a dognginx is runningg ____ front of me

End stage renal failure
Hi I'm new to this forum and stumbled onto it while looking for help with my dog not eating. I have a 15 1/2 year old toy poodle named Chloe. She was my daughter's Christmas present in 1994 but has really become my dog over the years. I have noticed Chloe not eating as much and losing weight but attributed it to her advanced age and problems with arthritis. We had her at the Vet's office 3 months ago and he told me she was in pretty good health for her age with the exception on a slight decrease in kidney function and suggested putting her on KD. She has always eaten dry dog food but did not like the KD and I started mixing it with chicken broth to try to get her to eat better. When that failed, I started trying out different foods. They didn't work much better. After a trip to the Vet on April 12, the Vet called and said Chloe was in end stage renal failure. I saw a different Vet from the one I had seen before. She told me her creatinine level was at 6 and wanted to get it down to 3 so they kept her for a couple of days. I told them she would not eat the dry KD so they put her on canned KD and gave her some IV treatments. When I called to check on her they told me her level was down to 4 and let her go home. I went to pick her up and was given a very expensive bill along with a case of KD. The Vet also told me she had some loose stools and gave me pills for that with the recommendation that she take them twice a day. When I got her home I fed her the KD which she ate a little of and then the pill for the loose stool. She started to heave and I took her outside and she staggered, fell, and vomited. She didn't have any more loose stools so I did not give her any more of the pills as they made her so sick. The following day I again offered the KD but she refused to eat it. I called the Vet and she gave me a prescription for canned Royal Canin. She has only eaten small amounts of that and in fact it has taken 2 days to eat 3/4 of one can. She is not drinking as much water either. Has anyone had any luck with a diet I found on line consisting of ground beef, white rice, egg, and white bread slices? It is breaking my heart to see her starving to death. We have given her thin sliced turkey that I'm sure is not good for her since it is processed just to get her to eat something. Of course she readily eats that. I have read many heartbreaking stories on here and as hard as it will be for me, I know I will do the humane thing and put her down once she is unable to hold anything down. This disease seems hopeless and I am very sad.
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Hi Lisa
Thanks for your comment, we both are grieving for our beloved 'babys'. This is a grief that has hit me so hard, i never thought it would be this bad, it just shows what an impact Boston had on my life. I think about him everyday and i think i will do for the rest of my life, god only knows how much i have cried and how much i miss him. I'm sure we all feel like this at the dreadful loss of our dear pets, but i thought i was going insane until i came on this site. Tony has helped me tremendously, and when i feel 'ready to burst' i come on here for relief. Thank you and god bless you for your kind words and thoughts. Its nice to know i have someone i can talk to who knows exactly how i feel x
Hi Lisa
Thanks for your comment, we both are grieving for our beloved 'babys'. This is a grief that has hit me so hard, i never thought it would be this bad, it just shows what an impact Boston had on my life. I think about him everyday and i think i will do for the rest of my life, god only knows how much i have cried and how much i miss him. I'm sure we all feel like this at the dreadful loss of our dear pets, but i thought i was going insane until i came on this site. Tony has helped me tremendously, and when i feel 'ready to burst' i come on here for relief. Thank you and god bless you for your kind words and thoughts. Its nice to know i have someone i can talk to who knows exactly how i feel x
Hi Tony
You have gave me some lovely tips on dealing with grief, and yes you are right, it is like a thunderstorm hitting me. i have been awful this past week and my husband came from work tonight and asked me what was wrong with me, he said he could see my eyes looked 'heavy'. I just broke down crying, telling him how much i miss Boston, he held me tight and said he feels exactly the same but is trying to be strong. I think you're totally right about my mind accepting our dreadful loss, i can't believe how right you are. Thank you Tony once again, from the bottom of my heart x
Hi Tony
You have gave me some lovely tips on dealing with grief, and yes you are right, it is like a thunderstorm hitting me. i have been awful this past week and my husband came from work tonight and asked me what was wrong with me, he said he could see my eyes looked 'heavy'. I just broke down crying, telling him how much i miss Boston, he held me tight and said he feels exactly the same but is trying to be strong. I think you're totally right about my mind accepting our dreadful loss, i can't believe how right you are. Thank you Tony once again, from the bottom of my heart x
Hi, to the group.&&I found you while searching for help for Blue, our 8 year old blue healer.&&It has only been&&a couple of months since Blue was diagnosed with kidney failure.&&It has been up and down since this discovery.&&As I write this, I look at our dear friend, sleeping calmly on her bed in front of me.&&It has not been calm today.&&I know it is time to let go, but our dog is so stressed out, we hesitated taking her back to the vets to be pts.&&She spent 5 days and nights at the vets, and cried when we went to see her, especially my husband.&&
Well, when she stopped eating and drinking water, 5 days ago, we took her back to our vet. I asked him if I could give her the Sub Q's at home and he showed me how to do this.&&I stopped this morning.&&Blue could no longer walk.She had to be carried out to pee.&&When brought back in she would stand where ever she was put down.&&And stand, and stand.
But, today was different, and very scary for us.&&All of sudden she jumped up, and wagging her tail and ran into the bedroom where her other bed is.&&This has been going on all day.&&
When my husband took her out early this morning, he put her down, and she collapsed.&&He picked her up and she nipped at him.&&She adores him and never would have done that.&&and then she just fell limp in his arms.&&My husbands was holding her and says her heart stopped beating and then he felt it start again.&&We are all stessed out and just don't know what to do.&&Any help or answers for us?&&
Hi, to the group.&&I found you while searching for help for Blue, our 8 year old blue healer.&&It has only been&&a couple of months since Blue was diagnosed with kidney failure.&&It has been up and down since this discovery.&&As I write this, I look at our dear friend, sleeping calmly on her bed in front of me.&&It has not been calm today.&&I know it is time to let go, but our dog is so stressed out, we hesitated taking her back to the vets to be pts.&&She spent 5 days and nights at the vets, and cried when we went to see her, especially my husband.&&
Well, when she stopped eating and drinking water, 5 days ago, we took her back to our vet. I asked him if I could give her the Sub Q's at home and he showed me how to do this.&&I stopped this morning.&&Blue could no longer walk.She had to be carried out to pee.&&When brought back in she would stand where ever she was put down.&&And stand, and stand.
But, today was different, and very scary for us.&&All of sudden she jumped up, and wagging her tail and ran into the bedroom where her other bed is.&&This has been going on all day.&&
When my husband took her out early this morning, he put her down, and she collapsed.&&He picked her up and she nipped at him.&&She adores him and never would have done that.&&and then she just fell limp in his arms.&&My husbands was holding her and says her heart stopped beating and then he felt it start again.&&We are all stessed out and just don't know what to do.&&Any help or answers for us?&&
I am so pleased you and your husband have the support for and from each other during this dreadful process. While you may be expressing your grief in different ways and at perhaps different times, it is clear you are both experiencing the same depth of grief. You know what I am going to say ... Boston would not want you to feel this way. Boston would want you to remember the happy days you shared and recognize that all life ends eventually ... and Boston enjoyed so many full and happy years ... the end of his life may not have been how you would have wished it to be, but it was a very small part of his adventurous and love-filled life. And while I utterly understand why you are grieving, I believe you should also rejoice in Boston's life - by comparison with so many other dogs, he was actually a very lucky dog to have shared his life with both of you.
My thoughts, as always, are with you. Tony Xxx
I am so pleased you and your husband have the support for and from each other during this dreadful process. While you may be expressing your grief in different ways and at perhaps different times, it is clear you are both experiencing the same depth of grief. You know what I am going to say ... Boston would not want you to feel this way. Boston would want you to remember the happy days you shared and recognize that all life ends eventually ... and Boston enjoyed so many full and happy years ... the end of his life may not have been how you would have wished it to be, but it was a very small part of his adventurous and love-filled life. And while I utterly understand why you are grieving, I believe you should also rejoice in Boston's life - by comparison with so many other dogs, he was actually a very lucky dog to have shared his life with both of you.
My thoughts, as always, are with you. Tony Xxx
Hello Sue. Despite the circumstances not being nice, I am very pleased you found us - there are lots of great people here who you can use for support, for information or just to listen and be a shoulder to cry on.
I dread to say this, but it seems as if Blue is taking her final journey with you. She is far to young to be suffering from kidney failure, and I really do empathize, it is amongst the most cruel of illnesses. I wanted just to say that when Blue nipped your husband it could have been for one of two reasons ... first, her kidney area and possibly other organs are probably extremely tender, so picking her up may have caused her some discomfort - and her reaction would have been to nip. This of course would not have been intended, but more an intuitive and defensive nip.
The second possible cause, and you are the only people that would know if this is happening, is that she may be so deep into the kidney failure that it has taken over her mind and body - she probably feels dreadfully tired, very unhappy and constantly uncomfortable. As a consequence, she may also be irritable and anxious. Put together, all these feelings may have caused her to nip.
Given what you have said I rather think the former explanation is more likely, but either way, I hope your husband understands it most definitely wasn't personal - and probably more intuitive.
Has your vet told you what stage the kidney failure has reached. I suspect it may be stage four ... which means time is now very limited. Giving SubQs is excellent and will keep her going for a while - I hope you also have her on anti-nausea meds, which will continue encouraging her to eat properly.
The time may not be far off when difficult decisions will have to be considered, but maybe that day is not here yet. The truth is, only you truly know, and no one else - not me, not your vet, nor anyone else - can say otherwise. You know Blue like no one else has or could ever know her - and importantly, she knows you too, so when she is ready to say enough, she will tell you in her own way, and believe it or not but you will understand what she is saying when she says it.
My thoughts are with you at this very difficult and traumatic time. Please come back and let us know how things are - and give yourself a huge pat on the back for helping Blue so much to date. Finally, please give your best friend a huge hug from me. Tony x
Hello Sue. Despite the circumstances not being nice, I am very pleased you found us - there are lots of great people here who you can use for support, for information or just to listen and be a shoulder to cry on.
I dread to say this, but it seems as if Blue is taking her final journey with you. She is far to young to be suffering from kidney failure, and I really do empathize, it is amongst the most cruel of illnesses. I wanted just to say that when Blue nipped your husband it could have been for one of two reasons ... first, her kidney area and possibly other organs are probably extremely tender, so picking her up may have caused her some discomfort - and her reaction would have been to nip. This of course would not have been intended, but more an intuitive and defensive nip.
The second possible cause, and you are the only people that would know if this is happening, is that she may be so deep into the kidney failure that it has taken over her mind and body - she probably feels dreadfully tired, very unhappy and constantly uncomfortable. As a consequence, she may also be irritable and anxious. Put together, all these feelings may have caused her to nip.
Given what you have said I rather think the former explanation is more likely, but either way, I hope your husband understands it most definitely wasn't personal - and probably more intuitive.
Has your vet told you what stage the kidney failure has reached. I suspect it may be stage four ... which means time is now very limited. Giving SubQs is excellent and will keep her going for a while - I hope you also have her on anti-nausea meds, which will continue encouraging her to eat properly.
The time may not be far off when difficult decisions will have to be considered, but maybe that day is not here yet. The truth is, only you truly know, and no one else - not me, not your vet, nor anyone else - can say otherwise. You know Blue like no one else has or could ever know her - and importantly, she knows you too, so when she is ready to say enough, she will tell you in her own way, and believe it or not but you will understand what she is saying when she says it.
My thoughts are with you at this very difficult and traumatic time. Please come back and let us know how things are - and give yourself a huge pat on the back for helping Blue so much to date. Finally, please give your best friend a huge hug from me. Tony x
Thank you, Tony for all the information.&&Right after I wrote this to the group,&&Blue had what i believe to be a final seizure. The doctor told us to come in anytime and we were get ready to do this.&& She rolled off of her bed, on her side and she was gone.&&Our hearts are broken completely now.&&Our pit bull, Duchess, 13 years
old, diabetic, deaf and blind was PTS right before Christmas, last year, so this has been a double wammy for us.&&
From reading from the beginning of the posts there has been nothing but love, understanding and comfort to folks looking for just that.
Right now, our hearts and minds our full, but I would like to come back and listen and be a shoulder to cry on.&&
Thank you, Tony for all the information.&&Right after I wrote this to the group,&&Blue had what i believe to be a final seizure. The doctor told us to come in anytime and we were get ready to do this.&& She rolled off of her bed, on her side and she was gone.&&Our hearts are broken completely now.&&Our pit bull, Duchess, 13 years
old, diabetic, deaf and blind was PTS right before Christmas, last year, so this has been a double wammy for us.&&
From reading from the beginning of the posts there has been nothing but love, understanding and comfort to folks looking for just that.
Right now, our hearts and minds our full, but I would like to come back and listen and be a shoulder to cry on.&&
Oh Sue. I am so very sorry. I had an idea from what you had said that Blue's days were short ... but obviously, I had no idea just how short. I can only extend my most sincere condolences for your loss. At least it happened quickly - and at home - and with you right there at her side. Blue is now out of suffering, though I know that may seem like little compensation compared with having her there. Please, please come back and talk anytime you like. A friend will always be here to listen, to support and to talk whenever you need it (time differences between USA and UK sometimes mean it may be some hours before I am able to respond, but I WILL always respond). Please pass on my condolences to your husband too. Much love and huge cyber hugs to you both. Tony x
Oh Sue. I am so very sorry. I had an idea from what you had said that Blue's days were short ... but obviously, I had no idea just how short. I can only extend my most sincere condolences for your loss. At least it happened quickly - and at home - and with you right there at her side. Blue is now out of suffering, though I know that may seem like little compensation compared with having her there. Please, please come back and talk anytime you like. A friend will always be here to listen, to support and to talk whenever you need it (time differences between USA and UK sometimes mean it may be some hours before I am able to respond, but I WILL always respond). Please pass on my condolences to your husband too. Much love and huge cyber hugs to you both. Tony x
Hello everyone. About 3 years ago my now 13y3mos old FCR was diagnosed with kidney failure. He was immediately put on Azodyl and responded very well to it until about 3 mos ago. Also when he was diagnosed he was put on KD, again, doing very well until about 3 mos ago. At that time he completely stopped eating the dry KD, so the vet switched him to the canned, which worked for a couple of weeks, then he decided he didn't want it anymore. He is now on the Royal Canin kidney diet. He was put on Epakitin at that time too. In addition he is on 1 Cerenia/day for nausea and also on an anti-diarrhea medication too. At one point in July his eating was minute by minute as many of you describe. In the morning he might eat chicken, but in the evening he wanted steak. Always a guessing game. After about a month of that hit and miss, I decided that I would just spoon feed him his Royal Canin with some rice. So twice a day since August I've been spoon feeding him. For a period of time he was doing really well. We've kept the nausea at bay and the diarrhea for the most part. His extremely bad breath has gotten better. So we've had some small victories along the way. However, about 2-weeks ago for several nights now, after going to bed he wakes up extremely restless, panting and pacing. I've taken him outside and he has pottied eventually, but sometimes he just laid down. Last night was the worst, as he would not potty or poop. He just walked the yard. Finally I took him into another room where we wouldn't bother my husband and he finally settled and went to sleep. Poor old guy just seemed so uncomfortable and I guess he was/is. He still has sparkle in his eyes and some spunk and life in him. As long as he still has fight in him, I'll keep fighting for him, BUT I don't want him to be in pain. It's a fine line, I know.&&Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't find this community three years ago. I'm enjoying it and have learned so much from reading these&&comments. Thank You!!!
Hello everyone. About 3 years ago my now 13y3mos old FCR was diagnosed with kidney failure. He was immediately put on Azodyl and responded very well to it until about 3 mos ago. Also when he was diagnosed he was put on KD, again, doing very well until about 3 mos ago. At that time he completely stopped eating the dry KD, so the vet switched him to the canned, which worked for a couple of weeks, then he decided he didn't want it anymore. He is now on the Royal Canin kidney diet. He was put on Epakitin at that time too. In addition he is on 1 Cerenia/day for nausea and also on an anti-diarrhea medication too. At one point in July his eating was minute by minute as many of you describe. In the morning he might eat chicken, but in the evening he wanted steak. Always a guessing game. After about a month of that hit and miss, I decided that I would just spoon feed him his Royal Canin with some rice. So twice a day since August I've been spoon feeding him. For a period of time he was doing really well. We've kept the nausea at bay and the diarrhea for the most part. His extremely bad breath has gotten better. So we've had some small victories along the way. However, about 2-weeks ago for several nights now, after going to bed he wakes up extremely restless, panting and pacing. I've taken him outside and he has pottied eventually, but sometimes he just laid down. Last night was the worst, as he would not potty or poop. He just walked the yard. Finally I took him into another room where we wouldn't bother my husband and he finally settled and went to sleep. Poor old guy just seemed so uncomfortable and I guess he was/is. He still has sparkle in his eyes and some spunk and life in him. As long as he still has fight in him, I'll keep fighting for him, BUT I don't want him to be in pain. It's a fine line, I know.&&Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't find this community three years ago. I'm enjoying it and have learned so much from reading these&&comments. Thank You!!!
Hello. That's actually a great message, because it just goes to prove how extraordinary intervention can be, even with kidney disease, which most of us know can be both fast and tragic. You have clearly done an amazing job in looking after your best friend. These may not be good days, but so far you have managed to gain 3 years of additional life for him - and no doubt create some wonderful memories during that time - and give your dog some exciting extra adventures and pleasures that he may otherwise not have had. My heart goes out to you, because I know how stressful and painful it is to care hour by hour for a dog with this illness. Give yourself a huge pat on the back for getting this far - and cyber hugs to your best friend. Hang on in there. Tony x
Hello. That's actually a great message, because it just goes to prove how extraordinary intervention can be, even with kidney disease, which most of us know can be both fast and tragic. You have clearly done an amazing job in looking after your best friend. These may not be good days, but so far you have managed to gain 3 years of additional life for him - and no doubt create some wonderful memories during that time - and give your dog some exciting extra adventures and pleasures that he may otherwise not have had. My heart goes out to you, because I know how stressful and painful it is to care hour by hour for a dog with this illness. Give yourself a huge pat on the back for getting this far - and cyber hugs to your best friend. Hang on in there. Tony x
I don't normally post but wanted to thank you for this page.&&I came on to find info about end stage kidney failure as my 13 yo beagle, Peanut, is going through this now.&&Without going into all the details, the vet told us today that her kidneys are failing and since she hasn't really eaten for days and hasn't moved from the bed since I brought her home at noon, we've decided to put her down tomorrow so as not to prolong her suffering.&&It's such a hard decision but we want to do what's best for her and not for us. We just went through this 6 months ago with our other dog (different health issues) and I believe the turmoil of that decision has helped to make this one a little easier.&&I really think this is a great page and that you are a kind & caring person to comfort all of these posters in their time of horrible pain and just wanted you to know that.&&Thank you.
I don't normally post but wanted to thank you for this page.&&I came on to find info about end stage kidney failure as my 13 yo beagle, Peanut, is going through this now.&&Without going into all the details, the vet told us today that her kidneys are failing and since she hasn't really eaten for days and hasn't moved from the bed since I brought her home at noon, we've decided to put her down tomorrow so as not to prolong her suffering.&&It's such a hard decision but we want to do what's best for her and not for us. We just went through this 6 months ago with our other dog (different health issues) and I believe the turmoil of that decision has helped to make this one a little easier.&&I really think this is a great page and that you are a kind & caring person to comfort all of these posters in their time of horrible pain and just wanted you to know that.&&Thank you.
Hello. Your experience is so much like my own of 3 years ago. When my faithful and loyal companion, BB the rescued lurcher, was diagnosed with kidney failure, I found the diagnosis unbelievable. She seemed fit and healthy, but off her food, which is why we had taken her to the vet. Within 3 days of the diagnosis, she deteriorated rapidly to the stage she couldn't even stand up, hadn't eaten anything for 2 days, and was telling me with her eyes the time had come to say goodbye. I was utterly heartbroken - and came here by a fluke, and gained so much comfort talking to others who had been or were&&in the same situation.
I have never been off this site since - and to be honest, while I do try to support anyone and everyone going through any problems or grief with their best friends, I also get so much more back - in friendship and information about how they might have helped their own dog(s). My time here has been a real learning curve. I hope my words are sometimes helpful. Not everyone replies, which I fully understand, but I am so pleased you did and your comments are so very kind. Thank you.
I am sorry you are going through this. This is a dreadful disease and so many dogs seem to get it, particularly later in their always too short lives. I had a beagle when I was a young man (many years ago) and they are such great characters. They are one of my favorite breeds. I can tell from what you have said that Peanut has had an amazing life with you. Tonight will be so hard, I know, and there will be so many tears tomorrow. You are all in my thoughts right now - and I'm here if you want to come back to chat about your decision or just to talk about Peanut.
Cyber hugs to you both and to Peanut. Tony x
Hello. Your experience is so much like my own of 3 years ago. When my faithful and loyal companion, BB the rescued lurcher, was diagnosed with kidney failure, I found the diagnosis unbelievable. She seemed fit and healthy, but off her food, which is why we had taken her to the vet. Within 3 days of the diagnosis, she deteriorated rapidly to the stage she couldn't even stand up, hadn't eaten anything for 2 days, and was telling me with her eyes the time had come to say goodbye. I was utterly heartbroken - and came here by a fluke, and gained so much comfort talking to others who had been or were&&in the same situation.
I have never been off this site since - and to be honest, while I do try to support anyone and everyone going through any problems or grief with their best friends, I also get so much more back - in friendship and information about how they might have helped their own dog(s). My time here has been a real learning curve. I hope my words are sometimes helpful. Not everyone replies, which I fully understand, but I am so pleased you did and your comments are so very kind. Thank you.
I am sorry you are going through this. This is a dreadful disease and so many dogs seem to get it, particularly later in their always too short lives. I had a beagle when I was a young man (many years ago) and they are such great characters. They are one of my favorite breeds. I can tell from what you have said that Peanut has had an amazing life with you. Tonight will be so hard, I know, and there will be so many tears tomorrow. You are all in my thoughts right now - and I'm here if you want to come back to chat about your decision or just to talk about Peanut.
Cyber hugs to you both and to Peanut. Tony x
Hi Tony
Hope you and yrs are ok, i have been up and down and still miss Boston everyday and have been crying alot more again lately. I think Christmas without him is going to be so hard, he always got excited ripping open the presents and i am going to miss him this year, first one away from us. I still feel devastated but realise that some days i can talk fondly about him but then other days i am a wreck. I never thought i would grieve so much over him but it just shows how loved he really was. I am so proud to have had him as my beautful dog, i just wish everyone would treat all their pets with love and kindness because the love they give back is the best of all. Thought i would drop you a line, hope you have a good Xmas and thank you for all your help this year x
Hi Tony
Hope you and yrs are ok, i have been up and down and still miss Boston everyday and have been crying alot more again lately. I think Christmas without him is going to be so hard, he always got excited ripping open the presents and i am going to miss him this year, first one away from us. I still feel devastated but realise that some days i can talk fondly about him but then other days i am a wreck. I never thought i would grieve so much over him but it just shows how loved he really was. I am so proud to have had him as my beautful dog, i just wish everyone would treat all their pets with love and kindness because the love they give back is the best of all. Thought i would drop you a line, hope you have a good Xmas and thank you for all your help this year x
Hello again. It's good to hear from you. I know what you mean, Christmas is a sad time, because memories of yesteryear come back and we long for them to still be with us. BB passed away at this time of the year too, so that first Christmas was fairly dreadful. I don't know about what ways you find to cope, but you will no doubt do so ... for me, well, I managed to find a small Christmas Tree photo frame and I put a picture of BB in it, then ceremoniously hung it on the tree along with other favorite decorations. So, in a way, she was still with us at Christmas - and has been every Christmas since. True, I shed a tear every year when I hang the decoration on the tree, but it's also comforting to welcome her back into the festivities.
Boston will be in your thoughts a lot this year - and every year. But as I've said many times, he sure was a lucky dog to have enjoyed such love and companionship.
My Christmas's are usually fairly quiet affairs. I have no close family remaining alive now, so it's just my partner and our dogs - and we always try to get to the beach (tide permitting) on Christmas Day itself or Boxing Day. The dogs get a good run and we get a little exercise (needed after all the excessive food intake of the period).
Hoping you have an enjoyable, peaceful and contented Christmas ... I'll be here as always on Christmas Day (as there's always someone somewhere in need of a chat and a bit of support), so if you're feeling a bit glum, drop in, it will be nice to be in your company again.
Cyberhugs and best wishes, Tony x
Hello again. It's good to hear from you. I know what you mean, Christmas is a sad time, because memories of yesteryear come back and we long for them to still be with us. BB passed away at this time of the year too, so that first Christmas was fairly dreadful. I don't know about what ways you find to cope, but you will no doubt do so ... for me, well, I managed to find a small Christmas Tree photo frame and I put a picture of BB in it, then ceremoniously hung it on the tree along with other favorite decorations. So, in a way, she was still with us at Christmas - and has been every Christmas since. True, I shed a tear every year when I hang the decoration on the tree, but it's also comforting to welcome her back into the festivities.
Boston will be in your thoughts a lot this year - and every year. But as I've said many times, he sure was a lucky dog to have enjoyed such love and companionship.
My Christmas's are usually fairly quiet affairs. I have no close family remaining alive now, so it's just my partner and our dogs - and we always try to get to the beach (tide permitting) on Christmas Day itself or Boxing Day. The dogs get a good run and we get a little exercise (needed after all the excessive food intake of the period).
Hoping you have an enjoyable, peaceful and contented Christmas ... I'll be here as always on Christmas Day (as there's always someone somewhere in need of a chat and a bit of support), so if you're feeling a bit glum, drop in, it will be nice to be in your company again.
Cyberhugs and best wishes, Tony x
Hi tony, thanks for your comments. I ve noticed everytime i m on my own i cry more, i think i notice it more when i'm alone as he was my companion and i feel so lonely without him. I'm still breaking my heart over him and don't know if thats natural since it has been nearly 7 months. I long to have him back. how the hell do i get over this yearning for him? It really is 'killing' me, i miss him so much and cant stand my life without him, i feel so empty. God, i wish he was still with me ... x
Hi tony, thanks for your comments. I ve noticed everytime i m on my own i cry more, i think i notice it more when i'm alone as he was my companion and i feel so lonely without him. I'm still breaking my heart over him and don't know if thats natural since it has been nearly 7 months. I long to have him back. how the hell do i get over this yearning for him? It really is 'killing' me, i miss him so much and cant stand my life without him, i feel so empty. God, i wish he was still with me ... x
Hi. Seven months and still grieving is (honestly) not unusual. Much depends on what is happening in our lives, the support we have from others - and the closeness we feel to the dog. Sometimes the grief can go on for much longer than seven months, but in looking back, I'm sure you will agree it is nothing like the intensity of the first month - which means things are improving, albeit slowly and in small steps.
When we feel empty and alone, it is indeed so much more emotionally charged. During these periods, it's worth having a distraction - take a short walk, visit a friend, do some window shopping in town ... anything that takes your mind off things, just for a while.
I know Boston was your world. But time sadly moves on, even when we might wish it wouldn't. The last thing Boston would want is you feeling sad and in despair. He would want you to enjoy life and everything it has to offer ... and to share the love you have with other lost souls ... have you thought about helping out at your local dog shelter? Maybe that would be one way of distracting your thoughts - without committing to another dog (I know it's maybe too early to think about the latter). There are so many dogs that will be alone and sad this Christmas, so maybe you can help them - and in return, they can support you through your grief.
The yearning for Boston will get less, in time, and as your head becomes accustomed to the fact that some things just cannot be. Boston had a wonderful life, provided in part by you - but his time came and now has gone. It's time to move on, which is exactly what Boston would want you to do.
We NEVER forget our best friends. They are always with us, in our hearts and memories. Boston shared his time with you and loved every minute of it. He was a very lucky dog.
You are, as always, in my thoughts. Stay strong. Things will get better, I promise. Tony x
Hi. Seven months and still grieving is (honestly) not unusual. Much depends on what is happening in our lives, the support we have from others - and the closeness we feel to the dog. Sometimes the grief can go on for much longer than seven months, but in looking back, I'm sure you will agree it is nothing like the intensity of the first month - which means things are improving, albeit slowly and in small steps.
When we feel empty and alone, it is indeed so much more emotionally charged. During these periods, it's worth having a distraction - take a short walk, visit a friend, do some window shopping in town ... anything that takes your mind off things, just for a while.
I know Boston was your world. But time sadly moves on, even when we might wish it wouldn't. The last thing Boston would want is you feeling sad and in despair. He would want you to enjoy life and everything it has to offer ... and to share the love you have with other lost souls ... have you thought about helping out at your local dog shelter? Maybe that would be one way of distracting your thoughts - without committing to another dog (I know it's maybe too early to think about the latter). There are so many dogs that will be alone and sad this Christmas, so maybe you can help them - and in return, they can support you through your grief.
The yearning for Boston will get less, in time, and as your head becomes accustomed to the fact that some things just cannot be. Boston had a wonderful life, provided in part by you - but his time came and now has gone. It's time to move on, which is exactly what Boston would want you to do.
We NEVER forget our best friends. They are always with us, in our hearts and memories. Boston shared his time with you and loved every minute of it. He was a very lucky dog.
You are, as always, in my thoughts. Stay strong. Things will get better, I promise. Tony x
Hi....I am new to this site, purely as I have researched and researched for help with CKF and trying to find ways to feed my Kiri to the point I feel I'm going insane.&&
Besides what my beautiful little girl is going through right now I just felt I needed to interject here and let you know you are 100% normal to me. As I see Tony has said we all grieve differently.&&I lost one of my furry babies to cancer 10 years ago - it took me 6 years to finally come to terms and not cry when a poignant song came on the radio or TV.&&I still cannot listen to some particular songs and either switch channel or turn off.&&The tears involuntarily pour down my cheeks.&&I have loved all my wonderful animals, but this incredible dog I was in love with.&& I had 3 beautiful babies (4-legged) all together, my Kiri with CKF is the last one - she is now 15 on Saturday and diagnosed with this awful disease.&&She has overcome liver cancer, cushings, pancreatitis, all of what my 2nd one had, but lived to 16 & 1/2.&&I am grieving now, as I know this can't be cured.&&
But...enough of what I'm going through with her.&&My reason was to tell you, you must be a beautiful sensitive person, and as Tony said - people who love animals the way we do must have the biggest hearts, but that means our big hearts ache.&&No non-animal person could ever understand such a love as we do with our animal babies.
Time will help (cliche I know), keep lots of photos around you and what helped me was watching videos to see them when they were healthy and happy and made them feel close and tangible.
I am not morbid, but I took solace in cremating them and bringing home their little caskets which I keep next to my bed on a dresser with their photos - it comforts me, not saddens me to know they are close.&&Honestly though I know their gorgeous spirits/souls are running free - I just hope they aren't too busy enjoying themselves that they forget to meet Kiri when that dreaded day arrives.
Love and hugs to you and to everyone here x
Hi....I am new to this site, purely as I have researched and researched for help with CKF and trying to find ways to feed my Kiri to the point I feel I'm going insane.&&
Besides what my beautiful little girl is going through right now I just felt I needed to interject here and let you know you are 100% normal to me. As I see Tony has said we all grieve differently.&&I lost one of my furry babies to cancer 10 years ago - it took me 6 years to finally come to terms and not cry when a poignant song came on the radio or TV.&&I still cannot listen to some particular songs and either switch channel or turn off.&&The tears involuntarily pour down my cheeks.&&I have loved all my wonderful animals, but this incredible dog I was in love with.&& I had 3 beautiful babies (4-legged) all together, my Kiri with CKF is the last one - she is now 15 on Saturday and diagnosed with this awful disease.&&She has overcome liver cancer, cushings, pancreatitis, all of what my 2nd one had, but lived to 16 & 1/2.&&I am grieving now, as I know this can't be cured.&&
But...enough of what I'm going through with her.&&My reason was to tell you, you must be a beautiful sensitive person, and as Tony said - people who love animals the way we do must have the biggest hearts, but that means our big hearts ache.&&No non-animal person could ever understand such a love as we do with our animal babies.
Time will help (cliche I know), keep lots of photos around you and what helped me was watching videos to see them when they were healthy and happy and made them feel close and tangible.
I am not morbid, but I took solace in cremating them and bringing home their little caskets which I keep next to my bed on a dresser with their photos - it comforts me, not saddens me to know they are close.&&Honestly though I know their gorgeous spirits/souls are running free - I just hope they aren't too busy enjoying themselves that they forget to meet Kiri when that dreaded day arrives.
Love and hugs to you and to everyone here x
Thanks for you comments, I am so very sorry to hear about your beloved Kiri, how heartbreaking it is to watch our most loved pets have an incurable disease, wanting so much to help them but knowing there is nothing you can do. The one thing that you can give her is your unconditional and devoted love, give her as much as you can while you still have her. I know i absolutley broke my heart and sobbed many times watching my Boston and knowing i was losing him, and coming to terms with it is also heartbreaking.. I have had a rough week this week, still grieving badly for him, knowing that it was 1 year this week when we got the awful news that devastated my life, that Boston was poorly with no chance of survival. I have been crying alot this week, i miss him so very much and don't honestly think i will ever stop pining for him, Yes... that is exactly how i feel, i am pining for him. Anyway, sending my love to you and your beautiful Kiri, happy birthday to her too. Hugs, thinking of you x
Thanks for you comments, I am so very sorry to hear about your beloved Kiri, how heartbreaking it is to watch our most loved pets have an incurable disease, wanting so much to help them but knowing there is nothing you can do. The one thing that you can give her is your unconditional and devoted love, give her as much as you can while you still have her. I know i absolutley broke my heart and sobbed many times watching my Boston and knowing i was losing him, and coming to terms with it is also heartbreaking.. I have had a rough week this week, still grieving badly for him, knowing that it was 1 year this week when we got the awful news that devastated my life, that Boston was poorly with no chance of survival. I have been crying alot this week, i miss him so very much and don't honestly think i will ever stop pining for him, Yes... that is exactly how i feel, i am pining for him. Anyway, sending my love to you and your beautiful Kiri, happy birthday to her too. Hugs, thinking of you x
Thank you so much....sadly she has deteriorated so very fast.&&She went back to the vets today for a blood test, my vet was so depressed to give me the results - no improvement after trying so many different meds to bring down the phosphate levels and kidney function has decreased - together with her weight in a week!&&
Our lovely Kiri started her life suffering at the hand of an awful man, who beat her so badly she was in hospital for a month - he pulverized one of her hips, dislocated the other and had so many haematomas over her ears from the beating - she thank goodness was rescued by the RSPCA and funnily enough it was my vet who put her back together.&&She has lived 15 years with no right hip and when we eventually were able to adopt her (it took 9 months to get through the court - before she was fully signed over to the RSPCA and we could then adopt her) she walked only on 3 legs.&&After a few months of living with us she started to use all 4 and is still doing so, albeit rather shakily now.&&Due to her lack of eating, weakness and knowing from reading here what she has in store if we keep her going - we heartbreakingly today made the decision she started her life suffering, we will not let her end her life suffering.&&We are going to let her go on her spirit journey where hopefully she will be met by her doggie sister and brother, on Monday.&&I feel sick to the stomach even writing that :( I have to think right now, we were given 2 more years after her surgery for liver cancer and be thankful.&&Nothing though truly can make us feel better, can it?&&
My heart goes out to you, I so understand that pining and the emptiness.
For me, this will be the first time in over 30 years I will be without a little soul in my home - the quiet and emptiness I can't imagine.&&I am fortunate to have a&&wonderful husband, but when he's not here - I will be so alone.&&I am going to have to learn to rebuild a life for myself which I have neglected for so long as I have been their nurse.&&I have not left them alone and only ever go out if someone can cover for me.
My heart is breaking - I too have cried so very much today.&&
I send you big hugs x
Thank you so much....sadly she has deteriorated so very fast.&&She went back to the vets today for a blood test, my vet was so depressed to give me the results - no improvement after trying so many different meds to bring down the phosphate levels and kidney function has decreased - together with her weight in a week!&&
Our lovely Kiri started her life suffering at the hand of an awful man, who beat her so badly she was in hospital for a month - he pulverized one of her hips, dislocated the other and had so many haematomas over her ears from the beating - she thank goodness was rescued by the RSPCA and funnily enough it was my vet who put her back together.&&She has lived 15 years with no right hip and when we eventually were able to adopt her (it took 9 months to get through the court - before she was fully signed over to the RSPCA and we could then adopt her) she walked only on 3 legs.&&After a few months of living with us she started to use all 4 and is still doing so, albeit rather shakily now.&&Due to her lack of eating, weakness and knowing from reading here what she has in store if we keep her going - we heartbreakingly today made the decision she started her life suffering, we will not let her end her life suffering.&&We are going to let her go on her spirit journey where hopefully she will be met by her doggie sister and brother, on Monday.&&I feel sick to the stomach even writing that :( I have to think right now, we were given 2 more years after her surgery for liver cancer and be thankful.&&Nothing though truly can make us feel better, can it?&&
My heart goes out to you, I so understand that pining and the emptiness.
For me, this will be the first time in over 30 years I will be without a little soul in my home - the quiet and emptiness I can't imagine.&&I am fortunate to have a&&wonderful husband, but when he's not here - I will be so alone.&&I am going to have to learn to rebuild a life for myself which I have neglected for so long as I have been their nurse.&&I have not left them alone and only ever go out if someone can cover for me.
My heart is breaking - I too have cried so very much today.&&
I send you big hugs x
Hello. Your story about Kiri truly touched my heart. Although this weekend is going to be heartbreaking for you, I know, Kiri has been extraordinarily lucky to have had you share her life. The early life you describe was brutal and it's amazing how she rallied and has survived to such a good old age, all with your love, care and attention. This disease is just about the worst there is, because when it progresses to the final stages, we feel so darned helpless. On Monday, you will be performing the last act of love and kindness, even though it will be dreadful and traumatic.
I know you will be spending all your time with her today and tomorrow, and giving her so many hugs - I also know you will feel like we all feel when it gets to this stage - bereft and traumatized. Tears will flow constantly, your heart will pound from the anxiety and thoughts of how you will survive through Monday will swim around in your head. These are the symptoms of love and loss.
While these are the worst days anyone could imagine ... please remember you gave Kiri so much happiness during her long life, and without you, that may never have happened. She is a lucky dog and, despite the sad time to come, if she could, she would thank you from the bottom of her heart for inviting her to share those wonderful years with you.
My heart goes out to you and tears are in my eyes as I write ... because I know how difficult this is. Please be brave. You have made the right decision. I send you the biggest cyber hug I can muster. Come back here and talk about Kiri and your feelings whenever you need to. You are in good company and with people that understand and empathize.
Hello. Your story about Kiri truly touched my heart. Although this weekend is going to be heartbreaking for you, I know, Kiri has been extraordinarily lucky to have had you share her life. The early life you describe was brutal and it's amazing how she rallied and has survived to such a good old age, all with your love, care and attention. This disease is just about the worst there is, because when it progresses to the final stages, we feel so darned helpless. On Monday, you will be performing the last act of love and kindness, even though it will be dreadful and traumatic.
I know you will be spending all your time with her today and tomorrow, and giving her so many hugs - I also know you will feel like we all feel when it gets to this stage - bereft and traumatized. Tears will flow constantly, your heart will pound from the anxiety and thoughts of how you will survive through Monday will swim around in your head. These are the symptoms of love and loss.
While these are the worst days anyone could imagine ... please remember you gave Kiri so much happiness during her long life, and without you, that may never have happened. She is a lucky dog and, despite the sad time to come, if she could, she would thank you from the bottom of her heart for inviting her to share those wonderful years with you.
My heart goes out to you and tears are in my eyes as I write ... because I know how difficult this is. Please be brave. You have made the right decision. I send you the biggest cyber hug I can muster. Come back here and talk about Kiri and your feelings whenever you need to. You are in good company and with people that understand and empathize.
Hello Tony, what healing words you write not only to me, but through so many posts here, I see your caring for others - I thank you so very much for you taking the time to give me the reassurance I so desperately need.
Traumatized is so correct!&&All day long I have had mixed thoughts.&&As she is unlike my other babies not at the end of the road of a long battle and lost, this decision is so much harder - I know I could make her go on, but to what avail?&&More time for me and her facing awful suffering to come?&&
We only got the full diagnosis just over a week ago - it's all so fast and such a shock.&&Knowing what you know will be in store for her from so many you have helped here over the years and of course your own terrible experience, are we being too hasty or is it absolutely correct what you stated and I have too that this will be our final gift of love to her to save her from the suffering to come?
Jilly - Kiri's mummy x
Hello Tony, what healing words you write not only to me, but through so many posts here, I see your caring for others - I thank you so very much for you taking the time to give me the reassurance I so desperately need.
Traumatized is so correct!&&All day long I have had mixed thoughts.&&As she is unlike my other babies not at the end of the road of a long battle and lost, this decision is so much harder - I know I could make her go on, but to what avail?&&More time for me and her facing awful suffering to come?&&
We only got the full diagnosis just over a week ago - it's all so fast and such a shock.&&Knowing what you know will be in store for her from so many you have helped here over the years and of course your own terrible experience, are we being too hasty or is it absolutely correct what you stated and I have too that this will be our final gift of love to her to save her from the suffering to come?
Jilly - Kiri's mummy x
Hi Jilly. Thank you for your kind words. You have made the right decision. The problem with kidney failure is - if you catch it very early, there are things that will slow the progress down and make a dog feel a little more comfortable - but even this only last a short while (sometimes up to a year or two). But eventually, the disease takes over, regardless of what we try to do to help our loved ones.
The biggest problem of all is most owners only find out about the disease when it has reached the final stage,by which time, frankly, it is too late to do very much. And the deterioration is extremely rapid, like you have already mentioned. If kept alive, Kiri would resist all food (making her feel dreadful with no energy at all), she would continue to feel sick and probably vomit continuously, then she would likely suffer from seizures and stroke or heart attack. It is a dreadful end without intervening.
So, while you are the only person that can say whether this truly is the right time, I would say it probably is. You may keep her alive for another week or more, but that would only cause her to endure more suffering. Euthanizing is the kindest option, I think, as hard as that is to say and do. I suspect she is sleeping a lot right now, and eating very little if anything - better to let her sleep one final time.
My heart breaks reading your posts, because I do know how difficult it is. My thoughts are with you today.
Hi Jilly. Thank you for your kind words. You have made the right decision. The problem with kidney failure is - if you catch it very early, there are things that will slow the progress down and make a dog feel a little more comfortable - but even this only last a short while (sometimes up to a year or two). But eventually, the disease takes over, regardless of what we try to do to help our loved ones.
The biggest problem of all is most owners only find out about the disease when it has reached the final stage,by which time, frankly, it is too late to do very much. And the deterioration is extremely rapid, like you have already mentioned. If kept alive, Kiri would resist all food (making her feel dreadful with no energy at all), she would continue to feel sick and probably vomit continuously, then she would likely suffer from seizures and stroke or heart attack. It is a dreadful end without intervening.
So, while you are the only person that can say whether this truly is the right time, I would say it probably is. You may keep her alive for another week or more, but that would only cause her to endure more suffering. Euthanizing is the kindest option, I think, as hard as that is to say and do. I suspect she is sleeping a lot right now, and eating very little if anything - better to let her sleep one final time.
My heart breaks reading your posts, because I do know how difficult it is. My thoughts are with you today.
Thank you so much for what must have been hard words to write.
I have woken this morning, feeling calmer - not sure that will last the day, but for now it's helped and I came here to see if you replied to me - thank you again for doing so.&&Your words have helped me even more- at this moment I feel stronger and know it's right for her.
She went in the garden to be the clean girl she always has been, staggering only a little bit, but enough for me to know she must feel unwell and weak.&&She didn't even have her usual drink when she came back in.&&
I am gradually cutting out so much of the huge amount of medication she's been on for so long, besides the new additions for this disease - especially the liquid antacid, which she hates so much being syringed in her mouth.&&No more forcing.&&I still will give her increased anti nausea (cerenia) and some omeprazole to help the acid - she up to now has been so good and taken these with philidelphia cream cheese!
Thank you again Tony for your help in reassuring me.&&Bless you.
Thank you so much for what must have been hard words to write.
I have woken this morning, feeling calmer - not sure that will last the day, but for now it's helped and I came here to see if you replied to me - thank you again for doing so.&&Your words have helped me even more- at this moment I feel stronger and know it's right for her.
She went in the garden to be the clean girl she always has been, staggering only a little bit, but enough for me to know she must feel unwell and weak.&&She didn't even have her usual drink when she came back in.&&
I am gradually cutting out so much of the huge amount of medication she's been on for so long, besides the new additions for this disease - especially the liquid antacid, which she hates so much being syringed in her mouth.&&No more forcing.&&I still will give her increased anti nausea (cerenia) and some omeprazole to help the acid - she up to now has been so good and taken these with philidelphia cream cheese!
Thank you again Tony for your help in reassuring me.&&Bless you.
I just had to write to let you know, I've been where you are! 6 months ago (has it really been 6 months) I lost my beloved Dottie to this horrible disease! I just want to say you're doing everything right! Lots of love is about all we can do for them at this point. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers, even if we've never met!
I just had to write to let you know, I've been where you are! 6 months ago (has it really been 6 months) I lost my beloved Dottie to this horrible disease! I just want to say you're doing everything right! Lots of love is about all we can do for them at this point. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers, even if we've never met!
Hello again Jilly. Yes, the ant-nausea meds will help her feel more comfortable, even if they don't encourage her to eat properly anymore, so keep giving. Talking about food, at this stage, I would give her whatever she wants, even if you know it may not be very good for her. If she likes the phili, then let her have as much as she can tolerate (in small amounts).
You, your husband and Kiri will occupy my thoughts tonight. I truly feel for you. Stay strong. Tony x
Hello again Jilly. Yes, the ant-nausea meds will help her feel more comfortable, even if they don't encourage her to eat properly anymore, so keep giving. Talking about food, at this stage, I would give her whatever she wants, even if you know it may not be very good for her. If she likes the phili, then let her have as much as she can tolerate (in small amounts).
You, your husband and Kiri will occupy my thoughts tonight. I truly feel for you. Stay strong. Tony x
Hello again.
We decided this morning to postpone.
Yesterday - she had a really good day.&&She shocked us when we took her out for a walk, we both couldn't believe she ran and ran and ran and it seemed she didn't want to stop - I thought she would have a heart attack and go on the spot.&&No.&&We got home, I thought she'd collapse on the couch....no!&&In and out of the garden and then looking for food.&&We were so confused - I emailed our vet, and said I'd like him to see her this morning, perhaps give her another blood test and then the 3 of us would decide together. Her levels of Urea and Creatinine have got worse, but we all agreed while she seems happy we are loathed to go ahead today.&&We shall take each day as it comes.....perhaps when she no longer wants to run, then we'll know.
Just wanted to let you know and keep you updated.&&This is so hard for us after the weekend we've just had of pain in our hearts to be uplifted, but knowing we will have to go through the pain again.&&BUT...never mind us, as long as Kiri seems she wants to stay, we shall do whatever we can for her.
Hello again.
We decided this morning to postpone.
Yesterday - she had a really good day.&&She shocked us when we took her out for a walk, we both couldn't believe she ran and ran and ran and it seemed she didn't want to stop - I thought she would have a heart attack and go on the spot.&&No.&&We got home, I thought she'd collapse on the couch....no!&&In and out of the garden and then looking for food.&&We were so confused - I emailed our vet, and said I'd like him to see her this morning, perhaps give her another blood test and then the 3 of us would decide together. Her levels of Urea and Creatinine have got worse, but we all agreed while she seems happy we are loathed to go ahead today.&&We shall take each day as it comes.....perhaps when she no longer wants to run, then we'll know.
Just wanted to let you know and keep you updated.&&This is so hard for us after the weekend we've just had of pain in our hearts to be uplifted, but knowing we will have to go through the pain again.&&BUT...never mind us, as long as Kiri seems she wants to stay, we shall do whatever we can for her.
Hi Jilly. This is proof that dogs are amazing. They know when the time is right - and Kiri has told you today wasn't the day, you heard it and acted accordingly. I am so pleased. I know this disease is so very up and down, and eventually the downs become more often and more difficult - but every good day is one to cherish. Fingers crossed that today is repeated tomorrow. Have a nice evening.
Hi Jilly. This is proof that dogs are amazing. They know when the time is right - and Kiri has told you today wasn't the day, you heard it and acted accordingly. I am so pleased. I know this disease is so very up and down, and eventually the downs become more often and more difficult - but every good day is one to cherish. Fingers crossed that today is repeated tomorrow. Have a nice evening.
Not run quite as much today - but has eaten far more than the last few days put together.&&Despite me cooking her what I thought she'd really love, even my husband liked it....she turned her nose up and wanted the &Cesar& food again, although tonight she had some steak which we were having!
In fact on Saturday when speaking to the nurse at the vet hospital for advice, I told her she wants exactly what we are eating....so the nurse said &Well then you eat the Renal prescription diet!& she gave me the first laugh I had on the weekend.
She's done well again today :).&&Hopefully now for tomorrow.&&Day by day!!
It's just wonderful to hear her snoring on the couch :)
Not run quite as much today - but has eaten far more than the last few days put together.&&Despite me cooking her what I thought she'd really love, even my husband liked it....she turned her nose up and wanted the &Cesar& food again, although tonight she had some steak which we were having!
In fact on Saturday when speaking to the nurse at the vet hospital for advice, I told her she wants exactly what we are eating....so the nurse said &Well then you eat the Renal prescription diet!& she gave me the first laugh I had on the weekend.
She's done well again today :).&&Hopefully now for tomorrow.&&Day by day!!
It's just wonderful to hear her snoring on the couch :)
Hi Jilly. Day by day is the right way to look at things ... and it's so good to know you are gaining some happy times with Kiri. My older best friend, Giro, now 10yrs, snores louder than any dog I've ever known. He makes me giggle sometimes and you're right, it's reassuring and satisfying hearing the sound of such contentment. Have a lovely evening.
Hi Jilly. Day by day is the right way to look at things ... and it's so good to know you are gaining some happy times with Kiri. My older be


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