S「ioe 绿茶婊是什么意思思

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Da comrade, these foreign interlopers are not welcome to interfere with our electoral process
I'm sorry, but you're suffering from some major issue that is clouding your judgement. Encroaching into obese? 60 to 75 lbs overweight? I'm at a BMI of 24.3 and I look fatter than that woman. You're flat out wrong.
EDIT: Oh yeah, look at this behemoth:
You know we don't all have to be at a BMI of 20 to be healthy right?
Said no person who has gone from a morbidly obese BMI to a healthy one, ever.
I'm sure they mean a women's European size 42 which is a US 10, and about the size most boutiques make clothes to.
They need to iron out the details
I completely agree, it's all about finding out what works best for you! When I was doing the bulk of my weight loss I was really helped with feeling satiated by a higher protein diet. When I started running and became more active I was feeling tired and hungry until I switched to a higher carb diet, and I now feel more satisfied eating like this. I still switch back to higher protein on days when I'm not active!
That's awesome! Way to go, it's super hard to lose weight from Halloween to New Years too, bad weather and so much temptation.
I have PCOS and I lost over 120 pounds. It wasn't 'easy', but it was extremely simple. Sorry you weren't blessed with the ability to commit to something with determination ??
I'm not so sure about that, my doctor says only about 1/5 of people have the type of makeup to be susceptible to hypertension and arteriosclerosis from sodium, but the 1/5 that are are impacted so negatively the low sodium message has been pushed to everyone.
Nope, it's actually not a fact. High sodium affects some people, but not all. I eat an incredibly high sodium diet at my doctors request as my blood pressure is extremely low, and even still it's barely raised it and I get extreme dizziness etc. I wish it was true so I wasn't at risk of blacking out every time I stand up after sitting for more than 10 minutes.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Glorious.
Absolutely! I get so freaking cranky if I don't eat something with carbs before my run and a carb/protein snack after. I swear running doesn't actually make me lose any weight because of this, I just do it for the cardiovascular health + amazing brain chemicals.
It's the best feeling ever, right?! When I had a BMI of 42 I was constantly stressing about not being 'allowed' a treat, now I can have a treat whatever day I like. On extra hungry days I'm like 'I'll pass, I need that 250 calories for the sheer amount of broccoli I'm going to inhale at dinner tonight'.
I lost 120 lbs in 15 months while eating 3 meals a day and a bedtime snack, as well as occasional brunches, weekends away, nights in the pub, wine tastings, going nuts at thanksgiving and Christmas etc. I did it by trying to copy the way normal sized people eat. Small portions. Light dinner if you went out for lunch. Restricting an extra couple of hundred calories a day if I have a crazy weekend coming up.
I've never lost this much for so long, and I truly feel what's made the difference has been switching my brain over to 'this is how I eat forever'. Every time I ever tried fasting or a sub 1000 calorie a day diet, or low carb, or only whole foods, or a liquid diet, I crashed and burned spectacularly after the first few months.
All that said, I'm delighted intermittent fasting is working for you, however don't come in acting like it's the greatest discovery of all time. I run, and there is no fucking way I can fast during the day. Doesn't mean I didn't crush my weight loss goals and get to a healthy BMI though.
I have tons of fat friends. I used to be the fat friend. None of us ever pulled any shit like this. There's a difference between a normal person who happens to be fat and knows they overeat, and the hysterical special snowflake fat girls of the internet. Most fat people are just normal dude. This is why we need to keep up the positive message that weight loss is possible, so more normal fat people actually try tracking their calories and see it work it's magic.
In fairness, you're not wrong
I'm from Ireland bud, we'd tell our own ma to get absolutely fucked if we weren't worried about getting a slap
TYL that ambiguous sentences can be read more than one way and once clarification is provided consensus can be reached. Isn't communication fascinating?
I'm so sorry! There has been so much casual racism flying around my fb towards Asian Canadians recently I made the mistake of assuming that's what your comment was.
Ah right so. I'll edit my comment. Thank you!
Aren't Canadian? Get absolutely fucked. You remind me of the idiot I met at a party once who asked me if I wasn't worried about all the Asians in my kids school and bitched away merrily to me about all the immigrants coming over here taking our jobs and having anchor babies. I responded &Oh, like me and my husband, right?&. She completely blanked on the fact that we were immigrants because we're from Ireland and white. If you're not First Nations you can get absolutely bent before telling me which of us is and isn't Canadian.
Edit: Apologies to the commenter, this wasn't to do with casual racism at all and was in fact a valid critique of dodgy hiring practises to dick around and keep as much of their money as possible. Sorry for my assumption!
Splenda does have calories in it's granulated form. Far less than sugar at 96 cals per cup, just letting you know in case of future baking! :)
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