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The E-Cat is back, and people are still falling for it! – Starts With A Bang
Image captured .
“Science literacy is a vaccine against the charlatans of the world that would exploit your ignorance.” –Neil deGrasse Tyson
Well, I guess it’s that season again. The
who claims to have
— the same device whose
— has just held an “independent test” of his device, and there’s now
claiming that this device works, and must be powered by some type of nuclear reaction!
Image credit: G. Levi et al.; get the whole paper here:
Look, let’s get a few things out into the open first. If there is a cold fusion device that actually works, that can harness the power of nuclear fusion to create energy, it would change the world. We would —
— have a virtually limitless source of clean and cheap energy, and would not only be able to travel to Mars, but to any other world in our Solar System. We could even, literally, reach for the stars!
Image credit: OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux), via
But it’s not enough to just simply think about how wonderful it would be if it were true, especially because whether cold fusion can even physically happen in our Universe is currently an open scientific question. (The evidence so far says no, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible in principle!)
What we must do, when confronted with a claim that’s this extraordinary — that we have a device, at low-temperature, with neutral atoms, fusing atomic nuclei — is demand evidence that shows this is really true, and that we aren’t falling victim to some elaborate ruse.
Image credit: John Cooke, of “Piltdown Man”, one of history’s most elaborate scientific hoaxes.
What we need, if we want to take this claim seriously, is solid, incontrovertible evidence that what’s being claimed is what’s actually happening. Because one of the most important responsibilities that science has to society is to protect it from frauds, hucksters, shysters and con artists who would defraud you out of your money, time, and trust with their cheap trickery and chicanery.
Image credit: Rossi, Kullander, Essen and the e-Cat, retrieved .
I’m taking it for granted that the vast majority of you don’t have the required expertise to tell whether this is legitimate, or whether this is an example of someone trying to swindle you (and all of us) into investing in something that’s meritless. But a lot of normally smart people are getting very excited about this, including:
Sebastian Anthony over at ,
Francie Diep over at ,
over at , and shockingly,
Tommaso Dorigo of .
So we’ve got to ask, is this test the real deal, or is it , as Lubos Motl says?
Image credit: from the Nov. 12, 2012 testing of the E-Cat, via G. Levi et al.
Let’s answer the following question: What would it take to convince a reasonable observer that you’ve got a controlled nuclear reaction going on here?
There are a few ways we could do it:
Allow a thorough examination of the reactants before the reaction takes place, and another of the products after the reaction, and show that nuclear transmutation has in fact taken place.
Start the device operating by whatever means you want, then disconnect all external power to it, and allow it to run, outputting energy for a sufficiently long time in a self-sustaining mode, until it’s put out a sufficient amount of energy to rule out any conventional (i.e., chemical) energy sources.
Place a gamma-ray detector around the device. Given the lack of shielding and the energies involved in nuclear reactions, gamma-rays should be copious and easy to detect.
Accurately monitor the power drawn from all sources to the device at all times, while also monitoring the energy output from the device at all times. If the total energy output is in sufficient excess to the total energy input to rule out any conventional (i.e., chemical) energy sources, that would also be sufficient.
Fair enough? These all sound reasonable to me, and I would accept any independent test of these three methods as enough evidence to pique my interest. Let’s see what the claims are.
Image credit: G. Levi et al.
So they’re again claiming that this is nickel + hydrogen fusion, which should result in copper. Now, it’s important to know, , the nickel that was analyzed was found to contain the isotopic ratios of normal nickel mined on Earth, while the copper (10% of the product) was found to contain the isotopic ratios of copper found naturally on Earth, not the ratio you’d expect to find copper in if nuclear fusion had occurred! (Since only Nickel-62 and Nickel-64 can fuse with hydrogen into copper, it’d be impossible to get a 10% copper product in any case!)
Image generated using the free graphing software at
For this test, Rossi disallowed the examination of either the reactants or the products, claiming that it would reveal his secret catalyst. So option 1 wasn’t available.
Rossi also refused to unplug the machine while it was operating! Now, Peter Thieberger (who co-wrote
with me, and who is a ) has demonstrated just how easy it would be to keep power flowing to a device in such a way to fool an ammeter, which is a device for measuring electrical current. In other words, it would show that no current was flowing when one actually was!
Image credit: Peter Thieberger.
So option 2 wasn’t available, there could’ve been more power continuously supplied to this setup than was accounted for.
There was also no attempt made to measure gamma-rays, so option 3 didn’t happen. Reading the paper, Rossi left the machine plugged in at all times, and hid a great many details during this independent test. Such as:
“… the E-Cat HT was already running when the test began…”
“…it was not possible to inspect the inside of the control box…”
So, what did this team actually do?
Image credit: Figure 6, from G. Levi et al.
They measured the tube, from a distance, with an infrared camera, to determine its temperature over time. They claim to have set up radiation detectors at a distance to look for high energy photons, but do not include those results. (They say that the results are available upon request. If you get them, please post them in the comments!)
They claim that the input power is well-measured and comes out to an average of 360 Watts, over a timespan of around four days. They provide no data for this, they simply claim it. W are they telling the truth, are they telling the truth as best as they know it, or something else? Without the data, how can you know?
Image credit: Figure 14 from G. Levi et al.
Well, the short of it is, it got very hot and stayed very hot — about three-to-seven times hotter than you’d expect based on 360 W of continuous power — for the entire time that it ran.
And then, when you get all the way to page 20, you find this red flag:
During the coil ON states, the instantaneous power absorbed by the E-Cat HT2 and the control box together was visible on the PCE-830 LCD display. This value, with some fluctuations in time, remained in any case within a range of 910-930 W. By checking the video image relevant to the PCE-830 LCD display, we were also able to estimate the length of the ON/OFF intervals: with reference to the entire duration of the test, the resistor coils were on for about 35% of the time, and off for the remaining 65%.
So… it wasn’t a continuous 360 Watts, but rather there was a switching between on/off states, where it was drew over 900 W of power for about a third of the time, and then far less for the other two-thirds. They also only approximate, rather than measure (or provide data for) the amount of power drawn.
Then they claim the following:
Image credit: page 22 of G. Levi et al.
Okay, look.
I’m done pretending that this is science, or that the “data” presented here is scientifically valid. If this were an undergraduate science experiment, I’d give the kids an F, and have them see me. There’s no valid information contained here, just the assumption of success, the reliance on supplied data, and ballpark estimates that appear to be supplied “from the manufacturer.”
This is not a valid way to do science at all. And this is certainly not even close to meeting the criteria required for extraordinary evidence to back up such an extraordinary claim.
Image credit: Hemant Mehta of the Friendly Atheist blog.
I — for once — will also encourage you to , because he seems to be the only person other than me who recognizes what awful pretend-science this is.
I’m not trying to rain on your parade, I’m not trying to poo-poo things we don’t have a full understanding of, and I’m not even trying to convince you that cold fusion is impossible. I’m trying to get you to recognize that there are standards of evidence you must hold these claims to, and that
has failed to meet them, and has failed egregiously.
But if you test it scientifically, then we’ll talk. Not before. Until then, you’re just preying on people who don’t know enough physics to see through your ruse, and I’ll be here to speak up against it, and call shenanigans.
Image credit: from E bonus points if you recognize the source.
Shenanigans, bitches. Now you know.
May 21, 2013
No argument on this one.
Complete scam.
Do you want to know what else is a scam, and fits nicely in your definition of pseudoscience?
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免费下载到手机How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back And Look Good Doing It For the record, I see you there. I see you with your pint of ice cream, your box of Kleenex and your sappy music playing in the background. I see you watching The Notebook over and over again, reminding yourself that real love never dies. And I see you scouring the Internet, looking for answers and . Admit it, right now your Google search box looks a little something like this:Is it possible to get my ex boyfriend back?How to get my ex boyfriend back fast?How can I get him back?I see you, and I am here to tell you right now that it is time to stop. Stop mopin I have your answers. I am going to tell you how to win him back after a breakup.But first, you have to pull yourself together.So deep breaths ladies. Time to put your big-girl panties on and take action. Put the ice cream away, shut off The Notebook and pay attention. You can win him back, but happily ever after is going to take some work on your part first.I'm going to share with you six phases you're going to push through during this period. From break up to make up, each phase will not only get you closer to your goal, but make you a better person who knows what she wants.I'm not going to lie. It's going to take a lot of patience, discipline, and practice. But if you're are serious about winning your ex boyfriend back, you should be prepared to go the extra mile. Especially if he's the one.To make things a little easier with more guidance, the
has everything laid out to walk you through every step and worth taking a look.Let's get started.1. Give Each Other Some Space (You Need This)I want you to do me a favor. Think back on the last 24 hours, the time that precipitated your mad Google search for how to get him back after a breakup. What has your state of mind been like? What have you been feeling? Thinking? Doing?My best bet is that you have been a bit all over the place. A little chaotic and hypersensitive to just about everything. Desperate to get him back and clueless about how to accomplish that.How close am I?I don’t want you to feel bad. This is all normal, including the panicked thoughts about how to win back your ex boyfriend. Once, after a particularly bad breakup, I spent an entire week in my apartment with the blinds closed and the phone unplugged. I cried for days on end and ate nothing but wheat thins and cream cheese while I plotted out text messages that I was sure would be integral in getting him back.The picture of stability and strength, right?We’ve all been there. It is a post-breakup haze that can drown o a voice in your head telling you to text your ex at 3 in the morning to tell him how much you miss him, because surely that is how to win him back.Ignore that voice, it’s the devil.OK, so that may be a bit dramatic. But that voice rea it is the beaten down and broken-hearted part of you that simply isn’t capable of . And if you truly want to know how to win your ex boyfriend back, you have drown out that voice.In fact, that voice is precisely why you need to give your ex a bit of breathing room after a breakup. You have to get your head on straight first if you want to get your man back.You need to kick the desperation and your ex needs to have some time and space to start missing you.So the first step to getting back together after a breakup is to institute a bit of radio silence. We refer to this as the
30 to 60 days where you avoid contact with your ex at all costs.It may sound impossible at first, but this time is essential to healing and moving forward.So take his number out of your phone, resist the urge to e-mail him and stay away from the places where you know a run-in might otherwise be possible. It isn’t easy, but it is necessary if you want to know how to get your boyfriend back after a break up.Just remember that it won’t be forever, and when you
those fireworks will have been given a chance to spark again.2. Relax And Live A LittleSo what are you supposed to do during the weeks when contact is off limits? Well, the answer is simple – you love your life.I mean it. While the urge may be to hole up at home and avoid the world scheming about ways to get him back, that is the last thing you should be doing. Word spreads quickly though social circles and if you turn yourself into a hermit post-breakup, your ex will surely hear about what a recluse you have become.And he will assume it is because you are so
over your breakup that you just can’t pull yourself out of bed.You don’t want him thinking that, even if it is true. In fact, what you really want is for your ex to think you have moved on with ease… Not that you are constantly battling “I want him back” thoughts. You want him to believe that getting over what you two had has really been at all.It may not be true. Heck, it may not even be plausible. But this
it is how you speak to his ego and leave him questioning his importance in your life. The best way to get your ex boyfriend back is to make him think getting back together is the last thing on your mind.Which will
more.Believe it or not, that is also how you begin to heal. Because as cathartic as a little isolation may sound, it really just winds up making you feel depressed for longer. Instead, call up your friends and plan a girl’s night. Propose a . Dance your heart out and say “yes” to every invitation that is extended your way.Get out of the house and live your life.Before you know it, that smile you have been faking will actually start to feel real.3. Put Yourself FirstDo you know what everyone dreams about after a breakup, whether they want their ex back or not? They dream about that first run-in – the moment when someone either wins or loses.Because yes, there are always winners and losers in a breakup.Do you know how you win?By radiating awesomeness.Look, you were fantastic while the two of you were together. You’re an incredible person to begin with. And you just side tracked a little. But, there's no better feeling&than running into an ex when you are at the .Now is the time to be the girl on fire.Relationships have a way of sucking every free second out of our lives. But breakups? Those are a time for reinvention, self-reflection and becoming an even better version of you.So take full advantage of this time. Start chasing some dreams you have put on the back burner as of late. Get back to the gym. Splurge on a new wardrobe and a visit to your favorite hair stylist. Take care of you and focus on becoming the .The girl who will undoubtedly win the next time she sees her ex.4. Run Into Your Ex Like A ChampSo you have made it through the no contact period and have been living it up and taking incredible care of yourself – congratulations! Now you finally get to confront your ex with what he let go of.You have to be careful about how you do this though. You don’t want to just show up on his doorstep or start stalking his work. No, you want that
to seem completely coincidental. Knowing how to win a guy back often involves the ability to be a bit covert.In a perfect world, you would be able to show up at a party thrown by mutual friends and catch your ex’s eye from across the room. Those occasions don’t always present themselves though, so you may need to get a bit more creative. I once went to the same bar for happy hour 5 nights in a row, knowing it was a favorite spot of my ex’s and that he would eventually show up.The bonus was that I got some quality time with friends while we waited for his appearance.When he finally did show, I looked incredible and had my head held high. Because I had been waiting for him, I was able to remain confident and interact with him with ease. And because he hadn’t been expecting to see him, he was caught off guard and clearly shocked by how good I seemed to be doing.Needless to say, we were back together within 2 weeks.Y you just may need to do a little recon to figure out where he is most likely to be in the few weeks. Remember, you don’t want anything to appear too obvious. This should be an accidentally-on-purpose encounter that leaves him desperate for more.If you’re not ready to meet your ex in person, I totally understand. Those emotions can unexpectedly rush back and make you freeze up. What I would recommend is to take it slow and establish a new connection with your ex through .Keep the messages casual and simple and see how he responds. It’s more private and you’ll be in full control at your own comfort.5. Keep Your First "Date" CasualNo matter how great it is to see him, you want to keep a
and avoid begging for another chance.
for a few minutes and then find yourself a reason to excuse yourself. Do this all with a smile on your face and a sincere warmth in your attitude – but don’t be afraid of making it clear that you’ve got other things to do and people to see.In all likelihood, you will hear from him in the days following your run-in. But if, on the off chance, you don’t – you can shoot him a text after a few days. Keep it short and simple, something like:“It was great to see you the other night. Would love to catch up over drinks sometime if you have a chance.”His curiosity will prevent him from saying “no” and getting that one-on-one time will present the opportunity to further show him how well you are doing.But no matter what, you need to
on your end. Don’t chase, don’t beg, and don’t elude to a yearning for the past. You need to keep him guessing, wondering what your motivations are in wanting to see him.He is going to go into this assuming that you want him back, so if you can keep a friendly tone to the entire encounter – you will leave him wondering why you don’t want him back.And from there, his ego will convince him to chase.6. Let Him Chase You (Just Like Old Times)That’s they don’t like to feel as though they are so easy to get over. And if you are willing to sit across a table from him with nothing but the friendliest of intentions, he is going to feel suddenly driven to get you back.Let him go with that.Seriously, you deserve to be chased. Flirt, smile and welcome his advances – but don’t give into them too easily. You want him to think that you really did jus he should push the rest.Trust me, he will push. Because suddenly, you have shown him just what a catch he let go of.And just like that, you will have won him back… and you will have looked damn good doing it!Sound Too Good To Be True?Of course, sometimes men need a little extra convincing to realize what they had. If he isn’t exactly crawling at your feet and begging for a second chance just yet, stay calm and cool.Just keep doing your thing. He's probably just a little slow to realize what he's missing out.Obviously, you can't "accidentally" stage a run-in every time to get his attention. There are subtle ways to trigger his affection.Text messaging is my favorite method as every message gets right to him at the most personal level. If your ex is always on his phone, a few texts about the good old days will get his mind going.The Text Your Ex Back is a great guide to show you how to craft text messages that your ex will respond to. It's the program I recommend if you're serious about getting back together and willing to take action.Don’t wait, your command is just a push of a button away.
Hi! I’m Charice – the girl who 5 years ago would have never believed there was ever a good excuse for fighting to get an ex back. Then, I lost someone I really cared about, all because I got cold feet and forgot how special our relationship was.From that point forward, I knew I had to get him back. It took a lot of work and perseverance, but we are now living our happily-ever-after, and I am excited to teach you how to do the same!.
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