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向海峰副教授有机金属配合物高功能材料及器件四川大学化学学院荣誉助理教授Honorary Assistant Professor香港大学化学系国&&&&籍中国毕业院校四川大学化学学院
1.2009.7 至今副教授有机金属配合物高功能材料及器件四川大学化学学院
2.2009.7 至今荣誉助理教授Honorary Assistant Professor香港大学化学系
3.09.6博士后Postdoc Research Fellow有机&无机高功能材料及电子器件香港大学化学系及电机电子工程系 [支志明教授Prof. C. M. Che中科院院士& P. T. Lai教授]
4.05.10博士有机光电子香港大学化学系及电机电子工程系支志明院士& P. T. Lai教授
5.01.8研究助理Research Assistant光化学及光物理香港大学化学系支志明院士
6.00.7硕士分析化学)厦门大学化学系王尊本教授 & 赵一兵教授
7.97.7学士化学国家教育部人才基地班厦门大学化学系1.高效率有机金属配合物磷光发光材料及器件organic light-emitting devicesOLEDs
2.有机半导体小分子或高分子光电材料在太阳能电池organic photovoltaic cellsOPVs和场效应晶体管organic thin-film flied-effect transistorsOTFTs中应用
5.Near-infrared electrophosphorescence based on bis-(8-hydroxyquinolato) platinum(II) complexes, Small Project Funding of the University of Hong Kong
7.Surface Modification of Zinc Oxide Core-Shell Dendron Nanoparticles with Porphyrin Dyes Small Project Funding of the University of Hong Kong师从于支志明院士本人在有机光电材料和器件方面有多年研究经验研究成果发表于Chem. Commun.Adv. Mater.Chem. Eur. J.Appl. Phys. Lett.Inorg. Chem.Organometallics等国际知名学术期刊并以第一作者身份参与撰写英文著作Highly efficient OLEDs with phosphorescent materialsChapter 7Wiley-VCH 2007获奖成果专著论文专利
1.H. F. Xiang,* L. Zhou, Y. Feng, J. H. Cheng, D. Wu, and Xiangge Zhou,* Tunable fluorescent/phosphorescent platinum(II) porphyrin-fluorene copolymers for ratiometric dual emissive oxygen sensing, Inorg. Chem., 2012, (accepted, DOI: 10.1021/ic300040n).
2.L. Zhou, Z. X. Xu, Y. Zhou, Y. Feng, X. G. Zhou, H. F. Xiang,* and V. A. L. Roy,* Structure-charge transport relationship of 5,15-Dialkylated porphyrins, Chem. Commun., 2012, (accepted, DOI: 10.137B).
3.Z. X. Xu, H. F. Xiang, V. A. L. Roy, S. S. Y. Chui, Y. Wang, P. T. Lai, and C. M. Che,* Organic field-effect transistors fabricated with N,N-substituted dialkyl-1,3,8,10- tetramethylquinacridone compounds, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3305.
4.Z. X. Xu, H. F. Xiang, V. A. L. Roy, S. S. Y. Chui, C. M. Che,* and P. T. Lai, Field-effect transistor fabricated with nickel (II) etioporphyrin-I micrometer-sized crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3305.
5.C. M. Che,* H. F. Xiang, S. S. Y. Chui, Z. X. Xu, V. A. L. Roy, J. J. Yan, W. F. Fu, P. T. Lai, and I. D. Williams, A high-performance organic field-effect transistor based on platinum(II) porphyrin: peripheral substituents on porphyrin ligand significantly affect film structure and charge mobility, Chem. Asian J., 92 - 1103.
6.P. Stalling,* V. A. L. Roy,* Z. X. Xu, H. F. Xiang, and C. M. Che, Metal-insulator-metal transistors, Adv. Mater., 20 - 2124.
7.H. F. Xiang, Z. X. Xu, V. A. L. Roy, S. C. Chan, C. M. Che,* and P. T. Lai, Deep-red to near-infrared electrophosphorescence based on bis-(8-hydroxyquinolato) platinum(II) complexes, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3305.
8.H. F. Xiang, Z. X. Xu, V. A. L. Roy, C. M. Che,* P. T. Lai, P. J. Zeng, F. F. Niu, Y. W. Liu, W. Q. Tang, C. J. He, and H. B. Niu, Star-configured carbazole as an efficient near-ultraviolet emitter and hole-transporting material for organic light-emitting devices, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3305.
9.H. F. Xiang, S. W. Lai, P. T. Lai, and C. M. Che, Highly efficient OLEDs with phosphorescent materials (Chapter 7, Phosphorescent platinum(II) materials for OLED applications), Edited by Hartmut Yersin, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH,
10.W. B. Chen, H. F. Xiang, X. Z. Xiang, V. A. L. Roy, B. P. Yan, C. M. Che*, and P. T. Lai, Improving efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells with pentacene-doped CuPc layer, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1109.
11.H. F. Xiang, X. Z. Xiang, V. A. L. Roy, C. M. Che, and P. T. Lai,* Method for measurement of the density of thin films of small organic molecules, Revi. Sci. Inst., 4104.
12.H. F. Xiang, S. C. Chan, K. K. Y. Wu, C. M. Che*, and P. T. Lai, High-efficiency red electrophosphorescence based on neutral bis(pyrrole)-diimine platinum(II) complex, Chem. Commun.,
13.C. M. Che,*S. C. Chan,H. F. Xiang,M. C. W. Chan,Y. Liu,and Y. Wang, Tetradentate Schiff base platinum(II) complexes as new class of phosphorescent materials for high-efficiency and white-light electroluminescent devices, Chem. Commun.,
14.H. F. Xiang, S. C. Yu, C. M Che*, and P. T. Lai, Efficient white and red light emission from GaN/tris-8-hydroxyquinolato aluminum/platinum(II) meso-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin hybrid light-emitting diodes, Appl. Phys. Lett., 18 - 1520.
15.W. Lu, H. F. Xiang, N. Y. Zhu, and C. M. Che,* The 3(pp*) emission of Cy3PAu(C≡C)nAuPCy3 (n=3, 4). Effect of chain length upon acetylenic 3(pp*) emission, Organometallics, 43 - 2346.1.H. F. Xiang and L. Zhou, 一类新型515-二烷基取代卟啉的制备及其在光电器件领域中应用, 中国发明专利
2.C. M Che and H. F. Xiang, Bis-(8-quinolinolato-N,O)platinum(II) based organic photovoltaic cell, 美国专利
3.P. J Zeng, W. Q Tang, F. F. Niu, Y. W. Liu, H. F Xiang and H. B Niu, 一类基于1,3,6,8-四芳基-9-烷基取代咔唑衍生物及在发光二极管中的应用 (1,3,6,8-tetraaryl-9-alkyl substituted carbazole derivative and application thereof in luminescent diode) [1]
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看这些宏定义是什么意思_百度知道
#define MCU_IO_SET_PREP(port, pin, val)
st( P##port##_##pin## = )#define MCU_IO_TGL_PREP(port, pin)
st( P##port##_##pin## ^= 1; )#define MCU_IO_GET_PREP(port, pin)
(P##port## & BM(pin))#define MCU_IO_DIR_INPUT_PREP(port, pin)
st( P##port##DIR &= ~BM(pin); )#define MCU_IO_DIR_OUTPUT_PREP(port, pin)
st( P##port##DIR |= BM(pin); )port和pin是IO口的,例如,如果port是1,pin是0,则P##port##_##pin##=1表示P1_0=1BM定义为 #define BM(n)
(1 && (n))st意思是指括号里的程序直接执行那么我的疑问是1.val是什么意思?2.^这个符号在这里什么意思?整句P##port##_##pin## ^= 1;要怎么解释?3.P##port##DIR |= BM(pin);这一句,或运算是怎么回事?4.P##port##DIR &= ~BM(pin);这一句又是怎么回事?(提示:这些是zigbee cc2530无线通讯点对点通讯里面的程序)
宏定义,相当于在后面程序中,所有遇到宏定义的地方,直接用后面的式子替代。如BM定义为 #define BM(n)
(1 && (n))在后面出现BM(n)的地方,就是直接用 (1 && (n))替换。BM(1),直接就是执行把1左移一位。1、val是一个参数,就是给端口赋值的变量参数。2、^:按位“异或”——仅当两个操作数不同时,相应的输出结果才为1,否则为0。 st( P##port##_##pin## ^= 1; )表示对应的端口pin脚是1时,表达式结果为0,是0时,表达式结果为1。预定义运算与函数中运算符的运算是一样的,关键在于灵活掌握运算符的含义与使用。3、表示DIR的值与BM(pin)“相或”,结果赋值给DIR;4、表示DIR的值与BM(pin)的按位求反的值“相与”,结果赋值给DIR。
##是连接符,即P##port##DIR =PportDIR。不是DIR,而是PportDIR,PportDIR为CC2530方向控制寄存器port可由具体数字替代,,如要设置P1.1位输出方式,即port=1,pin=1即可(根据无线点亮小灯具体函数)。可参看CC2530 datasheet.
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例1 如图已知A1B1C1-ABC是正三棱柱D是AC中点若AB1⊥BC1求以BC1为棱DBC1与CBC1为面的二面角α的度数.(1994年全国高考理科数学23题)
例2 已知Rt△ABC的两直角边AC=2BC=3P为斜边AB上一点现沿CP将此直角三角形折成直二面角A-CP-B如下图当AB=√7时求二面角P-AC-B大小(上海市1986年高考试题难度系数0.28)
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例句与用法1.The critical value when poincare mapping taken the form of smale horseshoes chaos is presented 3给出了poincare映射出现smale马蹄混沌的临界值。 2.The specific route of the system going into smale horse - hoof chaos through subharmonic bifurcation is discussed讨论了系统经过次谐分叉进入smale马蹄混沌的具体途径。 3.P & g has always been a pioneer in human resources management , and john smale is continuing the tradition宝洁公司在人力资源管理方面一直居于领先的地位,而约翰?斯梅尔则延续了这一传统。 4.These results are of great significance for studying and analyzing the smale horseshoes chaos of equation ( 1 )这些结果对于分析和研究方程( 1 )的smale马蹄西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第11页混浊运动具有重要意义。 5.At this time , the criterion concerning the smale horse - hoes chaos of equation ( 1 ) and its related problems are basically solved in this paper至此,本文基本解诀了方程门)的关于smale马蹄混炖的判别及相关问题。 6.A new smoothing newton algorithm for sloving box constrained variational inequality is proposed by using chen - harker - kanzow - smale smoothing function利用chen - harker - kanzow - smale光滑函数提出了一种解箱约束变分不等式的光滑牛顿法。 7.The global bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear nonplanar cantilever is given by a global perturbation method developed by kovacic and wiggins . it is found that the nonlinear nonplanar cantilever can undergo the hopf bifurcation , heteroclinic bifurcations and silnikov - type homoclinic orbit to saddle focus , which means that the nonlinear nonplanar cantilever can give rise to the chaotic motion in the sense of smale horseshoes利用kovacic和wiggins的全局摄动法对非线性非平面运动悬臂梁进行了全局动力学分析,发现系统存在hopf分叉和异宿分叉,并证明系统有silnikov型鞍焦点型同宿轨道,可以产生smale马蹄意义下的混沌。 8.Third , by means of smale , s point estimates theorem , the existence and the convergence theorem of broyden , s iteration is given , the method has less calculation and the speed of super linear convergence for solving the nonlinear equations with nondifferential terms under the point estimates or weak condition第三,本文利用smale提出的点估计理论,给出了在点估计和弱条件下,用计算量小、具有超线性收敛速度的broyden方法来求解带不可微项的非线性方程,给出了存在性收敛性定理及相应的证明。 9.Every result in the paper is presented through specific analytic expression , including the analytic expression of homoclinic orbit or heteroclinic orbit and its melnikov function , analytical expression of periodical track surrounding the center - type singular point within the homoclinic orbit or heteroclinic orbit and its melinkov function , the critical value when periodical m point appears , the critical value when smale horseshoes chaos appears , etc .文中的各个结果均以具体的解析形式给出,其中包括同宿轨道或异宿轨道的解析表达式及其melnikov函数;同(异)宿轨道内围绕中心型奇点的周期轨道的解析表达式及其melnikov函数;出现周期m点的临界值;出现smale马蹄混沌的临界值等。 10.Firstly , some basic properties of the limit
secondly , we give the characterization of both lin - ear automorphisms and linear flows on r ~ ( n ) with the limit thirdly , as applications we prove that the hyperbolic endomorphisms on t ~ ( n ) have the limit shadowing properties , smale " horseshoes " have the same prop - erties on their invariant sets首先,给出了极限跟踪性的一些基本性质;其次,得到了n维欧氏空间上线性自同构及线性流具有极限跟踪性的特征;最后,作为应用证明了双曲环面自同态以及smale “马蹄”在其不变集上具有极限跟踪性。
相邻词汇热门词汇补充单词并写出汉语意思。1.d_sh 2.b_ _t 3.p_ _k_百度知道
补充单词并写出汉语意思。1.d_sh 2.b_ _t 3.p_ _k


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