As I stand closethere ,the smell hits my nose,and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from

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我已知晓:实际下载内容以预览为准!I close my eyes as tight as they can go.
As I stand there, the smell hits my nose, and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience.
As soon as I close my eyes and try to observe anger, the object of the anger immediately comes into my mind—the person or incident which initiated the anger.
I close my eyes & travel as often as possible, back to this period in my life.
As you run your fingers though my hair, I close my eyes and think of the love we share.
As for riding in a taxi in China, I usually close my eyes, if I'm in a more adventurous mood;
The pain of hesitation, as ice is slowly freezing my heart; I have to close my eyes, so that the soul has suddenly cut off contact sensors.
Close my eyes, I see your smile is as bright as the spring water below the Huangshan Mountain.
I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep as quickly as possible.
Every time the rain comes down, close my eyes and listen. I can hear the lonesome sound of the sky as it cries.
As I described in an earlier post on this topic, on many mornings I do a little ritual: I just close my eyes, and take a couple of minutes to think of the people and things I'm grateful for.
As I described in an earlier post on this topic, on many mornings I do a little ritual: I just close my eyes, and take a couple of minutes to think of the people and things I'm grateful for.
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Unit 5 Section A
Graceful hands Study of words graceful: a. 1
showing a pleasing beauty of form, movement or manner ---She was a blue-eyed blonde
金发女郎 , possessed of graceful manners.
2 . pleasing in both style and attitude 得体的 He made a graceful speech accepting the award. 他作了一个得体的获奖演说。
2. Preceding [辨析]preceding/previous/prior/former preceding“时间、位置或顺序上紧接在前面的” e.g. the preceding chapter previous“时间上早于某人、事件或行动” ---He cannot go for he has a previous engagement.
prior“优先的”?时间、顺序、重要性 e.g. a prior commitment former“以前的,前任的” e.g. the former Present decay
n. the action or state of gradually going bad Dental decay in children is a common phenomenon all over the world. 儿童龋齿是一个全世界普遍的现象。
vi. ① become bad 这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。 The cabbages had already started to decay.
vi. ② lose power, influence, etc. E.g. At that time, Rome Empire had already decayed. E.g.
As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically. 1. 那时,罗马帝国已经衰败。 2. 人们年老时脑力和体力都会衰退。
vt./a. ---Be sure not to forget to secure all the doors and windows before you leave. ---The wall was built to secure the village from attack. --They've secured the government's support for the project. 关紧;保护;得到;
---Are we secure from attack here? ---Make the window secure before leaving the house. ---The young man felt secure about his future. 安全的;牢固的;无忧的 association
n. ① a group of people join together for a
an organization NBA National Basketball Association
美国 全国篮球协会
Detailed study of the text the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die.
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Bad breath, bad taste and smell coming from inside the nose.
Mine is&&little different because where ever I am at this smell stays in, my room , at work&&and in my car.. and the smell changes all the time it depends what I eat. I also get thursty If I dont drink water. I start to get a dry throat and mouth... If i drink anything else that is not water my breath gets worse.. please help!
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