A postman的音标 came to a small village in England啥意思?急!

阅读下面的短文.把短文中5个画线部分的句子翻译成中文 . 1. Over l60 years ago, there were no stamps in the world. People had to pay a lot of money for receiving a letter. One winter day the north wind was blowing hard. 2. 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
阅读下面的短文,把短文中5个画线部分的句子翻译成中文 。&&&&&&1. Over l60 years ago, there were no stamps in the world. People had to pay a lot of money for receiving a letter.&&&& One winter day the north wind was blowing hard. 2. A postman came to a small village inEngland.&&&& "Here's a letter for Alice," he shouted.&&&& "I'm Alice,"a girl said, The postman gave her the letter.&&&& Alice looked at the envelope (信圭寸) for a minute and gave it back to the postman.&&&& 3. "I'm sorry. I don't have enough money for it. "&&&& Then a man came up and said to the postman. "I'll pay for Alice's letter. "&&&& "No, thank you. "said the girl. 14. There's nothing inside. "&&&& "Really?"asked the man,"How do you know that?"&&&& "This letter is from Tom. Look, sir. This cross in the corner means he is well, and this circlemeans he has found work. "&&&&&&The man was Sir Rowland Hili. He could not forget Alice and the letter. He decided to do something about it. He knew it wouldn't be easy.&&&& 5. About twenty years later the first stamp in the world began to be used in 1840. This stamp was the "Penny B1ack".1.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
阅读下面的文字,完成小题。针挑土(芳菲)从湘西回来,和朋友们说起黑妮;说起在凤凰的偶遇,说起跟她去苗寨跑了一天,看她做的种种事,感慨得很;说想起一句记不全的俗语,“什么什么像针挑土,什么什么像水推沙”,黑妮就是在针挑土;黑妮!黑妮……一说起黑妮,脑子里一边浮现她朴素清瘦的样子,不知为什么有隐隐的心疼。凤凰是她的故乡,但和我们这些外人在一起,倒是她有几分害羞腼腆。黑妮如今工作、居住在意大利,做湘西扶贫工作的时间不短了。最初是一帮一地助学,先后帮了几十个孩子。前些年申请到一笔经费,设计了“湘援游”这个项目。如今每年都会回来几趟,带来游人,带来捐款;关键是,耐心地、苦口婆心地,教苗族妇女如何保存她们优美的刺绣艺术。“负责任的旅游”,听黑妮说,这一旅游概念正在欧洲兴起,它强调旅行者对目的地生存和文化的责任,在旅游资费中,捐出一部分作为扶持当地可持续发展的基金。黑妮就在其中做穿针引线的工作。她在大山里找出苗族传统文化仍保持良好的村寨,从房屋构造、村寨形态、人伦礼仪……最后落实到妇女们的苗绣——这是可以直接带来经济效益的活计。传统苗绣缤纷五彩,灵动有情,但如今在慢慢地退化、消失,机器绣品在泛滥。黑妮,就要跟她们一遍遍地讲,什么是好,什么是不好,不要跟着外面转,要相信你们的祖母和母亲,看着眼前的山水,怀着美好的心愿,做自己创造性的苗绣。那天,我们上午去的是老家寨,一路颠簸,开了一个多小时,我已经在揪着心开始晕车了。最后步行20分钟进寨。在山间步行其实是美好的,暖暖的冬阳,弯弯曲曲镶嵌在田野中的蛮石路,清新的空气,收割干净的田野……老家寨的妇女已得知黑妮要来,身着节日服装的她们已经聚集等候,先用快乐的迎客歌在院子里欢迎,然后进屋拿出各自的绣品,等黑妮来评判。看样子情况不乐观。黑妮没有面露喜色,也没有愠色。她还是那么一字一句、认真地批评她们:“这个不好,一看就是跟机器学的。”“这个线不好,要用棉线。我们这次带了些来。”……黑妮,你这是在做什么?我站在院子里看着这一幕情景,有点发懵。她从那么远跑来,又跑了这么久的山路,就是想通过几句温和的话塑造她们对美和丑的观念吗?堂屋壁板上贴满各种画片,是这个家的装饰墙,也好似所有外来影响的象征:正中一张有些陈旧的毛主席像,把一个更陈旧的大红双喜字贴去了一大半,左边是海南风光照,右边是明星李小龙的赤身拳照,两个胖娃娃图片,一幅小小的西洋画《泉》。下午去另一个苗寨,又是近两小时车程。“这一个绣得比较好,就是村寨的形态不如老家寨,建了些新房。”黑妮对一个个目的地都很了解。等到回程,太阳已经有倦容了。晚上我们在沱江边吉夫开的咖啡馆休息聊天。吉夫是湘援游志愿者,今天一路一直是他提着大包的棉线。黑妮的湘援游,就是靠这些当地的志愿者,不取一毫地付出,才运作起来。今天开车的“李万通”,也有自己的公司。咖啡馆的壁挂上有一个插页,取下一看,是凤凰手绘地图,封面图案取自传统苗绣,那五彩灵动的喜鹊,我看得呆了一下,原来这样好。地图10元一份,买下可算对湘援游的支持,还可得一枚徽章作奖励。我想了想,红着脸买了四份,说回去送朋友。素静的黑妮眼睛亮了。老天!这有什么用!我心里说。有没有用,真不知道,但我忘不掉他们。我查了针挑土的俗语,原来是这样说的:“成家好似针挑土,败家好似水推沙”,“赚钱好似针挑土,花钱好似水推沙”,一下把我的心挑亮了!既然世世代代,要成就一件事都这样难,从来就这样难,那么,以难易成败来衡量黑妮们的行为,有什么意义呢?且写下这一短文,送上对她的祝福吧。(有删改)【小题1】“黑妮就在其中做穿针引线的工作”一句单独成段,联系全文,谈谈作者这样写的用意,以及你对这句话的理解。(6分)【小题2】解释下列两句话在文中的含义。(4分)(1) 等到回程,太阳已经有倦容了。(2) 素静的黑妮眼睛亮了。【小题3】文中反复出现的“针挑土”有哪些丰富的内涵?(6分)【小题4】面对黑妮的“针挑土”行为,“我”表现出怎样复杂的情感态度?以“我”的见闻和感慨组织文章,有哪些作用?(6分)
任务型阅读。&&& Abraham Lincoln said. "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother!" (a)Mothers not only give us lives and spend their lives taking care of us, they also are our first teachers.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Write a "love letter" to Mom on Mother's Day. You can change your words on the (1)____________ a lot of times. AIso, she can (2)_____________ your letter over and over again. &&& (b)These steps can help you write a warm letter to Mom:&& &(d)1.Relax-This "love-letter" is a talk between you and Mom and there are no rules. Even if you make a mistake, is Mom going to be (3)_____________? 2. Collect Your Thought-Take some time to think about your years growing up. 3. Write from Your Heart-Write your letter as if you were there talking to Mom face to face. Tell her how much you (4)____________ her. Your "love letter" to Mom on Mother's Day will make her very (5)____________.&&& (c) 金钱决不能买到! It is sure to be cherished (珍爱), saved and read many times over. It is the best way to (6)___________ your love to Mom! 根据上文,完成下面的任务。 1. 根据短文内容,将下面的的词语填写到短文中(1)-(6)处。&&& show,love,happy,letter,angry,read 2. 把(a)处划线句子翻译成汉语。&&& ____________________________________________________________________________3. 完成(b)处划线句子的同义句。&&&&&These steps can help you write _____________ ______________ warmly. 4. 把(c)处划线句子翻译成英语。&&& ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. 用(d)处划线句子中的词组改写下列句子。&&& Lucy sits behind me.Jim sits in front of me. &&& I sit ______________ Lucy ______________ Jim..
精英家教网新版app上线啦!用app只需扫描书本条形码就能找到作业,家长给孩子检查作业更省心,同学们作业对答案更方便,扫描上方二维码立刻安装!听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。1. What does John do?
]A. A policeman. B. A postman.C. A driver. 2. What is the girl going to do first? 
]A. Have lunch. B. Do her homework. C. Have supper. 3. What is Mary going to be? 
]A. A computer programmer. B. A nurse. C. A student.
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。1. What does John do?
]A. A policeman. B. A postman.C. A driver. 2. What is the girl going to do first? 
]A. Have lunch. B. Do her homework. C. Have supper. 3. What is Mary going to be? 
]A. A computer programmer. B. A nurse. C. A student. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。1. What does John do?
]A. A policeman. B. A postman.C. A driver. 2. What is the girl going to do first? 
]A. Have lunch. B. Do her homework. C. Have supper. 3. What is Mary going to be? 
]A. A computer programmer. B. A nurse. C. A student. 科目:最佳答案1-3
试题“阅读短文,选择正确答案。A man was looking ...”,相似的试题还有:
阅读短文,选择正确答案。Mr. Green was clever three years ago. And few men could trouble him. But one day he was hit down by acar and his head got badly hurt. And now he often forgets something and thinks in a different way from ours.&&&&&& One morning, Mr. Green woke up early. He put on his coat and began to walk in the street while people weresleeping. He wanted to buy newspapers but the post office was still closed. He had to go back and go to bedagain. Before he took off his clothes,someone knocked at the door. He got up and opened it. Two hunters (猎人)came in. They looked at him carefully and then said, "We saw a dead man just now. We thought it was you."&&&& "Really?" Mr. Green said in surprise. "Where?"&&&& "In the forest."&&&& "It's impossible!" said Mr. Green. "I didn't go there at all this morning."&&&& "But he died last night."&&&& "I haven't been there for nearly a week."&&&& "But he looks like you."&&&& "What clothes does he wear, then?"&&&& "A blue coat like yours and brown pants."&&&& "And what color are his socks?"&&&& "Black."&&&& Mr. Green became happy. He showed his socks to them and said, "Look! Mine are white."1. Why does Mr. Green often forget things?[&&&& ]A.Because his head got badly hurt.B.Because he often drove cars.C.Because he was too clever.D.Because few men could trouble him.2. What did Mr. Green want to do when he walked in the street?[&&&& ]A.He wanted to have breakfast.B.He wanted to buy newspapers.C.He wanted to post a letter.D.He wanted to go back to sleep.3. Who knocked at Mr. Green's door?[&&&& ]A.A man from the forest.B.Two hunters.C.A postman.D.A policeman.4. Where did the two hunters find the dead man?[&&&& ]A.In the street.B.Behind Mr. Green's house.C.In the forest.D.Near the post office.5. What color were Mr. Green's socks?[&&&& ]A.Brown.B.White.C.Black.D.Blue.
阅读短文,选择正确答案。An old lady in a plane had a blanket (毯子) over her head and she did not want to take it off. The airhostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, "I have never been in a plane before, and I am frightened. I am goingto keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again!"&&&&& Then the captain came. He said, "Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are noclouds in the sky, and everything is going very well." But she continued to hide.&&&& So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with oneeye and said, "I am sorry, young man, but I don't like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I'll say onething," She continued kindly, "You and your wife keep your plane very clean!"1. An old lady had ________.[&&&& ]A. glassesB. a blanket over her headC. a coatD. a basket2. She didn't want to ________.[&&&& ]A. take it offB. turn it offC. get onD. talk about it3. ________ spoke to her.[&&&& ]A. The air hostessB. The man next to herC. her husbandD. one of her friends4. The old lady had never been _______ before.[&&&& ]A. abroadB. homeC. in a planeD. in hospital5. The woman didn't like planes and she was never going ________.[&&&& ]A. to fly againB. to travelC. to go abroadD. to go home
阅读下面的短文,把短文中5个画线部分的句子翻译成中文 。1. Over l60 years ago, there were no stamps in the world.People had to pay a lot of money forreceiving a letter.&&&& One winter day the north wind was blowing hard.2. A postman came to a small village inEngland.&&&& "Here's a letter for Alice," he shouted.&&&& "I'm Alice,"a girl said, The postman gave her the letter.&&&& Alice looked at the envelope (信圭寸) for a minute and gave it back to the postman.3. "I'm sorry. I don't have enough money for it. "&&&& Then a man came up and said to the postman. "I'll pay for Alice's letter. "&&&& "No, thank you. "said the girl.14. There's nothing inside. "&&&& "Really?"asked the man,"How do you know that?"&&&& "This letter is from Tom. Look, sir. This cross in the corner means he is well, and this circlemeans he has found work. "&&&&&&The man was Sir Rowland Hili. He could not forget Alice and the letter. He decided to do something about it. He knew it wouldn't be easy.5. About twenty years later the first stamp in the world began to be used in 1840.This stamp wasthe "Penny B1ack".1.&&&2.&&&3.&&&4.&&&5.&&&完形填空 My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling 1 , but I always knew he was 2 . He never criticized us, but used 3 to bring out our best. He'd say, “If you p 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
  My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling
1 , but I always knew he was
2 . He never criticized us, but used
to bring out our best. He'd say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don't give them water, they die.” I
as a child I said something
about somebody, and my father said,“
time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it's a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best
people, I would get the best
8 . From then on I've always tried to
the principle in my life and later in running my company.
  Dad's also always been very
10 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was
a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a
12 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.
  I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,
13 any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad
me to go into law. And I've
regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,
I didn't pursue my
17 . You know what you want. Go fulfill it. ”
turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national
for young people in the U. K.. My wife and I have two children, and I'd like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad
(1) 根据(14)空后的me to so into law判断此处应用lawyer。本题考查名词用法。
(2) 根据下文内容,父亲从来不批评我们,而是利用表扬使我们更好。因此判断,父亲与一般人不一样,而是特别的。本题考查形容词辨析。
(3) 与批评相对的,应是表扬。根据前后文,考查名词的用法。
(4) think认为;imagine想象;remember记着;guess猜想。(4)空后叙述了他过去做过的一件事,因此应用remember。本题考查动词的用法。
(5) unnecessary“不必要的”,unkind“不友好的,恶意的”unimportant“不重要的”;unusual“不平常的”。根据下文中的“if I look for the best...”可知,自己说了一些不好的话,因此应用B项。本题考查形容词的用法。
(6) another time“另一次”; some time“一段时间”;any time“任何时候”,other time“其余时间”。这4个短语,只有any time可引导时间状语从句。本题考查time短语的用法。
(7) in表示“一个人如何看待另一个人”。如:You've got a very good friend in Pat。你有个好朋友帕特。本题考查介词的用法。
(8) in case“万一,以防”;by turns“轮流”;by chance“碰巧”;in return“作为回报”,根据题意:如果你在别人身上寻找好的东西,作为回报,你也会得到最好的东西。本题考查固定短语的用法。
(9) follow the principle“遵循这一准则”。本题考查固定搭配。
(10) 根据下文,作者谈到自己辍学搞杂志创作,父亲没有反对,而是鼓励他按自己的愿望去做,因此父亲是善解人意的。本题考查形容词的用法。
(11) take up“占据”,make up“构成”;pick up“拾起,捡起”;keep up“保持”。根据题意;写杂志占去很多时间,因此A项正确。本题考查短语动词的用法,一定要牢记短语的意义及用法。
(12) 根据下文stay in school or leave to work on my magazine判断,老师给了两个选择。本题考查名词的用法。
(13) and“并且”;as引导方式状语从句,“像……一样”;even if引导让步状语从句“即使”;as if引导让步状语从句,“好像”。据题意:像任何一个好父亲一样,爸爸设法劝我改变决定。本题考查连词的用法。
(14) help sb. (to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”;allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”;persuade sb. to do sth. “说服某人做某事”;suggest doing sth.“建议做某事”。根据上文可知,父亲想做生物学家,而最终是做了律师,很显然是被爷爷说服了。本题考查动词用法。根据搭配及上下文来判断。
(15) 当时爷爷要我父亲从事法律,而父亲自己想当生物学家。尽管父亲听了爷爷的话,做了律师,但是父亲一辈子总是后悔。本题考查副词的用法。
(16) 根据前后意思。此处表转折,因此B项正确。考查连接词的用法。根据上下文判断。
(17) 自己想做生物学家,而被自己的父亲说服了做了律师,因此自己没有去追求自己的梦想。本题考查名词的用法,根据上下文判断。
(18) it turned out...“结果是……”,为固定结构。本题考查代词的用法。
(19) 根据上文:自己创办自己的杂志,可知B项正确。本题考查名词的用法,此题须根据上下文来判断。
(20) 我现在有两个孩子,我想用父亲抚养我的方法来抚养他们。raise有“抚养,养育”之意。本题考查动词的用法。
完形填空  One day when Einstein was  1 his way home, a young man stopped  
him and wished  2 a word with him. Einstein granted his request.  The young man asked, “How, Mr Einstein, can you
 3 your fame?”  The scientist said, “It seems that you have been thinking of  4  famous  
every day.”  The young man nodded, “Yes, I have been dreaming  5 being a  
person as well-known as you. Every minute I am thinking of how to become famous, I don’t  
know when I can achieve my fame.”  
  Einstein told him, “Don’t worry, young man. If you  6 to be famous like this,  
you will have to wait until you  7  .”  Why should I? ” the young man was  8  .  Einstein said, “  9  you dream of is actually a high building. You never think of  
how to build it  10  bricks.Thus the building will never  11  reality. However,  
your story can serve  12  a mirror.People will remember you  13  your laziness.  
They will often speak of your name while they give warnings to their children. Don’t you  
think you will be a notorious person  14  ?”  
   [  ]
   [  ]
  A. have   
  B. having  
  C. to have   
  D. to having  
   [  ]
  A. have achieved  
  B. be achieved  
  C. be achieving   
  D. to achieve  
   [  ]
  A. become   
  B. bacame   
  C. get   
  D. becoming  
   [  ]
  A. for   
  B. of   
  C. from   
  D. into  
   [  ]
  A. want
  B. wanted
  C. will want
  D. are wanting
   [  ]
  A. die
  B. will die
  C. are dying
  D. died
   [  ]
  A. puzzle
  B. puzzling
  C. puzzled
  D. to puzzle
   [  ]
  A. That
  C. Which
  D. What
   [  ]
  B. with
  C. use
   [  ]
  A. come to
  B. come up with
  C. come across
  D. come into
   [  ]
  B. such
  C. for
   [  ]
  A. for
  B. because
  C. because of
  D. reason of
   [  ]
  A. since then
  B. by then
  C. till then
  D. now and then
A Joke on a Friend
  Mark twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many famous stories
which are still popular in many countries today.Mark Twain was also famous in his day 1
a public speaker.In his speaking Mark Twain always liked 2 funny stories.He
also liked to listen to funny stories and to 3 his friends.One day one of his
friends 4 his wallet and asked him 5 his train fare for him. 
  “But I don’t have enough money to pay 6 your fare and my
fare,”Mark Twain said.
  The friend didn’t know 7 to do.He was very sad. “We can do
this.”said Mark Twain.“We can 8 the train and when the conductor comes to take
the tickets you can hide 9 my seat.”
  Later, 10 ,on the train,when the conductor came to take the
tickets,Mark Twain gave him two tickets 11 for Mark Twain and one for his
friend.Then 12 a loud voice,Mark Twain explained.
  “My friend here is a 13 strange man.When he travels on a train
he doesn’t like to sit 14 a seat.He prefers 15 on the floor under the
  Of course,everybody in the train then looked at the poor friend under
the seat and laughed at him loudly.
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.to say
   B.to make
   C.to speak
   D.to tell
   [  ]
   A.make a joke about
   B.have a joke with
   C.play jokes on
   D.play a trick on
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.to buy
   B.to cost
   C.to pay
   D.to charge
   [  ]
   D.as well as
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.get on
   B.go on
   C.get in
   D.go in
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   C.a ticket
   D.the one
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.to lay
   B.to lie
   C.to laying
   D.to be lying
Mr Parker was living in the country , and he wanted to go to an office
in the city one day . He 1 the address on a letter, got 2 his car and 3 to
the city . He drove straight to the office without any 4 and stopped his car 5 the
office. He locked his car and 6 to go into his office, but suddenly he turned
around and went back to his car . He remembered that he 7 his keys in it ! He
telephoned his wife and said, “ 8 , I ’ve locked my keys in my car . Please 9
me your keys .”
Mrs Parker got into their 10 car and drove twenty miles to 11
her husband. But 12 Mr Parker was waiting for his wife, he walked 13 his
car and tried the other 14 . It was not locked ! Mr Parker locked it 15 before
his wife arrived.
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.in the front of
   B.in the middle of
   C.in front of
   D.at the foot of
   [  ]
   [  ]
   A.has locked
   B.had lock
   D.had locked
   [  ]
   A.listen to me
   B.I need your help
   C.Excuse me
   D.Don’t smile at me
   [  ]
   [  ]
   C.a second
   D.the other
   [  ]
   C.look at
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
   [  ]
This was one of my experiences &&&1&& .When I was in my 30s,I was working for a large
international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the
&&2& &department.
The company had a training center which was
just outside London. Different courses were held there throughout &&&3&& &and I
&&&4&& &go on one training course a year. These usually started &&&5&& &a
Sunday evening and lasted six days.
Once I was &&&6&&
&a week’s training
course with about forty &&&7&&
&sales people. I was in
the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was &&&8&& &behind the bar asked me a curious question.“I hope you don’t &&&9& &my asking,”
she said, “but I’ve been& &&&10&& &about
it all week. Have you got a sister   11&&& &Mary?” The woman’s name was June. And she used to do various
jobs at the training center’s worked in the office, she organized all the food
and drink for the center and she worked in the bar at lunch time and in the
My answer &&&12&&
&June’s question was
“Yes”,and June said,“I thought &&&13&&
.I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At
that time, my sister was working for &&14&& &company but in a different part of the
country. That was &&&15&&
&she came to be at the
training center.
&& &&&16&& &surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister.
Three things made it even more   17&&& .First, she had met my sister six months
before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the
training center’s about one thousand five hundred people had &&&18&& &the
center in those six months. And &&&19&&
,my sister is married, so she doesn’t have the same family name as
We’re not &&&20&&& ,but I guess we must look quite like each
1. A.in work                        &&& B.out
C.at work                        &&& D.about
2. A.selling                          && B.sales
C.sale                            & D.sold
3. A.the year                        &&& B.the
C.the week                        && D.the
4. A.used to                           B.once
C.get used to                      &&& D.was
5. A.at         &U                    && B.in
C.during                          & D.on
6. A.on                            &&& B.in
C.during                          & D.over
7. A.other                           & B.another
C.the other                        && D.one
8. A.hearing                         && B.waiting
C.serving                           D.seeing
9. A.matter                            B.care
C.remind of                        & D.mind
10. A.understanding                   &&& B.wondering
C.discovering                      && D.worrying
11. A.called                          & B.calling
C.calling on                      &&& D.calling
12. A.of                            && B.about
C.to                            && D.for
13. A.that                              && B.it
C.such                          && D.so
14. A.the same                       && B.a
C.another                        && D.the
15. A.where                           B.when
C.what                          && D.how
16. A.All                            & B.What
C.That                &Un          & D.It
17. A.surprising                      &&& B.surprised
C.strange                        && D.puzzled
18. A.passed through                  &&& B.passed
C.left                             D.passed
19. A.finally                           B.at
C.at last                           D.later
20. A.friends                        &&& B.relatives
C.twins                          & D.brother
and sister
This was one of my experiences &&&1&& .When I was in my 30s,I was working for a large
international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the
&&2& &department.
The company had a training center which was
just outside London. Different courses were held there throughout &&&3&& &and I
&&&4&& &go on one training course a year. These usually started &&&5&& &a
Sunday evening and lasted six days.
Once I was &&&6&&
&a week’s training
course with about forty &&&7&&
&sales people. I was in
the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was &&&8&& &behind the bar asked me a curious question.“I hope you don’t &&&9& &my asking,”
she said, “but I’ve been& &&&10&& &about
it all week. Have you got a sister   11&&& &Mary?” The woman’s name was June. And she used to do various
jobs at the training center’s worked in the office, she organized all the food
and drink for the center and she worked in the bar at lunch time and in the
My answer &&&12&&
&June’s question was
“Yes”,and June said,“I thought &&&13&&
.I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At
that time, my sister was working for &&14&& &company but in a different part of the
country. That was &&&15&&
&she came to be at the
training center.
&& &&&16&& &surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister.
Three things made it even more   17&&& .First, she had met my sister six months
before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the
training center’s about one thousand five hundred people had &&&18&& &the
center in those six months. And &&&19&&
,my sister is married, so she doesn’t have the same family name as
We’re not &&&20&&& ,but I guess we must look quite like each
1. A.in work                        &&& B.out
C.at work                        &&& D.about
2. A.selling                          && B.sales
C.sale                            & D.sold
3. A.the year                        &&& B.the
C.the week                        && D.the
4. A.used to                           B.once
C.get used to                      &&& D.was
5. A.at                             &&& B.in
C.during                          & D.on
6. A.on                            &&& B.in
C.during                          & D.over
7. A.other                           & B.another
C.the other                        && D.one
8. A.hearing                         && B.waiting
C.serving                           D.seeing
9. A.matter                            B.care
C.remind of                        & D.mind
10. A.understanding                   &&& B.wondering
C.discovering                      && D.worrying
11. A.called                          & B.calling
C.calling on                      &&& D.calling
12. A.of                            && B.about
C.to                            && D.for
13. A.that                              && B.it
C.such                          && D.so
14. A.the same                       && B.a
C.another                        && D.the
15. A.where                           B.when
C.what                          && D.how
16. A.All                            & B.What
C.That                          && D.It
17. A.surprising                      &&& B.surprised
C.strange                        && D.puzzled
18. A.passed through                  &&& B.passed
C.left                             D.passed
19. A.finally                           B.at
C.at last                           D.later
20. A.friends                        &&& B.relatives
C.twins                          & D.brother
and sister


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