corners
1/4" on all 4 corners
3/8" on all 4 corners
1/2" on all 4 corners
If you prefer rounded corners on only 1, 2, or 3 corners, please submit a custom estimate.
Shrinkwrap and Rubber Bands
Shrinkwrap is a thin, plastic wrapping designed to group the items you order into desired quantities. Additionally, it helps your order arrive in tip-top condition because it reduces rubbing during shipping. It is called "shrinkwrap" because after the plastic is placed around each bundle, it is shrunk with gentle heat for a better fit.
Orders can also be grouped using rubber bands.
5 per package
10 per package
25 per package
30 per package
40 per package
50 per package
75 per package
100 per package
Please note that if your order quantity and the number of pieces per package will result in more than 200 individually shrinkwrapped packages, your order may require an additional 1-2 days for fulfillment.
For other quantities, please submit a custom estimate.
When to choose Offset
When to choose Digital
Custom Orders
The quantity available is dependent on the order specifications you choose. To see available quantities, complete all order specifications in the pricing calculator and click on the "Quantity" dropdown menu.
Due to our printing process, we print in specific quantity increments. If you would like an amount not listed in the pricing calculator, you have two options.
Request a custom estimate for the specific quantity you need
Order a larger quantity and ask us to ship only what you need
Ordering one of our specified quantities is generally more affordable than a custom estimate. Let us know how many units you would like shipped and we will recycle the excess for you. Simply choose the amount of items you would like recycled under the "shipping" section after placing your order.
For example, if you would like 700 units, you can order 1000 units and let us know you only want 700 shipped. We will responsibly dispose of the extras. We typically print more than the quantity ordered. Because printing is a manufacturing process, the total finished quantity may vary. We usually ship a few more than you order, but sometimes quantities can vary +/- 5%. Standard industry procedure is to consider this range shipment in full.
When to choose Offset
4-Color Offset printing is ideal for lower prices on large quantity orders or any time you would like coating on your products.Almost always, people choose this option when ordering large quantities.
When to choose Digital
4-Color Digital printing is ideal for lower quantity orders and additional paper options, and usually has even faster turnaround times. Digital products cannot be coated.
Custom Orders
If you would like to order product options not available in the pricing calculator, simply request a custom estimate. To request a custom estimate, click "Estimates" at the top of the page.
In many cases, it is more affordable to order one of our specified quantities than to place a custom order. Custom orders are most commonly placed for order specifications that are not listed in the calculator.
If all your order specifications are available in the Pricing Calculator but you would like a quantity not listed in the dropdown menu, choose the next-highest quantity. Simply choose "recycle overages" in the shipping method section and we will responsibly recycle the extras.
For example, if you would like 700 units, you can order 1000 units and let us know you only want 700 shipped. We will responsibly dispose of the extras.
Get Templates
Create Your Own Templates
File Preparation
File Orientation
Bleed and Safe Area
Proofs and File Check
Please Select Template Below:
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. This template can be imported into: InDesign, Quark Express, Illustrator, Corel Draw, and many other content creation programs.
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and is a basic raster file format. This template is recommended for Photoshop.
EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript. This template is recommended for advanced Illustrator users only.
Create Your Own Templates
Video tutorials coming soon!
File Preparation
In order to ensure your files are print-ready, we recommend that you upload them in PDF format. When you generate a print-ready PDF, your computer will use the settings in Adobe Acrobat Distiller or any other PDF generating programs you may use. Please make sure that these are set properly before generating your PDF file.
If you are uploading PDF files created in Photoshop, please be sure all layers are flattened.
We also accept .JPG (JPEG), .EPS and .TIF (TIFF) file types, however PDF is the preferred format.
Check your file to make sure it meets our file creation guidelines. This will help speed up the production of your project and give your printed piece the best results.
Use the CMYK colorspace (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK). These are industry standard printing colors. CMYK colors are different than RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which are used to display colors on your screen.
Use a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for image files.
Specify trim area with crop marks. (Don't place crop marks inside the work area.)
Artwork should have 1/8" (0.125") bleed extending past the trim line. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
Safe Area is the 1/8" (0.125") area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
If you want printed borders, they must be placed a minimum of 1/8" (0.125") inside the trim line and include bleed. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge.
File Orientation
Please click the link below for an explanation of file orientation.
Bleed and Safe Area
We require that you extend any images that run up to the trim line a minimum of 1/8" (0.125") past the trim line to create "bleed". Depending on what program you use to create your file, this may or may not change the total image area of your file. Programs like Photoshop that do not allow the creation of "bleed" or the addition of crop marks will require an image area that is 1/4" (0.25") larger than your desired final overall image area in both dimensions.
Safe Area is the 1/8" (0.125") area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area. This is to prevent minor cutting variations from leaving unintended results at the trim edge. If you choose to make less than this minimum clearance, we will NOT be responsible for items that are cut off in this area.
Proofs and File Check
We offer three proof options:
Online PDF Proof: You will be sent a link to view your proof via email. Please keep in mind that this is only a proof for con the color on your screen may vary from the color of your final product, depending on your monitor and viewing conditions.
Hard Copy Proof: The Hard Copy Proof can either be picked up on-site or shipped to you. Please keep in mind that this is a proof for content and positioning and is not printed on your actual job stock. Color may vary slightly when printed on the stock you ordered. When ordering a Hard Copy Proof, you will receive a complimentary Online PDF Proof, as well.
No Proof, Run As-Is: This option is for the industry professional who is certain their project is ready to hit the press and does not require the additional security of a proof.
File Check:
If our prepress department sees anything questionable with your file, we will contact you via email with our concerns. Should prepress email you, please note that your job is not considered fully submitted until you respond to this email. This should be factored into your turnaround time.File check does not apply to No Proof, Run As-Is. No Proof, Run As-Is jobs print from the exact file(s) you upload unless it is not possible to print because your supplied file does not match the specifications ordered.
How to check your Online PDF:
The black crop marks indicate the final trim size. The Red line ( Dashed ) indicates the (Score) The Green line ( Dashed ) indicates the (Perf). The Red Line (Solid) indicates the ( Cut or Trim ) line.
The verbiage on the file, this will indicate the page position after folding.
Please Note: The charge for our technical team to review your file when first submitted is included in the price of your order. If they note technical concerns with your file, they may email you with their concerns so you can upload a corrected file. If subsequent uploads still contain errors, you may be charged an additional prepress fee to review your file again.
Custom Design
Basic Logo Samples
Corporate Logo Samples
How to Use Custom Design Video
Custom Design
We create fully custom designs that help represent your company, brand or product in a professional way. Custom Design includes consulting to come up with a concept and design revisions, so you're truly part of the process. You can also add either a basic or corporate custom designed logo to your design.
There are 3 design packages to meet your needs:
1. Full Custom Design:
With this option you get complete, professional custom design for the product of your choosing. This includes consulting to discuss the concept, images, text, and revisions.
2. Full Custom Design plus a Basic Logo
With this option you get the complete design just like Custom Design Option 1 plus a basic logo. Basic logo design consists of a single font with a simple icon. See the examples under the "Logo Samples" tab.
3. Full Custom Design plus a Corporate Logo
With this option you get the complete design just like Custom Design Option 1 plus a corporate logo. Your corporate logo design has no limit to font styles so long as they are in our library. You also get a fully designed graphic to accompany your text. See the examples under the "Logo Samples" tab.
To see Custom Design pricing, number of images and revisions for this product, select "Custom Design" on the dropdown menu in the calculator and click the link underneath the menu.
Keep in mind that this price is estimated and includes limits on the amount of images and revisions that can be made before incurring additional charges. We will notify you prior to performing any services that cost more money.
Basic Logo Samples
Corporate Logo Samples
How to Use Custom Design Video
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